TPW :: Volume #12

#1104: Fighting with all might of strength of mortal body

Nine gluttony facial expressions thoroughly changed, nine heads, except for that black head, other eight heads lift all, fires to shout together. 九首饕餮神情彻底变了,九个头颅,除了那个黑色头颅,其他八个头颅尽数抬起,齐齐发出嘶吼。 x x Eight heads one divides into two, five welcomed to Shi Mu, another three threw toward Miao Kong. 八个头颅一下一分为二,五个迎向了石牧,另外三个朝着妙空扑去。 The thickest black head still spouted thick black air/Qi, twines in aquatic of time. 最为粗大的黑色头颅仍然喷出一股粗大黑气,缠绕在光阴之水上。 Innumerable Black Rune gush out from the black air/Qi, permeated in the water of time fast. 无数黑色符文从黑气中涌出,飞快渗入了光阴之水中。 In the water of that group of time, the innumerable white luminous spots start to fluctuate, faint some trends of being defeated and dispersed. 那团光阴之水中,无数白色光点开始波动,隐隐有些溃散的趋势。 eyes of black head emerges wild with joy, but immediately then hidden, the black air/Qi that in the mouth spouts is even more thick. 黑色头颅的双眼涌现出一丝狂喜,不过立刻便隐去,口中喷出的黑气越发粗大。 Plunges five heads of Shi Mu simultaneously big mouth. 扑向石牧的五个头颅同时大口一张。 Swarth flame, a piece of deep blue water glare, piece of dazzling gold/metal cloud, a piece of yellow sandstorm, piece of radiant bluish green light. 一片赤黑火焰,一片碧蓝水光,一片刺目金云,一片黄色沙暴,一片璀璨碧光。 Five rays of light spraying, each other twine in together, the turning round revolution, changes into a several mu big or small five colors great claw, did not dodge grasping that did not evade to approach six rays of light. 五片光芒喷射而出,彼此缠绕在一起,滴溜溜一转,化为一只数亩大小的五色巨爪,不闪不避的抓向了六道光芒 Bang a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound. 轰隆一声惊天动地的巨响。 Six thick rays of light one were supported by the five colors great claw impressively, stopped. 六道粗大光芒赫然被五色巨爪一下托住,停了下来。 However five colors great claw also ka ka makes noise, above appears cracks, but has not ruptured thoroughly. 不过五色巨爪也一阵咔咔作响,上面浮现出一道道裂纹,不过没有彻底爆裂开来。 At this moment bang a loud sound transmits from side, is actually Miao Kong there, assorted rays of light explodes, shakes void crazily. 此刻轰隆一声巨响从旁边传来,却是妙空那里,各色光芒爆裂,虚空狂震。 A person's shadow from rays of light of rupturing shoots, is Miao Kong, the corners of the mouth flows out a bloodstain, obviously suffers a loss. 一个人影从爆裂的光芒中倒射而出,正是妙空,嘴角流出一道血痕,显然吃了点亏。 Whiz, the tail of gluttony also shoots to return from rays of light, the plate in the body side, that light firm already was broken obviously. 嗖的一声,饕餮的尾巴也从光芒中倒射而回,盘在身侧,显然那个光牢已经被破。 However on the tail has together the deep wound, the thorough half tail, the blood swarms. 不过尾巴上面有一道深深的伤口,深入半个尾巴,鲜血蜂拥而出。 Sees with own eyes this scenery, the golden Giant Ape brow tip selects, on the face the expression has no difference expression. 眼见此景,金色巨猿眉梢一挑,脸上表情没有什么异样神色 The Giant Ape corners of the mouth one, shows a strange smile, the huge form in a flash, disappears from nine gluttony top of the heads without the trace impressively, the next moment emerges out of thin air under the five colors great claw, left side of nine gluttony bodies. 巨猿嘴角一咧,露出一丝诡异笑容,庞大的身影一晃,赫然从九首饕餮头顶消失无踪,下一刻凭空出现在五色巨爪下方,九首饕餮身体左侧。 The huge body, the speed and previously unexpectedly almost not the slightest difference, has not slowed down. 其巨大的身型,速度和先前竟然几乎一般无二,没有丝毫减缓。 