TWO :: Volume #13

#1206: African big tangled warfare

Except for Shu Land, scenery infinite Nation of Mongolia will have the new movement in the near future. 除了蜀地,风光无限的蒙古国近期也有新动作。 After overcoming Western Turkic Khaganate, Genghis Khan changes the name to Nation of Mongolia immediately is Mongol Empire, original Western Turkic Khaganate changes the name is Ögedei Khaganate, is wielded by three child Ögedei. 打下西突厥汗国之后,成吉思汗立即将蒙古国更名为蒙古帝国,原西突厥汗国更名为窝阔台汗国,由三子窝阔台执掌。 historical Mongol Empire once had Four Great Khaganates, namely Chagatai Khaganate, Il Khaganate and Qin Cha Khaganate as well as Ögedei Khaganate, stretch across Eurasia Continent, prosperous for a while. 历史上蒙古帝国曾有四大汗国,即察合台汗国、伊尔汗国、钦察汗国以及窝阔台汗国,横跨欧亚大陆,鼎盛一时。 Looks at the stance, Genghis Khan must restore the historical Mongol Empire honor. 看架势,成吉思汗是要恢复历史上蒙古帝国的荣光。 After Mongol Empire attacks extinguishes Western Turkic Khaganate, Tubo King Dynasty with Western Xia Empire one has flustered, sends the messenger to congratulate to Genghis Khan, while sends out the messenger to go abroad on a diplomatic mission Great Xia, must form a closer union with Great Xia. 蒙古帝国攻灭西突厥汗国之后,吐蕃王朝西夏国一下慌了,一边派遣使者向成吉思汗道贺,一边派出使者出使大夏,要跟大夏结成更紧密的同盟。 Western Xia Empire even also contacts with the five nations Alliance secret. 西夏国甚至还跟五国联盟秘密接触。 As Huaxia Region Weakling, under powerful enemy observes the situation , can only be gingerly. 作为华夏区弱者,在强敌环视之下,也只能战战兢兢了。 ............ ………… In this period, Mountains and Seas City also blew out a flash news. 期间,山海城也爆出一则大新闻。 In August when the 27 date, in Great Xia Army still with the Ming Army entanglement, Mountains and Seas City Industrial Bureau outward has been displaying a new commodity bicycle. 八月二十七日,就在大夏军还在跟明军纠缠时,山海城工业署对外展览了一种新商品自行车。 To player(s), this naturally is not the fresh gadget, in the reality was already commonly seen, but to original residents, is actually epoch-making first time, brings in surrounds intermittently. 玩家而言,这当然不是什么新鲜玩意,现实中早就司空见惯,但是对原住民而言,却是开天辟地第一次,引来阵阵围观。 Is player(s), sees the bicycle in the game world, is the big feeling is interesting. 就是玩家,在游戏世界见到自行车,也是大感有趣。 The first bicycle that Great Xia Industrial Bureau produces is very crude, does not have the absorption apparatus, does not have brake System, but is a very great achievement, is Great Xia comprehensive advancement industrialization more than half a year, a brightest eye achievement, is a brand-new miniature of Great Xia industrialization. 大夏工业署造出来的第一辆自行车还很简陋,既无减震装置,也无刹车系统,但已经是一个非常了不起的成就,是大夏全面推进工业化大半年来,最亮眼的一件成果,也是大夏工业化的一个全新缩影。 The emergence of bicycle, means that the Great Xia industrialization is driving into the speedway. 自行车的出现,意味着大夏工业化正驶入快车道。 Ouyang Shuo hurries back to Mountains and Seas City specially, attended Mountain Eagle Bicycle Factory Foundation laying ceremony. This bicycle factory that is controlled stock by the Finance Court investment, in the future will certainly to the common people trip mode, bring the subversive transformation. 欧阳朔特意赶回山海城,出席了【山鹰牌自行车厂】奠基仪式。这家由财政院出资控股的自行车厂,未来必将对百姓出行方式,带来颠覆性的变革。 The laymen watch the fun, the expert looks at the way. 外行看热闹,内行看门道。 As Mountain Eagle Bicycle Factory The license establishes, other King Dynasty feel the heart to the Great Xia industrialization level startled, is the pressure numerous, increases price in abundance the industrialization. 随着【山鹰牌自行车厂】挂牌成立,其他王朝大夏的工业化水平感到心惊,更是压力重重,纷纷加码工业化。 An industrial competition of global scale, thus opens. 一场全球范围的工业竞赛,由此拉开帷幕。 ............ ………… Along with the global grain production, after the National War cycle ended, not only Huaxia Region is not tranquil, the entire world is also at remains in the turmoil, never true Taiping (peaceful). 