TWO :: Volume #13

#1279: Dark Night Empire

The appearance of Mu Continent, has added new uncertainties to the Great Xia hegemony baseless. 姆大陆的出现,给大夏霸业凭空增添了新的变数。 The Southern Border variable, except for will soon face the threat of Mu Continent, Kingdom of Java. By the region theory, both calculate that leaves a source , has same problem. 南疆的变数,除了即将面临姆大陆的威胁,还有爪哇国。以地域论,两者算同出一源,也算是同病相怜。 The appearance of Mu Continent, may give the Java some not good fantasy. 姆大陆的出现,或许会给爪哇一些不好的幻想。 Gaia Year 7, under restraining by force of Great Xia, Java peaceful has almost not had the feeling. At present Mu Continent comes suddenly, Java will borrow the strength, does wrestles at risk of life? 盖亚七年,在大夏的强压之下,爪哇安静的几乎没有存在感。眼下姆大陆突然现身,爪哇是否会借力,做拼死一搏呢? Ouyang Shuo decides who strikes the first blow has the advantage. 欧阳朔决定先下手为强。 On the same day, Ouyang Shuo transmitted orders Southern Ocean War Zone, prepares War of Java, strives before Spring Festival approaches, except this hidden danger, Unified Southern Border. 就在当天,欧阳朔传令南洋战区,着实准备爪哇之战,争取在春节来临之前,除此隐患,一统南疆 Also so, can well confront Mu Continent. 如此,也能更好地对抗姆大陆 Except for Southern Border, adjoins to Mu Continent Hawaii County Dangerous, according to the news of Gaia disclosure, Hawaii County almost with Mu Continent by in the same place, possibly faces the enemy army threat at all times. 除了南疆,毗邻姆大陆夏威夷郡危险,按盖亚披露的消息,夏威夷郡几乎跟姆大陆靠在一起,随时可能面临敌军威胁。 Hawaii County is Great Xia in the Pacific Ocean most important stopover station, makes no mistake. 偏偏夏威夷郡又是大夏太平洋最重要的中转站,不容有失。 Ouyang Shuo not hesitant, immediately transmitted orders Pacific Fleet second, Third Formation, as well as the shift to new command to America War Zone Tiger Forges Army, has prepared for going on an expedition Hawaii County at any time. 欧阳朔没有犹豫,当即传令太平洋舰队第二、第三编队,以及已经转隶至美洲战区虎贲军,随时做好征战夏威夷郡的准备。 Storm, will soon sweep across Pacific Ocean. 一场风暴,即将席卷太平洋 Meanwhile, Black Snake Guard will soon send out, to be backed by Hawaii County, launches the secret detection to Mu Continent. Does not grasp Mu Continent firsthand Information, is not always able to feel at ease. 于此同时,黑蛇卫即将出动,以夏威夷郡为依托,对姆大陆展开秘密侦查。不掌握姆大陆的第一手情报,总无法让人安心。 Key point of Black Snake Guard detection, places Mu Continent whether has on formidable navy. 黑蛇卫侦查的重点,就放在姆大陆是否有一支强大的海军上。 Stands erect in Pacific Ocean Mu Continent, whether there is navy, has decided directly, this influence expansion Foundation. If not, Mu Continent in a short time, will not have the too big threat. 矗立在太平洋姆大陆,有无海军,直接决定了,该势力对外扩张的基础。如果没有,姆大陆短期之内,就不会有太大的威胁。 If present, then Great Xia probably must complete to give up the plan of Hawaii County. 如果有,那么大夏或许就要做好放弃夏威夷郡的打算。 After all by the provisions reserve of Hawaii County, cannot support large-scale military campaign. 毕竟以夏威夷郡粮草储备,是支撑不起一场大规模战役的。 Eighth System Update, this three, actually again have only subverted the game world. Because the time is tight, Ouyang Shuo is unable accurately to appraise at present, this three update to Great Xia, which will bring to change. 第八次系统更新,只此三项,却再一次颠覆了游戏世界。因为时间仓促,欧阳朔目前也无法准确评估,此三项更新大夏,到底会带来哪些变化。 All, wait the time test. 一切,留待时间考验。 