TPW :: Volume #11

#1082: Asura's heart

In the star territory is flooding the void turbulent flow everywhere, to Shi Mu and Miao Kong, although influence, but God Realm actually resists the difficulty generally. 星域之中到处充斥着虚空乱流,对石牧妙空虽然没有影响,但是一般神境却抵挡困难。 Three Patriarch wave to offer a sacrifice to Magical Treasure immediately respectively, protects the respective clansman. 三位族长立刻各自挥手祭出法宝,护住各自族人。 Kunming Patriarch offers a sacrifice to a black dragon boat, rises to several feet in a big way, sends out the big piece thorough incomparable black black light glow, resisted the impact of surrounding space turbulent flow steadily. 昆桑族长祭出一个黑色龙舟,涨大到十几丈大小,散发出大片绵密无比的黝黑光芒,稳稳抵挡住了周围空间乱流的冲击。 **** Gray light glittering, gray flagstone Magical Treasure departs, looks somewhat broken, but above gray miraculous glow glittering, the pressure is astonishing, is not common Spirit Treasure. ****身上灰光闪烁,一个灰色石板法宝飞出,看起来有些残破,不过上面灰色灵光闪烁,威压惊人,绝不是寻常灵宝 The gray flagstone changes into several feet in a flash, picked up all Asura spider clansmen. 灰色石板一晃化为十几丈大小,托起了所有修罗蛛族人。 Since the big piece gray light leaps from flagstone Magical Treasure, covers everyone in inside. 大片灰光从石板法宝上腾起,将所有人都笼罩在里面。 The yellow must the guy drink one lowly, offers a sacrifice to spaceship Magical Treasure, but actually the deep green color, picked up the people of all Ancient Barbarian Race. 黄须大汉低喝一声,也祭出一个飞船法宝,不过却碧绿颜色,托起了所有古蛮族之人。 On the flying boat portrayed many green seedling designs, this moment green light hold, nearby spaceship Magical Treasure appears greatly dozens green tree's shadows, the platoon becomes, isolates the surrounding void turbulent flow outside. 飞舟上刻画了许多绿色树苗图案,此刻绿光大盛,飞船法宝附近浮现出数十个绿色树影,排成一圈,将周围的虚空乱流隔绝在外面。 Walks.” “走吧。” Shi Mu and Monk Miao Kong saw with own eyes that three clan already preparations finished, the figure changes into two rays of light, flies toward that space wormhole whereabouts. 石牧妙空和尚眼见三族都已经准备完毕,身形化为两道光芒,朝着那空间虫洞所在之处飞去。 Three Patriarch actuate Magical Treasure to follow hastily. 三位族长连忙驱动法宝跟上。 Proceeds not to depart far, before that silver-gray star cloud type thing appeared again, blocks the front all ways, the high sea tumbling, inside innumerable rays of light dance, make the sound that innumerable greatly thunders. 往前飞出没有多远,之前遇到的那种银灰色星云状事物再次出现,挡住前面所有去路,怒涛般翻滚着,里面无数光芒狂舞,发出无数巨大轰鸣的声音。 In fact, Asura star was covered by the these silver-gray color nebula in inside, only then close to the region of Asura star somehow, without the nebula exists. 实际上,修罗星是被这些银灰色星云笼罩在里面,只有靠近修罗星的一段区域不知何故,没有星云存在而已。 Shi Mu and Monk Miao Kong had been clear that the nebula the might, flew directly, simultaneously opens the guard/shield, the nebula that will tumble resists outside, the speed does not reduce proceeds to speed along to go. 石牧妙空和尚早已清楚星云的威力,直接飞了进去,同时张开护罩,将翻滚的星云抵挡在外面,速度丝毫不减的往前飞驰而去。 Two people of relaxed advances, but the deep dragon, ancient Man and other clans are not relaxed. 二人轻松前进,但是冥龙,古蛮等三族就没有那么轻松了。 According to before such went forward!” Kunming Patriarch, yellow must the guy, **** three people each other look at each other one, elder brother Patriarch shouts out. “按照以前那样前进!”