TPW :: Volume #11

#1049: Daoism opens

Rumble! 轰隆隆! Not a unimaginable strength emerges from ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation, causes the entire world strenuous vibration. 一股无法想象的力量从万灵玄门大阵中涌现,引得整个天地剧烈震动起来。 Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth is chaotic, a tumbling, forms five colors hurricane finally unexpectedly, howling goes toward four Wild Zhou volumes. 天地灵气混乱无比,一阵翻滚,最后竟然形成一股五色的飓风,呼啸的朝着四周狂卷而去。 This five colors hurricane implication of spirit pressure, made Di Qun, Su Sheng, the Yan Luo three people by it affect, the body also be rocked unexpectedly. 这五色飓风蕴含的灵压之强,竟使得帝夋,栗升,烟罗三人被之波及,身体也晃动了一下。 The Heavenly Court armies and alliance armies who the distant place is battling were swept across by this five colors hurricane, hundreds of thousands of army fallen leaves seem common, was curled the heaven directly, wells up toward the distant place, cultivation base slightly weakness, even was rewound to non-stop fly dozens li (0.5 km) by the figure. 远处正在激战的天庭大军和联盟大军被这五色飓风席卷,数十万大军仿佛落叶一般,直接被卷上天,朝着远处涌去,修为稍弱点的,甚至被身形倒卷着直飞出了数十里。 At this moment, two side army tumults, both troops mixed thoroughly in one, where also had the slight formation. 此时此刻,两方大军一阵骚动,双方人马彻底搅和在了一起,哪里还有丝毫的阵型可言。 land Kuizhong, Shi Wuya and the others the great happiness, orders immediately one after another, person who convenes an alliance side. 陆馗钟,释无涯等人大喜,立刻接连下令,召集联盟一方的人。 A Gao Ming and other Heavenly Court side of God Realm complexion were pale, cannot want the person who how long can exterminate a Mí Tiān alliance side thoroughly, actually had this grade of matter. 高明天庭一方的神境脸色铁青,要不了多久就能彻底剿灭弥天联盟一方的人了,竟然发生这等事情。 At present in the situation, they cannot attend to striking to kill the Mí Tiān alliance army, quickly calls own army, prepares its reorganization, makes the plan again. 眼下情况下,他们也顾不得击杀弥天联盟大军,急忙召集自己的大军,准备将其整顿,再做打算。 In a confusion, no one notices, place of the eye, Shi Mu body although at this moment was still entered by the innumerable spiritual power irrigation, but its already no longer continues to inflate explodes, but was covered by various color rays of light, miraculous glow glittering is uncertain. 一片混乱之中,没有人注意到,阵眼之处,石牧身体此刻虽然仍旧被无数灵力灌注而入,但其已经不再继续膨胀爆裂,而是被各种颜色的光芒笼罩,灵光闪烁不定。 However in these rays of light gradually appears color of the yellow and black, slowly got the winning side. 不过这些光芒之中逐渐浮现出一种玄黄之色,慢慢占据了上风。 The body of Shi Mu non-stop wriggling, seems having anything to change. 石牧的身体不停蠕动,似乎在发生什么变化。 Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth is chaotic, moreover is getting more and more fierce, where wū wū the sound does not know spreads, as if the world cries loudly. 天地灵气混乱无比,而且越来越剧烈,呜呜呜的声音不知从哪里传出,仿佛天地嚎哭。 Suddenly, the innumerable gloomy and cold incomparable aura from spread void. 突然之间,无数阴冷无比的气息从虚空传出。 In the entire world all rays of light suddenly become gloomy, as if all rays of light were absorbed generally. 整个天地间所有的光芒陡然变得暗淡,仿佛一切光芒都被吸收了一般。 rays of light that ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation send out for a while unexpectedly also gloomy. 万灵玄门大阵散发出的光芒一时竟然也暗淡了下来。 