This is the wondrous use of sidereal revolution illusory image step, after Shi Mu considers to change the body ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape god body, although the striking power rises suddenly, but the speed is too relatively slow. 这正是周天幻影步的妙用,石牧考虑到变身万丈巨猿神躯后,虽然攻击力暴涨,但是速度相对就太慢。 The these year, he consumed many painstaking care, created this to disregard the build to change, can still maintain the step of speed. 这些年,他耗费了许多心血,创出了这门无视体型变化,仍然能保持速度的步法。 The golden Giant Ape arm moves, six great sticks sweep away ruthlessly, hits to almost does not have nine gluttonies of protection. 金色巨猿手臂一动,六根巨棍狠狠横扫而出,打向几乎毫无防备的九首饕餮。 But a fearsome great strength loudly, covered this void, might compared with previous struck impressively was also less than half powerful. 一股可怖巨力轰然而至,笼罩住了这片虚空,威力比起先前的一击赫然又强大了小半。 Nine gluttonies in great surprise, protect body black light suddenly greatly hold, then gathers all left side, forms a thick black light shield. 九首饕餮大惊,护体黑光陡然大盛,然后尽数汇聚到左侧,形成一层厚厚的黑色光盾。 It only makes these with enough time, six great sticks then shelled ruthlessly on the black light shield. 它只来得及做这些,六根巨棍便狠狠轰击在了黑色光盾上。 Rumble a loud sound! 轰隆隆一声巨响! Although the black light shield is thick, inside glittering black light symbols, are looking very firm, however in the face of the attack of Giant Ape, still collapsed at the first blow, was easily struck to burst. 黑色光盾虽然浓厚,里面闪烁着一道道黑色光符,看起来很是坚固,但是在巨猿的攻击面前,仍然不堪一击,被轻易一击而溃。 Six fearsome great strength have not stopped, ruthlessly bombardment on the bodies of nine gluttonies. 六股可怖巨力没有丝毫停顿,狠狠轰击在了九首饕餮的身上。 bloody glow for the first time presently, along with rupturing dull thumping sound. 血光乍现,伴随着爆裂的闷响。 Nine gluttony huge bodies were stroked to fly, left side less than half side body covered with blood, does not know many bone disruption. 九首饕餮庞大身躯被一击打飞了出来,左侧小半边身体血肉模糊,不知多少根骨头碎裂。 No!” Nine gluttonies have not paid attention to injury slightly, in the mouth send out to be unwilling angry roaring. “不!”九首饕餮丝毫没有理会身上的伤势,口中发出不甘之极的怒吼。 As its body was striked to fly, the black head blowout, twines in the time the aquatic black air/Qi is also cut off. 随着它的身体被打飞,黑色头颅喷出的,缠绕在光阴之水上的黑气也断掉。 Water of rays of light glittering time, inside these white luminous spots returned to slowly normal. 光阴之水一阵光芒闪烁,里面的那些白色光点缓缓恢复了平静。 Damn......” nine gluttonies were striked to fly a distance, but quick then stopped, the wound place blood waterfall flows out, it has not paid attention, immediately turns the head to look to the water of time, exploding that immediately is angry drinks to make noise. “该死……”九首饕餮被打飞了一段距离,不过很快便停了下来,伤口处鲜血瀑布般流出,它也没有理会,立刻转头看向光阴之水,随即大怒的爆喝出声。 Just refine water of already time to be close successfully, was actually broken by Shi Mu forcefully, once interrupted, wanted to refine the water of this time again, must start from the beginning. 刚刚炼化光阴之水已经接近成功,却被石牧强行打断,一旦中断,想要再次炼化这光阴之水,又要从头开始。 In its heart hates secretly, the water of time this and other unsurpassed magical things, stores thing Magic Tool unable to withstand. 它心中暗恨,光阴之水这等无上灵物,储物法器根本无法承受。 