TPW :: Volume #10

#953: The third pass/test

In Shi Mu and Feng Li talked, not far away transmitted one ka ka the sound. 就在石牧冯离交谈之际,不远处传来一阵“咔咔”之声。 ? ? Two people go following the prestige, actually sees the ground in not far away to split again, black stone pillar raises from inside slowly, on stone pillar is the circular stone block, above is placing stone box. 二人循声望去,却见不远处的地面再次裂开,一个黑色石柱从里面徐徐升起,石柱上面是个圆形石墩,上面摆放着一个石盒 This chapter is not spatial?” The Feng Li vision closely is staring at stone box, saying half jokingly. “这回不会又是空的了吧?”冯离目光紧紧盯着石盒,半开玩笑的说道。 Shi Mu hears word, but light smiles, without the speech, the vision also looks to stone box. 石牧闻言,只是淡淡一笑,没有说话,目光同样望向石盒 stone box opens slowly, in this returns is actually not empty, but placed one set of black red two color war armor, but seems like already to be very obsolete, the surface disperses light black red two color rays of light, is somewhat dim, almost will extinguish momentarily. 石盒缓缓打开,这回里面却并非空无一物,而是摆放了一套黑红两色的战甲,不过看起来已经很是老旧,表面散出淡淡的黑红两色光芒,有些黯淡,几乎随时都会熄灭。 in Shi Mu's eyes appears a disappointment, originally is one set fights armor. 石牧眼中浮现出一丝失望,原来是一套战甲。 This set fought armor is quite perhaps uncommon in the past, but seemed like has lost most spiritual power now, should be because deposited is too here long, causing spiritual power to dissipate. 这套战甲当年或许颇为不凡,但如今看起来已失去了大部分灵力,应该是因为存放在这里太久,导致灵力消散。 Feng Li looks at this black red war armor, in the eye actually appears the pleasantly surprised facial expression. 冯离看着这黑红战甲,眼中却浮现出惊喜的神情。 Brother Feng as if likes this war armor very much, that receives. However this war armor as if lost many spiritual power, wants its restoration, must be a time-comsuming.” Shi Mu said. 冯兄似乎很喜欢此战甲,那就收起来吧。不过此战甲似乎损失了很多灵力,想要将其复原,恐怕得费一番功夫。”石牧说道。 His already had Nine Dragon Suppressing Golden Armor, regarding fighting armor and so on treasure, already does not need. 已经有了九龙锁金甲,对于战甲之类的宝物,已经不需要了。 Moreover this set fights armor except for the strength of flame, but also contained another gloomy attribute not well-known strength, cultivation Cultivation Technique does not tally with him very much. 而且这套战甲除了火焰之力,还蕴含了另一种阴暗属性的不知名力量,和他所修炼功法不是很相符。 This...... good, since Brother Shi said, I received this war armor, no matter the next pass/test the reward were anything, to Brother Shi.” Feng Li slightly one hesitates, but says immediately. “这……好吧,既然石兄这么说,那我就将此战甲收起来了,下一关不管奖励是什么,都给石兄。”冯离微一迟疑,不过立刻说道。 Shi Mu smiles, nods. 石牧笑了笑,点点头。 Feng Li goes forward several steps, deeply inspires, takes out black red war armor from stone box, in sizes up at present, on the face shows the exciting color faintly. 冯离上前几步,深吸了口气,从石盒中取出黑红战甲,在眼前打量起来,脸上隐隐透出激动之色。 Right, Brother Feng , you were previously used to open Stone Gate that stone monkey statue, whether to look to me.” Shi Mu said. “对了,冯兄,你先前用来打开石门的那个石猴雕像,能否给我看一下。”石牧说道。 You say this?” Feng Li raised the head from black red war armor, turns the hand to take out that both hands to cover the monkey statue of eye. “你是说这个?”