TSMGIWE :: Volume #6

#504: brocade/bright clothes old man

The Lin Chao following mounted bandit walked. 林朝跟着马匪走了。 Perhaps thought Lin Chao is a frail scholar, cannot turn the spray, even no one hands and feet fetter of Lin Chao. 或许是觉得林朝是一个文弱学子,翻不起浪花,甚至没有人将林朝的手脚束缚。 After all, the mounted bandit eldest child knows, Lin Chao regains consciousness is less than one year. 毕竟,马匪老大可是知道,林朝才苏醒不到一年。 Like this weak chicken, cannot threaten him. 这样的弱鸡,根本威胁不到他。 Naturally, 34 mounted bandits are defending Lin Chao, to guard to present the accident. 当然,还是有三四位马贼守着林朝,以防出现变故。 Lin Chao rides in immediately, the look is tranquil. 林朝骑在马上,神色平静。 This mounted bandit, has not cut to kill him at the scene. 这个马匪,没有当场将他斩杀。 This conforms to his guess. 这符合他的猜测。 Really, this mounted bandit, and is not only slaughters his family member is so simple. 果然,这个马匪,并不仅仅是屠戮他家人那么简单。 Even can say, pretends. 甚至可以说,是假冒的。 The mounted bandits bring Lin Chao, goes to remote mountains and ancient forests. 马匪带着林朝,前往一座深山老林。 In a while, a simple military camp appears. 没过多久,一处简易的营寨出现。 In the military camp, 56 mounted bandits guard, slave who has not snatched. 在营寨里,有五六位马匪看守,并没有一些抢来的奴隶。 Obviously, this group of mounted bandits, are that roving bandit, is of no fixed abode. 可见,这群马匪,是那种流寇,居无定所。 The mounted bandits dismount, one group of people hurry to toward a crude house. 马匪下马,一群人往一件简陋的房子赶去。 Lin Chao was being detained by several malicious troubles, walks toward there. 林朝则被几位不怀好意的麻烦押着,也往那里走。 Lin Chao guessed, in that room, should have a person. 林朝猜测,在那屋子里,应该有一个人。 But that person, sends people to catch his secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator truly. 而那个人,才是真正派人来抓他的幕后黑手。 Really, guess of Lin Chao is right. 果然,林朝的猜测是对的。 He was sent under custody to enter in the room, then saw old man who wears magnificence robe. 他被押送进入屋子中,便看到一位身着华袍的老者。 The old men wear the silk brocade clothes, the white chignon pull with a wooden club, the body is sending out an imposing manner of share of high-rank. 老者身着丝绸锦衣,白色发髻用一根木棍挽住,身上散发着一股上位者的气势。 The mounted bandit eldest child sees the old man, on the face shows the respectful look: Sir, the person has brought.” 马匪老大看到老者,脸上露出恭敬神色:“大人,人已经带来了。” The brocade/bright clothes old man looks to Lin Chao, in the eye glitters the smile: „Are you then the disciple who Jiang Boye places the great expectations...... Xia Yang?” 锦衣老者看向林朝,眼中闪烁出笑容:“你便是姜伯业寄予厚望的弟子……夏阳?” Lin Chao understands finally, the future rushes to his master Jiang Boye to come. 林朝终于明白,来者是奔着他师父姜伯业来的。 He remembered Tan Kong. 他想起了谭空 Tan Kong then planned this quota initially, simultaneously begins to his master. 谭空当初便谋划这个名额,同时对他师父动手。 If, this person is concerned with Tan Kong. 如果,此人和谭空有关。 Then...... Lin Chao innermost feelings one tight. 那么……林朝内心一紧。 This also means, the goal of opposite party, possibly is not only that quota, but may also be the master. 这也就意味着,对方的目标,可能不仅仅是那个名额,还有可能是师父。 „Is Tan Kong your person?” Lin Chao looks at the brocade clothes old man, the vision is tranquil. 谭空是你的人?”林朝看着锦衣老者,目光平静。 The brocade/bright clothes old man looked at Lin Chao, in the eye revealed wipes the appreciation look: Little brother, is quick-thinking, with Jiang Boye, a little did work beneath one's ability, what a pity, what a pity.” 锦衣老者看了眼林朝,眼中露出一抹欣赏神色:“小兄弟,思维敏捷,跟着姜伯业,有点屈才了,可惜,可惜。” The brocade/bright clothes old man naturally believes, was Jiang Boye discovered plotting of Tan Kong, Tan Kong killing. 锦衣老者自然认为,是姜伯业发现了谭空的暗算,将谭空给杀害掉。 This matter, told Xia Yang. 