TPW :: Volume #9

#840: Tangled warfare

In Phoenix Cry valley. 凤鸣谷中。 Today can stand on eight Martial Arts Platform, is the outstanding people in various Tianhe star territory clan juniors, therefore the fight is conducted is very intense, the bellow continuously, the surroundings come this person of observing, has an eyeful, often erupts heavenshaking loud cheer. 今日能够站在八座演武台上的,皆是天河星域各族子弟中的佼佼者,故而战斗进行地都十分激烈,轰鸣声此起彼伏,周围来此观战之人,更是大饱眼福,不时爆发出震天响的喝彩。 After all is the fight observing and emulating opportunity between Saint Rank outstanding people, usually only happens by happy circumstance, regarding these person in the future cultivation , many benefit. 毕竟属于圣阶佼佼者间的战斗观摩机会,平常可是可遇而不可求,对于这些人往后的修炼,都有不少裨益。 Does not have the less than half double-hour, the fighting sound of scene extinguishes gradually, this also means, the first round of competition hence, had all decided the victory and defeat. 不出小半个时辰,现场的打斗声渐渐消弭,这也意味着,首轮的比试至此,已全都决出了胜负。 Follows the competition, launched. 紧随其后的比试,也都先后展开。 One double-hour, the first three rounds of competition then ended 前后不过一个时辰,前三轮比试便全部结束 At this time, Zhao vermilion with stood, the opens the mouth announced to the people end round to fighting the situation. 此时,赵朱同重新站了出来,开口向众人宣布了末轮的对战情况。 This he actually from not doing character stage starts to announce according to the convention time, until announcing other seven Martial Arts Platform after fighting situation, says: Because representative Shi Mu of Filling the Sky Giant Ape clan cannot arrive on time, therefore does another candidate Fang Zhen of character stage to draw a bye, is promoted the next round competition directly.” 这一次他却没有依照惯例从乾字台开始宣布,直到宣布完其他七个演武台的对战情况后,才开口说道:“由于弥天巨猿一族的代表石牧未能按时到场,故而乾字台的另一参选者方臻轮空,直接晋级下一轮比试。” Then, his palm wields, before that jade signed to dance in the air from its sleeve robe, above golden light dissipated, reveals the above handwriting end the wheel to do character stage. 说罢,他手掌一挥,之前那枚玉签从其袖袍中飞舞而出,上面金光逸散,露出上面的字迹“末轮乾字台”。 Zhao vermilion falls with the voice, around heavenly pit resounds a noisy sound immediately. 赵朱同话音一落,天坑周围立即响起一阵嘈杂之声。 Hey, this Fang Zhen really walked dog shit transporting!” “嘿,这方臻真是走了狗屎运了!” How Fang Zhen...... haven't I heard this name?” 方臻……我怎么没听说过这个名字?” This boy came from a purple eyeball demon cow clan probably, that is one of the Eight Desolate Ancient Race.” “这小子好像来自于紫睛魔牛一族,那可是八荒古族之一。” „, That Shi Mu is Filling the Sky Giant Ape Race, has not thought that the head of once whole wide world, now declines unexpectedly hence, in the clan the person of sending out, accepts a challenge does not dare.” “哦,那个石牧弥天巨猿族的吧,没想到曾经的八荒之首,如今竟没落至此,族中派出之人,连应战都不敢了。” Yes, I also anticipate these two big decline wild clan descendants wars!” “是啊,我还期待这两大没落荒族后人的一战呢!” Meanwhile, on the observing stage, the saintess who the fine gauze obstructs the surface is actually the tender body trembles slightly, a vision revolution, inquires about around heavenly pit, seems searching anything. 与此同时,在观战台上,轻纱遮面的圣女却是娇躯微微一颤,目光一转,在天坑周围四下探寻起来,似乎在寻觅着什么。 In its side, Zhao Xuanji transferred to look at saintess one eyes, slightly hesitated, has not said anything. 在其身旁,赵璇玑转首看了身旁的圣女一眼,略一迟疑,没有说什么。 