TPW :: Volume #11

#1085: Person surface dove poisonous scorpion

The blue shadow flashed, falls before Shi Mu and Cai'er body, appeared the Shui Lingzi form. 蓝影一闪,落在了石牧彩儿身前,现出水灵子的身影。 x x His figure was seemingly thin three points, spirit pressure aura compared with before, was weaken much, but its pair of in the eye shows blue light faintly, the whole body sends out one elegantly, if the aura of immortal, as if possibly melts the wind to go momentarily, cultivation base goes a step further obviously. 他的身形看起来清瘦了三分,身上的灵压气息比起之前,减弱了不少,不过其双目中隐隐透出一股蓝光,全身散发出一股飘逸若仙的气息,仿佛随时可能化风而去,修为显然更进一步。 Ha, with the aid of the water of here spirit, in the body of this Cold Dragon mixed in the chaos air/Qi refining up finally thoroughly is clean, lets my state of mind and body thorough conjunction, True Qi also pure many, within ten years must be able to achieve God Realm Late Stage!” Shui Lingzi delighted saying with a smile. “哈哈哈,借助这里的化灵之水,终于将这具寒螭之躯体内一丝混在的混沌之气彻底炼化干净,让我的神魂和身躯彻底契合,真气也精纯了不少,十年之内必能达到神境后期!”水灵子乐滋滋的笑道。 The Cai'er facial expression is ugly, gloomy the face is not speaking. 彩儿神情难看,阴沉着脸不说话。 „, Must congratulate you actually.” Shi Mu nods, on the face also reveals the happy expression. “哦,倒是要恭喜你了。”石牧点了点头,脸上也露出喜色。 The Cai'er facial expression, Shui Lingzi naturally saw, but has not paid attention. 彩儿的神情,水灵子自然看到了,不过没有理会。 Made you wait is so long here, was really was somewhat sorry, walked, water and fire immortal crystal in front.” Shui Lingzi is saying, the figure changes into together blue light, flies to shoot to go in the cavern updrift side. “让你们在这里等了这么久,真是有些抱歉,走吧,水火仙晶在前面。”水灵子说着,身形化为一道蓝光,朝着洞窟上游方向飞射而去。 The Shi Mu look moves slightly, one step takes, changes into together the yellow shadow, follows close on Shui Lingzi behind. 石牧眼神微动,一步迈出,化为一道黄影,紧跟在水灵子身后 More walks randomly upward, the scale of underground river is bigger, great waves river water makes the resounding sound, reverberates in the cavern. 越是往上游走,暗河的规模越大,涛涛河水发出响亮的声音,在洞窟中回荡。 Two people already flew some little time, underground river accidental/surprised long, does not have to the end. 两人已经飞了好一会,暗河意外的长,还是没有到头。 Also toward the forward flight the less than half quarter, two people arrived at underground river end finally. 又往前飞了小半刻钟,两人终于来到了暗河尽头 Here impressively is a smooth incomparable black mountain wall, over thousand zhang (3.33 m) waterfall together drops from the clouds, pounds below underground river, splashes the innumerable water splash. 此处赫然是一堵光滑无比的黑色山壁,一道的超过千丈的瀑布从天而降,砸进下方的暗河之中,溅起无数水花。 Melts the source of water of spirit impressively here. 化灵之水的源头赫然在这里。 in Shi Mu's eyes reveals the surprised color. 石牧眼中露出惊讶之色。 Walks, here.” The Shui Lingzi figure moves, flies directly toward the waterfall, one worms one's way into impressively. “走吧,在这里。”水灵子身形一动,直接朝着瀑布飞去,赫然一下钻了进去。 The Shi Mu look moves, not hesitant, flew into the place that also to fly from Shui Lingzi, since the body was bright yellow glow, isolated the water of spirit. 石牧眼神一动,也没有犹豫,从水灵子飞入的地方也飞了进去,身上亮起一层黄芒,隔绝了化灵之水。 The waterfall water curtain is quite thick, foot have several zhang (3.33 m), but across the water curtain, a pitch-dark road appears at present. 瀑布水幕颇厚,足有数丈,不过穿过水幕,一个黑漆漆的甬道出现在眼前。 