TSMGIWE :: Volume #6

#508: Opposition

The contemptuous smile of people, Li Hejun naturally looks in the eye, but he has not cared. 众人的轻蔑笑容,李赫君自然看在眼中,不过他并未在意。 Wang Longyang also laughs, the caution of Li Hejun, he has not naturally placed in the heart. 王龙阳也哈哈大笑,李赫君的警示,他自然未曾放在心中。 His father, is side county protector, is high county county protector. 他的父亲,乃是一方郡守,还是上郡郡守 Even if Xia Yang is also living, not no matter what he does act bashful? 夏阳即便还活着,不还是任他拿捏? ...... …… Sudden hail, drops from the clouds. 突如其来的一阵冰雹,从天而降。 Everyone on avenue hides to flee. 大街上的人人纷纷躲窜。 Before Tailing Academic Palace, many scholars are crowded, are holding the paper umbrella. 泰陵学宫前,不少学子人来人往,撑着纸伞。 These scholars, are enjoying new responsibility in lake, the leisure is refined, rushes about the peddler who toils to form the sharp contrast with these hurriedly. 这些学子,赏着湖中的新荷,闲情雅致,与那些匆忙奔波劳碌的小贩形成鲜明的对比。 Lin Chao rain clothes, he arrived at Tailing Academic Palace. 林朝一身蓑衣,他来到了泰陵学宫 Student, clear empty gate Xia Yang, comes to report.” Lin Chao gives the deacon who own status information Academic Palace handled the admittance. “学生,清虚门夏阳,前来报道。”林朝把自己的身份信息交给了学宫办理入学的执事。 The deacons looked at Xia Yang one, in the eye shows the strange look: You return.” 执事看了夏阳一眼,眼中露出古怪神色:“你回吧。” Lin Chao stares. 林朝微愣。 His Academic Palace quota, has not made. 他的学宫名额,还未曾弄下来。 May I ask the deacon, can my certificate have the issue?” Lin Chao continues to ask. “敢问执事,我的凭证可有问题?”林朝继续问道。 Managed looked at Lin Chao slantingly: Your quota...... had been taken.” 执事斜看了眼林朝:“你的名额……已经被人占用了。” Lin Chao hears this, in the eye flashes through cold intent: Also please the deacon state in detail.” 林朝听到这,眼中闪过一丝冷意:“还请执事详说。” Lin Chao is saying, grasps a broken money, handed in the sleeves of managing. 林朝说着,抓起一把碎银子,递到了执事的衣袖里。 The smile on deacon face becomes temperate: A while ago, some of your clear empty gate people came, reported your death news, and provided your quota transfer book.” 执事脸上的笑容变得温和起来:“前段时间,你们清虚门有人过来,报了你的死讯,并且提供了你的名额转让书。” The deacons are saying, entered in the following room, put out a paper contract from inside. 执事说着,进入了后面的屋子里,从里面拿出了一纸契约。 You looked, above also has your personal signing.” “你看,上面还有你的亲自签名。” May I ask the deacon, is who provides this paper contract.” Lin Chao asked again. “敢问执事,是谁将这一纸契约提供出来的。”林朝再次问道。 Wu Chunquan.” The memory of managing is very good, „ right, took your quota, is a female, named Wu Linxiang, you are more careful, behind her, is Wang Longyang, child of the high county county protector. 吴尊全。”执事的记性很好,“对了,拿了你名额的,乃是一位女子,名为吴琳香,你要小心一些,她背后,是王龙阳,一位上郡郡守之子。 This matter, good that reduces big problems into little problems. ” 此事,还是大事化小的好。” The county of town/subdues deep pool country's, is divided into high county, mid county and low county. 镇渊国的郡,分为上郡的、中郡下郡 high county county protector, can be the true real power senior official. 上郡郡守,算得上真正的实权高官。 Even in Capital, still belongs well-known. 就算在京都,也属于有名有姓。 Lin Chao hears this, is narrowing the eye: Many thanks manages it.” 林朝听到这,眯着眼睛:“多谢执事告之。” The quota, he naturally must take. 名额,他自然要拿回去。 Looks at Lin Chao to leave, the deacon stretches the body. 看着林朝离开,执事舒展身体。 