TWO :: Volume #13

#1203: Most awkward Emperor-King

The south of August is in one year the hottest season, even if in the morning, Bo Shan an also sufficiently protection against the cold, to wearing sincere armor the officers, such weather was unendurable. 八月的南方正是一年中最热的时节,就算是清晨,一件薄衫也足以御寒,对身穿厚重铠甲的将士而言,这样的天气就非常难熬了。 Often cannot slaughter in drill grounds quite a while, the whole body like has bailed out from the water. 往往在校场厮杀不过半天,全身就像从水里捞出了一样。 Therefore, the attack of Great Xia Army to Jiangnan Province elected in early morning, the day just dawn, Tiger Forges Army as well as Xiangjiang Army two big Collective Army on the dew, were taking ten Field Corps as the node, has covered entire Jiangnan frontier. 因此,大夏军江南行省的进攻选在了清晨,天刚蒙蒙亮,虎贲军以及湘江军两大集团军就趟着露水,以十个野战军团为节点,覆盖了整个江南边境 Tiger Forges Army advances from Min'nan frontier, Zhang Xutuo leads Xiangjiang Army to advance from Jiangchuan frontier. 虎贲军闽南边境进击,张须陀率领湘江军江川边境进击。 Entire battleline be continuous over a thousand li (0.5km). 整个阵线绵延上千里。 The steel and iron mighty current that 600,000 main forces composes, like a Death God heavy line, frontier from Jiangnan Province spreads, to rolling potential forward, must embezzle the entire province. 六十万大军组成的钢铁洪流,就像一条死神黑线,从江南行省西南边境蔓延开来,以滚滚向前之势,要将整个行省吞没。 Follows behind main forces, compared with battleline also long provisions line of supply. 跟在大军后方的,是比阵线还长的粮草补给线。 Very early in the morning, Jiangchuan Province with Min'nan Province throughout, each major road to frontier, in groups was occupied by the grain car(riage), heavy traffic, the sound forms a music movement, one shortly end. 一大早,江川行省闽南行省全境,通往边境的每一条官道,都被成群结队的粮车占据,车水马龙,吱吱嘎嘎的声音汇成一段乐章,一眼看不到尽头。 Dynasty Court linked has been fighting two successful battles, morale was soaring, two place common people saw are transporting the grain team, the panic that not the war arrived, was discussing on the contrary jubilantly, which Dynasty Court will open up territory to develop the earth. 朝廷连着打了两场胜仗,士气高昂,两地百姓见着运粮队伍,并无战争到来的恐慌,反倒兴高采烈地议论着,朝廷又将在哪开疆拓土。 Because transports the grain in within the boundaries, is responsible for escorting provisions is temporary requisition Bailiff, which prefectures and counties boundary, has been sent out guard Bailiff by this prefectures and counties a section of road, even does not need to set out main forces. 因为是在境内运粮,负责押运粮草的都是临时征调的衙役,到了哪个郡县地界,就由该郡县派出衙役护卫一段路,甚至都不用出动大军 In Great Xia, but also nobody has the courage to dare to come tribulation the grain. 大夏境内,还没有谁有胆子敢来劫粮。 As for Wilderness raider, without a trace that already vanished, simply not the date of raising one's head. 至于荒野流寇,早就消失的无影无踪,根本没有出头之日。 The grain car(riage) from prefectures and counties set out, gathers in the river like the brook, like the dense and numerous blood vessels, toward the front gathering, infuses blood for the front officers. 粮车从郡县出发,就像溪流汇聚成大河,像密密麻麻的血管一样,往前线汇聚,为前线将士输送“血液”。 If no communication compass, the so huge army, the so long battleline, is unable to maintain, various group of main forces like blind people, can only operate independently. 如果不是有通讯罗盘,如此庞大的军队,如此长的阵线,根本无法维系,诸路大军就像一个个瞎子,只能各自为战。 The emergence of communication compass, changed War Mode. 通讯罗盘的出现,改变了战争模式 Guards Jiangnan Province for Great Zhou, 400,000 Great Ming Imperial Army that God General Xu Da leads. Xu Da wields soldiers the experienced nature is without a doubt, received the defense line from the Great Zhou Overlord Army hand, never neglects. 大周驻守江南行省的,正是神将徐达率领的四十万大明禁军徐达用兵之老练自然毋庸置疑,从大周霸王军手中接过防线,从未怠慢。 Even if northern War ceases, looked that situation Huaxia Region War must come to the end, when Overlord Army returns to Jiangnan Province, Ming Army completes Quest, Xu Da does not have the lax meaning. 