TPW :: Volume #11

#1051: Nirvana

Under sweeping across of this spiritual power hurricane, Formation under Di Qun arrange/cloth was torn to crush. 在这股灵力飓风的席卷下,帝夋布下的阵法被撕裂得粉碎。 Nearby the strength of wild wind floods thoroughly void, in the air exudes the intermittent naked eye obvious ripples wave, seemed lit thoroughly generally. 狂暴的风之力彻底充斥附近虚空,空气中泛起阵阵肉眼可见的涟漪波浪,似乎彻底被点燃了一般。 Wha......” “什……” Di Qun finishes barely the words, the body unexpectedly by great strength one volume that share of even/including its is unable to prevent, the body flew upside down, non-stop flies about the hundred zhang (333 m), it whole body golden light flashes came to a stop the figure. 帝夋话音未落,身体竟被一股连其也无法阻挡的巨力一卷,身子倒飞了出去,直飞出百丈开外,其才周身金光一闪的站稳了身形。 In his heart startled and anger, complexion gloomy, how in the heart does not know, appears a filament for not the wonderful premonition. 他心中又惊又怒,脸色阴沉了下来,心中不知怎么,浮现出一丝极为不妙的预感。 Another side, Su Sheng and Yan Luo two people were also shocked by the present drastic change, stopped the battle. 另一边,栗升烟罗二人也被眼前的剧变惊呆,停止了争斗。 Had anything......” Yan Luo to wave to receive the domain, looks at that startled day spiritual power vortex, muttered. “发生了什么……”烟罗挥手收起了领域,看着那个惊天灵力漩涡,喃喃自语了一声。 Su Sheng is also perplexed, cannot speak. 栗升也不明所以,说不出话来。 In the meantime, a huge pressure from spiritual power vortex center shooting up to the sky suddenly. 就在此时,一股庞大的威压从灵力漩涡中心蓦的冲天而起。 This spirit pressure, even is not inferior compared with Di Qun. 这股灵压之强,甚至比起帝夋也丝毫不逊色。 Di Qun frowns. 帝夋眉头一蹙。 Yan Luo and Su Sheng are startled, immediately recognizes this spirit pressure. 烟罗栗升一怔,立刻认出了这股灵压。 Although became powerful, but this spirit pressure Shi Mu. 虽然变得强大了许多,不过这股灵压正是石牧的。 In a Yan Luo pair of beautiful pupil reveals the happy expression, although does not know that exactly had anything. 烟罗一双美眸中露出喜色,虽然不知道到底发生了什么。 On the Su Sheng face the facial expression is somewhat complex, but changes into a joy immediately. 栗升脸上神情有些复杂,不过随即还是化为一片欣喜。 Buzz! 嗡! The thick incomparable yellow and black colored light column appears from spiritual power vortex together, the direct impact clouds, huge spiritual power vortex dissipates slowly. 一道粗大无比的玄黄色光柱从灵力漩涡中浮现,直冲云霄,巨大灵力漩涡缓缓消散。 The giant light beam also looks like restraining to vanish very much, appears a several feet high form, is Shi Mu. 巨大光柱也很像收敛消失,现出一个数丈高的身影,正是石牧 He at this moment, the whole body sends out yellow and black color rays of light, the appearance looks before has little change, but among the facial expressions feels is completely different. 此刻的他,全身散发出玄黄颜色的光芒,容貌看起来和之前没有太大变化,不过神情间给人的感觉却完全不同。 Just like Di Qun, Shi Mu at this moment sends out one completely is not the aura of the world of mortals. 帝夋一样,此刻的石牧散发出一股完全不属于凡间的气息。 However with Di Qun light and lively elegant different, Shi Mu an extremely heavy/thick feeling, the whole person stands there, as if holds up a day of great peak to be stable, cannot shake. 不过和帝夋的轻灵飘逸不同,石牧给人一种极为厚重之感,整个人站在那里,仿佛一座擎天巨峰般稳固,不可撼动。 Shi Mu lifts both hands, the change of feeling within the body, in the heart wild with joy. 石牧抬起双手,感受体内的变化,心中狂喜。 