Meanwhile, incessantly is Heavenly Court, the world of all star territories are also having the drastic change. 与此同时,不止是天庭,所有星域的天地也在发生着剧变。 The Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth fierce tumbling, the sky appears the innumerable dark clouds, the thunder, the violent storm, as if world end, all started to move toward the destruction. 天地灵气剧烈翻滚,天空浮现出无数乌云,电闪雷鸣,狂风暴雨,仿佛到了世界尽头,一切开始走向毁灭。 At this moment, people on the major star territory stars, are also suffering an unprecedented storm to sweep across. 此时此刻,各大星域星球上的人们,也在遭受着一种前所未有的风暴席卷。 No matter the person of cultivation, is a mortal, felt that aura of destruction swept across from dim upper air the blue dome of heaven under. 不管是修炼之人,还是凡人,都感觉到了一股毁灭的气息从昏暗的高空苍穹中席卷而下。 The mortals and low level cultivator complexion disastrous incident, do not know in abundance had anything. 凡人和中低阶修士们纷纷脸色惨变,不知道发生了什么。 Many people are even furious in the deity this conclusion, kneels knocks on the day, to implore the forgiveness of gods. 不少人甚至将此归结于天神震怒,纷纷跪地叩天,以祈求神明的宽恕。 Naturally, all these are unproductive. 当然,这一切都是徒劳的。 The sky is roaring, the land is roaring. 天空在怒吼,大地在咆哮。 People look out the sky, being frightened, no use and despairs, anything could not do, can only wait for the arrival of destiny. 人们遥望天空,惊惶、无助、绝望,什么也做不了,只能等待命运的到来。 These bragged that cultivation base profoundness, naturally wants to seek to have all these phenomenon diligently the sources. 那些自诩修为高深者,自然想要努力探求发生这一切异象的源头。 When they show the skills, when wants to inquire into the truth actually in vain idle work, as if when returned to cultivation base still to lower, that powerless feeling. 然而当他们施展浑身解数,想要探究真相却徒然无功时,仿佛回到了修为尚低时,那种久违的无力感。 Until this moment, they realized, own tiny...... 直至这一刻,他们才意识到,自己的渺小…… Entire Heavenly Court is vibrating. 整个天庭都在震动。 However ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation gloomy rays of light has not kept long-time, quick rays of light puts suddenly again greatly, blooms unequalled rays of light, the gloomy world will illuminate again. 不过万灵玄门大阵的暗淡光芒并没有保持长久,很快陡然再次光芒大放,绽放出无与伦比的光芒,将暗淡的世界再次照亮。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! These Five Elements Spirit Stone star fragments in midair explode again, has the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound, changes into everywhere the five colors miraculous glow. 半空中的那些五行灵石星球碎片再次爆裂开来,发出惊天动地的巨响,化为漫天的五色灵光。 The five colors miraculous glow shivers to fall gently, winds around to circle in midair like the waterfall generally, finally in the Shi Mu top of the head void gathered in one somewhere, formed a huge incomparable five colors vortex. 五色灵光颤抖飘落,如同瀑布一般在半空中缭绕盘旋,最终在石牧头顶的虚空某处汇聚在了一起,形成了一个巨大无比的五色旋涡。 Rumble in the loud sound, some all over the body by the giant thing that white light covers, raises from the five colors vortex slowly. 隆隆的巨响中,某个通体被白光笼罩的巨大事物,缓缓从五色旋涡之中升起。 This, making everyone expression big change all around, the vision project in abundance in abundance, wants to find out. 这一幕,让周遭的所有人纷纷神色大变,目光纷纷投射过来,想要一看究竟。 This thing has thousand zhang (3.33 m) width fully, raised part, then fully about thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, and with the rotation of five colors vortex, this thing was still raising unceasingly. 