A moment later, pair of beautiful eyes of saintess shuts suddenly, spiritual power fluctuates immediately from whole body sending out, toward valley in inquired about that goes. 片刻之后,圣女的一双美目忽地一闭,一阵灵力波动立即从周身散发而出,朝着山谷之中探寻而去。 Sits stretches out a fair palm in her Zhao Linglong suddenly, patted in the hand of saintess gently several. 坐在她身旁的赵玲珑忽然伸出一只白皙手掌,轻轻在圣女的手上轻拍了几下。 Saintess both eyes opens, in the beautiful pupil appears the disappointed color. 圣女双目睁开,美眸中浮现出失望之色。 She also notices in Zhao Linglong eyes at this time full inquires about the color, but she is only silent shaking the head. 她此时也注意到赵玲珑眼中满是探寻之色,不过她只是沉默的摇了摇头。 At this time, under the arena, was wanting to mount the stage, eager Fang Zhen, somewhat is actually in a daze. 此时,擂台下方,本正欲登台,跃跃欲试的方臻,却不由有些发愣起来。 What thinks? Your boy luck may really be good, met Shi Mu unexpectedly, by chance Shi Mu happen to not.” A Shu Youjin palm of the hand claps on his shoulder, says. “想什么呢?你小子运气可真是好,竟然遇到了石牧,恰巧石牧又正好不在。”舒有金一巴掌拍在他的肩膀上,开口说道。 Fang Zhen then responded, on the face also cannot help but showed several points of happy expression. 方臻这才反应过来,脸上也不由得露出几分笑意。 However the next second, the happy expression on his face actually stiffened immediately. 然而下一秒,他脸上的笑意却立即僵住了。 In his knowledge sea resounded the elder brother Fang Ce sound: Snort, unexpectedly has this grade of dog shit transporting, but evaded this round, the next round you may not have that good luck.” 他的识海中响起了兄长方策的声音:“哼,居然有这等狗屎运,不过躲过了这一轮,下一轮你可就没那么好的运气了。” Shu Youjin saw its complexion to have different, the subconsciousness carried over Fang Ce of distant place the vision, saw that a it face is looking here ridiculing. 舒有金见其面色有异,下意识将目光移向了远处的方策,就看到其正一脸戏谑地望着这边。 Does not need to pay attention to him, above behind arena, from being clear.” The Shu Youjin low voice reminder said. “不必理会他,后面擂台之上,自见分晓。”舒有金小声提醒道。 I know.” Fang Zhen deeply inspires, is sideways, no longer pays attention. “我知道。”方臻深吸了一口气,侧过身,不再理会。 End a round fight has not continued the too much time, then finished quickly. 末轮的战斗也未持续太多时间,便很快结束了。 The original 64 people, already had half to defeat to be eliminated, now on the observing stage then is only left over 32 people. 原本的六十四人,已经有一半战败出局了,如今观战台上便只剩下了三十二人。 ...... …… At this time, Shi Mu still sped along above a deep blue sea area, from time to time transfers the direction, from time to time in same place stay long time. 此时,石牧仍旧在一片蔚蓝海域上方飞驰,时而调转方向,时而在原地停留半晌。 Below sea area seems to be eternally unchanging, without end. 下方海域似乎永恒不变,没有尽头 Shi Mu complexion is tranquil, on the contrary is Cai'er of shoulder, in the eye full is the anxious color, several times wanted to speak to inquire Shi Mu, finally endured. 石牧脸色平静,反倒是肩头的彩儿,眼中满是焦急之色,数次想要出言询问石牧,最终还是忍了下来。 After the moment, the body that Shi Mu flies to escape stopped suddenly, flies toward the under sea area. 片刻后,石牧飞遁的身体忽的停了下,一头朝着下方海域中飞去。 Has not waited for Cai'er to ask, Shi Mu's whole body appears to protect body light barrier, plop submerged in the sea. 还未等彩儿开口询问,石牧周身浮现一层护体光幕,“扑通”一声没入了海中。 He sneaks toward the seabed fast, here sea water is extremely also deep, in an instant he dived dozens li (0.5 km), did not have. 