TPIOSBHTC :: Volume #13

#1234: In the scene of carnage does not have the life

You can search this protagonist actually exceptionally cautious books pavilion novel net( to search the latest chapter in hundred degrees celsius obviously very much! 您可以在百度里搜索“这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎书海阁小说网(”查找最新章节! Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The loud sound thunders, vibration four directions. 巨响轰鸣,震动四方。 Has king level expert to act, shells king of big Grave not dying. 有王级强者出手,轰击不死之王大墓。 That formation already of king of big Grave protection not dying is damaged, is possibly hit to explode shortly momentarily. 那保护不死之王大墓的阵法已经破败不堪,眼看随时可能被打爆。 Everyone, acts together, hits to explode great array, then your I respectively depending on skill, how.” “各位,一起出手,打爆大阵,然后你我各凭本事,如何。” Has the antique sound to be billowing in secret, spreads over the four directions. 暗中有老古董声音滚滚,传遍四方。 Does not die beside outside the big grave, tens of thousands of cultivator stimulate to movement method immediately respectively. 不死之外大墓外,成千上万修仙者当即各自催动法门 In a twinkling! 霎时间! Everywhere dazzles the light, changes into a piece of radiant Milky Way, the bang to king of big the graveyard not dying. 漫天炫光,化为一片璀璨银河,轰向不死之王大墓所在。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 Buzz! 嗡! king of big Grave that not dying protects formation to shiver, immediately from exploding. 不死之王大墓那保护阵法颤动,当即自爆开来。 Bang...... 轰…… The tyrannical incomparable shock-wave wreaked havoc at the scene, blocked that radiant Milky Way forcefully. 强横无比的冲击波肆虐当场,硬生生挡住了那璀璨银河。 Meanwhile. 同时。 This strength was not weaken, howls is killing to everyone. 这股力量仍不减弱,呼啸着杀向所有人。 Bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭…… Bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭…… Bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭…… Because several hundred cultivator are unable to withstand this strength, was hit to explode at the scene, changes into the blood fog. 数百修仙者因为无法承受这种力量,当场被打爆,化为血雾。 Snort! One crowd of trash, dare to rush to king of big Grave my not dying, the death!” “哼!一群垃圾,敢闯我不死之王大墓,死!” Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… The five elements god will have at the scene. 五行神将出现场中。 They wear battle armor, grasps to fight the lance, just like the gods, falls is on site. 他们身披战甲,手持战矛,宛若神明般,降临场中。 Terrifying dreadful spirit pressure release, only five people, shock and awe crowd of immortals. 恐怖滔天的灵压释放,单凭五人,震慑群仙。 „The five elements god, your five fellows really will be scary!” 五行神将,你们五个家伙还真是会唬人啊!” Some people open the mouth in secret, making one unable to find out its are. 暗中有人开口,叫人摸不清其所在。 five elements god, if in Immemorial, you five strengths is indeed fearful, making one dread, but now, your strengths only then the Son of Heaven boundary, only has you of Son of Heaven boundary, feared that does not have that qualifications threat crowd of immortals!” 五行神将,若在上古,你们五个的实力的确可怕,让人忌惮,但是如今,你们的实力只有天王境,仅有天王境的你们,怕是没有那个资格威胁群仙啊!” Said does not have the mistake, everyone, do not dread them, their already was not once five legends, the only five Son of Heaven boundaries, cut their five merely, attacked into king of big Grave not dying, in this, was some innumerable valuable rarities!” “说的没有错,各位,不要畏惧他们,他们已经不是曾经的五位传说,仅仅只是五个天王境而已,斩了他们五个,攻打入不死之王大墓,这里面,可是有无数稀世珍宝啊!” Person in secret is very bad, said a word, sounded inviting. 暗中之人很坏,如此言语,听上去充满诱惑。 This is Divine Ability, tempts crowd of immortals to act, attacks king of big Grave not dying. 这是一种神通,引诱群仙出手,攻打不死之王大墓。 Courts death!” “找死!” The fire god the violent anger, wanting to make a move, extinguishes kills crowd of immortals. 火神将暴怒,欲要出手,灭杀群仙。 Fire god, urging you this!” “火神将,劝你不要这样做!” Some people open the mouth to remind. 有人开口提醒。 