TTHATH :: Volume #15

#1419: The preparation will fight next year again

The night is getting deeper and deeper, Charles leaves the cafeteria to return to own room, cleans the teeth to get into ice-cold bed. 夜越来越深,查尔斯离开食堂回到自己的房间,刷了牙钻进冰冷的被窝里。 He lies on the bed tosses about, just like the wheat pancake in block pot, how unable to fall asleep. 只是他躺在床上翻来覆去的,跟块锅里的烙饼一样,怎么都睡不着。 In a moment ago, Holy Angel Nun also spoke the words to him. 就在刚才,圣安琪儿嬷嬷又对他说了一番话。 Nun rubs in the demon imperial palace eats to rub drinks such for a long time, draws Demon King to chat the daily family activity, a lot heard. 嬷嬷在魔皇宫里蹭吃蹭喝这么久,又拉着魔王聊家常,很多事情都听说了。 She is experienced, the political smell is keen, quick discovered issue that some Charles have not thought. 她老人家见多识广,政治嗅觉敏锐,很快就发现了一些查尔斯没想到的问题。 This is a test.” Nun said to Charles with the unprecedented serious tone, Demon King has wanted to train the reliable successor you, in the two years your theoretical level yes, but how no one knows your actual operation level. Happen to you currently have this opportunity, therefore they are watching you, your request has been satisfied, how looks at your performance.” “这是一场考试。”嬷嬷用前所未有的严肃语气对查尔斯说道,“魔王一直想把你培养成可靠的接班人,这两年来你的理论水平是可以的,但没人知道你的实际操作水平如何。正好你现在有这个机遇,所以他们都在看着你,你的要求都会得到满足,看你的表现如何。” Therefore now Charles cannot fall asleep, extremely currently this situation has the possibility to say with Nun is the same. 所以现在查尔斯睡不着了,目前这情况极有可能和嬷嬷说的一样。 Especially the Ryurik kingdom has an unwritten stipulation to enter the high-level personnel of central organ basically to press some basic unit department local official to be promoted until the route of member center. 特别是留里克王国有条不成文的规定就是进入中枢机构的高层人员基本上都是按着基层某部门地方官员直至一把手中枢的路线晋级的。 But before cha somebody, in a elf clan army experience can calculate that works in the basic unit, the current Demon King Nicholas II was also was the soldier from the beginning. 而猹某人以前在精灵族军队一线的经历可以算在基层工作,现任魔王尼古拉二世一开始也是去当了小兵。 Afterward he was in charge of the navy is also worked in some department, although the concrete affair was under the charge to other subordinates, but does not need to personally take care of things as the leader, only needed to point out the general orientation then, commodity these that now row of small gunboats, two 037 yellow water battle columns and rescues the slave who and ship back from Kuyawei kingdom Cam Ranh bay is his merit. 后来他主管海军也算是在某部门里工作了,虽说具体事务是由其他部下负责,但作为领导不必事必躬亲,只需要指出大方向即可,现在金兰湾里的一排小炮艇、两条037型黄水战列舰、从库亚维亚王国解救回来的奴隶和运回的物资这些都是他实打实的功绩。 Now is more obvious, moreover this was not a director side was so simple, but established a country, cha somebody was the cha great ancestor. 现在就更明显了,而且这不是主政一方这么简单了,而是建立了一个国家,猹某人算是猹太祖了。 Gets down, cha somebody estimated that can enter the center, then stepped onto to win promotion and get rich and get married the Diana path. 这么一路下来,猹某人估计回去了就能进中枢,然后走上升官发财、迎娶戴安娜的道路了。 Similarly also in has another Demon King that tonight cannot fall asleep. 同样在今晚睡不着的还有另外一位魔王 In the Demon King city, Giscard Demon King and meets until the night hand/subordinate once again. 魔王城里,吉斯卡魔王和手下们又一次开会直到深夜。 The tonight's conference and was the same previously, everyone is delimiting the water besides Giscard Demon King. 只是今晚的会议和此前一样,除了吉斯卡魔王外大家都在划水。 The Tran fort area falls into enemy hands to the attack of Demon King is not very big, in the battlefield loss of city place is very normal. 特伦堡地区失守对魔王的打击不是很大,战场上一城一地的丢失很正常。 The subject matter lay in the Demon King subordinate four devas did not have three suddenly, 90,000 subordinate elite armies did not have. 主要问题在于魔王直属的四天王一下没了三个,九万直属精锐军队全没了。 This is the Demon King hand/subordinate larger part reserve force, now some strengths without, where if in had the rebellion at this time, he would have no military to move to put down a rebellion. 这是魔王手下一大半的机动力量,现在这部分力量没了,要是这时候内部哪里发生叛乱,他就没有兵力调去平叛。 More serious, did not have the deterrent in superior military force, various tribes after seeing the Demon King military power have the shrinkage no longer to dread him, this makes Demon King greatly reduce in their front rights to speak, will appear Demon King palace's the order to the situation that complies in public but opposes in private. 更严重的,就是没了优势军力上的威慑,各部落在看到魔王的军事力量极具缩水后就不再畏惧他,这就使得魔王在他们面前的话语权大大降低,甚至会出现对魔王宫的命令阳奉阴违的情况。 