And implication the strength of time principle is also huge, swallows into the body forcefully, even if its this True Spirit exists, the body is unable to withstand, can only refine to be good with strength of the time the secret technique unravels. 其中蕴含的时间法则之力也过于庞大,强行吞噬入体,即便是它这种真灵存在,身体也无法承受,只能用秘术抽丝剥茧的将其中的时间之力提炼出来才行。 Golden Giant Ape also looked at water of one that time, a complexion loosen. 金色巨猿也看了那光阴之水一眼,面色一松。 Can complete!” A golden Giant Ape body side person's shadow flower, the Miao Kong form appears, looks saying of happy expression. “做得好!”金色巨猿身侧人影一花,妙空的身影浮现而出,面露喜色的说道。 Nine gluttonies visit at present two people, in the eye the anger ascends, but it does not have the trade to act rashly. 九首饕餮看着眼前两人,眼中怒火升腾,不过它并没有贸贸然行动。 Miao Kong strength it is very clear, as for Shi Mu, fights now, its already understood very much Shi Mu strength, absolutely is a fearsome rival. 妙空实力它很是清楚,至于石牧,交手到现在,它已经很了解石牧实力,绝对是一个可怖的敌手。 Very good, no wonder dares to look for this, really some skills.” Nine gluttonies look at Shi Mu and Miao Kong, saying of ice-cold. “很好,难怪敢来找本座,果然有些本事。”九首饕餮看着石牧妙空,冰冷的说道。 During the speeches, its blood red head opens the mouth spouts viscous blood mist, covered the half body of disruption, blood mist bumped into the body, immediately infiltrates. 说话之间,它那个血红色头颅张口喷出一股粘稠血雾,笼罩住了碎裂的半边身躯,血雾一碰到身体,立刻渗透了进去。 Flip-flop the resounding, left side of nine gluttonies on the wound granulation grows fast, the innumerable red strings beat above, the wound reduces unexpectedly fast, the bone of break is also the equally speedy recovery. 一阵噼啪脆响,九首饕餮左侧伤口肉芽上飞快生长,无数红丝在上面跳动,伤口竟然快速缩小,断裂的骨头也是一样迅速复原。 During several breath, the fearsome injury recovered unexpectedly all, a scar could not find. 几个呼吸之间,原本可怖的伤势竟然尽数痊愈,一点伤痕也找不到。 Shi Mu sees with own eyes this scenery, the pupil micro. 石牧眼见此景,瞳孔微缩。 Although this mortal body cure cannot compare his Undying Body Realm, but method also very Gao Ming. 这种肉身治愈虽然比不上他的不死之身境界,但手段也很是高明 Your excellency as True Spirit, if knows one's place cultivation, naturally cannot some people hinder you, but your excellency slaughters the innumerable lives everywhere, disrupts this contact surface balance, must have, only then made your excellency vanish.” Miao Kong also shot a look at sores of gluttony, indifferent opens the mouth. “阁下身为真灵,若是安分守己修炼,自然不会有人妨碍你,但是阁下四处杀戮无数生灵,更破坏这一界的界面平衡,少不得只有让阁下消失了。”妙空也瞥了一眼饕餮的伤处,冷漠开口。 „To kill this, that must look at you to have this skill!” Nine gluttonies sneer. “想杀本座,那就要看你们有没有这个本事了!”九首饕餮冷笑一声。 Two sides confront mutually, is breeding the method secretly, for a while has not begun. 两方互相对峙,暗自孕育着手段,一时都没有动手。 Two side Shence Not far away, the water of that group of white times sends out spooky rays of light, as if an attractive incomparable fruit, waits for a side of victory to pick. 两方身侧不远处,那团白色光阴之水散发出幽幽光芒,仿佛一个诱人无比的果实,等待着胜利的一方去采摘。 both sides confronted several breath, immediately begins again. 双方对峙了几个呼吸,立刻再次动手。 Nine gluttony body pendulums, the huge body swooped, as if dark clouds press rolling. 九首饕餮身体一摆,巨大身躯飞扑了过来,仿佛一片黑云滚滚压来。 Nine heads bloom simultaneously dazzling rays of light, big mouth, nine thick incomparable rays of light spraying. 九个头颅同时绽放出耀眼光芒,大口一张,九道粗大无比的光芒喷射而出。 