TPW :: Volume #10

#966: Big reversal

Bang! 轰隆! A Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound. 一声惊天动地的巨响。 In valley, red gold/metal two color rays of light often high and low flutter, from time to time interwines, crazy each other dashing, raises intermittent wild incomparable air current, sweeps across entire valley. 山谷之中,一红一金两色光芒不时上下翻飞,时而交织在一起,疯狂的彼此冲撞,掀起一阵阵狂暴无比的气流,席卷整个山谷 The place visited, the mountain peak cracks, the river valley levels, the strong winds wreak havoc, the eye does not regard the thing. 所过之处,山峰崩裂,河谷填平,狂风肆虐,目不视物。 Zhao Jian and the others quickly fly midair, gives way to traffic by far, in the eye full is the panic-stricken color. 赵戬等人急忙飞到半空,远远避让开来,目中满是惊骇之色。 Interweaves the dashing two color rays of light deep places, the Shi Mu red flame domain shivers immediately fiercely, appearance that then must be defeated and dispersed shortly. 交织冲撞的两色光芒深处,石牧的赤色火焰领域顿时剧烈颤抖,眼看便要溃散的样子。 However on his face does not have the flustered color, both eyes golden light to rise, body bang, emerges the innumerable golden flame. 不过他脸上却丝毫没有慌张之色,双目金光一涨,身上轰的一下,也涌现出无数金色火焰。 The these golden color flame and Huo Tu immortal the golden flame will be different, lends a noble aura. 这些金色火焰和火涂仙将的金色火焰不同,散发出一种高贵的气息。 In the Shi Mu mouth mumbled, two brandished like the wing in the both sides, brings a series of afterimage, after a golden flame turbulent tumbling, immediately gathers one, condensed giant hot phoenix shadow. 石牧口中念念有词,两手在两侧如羽翼般挥舞,带着一连串残影,金色火焰一阵汹涌翻滚后,立刻汇聚到了一起,凝聚成一头巨大火凤虚影 Hot phoenix shadow sends out a simple and beautiful long cry, flutters to swoop, hit with Huo Tu golden Sun shadow in one. 火凤虚影发出一声清丽长鸣,振翅飞扑而出,和火涂的金色太阳虚影撞在了一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Solar shadow the strenuous vibration, the superficial burning hot rays of light distortion trembles immediately, jumps projects golden flames, the enemy not overdone phoenix shadow might, then must disrupt unexpectedly shortly. 太阳虚影立刻剧烈震动,表面炙热光芒扭曲震颤,迸射出一道道金色火光,竟敌不过火凤虚影的威力,眼看便要碎裂开来。 This is...... the Nirvana phoenix flame! Was fused by you unexpectedly......! Shi Mu, I want you dead!” Huo Tu sees with own eyes this scenery, on the face twists immediately, gives out crazy angry roaring. “这是……涅槃凤焰!竟然被你融合了……啊!石牧,我要你死!”火涂眼见此景,脸上顿时扭曲,发出疯狂的怒吼。 Alliance Leader Shi!” On Zhao Zhuming face also reveals shocking expression, looked that is somewhat complex to the Shi Mu look. 石盟主!”赵朱明脸上也露出震惊的神色,看向石牧的眼神有些复杂。 „The following war, I am unable to care about you, you two first leave here.” Shi Mu says, the shoulder shakes, sends out a gentle strength, accompanied a long way Zhao Zhuming and Cai'er. “接下来的大战,我无法顾及你们,你们两个先离开这里。”石牧开口说道,肩膀一抖,发出一股柔和力道,将赵朱明和彩儿远远送了出去。 Afterward its intention moved, receives the flame domain, looked toward Huo Tu. 随后其心念一动,收起了火焰领域,朝着火涂看去。 This domain too consumes True Qi, but now the opponent the Heavenly Court immortal Huo Tu, is strength powerful incomparable God Realm Middle Stage exists, he does not dare to have tiny bit neglecting. 这个领域实在太消耗真气,如今对手可是天庭仙将火涂,同样是一名实力强大无比的神境中期存在,他不敢有一丝一毫的怠慢。 Huo Tu at this moment has lost previous self-poise, both eyes such as wanted to torch, two like wheel formed hand seals, whole body flame hold, in the flame appear greatly faintly giant hot bird queer bird shadow. 