It looks like in the war of liberation, the three campaigns eliminated the mobile force of national troops, will then be suitable will remain chases hard-pressed enemy bravely time ? Jiang has not had the sufficient military to initiate a big campaign again, other warlords also had the different kind thoughts. 就像是解放战争中,三大战役把国军的机动兵力都消灭了,接下来就是“宜将剩勇追穷寇”时间,?蒋公就没再有足够的兵力发起一场大的战役,其他军阀也有了别样的心思。 Therefore now in the Demon King palace everyone basically does not speak, so as to avoid this pot buckles in own on. 所以现在魔王宫里大家基本上都不发话,免得这口锅扣在自己头上。 Prime minister Mathot is first out of danger, he is the Demon King able assistant politically, now the army had problems politically cannot have problems absolutely, therefore under he first jumped to assume full responsibility of the full liability, finally Demon King was only symbolic was made to drink as a forfeit three cups. 宰相马托是最先脱险的,他是魔王在政治上的得力助手,现在军队出问题了政治上就绝对不能出问题,所以他第一时间跳出来包揽下全部责任,最后魔王只是象征性的罚酒三杯。 Lexander who in the four devas does the information how sees how appropriate back cauldron, because his intelligence service has not any information about Charles hand/subordinate that battle efficiency extremely strengthening of the armed forces team, but this army is the key of this campaign failure. 四天王中搞情报的莱克萨怎么看怎么合适背这口大锅,因为他的情报部门没有任何关于查尔斯手下那支战斗力极强军队的任何情报,而这支军队是这场战役失败的关键。 One night several horse-drawn vehicles come out from his family/home, entered Mathot and another after the family/home that Son of Heaven western Gora that stays in the Demon King city respectively withdrawing that he is also shocking but not dangerous. 只是有天晚上好几辆马车从他家出来,分别进了马托和另一位留守魔王城的天王古拉西的家后他也有惊无险的脱身了。 This pot is still fluttering in the space, these ministers dangers sit the lapel, will not arrive has no recourse not to speak. 这口锅还在天上飘着,那些大臣们一个个危坐正襟,不到迫不得已就不会说话。 Most relaxed was three newly appointed four devases, how this pot pounded not to pound their heads. 最轻松的就是三位新上任的四天王了,这口锅怎么砸都砸不到他们的头上。 In everyone thinks that tonight goes through the motions, ponders where under was getting off work to drink one cup of times, Lexander's subordinate sends an urgent message. 就在大家以为今晚又是走过场,思考着等下下班了去哪喝一杯的时候,莱克萨的手下送来一份紧急情报。 Lexander looked at two information, then reports to Demon King: Your majesty, the latest information, the so-called forever day duchy authorities is calling the human country major merchants to hold the trade exposition in March of next year to the Piran port.” 莱克萨看了两遍情报,然后向魔王汇报:“陛下,最新情报,所谓的永日公国当局正召集人类国家各大商人于明年三月到皮兰港举行贸易博览会。” Simultaneously forever the day duchy authorities will also hold the grand song and dance soiree at that time, and invited some famous arts organizations to participate.” “同时永日公国当局还会在那个时候举办大型歌舞晚会,并邀请了一些有名的艺术团体参加。” „From the current information, many people have joined.” “从目前的情报上看,已经有很多人加入。” After he information read off, sat down, according to the past then should be one's turn Mathot to analyze to this matter and puts forward the proposal, but prime minister sets a distressful appearance now, seemed like pondering what difficult problem. 他把情报读完后就坐下了,按往常接下来应该轮到马托对此事进行分析并提出建议,但现在宰相做出一副愁眉苦脸的样子,看起来在思考什么难题。 If Demon King knows that which in the ponder he will return home from work and hi the estimate can kill him, but stemming from the past custom, Demon King thought him in the ponder countermeasure. 如果魔王知道他在思考等会下班回家了和哪个嗨的话估计会弄死他,但出于往日的习惯,魔王以为他在思考对策。 Time points pasts, ten minutes no one spoke as before, Giscard Demon King wait/etc. is a little impatient, mentioned by name to answer the issue simply. 时间一点点的过去,十来分钟了依旧没人发话,吉斯卡魔王等得有点不耐烦了,干脆点名回答问题。 Western Gora,” he selects one that in the four devas most trusted, what idea do you have?” “古拉西,”他点了四天王之中自己最信任的一位,“你有什么想法?” How a face deep western Gora spent for several seconds to make the brain probably not make the meat loose return to the conference from the sauced pig elbow, he simply has not listened to a moment ago Lexander's information clearly, listened behind to have many people to join. 一脸深沉的古拉西花了几秒钟才让脑子从卤猪肘要怎样才不让肉松散中回到会议上,他根本没听清楚刚才莱克萨的情报,就听了后面有很多人要加入。 Therefore he spoke thoughtlessly saying: We also join.” 于是他随口说道:“我们也加入吧。” Giscard Demon King a little looked at him accidentally/surprisingly, thought that this fellow will use the brain finally, no longer is wallops to fiercely attack, therefore nods to say satisfied: Your means are very good, but sneaks the destruction unable to yield the maximum income, we also need to exert the strength in the outside simultaneously.” 