Ouyang Shuo most cared that now, is Mu Continent Information, unknown always discomforting, Land of Trials to mystically be famous, does not investigate thoroughly, how can feel at ease. 欧阳朔现在最关心的,就是姆大陆情报,未知总是让人不安,试炼之地又以神秘著称,不查清楚,怎能安心。 ............ ………… Mu Continent, Shirra Nibra city. 姆大陆,喜拉尼布拉城。 First Dongying (Japan) Region Landgraf Honda Keisuke, first Goryeo (Korea) Region Landgraf Park SeungGi, first Luzon Landgraf Martin as well as other by Destroying Nation Landgrafs, were being gathered together at this moment, looks at water curtain that” the horizon is vanishing, weeps. 东瀛区领主本田圭佑,前高丽区领主朴胜基,前吕宋领主马汀以及其他被灭国领主们,此刻正聚在一起,望着天边消失的“水幕”,喜极而泣。 Finally endured!” “终于熬到头了!” The Landgrafs facial expression is sigh with emotion, even also has a solemnness and stirring. 领主们神情感慨,甚至还有一丝悲壮。 The Land of Trials environment was really too bad, just reincarnation, they not only need face the threat of Monster Beast, but must be enslaved by Mu Continent Natives. 试炼之地的环境实在是太恶劣了,刚一转生,他们不仅要面临怪兽的威胁,还要被姆大陆土著奴役。 Yes, enslaves. 是的,就是奴役。 In order to promote the Land of Trials difficulty, Gaia returned to original state Empire in Mu Continent, newborn Otherworlder in front of formidable Empire, does not have the strength to hit back, can only bearing humiliation for a heavier cause. 为了提升试炼之地的难度,盖亚姆大陆还原了一个姆帝国,新生的异人在强大的姆帝国面前,毫无还手之力,只能忍辱负重 Is good because, they. 好在,他们挺了过来。 In other day, reincarnation in Land of Trials Otherworlder, successfully overthrew Empire, and above Empire Ruins, established brand-new Empire Dark Night Empire. 就在日前,转生试炼之地异人,成功推翻姆帝国,并且在姆帝国废墟之上,建立起一个全新的帝国暗夜帝国 As the name suggests, this is avenger Alliance. 顾名思义,这是一个复仇者联盟 So, Gaia takes the opportunity of eighth System Update, has relieved to the blockade of Mu Continent, otherwise Empire one day not but actually, Land of Trials will not appear on 1st in Main Map. 正是如此,盖亚才借第八次系统更新之机,解除了对姆大陆的封锁,否则姆帝国一日不倒,试炼之地就一日不会出现在主地图 Dark Night Empire adopts the Household monarchy, Honda Keisuke ascends the throne for the king, Japanese is other Royal Family ; Landgraf attains Marquis with the top digit, dominates the Empire center, in them behind, similarly is Household. 暗夜帝国采取家族帝制,本田圭佑登基为王,东瀛人王族其余领主则获封侯爵跟高位,把持帝国中枢,在他们身后,同样是一个个家族 Was equal to saying that everybody has carved up the Empire cake together. 等于是说,大家共同瓜分了姆帝国的蛋糕。 No matter what, understands world structure first, then what to do discussion next should.” Honda Keisuke looked at a Great Xia direction silently, in the eye has glittered the ominous glow that is unable to conceal. “不管怎样,先了解一下世界格局,再商议下一步该怎么办吧。”本田圭佑默默看了一眼大夏方向,眼中闪烁着无法掩饰的凶芒。 In Land of Trials, is unable to receive the Main Map information. 试炼之地,是无法接收到主地图信息的。 Although hates to the marrow of the bones to Great Xia, but after quenching of Land of Trials, Honda Keisuke they were practical, will not handle affairs crudely. 虽然对大夏恨之入骨,但是经过试炼之地的淬炼,本田圭佑他们已经务实起来,绝不会鲁莽行事。 Other people listened, silently nod. 其他人听了,默默点头。 Park SeungGi said with a smile: Lets this world, shivers for us!” In the spoken language, is very self-confident, Otherworlder Corps that wants to come to fortunately surviving, is confident. 