Here, although is tomb of the immortal, one of the Seven Great Danger Zones, but here similarly is Eastern Territory, has the custom, if you broke the custom, Eastern Territory four old will tidy up you.” “这里虽然是仙之墓,七大绝地之一,但这里同样是东域,有规矩在,你若破了规矩,东域四老自会收拾你。” Has such limit, will immediately make the fire god quite uncomfortable. 有如此限制,当即让火神将相当不爽。 Good! Since there is this custom, you then leave behind the life!” “好啊!既然有这规矩,那你便是留下性命吧!” The fire god moves the figure, changes into one group of roaring flame, charges into is at void. 火神将身形一动,化为一团烈焰,冲向虚空所在。 Next second! 下一秒! „......” “啊……” Has the pain to shout transmits. 有痛苦嘶吼传来。 Fire god, can it be that you think I really feared you are inadequate, suffer to death!” “火神将,你莫不是以为我真怕了你不成,受死吧!” Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Originally jet black sky, immediately like blood roaring flame exaggeration. 原本漆黑的天空,顿时被如鲜血般的烈焰渲染。 In giving blood under shine of sky, king of big Grave heaven and earth hell not dying seems to be fearful. 在献血般天空的映照下,不死之王大墓这片天地仿佛地狱般可怕。 On everyone's face is the dark red ray. 所有人的脸上皆是暗红色的光芒。 Artificial wealth dead birds die in pursuit of food, your my chance at present, kills!” “人为财死鸟为食亡,你我机缘就在眼前,杀!” Some people lead all these, issues the command. 有人主导这一切,发出号令。 Kills...... 杀杀杀…… Kills...... 杀杀杀…… Kills...... 杀杀杀…… The group immortal acts, kills to king of big Grave not dying. 群仙出手,杀向不死之王大墓。 Meanwhile. 同时。 king of big in Grave not dying has not the dead regiment to appear. 不死之王大墓之中有不死军团出现。 The strength of this not dead regiment is quite powerful, in the past created to Zheng Tuo greatly is very troublesome. 这不死军团的实力极为强大,当年可是给郑拓造成很大麻烦。 Now the regiment is resurrecting. 如今军团在复活。 They wear black armor, the vision ice-cold, one by one just like god of death. 他们身穿黑甲,目光冰冷,一个个宛若死神。 Treads...... 踏踏踏…… Treads...... 踏踏踏…… Treads...... 踏踏踏…… They are stepping the uniform footsteps, kills step by step to the group immortal. 他们迈着整齐划一的脚步,一步一步杀向群仙。 both sides touch, launches the life and death war instantaneously. 双方触碰,瞬间展开生死大战。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Divine Ability to the bang, magical treasure puts on spatially. 神通对轰,法宝穿空。 king of big Grave entire not dying, changes into the scene of carnage thoroughly. 整个不死之王大墓,彻底化为修罗场。 Looks from afar, the entire scene is chaotic, intense. 远远看去,整个场面混乱无比,激烈非常。 The scene of carnage, does not have the life. 修罗场,无生灵。 At this moment in people who this scene of carnage fights, already loses the reason thoroughly. 此刻在这修罗场战斗的人们,已经彻底失去理智。 During everyone all falls into is crazy, they were swallowed by the desire, launch life and death preying, irreconcilable until death. 所有人皆陷入疯狂之中,他们被欲望所吞噬,展开生死搏杀,不死不休 The blood incarnadine land, the skeleton changes into the muddy flesh, wept and wailed the sound, shouted the sound, continuously. 鲜血染红大地,尸骨化为肉泥,哭喊声,嘶吼声,此起彼伏。 Desire, is really a terrible thing!” “欲望,真是一种可怕的东西啊!” Old codger standing high, is looking at the scene of carnage in distant place, does not have any fluctuation. 老不死站立高位,望着远处的修罗场,没有任何波动。 He experiences must also fight compared with this brutally. 他见识过比这还要残酷的战斗。 In that fight, most weak one is the king level, the legend just like the ants, the demigod falls from the sky innumerably. 在那场战斗中,最弱者为王级,传说宛若蝼蚁,半仙陨落无数。 The old codgers have no mood to fluctuate, not god of death, he seemingly has to be shocked actually. 老不死没有任何情绪波动,倒是不死神,他看上去有被震撼到。 He is very young, although by the seal, is waked up now. 他还很年轻,虽被封印,如今醒来。 It can be said. 可以说。 He without surface and the others is person with the generation. 他与无面等人是同代之人。 He has not seen the old codger has seen the unrivalled war. 他不曾见过老不死见过的旷世大战。 Now at this moment he sees this such as Asura hell scene, how can not be shocked. 如今此刻他看到这如修罗地狱般的场景,如何能不被震撼。 