TPW :: Volume #10

#960: The enemy of fate

Since you have pledged allegiance to Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will protect you to be complete.” Huo Tu says, the vision has not actually left Shi Mu. “既然你已归顺天庭,天庭自会护你周全。”火涂开口说道,目光却始终没有离开石牧 His surface is tranquil, in the heart actually shocks. 他表面平静,心中却震惊不已。 Just Shi Mu can shake his Ninth Heaven Profound Stars Veil with strength of the fist unexpectedly . Moreover the rapidness of speed, some of his hearts were even startled. 刚刚石牧竟能用一拳之力撼动他的九天玄罡罩,而且速度之快,连他都有些心惊。 The Huo Tu intention like the electricity, in the mouth the incantation sound resounds again, two brandish, makes together the daoist magic secret art. 火涂心念如电,口中咒语声再次响起,两手挥舞,打出一道道法诀。 These beast shadow rays of light in domain put greatly, bang, golden Fire Dragon and a golden python depart from the domain impressively, under flashes rises suddenly ten times, the giant beast that changes into two hundred zhang (333 m) sizes, throws toward Shi Mu. 领域内的那些兽影光芒大放,“轰”的一声,一头金色火龙和一条金色巨蟒赫然从领域中飞出,一闪之下暴涨十倍,化为两头百丈大小的巨兽,朝着石牧扑去。 Fearsome pressure that two giant beasts send out, act is unexpectedly ordinary like two God Realm simultaneously. 两头巨兽散发出的可怖威压,竟如同两名神境同时出手一般。 Shi Mu complexion concentrates, in the hand formed hand seals, body surface white light puts fast greatly, appears white monkey wools. 石牧脸色一凝,手中飞快掐诀,体表白光大放,浮现出一根根白色猴毛。 The innumerable spirit marks also appeared in the body surface, dense and numerous crawl completely the body. 无数灵纹也出现在体表,密密麻麻爬满了身体。 The body one inflates suddenly, rises fast in a big way, under innumerable rune wind around changes into one about thousand zhang (3.33 m) white Giant Ape in a flash, as if antique demon god is common. 其身躯猛然一下膨胀而起,飞快涨大,在无数符文缭绕下转瞬间化为一尊千丈左右的白色巨猿,仿佛太古魔神一般。 Fearsome strengths spout from the White Ape pore, although has not made anything, but nearby void then shivers fiercely, almost then must disrupt to cave. 一股股可怖力量从白猿毛孔中喷出,虽然还没做什么,但附近的虚空便剧烈颤抖,几乎便要碎裂塌陷。 Huo Tu sees with own eyes this scenery, the pupil shrinks slightly. 火涂眼见此景,瞳孔微微一缩。 Shi Mu is feeling the strength of Giant Ape body implication, compared with beforehand big several times, in the heart was pleasantly surprised. 石牧感受着巨猿身躯蕴含的力量,比以前大了数倍,心中又惊又喜。 Is reason that because my physical body Realm progresses by leaps and bounds......” in his heart secretly thought. “难道是因为我的肉体境界突飞猛进的缘故……”他心中暗道。 Does not wait for him to think, before two golden giant beast already swooped the body . 不等他多想,两头金色巨兽已经飞扑到了身前。 Shi Mu cold snort/hum, palm, golden light flashes, a huge incomparable golden long stick appears in his hands, sends out ten thousand golden light. 石牧冷哼一声,手掌一张,金光一闪,一根巨大无比的金色长棍出现在其手中,散发出万道金光 The white Giant Ape arm wields suddenly, sweeps away Heaven Shattering Staff. 白色巨猿手臂猛然一挥,将翻天棍横扫而出。 Buzz! 嗡! Innumerable golden light appear from Heaven Shattering Staff, gathers hysterical/frenzy incomparable golden color storm, submerges two golden giant beasts in inside. 无数金光翻天棍中浮现,汇聚成一股狂乱无比的金色风暴,将两头金色巨兽淹没在里面。 