就算北方大战停息,看情况华夏区大战要告一段落,等到霸王军回到江南行省,明军就算完成任务,徐达也毫无松懈之意。 With the Xu Da words, persevered on the 1st, must tread on responsibility one day.” 徐达的话来说,“坚守一日,就要履责一天。” As Great Xia with front that Great Zhou encounters, the Jiangnan Province frontier fortification, can only describe with impregnable. Over the past two years, under the personal arrangement of Wu Qi, entire frontier takes the 15 place border town as the node, in the border towns constructs the fortress, in the fortresses constructs the sentry post, so layer upon layer progresses, composes a steel and iron defense line. 作为大夏大周交锋的前线,江南行省边境防御工事,只能用无懈可击来形容。两年来,在吴起的亲自布置下,整个边境十五座边城为节点,边城之间建堡垒,堡垒之间建哨岗,如此层层递进,组成一条钢铁防线。 In addition, above the mountain has beacon tower, above the plain has the observation post, above Rivercourse has the naval base, above the major road has the checkpoint, weaves on an airtight defense network together. 除此之外,高山之上有烽火台,平原之上有瞭望台,河道之上有水寨,官道之上有关卡,共同织就一张密不透风的防御网。 Let alone is main forces intrudes on, is enemy army Investigator rushes, must peel the one layer skin. 别说是大军进犯,就是敌军侦查兵闯进来,也要脱一层皮。 When Xu Da initially received the defense line, praised without cease to the Wu Qi great writer. 徐达当初接收防线时,也对吴起的大手笔赞叹不已。 So, when knowing Great Xia Army dispatches troops to intrude on Jiangnan Province suddenly, how Xu Da is not anxious. Information that although shares from Great Zhou looked that Great Xia this time real thing, Xu Da does not believe that Great Xia can only depend on 600,000 main forces, breaks through the steel and iron defense line that 400,000 Ming Army guards. 正是如此,在得知大夏军突然发兵进犯江南行省时,徐达并不如何紧张。虽然从大周那边共享过来的情报看,大夏这次是动真格了,徐达还是不认为,大夏能仅凭六十万大军,就攻破四十万明军镇守的钢铁防线。 Only if Great Xia continues to increase troops.” “除非大夏继续增兵。” This possibility is not quite big, Imperial Guard Army and City Guard Army that because Great Xia goes to battle with Eagle Scatters Army, have transmitted encampment. If must reenforce the front, is right this direct transmission to Seeking Dragon City. 这种可能性也不太大,因为大夏出征的禁卫军城卫军鹰扬军,都已传送回驻地。如果要增援前线,该直接传送至寻龙城才对。 Did not have the reason saying that Great Xia dues many feeling nervous, did not care about million gold coin Transmission Fee. 没理由说,大夏会钱多的发慌,不在乎上百万金币传送费用 That, intention of enemy army where?” “那么,敌军的用意到底何在?” Because Information is limited, Xu Da feels for a while puzzled, was always impossible saying that Great Xia Army idle being all right did, the army of use so scale, tired the people and squandered resources, to come frontier exercised? 因为情报有限,徐达一时感到不解,总不可能说大夏军是闲的没事干,动用如此规模的军队,劳民伤财,就为了来一场边境演习吧? As long as a little Politics wisdom High-General, not artificial such judgment. 但凡有点政治智慧的将领,都不会做作这样的判断。 As quite pure High-General, since behind curved circles not to think clearly, that Xu Da simply does not think that will concentrate on the energy soon eruption War. 作为一名比较纯粹的将领,既然背后的弯弯绕绕想不明白,那徐达干脆就不想,将精力专注于即将爆发的大战 Also good, use this opportunity, exercises the army.” “也好,就利用这个机会,锻炼一下军队。” 500,000 Great Ming Imperial Army truly has never invested War, although Xu Da is self-confident, the usual training is very severe, has the effect very much, must put the battlefield to examine. 五十万大明禁军从未真正投入过大战,虽然徐达自信,平时的训练很严苛,也很有效果,到底还是要放到战场检验一番。 In the morning, various frontier places start to erupt size military campaign. 清晨时分,边境各处开始爆发大小战役 To kick Jiangnan Province, Great Xia Army must do, first wipes out the surrounding various sizes sentry post, border checkpoint as well as the observation post, otherwise, no end of trouble for the future. 想要攻进江南行省,大夏军要做的,就是先拔除外围大大小小的哨岗、边卡以及瞭望台,否则的话,后患无穷。 