At this moment air/Qi of circulations his within the body powerful incomparable yellow and black, previously cultivation various True Qi, the strength of Nine Revolution Profound Law vanished thoroughly. 此刻他的体内一股股强大无比的玄黄之气流转,先前修炼的各种真气,还有九转玄功之力彻底消失。 Although only has air/Qi of yellow and black, but he can feel, this special Origin Energy is quite powerful. 虽然只有一股玄黄之气,不过他能感觉到,这股特殊的元气极为强大。 His palm one gets hold. 他手掌一下握紧。 Bang! 轰隆! A huge great strength appears suddenly, in body week hundred zhang (333 m) void sharp shake, exudes one just like shakes huge thundering of Thunder Clap. 一股庞大巨力陡然浮现,身周百丈之内虚空剧烈震荡,发出一声犹如震雷般的巨大轰鸣。 A Shi Mu body bow, the whole person shoots up to the sky subsequently, such as teleport appears in midair, ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation are unexpectedly nothing left to his fetter. 紧接着,石牧身躯一弓,继而整个人冲天而起,如瞬移般出现在半空,万灵玄门大阵对他的束缚竟已荡然无存。 Di Qun sees this, complexion sinks, Shi Mu at this moment gives him a dangerous feeling, lets it not rashly act. 帝夋见此,脸色一沉,此刻的石牧给他一种危险的感觉,让其没有贸然出手 However the next moment, his facial expression suddenly is startled. 不过下一刻,他神情忽的一怔。 Lost Shi Mu this eye, ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation were still continue revolve. 失去了石牧这个阵眼,万灵玄门大阵仍然在继续运转。 In midair, by five star transmissions, but below five huge spiritual power, still in integrated in an eye unceasingly, then transmitted to go toward great formation. 半空中,由五颗星球传递而下的五股巨大灵力,仍旧在不断融入阵眼中,然后朝着大阵中传递而去。 Previously because Su Sheng attacked Shi Mu, the caused shake returned to the original design fast normal, Profound World Gate shadow that in midair shivered slowly. 先前因为栗升攻击石牧,导致的震荡飞快恢复了原样,半空中颤抖的玄界之门虚影慢慢平静了下来。 In the Di Qun eye flashes through color of the great happiness. 帝夋眼中闪过一丝大喜之色。 Although does not know that what's the matter, this originally mysterious incomparable, he has not understood completely, has some mutations is also normal. 虽然不知道怎么回事,此阵本就玄奥无比,他也没有完全参透,出现一些异变也属正常。 So long as this without were terminated, his plan would have no failure. 只要此阵没有被终止,那他的计划就没有失败。 During the consideration, its person's shadow flashes, the flying kept off before an eye. 思量间,其人影一闪,飞身挡在了阵眼之前。 Shi Mu looks still in revolution great formation, in the eye also reveals a surprise, the brow wrinkles, but he has not taken action for a while immediately. 石牧看着还在运转的大阵,眼中也露出一丝诧异,眉头不禁皱起,不过他一时没有立刻采取行动。 „, Your also cultivation to this step, had/left True Immortal Body concise.” Di Qun is sizing up Shi Mu up and down, said with a smile lightly. “没想到,你也修炼到了这一步,凝练出了真仙之体。”帝夋上下打量着石牧,淡淡笑道。 True Immortal Body? Why your excellency toots one's own horn toward himself. Your my such law body has not experienced upper boundary spiritual power to quenching, most can only be half immortal body, missed the long distance from true True Immortal Body.” Shi Mu hey, said. 真仙之体?阁下何必往自己脸上贴金。你我这样的法体没有经历上界灵力淬炼,最多只能算是半个仙体而已,距离真正的真仙之体差了十万八千里吧。”石牧嘿了一声,说道。 The Di Qun face sinks, in the eye flashes through an angry look. 帝夋脸一沉,眼中闪过一丝怒色。 Shi Mu.” Shi Mu behind flashes void, the Yan Luo form appears, the beautiful pupil is somewhat excited. 石牧。”