Bang bang two bangs, two golden giant beasts were struck to fly by a stick impressively “砰砰”两声巨响,两头金色巨兽赫然被一棍击飞了出去 The white Giant Ape figure moves, throws toward Huo Tu, in the hand Heaven Shattering Staff under wields loudly, carries the inexhaustible fearsome great strength, pounded ruthlessly above the golden domain. 白色巨猿身形一动,朝着火涂扑去,手中翻天棍轰然下挥,携带无穷无尽的可怖巨力,狠狠砸在了金色领域之上。 The golden domain shivers fiercely, inside golden flame vibrated fiercely, inside three people of bodies shake suddenly, strength weakest Bai Hong, the body shakes fiercely, spouts a blood directly. 金色领域剧烈颤抖,里面的金色火焰剧烈抖动了一下,里面的三人身体猛然一抖,实力最弱的白洪,身躯猛地一震,直接喷出一口鲜血。 In the white Giant Ape eye the ominous light flashes, the arm moves, suddenly becomes slurred. 白色巨猿眼中凶光一闪,手臂一动,陡然变得模糊不清。 the next moment, thick incomparable golden stick shadow alternate reappearing indistinctly, such as the violent storm howls, pounds in the golden domain. 下一刻,一道道粗大无比的金色棍影影影绰绰的交替浮现,如狂风暴雨般呼啸而出,砸在金色领域上。 Bang “轰” The golden flame domain shivers fiercely, as if the boat in storm, possibly disrupts momentarily, but can insist reluctantly. 金色火焰领域剧烈颤抖,仿佛暴风雨中的小船,随时可能碎裂,不过偏偏又能勉强坚持住。 Although the domain can still insist, but places person, actually not necessarily cannot withstand. 领域虽然尚能坚持,但身处其中之人,却未必承受得住。 The fearsome strength that are unable to explain infiltrates in the domain directly, falls on Huo Tu, Bai Pi and Bai Hong. 一道道无法言喻的可怖力量直接渗透进领域中,落在火涂白丕白洪身上。 Bai Hong eyes has turned the white stupor in the past, although Bai Pi can still insist, but complexion is very unattractive. 白洪早已双眼一翻白的昏迷了过去,白丕虽尚能坚持,但脸色却很不好看。 Huo Tu cold snort/hum, raises single-handed, makes a daoist magic secret art. 火涂冷哼一声,单手一扬,打出一道法诀。 Bang, the golden domain is defeated and dispersed. “嘭”的一声,金色领域溃散开来。 The instance that the domain vanishes, one group of azure light depart from inside, toward distant place rapid incomparable goes, almost in then left the white Giant Ape attack range instantaneously by far. 领域消失的瞬间,一团青光从里面飞出,朝着远处迅疾无比的而去,几乎在瞬间便远远离开了白色巨猿的攻击范围。 That two were struck the gold/metal flame giant beast that flies to swoop to return from the distant place at this moment, but is also defeated and dispersed with the domain also vanishes. 那两个被击飞的金焰巨兽此刻正从远处飞扑而回,不过也随着领域溃散也随之消失。 azure light flashes, appears the Huo Tu three people. 青光一闪,现出火涂三人。 Huo Tu at this moment, expression already not previously like that relaxed, both eyes brings to wipe the dignified color. 此刻的火涂,神色早已不似此前那般轻松,双目带着一抹凝重之色。 When the does not know, were many a black hair cloak, with the wind however gets up, the surface seems azure flowing light high and low to turn over, can see innumerable tiny azure rune faintly, impressively is quality extremely high Spirit Treasure. 其身上不知何时,多了一件青丝披风,随风而起,表面似有一道道青色流光上下翻转,隐隐能看到无数细小青色符文,赫然是一件品质极高的灵宝 „Behind you two, fall back on!” The Huo Tu unemotional instruction said, the vision has not looked at Bai Pi one as before. “你们两个,退到后面去!”火涂面无表情的吩咐道,目光依旧没有看白丕一眼。 