冯离从黑红战甲上抬起头,翻手取出那个双手捂眼的猴子雕像。 This thing.” Shi Mu nods. “正是此物。”石牧点了点头。 This thing looks at the key of here mechanism/organization, other not he uses, if Brother Shi likes this thing, giving to you were good.” Waving that Feng Li does not care about muddily throws the statue to Shi Mu, continued to look at carefully war armor in hand. “此物只是看起此处机关的钥匙,别的并无他用,石兄若喜欢此物,送给你好了。”冯离浑不在意的挥手将雕像扔给石牧,继续端详起了手中的战甲。 Shi Mu catches the statue, the look is somewhat excited. 石牧接住雕像,眼神有些激动。 In his stone monkey statue hid the Clear Sky Sacred Flame cultivation method, in the Fu Tuo statue is «Heavenly Fire God Body Refinement», what in the Feng Li statue will have? 他的石猴雕像里藏了昊天圣焰修炼方法,浮坨的雕像里是《天火神体功》,冯离的雕像里会有什么? He calms down, emits Divine Sense to search to start in the stone monkey statue, soon found that white particles, the intention moves, Divine Sense searches into. 他定了定神,放出神识探入手中的石猴雕像中,很快找到了那白色颗粒物,心念一动,神识探入其中。 Buzz! 嗡! Innumerable white God Language depart from inside, this time writing are much more than beforehand two statues, integrates Shi Mu's mind. 无数白色神文从里面飞出,这次的文字比之前的两个雕像多很多,纷纷融入石牧脑海 Shi Mu represses in the heart excited, is glancing over these God Language fast, some little time roughly looked, on the face revealed a joy , some disappointed. 石牧按捺住心中激动,飞快浏览着这些神文,好一会才大致看了一遍,脸上露出了一丝欣喜,同时也有些许失望。 God Language in this statue is not wonderful Cultivation Technique, but was extremely fierce antiquity great formation, Yin-Yang Parting Earth Flaunt Fire Formation the law of set up formation. 这次雕像里的神文并非什么神妙功法,而是一门极为厉害的上古大阵,“两仪离地炫火阵”的布阵之法。 According, this Formation can communicate the strength of bottom lava, reassigns it forcefully, takes the source of law formation by this. 据其中所述,这门阵法能够沟通地底熔岩之力,将其强行抽调而出,以此作为法阵之源。 Once great formation arranges appropriately, Formation then can extract the strength of underground flame automatically, continuous obtains the strength of scarlet flame, self-sufficient, for a long time revolves, for protecting the entrance is appropriate. 大阵一旦布置妥当,阵法便能自动抽取地下火焰之力,源源不断的获得赤焰之力,自给自足,长时间运转,用于守护山门再合适不过。 In the Shi Mu heart is somewhat strange, in the profound fire does the person in this statue, what leave behind such Formation to make? 石牧心中有些奇怪,玄火上人在这个雕像里,留下这么个阵法做什么? He has not thought, keeps anything in the statue all in the intention of person depending on the profound fire, this great formation he, although cannot use, but changes mind thinks, pouring to be used to arrange in a Filling the Sky Giant Ape clan, this Formation might, should not be under protecting star great formation of Rock Tortoise clan. 不他也没有多想,在雕像里留什么全凭玄火上人的心意,这门大阵他虽然用不到,不过转念一想,倒可以用来布置于弥天巨猿一族内,此阵法的威力,应该绝不在磐龟一族的护星大阵之下。 He is hesitating, front stone wall transmits one ka ka to make noise, splits toward side, reveals a channel. 他正沉吟,前面石壁传来一阵“咔咔”作响,朝着旁边裂开,露出一条通道。 Shi Mu receives the statue, Feng Li also received black red war armor. 石牧将雕像收起,冯离也收起了黑红战甲。 Shi Mu looked at Feng Li one, hesitant, has not told Feng Li the secret of stone monkey statue. 