朴胜基更是笑着说道:“就让这世界,为我们而颤抖吧!”言语之中,很是自信,想来对幸存下来的异人军团,信心十足。 ............ ………… Gaia Year 8 on January 5, National Capital. 盖亚八年一月五日,京师 The time bridges over in January, the cold winter has been swept across by the north, neighbors Northern Bay National Capital, at this time is the cold wind is also intermittent, the cold air is threatening. 时间跨过一月,寒冬已经由北方席卷而下,就是紧邻北部湾京师,此时也是寒风阵阵,凉气逼人。 In Imperial Palace Imperial Study, plate had the stove. 皇宫御书房内,也已盘起火炉。 The precious spice that in the charcoal fire increases, raises continuously the white smoke, making people completely relaxed. 炭火中添加的名贵香料,升起缕缕白烟,让人心旷神怡。 The Ouyang Shuo promotion to the boundary of Xiantian (Innate), naturally does not need the protection against the cold, this stove regulations are Chancellor that to give to discuss official business prepare, particularly some old ministers, the body bone may unable to bear the large cold wind. 欧阳朔晋升至先天之境,自然是无需御寒的,这火炉实则是给来议事的大臣们备下的,尤其是一些老臣,身子骨可受不了硕硕寒风。 Five days pass by, Black Snake Guard searches some Mu Continent Information finally. 五天过去,黑蛇卫总算探到一些姆大陆情报 Ouyang Shuo looks that looks dignified, Dark Night Empire, hey, Dark Night Empire.” Worst case scenario that he expects occurred, the Mu Continent not only mix is in one, is one group of avengers. 欧阳朔看罢,神情凝重,“暗夜帝国,嘿,暗夜帝国。”他预料的最坏的情况已经发生,姆大陆不仅糅合为一体,还是一群复仇者。 Thinks of this, Ouyang Shuo to sitting said in Hidden Text Pavilion Wielder Su Zhe of Imperial Study corner/horn duty: Plans the aim!” 想到这,欧阳朔对坐在御书房一角值班的秘文阁学士苏辙说道:“拟旨!” „!” “诺!” Su Zhe has taken blank regulation reports adeptly, takes pen in hand, moistens black ink, the movement like the passing clouds and flowing water. Holds an office in Hidden Text Pavilion, the time works under the Your Majesty nose, most can raise person of air/Qi. 苏辙娴熟地取过一个空白奏章,提笔,沾墨,动作如行云流水。在秘文阁任职,时刻在陛下眼皮底下工作,最是能养一人之气。 Like Su Zhe at this moment, spirited reserved, unadorned, is deep the essence of raising qi. 就像此刻的苏辙,神气内敛,朴实无华,深得养气之精髓。 Similarly, Hidden Text Pavilion can also exercise an internal affairs talent of person, if were not Ouyang Shuo with being used to Su Zhe, Su Zhe manifestation Province Viceroy, was issue does not have. 同样,秘文阁也能锻炼一个人的内政才干,如果不是欧阳朔用习惯了苏辙,将苏辙外放行省总督,是一点问题都没有的。 In three Su, by internal affairs talent, wins by Su Zhe. 三苏之中,论内政才干,还是以苏辙夺魁。 Cabinet is coordinating, completes the evacuation work of Hawaii County. Pacific Fleet second, Third Formation, is far away from Mu Continent sea domain in Pacific Ocean, seeks for the new appropriate islands, builds the supplies base.” “着内阁牵头,做好夏威夷郡的撤离工作。着太平洋舰队第二、第三编队,在太平洋远离姆大陆海域,寻找新的合适岛屿,建立补给基地。” In the final analysis, Hawaii County left Mu Continent to be too near, Dark Night Empire with the wooden boat, can cross the channel, directly threatened the Hawaii security. 说到底,夏威夷郡还是离姆大陆太近了,暗夜帝国就是用木船,都能渡过浅浅的海峡,直接威胁夏威夷的安全。 The initiative evacuation, is wise electing. 主动撤离,是明智之选。 The Pacific Ocean length and breadth is boundless, has about islands 10,000, Pacific Fleet must build the sea-lift base, is not Hawaiian Islands may not. So long as looks, can always find appropriate islands. 太平洋广袤无垠,约有岛屿一万个,太平洋舰队要建立海上补给基地,并非夏威夷群岛不可。