昆桑族长,黄须大汉,****三人彼此对视一眼,昆桑族长大喝一声。 Then his figure in a flash, falls before the dragon boat, the body appears big piece liquid black light, submerges in the under foot flying boat rolling. 然后他身形一晃,落在龙舟前端,身上浮现出大片液体般的黑光,滚滚没入脚下飞舟中。 The black dragon boat bloomed rays of light of several times, the build one rises in a big way several times, boat body the having mystical powers mark shone all, innumerable Black Rune appeared, is surrounding the flying boat. 黑色龙舟绽放出数倍的光芒,体型一下涨大了数倍,舟身的所有灵纹尽数亮起,无数黑色符文浮现而出,环绕着飞舟。 In Kunming Patriarch mouth mumbled, waved to make two bright black light, flashed submerges in flying boat front dragon's head. 昆桑族长口中念念有词,挥手打出两道明亮黑光,一闪没入飞舟前端的龙头中。 both eyes on dragon's head is up two points bright incomparable rays of light suddenly brightly, the entire dragon boat as if one lived, dragon boat boat bottom black light flashes, grows four huge dragon claw, turning into a real dragon is ordinary. 龙头上的双目陡然亮起两点明亮无比的光芒,整个龙舟仿佛一下活了过来,龙舟舟底黑光一闪,长出四个巨大龙爪,变成一头真龙一般。 Four huge dragon claw shine dazzling incomparable black light suddenly, wields toward the front nebula. 四只巨大龙爪陡然亮起刺目无比的黑光,朝着前方星云挥动过去。 Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! Thick swift and fierce black claw glow fly to shoot, tumbles the nebula that to tear the front, opens a channel reluctantly. 一道道粗大凌厉的黑色爪芒飞射而出,将前方翻滚的星云撕裂开来,勉强打开一个通道。 The black dragon boat body turns, flies into nebula, simultaneously dragon claw flies to shoot claw glow unceasingly , to continue to tear the front nebula. 黑色龙舟身体一扭,飞入星云其中,同时龙爪不断飞射一道道爪芒,继续将前方星云撕裂开来。 Although a black flying boat of deep dragon clan tears the nebula, but various attacks in nebula such as the rain flies to shoot to come, the crystal that the especially those debris forms, hits ruthlessly on the black dragon boat. 冥龙一族的黑色飞舟虽然撕裂开星云,但是星云中的各种攻击还是如雨飞射而来,尤其是那些空间碎片形成的晶体,狠狠打在黑色龙舟上。 ! 噼里啪啦! Protecting body rays of light of black dragon boat surface shivers fiercely, but will not have disrupted for a short time. 黑色龙舟表面的护体光芒剧烈颤抖,不过一时半会还不会碎裂开来。 Kunming Patriarch complexion sinks, but act has not coped with these debrises, but looked at one toward behind. 昆桑族长脸色微沉,不过并未出手对付那些空间碎片,而是朝着身后看了一眼。 One group of dazzling gray lights follow closely after the black dragon boat, flew into the nebula channel, is a gray flagstone of Asura spider clan. 一团耀眼灰光紧随在黑色龙舟后,飞入了星云通道,正是修罗蛛一族的灰色石板。 **** At this moment sits cross-legged to sit above the flagstone, white light flashes, before the body, appears a white guqin. ****此刻盘膝坐在石板之上,白光一闪,身前浮现出一架白色古琴。 Looks at the surrounding situation, the especially those fly the space crystal that shoots to raid, her facial expression with deep veneration, ten fingers the springing in the string get up fast. 看着周围的情况,尤其是那些飞射袭来的空间晶体,她神情肃然,十指飞快在琴弦上弹动起来。 Clank the zither music resounds immediately, actually not delightful of pleasant to hear, instead some war the feelings of withering. 铮铮琴音立刻响起,却并不悦耳好听,反而有些金戈铁马的肃杀之感。 White Rune of innumerable fist size departs from the guqin, sends out the intense space to fluctuate. 无数拳头大小的白色符文从古琴上飞出,散发出强烈的空间波动。 