石牧看了冯离一眼,犹豫了一下,没有将石猴雕像的秘密告诉冯离 This he concealed actually not intentionally did not say, if in the Feng Li statue hid divine ability, he can actually with its share, but in the statue was only great formation, by individuality that Feng Li so came and went freely, should not use. 这倒不是他故意隐瞒不说,若是冯离的雕像里隐藏了一门神通,他倒是会和其分享,不过雕像里只是一门大阵,以冯离这般独来独往的个性,应该用不到。 Moreover said this matter, explained unavoidably troublesome. 而且说出此事,解释起来难免麻烦。 Walks.” Shi Mu turns the hand to take out his does not listen to the monkey statue. “走吧。”石牧翻手取出他的不听猴雕像。 „The third stone monkey statue really in Brother Shi.” Feng Li sees the stone monkey statue in Shi Mu hand, stayed, said with a smile. “第三尊石猴雕像果然在石兄手里。”冯离看到石牧手中的石猴雕像,呆了一下,笑道。 This thing I also obtain accidentally, according to the instruction of this thing, this found here.” Saying that Shi Mu shows neither approval nor disapproval. “此物我也是偶然得到的,根据此物的指示,这才找到了这里。”石牧不置可否的说道。 Feng Li hears word nods. 冯离闻言点点头。 Walks!” Two people took a step to enter the channel. “走吧!”两人迈步走进了通道。 After the channel went through one, Shi Mu and Feng Li two people, before quickly then arrived at third Stone Gate . 在通道内穿行了一阵后,石牧冯离两人,很快便来到了第三道石门之前。 Shi Mu not slightly hesitant, then the hand in does not listen to the monkey idol to hold, before putting in the body, center in Stone Gate scoop channel. 石牧没有丝毫犹豫,便将自己手中的不听猴神像捧起,放入了身前石门正中的凹槽内。 „”. “喀嚓”一声。 As they expected, Stone Gate opened slowly, revealed inside space, jet black piece. 如二人所料,石门缓缓打开,露出了里面的空间,漆黑一片。 Shi Mu both eyes golden light flashes, visits to go toward inside. 石牧双目金光一闪,朝着内里探视而去。 What kind of? Can Brother Shi, what have to see?” Feng Li opens the mouth to ask. “怎么样?石兄,可有看到什么?”冯离开口问道。 Inside darkness, by my spirit eye of divine ability, anything is unable to see clearly.” Shi Mu shakes the head, said. “里面一片漆黑,以我的灵目神通,也什么都无法看清。”石牧摇了摇头,说道。 That can only go to rush, acts according to circumstances.” Feng Li sighed. “那就只能进去闯一闯,见机行事吧。”冯离叹道。 Shi Mu nods, walked with him together shoulder to shoulder. 石牧点了点头,与他一起并肩走了进去。 Walks into the gate, behind two people resounded rumble the sound, Stone Gate closes. 走入门内,两人背后又响起“隆隆”之声,石门重新关闭了。 The surrounding darkness, Shi Mu anything could not see, can only feel the under foot ground, as if not the smooth appearance, did not slow down the footsteps voluntarily. 周围一片漆黑,石牧什么都看不到,只能感受到脚下地面,似乎并不平整的样子,不自觉放慢了脚步。 Nearby Feng Li as if also present anything, similarly slowed down the footsteps, small sound said: Brother Shi, do you have the sleep/felt, what chart marks above this ground seems to be engraving?” 一旁的冯离似乎也现了什么,同样放慢了脚步,小声道:“石兄,你有没有觉,这地面之上似乎镌刻着些什么图纹?” Un, I also felt, can with the former same puppet?” The Shi Mu doubts said. “嗯,我也感受到了,会不会是和之前一样的傀儡?”石牧疑惑道。 Feng Li is just about to speak, felt that under foot sudden rocks fiercely. 冯离正要说话,却感到脚下突然一阵剧烈晃动。 In surrounding darkness, shone dazzling rays of light suddenly. 