此物足有千丈宽,已升起的部分,便足有近千丈高,且随着五色旋涡的转动,此物仍在不断升起。 However at this time, has an outline gradually, looks at the appearance, seems like a giant incomparable gateway! 不过此时,已渐渐有了一个轮廓,看模样,似乎是一座巨大无比的门户! Above the giant gateway inscribes the mysterious and ancient writing, no one can understand, not unimaginable ancient, the boundless aura sends out from the giant gateway. 巨大门户之上铭刻一道道神秘而古老的文字,没有任何人能看得懂,一股无法想象的古老,苍茫的气息从巨大门户上散发而出。 Giant gateway nearby Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth boils immediately, sends out thunders intermittently, seems sending out to welcome the unsurpassed monarchy to arrive. 巨大门户附近的天地灵气立刻沸腾,发出阵阵轰鸣,仿佛在发出恭迎无上君主驾临。 However this moment this giant gateway is shadow, but with the surrounding infinite spiritual power gathering, becomes concentrates to be solid slowly. 不过此刻这个巨大门户还是个虚影,但是随着周围无穷灵力汇聚,慢慢变得凝实起来。 Profound World Gate! Finally opening!” Di Qun looks at the midair giant gateway, in the eye exudes frantic incomparable rays of light. 玄界之门!终于开启了!”帝夋看着半空的巨大门户,眼中泛起狂热无比光芒 Su Sheng and a Yan Luo complexion disastrous incident, Profound World Gate appeared unexpectedly. 栗升烟罗脸色一下惨变,玄界之门竟然还是出现了。 Finally, they defeated...... 终于,还是他们败了吗…… In the Yan Luo eye reveals the desperate color, Su Sheng vision glittering suddenly has complex rays of light, deeply inspires, stood suddenly the body. 烟罗眼中露出绝望之色,栗升目光忽的闪烁出复杂的光芒,深吸一口气,豁然站直了身体。 Yan Luo Junior Sister, now is also not the desperate time, I have the last method, or may prevent Profound World Gate. However...... needs you to divert the Di Qun ten breath time.” The Su Sheng lip moves slightly, sends out together sound transmission to Yan Luo. 烟罗师妹,现在还不是绝望的时候,我还有最后一个手段,或可阻止玄界之门。不过……需要你牵制住帝夋十息时间。”栗升嘴唇微动,向烟罗发出一道传音 Yan Luo is startled, some do not understand that this words what intent, sound transmission will inquire, Su Sheng already shouts out, the body electricity shoots, throws toward Di Qun, simultaneously is single-handed wields. 烟罗一怔,有些不明白此话何意,正要传音询问,栗升已经大喝一声,身体电射而出,朝着帝夋扑去,同时单手一挥。 The sound of slating huge sword cry gets up, only listens to whiz whiz whiz the sound, innumerable azure flying sword fly to shoot from him. 雷鸣般的巨大剑鸣之声响起,只听嗖嗖嗖之声,无数青色飞剑从他身上飞射而出。 Innumerable Sword Qi interwove, fuses in one. 无数剑气交织,融合在了一起。 The sound of long long line recitation spreads, two huge azure sword dragon depart from everywhere azure light. 一声长长龙吟之声传出,两条巨大青色剑龙从漫天青光中飞出。 This dragon body each scale is flashing dense cold light, as if a sharp sword, sends out swift and fierce incomparable Sword Qi, was cut to make a debut void a crack, throws one on the left and other on the right toward Di Qun. 此龙身体每一个鳞片都闪动着森然寒光,仿佛一柄柄利剑,散发出凌厉无比的剑气,虚空被切割出道道裂纹,一左一右朝着帝夋扑去。 Acts recklessly!” “不知死活!” Di Qun takes back the vision from Profound World Gate, looks to Su Sheng, cold snort/hum, wields single-handed. 帝夋玄界之门上收回目光,看向栗升,冷哼一声,单手一挥。 The big piece black white light glow flies to shoot, inside full is black and white rune, sends out the strength of intense Yin-Yang principle to fluctuate. 