the next moment these White Rune changes into together the spoken parts colored light arrow immediately, toward flies to shoot in all directions, accurate incomparable and these space crystal hits in the same place. 下一刻这些白色符文立刻化为一道道白色光箭,朝着四面八方飞射而出,准确无比和那些袭来的空间晶体撞在一起。 The white light arrow one and debris bumps, immediately explodes fiercely, changes into piece of white light to vanish without the trace, but the debris also same disruption vanishes. 白色光箭一和空间碎片相碰,立刻猛地爆裂开来,化为一片白光消失无踪,不过空间碎片也一样碎裂消失。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A series of bangs resound, these debris unexpectedly quilts **** blocks it most. 一连串的巨响响起,那些空间碎片竟然被****将其拦下大半。 Kunming Patriarch sees with own eyes this scenery, relaxes , to continue to stimulate to movement the black dragon boat, breaks open the front nebula. 昆桑族长眼见此景,松了口气,继续施法催动黑色龙舟,破开前方星云。 After gray flagstone, one group of green light follow enters, is the Ancient Barbarian Race green spaceship. 灰色石板之后,一团绿光紧随其后而入,正是古蛮族的绿色飞船。 The yellow must guy also elder brother Patriarch, **** is the same, in the mouth mumbled, stimulated to movement under the body the flying boat. 黄须大汉也昆桑族长,****一样,口中念念有词,催动身下飞舟。 Around the flying boat on the broad side green light flashes, grows dozens lifelike green wooden figurines, big mouth, dozens green light beams spray from inside, submerges in the surrounding nebula. 飞舟四周船舷上绿光一闪,长出数十个栩栩如生的绿色木人,大口一张,数十道绿色光柱从里面喷射而出,没入周围星云中。 Bang! 轰! The these seemingly common green light beam, submerges the nebula, explodes unexpectedly immediately fiercely, the might is enormous, opens the mouth some nebulas of closing up to tear again surroundings already. 这些看似不起眼的绿色光柱,一没入星云,竟然立刻剧烈爆炸开来,威力极大,将周围已经开口有些合拢的星云再次撕裂开来。 The yellow must in the guy eyes the happy expression dodge, then the arm wields, two black ink green light glow fly to shoot from the hand, is actually pair of dark green claw same Magical Treasure, sends out the astonishing spiritual energy to fluctuate, obviously is a rare treasure. 黄须大汉眼中喜色一闪,然后手臂一挥,两道墨绿光芒从手中飞射而出,却是一对墨绿色的爪子一样的法宝,散发出惊人的灵气波动,显然是一件异宝。 He waves to make a daoist magic secret art, dark green claw Magical Treasure rises to several feet immediately in a big way, changes into two black ink light to fly to shoot. 他挥手打出一道法诀,墨绿爪子法宝立刻涨大到十几丈,化为两道墨光飞射而出。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Green claw fingertip rays of light puts greatly, then claw glow fly to shoot, coordinating **** guqin Magical Treasure, resists the debris that the week is raiding, intercepts all it. 绿色爪子指尖光芒大放,然后一道道爪芒飞射而出,配合着****的古琴法宝,抵挡着周围袭来的空间碎片,将其尽数拦截下来。 Flies to see this in front Shi Mu, secret nod. 飞在前面的石牧看到此幕,暗暗点头。 Three people of this time, each other coordination jointly adept incomparable, obviously already the first time was not did that. 三人此番,彼此配合联手娴熟无比,显然已经不是第一次这么做了。 The group continue to go forward, the Shi Mu two people did not say, the speed that elder brother Patriarch they go forward is not slow. 一行人继续前进,石牧二人不说,昆桑族长他们前进的速度也不算慢。 Less than half in the future, the surroundings nebula is gradually thin. 小半日后,周围星云逐渐稀薄起来。 The Shi Mu spirit shakes, knows that already almost left the nebula region, front was these space wormholes. 