Shi Mu complexion changes, because there are to melt the water of spirit to prevent, his former Divine Sense cannot investigate here. 石牧脸色微变,因为有化灵之水阻挡,他之前神识没能探查到这里。 Black road only then a person high, here Shi Tou (stone) and beforehand cavern are completely different, dark incomparable, a strange feeling, as if can attract all rays of light. 黑色甬道只有一人多高,这里的石头和之前的洞窟完全不同,黝黑无比,给人一种诡异的感觉,似乎能将一切光芒吸引进去。 This black stone is somewhat strange.” Cai'er looks at the road, somewhat moved a body anxiously, said. “这黑石有些古怪啊。”彩儿看着甬道,有些不安的挪动了一下身体,说道。 This is the black magnet, can isolate spiritual power, no danger, walks, water and fire immortal crystal in inside.” Shui Lingzi is saying, took a step to approach the channel. “这是黑磁石,能够隔绝灵力,没有什么危险,走吧,水火仙晶在里面。”水灵子说着,迈步走近了通道。 Shi Mu patted Cai'er, walked. 石牧拍了拍彩儿,也走了进去。 Steps into the black road, Shi Mu's mind immediately buzz. 一踏进黑色甬道,石牧脑海立刻嗡的一声。 In the road filled a powerful magnetic field impressively, steps into the body such as was stuck in the mud, taking one step is quite difficult. 甬道中赫然充满了一股强大的磁场,踏入其中身体如陷入了泥潭,迈出一步都颇为困难。 Moreover, Shi Mu True Qi of their within the body also comes under the effect on magnetic field, just like out of control wild horse, scurries about suddenly, even must break the body faintly. 不仅如此,石牧他们体内的真气也受到磁场影响,恍如脱缰野马,猛然乱窜起来,甚至隐隐要破体而出。 His complexion startled, hurried revolution Cultivation Technique, this will scurry about True Qi to depress fast forcefully, within the body returned to normal. 脸色一惊,急忙飞快运转功法,这才将乱窜真气强行压下,体内恢复了平静。 Shui Lingzi and Cai'er body surface also rays of light greatly hold, hastily complexion big change revolves respectively Cultivation Technique, suppressed within the body True Qi. 水灵子彩儿体表也光芒大盛,连忙脸色大变的各自运转起功法,压制体内真气 Your this lizard, did not say that doesn't have the danger?” Exclaiming of Cai'er startled anger, body surface seven color rays of light disorder glittering. “你这四脚蛇,不是说没有危险吗?”彩儿惊怒的吼道,体表七彩光芒紊乱的闪烁着。 It suppresses strongly, but too has not in a big way affected. 它竭力压制,不过没有太大作用。 Shui Lingzi complexion is astonished, obviously situation at this moment also more than he expected beside. 水灵子脸色惊愕,显然此刻的情况也大出他预料之外。 On him is also blue light lingers, like wave tumbling, but is better than the Cai'er situation on many. 他身上也是蓝光萦绕,如同水波般翻滚,不过比彩儿的情况要好上很多。 At this moment, two yellow glow flashes through, falls on Cai'er and Shui Lingzi, flashes changes into two yellow light covers, covered two's body. 就在此刻,两道黄芒闪过,落在彩儿水灵子身上,一闪化为两个黄色光罩,笼罩住了二者的身体。 Yellow light cover isolation most strange standpoint, in two human bodies chaotic True Qi immediately gentle most, remaining chaotic, by two's strength, easily transported the merit to depress, complexion was a loosen. 黄色光罩隔绝大半诡异立场,两人体内混乱的真气顿时平缓大半,剩下的一点混乱,以二者的实力,也轻易运功压下了,面色都是一松。 Shui Lingzi complexion gloomy, will say anything. 水灵子脸色阴沉,正要说什么。 On his behind stone wall rays of light flashes, black light from inside rapid incomparable departure, hits together to the waist of Shui Lingzi. 身后的一处石壁光芒微闪,一道黑光从里面迅疾无比的飞出,打向水灵子的后腰。 Be careful!” The Shi Mu sound resounds suddenly, simultaneously yellow glow rapid such as flying of electricity shoots to come together, when is at a crucial moment blocked that black light. “小心!”石牧的声音陡然响起,同时一道黄芒迅疾如电的飞射而来,千钧一发之际拦住了那黑光 Bang! 