他朝着海底飞快潜入,此处海水也极深,转眼间他下潜了数十里,还没有到底。 The Shi Mu look flashes, the body stopped suddenly, looks toward the front. 石牧眼神一闪,身体忽的停了下来,朝着前方看去。 Under spirit eye of divine ability, seeing only the front luminous spot is crowded, closely presses together, composed wall of the huge rune. 灵目神通之下,只见前方光点密集,紧紧挤在一起,组成了一面巨大的符文之墙。 After light wall, can see a piece of slurred chaos light group faintly. 光墙之后,隐隐能看到一片模糊不清的混沌光团。 Was here!” Shi Mu sees this, in the eye flashes through a happy expression. “就是这里了!”石牧见此,眼中闪过一丝喜色。 That also waits for anything, the time press, hurries to break this restrictions!” Cai'er said that the body flies to shoot, two sharp claws rays of light put greatly, grasps ruthlessly above the light wall. “那还等什么,时间紧迫,赶紧打破这面禁制吧!”彩儿说了一声,身体飞射而出,两只利爪光芒大放,狠狠抓在光墙之上。 Be careful!” Shi Mu complexion changes, makes noise the reminder. “小心!”石牧脸色一变,出声提醒。 The Cai'er sharp claws just bumped into the rune light wall, thick blue lightning glow emerge out of thin air, hits toward Cai'er, easily crushed Cai'er protecting body rays of light, then must hit shortly on it. 彩儿利爪刚碰到符文光墙,一道道粗大蓝色电芒凭空出现,朝着彩儿打来,轻易击碎了彩儿的护体光芒,眼看便要打在它身上。 At this moment, a palm finds out from the rear area, a tail that held Cai'er, will draw suddenly in the future it, simultaneously the body of Shi Mu keeps off before its body, Nine Dragon Suppressing Golden Armor appears. 就在此刻,一只手掌从后方探出,一把抓住了彩儿的尾巴,将其猛然往后拉去,同时石牧的身体挡在它身前,九龙锁金甲浮现而出。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Thick blue lightning glow hits ruthlessly on Nine Dragon Suppressing Golden Armor, immediately is defeated and dispersed, although no wound to Shi Mu, will actually also hit several steps it in the future. 粗大蓝色电芒狠狠打在九龙锁金甲上,立刻溃散开来,虽然没伤到石牧,却也将其往后打了几步。 In the Cai'er eye reveals a lingering fear, luckily Shi Mu kept off for it, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 彩儿眼中露出一丝后怕,幸亏石牧替它挡了一下,否则后果不堪设想。 Hey, Shi Tou (stone), do you draw me not to entrain the tail, what to do shed hair?” Cai'er flung the tail, discontented calling out. “喂,石头,你拉俺也别拽尾巴,拉掉毛怎么办?”彩儿甩了甩尾巴,不满的叫道。 Shi Mu has not paid attention to Cai'er, the vision looks to the front light wall. 石牧没理会彩儿,目光看向前面的光墙。 His cold snort/hum, did not plan that wastes the time to consider the method of to unravel, in the hand golden light flashes, Heaven Shattering Staff appears. 他冷哼一声,也不打算浪费时间考虑破解之法,手中金光一闪,翻天棍浮现而出。 Heaven Shattering Staff is carrying the endless pressure, hits ruthlessly above the light wall. 翻天棍携带着无尽的威压,狠狠打在光墙之上。 Even if rune light wall some divine ability, but how can block Heaven Shattering Staff to strike. 符文光墙纵然有一些神通,但是如何能挡得住翻天棍一击。 snap! 咔嚓 The light wall disrupts loudly, dissipates, the front presents piece of Chaos Space. 光墙轰然碎裂,消散开来,前方出现一片混沌空间 Shi Mu look suddenly flashes, golden light rises suddenly on hand, the palm grasped void, submerged in Chaos Space. 石牧眼神忽的一闪,手边金光暴涨,手掌虚空一抓,没入了混沌空间中。 „”, The chaos split a crack void. “刺啦”一声,混沌虚空裂开一道裂缝。 His flying sneaks into the space crack, at present a flower, appears in a blue misty world, one group of several feet blue light balls appear at present. 他飞身窜入空间裂缝之中,眼前一花,出现在一个蓝濛濛的世界,一团数丈大小的蓝色光球出现在眼前。 