Each rays of light is entirely different, has the flame, the running water, the sandstorm and other Five Elements attacks, in each attack contained the strength of very strong principle impressively. 每一道光芒都截然不同,有火焰,流水,沙暴等五行攻击,每一道攻击中赫然蕴含了很强的法则之力。 Except for the Five Elements attack, remaining four rays of light respectively are together thick bloody glow, sends out the viscous fishy smell, making one hear that the desire vomits. 除了五行攻击,剩下的四道光芒分别是一道粗大血光,散发出粘稠的腥气,让人闻之欲呕。 Together purple lightning glow, thick lightning windings. 一道紫色电芒,一道道粗大闪电缠绕。 The pure white light column, seemingly does not have any together, but actually gives people an extremely unusual feeling. 一道纯白光柱,看似没有什么,但是却给人一种极为奇特的感觉。 Last is actually together the thick black air/Qi, jet black dark, as if can swallow all. 最后一道却是一道粗大黑气,漆黑幽暗,似乎能吞噬所有一切。 Nine rays of light each other interweave, as if nine giant incomparable light dragons, camouflaged the less than half sky, making threatening gestures threw toward the Shi Mu two people. 九道光芒彼此交织,仿佛九条巨大无比的光龙,遮蔽了小半个天空,张牙舞爪的朝着石牧二人扑了过来。 The golden Giant Ape look moves, act. 金色巨猿眼神一动,正要出手 these gives me to cope, Shi Mu you cope with nine gluttonies with single-hearted devotion the main bodies.” Miao Kong puts out a hand to block, said. 这些交给我来对付,石牧你专心对付九首饕餮的本体。”妙空伸手一拦,说道。 Finishes barely the words, his single-handed formed hand seals, the double sleeve wielded, offers a sacrifice to that golden door Magical Treasure. 话音未落,他单手一掐诀,双袖一挥,祭出了那个金色小门法宝 Dazzling golden light sends out from door Magical Treasure, immediately flashes, transforms several hundred exactly the same golden gate impressively. 耀眼的金光从小门法宝上散发而出,随即一闪之下,赫然幻化出数百个一模一样金门。 Each golden door blooms dazzling golden light, as if putting golden great flowers. 每一个金色小门都绽放出耀眼金光,仿佛一朵朵盛放的金色巨花。 Under the Miao Kong hand formed hand seals, a dull thumping sound, the these golden color great flower flashes, condenses one huge golden light, and rapid spread comes, rises to hundred mu size in a big way, kept off before nine gluttony bodies. 妙空手中掐诀,噗的一身闷响,这些金色巨花一闪之下,凝聚成一座巨大的金光阵,并且迅速扩散开来,涨大到百亩大小,挡在了九首饕餮身前。 Innumerable golden rune turn in light wells up, spreads the intermittent singing in praise of the Buddha faintly, some as if innumerable Buddha prayed to Buddha in inside sutras, a revealing feeling. 无数金色符文在光阵中翻涌,隐隐传出阵阵梵音,仿佛有无数佛陀在里面诵经念佛,给人一种振聋发聩的感觉。 Nine Daoist priest dragon-like rays of light shelled ruthlessly in golden light, both sides bumped into, have rumble the loud sound. 九道长龙般光芒狠狠轰击在了金色光阵上,双方相撞,发出隆隆巨响。 In nine rays of light, seven are then blocked immediately, is unable to go forward again one step. 九道光芒中,有七道立刻便被挡住,无法再前进一步。 Only then that black white two rays of light, break open golden light impressively, penetrated, but also is penetrates merely a small section distance, then stopped. 只有那一黑一白两道光芒,赫然破开金色光阵,突入了其中,不过也仅仅是突入其中一小段距离,便停了下来。 Golden Giant Ape look happy, giant body flies to shoot immediately, dashes to nine gluttonies. 金色巨猿眼神一喜,巨大身型立刻飞射而出,直扑九首饕餮。 Bang! 轰隆! Six huge stick shades drop from the clouds, the overhead overcomes toward nine gluttonies, is delimiting six thick becoming known marks void, expresses the ear-piercing sharp cry. 六道巨大棍影从天而降,当头朝着九首饕餮打下,在虚空划出六道粗大白痕,发出刺耳的尖鸣。 