TPW :: Volume #11

#1022: Misunderstanding

( Embarrassed, above Wang Yu this chapter of transmitting incorrectly place, on passed to the demon day to record yesterday went, now can only send again. The demon day recorded that side not to need to subscribe. Later Wang Yu will write 12 chapters of free chapters, makes up the already subscription Fellow Daoist .) (不好意思,忘语昨天这一章传错地方了,上传到魔天记上面去了,现在只能重新再发一遍。魔天记那边不用订阅了。以后忘语会写一两章免费章节,来弥补已经订阅的道友们。) Soon, Ximen Xue and Jin Xiaochai two females in tandem arrived around mountain peak bottom smooth cliff stone wall. 不多时,西门雪金小钗二女一前一后来到了山峰底部一处光滑的悬崖石壁附近。 Ximen Xue stands before the cliff, the vision four sweep, immediately a white hands forehead, raises again, white light departs together, hits in stone wall somewhere. 西门雪站在悬崖前,目光四下一扫,随即玉手一点眉心,再一扬,一道白光飞出,打在石壁某处。 stone wall sends out one immediately ka ka the sound, reveals a cave entrance slowly. 石壁顿时发出一阵“咔咔”的声音,缓缓露出一个洞口。 The Ximen Xue figure in a flash, flew into the cave directly. 西门雪身形一晃,径直飞入了山洞之中。 Jin Xiaochai sees this to be startled slightly, emits Divine Sense to go toward the cave investigation. 金小钗见此微微一怔,放出神识朝着山洞探查而去。 Perhaps because of the black Mo Shi reason, Divine Sense enters a cave small section distance, was scattered, has to give up trying hard, after shaking the head, with. 或许是因为黑墨石的缘故,神识进入山洞一小段距离,便被驱散,只好放弃了努力,摇了摇头后,跟了上去。 In the cave is long roads, does not have the light all the way dimly, two people walked some little time, arrived at end. 山洞之中是一条条长长甬道,一路上昏暗无光,两人走了好一会,才走到尽头 Appears in the face of two people, is one about 78 ten feets in height high black stone front door, the portray of above dense and numerous the mysterious trace, sent out light rays of light. 出现在二人面前的,是一座高约78丈高的黑石大门,上面密密麻麻的刻画了玄奥纹路,散发出淡淡光芒 In the Ximen Xue mouth mumbled, waved to make daoist magic to decide. 西门雪口中念念有词,挥手打出一道法决。 Trace on front door shine, after rays of light glittering, immediately in a rumble, opens slowly. 大门上的纹路一圈圈亮起,一阵光芒闪烁后,随即在一阵隆隆声中,缓缓打开。 In the front door is a stone chamber, inside is empty, nothing, but the stone chamber was separated by the black stockade from the middle together, inside impressively is a jail. 大门里面是一个石室,里面空空荡荡,没有任何东西,不过石室从中间被一道黑色栅栏隔开,里面赫然是一个监牢。 In the black stockade portrayed rune, as if got down some restrictions by the arrange/cloth. 黑色栅栏上刻画了一道道符文,似乎被布下了某种禁制 In the prison is closing a young girl who impressively wears golden robe, complexion is pale, the whole face is thin and pale, but still covered its beautiful appearance difficultly. 牢狱之中赫然关着一名身穿金袍的少女,脸色苍白,满脸憔悴,不过仍然难掩其绝美容颜。 Perhaps if Shi Mu here, wants surprised loudly to shout, this female is not Zhong Xiu, but who can also be! 如果石牧在这里,恐怕要惊讶的大呼出来,此女不是钟秀,还能是谁! Zhong Xiu sees the Ximen Xue two people, stood suddenly, facial expression somewhat excited before rushing to the black stockade, great shout anything. 钟秀一看到西门雪二人,豁然站了起来,神情有些激动的冲到黑色栅栏前,大声呼喊着什么。 However in the black stockade seems like that in void of nihility, suddenly exudes ripples, just like triggered some restrictions, isolated her voice. 不过黑色栅栏上原本看似虚无的虚空中,蓦然泛起一阵涟漪,俨然是触发了某种禁制,隔绝了她的声音。 