轰隆! One group of dazzling rays of light appear suddenly, sends out Thunder Clap crack. 一团耀眼光芒陡然出现,发出雷般的炸响。 That black light was striked to fly immediately, appearance that but has not obstructed greatly, just likes the living creature turns, flashed submerged in road stone wall again, vanished the trace. 黑光顿时被打飞,不过没有大碍的样子,恍若活物般一扭,一闪再次没入了甬道石壁中,消失了踪影。 Shi Mu puts down the arm, the vision looks the place that on stone wall black light submerges, looks the color of hesitation. 石牧放下手臂,目光看着石壁黑光没入的地方,面露沉吟之色。 That black light extends shrinks rapidly incomparable, what he cannot have it unexpectedly is. 黑光一伸一缩迅疾无比,他竟然也没有能出其是何物。 Black stone wall not only sends out the strange magnetic force, isolates the function of Divine Sense, he is unable to penetrate the stone wall investigation. 黑色石壁不仅散发出诡异磁力,还有隔绝神识的作用,他也无法深入石壁探查。 Shui Lingzi complexion changes, at this moment responded, quickly left the stone wall two steps, stood in the roads. 水灵子脸色一变,此刻才反应过来,急忙离开了石壁两步,站到了甬道中间。 What thing?” Cai'er surprised saying. “什么东西?”彩儿惊讶的说道。 On the Shui Lingzi face is also quite alarmed and afraid, the facial expression is ugly. 水灵子脸上也颇为惊惧,神情难看。 Just if not Shi Mu act assisted, he will definitely go well by that black light sneak attack. 刚刚若非石牧出手相助,他肯定会被那黑光偷袭得手。 Does not know, I have not seen clearly. It seems like here does not have the danger, the careful advance, this time I take the lead.” Shi Mu says, looked at Shui Lingzi one. “不知道,我也没看清。看来这里并非没有危险,小心一点前进吧,这次我走在前面。”石牧开口说道,瞄了水灵子一眼。 Saying, he takes a step to cross Shui Lingzi, when first walks toward front. 说着,他迈步越过水灵子,当先朝着前面走去。 Cai'er stands on the Shi Mu shoulder, faint smile looked at Shui Lingzi one, has the meaning of satire greatly. 彩儿站在石牧肩膀上,似笑非笑的看了水灵子一眼,大有讽刺之意。 Shui Lingzi complexion is ugly, first front road walks, without encountering what danger, he somewhat was then negligent, nearly suffers a loss. 水灵子脸色难看,先前一路走来,都没有遇到什么危险,他便有些大意了,险些吃了个大亏。 He after all is for many years old strange, the disposition is firm, deeply inspires, the facial expression then returned to normal, strides forward. 他毕竟是积年老怪,心性坚定,深吸一口气,神情便恢复了平静,迈步前进。 The road is quite long, walked did not have some little time to the end, a front pitch-dark piece, could not see end. 甬道颇长,走了好一会还没有到头,前方黑漆漆的一片,也看不到尽头 This is what damned place, how everywhere is the strange thing.” In Cai'er eye glittering seven color rays of light, vigilant looks toward the surroundings, the mouth mumbled. “这是什么鬼地方,怎么到处都是稀奇古怪的东西。”彩儿眼中闪烁着七彩光芒,警惕的朝着周围望去,嘴里嘟囔道。 Shi Mu shows a faint smile, will speak. 石牧微微一笑,正要说话。 The under foot ground shakes suddenly fiercely, the entire road rocked fiercely, as if the earthquake generally, caused Shi Mu and Shui Lingzi body is in a flash. 脚下地面突然猛地一震,整个甬道都剧烈晃动了起来,似乎地震了一般,使得石牧水灵子身体都是一晃。 On at this moment, stone wall of Shi Mu body side black light flashes, section of curving black light incomparably projects from inside rapidly, hits to his back of the body. 就在此刻,石牧身侧的石壁黑光一闪,一截略带弯曲的黑光迅疾无比从里面射出,打向他的后心。 Meanwhile, the stone wall also same electricity of Shui Lingzi body side projects together black light, hits to his body. 与此同时,水灵子身侧的石壁也同样电射出一道黑光,打向他的身体。 On the Shi Mu face has not revealed slightly the surprised color, in the instance that black light just presented that the sleeve robe wields immediately, piece of yellow glow appears in behind, condenses a yellow stone wall. 