紧接着,周围一圈黑暗中,突然亮起了一道道刺目的光芒 Roar......” “吼……” Seems to be the sound of low roar , if no gets up, around Shi Mu and Feng Li the flame greatly is immediately bright, fierce big bodies, appeared from darkness more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) away one after another, both eyes is exuding golden light. 一声似有若无的低吼之声响起,石牧冯离周围顿时火光大亮,一个个狰狞高大的身躯,接连从百余丈外的黑暗之中浮现了出来,双目泛着金光 What is this?” Shi Mu and Feng Li are all startled. “这是什么?”石牧冯离俱是一惊。 Sees only in the darkness, nine mass huge Fire Dragon, from flushed in all directions, two people encircled Shi Mu and Feng Li all round in the center. 只见黑暗之中,九头体量巨大的火龙,从四面八方冲了出来,将石牧冯离两人团团围在了中央。 These nine Fire Dragon, each height has the hundred zhang (333 m) fully, in the whole body is twining under scarlet flame, under the flame is actually proliferating the dark-red scale, two Longan anger open, in the pupil is also shining two groups of golden flame unexpectedly. 这九头火龙,每一条身长都足有百丈,在浑身缠绕着的赤红火焰之下,火焰之下却遍布着暗红色的鳞片,两道龙眼怒张,瞳孔里竟也亮着两团金色火焰。 It seems like the flesh and blood, seems to be also somewhat is different. 看起来似乎是血肉之躯,可是却似乎又有些不同。 „Is this...... the God Realm Monster Beast puppet?” Feng Li feels these Beast aura, called out with amazement. “这是……神境妖兽傀儡?”冯离感受到这些异兽身上的气息,惊讶叫道。 „It is not right, on these Fire Dragon does not have puppet's the special aura of heart, seeming like not some puppet...... seems more powerful.” Shi Mu knits the brows to say. “不对,这些火龙身上没有傀儡之心的特殊气息,看起来并非是某种傀儡……不过却似乎更加强大。”石牧皱眉说道。 Isn't a puppet? Then they are......” “不是傀儡?那它们是……” The Feng Li words have not said, listens to the perimeter shouting sound to get up. 冯离话还没说完,就听周围数道嘶吼之声响起。 In that nine rush of blood to the head Longan the gold/metal flame flashes suddenly, they were opening the big mouth to Shi Mu unexpectedly. 那九头火龙眼中金焰突然一闪,竟然纷纷对着石牧两人张开了血盆大口。 Roar “吼” A huge sound resounds, Shi Mu saw, nine Fire Dragon abdomen's dark-red scales shine one group of rays of light suddenly, and little moves to go toward the throat following dragon body, until nine big mouths, shone scarlet red rays of light completely. 一道巨大声音响起,石牧就看到,九头火龙腹部暗红色的鳞片突然亮起一团光芒,并一点点的顺着龙躯朝着咽喉移动而去,直到九张血盆大口中,全部亮起了赤红色的光芒 ......” “呼……” Nine zhang (3.33 m) permits Cu giant flame long column, spews out from nine big mouths, collects from the west eight sides together, changes to together several -ten feet ring-like flame great wall, two people surges toward Shi Mu. 九道丈许粗的巨大火焰长柱,从九只血盆大口中喷涌而出,从西面八方汇集到一起,化作一道高达数十丈的环形火焰巨墙,朝着石牧两人涌动过来。 A scalding hot incomparable air wave flushed to swing immediately, in the air exuded naked eye obvious ripples, just like the ocean waves tumbling. 一股灼热无比的气浪立即冲荡了过来,空气中泛起一圈圈肉眼可见的涟漪,犹如海浪般翻滚。 Brother Shi, the these flame seems like some is not unusual!” Feng Li sees that immediately in great surprise, in the mouth called out. 石兄,这些火焰似乎有些不寻常啊!”冯离见状,顿时大惊,口中叫道。 Then, its rays of light flashes immediately, one set of black red two color armor then appeared when his body, actually passed on closed/pass, that obtains. 说罢,其身上光芒立即一闪,一套黑红两色的铠甲便浮现在了他的身上,却正是通过上一关时,所获得的那件。 