石牧身后虚空一闪,烟罗的身影浮现,美眸有些激动。 A Yan Luo behind flower, Su Sheng also flew, on the face the facial expression is somewhat awkward. 烟罗身后一花,栗升也飞了过来,脸上神情有些尴尬。 Before you have been working hard, the following matter, giving me is good.” Shi Mu turned the head to look at two people of one, said. “之前你们辛苦了,接下来的事情,交给我就行。”石牧转头看了二人一眼,说道。 Meanwhile, he waves, two profound yellow light glow fly to shoot from the palm, submerges in two human bodies. 同时,他一挥手,两股玄黄光芒从掌心飞射而出,没入二人体内。 Two people body big quakes, a great warm current passes in within the body fast, loss Origin Energy restores unexpectedly fast, immediately is the great happiness. 两人身体大震,一股宏大暖流在体内飞快流转,亏损的元气竟然飞快恢复,顿时都是大喜。 Especially Su Sheng, bad internal injury in great confusion heals fast automatically, was in an instant good 50%-60%, the wrinkle on face as if was also short of several points. 尤其是栗升,乱成一团糟的内伤飞快自动愈合,转眼间好了50%-60%,原本脸上的皱纹似乎也少了几分。 Shi Mu transfers the instance of head, the Di Qun look concentrates, the figure vanishes in a flash, the next moment appears before the Shi Mu body, a fist slow reality vigorous bang. 石牧转首的瞬间,帝夋眼神微凝,身形一晃消失,下一刻出现在石牧身前,一拳似缓实疾的轰出。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! A golden multi-colored sunlight appears on his fist, the fist gold casting seems to be ordinary, sends out the intense principle fluctuation. 一层金色霞光出现在其拳头上,拳头仿佛黄金铸造一般,散发出强烈的法则波动。 Shi Mu, be careful!” On the Yan Luo face in great surprise, reminded hastily. 石牧,小心!”烟罗脸上大惊,连忙提醒道。 Shi Mu expression has not changed, even has not turned around, after arm is fuzzy, the palm back-hand on the golden fist, on the palm appeared profound yellow light glow. 石牧神色未变,甚至都都没有转身,一条手臂一个模糊后,手掌反手拍在了金色拳头上,手掌上浮现出一层玄黄光芒。 In the world a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound! 天地间一声惊天动地的巨响! Golden two rays of light each other collide, then explodes to open, the nearby void distortion, cuns (2.5 cm) disrupt immediately. 黄金两种光芒彼此碰撞,然后爆裂而开,附近虚空一阵扭曲,随即寸寸碎裂开来。 The Shi Mu figure stands in straightly same place motionless, but Di Qun actually tread the tread tread to draw back continually more than ten steps, this came to a stop in a flash the body, color of the face startled anger. 石牧身形笔直站在原地一动不动,不过帝夋却蹬蹬蹬连退了十几步,这才一晃的站稳了身体,一脸惊怒之色。 Yan Luo and Su Sheng will also be pushed in the future by the strength of this rupturing, non-stop flew dozens zhang (3.33 m), the coming to a stop body, both ears was still buzzing. 烟罗栗升也被这股爆裂的力量往后推去,直飞出了数十丈,才站稳身体,双耳仍旧在嗡嗡作响。 „The act sneak attack, solemn Heaven Emperor, is so unexpectedly mean!” Shi Mu turns around, coldly said that during the spoken languages, mixes with one to disdain. 出手偷袭,堂堂天帝,竟如此卑鄙!”石牧转过身来,冷冷说道,言语之间,夹杂着一丝不屑。 The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, why flaunts the advantage of argument!” Di Qun complexion is pale, the anger snort/hum, in the hand formed hand seals wielded. “成王败寇,何必逞口舌之利!”帝夋脸色铁青,怒哼了一声,手中掐诀一挥。 Shi Mu top of the head void rumble sound big sound, the innumerable golden multi-colored sunlight emerge, a mountain peak giant golden color imperial seal seal appears baseless, drops from the clouds, such as withstands great pressure presses toward Shi Mu under. 