TM :: Volume #4

#334: Induces the goal

Following search process, let alone as Elliton of personal servant, even if has no way to follow by the spatial squad again after that. 接下来的搜查过程,别说作为跟班的埃利顿,哪怕是逐空小队也没法再跟随其后。 Finally after the Lei An reporting church, their applications also soon obtained the approval of church. 最终在雷安上报教会后,他们的申请也很快得到了教会的准许。 By a trial judgement Priest takes the team leader, Lei An and another high rank Priest camouflage to accompany, Zhao Xu is the law clerk. 由一位审判裁决所的牧师作为领队,雷安和另一位高阶牧师伪装为随从,赵旭则是担任书记官。 The Their group four people, the list that gives through the church high level, seeks for Priest that in the list records to talk in turn. 他们一行四人,通过教会高层给出的名单,依次寻找到名单上记录的牧师进行约谈。 Basically this type routine talked every year to conduct regularly. But the high-level clergy in each church every year in fixed month, after divergence arrives at Sacred Heart Cathedral to report on activities. 基本上这种“例行约谈”每年都会定期进行。而各个教堂的高层神职人员每年都会在固定的月份,通过分流后来到圣心大教堂进行述职。 In Gods, on Mistral Priest, can depend upon Mage Association to proliferate regional transmission gates, achieves comes back to report on activities every year regularly. 诸神中,也就密斯特拉牧师,才能依靠法师协会遍布各地的传送门,做到每年定期回来述职。 But the local church high-level clergy who teaches also to concentrate after these remote dispatch to come back to report on activities, in this limited in several day conducts strongly talks. 而教会也会集中对这些异地派遣后回来述职的地方教会高层神职人员们,在这有限的几天里进行集中约谈。 These clergy who come back from outside area, time is these first suspected object, was taken first goal of investigation. 这些从外地回来的神职人员,也是这一次最先被怀疑的对象,都被作为优先排查的目标。 Because the Lei An squad that team leader Priest as well as Zhao Xu level is not very high, therefore only arranges them to investigate the possibility low personnel. 雷安小队则因为那位领队牧师以及赵旭本身等级不够高,所以只安排他们排查可能性较低的人员。 After a circuitous distance, the personnel today's itinerary note of squad's on the basis list, came to a peaceful room. 经过一段迂回的路程,小队就根据名单上人员今天的行程备注,来到了一间静室中。 On the stage is Rank 3 female Priest, the appearance is clear, at this time the both legs sit cross-legged in the onstage, at the same time the mouth mumbled to teach. 台上是一位三环的女牧师,长相清纯,此时正双腿盘坐在前台,一边嘴里念念有词教导着。 But under is uniform practice Priest, is studying the approach of that Priest initiator, is maintaining the same movement, breaks with the rhythm of opposite party continues is breathing. 而下方则是清一色的见习牧师,学着那位牧师教导者的做法,保持着相同的动作,跟着对方的节奏一断一续地呼吸着。 Zhao Xu looked, somewhat is immediately embarrassed. 赵旭一看,顿时有些不好意思起来。 Female Priest that is responsible for the teacher, is teaching most foundation pray way. These movements are the strict stipulation in the church early morning prayed and late considers in two ceremonies. 那位负责教习的女牧师,正在传授着最为基础的“祈祷”方式。这些动作都是严格规定在教会的“晨祷”、“晚告”两个仪式中。 Priest also obtains Divine Art(s) in these two fixed stage hope Spiritual God generally. 牧师一般也在这两个固定的阶段祈求神灵获得神术 Zhao Xu because of recently rarely with Priest Rank 1 Divine Art(s), therefore his Rank 1 Divine Art(s) has been retaining, the nature has not conducted the prayer to obtain Divine Art(s) next day again. 