Well! Isn't this Zhong Xiu? How can she here? Is Xue'er, difficult to be inadequate is you closes her here?” Jin Xiaochai sees clearly the appearance of inside golden robe young girl, immediately is startled. “咦!这不是钟秀吗?她怎么会在这里?雪儿,难不成是你将她关在这里的?”金小钗看清楚里面金袍少女的样子,顿时大吃一惊。 Ximen Xue has not paid attention to Jin Xiaochai, walks to go forward several steps, in the mouth mumbles, in the hand ten fingers of turn over, make together the daoist magic secret art. 西门雪没有理会金小钗,走上前几步,口中念念有词,手中十指翻转,打出一道道法诀。 „Isn't Zhong Xiu the Shi Mu woman? Xue'er, do you imprison others here, are having what bad idea? I understood, you plan to return side Shi Mu, therefore came to kill her, so as to avoid she did pose the threat to you? Hee hee, this method, although is vicious, but with my appetite, I likes.” Jin Xiaochai holds the chin single-handed, somewhat evil saying with a smile. 钟秀不是石牧的女人吗?雪儿,你将人家囚禁在这里,难道在打着什么坏主意?哦,我明白了,你打算重新回到石牧身边,所以过来杀了她,免得她对你造成威胁吗?嘻嘻,这个法子虽然狠毒,不过和我胃口,我喜欢。”金小钗单手托着下巴,有些邪恶的笑道。 Ximen Xue expression has not changed, saying a word makes dozens daoist magic secret arts one after another, around the prison ripples collect, restrictions light flashed, vanishes without the trace. 西门雪神色未变,一言不发的接连打出数十道法诀,牢狱周围的涟漪一敛,禁制光芒一闪,消失无踪。 Ximen Xue! Your this cruel and merciless woman! You close me are so here long, actually wants to do?” restrictions vanishes, the Zhong Xiu sound passed on immediately, angry incomparable. 西门雪!你这个心狠手辣的女人!你将我关在这里这么久,到底想干什么?”禁制消失,钟秀的声音顿时传了出来,愤怒无比。 Well, cruel and merciless? Xue'er, what did you make to Zhong Xiu? Does she hate you?” Appearance that the Jin Xiaochai eye pupil extraordinary splendor again and again, is interested in extremely. “咦,心狠手辣?雪儿,你对钟秀做了什么?她这么恨你?”金小钗眼眸异彩连连,一副极感兴趣的样子。 It‘s nothing, but killed their Heavenly Phoenix Race woman.” Ximen Xue said lightly. “没什么,只是杀了她们天凤族的一个女人而已。”西门雪淡淡说道。 You killed Elder Sister Xuanji, I will not let off your! Even if I am not your opponent, I will still find Big Brother Shi, hates for her revenging blood!” In the Zhong Xiu beautiful pupil such as wants to spout the fire, clenches teeth to say. “你杀了璇玑姐姐,我是不会放过你的!就算我不是你的对手,我也会找到石大哥,替她报仇血恨!”钟秀美眸中如欲喷出火来,咬牙说道。 Ximen Xue hears word, the delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle, does not know that thought of anything, for a while has not spoken. 西门雪闻言,秀眉微皱,不知想到了什么,一时没有说话。 Zhao Xuanji? I remember that she isn't the Zhao Jian arrangement in the Heavenly Phoenix Race undercover? Was Xue'er, you killed her?” Saying of Jin Xiaochai surprise. 赵璇玑?我记得她不是赵戬安排在天凤族的卧底吗?雪儿,是你杀了她?”金小钗诧异的说道。 Ximen Xue was still unemotional, did not say a word. 西门雪仍是面无表情,一言不发。 Undercover, you are saying anything!” Zhong Xiu listened to this words, the whole person was shocked. “卧底,你们在说什么!”钟秀听了此话,整个人愣住了。 „, I approximately yes what's the matter. Really is a simpleminded woman, this does not think clearly, I told you truth! Zhao Xuanji this woman, is not the fuel-efficient lamp, she had turned to Heavenly Court secretly, colludes with Zhao Jian, collaborates from outside with the inside, this successfully destroyed completely Heavenly Phoenix Race. If were not Xue'er killed Zhao Xuanji, perhaps you have fallen in Heavenly Court at this moment, became chip that threatened Shi Mu.” Jin Xiaochai some saying of disdaining. “哦,我大致明白是怎么回事了。