石牧精神一震,知道已经差不多离开了星云区域,前面就是那些空间虫洞了。 The nebula is thin, the speed that three clans fly to escape increases immediately. 星云稀薄,三族飞遁的速度立刻大增。 Also proceeded to fly the moment, at present suddenly sees the light, finally left the nebula region. 又往前飞行了片刻,眼前豁然开朗,终于离开了星云区域。 Arrived here, the space fluctuated to be suddenly fierce, looks out the front, can see that indistinctly the distant place has more than ten paint black light points extremely, sends out spooky rays of light, has shone through the innumerable void turbulent flow, transmitted. 到了此处,空间波动突然剧烈起来,遥望前方,隐约能看到极远处有十几个漆黑光点,散发出幽幽光芒,透射过无数虚空乱流,传递了过来。 Shi Mu and Monk Miao Kong exchanged a look, sees an excitement in the opposite party eyes, what are more is dignified. 石牧妙空和尚交换了一下眼神,都在对方眼中看到一丝兴奋,不过更多的是凝重。 The group continue to go forward, arrived at that to paint nearby the black light point quickly. 一行人继续前进,很快来到了那漆黑光点附近。 Shi Mu volume Monk Miao Kong complexion changes, between front void impressively float more than ten huge black space vortex, sends out the strength of huge swallowing. 石牧妙空和尚脸色微变,之间前方虚空赫然悬浮着十几个巨大黑色空间漩涡,散发出庞大的吞噬之力。 In vortex black light glittering, is too deep to see the bottom, does not know to where. 漩涡黑光闪烁,深不见底,不知通往何处。 This is the space wormhole...... the world good fortune, is really mysterious.” Shi Mu muttered said. “这就是空间虫洞……天地造化,果然神奇。”石牧喃喃说道。 Kunming Patriarch and the others also flew, on the face reveals some exciting colors. 昆桑族长等人也飞了过来,脸上露出些许激动之色。 Here space wormhole has more than ten, which is to lead to Asura's heart secret realm?” Shi Mu turns the head to look that asked to Kunming Patriarch several people. “此处空间虫洞有十几个,哪一个是通往修罗之心秘境的?”石牧转头看向昆桑族长几人问道。 His Divine Sense has spread, transported spirit eye of divine ability, slightly saw the mysteries of these more than ten space wormholes greatly, as if to lead to different places. 他的神识早已蔓延开来,也运起了灵目神通,大略看出了这十几个空间虫洞的奥秘,似乎通向不同的地方。 At once, he does not investigate clearly. 一时之间,他也探查不真切。 Shi Mu Fellow Daoist waits a bit, this leads to Asura secret realm space wormhole to have the change each time, being probable investigates to be good.” Kunming Patriarch said, waves to take out pleasant Magical Treasure, above miraculous glow glittering, condenses law formation . 石牧道友稍等,这通往修罗秘境的空间虫洞每次都有变化,须得探查一下才行。”昆桑族长说道,挥手取出一个如意般的法宝,上面灵光闪烁,凝聚成一个法阵,正要施法。 Does not need to waste the time, is this, walks, do not let that nine gluttonies escape!” At this moment, silent Monk Miao Kong has said suddenly, the figure flies to shoot, submerged in space vortex, vanished the trace. “不必浪费时间了,是这一个,走,别让那九首饕餮逃掉!”就在此刻,一直沉默不语的妙空和尚忽的说了一声,身形飞射而出,没入了一个空间漩涡中,消失了踪影。 The Shi Mu look flashes, but does not have hesitant anything, immediately flies to shoot, flies into space vortex. 石牧眼神一闪,不过也没有犹豫什么,立刻飞射而出,飞入空间漩涡中。 The people of three clan one dull, three Patriarch each other face one another, somewhat is for a while scruple, without the trade enters rashly. 三族之人一呆,三位族长彼此相望,一时都有些迟疑,没有贸贸然进入。 Is this space wormhole, won't that two people make a mistake?” **** behind, that black skin young girl curls the lip, said. “是不是这个空间虫洞,那两个人不会搞错吧?”****身后,那个黑肤少女撇了撇嘴,说道。 