Bai Pi complies with one hastily, holds Bai Hong, flies to escape to go toward the distant place. 白丕连忙答应一声,抱起白洪,朝着远处飞遁而去。 Huo Tu looks distantly to Shi Mu, lifts single-handed slowly, the lips opening and closing, the palm scarlet light flash moves, red folding fan Magical Treasure appears baseless. 火涂遥遥看向石牧,单手缓缓抬起,口唇翕动,掌心赤光闪动,一柄赤色折扇法宝凭空浮现。 The covering of fan is embroidering a red crescent moon design, blooms ten thousand red multi-colored sunlight and remarkable spiritual power fluctuations, is Spirit Treasure, is not under that black hair cloak. 扇面绣着一个赤色弯月图案,绽放出万道赤色霞光和惊人的灵力波动,也是一件灵宝,不在那青丝披风之下。 Shi Mu melts White Ape not to pursue at this moment again, but is maintaining the posture of being ready, both eyes stares at Huo Tu. 石牧所化白猿此刻并没有再次追击,而是保持着蓄势待发之姿,双目凝视火涂 In the Huo Tu mouth the incantation stops, the both eyes flame puts greatly, the right hand wields suddenly. 火涂口中咒语一停,双目火光大放,右手猛然一挥。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! In an instant, hundreds and thousands of red crescent moon shape hot edges depart from the fan fully, and rises fast in a big way, in an instant changes into the house size the giant hot blade, blots out the sky to cut toward white Giant Ape. 刹那间,足有成百上千道赤色弯月形火刃从扇子中飞出,并且飞快涨大,转眼间化为房屋大小的巨型火刃,铺天盖地朝着白色巨猿斩去。 The sky in this flash, was also dyed crimson one piece by the flame, in the world, resembles is only left over the red and white. 天空在这一瞬间,亦被火光染得彤红一片,天地之间,似只剩下红色和白色。 White Giant Ape raises day one to angrily roar, single Quanlve one fuzzy, transforms 78 not the slightest difference like mountain -like the fist shadow, each fist shadow kept off the big piece giant hot blade, was watertight. 白色巨猿扬天一声怒吼,单拳略一模糊,幻化出七八个一般无二的如山般拳影,每一个拳影都挡下了大片巨型火刃,滴水不漏。 However even so, the Giant Ape body still under the impact of this scarlet flame mighty current, goes toward retreat unceasingly, if under examining carefully, its two fist surfaces, appear shocking red marks. 不过即便如此,巨猿身体也在这股赤焰洪流的冲击下,不断往后退去,若是细看之下,其两只拳头表面,亦浮现出一道道触目惊心的红痕。 In the Shi Mu heart shakes greatly. 石牧心中巨震。 That red hot blade is seemingly ordinary, but contained great power to be able, was not be ignored. 那赤色火刃看似普通,但都蕴含了莫大威能,不可小视。 In the meantime, white Giant Ape behind void azure light flashes, the Huo Tu form emerges out of thin air like the ghosts and demons. 就在此时,白色巨猿身后虚空青光一闪,火涂的身影如鬼魅般凭空出现。 The side comes, in hand red folding fan without delay wields, is several hundred giant hot edges flies to shoot, was just bigger, moreover the color is bright, blots out the sky to cut toward various white Giant Ape back strategic points. 其方一现身,手中赤色折扇二话不说的一挥,又是数百道巨大火刃飞射而出,比刚刚还要大,而且颜色鲜艳无比,铺天盖地朝着白色巨猿后背各处要害斩去。 White Giant Ape angrily roars, after another arm fiercely turns, Heaven Shattering Staff rapid incomparable sweeps away to go toward behind. 白色巨猿怒吼一声,另一只手臂猛地后翻,翻天棍迅疾无比的朝着身后横扫而去。 On the Huo Tu face reveals one to sneer, body black hair cloak light flashed, the whole person changes into the azure shadow to disappear together, Heaven Shattering Staff hit spatial, only crushed the most red hot blade. 