此刻的火涂早已失去了先前的镇定自若,双目如欲喷火,两手如车轮般掐诀,全身火焰大盛,火光中隐隐浮现出一只巨大火禽怪鸟虚影 This queer bird some taking the form of phoenixes, under the body grew three feet impressively, the whole body were twining the golden flame, both eyes faintly somewhat blood red, a vicious cruel feeling. 这怪鸟有些形似凤凰,身下赫然长了三足,周身缠绕着金色火焰,双目隐隐有些血红,给人一种凶狠残暴的感觉。 Roar!” “吼!” In the Huo Tu mouth angrily roars, two brandish, queer bird shadow flies to shoot, flashed flew into golden Sun shadow. 火涂口中怒吼,两手挥舞,怪鸟虚影飞射而出,一闪飞入了金色太阳虚影中。 Golden Sun shadow stabilized immediately, and change, changes into huge incomparable golden three full queer birds fast quickly. 金色太阳虚影顿时稳定了下来,并且飞快变化,很快化为一头巨大无比的金色三足怪鸟。 The fearsome pressure sends out from three full queer birds, already exceeded the God Realm Middle Stage level impressively, achieved in the hearsay faintly God Realm Late Stage Realm. 可怖的威压从三足怪鸟身上散发而出,赫然已经超过了神境中期的层次,隐隐达到了传闻中神境后期境界 boy Shi, careful, this is antique ominous beast Three Legged Golden Crow! The fellow of this red clothes was also an origin big antiquity Monster Race descendant, perhaps within the body had quite pure Three Legged Golden Crow bloodlines. No wonder he wants the Nirvana phoenix flame, so long as swallowed the Nirvana phoenix flame, then can stimulate the Three Legged Golden Crow bloodlines thoroughly, even evolves the fourth foot Three Legged Golden Crow, when the time comes breakthrough this barrier, flies upwards the upper boundary, is not not possible.” Sound resounding of suddenly Shui Lingzi, dignified incomparable. 石小子,小心一点,这是太古凶兽三足金乌!这个红衣服的家伙也是一名来历不小的上古妖族后裔,恐怕体内就拥有颇为精纯的三足金乌血脉。难怪他想要得到涅槃凤焰,只要吞噬了涅槃凤焰,便能彻底激发三足金乌血脉,甚至将三足金乌进化出第四足,到时候突破这一界的屏障,飞升到上界,也不是不可能。”水灵子的声音忽的响起,凝重无比。 Shi Mu hears this words, complexion changes. 石牧听闻此话,脸色微变。 In the meantime, three full queer bird both wings exhibitions, the figure changes into gold/metal rainbow flying to shoot fiercely together, hit with hot phoenix shadow in one. 就在此时,三足怪鸟双翅猛地一展,身形化为一道金虹的飞射而出,和火凤虚影撞在了一起。 Three full queer bird three giant claw fly high suddenly wield, three foot thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge golden color claw shades appear baseless, grasps ruthlessly on hot phoenix shadow. 三足怪鸟三只巨大爪子猛然凌空一挥,三道足千丈长的巨大金色爪影凭空浮现而出,狠狠抓在火凤虚影身上。 Bang “轰” Hot phoenix shadow was hit hard by this, immediately was flown by a bang more than ten li (0.5 km). 火凤虚影遭此重击,顿时被一下轰飞了十几里。 Shi Mu complexion changes, flying that control hot phoenix shadow, among the strength in within the body flame does not allow to send hastily with rapt attention shoots, integrates in hot phoenix shadow. 石牧脸色一变,连忙凝神操控火凤虚影,体内一道道火焰之力间不容发的飞射而出,融入火凤虚影中。 Hot phoenix shadow whole body Raging Flames rises, immediately stands firm the figure, the figure also solidified, the pressure of sending out increases successively. 火凤虚影周身烈焰一涨,立刻稳住身形,身形也随之凝固了很多,散发的威压更是节节攀升。 “噗”“噗” Its big mouth, spouts several hundred house sizes golden Fireball, each Fireball sends out the intense principle fluctuation, brings a long hot tail, just like the meteor shower is ordinary, rapid incomparable hits ruthlessly, in swooped on Three Legged Golden Crow that comes. 