只要去找,总能找到一个合适的岛屿。 Game world not compared with reality, even if nameless small island were occupied. 游戏世界不比现实,哪怕一个无名小岛都被占下。 Because of length and breadth boundless seas and oceans, the massive islands regulations are at the abegging condition. 因着广袤无垠的海洋,大量岛屿实则一直处在无人问津的状态。 And and after Map return to zero, the Pacific Fleet supplies pressure reduced. Along with the second time Industrial Revolution Technology Tree unlocking, the construction of ironclad ship will speed dramatically up. 兼且地图归零之后,太平洋舰队的补给压力已经减轻很多。随着第二次工业革命科技树解锁,铁甲舰的建造将大为加快。 Quick, Pacific Fleet will equip most advanced Battleship. 很快,太平洋舰队就将列装最先进的战舰 After Su Zhe draws up, before flaunting respectfully appears in court, Ouyang Shuo sweeps, Su Zhe his decree polished, does not have a slight defect. 苏辙拟好之后,恭敬逞到案前,欧阳朔扫了一眼,苏辙已经将他的旨意润色完毕,没有一丝瑕疵。 On the issue document talent, Ouyang Shuo could not catch up with these to read for a lifetime book Civil Official. 论行文才华,欧阳朔是怎么也赶不上这些读了一辈子书的文官 Ouyang Shuo satisfaction nods, takes out Imperial Jade Seal, covers, instantly sends out!” 欧阳朔满意点头,取出玉玺,盖上,“即刻发出!” „!” “诺!” Plans together the decree again, making Southern Ocean War Zone not need to wait, instantly the soldier sends Kingdom of Java.” Existence of Dark Night Empire, making Ouyang Shuo somewhat unable to sit still, had made up mind who strikes the first blow has the advantage. “再拟一道旨意,让南洋战区不用等了,即刻兵发爪哇国。”暗夜帝国的存在,让欧阳朔有些坐不住了,决意先下手为强。 Su Zhe draws up the second decree quickly, Ouyang Shuo covers Imperial Jade Seal. 苏辙很快拟好第二道旨意,欧阳朔盖上玉玺 Leans slightly, two decrees will send out Cabinet, Naval Commander Center as well as the Privy Court three big organizations. Cabinet holds Hawaii County to evacuate, Naval Commander Center transfers Pacific Fleet, Privy Court transfers Southern Ocean War Zone. 稍倾,两道旨意就将发往内阁海军司令部以及枢密院三大机构。内阁夏威夷郡撤离,海军司令部太平洋舰队,枢密院南洋战区 Also in other words , the Ouyang Shuo's decree, only halts in Dynasty Court generally, will not jump the ranks , the downward Rank 1 unit issues Imperial Edict directly, in that case, sets at the Dynasty Court prestige where?! 就是说,欧阳朔的旨意,一般只止步于朝廷,不会真的越级,向下一级单位直接颁发圣旨,那样的话,置朝廷威信于何地?! The Ouyang Shuo's decree is brief and to the point, can only be the order. 况且,欧阳朔的旨意言简意赅,只能算是命令。 How to dispatch arranged specifically, but must Cabinet and Naval Commander Center prepare with Privy Court, did not say that Ouyang Shuo's simple a few words, can launch a war. 具体如何调度安排,还得内阁海军司令部枢密院进行筹划,不是说,欧阳朔的简单一句话,就能发动一场战争。 That also too child's play. 那也太儿戏了。 Naturally, the order that three big organizations issue specifically, must deliver to the Hidden Text Pavilion archive the principal edition, Ouyang Shuo wants to understand that or wants to investigate, momentarily can pull and read. 当然,三大机构具体下发的命令,是要将正本送到秘文阁存档的,欧阳朔想了解,或者是想核查,随时都能调阅。 Related to significant event, but also wants Ouyang Shuo personally Zhu Pi. 涉及重大事项,还要欧阳朔亲自朱批。 So forms a closed loop, not only has defended the Dynasty Court prestige, and makes Dynasty Court put under the Ouyang Shuo control. 如此形成一个闭环,既维护了朝廷威信,又让朝廷置于欧阳朔掌控之下。
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