Each cultivator is unique existence, they are unique, become the highest of all creatures. 每一位修仙者都是独一无二的存在,他们超脱凡俗,成为万物之灵。 However at this moment. 但是此刻。 They actually like worthless, large expanse of Large expanse was cut to kill. 他们却如草芥般,成片成片被斩杀。 So scene, stirring, making not god of death dao heart shiver, has not the steady sign unexpectedly. 如此景象,震撼人心,让不死神道心颤动,竟有不稳迹象。 Not god of death, you must remember, the life life and death, all has Heavenly Dao, what is Heavenly Dao, the life and death circulation, is Heavenly Dao, since birth then had, had since birth, this was Grand Dao, therefore those images and scenes, cannot vacillated dao heart.” “不死神,你要记住,生灵生死,皆有天道,何为天道,生死循环,既为天道,有生便有死,有死才有生,这是大道,所以此情此景,莫要动摇道心。” disciple understands!” “徒儿明白!” Not god of death slight nod. 不死神微微点头。 The life and death is Grand Dao. 生死为大道 Had since birth, if everyone all lived not dead, this world messes up. 有死才有生,若人人皆生而不死,这世界岂不是乱了套。 But those images and scenes, are really stirring, lets his state of mind difficult draw, has the vacillation. 只不过此情此景,着实震撼人心,让他心绪难平,多有动摇。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The tactical situation is intense, wreaks havoc eight laws. 战况激烈,肆虐八法。 Old codger, didn't expect so many years you is actually also living!” “老不死,没想到这么多年你竟然还活着!” Has the sound to transmit, said. 有声音传来,如此说道。 Hehe...... you have not died, my what discussed that departs.” “呵呵呵……你都没有死,我何谈离去。” The old codgers responded, looked quite relaxed. 老不死如此回应,看上去相当轻松。 Also good, since you are also living, then hands over not dead Holy Bible.” “也好,既然你还活着,便是交出不死圣经吧。” „Not dead Holy Bible is the thing of my lord, I do not have the qualifications to give anybody!” “不死圣经乃我主之物,我可是没有资格给任何人!” Old codger, your cannot thinks that I do not know, the death of king of not dying has the greatest relations with you, urging you to hand over not dead Holy Bible, otherwise today was your day of old codger body dying.” “老不死,你莫要以为我不知道,不死之王之死与你有莫大关系,劝你交出不死圣经,不然今日便是你老不死身死之日。” That sound cold severe, resembles to say a dense hard in secret. 暗中那声音十分冷厉,似道出一则密辛。 Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” The old codger chuckle makes noise. 老不死轻笑出声。 Gossip should still, only didn't expect say from your mouth, in the past you were also unparalleled character, now looks like, the years left behind the stain above your dao heart eventually, making you turn into now so the appearance.” “流言蜚语应犹在,只是没想到会从你口中说出,当年你也是一位盖世人物,如今看来,岁月终究在你道心之上留下污痕,让你变成如今这般模样。” Ha haha...... the old codger, you deceived this not god of death baby also even, you thought that you can deceive me to be inadequate.” “哈哈哈……老不死,你蒙骗蒙骗这不死神小娃娃也就算了,你觉得你能蒙骗过我不成。” That sound as if knows many things. 那声音似乎知道很多事。 Not god of death, your Master is not the good thing, must listen to the past story!” “不死神,你这位师父可不是什么好东西,要不要听听当年的故事啊!” That sound sounds is obviously sowing dissension, but why not god of death does not know, in the heart moves, some unexpectedly inexplicable feelings, making him have the hesitation much. 那声音听上去明显在挑拨离间,但是不死神不知为何,心中一动,竟有中莫名的感觉,让他多有犹豫。 Hehe...... your old fox, coordinates good of method actually utilization to the scheme, comes, making me have a look, whether your method these years have the progress directly much.” “呵呵呵……你这老狐狸,离心计配合法门倒是运用的不错,来来来,让我看看,你正面手段这些年是否多有长进。” The old codgers make a move directly, kill to the old fox. 老不死直接出手,杀向老狐狸。 The two launch the fierce combat immediately. 二者当即展开激战。 Reviews not god of death. 反观不死神。 He looks at the two to fight at this moment looking pensive, does not know that in dao heart is thinking anything. 他此刻望着二者战斗若有所思,不知道心中在想些什么。这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎最新章节地址: : 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎全文阅读地址: 这个主角明明很强却异常谨慎txt下载地址: 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