它大口一张,喷出数百个房屋大小的金色火球,每一个火球都散发出强烈的法则波动,带着一条长长的火尾,犹如流星雨一般,迅疾无比的狠狠打在了飞扑而来的三足金乌身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! these golden color Fireball one explodes, changes into the billowing golden hot wave, immediately shook Three Legged Golden Crow drew back several steps. 这些金色火球一下爆裂开来,化为滚滚金色火浪,顿时将三足金乌震退了几步。 The hot phoenix shadow both eyes flame flashes, sends out a long cry, turned over/stood up spells to fight to slaughter with that Three Legged Golden Crow in one. 火凤虚影双目火光一闪,发出一声长鸣,翻身和那三足金乌拼斗厮杀在了一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Complementary waves four dispersions shoot, the place visited, valley nearby mountain peak paper sticks general, easily rumble the collapse, changes into the innumerable crushed stones, in an instant nearby valley was razed to the ground, the terrain was completely changed. 一道道余波四散飞射,所过之处,山谷附近的山峰纸糊一般,轻易轰隆隆倒塌,化为无数碎石,转眼间山谷附近被夷为平地,地形被彻底改变。 Zhao Jian and the others flew hastily again far, Cai'er and Zhao Zhuming also withdrew hastily, so as to avoid being affected. 赵戬等人连忙再次飞远了一些,彩儿和赵朱明也连忙后撤,免得被波及。 Although Shi Mu fused the Nirvana phoenix flame, but his within the body genuine Heavenly Phoenix bloodlines, are unable to display the Nirvana phoenix flame completely the might. 石牧虽然融合了涅槃凤焰,但是他体内并没有真正的天凤血脉,无法完全发挥出涅槃凤焰的威力。 Hot phoenix shadow falls quickly leeward, compelled unceasing retreat, the body was held several huge scars, is seemingly in an extremely difficult situation. 火凤虚影很快落入下风,被逼的不断后退,身上被抓住了几道巨大伤痕,看起来狼狈不堪。 Shi Mu sees with own eyes this scenery, complexion sinks gradually, but in heart not flustered. 石牧眼见此景,脸色渐沉,不过心中并未慌张。 Shi Mu, you, although obtained the Nirvana phoenix flame, how many might but can you play its? Snort! Killed you, I same can living extract this phoenix flame from you!” Huo Tu sneers again and again, two brandish, makes together the daoist magic secret art. 石牧,你虽然得到了涅槃凤焰,不过你能发挥出它多少威力?哼!杀了你,我一样能从你身上活生生将此凤焰抽取出来!”火涂冷笑连连,两手挥舞,打出一道道法诀。 Three Legged Golden Crow golden color flame turns wells up, the build continues to inflate faintly, lends more and more powerful aura, suppresses hot phoenix shadow stubbornly. 三足金乌身上金色火焰翻涌,体型隐隐继续膨胀,散发出越来越强大的气息,将火凤虚影死死压制。 Occupied some winning sides, then thinks oneself won, Heavenly Court immortal also no more than so.” Shi Mu cold snort/hum, in the mouth mumbled, two wielded. “才占了些上风,便认为自己赢了,天庭仙将也不过如此。”石牧冷哼一声,口中念念有词,两手一挥。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! 12 red rays of light depart from him, impressively is 12 profound hot streamers. 十二道赤色光芒从他身上飞出,赫然正是十二面玄火幡。 In his hand formed hand seals, 12 profound hot streamers bloom to make a debut to say rays of light fast immediately, sends out the remarkable spiritual power fluctuation. 他手中飞快掐诀,十二面玄火幡立刻绽放出道道光芒,散发出惊人的灵力波动。 Shi Mu directs, 12 profound hot streamers shot up to the sky, submerged in the cloud layer of sky, was missing. 石牧一指点出,十二面玄火幡冲天而起,没入了天空的云层之中,不见了踪影。 Huo Tu sees with own eyes this scenery, complexion slightly changes, in the heart raises not a good premonition. 火涂眼见此景,脸色微微一变,心中升起一丝不好的预感。 