赵旭因为近来很少用牧师一环神术,所以他身上的一环神术一直保留着,自然第二天也就没有再进行祷告仪式来获得神术 Like other devout Priest, in the prayer did not praise the Spiritual God as well as confesses own crime is the main purpose, as for obtaining Divine Art(s), was only extra forwarding as an enclosure. 不像其他虔诚牧师,祷告仪式中赞美神灵以及忏悔自身的罪行才是主要目的,至于获得神术,只是额外的附送罢了。 Therefore Zhao Xu does not have the Divine Art(s) need, naturally ceremony falling. 所以赵旭没有神术需要,自然就把仪式给落下了。 But prayer the ceremony, at first is each one as one desires, even kneels down to shout directly Spiritual God reveres also to achieve. 而“祷告”的仪式,最初都是各自随心,甚至直接跪倒大喊神灵的尊名也能达成。 Behind after the church formative tissue, the Gods church also starts to be clear about the respective prayer need. 只是后面当教会形成组织后,诸神教会也开始明确各自的祷告仪式需要。 Even also obtains the specific prepare place in the church, is coordinating corresponding incense and Heaven language choir. 甚至在教会中还得到特定布置好的地点进行,配合着相应的熏香以及天界语唱诗班。 Zhao Xu had not naturally undergone this education initially, closes one's eyes starts to meditate to hold the goddess thigh, therefore is instead listening at this moment with great interest. 赵旭当初自然是没有经过这番教育,闭着眼就开始默念抱女神大腿,所以此刻反而津津有味地听着。 But the judgement that leads the Priest Matthew whole person look is old-fashioned, from just contacted them to start, did not say Gou Xiao, as if an ice sculpture was ordinary. 而带队的裁决所牧师“马修”整个人神色古板,从刚刚接触到他们开始,都是不言苟笑,仿佛一座冰雕一般。 In fact, Matthew this Rank 4 Priest, is the law enforcement agency of church judgement court mainstream. 实际上,马修这种四环牧师,才是教会的执法机构“裁决审判所”的主流。 He was just also taught to recall from the outside urgently, participates in this action, squad four people of also he makes this line through and through. Moreover at this moment also only then Matthew this type places Priest beside Mistral completely, can remove the suspicion. 他也是刚刚被教会从外部紧急召回,参与这次行动,小队四人也就他是货真价实做这一行的。而且此刻也只有马修这种完全身处于密斯特拉之外的牧师,才能够排除嫌疑。 Their four people established the common mind connection, Matthew according to the instruction of Lei An, after that female Priest lets practice Priest under stage practices, he beckoning makes the opposite party come out. 他们四人都建立了共同的心灵连接,马修按照雷安的吩咐,等到那位女牧师让台下的见习牧师自行练习后,他才招手让对方出来。 But that appearance clear female Priest saw that several other put on the black to offer a sacrifice to Priest of robe, one understood what's the matter. 而那位长相清纯的女牧师见到另外几位穿着黑色祭袍的牧师,一下就明白了怎么回事。 Even if she knows that own ethical integrity does not have the issue, the innermost feelings cannot bear as before jump, later the practice Priest under talent and stage asks to be excused, outside arrives slowly. 哪怕她知道自己道德操守都没有问题,依旧内心忍不住一跳,随后才和台下的见习牧师告退,姗姗走到外面来。 One line of five people also look for the peaceful room that in the corridor another emptied to sit down to speak in detail directly. 一行五人也直接找了廊道里另一间空出来的静室坐下详谈。 Sea supple, level 5 Priest?” Matthew as the team leader, the entire journey is asked the opposite party by him, at crucial moment directs through the mind link by Lei An. “海柔尔,5级牧师?”马修作为领队,全程由他开口询问对方,关键时候由雷安通过心灵链接来指引。 But after sea supple deeply inspires, the nod, then according to Matthew's inquiry, answered the issue slowly one by one. 而海柔尔深吸了一口气后,缓缓点头,然后依照马修的提问,逐个回答问题。 