这件事,也告诉了夏阳 Lin Chao looks at the brocade clothes old man, the look is still tranquil: Really, said before is all false.” 林朝看着锦衣老者,神色依旧平静:“果然,之前所说皆是假的。” The appreciation vision in brocade/bright clothes old man eyes really: „, I more and more do not want to kill you. 锦衣老者眼中的赞赏目光更甚:“原本,我越来越不想杀你了。 What a pity, you followed Jiang Boye, being doomed is the person of Gongshu school of thought that offended that great person...... you to probably die. ” 可惜了,你跟着姜伯业,注定是公输学派的人,得罪了那位大人物……你必须得死。” Nearby mounted bandit eldest child, killing intent is steaming, waits for the brocade clothes old man to order. 旁边的马匪老大,杀意腾腾,就等着锦衣老者一声令下。 „Do you go to Academic Palace, what Jiang Boye may entrust you to have?” The brocade/bright clothes old man said that you, if informs truthfully, I can make you die happily.” “你前往学宫,姜伯业可嘱托你有什么?”锦衣老者说道,“你若是如实告知,我可以让你死得痛快一点。” This is he does not have first to cut to kill the Lin Chao goal. 这也是他没有第一时间斩杀林朝的目的。 Lin Chao is narrowing the eye, looks to the brocade/bright clothes old man: Made me say, but before then, I want to know, you were not only began to me, but can also begin to my master?” 林朝则眯着眼睛,看向锦衣老者:“让我说可以,不过在这之前,我想知道,你是不是不仅对我动手,还要对我师父动手?” The brocade/bright clothes old man is all smiles. 锦衣老者笑容满面。 He looked at Lin Chao: You, if castrates, recognizes me to be the adoptive father, I could put your life.” 他看了眼林朝:“你若是净身,认我做干爹,我或许可以放你一命。” The Lin Chao vision is complex: When you begin, who begins!” 林朝目光复杂:“你们什么时候动手,谁动手!” He are somewhat anxious. 他内心有些急。 He is afraid, now has begun. 他害怕,如今就已经动手了。 The brocade/bright clothes old man is not anxious, said: Saint bathe day, big glow robber.” 锦衣老者也不急,说道:“圣沐日,大芒盗。” The brocade/bright clothes old man abused power, the side one group of mounted bandits protected. 锦衣老者作威作福惯了,身边又有一群马匪保护。 He does not believe that Lin Chao can turn over/stand up. 他根本不相信林朝能够翻身。 After all, Lin Chao regained consciousness less than one year, literature skill cultivates gold/metal pill to be hard-won, martial arts strong. 毕竟,林朝才苏醒不到一年,文功修炼到金丹已经来之不易了,武功又有多强。 Lin Chao hears this, innermost feelings one tight. 林朝听到这,内心一紧。 Saint bathe day, be only 78 days time must arrive. 圣沐日,只有七八日的时间就要到了。 To hurry back, the time is very tight. 想要赶回去,时间很紧迫。 One minute/share one second cannot delay. 一分一秒都不能耽搁。 He...... hurries back immediately. 他得……立即赶回去。 Otherwise...... 否则…… The brocade/bright clothes old man occupies a commanding position, looks at Lin Chao: Adopted son who how consideration, must be the old man.” 锦衣老者居高临下,看着林朝:“考虑地怎么样,要不要做老夫的干儿子。” Nearby mounted bandit eldest child, then reveals to envy the look. 旁边的马匪老大,则露出羡慕神色。 But this time Lin Chao, in the eye flashed through a ruthless offense look: Was sorry.” 而这时的林朝,眼中闪过一丝狠戾神色:“抱歉了。” In the electric light flint, among his sleeves presents a dagger, the Lin Chao movement is quick, does not give the time that the mounted bandit on the scene responded. 在电光火石之间,他的袖间出现一柄匕首,林朝的动作很快,根本不给在场马匪反应过来的时间。 . 刺啦。 The dagger scratches the next opening on the nape of the neck of brocade/bright clothes old man. 匕首在锦衣老者的脖颈上划下一道口子。 The blood sprays, in the eye pupil of brocade clothes old man reveals the incredible look. 鲜血喷洒,锦衣老者的眼眸中流露出不可置信的神色。 The mounted bandits also responded finally. 马匪们也终于反应过来。 Sir!” “大人!” The mounted bandit eldest child is saying, then raised the broadsword, to Lin Chao in the past. 马匪老大说着,便提起大刀,向林朝噼过去。 Lin Chao grabs the shoulder of brocade clothes old man, throws forward. 林朝抓着锦衣老者的肩膀,向前一抛。 The mounted bandit eldest child sees that receives the blade hastily. 