He turns the head fiercely, looks to another side, still in Three Legged Golden Crow and golden hot phoenix situated in fierce struggle, the corner of the eye twitched slightly. 他猛地转头,看向另一边,尚处于激斗中的三足金乌和金色火凤,眼角微微抽搐一下。 Although the golden hot phoenix retreats in defeat again and again, but wants to rout completely, but also requires a lot of time. 金色火凤虽然节节败退,但是想要完全击溃,还需要不少时间。 Damn!” “该死!” In the Huo Tu eye one anxiously, clenches teeth fiercely, in the mouth mumbled, the opens the mouth spouted a blood, changed into together bloody glow, integrated midair Three Legged Golden Crow within the body. 火涂眼中一急,猛地咬牙,口中念念有词,张口喷出一口鲜血,化为一道血光,融入了半空三足金乌体内。 Meanwhile, his forehead golden light flashes, departs together clear golden light, submerges Three Legged Golden Crow within the body. 与此同时,他眉心金光一闪,飞出一道晶莹金光,也没入三足金乌体内。 Huo Tu completes these white, complexion slightly one. 火涂做完这些,脸色微微一白。 Three Legged Golden Crow whole body golden light puts suddenly greatly, the body became concentrates immediately, almost changed into the entity, power and influence greatly hold. 三足金乌全身陡然金光大放,身体顿时变得凝实了许多,几乎化为了实体,威势大盛。 Especially in its, faintly many an appearance, as if many some spirit wisdom were ordinary. 尤其是其眼中,隐隐多了一丝神采,似乎多了些许灵智一般。 Three Legged Golden Crow body flame hold, a wild strength erupts suddenly greatly from his body, toward sweeps across in all directions. 三足金乌身躯陡然火光大盛,一股狂暴之极的力量从其身上爆发开来,朝四面八方席卷开去。 The golden hot phoenix one was shaken to fly by this invisible strength. 金色火凤一下被这股无形力量震飞了出去。 A Three Legged Golden Crow both wings show/unfolds, the body swoops, is not steady while the golden hot phoenix figure, three sharp claws stretch out like lightning, impressively one body that held the golden hot phoenix, 三足金乌双翅一展,身躯飞扑而出,趁着金色火凤身形不稳,三只利爪如闪电般伸出,赫然一下抓住了金色火凤的身体, Three Legged Golden Crow face upwards to exude soaring neighing that punctures the sky, whole body golden light hold, three sharp claws rip greatly ruthlessly outward. 三足金乌仰天发出一声刺破天空的高昂嘶鸣,全身金光大盛,三只利爪狠狠朝外一撕。 Scoff! 嗤! The body of golden hot phoenix is unexpectedly living to be torn by one, is divided into three sections, immediately the flame neglects, bang explodes, changes into everywhere golden color flame, sprinkles like rain. 金色火凤的身体竟活生生被一下撕裂开来,分成三截,随即火光一闪下,“轰”的一声爆裂开来,化为漫天金色火焰,如雨般洒落。 Shi Mu sees with own eyes this scenery, is only a brow wrinkle, along with even puts aside the vision, in the mouth read aloud fast recites the incantation, both hands made daoist magic to decide toward the sky together. 石牧眼见此景,只是眉头一皱,随即便移开目光,口中飞快诵念咒语,双手朝着天空打出一道道法决。 The Nirvana phoenix flame that everywhere explodes just like receives some strength trend, gathers in together, sweeps across rolling, melts Shi Mu within the body. 漫天爆裂的涅槃凤焰犹如受到某种力量趋势,纷纷汇聚在一起,滚滚席卷而下,自行融石牧体内。 His behind golden light flashes, appears again hot phoenix shadow, but only has a people to be small, as more and more Nirvana phoenix flame flies to shoot, hot phoenix shadow also rises fast in a big way. 身后金光一闪,再次浮现出一个火凤虚影,不过只有一人大小,但是随着越来越多涅槃凤焰飞射而下,火凤虚影也随之飞快涨大。 The Huo Tu vision coldly looks at Shi Mu, in the eye the Yin severe color flashes, waves to make daoist magic to decide. 火涂目光冷冷的看着石牧,眼中阴厉之色一闪,挥手打出一道法决。 