大片黑白光芒飞射而出,里面满是黑白符文,散发出强烈的阴阳法则之力波动。 In the Di Qun hand the fluctuation law secret art, wields. 帝夋手中变幻法诀,一挥而出。 A black white light glow revolution, changes into black white two big hand suddenly , grasps two azure sword dragon impressively in the hand. 白光芒陡然一转,化为一黑一白两只大手,赫然一手一个,将两条青色剑龙抓在手中。 A Su Sheng opens the mouth, spouts big blood essence without hesitation, changes into long bloody glow, divides into two, integrates to two azure sword dragon within the body like lightning, in bloody glow can see point golden light indistinctly. 栗升毫不犹豫一张口,喷出一大口精血,化为一道长长血光,一分为二,闪电般融入到两条青色剑龙体内,血光之中隐约能看到点点金光 Two sword dragon rays of light hold, send out to lead suddenly greatly two color rays of light, body each dragon scale one opens, the innumerable say/way lead two color Sword Qi spraying, then interweaves fiercely glittering. 两条剑龙陡然光芒大盛,散发出青金两色光芒,身上每一个龙鳞都一下张开,无数道青金两色剑气喷射而出,然后猛地交织闪烁 Two black and white big hands one were stirred unexpectedly broken, scatters. 两只黑白大手竟然被一下搅碎,飘散开来。 However two azure sword dragon as if also consumed all strengths, bang, one explodes, changes into innumerable azure Sword Light. 不过两条青色剑龙似乎也耗费了所有力量,砰的一声,一下爆裂开来,重新化为无数青色剑光 Su Sheng two formed hand seals, direct. 栗升两手掐诀,一指点出。 Buzz! 嗡! All azure Sword Light gather suddenly, Sword Qi interweave, forms a huge azure domain, covered Di Qun in inside. 所有青色剑光陡然汇聚,一道道剑气交织,形成一个巨大青色领域,将帝夋笼罩在了里面。 In the azure domain some innumerable mountain of sword sword forests, mountain peaks are impressively continuous, above the mountain peak everywhere is the bright as snow sword blade, impressively is domain of the rare sword. 青色领域之中赫然有无数刀山剑林,一座座山峰连绵,山峰之上到处都是雪亮的剑刃,赫然是一处罕见的剑之领域。 These changes bold, can unable to guard by Di Qun, a azure sword territory covered in inside. 这一下变化兔起鹘落,以帝夋之能也没能防备,一下青色剑域笼罩在了里面。 Laughable!” Di Qun complexion slightly has not changed, shakes the head to sneer. “可笑之极!”帝夋面色丝毫未变,摇头冷笑。 However is puts up a last-ditch struggle, the trivial domain is unworthy to him smile. 不过是垂死挣扎而已,区区领域对他来说不值一哂。 He wields single-handed, big piece five colors rays of light appears, goes toward all around sword territory bombardment. 他单手一挥,大片五色光芒浮现,朝着四周的剑域轰击而去。 The azure sword territory rocks immediately fiercely, the innumerable sword edges collapse, immediately then must burst. 青色剑域立刻剧烈晃动,无数剑刃崩溃,马上便要破裂。 Buzz, seven color domains drop from the clouds, with the azure sword territory interwines, covered Di Qun in inside. “嗡”的一声,一个七彩领域从天而降,和青色剑域交织在一起,将帝夋笼罩在了里面。 Yan Luo stands above the domain, the whole body is burning seven color flame, already lit body the fire of Essence impressively, wrestles by the fate. 烟罗站在领域之上,全身燃烧着七彩火焰,赫然已经点燃了身体的本源之火,以命相搏。 In seven color domains, appears impressively the innumerable seven color tree's shadows, the entire domain becomes incomparably real. 七彩领域之中,赫然浮现出无数七彩树影,整个领域变得无比真实。 Di Qun complexion changes, the body rocked, the movement looks somewhat sluggish, obviously the suppressions of dual domain, create a big difficulty. 帝夋脸色微变,身体晃动了一下,动作看起来有些迟滞,显然双重领域的压制,对其也造成不小的困扰。