真是个头脑简单的女人,这都想不明白,我来告诉你实情吧!赵璇玑这女人呢,可不是什么省油的灯,她早就暗地里投靠了天庭,和赵戬勾结,里应外合,这才成功灭掉了天凤族。如不是雪儿杀了赵璇玑,你此刻恐怕早就落在天庭手里,成为威胁石牧的筹码了。”金小钗有些不屑的说道。 Zhong Xiu hears word, mouth half, was startled immediately in same place, on the face facial expression fluctuated. 钟秀闻言,顿时嘴巴半张,怔在了原地,脸上神情一阵变幻。 Her desire spoke to refute, in the mind, actually recollection Heavenly Phoenix Race exterminated the clan on the same day situation, at that time some of her then surprise, truly many places were very strange, at this moment recalled, all sorts of signs, just like actually Jin Xiaochai said. 她本欲出言驳斥,但脑海之中,却不由的回想当日天凤族被灭族时的情形,当时她便有些诧异,其中确实不少地方很是奇怪,此刻回想起来,种种迹象,却正如金小钗所言。 Then, her master Zhao Linglong, in their three people on road that flees Heavenly Phoenix Race, suddenly was caught up with by the person of Heavenly Court on the 1st, abandons the life to bring up the rear, but falls from the sky. 说起来,她的师傅赵玲珑,也是在她们三人逃离天凤族的路上,突然有一日被天庭之人追上,舍命断后,而陨落。 At this moment wants to come, at that time knew their escaping route, only then their three people, that road secret, if not for some people divulge the route, the person of Heavenly Court possibly catches up absolutely not. 此刻想来,当时知道她们逃生路线的只有她们三人,那条路隐秘之极,若不是有人泄露路线,天庭之人断不可能追上。 Zhao Xuanji really such as they said that was the Heavenly Court undercover? 难道赵璇玑真的如她们所言,是天庭的卧底? In the Zhong Xiu heart a confusion, at once, somewhat loses presence of mind at a loss. 钟秀心中一片混乱,一时之间,有些茫然失措。 Ximen Xue turns the hand to take out a black iron sign, in the mouth mumbles, the iron sign flies to shoot, flashed integrated in the black stockade. 西门雪翻手取出一块黑色铁牌,口中念念有词,铁牌飞射而出,一闪融入了黑色栅栏中。 Ka ka! 咔咔! In the black stockade appears a gateway, opens slowly. 黑色栅栏上浮现出一个门户,缓缓打开。 Comes out. “出来吧。 Ximen Xue light saying. 西门雪淡淡的说道。 Zhong Xiu surprise, but had not walked from inside. 钟秀诧异不已,不过并未从里面走了出去。 What do you want to make? If you want to give Heavenly Court me, is used to threaten Big Brother Shi, I then alienate oneself dead immediately, will not make your sinister plots work!” Zhong Xiu lifting palm suddenly according to top of the head, facial expression saying decidedly. “你们想做什么?如果你们想将我交给天庭,用来威胁石大哥,我立刻便自绝而死,绝不会让你们的奸计得逞!”钟秀忽的抬掌按在头顶,神情决然的说道。 Ximen Xue looks at Zhong Xiu, its look is limpid, obviously in the mouth said is in the heart thinks, did not have the meaning of slight being contrary to convictions. 西门雪看着钟秀,其眼神清澈无比,显然口中所言便是心中所想,没有丝毫违心之意。 In its side, Jin Xiaochai is actually both hands holds the chest, sighed, shakes the head. 在其身旁,金小钗却是双手抱胸,叹息了一声,摇了摇头。 Long time, Ximen Xue look low-spirited, in the heart sighed. 半晌,西门雪眼神一阵黯然,心中叹了口气。 „, Are you willing dead for Shi Mu?” The Jin Xiaochai brow tip selects, saying of faint smile. “哦,你肯为石牧死吗?”金小钗眉梢一挑,似笑非笑的说道。 Zhong Xiu had not replied, the vision calmly visits two people. 钟秀没有回答,目光静静看着两人。 The Jin Xiaochai look flashes through a cunningness, said: Right, we presented emperor Wa jian to say with the command, took away Heavenly Court you, was used to force Shi Mu to surrender to our Heavenly Court.” 