Three Legged Golden Crow flutters to fly, the huge body swoops to go toward Shi Mu. 三足金乌振翅飞起,巨大身躯朝着石牧飞扑而去。 At this moment, the mutation lives suddenly! 就在此刻,异变突生! The sky cloud layer tumbles suddenly fiercely, dazzling red light split from inside projects presently, as if innumerable fiery red sharp swords are common, making one is unable to look straight ahead. 天空云层陡然剧烈翻滚,一道道刺目红光从里面绽现射出,仿佛无数火红利剑一般,令人无法直视。 Bang! 轰隆的一声! The thick incomparable red column of flame drops from the clouds together, keeps off before the Shi Mu body. 一道粗大无比的赤色火柱从天而降,挡在石牧身前。 In the column of flame, can see at the same time the giant hot streamer indistinctly. 火柱之中,隐约能看到一面巨大火幡。 Because Three Legged Golden Crow the speed is too fast, receives the hand less, hit on the red column of flame, sent out a huge dull thumping sound! 三足金乌由于速度太快,收手不及,一头撞在了赤色火柱上,发出一声巨大闷响! The column of flame shakes slightly, safe and sound, but Three Legged Golden Crow was actually shaken drew back far away, the huge body staggered, fanned several wings then to stand firm again and again. 火柱微微一震,安然无恙,但是三足金乌却被震退了老远,庞大身体踉跄了一下,连连扇动了几下翅膀这才稳住。 Huo Tu sees with own eyes this scenery, complexion in vain changes. 火涂眼见此景,脸色徒然一变。 But not and makes the action, the mutation regeneration! 但未及其作出举动,异变再生! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The red column of flame drops from the clouds then together, 12, compose a flame basket impressively, covered Huo Tu and Three Legged Golden Crow in inside. 一道接着一道赤色火柱从天而降,赫然共有十二道,组成一个火焰笼子,将火涂三足金乌笼罩在了里面。 In each column of flame, can see the giant hot streamer, the superficial spirit mark flickers at the same time, the Raging Flames winding, the tumbling continuous, the imposing manner is all around dreadful. 每个火柱中,都能看到一面巨大火幡,表面灵纹忽明忽暗,周遭烈焰缠绕,翻滚不休,气势滔天。 Almost is at the same time, the Shi Mu figure flashed, departed in the flame shackles, complexion was solemn and respectful, in the mouth mumbled fast, made daoist magic to decide together. 几乎是同一时间,石牧身形一闪,飞出了火焰牢笼之中,面色肃穆,口中飞快念念有词,打出一道道法决。 Bang! 轰隆! 12 column of flame flame hold, raise the big piece red hot wave suddenly greatly, the flame is intermittent, submerged the vision institute and all. 十二根火柱火焰陡然大盛,掀起大片赤色火浪,火光阵阵,淹没了目光所及的一切。 Huo Tu a flower, body top-heavy, whole person already appears in one at present floods the flame everywhere the burning hot world. 火涂眼前一花,身体一阵头重脚轻,整个人已经出现在一个到处充斥火焰的炙热世界。 Looking into the distance, everywhere is the red flame of tumbling, the burning hot incomparable hot wave is intermittent, blots out the sky, does not have slightly the surplus spaces. 放眼望去,到处都是翻滚的赤色火焰,炙热无比的火浪阵阵,铺天盖地,没有丝毫剩余的空间。 A series of changes like bold, in a twinkling came a big reversal the situation, simply has not given him slightly the response time. 一连串的变化如兔起鹘落般,霎时间将现场局势来了个大逆转,根本没有给他丝毫反应的时间。 ............ ………… Recommends good friend stone octopus new book «for Day Group Robber» 推荐好友石章鱼新书《替天行盗》 The awaking palm world power, the sprawling drunk beautiful woman knee, in 5000 the grace and talent misty rain, the right and wrong success or failure turns the head spatially! 醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝,五千年风华烟雨,是非成败转头空!
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