Luan, two Fellow Daoist cultivation base gods, may not hurriedly!” **** The brow slightly wrinkle, reproved in a low voice, simultaneously looked toward the surroundings, seemed worried the Shi Mu two people heard. “鸾儿,二位道友修为通神,不可造次!”****眉头微皱,低声训斥道,同时朝着周围看去,似乎担心石牧二人听到。 On the black skin young girl face somewhat thinks otherwise, but obedient shutting up. 黑肤少女脸上有些不以为然,不过还是听话的闭上了嘴。 Elder brother Patriarch, is safe, you use the secret technique to investigate good.” **** Said. “昆族长,还是稳妥一些,你用秘术探查一下的好。”****说道。 Kunming Patriarch nods, in hand pleasant Magical Treasure float, ten fingers of gearing, make the daoist magic secret art to submerge together. 昆桑族长点了点头,手中如意法宝悬浮,十指连动,打出一道道法诀没入其中。 In pleasant Magical Treasure peak law formation radiance flashes, appears leopard cat small beast shadow, the pupil is bright, looks toward more than ten space wormholes, has swept on more than ten space vortex, finally stays, in the Shi Mu two people flew into on the space wormhole, in the mouth makes a cat called the sound. 如意法宝顶端法阵中光华一闪,浮现出一个狸猫般的小兽虚影,瞳孔晶亮无比,朝着十几个空间虫洞望去,在十几个空间漩涡上扫过,最后停留在石牧二人飞入了空间虫洞上,口中发出一声猫叫般的声音。 Also is really here, it seems like two but actually also skills.” Saying that black skin young girl muttered. “还真是这里,看来那两人倒也有些本事。”那黑肤少女喃喃的说道。 In view of this, we also walk.” The yellow must the guy wave, the green flying boat under body took the lead to fly into the space wormhole. “既如此,我们也走吧。”黄须大汉一挥手,身下的绿色飞舟率先飞入了空间虫洞。 Other two clans also follow immediately. 其他两族也立刻跟上。 The people of three clan at present one black, enters a jet black space, the surroundings are flooding strength of the tremendous space, is wrapping everyone's body, goes all out to tear. 三族之人眼前一黑,进入一个漆黑空间,周围充斥着一股股巨大空间之力,包裹着所有人的身体,拼命撕扯。 If not elder brother Patriarch they use Magical Treasure to protect, some cultivation base slightly weak people, really must be torn by the strength of this tremendous space. 若非昆桑族长他们用法宝护住,一些修为稍弱的人,真的要被这巨大空间之力撕裂开来。 Has not known how long, the people of three clan at present one bright, appears in a bright incomparable space. 不知过了多久,三族之人眼前一亮,出现在一个明亮无比的空间。 The top of the head is deep green blue sky, white clouds, under is actually a limpid incomparable great lake, the surrounding area does not know in a big way, the field of vision cannot see end. 头顶是一处碧绿蓝天,白云朵朵,下方却是一处清澈无比的大湖,方圆不知多大,视野看不到尽头 In the lake grew the innumerable deep green water plants, the wind had blown, the water plant rippled with the lake surface, quiet and beautiful incomparable. 湖中生长了无数碧绿的水草,风吹过,水草随着湖面荡漾,清幽无比。 In the air Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth is rich, compared with Asura on-board far more than several times. 空气中天地灵气浓郁无比,比起修罗星上强了何止数倍。 In three clans, many people the first time had entered Asura's heart, sees the present scene, exudes the sound of exclamation. 三族之中,有很多人都是第一次进入过修罗之心,看到眼前的景象,都发出惊叹之声。 Three Patriarch actually brow tight wrinkles, look at this moment toward the surroundings. 三位族长此刻却都眉头紧皱,朝着周围望去。 First coming in Shi Mu and Monk Miao Kong, at this moment is actually traceless. 先一步进来的石牧妙空和尚,此刻却是踪影全无。
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