火涂脸上露出一丝冷笑,身上青丝披风光芒一闪,整个人化为一道青影消失,翻天棍打了个空,只击碎了大半赤色火刃。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Because the distance is too near, still many red hot edges cut on white Giant Ape. 由于距离太近,仍有不少赤色火刃斩在了白色巨猿身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The these red hot blade bumps into the Giant Ape body, suddenly explodes suddenly. 这些赤色火刃一碰到巨猿身体,忽的猛然爆裂开来。 In the white Giant Ape eye revealed a pain, the body staggered, the body was exploded large wound, the blood swarmed a everywhere. 白色巨猿眼中露出一丝痛苦,身体踉跄了一下,身上被炸出了一处处颇大的伤口,鲜血蜂拥而出。 The azure shadow flashes, another side of the white Giant Ape body, the Huo Tu form emerges out of thin air again, in the hand the folding fan wields, several hundred red hot edges fly to shoot again, cuts to the White Ape body. 青影一闪,白色巨猿身体另一侧,火涂的身影再次凭空出现,手中折扇一挥,数百道赤色火刃再次飞射而出,斩向白猿身体。 At this time around two scarlet flame mighty currents had not exhausted completely, Shi Mu falls into to evade not to have position that immediately may evade! 此时前后两股赤焰洪流仍未完全耗尽,石牧顿时身陷避无可避的境地! At a crucial moment, the white Giant Ape look flashes, the huge body reduces fast, appeared the Shi Mu form. 千钧一发之际,白色巨猿眼神一闪,巨大身躯飞快缩小,现出了石牧的身影。 A back black and white pair of wings leaf, the body in a flash, from vanishes fiercely baseless same place, the next moment appears outside counting the hundred zhang (333 m), the danger dangerous evading inundates the attack of Heavenly Fire blade. 其背后黑白双翼猛地一扇,身体一晃,凭空从原地消失,下一刻出现在数百丈外,险之又险的躲过漫天火刃的攻击。 Huo Tu cold snort/hum, the figure stopped, has not continued to display the hot blade attack. 火涂冷哼一声,身形停了下来,没有继续施展火刃攻击。 Two people confront distantly, for a while has not begun again. 两人遥遥对峙,一时都没有再次动手。 Zhao Zhuming and other Heavenly Phoenix Race people also draw back at this moment by far, shocks incomparably looks at Shi Mu and Huo Tu. 赵朱明等天凤族人此刻也远远退开,震惊无比的看着石牧火涂 The fights of these two people, far far exceed had/left their imagination, let alone goes forward to help in the fighting, slightly close, it is estimated that is the fate of meeting a cruel death. 这两个人的战斗,远远超出了他们的想象,别说上前助战,稍微靠近一点,估计都是粉身碎骨的下场。 No wonder Nangong Jing is not your opponent.” Long time, Huo Tu takes the lead to break the silent say/way. “难怪南宫景不是你对手。”良久,火涂率先打破沉默道。 Overpraised.” Shi Mu said lightly. “过奖。”石牧淡淡说道。 Goes, I will make you realize, what is desperate.” The Huo Tu crack mouth suddenly smiles strangely, in eye bright light greatly hold. “接下去,我会让你体会,什么叫绝望。”火涂忽的裂嘴诡异一笑,眼中精光大盛。 In Shi Mu heart one startled, although could not see Huo Tu to make anything, but the form in a flash, the subconsciousness went toward the side across. 石牧心中一惊,虽然看不出火涂做了什么,不过身影一晃,下意识朝着旁边横掠而去。 His body just moved, a mind pain, seemed to be drilled by the awl suddenly ruthlessly, at present one black. 只是他身体刚动,脑海猛然一痛,似乎被锥子狠狠锥了一下,眼前一黑。 Shi Mu stuffy snort/hum, the body staggered, partly knelt. 石牧闷哼一声,身体踉跄了一下,半跪了下来。 