Zhao Xu with the pen shorthand talk content of both sides, then this manuscript will be being been signing word by word the confirmation by both sides. 赵旭则是用笔速记着双方的谈话内容,接下来这份逐字稿将由双方签字确认。 Entire process, although everyone is thinking deeply about that Succubus Priest where, but defers to the normal flow as before, but defers to the low-risk personnel talks briefly. 整个过程,虽然大家都在思索着那魅魔牧师所在何处,但是依旧按照正常的流程进行,只是按照低风险人员进行简短约谈而已。 After being together for over ten minutes. 一直到相处超过十分钟后。 Lei An is inquiring at heart: „Did Zhong Xia, how say?” 雷安才在心里提问道:“仲夏,怎么说?” Zhao Xu replied silently: Not exceptionally.” 赵旭则是默默回答道:“没有异常。” According to church as well as association's high-level inference, over 10 minutes of being together, if contacts Abyss Divine Power Zhao Xu not to respond, then can investigate 90% possibilities. 按照教会以及协会高层的推断,超过十分钟的相处,如果接触过深渊神力赵旭没有反应的话,那么可以排查掉90%的可能性。 I do not have the issue.” Matthew is replying simultaneously at heart. “我也没问题。”马修同时在心里回答道。 Surpassed ten years of Priest as the disciple, the watching a person's every mood skill of Matthew also obtained enough exercise. He purely from talking the angle of object judged. 作为执业超过十年的牧师,马修自身的察言观色技能本身也得到了足够的锻炼。他纯粹是从约谈对象的角度进行判断。 Does not have the issue.” Sits in the final corner, with coming to secure same as accompanying another female Priest Branzi said similarly, her hair color already somewhat obsolete paleness, but the complexion appearance can also identify once fine feeling reluctantly. “没问题。”坐在最后角落,和来安一样作为随从的另一位女牧师布兰奇同样说道,她的发色已经有些老朽的苍白,只是脸色的容颜还能勉强辨认出曾经的精致感。 That removes the suspicion, changes one.” Lei An said. “那就排除嫌疑,换下一个。”雷安说道。 Generally speaking, the failure is the normal state of this investigation, is only the lists on Lei An their hand, more than 50 people. 一般来说,失败才是这种调查的常态,光是雷安他们手上的名单,就不下五十人。 Basically not too possible to strike sends. 基本上也不太可能一击即发。 Then Matthew and opposite party polite, thank the opposite party to accept this time talks, let sea supple again in that manuscript signed word by word, the Lei An squad directly goes to look for the next goal candidate. 接着马修和对方客气一番,感谢对方接受此次约谈,再让“海柔尔”在那封逐字稿上签字后,雷安小队就径直前往寻找下一个目标人选。 But in the following process, the Lei An squad in the spirit of nearby the principle, first screens these to be the practice Priest faculty. 而接下来的过程里,雷安小队本着就近原则,先去筛选那些担任见习牧师的教职人员。 Because training of practice Priest mostly also centralized in same building, basically also avoids them being upon the jump, time waste road on. 因为见习牧师的培训大多也集中在同一栋楼,基本上也避免他们跑来跑去,把时间浪费路上。 Basically can hold the post of the teachership practice Priest, itself after verifies layer on layer/heavily, from camouflaging many years of this is not quite realistic. 只是基本上能够担任教职的见习牧师,本身都是经过重重审核,从伪装多年这点来看就不太现实。 If today replaces rashly, they have not contacted, suddenly is not good to judge. 而如果是今天贸然顶替,他们本身没有接触过,一时间也不好判断。 Therefore most situations must rely on Zhao Xu Abyss Divine Power induction. 所以大多数情况得依赖赵旭的“深渊神力”感应。 The answer also overrules. 答案也是一路否决。 When to arriving at some classroom, what sits by the stage is old age Priest, is only his old body still is very vigorous, at this moment is reading aloud incessantly is reading the greatness of goddess doctrine. 一直到走到某间教室时,坐在台前的是一位老年牧师,只是他苍老的身躯却依旧很是矫健,此刻正在滔滔不绝诵念着女神教义的伟大之处。 