吉斯卡魔王有点意外地看了看他,心想这家伙终于会用脑子了,不再是猛冲猛打,于是满意地点头说道:“你的办法很好,但只是潜入破坏并不能获得最大的收益,我们还需要同时在外部施加力量。” Lexander, sneaks assassination to arrange by you while this opportunity, do not disappoint me.” “莱克萨,趁着这个机会潜入刺杀一事由你安排,不要让我失望。” Mathot, transmitted orders various tribes to start to get ready, in the spring of next year the rainy season one has regained the Tran fort area on the building up army.” “马托,传令各部落开始准备,明年春天雨季一过就集结大军收复特伦堡地区。” „East side western Gora, you go now, how having a look at these warships to prepare, if they prepared you to lead troops to go by boat to bypass the mountainous region from the sea in the spring of next year, went north to attack and occupy their rear guards along Morrah Va River again.” “古拉西,你现在就去东边,看看那些战船准备得怎么样了,如果他们准备好了明年春天你就带兵乘船从海上绕过山地,再沿着莫拉瓦河北上攻占他们的后路。” „The army training that Sale, Harn, Valga, your duties ended will recruit before the rainy season newly.” “萨莱、哈恩、瓦尔加,你们的任务是在雨季结束前将新招募的军队训练好。” A elite army is not good to form. 一支精锐的军队不是那么好组建的。 Demon King lost 90,000 experienced soldiers in inside the valley, must form the military personnel from regional garrisons to choose the elite force, but lost these excellent equipment in inside the valley not to have the means that these spent money to pile. 魔王在山谷里失去了九万经验丰富的军人,要重新组建军队人员可以从各地的驻军中挑选精兵强将,但是丢在山谷里的那些精良装备就没办法了,这些都是用钱堆出来的。 The new three four devas present duties army that pieces together from each region conform this, but faced with the biggest problem is to lack the equipment, after receiving order they looked as if by prior agreement to Demon King, is telling with the vision: Takes up a collection!” 新加入的三个四天王现在的任务是将这支从各地拼凑来的军队整合起来,但面临最大的问题就是缺少装备,在接到命令后他们不约而同地看向了魔王,用目光诉说着:“打钱!” Demon King understood their vision, therefore looked to the prime minister, these things were he are responsible. 魔王读懂了他们的目光,于是看向了宰相,这些事情是他负责的。 Mathot felt that oneself liver is trembling, the heads of household as Demon King country's he naturally knows that the family property of country has many. 马托感觉到自己的肝在颤,作为魔王国的当家人他自然知道国家的家底有多少。 If gives him one year of issue to be good to solve, but now be only less than a half year must make war, in time radically without enough time. 如果给他一年的时间这个问题好解决,但现在只有不到半年就要开战了,时间上根本来不及。 But he is unable to refuse this order, the space also pot to fly, again what to do if Demon King does take the opportunity to divide the pot to give itself? 但他无法拒绝这个命令,天上还有一口锅在飞呢,万一魔王借机会再分个锅柄给自己怎么办? Mathot thinks, said: „The production of weaponry solves, but the present snow day will let the transportation difficulty with the following rainy season, this has no alternative. I suggested, the army trains and sets out as usual, the weaponry transports/fortunes the concentration area through the water transportation directly, this can save a lot of time.” 马托想了一下,说道:“武器装备的生产好解决,但现在的雪天与接下来的雨季会让运输困难,这是无可奈何的。我建议,军队照常训练与开拔,武器装备直接通过水运运到集结地,这样就能节省很多的时间。” The armies send out unable to leave the waterway to transport the grain and fodder commodity, the army scale is bigger is so. In addition the army must drink water to eat meal, the route of march cannot leave rivers and other water sources. 大军出动离不开水路运送粮草物资,军队规模越大就越是如此。再加上军队要喝水吃饭,行军路线更是离不开河流等水源。 According to his idea, the past war was the cannon fodder on first, behind invested the elite army, with a sense of urgency time with enough time. 按他的想法,以往的战争都是炮灰先上,后面才投入精锐部队,抓紧一点时间来得及。 Demon King thinks, agreed his plan, said: Tomorrow you go to each weapon factory to run, urging them to complete the production task on time, otherwise the consequence is proud!” 魔王想了一下,同意了他的方案,同时说道:“明天你去各个兵工厂跑一圈,督促他们务必按时完成生产任务,否则后果自负!” In Mathot heart sighed slightly, warm bed farewell to family/home, without the means that can only big cold season running. 马托心中微微叹气,向家中温暖的床告别,没办法,只能大冷天的跑一趟吧。 Now the canals of these ordnance factories freeze, the water power forging hammer has no way to use, can only wield the hammer head hammering for the catching up with schedule by the slave. 现在那些兵工厂的水渠都冻结了,水力锻锤都没法用,为了赶进度只能靠奴隶去挥锤头打铁了。 The task management, everyone can tread the moonlight to get off work finally. 任务安排完毕,大家终于可以踏着月光下班了。
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