At this moment, his behind flashes void, a golden robe youth emerges out of thin air, impressively Zhao Jian. 就在此刻,他身后虚空一闪,一个金袍青年凭空出现,赫然正是赵戬 Shi Mu, dies!” 石牧,去死吧!” In the Zhao Jian eye full is fierce killing intent, in the hand azure light flashes, had/left that azure steel vine lance. 赵戬眼中满是狰狞杀意,手中青光一闪,多出了那个青钢藤矛。 Vine lance rays of light puts greatly, the surface appears azure, white/in vain, the red tricolor flame, each other winding, in the flame can see some red rune faintly, sends out the fearsome high temperature. 藤矛光芒大放,表面浮现出青,白,红三色火焰,彼此缠绕,火焰中隐隐能看到一些赤色符文,散发出可怖的高温。 The azure steel vine lance changes into together the shadow, like lightning thorn to the Shi Mu head. 青钢藤矛化为一道影子,闪电般刺向石牧脑袋。 Shi Mu complexion changes, tolerates the mind severe pain, the body is moving aside to go toward side. 石牧脸色一变,强忍着脑海剧痛,身体朝着旁边躲闪而去。 However pitifully, cannot completely dodge. 不过可惜,没能完全躲开 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The left shoulder was stabbed by the azure steel vine lance, the lance point delimits a long scar in the Shi Mu left shoulder, the blood swarms. 左肩被青钢藤矛刺中,矛尖在石牧左肩划出一道长长伤痕,鲜血蜂拥而出。 What!” Zhao Jian complexion changes. “什么!”赵戬脸色一变。 The lance as if punctured sharp on the hard incomparable iron man, only pricked several cuns (2.5 cm) then to stop, is unable to penetrate. 矛尖仿佛刺在了坚硬无比的铁人身上,只刺入了数寸便停了下来,根本无法深入。 ! 呼! Two people form staggered instance, a shadow flashes, is actually a Shi Mu leg shadow sweeps away. 两人身影交错的瞬间,一道黑影一闪,却是石牧的一条腿影横扫而来。 Zhao Jian complexion changes, arm one horizontal, the azure steel vine lance before the body, touched with the Shi Mu leg shadow horizontally in one. 赵戬脸色一变,手臂一横,将青钢藤矛横在身前,和石牧的腿影碰在了一起。 snap! The azure steel vine lance breaks directly is two sections. 咔嚓!青钢藤矛直接断为两截。 Zhao Jian complexion changes, the body straw was striked to fly. 赵戬脸色一变,身体稻草般被打飞了出去。 Some Huo Tu this moment complexion blanches, do not know that displayed the reason of just state of mind attack. 火涂此刻脸色有些发白,不知是不是施展了刚刚的神魂攻击的缘故。 He sees Shi Mu that side situation, on the face changes, then must fly to escape. 他看到石牧那边的情况,脸上一变,便要飞遁过去。 At this moment, Huo Tu behind flashes void, a black form appears baseless, in the hand bloody glow flashes, seems like together the sword shadow, rapid such as cutting of electricity to his back. 就在此刻,火涂身后虚空一闪,一个黑色身影凭空浮现而出,手中血光一闪,似乎是一道剑影,迅疾如电的斩向他的后背。 Huo Tu gets back one's composure in great surprise, body in a flash, toward nearby across. 火涂大惊回神,身体一晃,朝着旁边横掠而出。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Although he moved aside, but back that black hair cloak was actually cut to break a big opening, the cloak miraculous glow is fast dim. 他虽然躲闪了过去,不过背后那件青丝披风却被斩破了一个大口子,披风灵光飞快黯淡。 The Huo Tu form appears in void more than 200 zhang (3.33 m) away, turns the hand to take down the cloak, complexion is pale. 火涂身影出现在两百余丈外的虚空中,翻手取下披风,脸色铁青。 He turns the hand to receive the black hair cloak, looks suddenly to that black form. 他翻手将青丝披风收起来,豁然看向那黑色身影。 Black form already rapid incomparable departure, goes toward Shi Mu. 