Because the goal is small and scattered, uses the large-scale army appears cannot delimit, can only send out to take the battalion as small stock armed forces of unit, like casting a net, kills in boundless Wilderness. 因为目标小而分散,动用大规模的军队显得划不来,只能出动以营为单位的小股部队,像撒网一样,杀进茫茫荒野之中。 Only first day the morning, Great Xia Army sends out over a hundred cleaning up armed forces. 仅第一天上午,大夏军就派出上百支“清理”部队 The Ming Army countermeasure is, can the rules defend, really cannot defend removes, does not die to shoulder, easily does not give up, to put it bluntly, is taking the Great Zhou frontier resources, makes Military to exercise. 明军的应对策略是,能守则守,实在守不住就撤,既不死扛到底,也不轻易放弃,说白了,就是在拿大周边境资源,做一次军事演习。 Lively a day, ended quickly. 热热闹闹的一天,很快结束。 ............ ………… Overlord City south outskirts, Ming Army Command Unit is, Army Camp account. 霸王城南郊,明军指挥部所在,中军营帐。 In view of the fact that Overlord City is too sensitive, Ming Army has not entered in the city, but is backed by Overlord City, establishes Great Camp in outside the city, supposes army Command Unit. 鉴于霸王城太敏感,明军并未进驻城内,只是以霸王城为依托,在城外建立大营,设下全军指挥部 God General Xu Da assumes personal command in this personally. 神将徐达亲自坐镇于此。 In Great Tent brilliantly illuminated, Xu Da looked when the combat report that each region just reported that the facial expression did not have just made war the relaxedness, is really one day hits, finally stems from his expectation. 大帐中灯火通明,徐达看完各地刚报上来的战报,神情已经没了刚开战时的轻松,委实是一天打下来,结果太出乎他的预料。 Properly speaking, like defense net of Great Zhou under frontier cloth, many sentry posts is located in very secret place, the words of not familiar terrain, Great Xia Army must find the correct target merely, wants for quite a while. 按理来说,像大周边境布下的防御网,很多哨岗都设在非常隐秘之地,不熟悉地形的话,大夏军仅仅是要找到正确的打击目标,都要大半天。 Fact actually not so. 事实却非如此。 Merely one day of time, Great Xia Army has wiped out the 300 small footholds, has hit a grand opening. Calculates the time, this is almost the impossible matter, was equal to Great Xia Army, found the respective goal with hands down. 仅仅一天时间,大夏军就拔除了三百余个小据点,打了一个开门红。算算时间,这几乎是不可能之事,相当于大夏军不费吹灰之力,就找到各自目标。 Great Xia Army to the thoroughness of Great Zhou defense battleline understanding, stems from the expectation of Xu Da greatly. 大夏军大周防御阵线了解之透彻,大大出乎徐达的预料。 Hearsay Great Xia has three big Information organizations, the secret agent seizes every opportunity, but this too has also exaggerated a point, by the energy of Wu Qi, has not had possibly to these Military secret guards.” “传闻大夏拥有三大情报机构,密探无孔不入,可这也太夸张了一点,以吴起之能,没可能对这些军事机密一点防范都没有。” Xu Da is very puzzled, felt for the first time that behind this War, feared has the factor that he does not understand in the unseemly behavior, let usually calm him, felt a restlessness. 徐达很是困惑,首次感到,这一场大战背后,怕是有他不了解的因素在作怪,让素来镇定的他,都感到一丝不安。 Great Xia Tiger Forges Army resident Jiangnan Province frontier, the two sides mounted scouts definitely at times drop around, Great Xia Army finds out the Jiangnan frontier front sentry post , is too not accidental.” Opening that Vice-commander Chang Yuchun thinks actually. 大夏虎贲军常驻江南行省边境,两边的探马肯定时时串门,大夏军摸清江南边境前沿哨卡,也不算太意外。”副帅常遇春倒是想的开。 This time commands troops to guard south Great Xia the boundary, Zhu Yuanzhang takes Xu Da as Main General, Chang Yuchun is Deputy General, has Great General Deng Yu, Feng Sheng and the others to accompany, the lineup is quite luxurious. 此番领兵镇守大夏南境,朱元璋徐达主将,常遇春副将,另有大将邓愈冯胜等人随行,阵容相当豪华。 With Tang He that Xu Da shares the honor, then commands troops to guard Jianye City. 徐达齐名的汤和,则率部镇守建业城 In all generals, besides God General Xu Da, is Chang Yuchun is most famous, with one of History ten big Fierce General Shi Wansui, Xue Rengui, Ran Min and the others shared the honor. 诸将之中,除神将徐达外,就属常遇春最为有名,是跟史万岁薛仁贵冉闵等人齐名的历史十大猛将之一。 