Especially the essential place, he tosses about to explain, hearing the stage next more than ten Earth players to be drowsy. 尤其是其中关键的地方,他更是翻来覆去讲解一番,听得台下十余位地球玩家昏昏欲睡。 Un, do you have the understanding?” “嗯,你有认识的?” The Lei An squad has received the basic etiquette at this moment, waits for opposite party's explanation to come to the end in the entrance. 雷安小队此刻已经秉承基本礼仪,在门口等待对方的讲解告一段落。 However he notices the Zhao Xu vision to surround under classroom some student, making him ask curiously. 不过他注意到赵旭的目光环绕着教室下方的某位学员,让他不禁好奇问道。 Un, some acquaintance.” Zhao Xu said simply. “嗯,某位熟人。”赵旭简单说道。 The temple is full of the goddess Divine Power will to be, Zhao Xu entered that moment of temple to lose the trail of opposite party in Zheng Xinyun. 神殿本身充满着女神神力的意志所在,赵旭郑心允进入神殿的那一刻就失去了对方的踪迹。 At this moment close to certain distance, he catches the localization of opposite party. 此刻靠近到一定距离,他才重新捕获对方的定位。 He looks like the radio to be common, once the direction aims, in the channel can resound the signal of opposite party. 他就像是无线电一般,一旦方向对准,频道里就能重新响起对方的信号。 At this time Zheng Xinyun is sitting under the stage, like other drowsy students, instead is actually not leaning the head, is thinking deeply about stage the explanation on old Priest curiously. 此时郑心允正坐在台下,却不像其他昏昏欲睡的学员,反而是侧着脑袋,好奇思索着台上的老牧师的讲解。 You the friend also very has the character.” Lei An teased. “你着朋友还挺有性格呀。”雷安打趣道。 The Zhao Xu hear has not answered. 赵旭听完并没有应嘴。 Also truly so, in the Arthur world, most Priest chooses the Spiritual God belief. 也确实如此,在亚瑟世界,绝大多数牧师都是选择神灵信仰。 The Alignment Priest quantity quantity is quite scarce, because gains the response of Alignment gaining the response of Spiritual God is more difficult. 阵营牧师的数量本身数量极为稀少,因为获取阵营的回应远比获取神灵的回应艰难。 But Arthur regarding Alignment Priest training, is responsible for by the close Alignment Spiritual God church generally, after these Priest complete basic level 1 training, seeks for the Alignment organization by it also or runs its own course. 亚瑟对于阵营牧师的培养方面,一般都是由相近阵营的神灵教会负责,等到这些牧师完成基本的1级培训后则由其寻找阵营组织亦或者自生自灭。 Simultaneously many players are unable to determine the belief in the initial period, actually chose the Priest words, will suppose is Alignment Priest, according to the Alignment Priest treatment trains. 同时不少玩家在初期无法确定信仰,却又选择了牧师的话,也会设为阵营牧师,按照阵营牧师的待遇进行培养。 And overwhelming majority Priest will transform in the process of this training into this/should Spiritual God Priest, but old age Priest on stage is acts as this guidance the role. 其中绝大部分牧师都会在这个培养的过程转变为该神灵的牧师,而台上的老年牧师则是充当这种引导的角色。 Zhao Xu present class, then is this practice Alignment Priest, this is also the reason that Lei An teased. 赵旭眼前的班,则全都是这种见习阵营牧师,这也是雷安打趣的原因。 What background are out of the door that several people?” At this time sat below extreme player cannot bear whisper. “门外那几人是什么来头?”这时坐在下方的极为玩家忍不住嘀咕起来。 Has also accepted the Priest player of incunabulum training as the third month here, half are Zheng Xinyun this type just entered the game pure rookie, the other half is slippery customer who” to delete comes again. 作为第三个月还在这里接受过最初期培训的牧师玩家,一半是郑心允这种刚刚进入游戏的“纯新人”,另一半则是删号重来的“老油条”。 