For a long time has not seen the pleasure.” “好久没看到乐子了。” ...... …… In the inn, Wu Chunquan wears a white robe, looks especially high-spirited. 客栈之中,吴尊全穿着一身白袍,看起来格外意气风发。 At this time, on his face has the happy expression, people who look at the clear empty gate, he said slowly: „ Several days later, is ten thousand flower festivals, Young Master Wang Longyang invited in Academic Palace some people to view the flowers outstandingly together, I also had the qualifications to interpolate by luck. 此时,他脸上带着笑意,看着清虚门的众人,他缓缓说道:“再过几日,便是万花节,王龙阳公子邀请了学宫里一些人杰共同赏花,我也侥幸有资格参入其中。 Wang Longyang gave me specially three quotas, Zhao Senior Brother mother Yong doubted, there is a quota. 王龙阳特意给了我三个名额,赵师兄母庸置疑,有一个名额。 Surplus two, do not know everyone, does who want to attend these ten thousand flower festivals? ” 剩余两个,不知诸位,谁也想去参加这万花节?” Others look at Wu Chunquan, reveals to envy the look. 其余人看着吴尊全,都露出羡慕神色。 Wu Chunquan and they are the same, is the new students. 吴尊全和他们都一样,都是新生。 Finally, Wu Chunquan depends on climbs up the thigh of Wang Longyang, made the contact with some highly placed people. 结果,吴尊全靠着攀上王龙阳的大腿,和一些达官贵人进行了联系。 In Academic Palace, cultivate/repair to no doubt importantly, but what is more important personal connection. 学宫里,修为固然重要,但更重要的是人脉。 On the Wu Chunquan present personal connection, well operation, since Academic Palace graduates, a side county magistrate must have. 吴尊全如今的人脉,好好经营,从学宫毕业,一方县令是少不了的。 How this does not make them envy. 这如何不让他们羡慕。 „After Senior Brother Wu makes a rapid career advance, do not forget us.” “吴师兄以后飞黄腾达,可不要忘记了我们。” These people flattered. 这些人奉承道。 Actually, many people lamented very much why initially has not thought that brave, sells out the Xia Yang quota. 其实,不少人都很悔恨,当初为啥没想到,胆子大一点,把夏阳的名额卖掉。 Perhaps otherwise, enters a higher circle now, was they. 不然,说不定现在进入更高圈子的,便是他们了。 Liu Wenli sees this, in the heart disdains especially. 刘文力看到这一幕,心中格外不屑。 Because before was Xia Yang speaks, he was pushed aside by Wu Chunquan, taking along, clear empty gate these Academic Palace scholars, started to push aside him. 由于之前为夏阳说话,他被吴尊全排挤,捎带着,清虚门这些学宫学子,也开始排挤他了。 At this time, he alone settles sits in meditation in the corner, in the heart is uncomfortable. 此时,他一个人安静坐在角落中,心中不是滋味。 However, at this moment, the clear and bright sound conveys together. 然而,就在这时,一道清朗的声音传来。 „Was Wu Chunquan, then you my quota selling?” 吴尊全,便是你将我的名额给卖出去了?” Lin Chao of azure clothes appears, on his Jun Xiu uncommon face, has angry. 一袭青衣的林朝出现,他隽秀不凡的脸上,带着一丝恼怒。 His tone, has the interrogation. 他的语气,带着质问。 You...... Xia Yang?” “你……夏阳?” „Haven't you died?” “你没死?” The person of presence, all looks the shocking look. 在场之人,皆面露震惊神色。 After all, they visit Xia Yang carrying off by the bandits and rebels. 毕竟,他们可是看着夏阳被贼匪给带走。 In that case, Xia Yang must die without doubt. 在那种情况下,夏阳必死无疑。 But now, Xia Yang appears intact, where doesn't make them shock? 可是如今,夏阳却完好无缺出现,哪里不让他们震惊? On the Zhao Qingyan face also flashes through a panic-stricken look: Xia Yang, how did you come back?” 赵清言脸上也闪过一丝惊骇神色:“夏阳,你怎么回来了?” Wu Chunquan is shocking, the look somewhat moves aside, but thought of anything, he also had some energy. 吴尊全更是震惊,眼神有些躲闪,不过想到了什么,他又有了些底气。 Xia Yang, you came back unexpectedly.” 