石牧头顶虚空隆隆之声大响,无数金色霞光涌现而出,一尊山峰般巨大的金色玺印凭空浮现,从天而降,如泰山压顶般朝石牧一压而下。 Meanwhile, Di Qun two brandish, the body appears suddenly a golden multi-colored sunlight, immediately is a red multi-colored sunlight, is a yellow multi-colored sunlight. 与此同时,帝夋两手挥舞,身上陡然浮现出一层金色霞光,随即是一层赤色霞光,然后是一层黄色霞光。 In an instant, 78 multi-colored sunlight appear, covers on Di Qun. 转眼间,七八层霞光浮现而出,笼罩在帝夋身上。 He drinks one lowly, the arm wields. 他低喝一声,手臂一挥。 Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! These multi-colored sunlight one volumes, change into assorted giant wind edges, sends out the intense incomparable principle fluctuation, cuts toward the Shi Mu body. 那些霞光一卷,化为一道道各色巨大风刃,散发出强烈无比的法则波动,朝着石牧身躯斩去。 Shi Mu cold snort/hum, single-handed formed hand seals, the body surface emerges immediately innumerably , if there is profound yellow light glow of essence. 石牧冷哼一声,单手一掐诀,体表顿时涌现出无数如有实质的玄黄光芒。 His palm toward in the air wields suddenly, these profound yellow light glow gush out all, immediately a midair loud sound, several mu big or small yellow Giant Palm emerges out of thin air, does not dodge grasping that does not evade to the golden great seal. 他一掌猛然朝着空中挥去,那些玄黄光芒尽数涌出,当即半空一声巨响,一只数亩大小的黄色巨掌凭空出现,不闪不避的抓向金色大印。 Bang a loud sound! 轰隆一声巨响! Yellow Giant Palm sank downward, but resists the golden great seal, makes its float unable to fall in midair. 黄色巨掌往下沉了一下,不过还是将金色大印抵住,让其悬浮在半空无法落下。 Meanwhile, his body moves, the body surface appears clear yellow glow, the body turns instantaneously just like the steel congealing brass casting to be common. 同时,他身躯一动,体表浮现出一层晶莹黄芒,身体瞬间变成犹如钢凝铜铸一般。 These giant wind blade electricity shoot the meaning, but, Shi Mu slightly not having dodged, whatever these wind edges chop to cut on the body. 那些巨大风刃电射而至,石牧丝毫也没有躲闪的意思,任凭那些风刃劈斩在身上。 A rain beating against banana tree loud sound spreads continuously! 一阵雨打芭蕉般的巨响连绵传出! The wind blade explodes in abundance, changes into innumerable rays of light, submerges the Shi Mu body. 风刃纷纷爆裂开来,化为无数光芒,将石牧的身躯淹没。 Assorted rays of light dissipates slowly, reveals the body of Shi Mu, actually a scar does not have, even the clothing has not damaged the slightest. 各色光芒缓缓消散,露出石牧的身体,竟然一丝伤痕也无,甚至衣衫也没有破损分毫。 These fierce incomparable principle attacks, as if to its flexure itchy general. 那些厉害无比的法则攻击,仿佛只是给其挠痒痒一般。 Di Qun complexion sinks, in the eye is difficult to cover the startled color. 帝夋脸色一沉,眼中难掩惊色。 Shi Mu two formed hand seals, a finger point. 石牧两手掐诀,手指一点而出。 Buzz! 嗡! Yellow Giant Palm changes fiercely, changes into one group of yellow and black cloud clusters, sweeps across on, covered the golden great seal in inside. 黄色巨掌猛地变化开来,化为一团玄黄云团,席卷而上,将金色大印笼罩在了里面。 Seals!” In the Shi Mu mouth puts out a character. “封!”石牧口中吐出一个字。 A yellow cloud cluster distortion changes, inside departs innumerable rune, in an instant changes into a giant yellow disc seal, is very impressively similar to the Nine Revolution Profound Law chaos seal method. 黄色云团一阵扭曲变化,里面飞出无数符文,刹那间化为一个巨大黄色圆盘封印,赫然和九转玄功的混沌封印法很是相似。 The golden great seal humming sound trembles in inside, but is unable to work loose. 