随着全球粮食减产,国战周期结束之后,不独华夏区不平静,整个世界都还处在持续动荡之中,从未真正太平 In Tianzhu (India), Peacock King Dynasty also catches up with Gupta King Dynasty, in Hand of White-Silver with the assistance of Azure Insignia, attacks to extinguish in Tianzhu Region territory separately respectively, the strength increases. 天竺,孔雀王朝笈多王朝同时发力,分别在白银之手湛蓝徽章的协助下,各自攻灭天竺区中部的一个领地,实力大增。 Remaining that territory, commanded troops to annex by King Ashoka. 剩下的那个领地,则被阿育王率部吞并。 King Ashoka, moves into Tianzhu Region Royal City Delhi Emperor-King, is the head of ancient Tianzhu (India) all previous dynasties Emperor-King, Ashoka King Dynasty of subordinates has Imperial Army four over a million, is a Tianzhu Region most formidable influence. 阿育王,正是入驻天竺区王城德里帝王,也是古天竺历代帝王之首,麾下的阿育王朝拥有禁军百余万,是天竺区最强大的一股势力。 Along with three Large-scale territory destruction, Tianzhu Region welcomed the bureau of the confrontation among three forces. 随着三个大型领地覆灭,天竺区迎来三足鼎立之局。 Except for Asia, most interesting, when is Europe. 除了亚洲,最有趣的当属欧洲 After second National War Month finished, the Europe domain was carved up by five King Dynasty completely, does not have place of without owner again, each King Dynasty is not the soft persimmon. 第二届国战月结束之后,欧洲版图被五个王朝瓜分殆尽,再无一片无主之地,每个王朝都不是软柿子。 So also means that Five Great King Dynasties road of expansion, comes to the end in light of this. 如此也就意味着,五大王朝扩张之路,就此告一段落。 Having ambition Emperor-King, this naturally is most uncomfortable. How in Five Great King Dynasties, besides Germanic King Dynasty, remaining four belongs to Hand of White-Silver Faction, wants to hit unable to hit. 对有野心的帝王而言,这当然是最难受的。奈何五大王朝中,除日耳曼王朝外,剩下的四个都归属白银之手阵营,想打也打不起来。 Even if so, Five Great King Dynasties subconsciously strengthened the construction of frontier fortification. 就算如此,五大王朝还是下意识地加强了边境防御工事的建设。 The ambiguous atmosphere, fills the air in Continent of Europe. 暧昧的气氛,弥漫在欧洲大陆 In this awkward situation, is in Continent of Africa of chaos caused by war only, one fat in Europe King Dynasty eye, is the best battlefield that King Dynasty expands. 在这种尴尬的情况下,唯一还处于战乱的非洲大陆,一下成了欧洲王朝眼中的肥肉,是王朝扩张的最佳战场。 Continent of Africa, the beacon rises from all directions for a while. 非洲大陆,一时烽烟四起。 Except for Europe Five Great King Dynasties, Atlantic Ocean opposite Dawson King Dynasty, meddles, with Egyptian King Dynasty and Bantu King Dynasty of Africa native place, as well as Great Xia North Africa Protectorate Guard, carves up Continent of Africa together. 除了欧洲五大王朝,就连大西洋对面的道森王朝,也插手其中,跟非洲本土的埃及王朝班图王朝,以及大夏北非镇守府,一同瓜分非洲大陆 Continent of Africa, can be divided into North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa as well as the South Africa five big plates approximately. And, North Africa basically carves up by Spain King Dynasty, Egyptian King Dynasty as well as Great Xia King Dynasty completely. 非洲大陆,大致可划分为北非西非中非东非以及南非五大板块。其中,北非基本上被西班牙王朝埃及王朝以及大夏王朝瓜分殆尽。 Gondor King Dynasty, Gaul King Dynasty as well as Germanic King Dynasty, then concentrates on the vision in abundance in West Africa, Dawson King Dynasty mainly concentrates on the development of Central Africa, South Africa is the Bantu King Dynasty domain. 钢铎王朝高卢王朝以及日耳曼王朝,则纷纷将目光投注在西非,道森王朝主要专注于中非的开拓,南非班图王朝的地盘。 In view of this, Great Xia temporarily gave up to competition of North Africa, goes to East Africa the vision. 鉴于此,大夏暂时放弃了对北非的争夺,将目光投向东非 Even if East Africa, being interested also incessantly a Great Xia country, Arab Empire, Persian Empire, and even Tianzhu Region Gupta King Dynasty, shows the strong interest to East Africa Continent. 