In nine gluttony hearts slightly startled, the attack of Shi Mu compared previously, as if was also fiercer several points. 九首饕餮心中微惊,石牧的攻击比起先前,似乎又更加厉害了几分。 However it immediately cold snort/hum, before two, claw, on the claw dark glow explodes suddenly shoots, welcomed directly to six stick shades. 不过它随即冷哼一声,两只前爪陡然一张,爪上黑芒爆射,直接迎向六条棍影。 A bolt from the blue, the assorted halo explodes to shoot, entire void shakes suddenly, a suffocating strength fluctuation takes away as many things as possible toward all around. 一声晴天霹雳,各色光晕爆射开来,整个虚空陡然一震,一圈让人窒息的力量波动朝着四周席卷而去。 The figure that under golden Giant Ape throws stops immediately, nine gluttony huge bodies in a flash, but then stands firm immediately. 金色巨猿下扑的身形顿时停住,九首饕餮庞大的身躯一晃,不过立刻便稳住。 Two black great claws and six long sticks balance in midair in the same place, each other shivers gently, in the strength makes no distinction between victory and defeat unexpectedly. 两只黑色巨爪和六根长棍在半空相抵在一起,彼此都轻轻颤抖,力量上竟然不分胜负。 In the Shi Mu heart some, the framework might, he is with amazement clear, but this gluttony relies on two claw to block unexpectedly, moreover oneself actually have not been damaged. 石牧心中有些骇然,四梁八柱的威力,他再清楚不过,但是这饕餮竟然凭借两只爪子生生挡住,而且自身竟然没有受损。 The hardness of that pair of sharp claws, big of gluttony mortal body strength, is really inconceivable. 那一双利爪之坚硬,饕餮肉身力量之大,真是不可思议。 In his heart is so thinking, in the mouth exudes one to bellow, six arm simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform brandish. 他心中这般想着,口中发出一声大吼,六条手臂齐齐挥舞。 Six long sticks transform make a debut the stick shadow, blots out the sky goes toward nine gluttony crazy volumes. 六根长棍幻化出道道棍影,铺天盖地朝着九首饕餮狂卷而去。 Nine gluttonies welcome immediately, has not hesitated, before two , a claw fuzziness, huge black claw shades appear. 九首饕餮立刻迎上,没有丝毫迟疑,两只前爪一个模糊,一道道巨大黑色爪影浮现而出。 Simultaneously the black tail of gluttony transforms makes a debut a shadow, brushes to go toward golden Giant Ape. 同时饕餮的黑色尾巴幻化出道道黑影,也朝着金色巨猿抽打而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two fearsome exist relies on the strength of powerful mortal body respectively, fought with all might in one. 两头可怖存在各自凭借强大的肉身之力,拼杀在了一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The strength complementary waves institute and place, the void sharp shake, the stable incomparable space, in Shi Mu they, easily the disruption, appeared the innumerable cracks. 力量余波所及之处,虚空剧烈震荡,原本稳固无比的空间,在石牧他们手下,轻易碎裂,浮现出无数裂纹。 Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth is imitates in the immensity of Buddha's teaching the high sea, various Origin Energy interwine, wind and cloud changes countenance. 天地灵气更是仿佛海中怒涛,各种元气交织在一起,风云变色。 Where the two slaughter, where is an old mans role in yuan drama day scene. 二者厮杀到哪里,哪里便是一副末日般的景象。 The golden Giant Ape look is getting more and more bright, raises head to send out an exciting long and loud cry. 金色巨猿眼神越来越亮,仰头发出一声兴奋长啸。 Since mortal body Great Accomplishment, he then almost not with strength suitable opponent, purely by the strength of mortal body, full battle, 自从肉身大成,他便几乎没有和力量相当的对手,纯以肉身之力,酣畅淋漓的厮杀, The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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