金色大印在里面嗡嗡震颤,不过丝毫无法挣脱出来。 The yellow disc seal in original position turning round revolving, changes is fast small, shortly will change into the head/number of people size, was waved to receive by Shi Mu. 黄色圆盘封印在原处滴溜溜旋转,飞快变小,顷刻间化为人头大小,被石牧一挥手收了起来。 Di Qun sees with own eyes this scenery, complexion finally thorough gloomy. 帝夋眼见此景,脸色终于彻底阴沉 On his face the facial expression fluctuates, an under foot point, the body shoots, spread out and Shi Mu, waves to offer a sacrifice to green incense burner Magical Treasure, lets go to depart, hangs in the chest front. 他脸上神情变幻,脚下一点,身体倒射而出,拉开了和石牧的距离,挥手祭出一个绿色香炉法宝,脱手飞出,悬于胸前。 In the instance that this treasure presents, the Di Qun whole person imposing manner increases, clothes robe ballooning, a long hair calm from dance. 在此宝出现的瞬间,帝夋整个人气势大增,衣袍鼓胀,一头长发无风自舞。 His both hands empty grasp the incense burner, the both eyes golden light circulation, the fearful spirit pressure sends out from the incense burner, is as good the golden great seal, impressively is Item Grade extremely high Spirit Treasure. 其双手虚握香炉,双目金光流转,惶惶灵压从香炉中散发而出,丝毫不逊于金色大印,赫然又是一件品阶极高的灵宝 The incense burner surface mark is carving simple and unadorned unusual traces, composes a giant strange face design faintly, the green smog of curling emits from the incense burner. 香炉表面纹刻着一道道古朴异常的纹路,隐隐组成一个巨大诡异人脸图案,袅袅的绿色烟雾从香炉上冒出。 As soon as he directs, green rays of light flies to shoot to submerge in the incense burner. 他一指点出,一道绿色光芒飞射没入香炉中。 Thunders from the incense burner low and deep spreads, the big piece quiet green light glow sends out, the face design on incense burner suddenly strange smiles. 一声低沉轰鸣从香炉内传出,大片幽绿光芒散发开来,香炉上的人脸图案忽的诡异一笑。 „” “嗤嗤” The eye and mouth of face, three green light beams project from inside simultaneously, hits toward Shi Mu. 人脸的眼睛和嘴巴同时一张,三道绿色光柱从里面射出,朝着石牧打去。 Shi Mu cold snort/hum, grasps single-handed, in the hand golden light flashed, a golden long stick emerges out of thin air, is Heaven Shattering Staff, sweeps away. 石牧冷哼一声,单手一抓,手中金色光芒一闪,一根金色长棍凭空出现,正是翻天棍,横扫而出。 The stick body blooms big piece golden color rays of light, bang, easily three green light beam crushing. 棍身绽放出大片金色光芒,砰的一声,轻易将三道绿色光柱击碎。 The green light beam explodes, has not actually vanished, but changes into green smog, scatters toward the surroundings. 绿色光柱爆裂开来,却没有消失,而是化为一片绿色烟雾,朝着周围飘散。 Shi Mu one step treads, the void fluctuation, the figure vanishes without the trace suddenly, immediately emerges out of thin air in Di Qun behind, middle almost does not have any time disparity. 石牧一步踏出,虚空一阵波动,身形陡然消失无踪,随即凭空出现在帝夋身后,中间几乎没有任何时间差距。 teleport!” Distant place, Yan Luo wonderful eye one bright. 瞬移!”远处,烟罗妙目一亮。 Her cultivation has space class divine ability, regarding space teleportation and so on divine ability is quite familiar. 修炼有空间类的神通,对于空间挪移之类的神通极为熟悉。 By her present space divine ability, can achieve similar instantaneous effect, but compared with Shi Mu at this moment, wants to be slower. 以她现在的空间神通,也能做到类似瞬间的效果,不过比起此刻的石牧,还是要慢一些。 Because Shi Mu displays, spans the space truly teleport! 因为石牧施展的,是真正跨越空间的瞬移
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