In the light ball is innumerable blue rune, composed complex incomparable law formation. 光球中是无数蓝色符文,组成了一个复杂无比的法阵 This is core restrictions?” Cai'er asked. “这个就是核心禁制?”彩儿问道。 Original master already died, now this Magical Treasure be at without owner condition.” Shi Mu said. “原主人已经死去,现在这个法宝处于无主状态了。”石牧说道。 That refining up this law formation quickly.” Cai'er said. “那赶快炼化这法阵吧。”彩儿说道。 Shi Mu nods, two brandish, makes together the daoist magic secret art, submerges in blue law formation. 石牧点了点头,两手挥舞,打出一道道法诀,没入蓝色法阵之中。 Blue law formation immediately one bright, makes humming sound the sound, revolves slowly. 蓝色法阵顿时一亮,发出嗡嗡的声音,缓缓运转起来。 His brow wrinkle, in the eye flashes through a shadow. 他眉头一皱,眼中闪过一丝阴影。 What's wrong, Shi Tou (stone)?” Cai'er asked. “怎么了,石头?”彩儿问道。 Troubled, this restrictions law formation was expected that me is more complex, wants to refine to the situation that can control initially, at least also needs 2-3 double-hour.” The Shi Mu sinking sound said. “麻烦了,这个禁制法阵比我预料中还要复杂,想要炼化到能够初步掌控的地步,起码也需要2-3个时辰。”石牧沉声说道。 Now the grand ceremony has started, at present except for refining up this restrictions, is separated from beyond this space, does not have other method. 如今大典早已开始,眼下除了将此禁制炼化,而后脱离这处空间外,也没别的法子。 Shi Mu deeply inspires, two make together the daoist magic secret art fast, refining up restrictions law formation. 石牧深吸一口气,两手飞快打出一道道法诀,炼化起禁制法阵来。 ...... …… In Phoenix Cry valley. 凤鸣谷中。 The first round of competition ended, rested slightly the moment, Zhao vermilion with then departs again. 第一轮比试结束,稍微休息了片刻,赵朱同便再次飞出。 „The second round of competition, with the way of tangled warfare, 32 people that by first in round wins will be divided into eight groups, each group of four people, compete in eight arenas, each group may two advance, is promoted the third round of competition.” Zhao vermilion said with the speaker. “第二轮比试,将采用混战的方式,由第一轮中胜出的三十二人分成八组,每组四人,在八个擂台上同时比试,每组可有两人出线,晋级第三轮比试。”赵朱同扬声说道。 Shu Youjin and Fang Zhen look at each other one, in the eye reveals an astonishment. 舒有金方臻对视一眼,眼中都露出一丝惊异。 Two people have not thought, the second round of competition selects this method unexpectedly. 二人都没想到,第二轮比试竟然采用这种方式。 Others are also stunned. 其余人也是一阵愕然。 This is 32 people of grouping lists.” Zhao vermilion with waving to send out together red light. Condenses red light barrier. “这是三十二人的分组名单。”赵朱同挥手发出一道红光。凝聚成一个红色光幕 Above light barrier appears names, assigns every four people together. 光幕之上浮现出一个个名字,每四人分配在一起。 Shu Youjin and on the Fang Zhen face reveals the color of great happiness, their names wrote in one unexpectedly, was in the same group. 舒有金方臻脸上露出大喜之色,他们两个的名字竟然写在了一起,分在了同一个组里。 stretch/leisurely brother, we......” Fang Zhen sound transmission said. “舒兄,我们……”方臻传音道。 Was needless saying that your I was a friend, naturally opposed the enemy jointly.” Shu Youjin said with a smile lightly. “不用多说,你我乃是朋友,自然是联手对敌。”舒有金淡淡笑道。 Fang Zhen nods, in the eye flashes through a happy expression. 方臻点头,眼中闪过一丝喜色。 Eight groups of people are on an arena quickly respectively. 八组人很快各自登上一个擂台。 In Kun words arena, Shu Youjin, Fang Zhen stands in the corner of arena respectively, other two one is twenty -year-old azure Jiaqing years, another is the black robe guy. 