石牧脸上没有露出丝毫惊讶之色,在那黑光刚刚出现的瞬间,袖袍立刻一挥,一片黄芒出现在身后,凝聚成一面黄色石墙。 On stone wall has five yellow spirit marks, composes a mountain faintly the design, looks extremely mysterious. 石壁上有五道黄色灵纹,隐隐组成一个山岳的图案,看起来极为玄妙。 The dull thumping sound of bang! 轰的一声闷响! That black light flashed pricked on the yellow stone wall, tittered one, submerged the stone wall less than half distance to be then forced to stop, is unable in the thorough slightest. 黑光一闪刺入了黄色石墙上,噗嗤一声,没入石墙小半距离便被迫停了下来,无法在深入分毫。 Shui Lingzi sneers, because previously the general idea/careless was sneak attacked, how at this moment to lose face again the move. 水灵子冷笑一声,先前因为大意才被偷袭,此刻怎么会再次丢脸中招。 His body turning round revolution, the whole body exudes several blue light, the color varies, each level clearly demarcated. 他身体滴溜溜一转,全身泛起数层蓝光,颜色各异,层次分明。 At the same time the ice shield of blue light sparkle emerges out of thin air, keeps off before black light. 一面蓝光闪耀的冰盾凭空出现,挡在黑光之前。 However that black light fierce extraordinary, unexpectedly a fuzziness, silent then pierced the ice shield, ices on the shield to be melted a pinhole. 不过那黑光厉害的出奇,居然一个模糊,无声无息的便洞穿了冰盾,冰盾上被融出一个小洞。 Shui Lingzi complexion slightly startled, although formed hand seals, these these blue light concentrate like lightning fast, changes into a ruler the big or small blue ice flower. 水灵子脸色微惊,虽然闪电般掐诀,身上的那些那些蓝光飞快一凝,化为一朵尺许大小的蓝色冰花。 Thumb thick or thin white light flies to shoot from the ice flower unfaithful/stamen together, sends out scary cold air, hit with that black light in one. 一道拇指粗细的白光从冰花花心飞射而出,散发出骇人的寒气,和那黑光撞在了一起。 A loud sound, the white light disruption, black light was shaken draws back, superficial rays of light was gloomy, shivered two, then rapid incomparable retracted in stone wall. 一声巨响,白光碎裂,黑光被震退,表面光芒暗淡不少,颤动了两下,然后迅疾无比的缩回了石壁中。 Retracts in it the stone wall instance, ices white light to fly to shoot together coldly to come, but actually one step, hit late on stone wall. 就在其缩回石壁的瞬间,又是一道寒冰白光飞射而来,不过却晚了一步,打在了石壁上。 Bang! 砰! The crushed stone splash, stone wall rumbles a small pit, white light also disrupts. 碎石飞溅,石壁轰出一个小坑,白光也碎裂开来。 On stone wall the zhang (3.33 m) in the range, was covered by white solid ice, sends out astonishing cold air, the temperature in road plummets instantaneously. 石壁上丈许范围内,被一层白色坚冰覆盖,散发出惊人的寒气,甬道内的温度瞬间骤降。 Snort!” Shui Lingzi cold snort/hum, cannot hold that black light unexpectedly. “哼!”水灵子冷哼一声,竟然没能抓住那黑光 In the black road the magnetic field surges, white solid ice surface rays of light glittering, appears quickly the innumerable cracks, then disrupts. 黑色甬道内磁场涌动,白色坚冰表面光芒闪烁,很快浮现出无数裂纹,然后碎裂开来。 Shui Lingzi sees with own eyes this scenery, the brow slightly wrinkle. 水灵子眼见此景,眉头微皱。 At this moment, a depressed sound transmits from side, the entire road rocks again. 就在此刻,一声沉闷声音从旁边传来,整个甬道再次晃动起来。 Shui Lingzi looks toward the sound, complexion changes. 水灵子朝着声音看去,脸色微变。 The sound actually conveys from Shi Mu there, that yellow stone wall before his body blooms at this moment dazzling rays of light, almost turns into translucent. 