Especially presently the player forms a team, Priest Class can the enormous premium. 尤其是当前玩家组队中,牧师职业本身能够得到极大的溢价。 Even if the current most powerful level 3 squad, is not parsimonious in and 1, level 2 Priest to form a team. 哪怕是当前最强大的3级小队,都不吝啬于和一、2级牧师进行组队。 Even some local tyrants are beyond the game putting up the cash make the Priest player treat Magic Arts/Spell in the game to its use directly. 甚至一些土豪直接就是游戏外砸钱让牧师玩家在游戏中对其使用治疗法术 This also lets invest Priest Class to the work room powerful that money goes after like ducks mostly, is only the upper dog few, even after some players become Priest, withdrew from the work room directly. 这也让大部分对金钱趋之若鹜的工作室强力投入牧师职业,只是成功者寥寥,甚至有些玩家成为牧师后就直接退出了工作室。 Facing Priest Class as well as Mage Class when production costs rise, prices rise too, their related Eight Trigrams (gossip) also become daily of forum. Therefore in some conditions regarding the church, many people loves to talk about. 面对牧师职业以及法师职业的水涨船高,它们相关的八卦也成为了论坛的日常。因此对于教会里遇到的一些状况,不少人都是对此津津乐道。 I definitely am one crowd of high-level Priest. You have not looked at that speaking goddess deep meaning old Priest, suddenly tone forceful?” “我肯定是一群高级牧师。你没看那个宣讲女神奥义的老牧师,忽然语气都铿锵有力了一番么?” Yeah, that is one crowd of walking Renminbi.” And a player in work room envies looks at the entrance four people, I, if can practice the level to their situations, that crisp.” “哎,那可是一群行走的人民币啊。”其中一位工作室的玩家羡慕地看着门口的四人,“我要是能练级到他们那地步,那得有多爽啊。” Do not think blindly, gives you two years you not to have the qualifications stand entrance. What these put on the black to offer a sacrifice to the robe is the judgement court, it is estimated that comes the routine annual talk. Can enter Priest of that department, average per person is above level 7, can display Rank 4 Divine Art(s) that type.” Hapless egg player Priest that another uses up five resurrecting stones said that these that basically today meets to him are clear. “别瞎想,给你两年你都没资格站门口。那些穿黑色祭袍的是裁决审判所的,估计是来年度例行谈话的。能进那部门的牧师,人均都是7级以上,能够施展四环神术那种。”另一位用完五颗复活石的倒霉蛋玩家牧师说道,基本上今天遇到的这些对他都是门儿清。 Yeah, you let alone, I thought that this account number can pass to my grandson to play.” Just complained short person Priest was also dejected, Caster was difficult to promote basically is the consensus of Arthur player. “哎,你别说,我都觉得这个账号可以传给我孙子玩了。”刚刚被吐槽的矮个牧师也是垂头丧气,施法者难升级基本上是亚瑟玩家的共识了。 In fact, the game that fight monsters may not promote, itself promoted turned into a matter of very profound studies. 事实上,一款打怪不一定能够升级的游戏,本身升级就变成了一件很玄学的事情。 Finally, after that old age Priest said comes to the end, drinks water, then goes out of out of the door to accept Zhao Xu and the others talks. 最终,那位老年牧师说得告一段落后,才喝了口水,然后走出门外接受赵旭等人的约谈。 Your three talked with him, my here standing meeting.” Zhao Xu said. “你们三个和他约谈吧,我在这里站会。”赵旭说道。 At this time he planned nearby under the sensation, he and Zheng Xinyun distance and Divine Power fluctuated the relations. 这时他打算就近感知下,他和郑心允的距离与神力波动之间的关系。 However Lei An actually thinks that Zhao Xu had the recent discovery, immediately the spirit shakes, busy innermost feelings communication: I and others your good news.” 然而雷安却以为赵旭有了新发现,顿时精神一震,忙内心沟通:“我等你好消息。” This......” “这个……”
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