金小钗眼神闪过一丝狡黠,道:“没错,我们正是奉了帝娲笕说拿令,将你带去天庭,用来逼迫石牧向我们天庭投降。” The Zhong Xiu body shakes, in the eye reveals the grieved color, the palm not slightly hesitant, pats suddenly. 钟秀身体一抖,眼中露出惨然之色,手掌没有丝毫犹豫,猛然拍下。 At this moment, a Ximen Xue brow wrinkle, directs. 就在此刻,西门雪眉头一皱,一指点出。 The white light electricity shoots together, flashes submerges Zhong Xiu within the body. 一道白光电射而出,一闪没入钟秀体内。 Her body is covered by snow white rays of light immediately, the whole body immediately becomes stiff incomparable, fell down, the look greatly is immediately anxious, but also had no alternative. 她的身体立刻被一层雪白光芒笼罩,全身立刻变得僵硬无比,倒在了地上,眼神立刻大急,不过也无可奈何。 Do not talk nonsense!” Ximen Xue stared Jin Xiaochai one. “别瞎说!”西门雪瞪了金小钗一眼。 Jin Xiaochai spat a tongue, makes faces. 金小钗吐了一下舌头,做了个鬼脸。 Do not listen to her to talk nonsense, our present already were not the Heavenly Court people, you did not need to be worried.” Ximen Xue transfers to look immediately to Zhong Xiu, said. “别听她胡说,我们现在已经不是天庭的人了,你不用担心。”西门雪随即转首看向钟秀,说道。 What did you say?” Zhong Xiu hears word is shocked. “你说什么?”钟秀闻言愣住。 Ximen Xue directs again, Zhong Xiu white light dissipates immediately. 西门雪再次一指点出,钟秀身上的白光顿时消散开来。 Can go to for Shi Mu, no wonder he will like you.” Jin Xiaochai sighed, the tone was somewhat regrettable. “可以为了石牧赴死,难怪他会喜欢你。”金小钗叹了口气,口气有些遗憾。 Zhong Xiu visits two people, facial expression Yin clear uncertain, seemed judging that two people words are whether credible. 钟秀看着两人,神情阴晴不定,似乎在判断两人的话是否可信。 „Our moment already were separated from Heavenly Court, does not want to be involved in the battles of Heavenly Court and major star territories again, you walk.” Ximen Xue looked at Zhong Xiu one finally, turns around to walk toward outside. “我们此刻已经脱离了天庭,不想再卷入天庭和各大星域的争斗,你走吧。”西门雪最后看了钟秀一眼,转身朝着外面走去。 Sorry, were just many to offend, is predestined friends meets again.” Jin Xiaochai to the Zhong Xiu apology smiles, walks toward outside with Ximen Xue. “抱歉,刚刚多有得罪,有缘再会吧。”金小钗钟秀歉意的一笑,跟着西门雪朝着外面走去。 Xue'er, you also are really gentle, puts especially from the jail own love rival, the heart is broad, worthily is the woman who I have a liking.” Jin Xiaochai several steps catch up with Ximen Xue, said with a smile. “雪儿,你还真是温柔,特地将自己的情敌从监牢里放出来,心胸宽广,不愧是我看上的女人。”金小钗几步追上西门雪,笑道。 suo!” Ximen Xue complexion one cold, sped up the footsteps to walk toward outside “嗦!”西门雪脸色一冷,加快了脚步朝着外面走去 Zhong Xiu stood slowly, looks that two people form goes far away, will go out of the jail. 钟秀缓缓站了起来,看着两人身影远去,正要走出监牢。 At at this moment, a loud sound transmits from the distant place, the entire mountain peak shakes suddenly. 就在此刻,一声巨响从远处传来,整个山峰猛然一抖。 Two forms rapid incomparable shoots to return from the channel, hits layer on layer/heavily on the black firm column. 两道身影迅疾无比的从通道里倒射而回,重重撞在黑色牢栏上。 The Jin Xiaochai opens the mouth puts out a blood, Ximen Xue is seemingly better, is only complexion is pale, has not been injured. 金小钗张口吐出一口鲜血,西门雪看起来好一些,只是脸色苍白,并没有受伤。 Hehe, reveres really the divine strategy! Knows that Ximen Xue is unreliable, therefore the ignores you flee Heavenly Court, followed up a clue to find the place of your secret.” A solemn sound conveys from outside. 