马匪老大见状,连忙收刀。 Lin Chao makes use one at this time is small the broadsword in hand to take away, convenient one, cuts to kill a mounted bandit. 林朝此时则趁势将一位小喽啰手中的大刀夺去,顺手一噼,将一位马匪斩杀。 On the body and face of Lin Chao are the blood, on his delicate face obviously bloody. 林朝的身上和脸上都是鲜血,他清秀的脸上更显血腥。 The mounted bandit eldest child is full of the anger: Kills, kills! Kills!” 马匪老大充满愤怒:“杀,杀!杀!” The Sir dies in his, he must end! 大人死在他这,他要完了! He must cut to kill Xia Yang, such his family member, opportunity of life. 他必须将夏阳斩杀,那样他的家人,才有一丝活命的机会。 Outside the room, dozens mounted bandits hear this, catches up. 屋子外,几十位马匪听到这,也纷纷赶过来。 The mounted bandit who 50 grasp the steel knife, encircles Lin Chao. 五十位手持钢刀的马匪,将林朝团团围住。 Even three military, facing this situation, cannot escape. 即便是三品的武者,面对这种情况,也插翅难逃。 But Lin Chao grasps the steel knife, unhurriedly, meets the enemy. 林朝手持钢刀,不慌不忙,迎战敌人。 In the meantime, knockoff beside, two horses stop the footsteps. 就在此时,山寨之外,两匹马停下脚步。 Put on the female of red clothes to look at surrounded Lin Chao one: Grandfather, that person by mounted bandit sphering, is quite pitiful, can save him?” 穿着红衣的女子看了被包围的林朝一眼:“爷爷,那个人被马匪给围住了,好可怜,要不要救救他?” Side the red clothes female silver-haired old man said with a smile: Marsh tit is the heart is friendly, but how you know that is he feels sorry, has the possibility, he is a greatly deceitfully greatly wicked disciple, are these mounted bandits seeking revenge?” 红衣女子身旁的白发苍苍老者笑道:“小雀儿就是心善,只是你怎么就知道是他可怜,有没有可能,他是一个大奸大恶之徒,那些马匪在寻仇?” Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with old version to pursue book divine tool, old bookworms using trading source App , huanyuanapp.com 【稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源App,huanyuanapp.com】 The red clothes female hears this, nods looking pensive: Right that grandfather said.” 红衣女子听到这,若有所思点了点头:“爷爷说的对。” She is saying, raises the reins, then no longer stay. 她说着,一提缰绳,便不再停留。 In the heart of young girl, then somewhat regretted. 少女的心中,则是有些惋惜。 What a pity that appearance. 可惜了那张好面貌。 Two people ride a horse to depart, only leaves behind dozens mounted bandits to besiege Lin Chao. 二人骑马离去,只留下几十马匪围攻着林朝 In the crowd, the mounted bandit eldest child attacks to Lin Chao, the Lin Chao whole body is the blood, a blade goes. 人群之中,马匪老大向林朝攻去,林朝全身都是血,一刀噼去。 He seems on the knife point dances, a blade dies a mounted bandit. 他好似在刀尖上跳舞,一刀将一位马匪噼死。 The attack of Lin Chao, is full of the artistry, or pursues the lethality. 林朝的攻击,都充满艺术性,或者说追求杀伤力。 After all, he is five military, the physical strength is limited. 毕竟,他才是五品武者,体力有限。 Changes into ordinary five military, in this situation, killing 78 military is very good. 换成普通的五品武者,在这种情况,杀死七八位武者便已经很不错了。 However, the Lin Chao skill, that passed through ten million years disciplining. 但是,林朝的技巧,那是经过了千万年的磨练。 Copes with this group of mounted bandits, his skill is wonderful, can display the far ultra his strength. 对付这群马匪,他的技巧神乎其神,能够发挥出远超他自身的实力。 The hemiprism fragrant time passes by merely, the ground has been lying down more than 20 corpses. 仅仅半柱香时间过去,地上已经躺着二十多具尸体。 On the mounted bandit eldest child face shows the panic-stricken look: Who you...... are you?” 马匪老大脸上露出惊恐神色:“你……你到底是谁?” The strength of opposite party, is inferior to him obviously. 对方的力量,明明不如他。 Speed, is quicker than him. 速度,也比他快一些。 But, their dozens mounted bandits on together, dying is actually they. 可是,他们几十位马匪一起上,死的却是他们。 But opposite party, received some minor wounds merely. 而对方,也仅仅受了些轻伤。
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