Shi Mu excels at the fire is the attack, simultaneously gets a light from another light is the strength of principle quite somewhat comprehends, therefore his sensation to flame, strengthens in Feng Li. 石牧擅长火系攻击,同时又对火系法则之力颇有几分领悟,故而他对火焰的感知,也更加强于冯离 But also because of this, at this moment his brow pressed must be deeper than Feng Li. 但也正是因为这样,此刻他的眉头蹙的比冯离还要更深。 He can the sensation, in the flame of these Fire Dragon spout, although the implication has not had the strength of principle, but firepower congealing reality, in ten diversities, the might is as good his Clear Sky Sacred Flame. 他能够感知到,这些火龙喷涌的火焰之中,虽然并未蕴含有法则之力,但火力凝实,十分集中,威力丝毫不逊于他的昊天圣焰 Shi Mu only felt that the whole body is somewhat dry and hot, as if the blood also followed to boil, this feeling was very ill. 石牧只感到浑身有些燥热,仿佛血液也跟着沸腾了起来,这种感觉十分不适。 As quick approaching of Firewall, in the eye of Shi Mu also starts to screen the flaming flame. 随着火墙的快逼近,石牧的眼中也开始映出熊熊火光。 His wrist/skill turns, three Clear Sky Profound Fire Flag(s) fly to shoot immediately, fell on him and Feng Li surroundings. 其手腕一翻,三面昊天玄火幡立即飞射而出,落在了他和冯离的周围。 Sees only in his mouth to recite the incantation silently, in the hand the law secret art transforms unceasingly, on three profound hot streamers releases dazzling rays of light simultaneously. 只见他口中默默吟诵咒语,手上法诀不断变换,三面玄火幡上同时释放出耀眼的光芒 a light sound. “呼”的一声轻响。 The dark red rosy cloud and clear flame of big piece, emit from three ancient streamers continuously, one group of one groups, a piece is then linking a polymerization in one, changes to a piece of surrounding area nearly hundred zhang (333 m) the scarlet prosperous cloud, whirls. 大片的殷红云霞和明亮火焰,从三面古幡之上连续不断冒出,一团接着一团,一片连着一片聚合在了一起,化作一片方圆近乎百丈的赤红火云,急旋转起来。 This group of fire cloud Gang appearances, then periphery will surge Firewall that comes to resist stubbornly, making it not probably the little advance. 这团火云刚一出现,便将周围涌动而来的火墙死死抵住,令其不得寸进。 The Feng Li vision looks to Shi Mu, in the eye cannot help but appears the color of acclaiming. 冯离目光望向石牧,眼中不由得浮现出一丝赞叹之色。 The control that Shi Mu gets a light from another light, really made him somewhat surprised. 石牧对火的掌控,实在令他有些惊讶。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The sounds of a series of fulmination get up. 一连串的爆鸣之声响起。 The profound hot space surrounding that the hot cloud forms, is colliding with ring-like Firewall unceasingly intensely, shakes the land unceasingly to tremble. 火云形成的玄火空间外围,和环形火墙不断激烈的碰撞着,震得大地都不断震颤起来。 That nine Fire Dragon seem like sees Firewall to be blocked, immediately is angry, in the big blood-stained mouth angrily roars. 那九条火龙似乎是见火墙受阻,顿时大怒,大张的血口中出一声怒吼。 In his two nostrils, in abundance spout two sturdy flame, but the flame color in mouth, actually became profounder several points. 其两道鼻孔之中,纷纷喷涌出两道粗壮火焰,而口中的火焰颜色,却变得更加幽深了几分。 As this type of dark-red flame converges, that said that the Firewall momentum inspires immediately greatly, continually wells up toward the Shi Mu profound hot space. 随着这种暗红色的火焰汇入,那道火墙声势顿时大振,不断向着石牧的玄火空间中涌去。
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