黑色身影已经迅疾无比的飞出,朝着石牧而去。 Where escapes!” “哪里逃!” The Huo Tu anger snort/hum, in the hand red folding fan red light flashes, the big piece red hot blade swarms, gathers the illness/quick of giant hot blade to shoot together, in an instant then caught up with that black form. 火涂怒哼一声,手中赤色折扇红光一闪,大片赤色火刃蜂拥而出,汇聚成一道巨型火刃的疾射而出,转眼间便追上了那黑色身影。 On at this moment, the black form shoulder the color movie flashes together, the Cai'er form appears. 就在此刻,黑色身影肩膀上一道彩影一闪,彩儿的身影浮现而出。 Its both eyes golden light flashes, the opens the mouth spouts green flame, rises fast in a big way, changes into one green fires saying that blocked the red hot blade to flicker. 双目金光一闪,张口喷出一片绿色火焰,飞快涨大,化为一片绿色火云,挡住了赤色火刃一瞬。 The black person's shadow seizes the chance to fly to escape to go, flashed submerges the Shi Mu body, Cai'er also fell on the Shi Mu shoulder, in the eye revealed the lingering fear expression. 黑色人影趁机飞逃而去,一闪没入了石牧身体,彩儿也落在了石牧肩膀,眼中露出后怕的神色 ............ ………… The friendship recommendation red sleeve adds «Daoism Grandmaster of» fragrant net acts according to the magnificence plan film and television in 2016 ancient costume profound imaginary play «Daoism Grandmaster»( screenwriter: Chen 13) reorganization. 友情推荐红袖添香网的《玄门大师》根据华策影视2016年古装玄幻剧《玄门大师》(编剧:陈十三)改编。 Three thousand years ago, Yang Jian was stranded the evil spirit with genesis Saint armor in antiquity forest spirit foreign land, and left behind the brave word: „After 3000, asking is near, the genesis normalizing, monster completely Daoism, predicted that monster will leave a legacy of trouble the world again, can avoid the catastrophe, only then lets „” asking who genesis Saint armor unites! However to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the asking status did not have a clue, protects the world Sacred Mountains of China immortal pledge to know that accidentally/surprisingly spirit foreign land township main desire breaks through the seal, seizes the world again! The immortal pledge senior statesmen decided stakes everything on a single throw of the dice the adventure to start mystically demon tribulation becomes enlightened great formation to seek for asking and genesis Saint armor. Unexpectedly in bursting into the enemy lines unexpectedly status suspicious youngster- opens the tomb, he is not only the immortal pledge abandons person's son, and act is eccentric and unreasonable, but actually repeatedly performs outstanding service with the excellent ability and wisdom. But the spirit dynasty to prevent the monster destruction, sent out the vanguard to assassinate the army in secret, a catastrophe of the world monster was ready to be set off...... 三千年前,杨戬凭着“元始圣甲”将妖魔困于上古森林“幽灵异乡”,并留下偈言:“三千年后,问道者临,元始归一,妖尽玄门”,预言妖界将再次遗祸人间,能化解浩劫的只有让“元始圣甲”合一的“问道者”!然而到了东汉,问道者身份仍是茫无头绪,守护人间的五岳仙盟更意外得知“幽灵异乡”乡主欲攻破封印,重夺人间!仙盟众元老决定孤注一掷冒险启动神秘的“魔劫成道大阵”寻找问道者和“元始圣甲”。谁料闯阵者中竟有一个身份可疑的少年-张陵,他不仅是仙盟弃徒之子,且行径乖张,但却凭着过人的才智屡建奇功。而幽灵皇朝为阻止妖界覆灭,暗中派出先锋暗杀部队,一场人间妖界的浩劫一触即发……
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