夏阳,你竟然回来了。” What's wrong, do I come back you not to welcome?” Lin Chao looks at Wu Chunquan, in the eye is completely cold intent, I need an explanation.” “怎么,我回来你不欢迎?”林朝看着吴尊全,眼中尽是冷意,“我需要一个解释。” Wu Chunquan was interrogated like this, in the heart also had the anger, only that guilty also vanished does not see: „ You were seized by the mounted bandit, we naturally think that you do not have the means of livelihood. 吴尊全被这样质问,心中也生出了火气,原本仅有的那一丝愧疚也消失不见:“你被马匪捉走,我们自然认为你没活路。 Your quota, places this also to waste. 你的名额,放在这也是浪费。 Some person of needs, we then donate conveniently. 有人需要,我们便顺手赠予。 Money of that person of giving, we have sent, gives your person of being intimate with. ” 那人给的银子,我们已经寄回去,给你的亲近之人。” Yes?” Lin Chao looks at Wu Chunquan, I come back now, should my quota, give me?” “是么?”林朝看着吴尊全,“那么如今我回来了,我的名额,是不是该给我了?” This......” the Wu Chunquan innermost feelings are somewhat anxious. “这……”吴尊全内心有些急。 Gives back to Xia Yang again, cannot. 再还给夏阳,是万万不能的。 In this case, he will offend Wang Longyang. 这样的话,他会得罪王龙阳 Xia Yang, your quota has given others, cannot take carry back again.” Wu Chunquan clenches teeth saying that regarding your matter, I am sorry, but what is done cannot be undone, can only like this.” 夏阳,你的名额已经给了别人,不能再拿回来。”吴尊全咬牙说道,“对于你的事情,我很抱歉,但木已成舟,只能这样了。” Lin Chao looks at Wu Chunquan, in the eye reveals a smile. 林朝看着吴尊全,眼中流露出一丝笑容。 Wu Chunquan somewhat fears. 吴尊全有些恐惧。 After all, Xia Yang is living from the mounted bandit nest, definitely what happened. 毕竟,夏阳从马匪窝里活着出来,肯定发生了什么事情。 Side, silent Zhao Qingyan has said: „ Xia Yang, since you are living, is your quota definitely you. 旁边,一直沉默的赵清言说道:“夏阳,既然你活着回来,属于你的名额肯定还是你的。 But this year the quota has decided that if we demand, will fear will offend the honored person. 但今年名额已定,我们若是强求,恐会得罪贵人。 Is inferior to this, I write to the master, next year will join the Academic Palace quota, will keep one to you, how will you look? ” 不如这样,我给师父写一封信,明年加入学宫的名额,给你留一个,你看如何?” Zhao Qingyan does not want to be cut off Wang Longyang this line. 赵清言并不想断掉王龙阳这根线。 Therefore at this moment, he stood Wu Chunquan. 所以此刻,他站在了吴尊全这边。 Lin Chao is narrowing the eye: I then must enter Academic Palace this year, this is my quota, only then I can decide his whereabouts.” 林朝眯着眼睛:“我今年便要入学宫,这是我的名额,只有我能够决定他的去向。” Nearby Wu Chunquan sees Zhao Qingyan also to speak for oneself, the energy was fuller: Your quota, is the clear empty gate gives you!” 一旁的吴尊全赵清言也为自己说话,底气更是足了:“你的名额,也是清虚门给你的!” But, he just said, the Lin Chao gloomy and cold look then stared at him. 可是,他刚说完,林朝阴冷的眼神便盯上了他。 Boisterous!” “聒噪!” Lin Chao moves the foot directly, in everyone had not responded in the situation, handle Wu Chunquan kicks. 林朝直接动脚,在所有人没有反应过来的情况下,一脚把吴尊全踢飞出去。 Senior Brother Wu!” On many people, is supporting by the arm Wu Chunquan. “吴师兄!”不少人上面,搀扶着吴尊全 Others look at Lin Chao, in the eye is the angry looks. 其他人看着林朝,眼中都是愤怒神色。 They share a common hatred, look angrily at Lin Chao. 他们同仇敌忾,怒视林朝 As if, Lin Chao is that finds fault. 仿佛,林朝是来找茬的那个。 The Zhao Qingyan look also becomes gloomy and cold: „Does Xia Yang, vent now...... enough?” 赵清言的眼神也变得阴冷起来:“夏阳,现在发泄完……够了吗?” Lin Chao hears this, in the eye reveals the smile. 林朝听到这,眼中流露出笑容。 Naturally is insufficient.” “自然不够。”
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