嘿嘿,尊上果然神机妙算!知道西门雪不可靠,所以放任你们逃离天庭,顺藤摸瓜找到你的这个秘密之地。”一个冷峻的声音从外面传来。 In the stone chamber the person's shadow flashes, the Yin-Yang face man who shoulders the double sword appears. 石室中人影一闪,一个背负双剑的阴阳脸男子浮现而出。 „The fifth immortal!” Ximen Xue looks at the person, the complexion big change. “第五仙将!”西门雪看着来人,脸色大变。 The person's shadow flashes continually, four forms appear, is actually four black robe guys. 人影连闪,又有四个身影浮现,却是四个黑袍大汉。 The these people are God Realm cultivation base, seem to should be the person of Ancient Barbarian Race, stands in the fifth immortal behind. 这些人都是神境修为,看起来应该是古蛮族之人,站在第五仙将身后 „Were you Zhong Xiu? Shi Mu Dao Companion, was really hidden by Ximen Xue here, so long as held you, that Shi Mu can only the little darling obey the order that reveres!” The fifth immortal will look to Zhong Xiu, said lightly. “你就是钟秀了吧?石牧道侣,果然被西门雪藏在了这里,只要抓住了你,那石牧只能乖乖听从尊上的命令了吧!”第五仙将看向钟秀,淡淡说道。 The Zhong Xiu elegant face changes, looked at Ximen Xue two people of one, lifted the palm. 钟秀俏脸一变,看了西门雪二人一眼,抬起了手掌。 Snort!” The fifth immortal cold snort/hum one, body black and white light flashed, a black and white domain emerged out of thin air, covered the entire stone chamber. “哼!”第五仙将冷哼一声,身上黑白光芒一闪,一个黑白领域凭空出现,笼罩了整个石室。 Zhong Xiu was naturally also covered by the domain, the body immediately becomes stiff, cannot move. 钟秀自然也被领域笼罩,身体立刻变得僵硬,动弹不得。 Ximen Xue and Jin Xiaochai were also covered in the domain, Jin Xiaochai and Zhong Xiu are ordinary, immediately is suppressed by the strength of domain completely. 西门雪金小钗也被笼罩在领域中,金小钗钟秀一般,立刻被领域之力完全压制。 However Ximen Xue cultivation base above two people, drinks one tenderly, whole body white light greatly hold, condenses a white domain, the periphery black and white domain will open a distance reluctantly. 不过西门雪修为远在二人之上,娇喝一声,全身白光大盛,凝聚成一个白色领域,勉强将周围的黑白领域撑开一点距离。 The fifth immortal the eye reveals a surprise, immediately contemptuous sneers, has selected. 第五仙将眼中露出一丝诧异,随即轻蔑的冷笑一声,一直点出。 ! 噗! Black and white Sword Qi flies to shoot from its direction together, rapid incomparable thorn to Ximen Xue Spirit Sea. 一道黑白剑气从其指点飞射而出,迅疾无比的刺向西门雪灵海 The Sword Qi place visited, disappears the disruption void all. 剑气所过之处,虚空尽数泯灭碎裂。 Ximen Xue complexion is greatly anxious, but she resists black and white domain already to do utmost at this moment, is incapable of moving aside radically again. 西门雪脸色大急,不过她此刻抵挡黑白领域已经竭尽全力,根本无力再躲闪。 Bang a dull thumping sound! 砰的一声闷响! The fifth immortal changes complexion, Ximen Xue is also startled. 第五仙将脸色一变,西门雪也是一惊。 Before seeing only her body, at this moment emerges out of thin air an obese form, an apricot yellow frock, is actually a 30-40 years old monk. 只见她身前此刻凭空出现一个肥胖身影,一身杏黄僧袍,却是一个三四十岁的和尚。 ( Because Profound World Gate wrote about here already to be about to end, therefore some conclusion plots needed well under idea, therefore renewed possibly on slow many recently, sometimes possibly only then one, but also looked at Fellow Daoist to excuse me much!)) (因为玄界之门写到这里已经快结束了,所以一些收尾剧情需要好好构思下,所以最近更新可能会慢上许多,有时可能只有一更,还望诸位道友多多见谅!))
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