即便是东非,感兴趣的也不止大夏一国,阿拉伯帝国,波斯帝国,乃至天竺区笈多王朝,都对东非大陆表现出浓厚的兴趣。 Shortly after National War just finished, all parties also calculate the restraint, has not begun immediately, when various King Dynasty digest this to turn the National War achievement, when is the Continent of Africa beacon rises from all directions. 只是国战刚结束不久,各方还算克制,没有立即动手,等到诸王朝消化完此轮国战成果,就是非洲大陆烽烟四起之时。 When the Continent of Africa five big domains confirmed New Lord, was the start of global tangled warfare. Continent of Africa, will certainly become Great Xia with Hand of White-Silver and Azure Insignia two big stages of Leviathan duels. 而等到非洲大陆五大版图都确认新主之时,就是全球混战的开始。非洲大陆,必将成为大夏白银之手湛蓝徽章两个巨无霸决斗的大舞台。 In view of this, Ouyang Shuo has a sense of urgency, must Unified Huaxia Region, focus Continent of Africa the energy earlier, a little later will incur well with two big organizations. 鉴于此,欧阳朔更是有一股紧迫感,要早点一统华夏区,将精力聚焦到非洲大陆,好好跟两大组织过一过招。 Except for Continent of Africa, Continent of South America not peaceful is also static. 除了非洲大陆,南美大陆不太平静。 Although Indian Empire is Continent of South America biggest Empire, may not have to the degree that can hoodwink the public formidable, in Continent of South America north, east side as well as south, still has other territory. 印第安帝国虽然是南美大陆最大的帝国,可还没强大到能一手遮天的程度,在南美大陆的北面、东面以及南面,都还存在其他领地 If no external force to involve, Indian Empire can finally Unified South America. 如果没有外力介入,印第安帝国最终还是能一统南美的。 May soon carve up along with the global cake completely, has King Dynasty finally the vision, concentrates to not too noticeable south Continent. First jumps, is Dawson King Dynasty. 可随着全球蛋糕即将瓜分殆尽,终于有王朝将目光,投注到不太惹人注目的南面大陆。第一个跳出来的,正是道森王朝 National War Month just finished, Dawson King Dynasty displays very strong aggressiveness. 国战月刚一结束,道森王朝就表现出很强的侵略性。 Toward east, stretches across Atlantic Ocean, advances on Central Africa Continent ; toward south, takes Panama Canal as the foothold, starts to attack and occupy north Continent of South America, snatches the food with Indian Empire. 往东,横跨大西洋,进击中非大陆往南,以巴拿马运河为据点,开始攻占南美大陆北面,跟印第安帝国抢食。 Europe Gondor King Dynasty, Germanic King Dynasty as well as Spain King Dynasty, show the strong interest to Continent of South America. 就连欧洲钢铎王朝日耳曼王朝以及西班牙王朝,都对南美大陆表现出浓厚的兴趣。 Especially Spain King Dynasty, is drools with envy to Continent of South America. 尤其是西班牙王朝,更是对南美大陆垂涎三尺。 historical, Continent of South America original residents King Dynasty Inca Empire, was destroyed completely by the Spain colonizer. In Continent of South America, the Spain person does not have the foundation. 历史上,南美大陆原住民王朝印加帝国,就是被西班牙殖民者灭掉的。在南美大陆,西班牙人可不是毫无根基。 Great Xia has not planned to involve the South America battlefield, because leaves was too far, beyond one's reach, does not conform to the Great Xia strategy. Does only, maintains with the Indian Empire trade. 大夏没打算介入南美战场,因为离的实在太远了,力有未逮,也不符合大夏的战略。唯一做的,就是维持跟印第安帝国的贸易往来。 In this period, Ouyang Shuo exhorted Pacific Fleet actually, collected the mysterious Mu Continent information, what a pity had achieved nothing. Mysterious Mu Continent, had not unveiled the veil, lets Ouyang Shuo is very itchy. 期间,欧阳朔倒是嘱咐太平洋舰队,搜集神秘的姆大陆信息,可惜一无所获。神秘的姆大陆,至今还未揭开面纱,让欧阳朔很是痒痒。 Each mysterious Continent, is the buried treasure. 每一个神秘大陆,都是宝藏。 Troubled, the time enters in September. 纷纷扰扰中,时间进入九月。 On September 1, Great Zhou Overlord Army urged by Great Ming King Dynasty repeatedly, complied to start finally, directly from the Handan City transmission to Overlord City. 九月一日,大周霸王军大明王朝的一再催促下,终于答应启程,直接从邯郸城传送至霸王城 The war of Jiangnan, welcomed the most crucial time. 江南之战,迎来最关键的时刻。
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