Xu Chang two, will be famous for the strategy prudently, is well-known by Brave and Fierce courageously, their coordination with each other, unmatched in the world. Goes to war to discuss by the series armed forces purely, this to combining in Huaxia historical can also being able to stand in line apex. 徐常二将,一个以谋略持重著称,一个以勇猛果敢闻名,两人互相配合,天下无敌。纯以统军打仗而论,这对组合在华夏历史上也能排得上顶尖。 Zhu Yuanzhang from ascending the throne the beginning, seeks illegally from according to the charge destroys completely the Prime Minister Hu Weiyong nine generations to start, left Prime Minister Han State Duke Li Shanchang and Generalissimo Lan Yu as well as Cao Guogong Li Wenzhong and the others were put to death one after another. 朱元璋自登基始,从以“谋不轨”的罪名灭掉宰相胡惟庸九族开始,左丞相韩国李善长大将军蓝玉以及曹国公李文忠等人相继被诛杀。 And, Lan Yu is the Chang Yuchun brother-in-law, Li Wenzhong is the Zhu Yuanzhang nephew. 其中,蓝玉常遇春的妻弟,李文忠更是朱元璋的外甥。 In 34 heroes who the Ming Dynasty initial period seals, because before a few dies of illness, other people little can die a natural death extremely. Zhu Yuanzhang sends the little and parents of son or daughter-in-law, founded a country the first hero, Wei State Duke Xu Da also by forced suicide. 明朝初期所封的34个功臣中,少数几个因为之前病死,其他人极少能够善终。就连朱元璋的发小兼亲家,开国第一功臣,魏国徐达也被“赐死”了。 Chang Yuchun can result in died a natural death, is not Zhu Yuanzhang is benevolent, merely is, in Great Ming King Dynasty did not have completely the Unified world, on the misfortune because of the infection cold dies in the armed forces, year only 40. 常遇春能得善终,不是朱元璋仁慈,仅仅是因为在大明王朝还没完全一统天下时,就不幸因感染风寒死于军中,年仅四十 Otherwise, by Chang Yuchun splendid Military can with the mettle, escape by luck is very difficult to say. 否则的话,以常遇春出色的军事才能和胆略,能否幸免就很难说。 Must say that comes to Wilderness nine Emperor-King, which most awkward, belonged to Zhu Yuanzhang, put to death Oboi Emperor Kangxi more comfortable than Zhu Yuanzhang, after all Oboi that was does. 要说现身荒野的九位帝王中,哪个最尴尬,非朱元璋莫属了,就连诛杀鳌拜康熙帝都比朱元璋自在一些,毕竟鳌拜那是自己作死。 It is fortunate that good of Zhu Yuanzhang «Thick Black Theory» study, can maintain the Great Ming King Dynasty general situation. 得亏朱元璋厚黑学》学的不错,才能维系大明王朝的大局。 Xu Da nodded silent, although he thought Chang Yuchun said in principle, may some not be at heart steadfast. But is not steadfast, the war must continue. 徐达沉默地点了点头,他虽然觉得常遇春说的在理,可心里还是有些不踏实。但就算不踏实,战争还得继续。 Transmitted orders, starting from tomorrow, various defense must be firm, cannot resign the sentry post easily. When necessary, the City Overseer armed forces may also go out of town on own initiative War Operations, oppressed to the enemy army implementation.” “传令下去,从明天开始,各部防守的要再坚决一点,不可轻易让出哨岗。必要时,边城守军也可主动出城作战,对敌军实施压迫。” „!” “诺!” Xu Da this was must conduct a pressure to Great Xia Army, otherwise, according to so hit, has not waited for Overlord Army to return to Jiangnan Province, the entire frontier defense line must be destroyed by Great Xia Army. 徐达这是要给大夏军传导一点压力了,否则的话,照这般打下去,还没等霸王军回到江南行省,整个边境防线就要被大夏军摧毁。 At that time Ming Army naturally can leave to draw back, left Overlord Army may be a mess. 那时明军自然可以抽身而退,留给霸王军的可就是一个烂摊子。 Such matter, his Xu Da cannot do. 这样的事情,他徐达做不出来。 Perhaps, the Great Xia Army real objective, must destroy the Jiangnan frontier defense line, for later with Overlord Army decisive battle creation opportunity?!” In the Xu Da brain flashed through miraculous, had the guess together faintly. “或许,大夏军的真正目的,就是要破坏江南边境防线,为以后跟霸王军决战创造机会?!”徐达脑中闪过一道灵光,隐隐有了猜测。 Looks in the account everyone High-General, Xu Da has not been guessing this says. 只是望着帐中诸位将领,徐达没将这猜测说出来。 Then, a tough battle is waiting for them. 接下来,还有一场硬仗等着他们呢。
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