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” Di Qun is angry, the shoulders shake, within the body spreads rumble the loud sound, innumerable principle rune gush out from its within the body, forms a great principle mighty current, attacks to go toward the surroundings. 帝夋大怒,双肩一抖,体内传出轰隆隆的巨响,无数法则符文从其体内涌出,形成一股宏大的法则洪流,朝着周围冲击而去。 Two domains ka ka make noise immediately, appear the innumerable cracks. 两个领域顿时咔咔作响,浮现出无数裂纹。 Yan Luo tender body big quake, but she deeply inspires immediately, seven color flame that the opens the mouth blowout burns together fiercely, integrate in the domain. 烟罗娇躯大震,不过她立刻深吸一口气,张口喷出一道剧烈燃烧的七彩火焰,融入领域之中。 That seven color flame are the fires of she half of Essence, this flame spouts, her aura flies to fall immediately, complexion almost becomes the dying embers. 那七彩火焰是她一半的本源之火,这一口火焰喷出,她气息立刻飞降,脸色变得几乎死灰。 The domain obtains this Origin Energy to assist, immediately stabilizes. 领域得到这股元气相助,立刻稳定了一下。 Su Sheng Senior Brother, you have what method, displays in a big hurry, how long we cannot surround Di Qun......” Yan Luo look slightly loosen, turns the head to look toward nearby Su Sheng, in mouth difficult saying. 栗升师兄,你有何法子,快快施展,我们困不住帝夋多久……”烟罗眼神微松,转头朝着一旁的栗升看去,口中艰难的说道。 The words told only half, her stopping suddenly, the facial expression stares. 话说到一半,她忽的停住,神情一愣。 When nearby Su Sheng did not know, did not have the trace suddenly. 旁边的栗升不知何时,突然没了踪影。 The eye of ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation centers by a thick light barrier package, was formed a light ball at this moment, above glittering a golden multi-colored sunlight, but is blue light gushes out from Jinxia later, but in blue light has the beginning point red luminous spot to emerge out of thin air immediately. 万灵玄门大阵中心的阵眼此刻被一层厚厚光幕包裹,形成一个光球,上面闪烁着一层金色霞光,但随后又是一层蓝光从金霞中涌出,但马上蓝光中有出现点点赤色光点凭空出现。 At once, eye place assorted light barrier interlocks flashes crazily, suddenly Cultivation Technique does not know fluctuated many times. 一时之间,阵眼处各色光幕交错狂闪,眨眼功法不知变幻了多少次。 In the light ball, Shi Mu this moment body is maintaining the human form, has not continued to inflate rupturing. 光球之中,石牧此刻身体保持着人形,没有继续膨胀爆裂。 Above glittering assorted rays of light, but that profound yellow multi-colored sunlight already occupied almost over 80%, and is still spreading, seems swallowing several other True Qi rays of light fast. 上面闪烁着各色光芒,不过那种玄黄色的霞光已经占据了几乎八成以上,并且还在蔓延,似乎在飞快吞噬剩余的几种真气光芒 Inexplicable aura sends out from him slowly, because of the isolation of great formation, without sending out. 一股莫名的气息从他身上缓缓散发而出,不过因为大阵的隔绝,没有散发出去。 Because isolated two light barrier, the Shi Mu form looks somewhat fuzzy from outside. 因为隔绝了两层光幕,石牧的身影从外面看起来有些模糊。 Nearby the eye a person's shadow flower, form glittering, is Su Sheng. 阵眼附近人影一花,一个身影闪烁而出,正是栗升 „On the day is it possible that has the teacher expected to have?” “莫非,师尊早就料到有这一天吗?” „, Never mind! “也罢,也罢! He looks at Shi Mu in eye, in the eye flashes through a complex color, muttered. 他看着阵眼中的石牧,眼中闪过一丝复杂之色,喃喃自语道。 However this is also only flash's matter, the next moment its expression suddenly becomes callous incomparable, as if ten thousand years thick ice. 不过这也只是一瞬间的事情,下一刻神色蓦然变得冷酷无比,仿佛万载玄冰。
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