坤字号擂台上,舒有金,方臻各自站在擂台的角落,另外两人一个是二十几岁的青甲青年,另一个是个黑袍大汉。 These two people are Saint Rank Late Stage cultivation base, but Shu Youjin and Fang Zhen vision majority looks to that azure Jiaqing year. 这二人都是圣阶后期修为,不过舒有金方臻目光大部分都看向那个青甲青年。 In azure armor of this person has a tortoise shell shape design, that is a clan emblem of Rock Tortoise clan. 此人的青甲上有一个龟壳形状的图案,那是磐龟一族的族徽。 Starts!” “开始!” Zhao vermilion with drinks one lowly, in eight arenas shines rays of light simultaneously, forms square shape light barrier around the arena, covers the arena in inside. 赵朱同低喝一声,八个擂台上同时亮起光芒,在擂台周围形成一个方形光幕,将擂台笼罩在里面。 Finishes speaking, Shu Youjin and Fang Zhen then fly to shoot, throws respectively toward one person. 话音刚落,舒有金方臻便飞射而出,各自朝着一人扑去。 In the Shu Youjin hand the gray light flashes, are many a gray long sword, sends out swift and fierce Sword Qi, condenses a grey giant sword shadow, punctures toward that Rock Tortoise Race youth. 舒有金手中灰光一闪,多出一柄灰色长剑,散发出凌厉之极的剑气,凝聚成一柄灰色巨型剑影,朝着那个磐龟族青年刺去。 Fang Zhen also takes out a purple spiked club, the whole person changes into together the purple lightning, plunges another black robe guy. 方臻也取出一柄紫色狼牙棒,整个人化为一道紫色闪电,扑向另一个黑袍大汉。 On the Rock Tortoise Race youth face reveals a dignified color, the body exudes the big piece water glare suddenly, armor that a water glare four shoot appears, with Shi Mu some Nine Dragon Suppressing Golden Armor shapes, but above were many some hangnails, barb and other things, obviously defense can also attack. 磐龟族青年脸上露出一丝凝重之色,身上突然泛起大片水光,一件水光四射的铠甲浮现而出,和石牧九龙锁金甲有些像,不过上面多了一些倒刺,倒钩等东西,显然防御的同时也能进攻。 On his fist appears a gauntlet/glove, a fist rumbles, hits with Shu Youjin grey Sword Light in the same place. 他拳头上浮现出一个拳套,一拳轰出,和舒有金的灰色剑光撞在一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A loud sound spreads, Shu Youjin body as if kite with broken string shoots to return generally, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily, hits exactly toward that black robe guy. 一声巨响传出,舒有金身体仿佛断线风筝一般倒射而回,口中鲜血狂喷,恰好朝着那个黑袍大汉撞去。 In the Rock Tortoise Race youth eyes reveals an accident/surprise. 磐龟族青年眼中露出一丝意外。 Do the opposite party so collapse at the first blow unexpectedly? 对方竟然如此不堪一击? The black robe guy saw with own eyes that Shu Youjin flies to shoot to come, in the eye flashes through one to grin fiendishly. 黑袍大汉眼见舒有金飞射而来,眼中闪过一丝狞笑。 In his hand black long Sword Light glow puts greatly, sweeps away suddenly, shook Fang Zhen drew back one step, the forehead had/left the skin to split, reveals a jet black vertical eye. 他手中一柄黑色长剑光芒大放,猛然一个横扫,将方臻震退了一步,眉心出皮肤裂开,露出一只漆黑竖眼。 black light projects from the vertical eye together, then changes into innumerable say/way pitch-dark rays of light, punctures toward Shu Youjin, then must make into the screen the body of Shu Youjin shortly. 一道乌光从竖眼中射出,然后化为无数道黑漆漆的光芒,朝着舒有金刺去,眼看便要将舒有金的身体打成筛子。 At this moment, the Shu Youjin body suddenly flexible turns, as if a greatly spirit mouse, evaded black light, appears before the black robe guy body instantaneously, on the face shows the sinister smile. 就在此刻,舒有金身躯忽的灵活一扭,仿佛一只大灵鼠般,躲过了黑光,瞬间出现在黑袍大汉身前,脸上露出阴险的笑容。
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