声音却是从石牧那里传来的,他身前的那个黄色石墙此刻绽放出耀眼的光芒,几乎变成半透明 That said that black light punctures at this moment in the stone wall, goes all out to shiver, wants to pull out, but stubbornly was been fixed by the stone wall, is entirely still. 那道黑光此刻刺在石墙中,拼命颤动,想要拔出来,但是却被石墙死死固定,纹丝不动。 That black light revealed the main body at this moment finally, is a section of arm is thick or thin, the scorpion and so on tail hook of evil spirit, shines dark, tail hook peak glittering spooky blue light, deadly poison is obviously incomparable. 黑光此刻终于露出了本体,是一截手臂粗细,蝎子之类妖物的尾钩,黝黑发亮,尾钩顶端闪烁着幽幽蓝光,显然剧毒无比。 The tail hook finds out from stone wall, its main body also hidden in stone wall obviously, has not revealed. 尾钩是从石壁上探出,其本体显然还隐藏在石壁内,没有显露出来。 Thinks that hides can be safe and sound in stone wall, naive! Comes out!” Shi Mu light snort/hum, in the hand appears profound yellow light glow, condenses a several feet yellow and black big hand, submerged in stone wall like lightning, then retracts fast, in the big hand is gripping tightly a thing, is actually a black yellow two color scorpion. “以为躲在石壁中就能安然无恙,天真!出来吧!”石牧轻哼一声,手上浮现出一层玄黄光芒,凝聚成一只数丈大小的玄黄大手,闪电般没入了石壁之中,然后飞快缩回,大手中紧紧握着了一物,却是一头黑黄两色的蝎子。 This scorpion is 34 zhang (3.33 m), body scales shiny, the half body is jet black . Moreover the half body is yellow, the scorpion head plants to be much bigger than other scorpions, moreover actually presents a face appearance indistinctly, ice-cold that but seemingly could not say fearsome. 此蝎有三四丈长,身上鳞甲铮亮,半边身体漆黑,另外半边身体却黄色,蝎子脑袋比其他蝎种大得多,而且却隐约呈现出一个人脸样子,但看起来说不出的冰冷可怖。 The ear-piercing squeal spreads from the scorpion spigot, the listened person is fearful and apprehensive. 刺耳的尖叫声从蝎子口中传出,听的人心惊肉跳。 The strange scorpion goes all out to struggle, body yellow black two color rays of light glittering, try to open a slit, how what a pity regardless of it diligently, Pi Fu to shake the tree probably, cannot shake off the fetter of yellow and black big hand. 诡异的蝎子拼命挣扎,身上黄黑两色光芒闪烁,试图撑开一点缝隙,可惜无论其如何努力,都好像蚍蜉撼树,丝毫挣脱不出玄黄大手的束缚。 Person surface dove poisonous scorpion! Originally is this thing is being up to mischief!” Shui Lingzi knits the brows shouts lowly. “人面鸠毒蝎!原来是这东西在搞鬼!”水灵子皱眉低喝道。 The Shi Mu look moves, the name of this person of surface dove poisonous scorpion, he had seen on ancient book, is in scorpion class Monster Beast existence of most deadly poison, the scorpion poison can kill by poison existence of high first level, the end fierce incomparable. 石牧眼神一动,这人面鸠毒蝎的名字,他在典籍上曾经见过,乃是蝎类妖兽中最为剧毒的存在,蝎毒能毒杀比自己高一阶的存在,端的厉害无比。 Moreover Innate has the energy of escaping place, therefore some extremely few people can catch this beast, cannot think that here really has. 而且天生具有遁地之能,故而极少有人能抓到此兽,想不到这里竟然有。 ........................ …………………… 【The «Profound World Gate» official cartoon serializes fiery!】 Fellow Daoist , " Profound World Gate » official cartoon already gets online in Tencent animation app and Tencent animation homepage version officially, turns on the cell phone to click on Tencent animation search Profound World Gate then to enjoy a Eyes and Ears new two dimension Daoism new world smoothly: ac.qq/ic/icinfo/id/622803 【《玄界之门》官方漫画火热连载中!】各位道友,《玄界之门》官方漫画已在腾讯动漫app及腾讯动漫网页版正式上线,打开手机点击腾讯动漫搜索“玄界之门”即可畅享耳目一新的二次元玄门新世界:ac.qq/ic/icinfo/id/622803 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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