TODI :: Volume #4 一战封神

#325: to seal/confer God 【】

Chapter 325 to seal/confer God 【】 第325章封神【中】 Either said, Human Sovereign is Human Sovereign. 要么说,人皇就是人皇 Wu Wang said to seal/confer Shenkang Heavenly Palace, trained Human Territory own God, Divine Farmer then understands the conception of Wu Wang, had discussed with Wu Wang in the course of contacts. 吴妄说出封神抗天宫,培养人域自己的神灵,神农便明白了吴妄的构想,一来二去已与吴妄讨论了起来。 Quick, constructs temple and sets up idol and gathering incense and candle the incense and candle to become the Shintoism, built the embryonic form in two people discussing. 很快,一个‘建庙’、‘立神像’、‘汇聚香火’的香火成神道,就在两人的商量中搭建出了雏形。 „Can senior come out from the torch Great Dao Intermediate-range Huo Ling divine thought?” “前辈能把火翎神念从薪火大道中导出来吗?” From may,” the Divine Farmer slow sound said, she save in the torch, on sustenance Flame Emperor's Command in your hands, but this matter must do in secret, at this time is not quite appropriate.” “自可,”神农缓声道,“她既存于薪火,亦寄托于你手中的炎帝令上,但此事需暗中来做,此时不太妥当。” Wu Wang is busy at asking: Why?” 吴妄忙问:“为何?” Divine Farmer sighed: 神农叹道: Must burn down her corpse thoroughly, condenses as far as possible many remnant souls, so may guarantee the completeness of her divine thought. “要彻底焚烧她的尸身,凝聚出尽量多的残魂,如此才可保证她神念的完整。 At this time needs worries about the mood of people. ” 此时需得顾念众人的情绪。” Un,” Wu Wang said, that first begins to cultivate/repair the temple gathering incense and candle, I look for the method of collecting prays to become a God.” “嗯,”吴妄道,“那就先着手修庙汇聚香火,我找找集念成神之法。” Human Territory had Suiren first sovereign past cultivation technique.” 人域存有燧人先皇当年的修行法。” That is good, can the present order?” “那再好不过,能现在下令吗?” Divine Farmer silent. 神农沉默了一阵。 Wu Wang also detected, oneself mentality somewhat is slightly unbalanced, performance was somewhat urgent. 吴妄也发觉,自己心态略有些失衡,表现的有些急迫了。 I the person am repairing the temple statue immediately, according to you said the law, tries whether to read the strength to gather all living things in the idol,” the Divine Farmer warm sound said, „ needs some special formation arrangement probably. “吾立刻着人修庙立像,按你所说之法,试试能否将众生念力聚于神像之中,”神农温声道,“大概是需要一些特殊的阵法布置。 Wu Wang, I have a word, is the elder language, looks at you to listen quietly. ” 无妄,吾有一言,为长者语,望你静听。” Wu Wang said: Your Majesty instruction.” 吴妄道:“陛下教诲。” You now the road is not a child's play, being doomed is not smooth. “你现在所走的路并非儿戏,注定不会一路顺畅。 Human Territory since the ancient times, has too had sacrificed, has too makes the expert premature die young that one regrets, this resists the inevitable matter with the world. 人域自远古至今,已有了太多牺牲,有太多令人惋惜的强者过早夭折,这都是与天地抗争不可避免之事。 Huo Ling burns through oneself, for does not protect several hundred Cultivator, to not protect your safe and secure how. 火翎燃尽自身,为的并不是护住几百名修士,也不是为了护你平安如何。 She in the protection, is Human Clan expert and Heavenly Palace God differences, is we can go to face the current world order to say the just that energy. 她在守护的,是人族强者天宫神灵的不同之处,是我们能去面对当前天地秩序能自称正义的那股底气。 Do you understand? ” 你明白吗?” Divine Farmer sighed gently: 神农轻轻一叹: Huo Ling I will revive, even if the road of collecting prays to become a God walks does not pass, I may also portray her am half innate life. 火翎吾自会救活,哪怕集念成神之路走不通,吾也可将她塑造为半先天生灵。 But you should also reconsider itself. 但你也该反思自身。 Today the loss of self-control, I do not know the specific reason, actually knew the road that you have previously taken to be given up by you. ” 今日你的失态,吾不知具体原因,却知你此前一直走的路被你放弃了。” „It is not gives up,” Wu Wang cheers up, said with a smile, was just like detours.” “并不算放弃,”吴妄振作精神,笑道,“就好比是走了弯路。” Divine Farmer sinking sound said: Whether to say in detail this matter...... Human Sovereign pavilion already starts to build the temple, does not need to be worried.” 神农沉声道:“可否详细说说此事……人皇已经开始搭庙,不必担心。” Wu Wang:...... 吴妄:…… This senior liked poking the person scabs. 老前辈怎么也喜欢戳人伤疤了。 He truly impulsed a moment ago, by gold/metal god despicable entire broken guarded, now heart many also a little regrets, but this matter clenches teeth to tough it out, in the face also uncovered. 他刚才确实冲动了,被金神的卑鄙给整破防了,现在心底多少也有点后悔,但这事咬咬牙硬挺着,面子上也就揭过去了。 Yes, Great Dao of Stars.” “是,星辰大道。” Wu Wang said several simply. 吴妄简单说了几句。 His stars said, is actually the worldview of Blue Star scientific circles quite approval, is universe large explosion that wrap/sets, from universe present situation jet braking explosion singular point, thus seeks for the universe the ultimate answer, then holds the Great Desolate world. 他自身的星辰道,其实就是蓝星科学界较为认可的宇宙观,也就是宇宙大爆炸那套,从宇宙现状反推爆炸奇点,从而找寻宇宙的终极答案,然后将大荒天地容纳进去。 So long as this Great Dao can become...... 这条大道只要能成…… Heavenly Emperor is merely mediocre. 天帝不过尔尔。 But the origins of these things, are unable to explain to Divine Farmer. 但这些东西的根由,是无法对神农解释的。 Let the Great Desolate Human Sovereign study astrophysics? 大荒人皇学天体物理? This was too much. 这有点过分了。 Wu Wang can only use the understanding of present stage, dopes the Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams (gossip), explained that own said. 吴妄只能用自己现阶段的理解,掺杂阴阳八卦,去解释自己的道。 But he starts to tell, Divine Farmer revealed the strong interest, closely examined unceasingly, Wu Wang deals full power, the stars that oneself will understand said 7788. 但他开始讲述,神农就表露出了浓厚的兴趣,不断追问,吴妄全力应对,将自身理解的星辰说了七七八八。 Therefore, after half double-hour . 于是,半个时辰后。 Divine Farmer projected phantom in the Wu Wang heart directly, knits the brows to stare at Wu Wang. 神农直接在吴妄心底投出了虚影,皱眉凝视着吴妄 Wu Wang the heart was one suddenly, emitted can it be that to touch what secret to at that time unexpectedly by Senior Divine Farmer wrote off the thought. 吴妄当时心底就是一突,竟然冒出了‘莫不是自己触碰到了什么隐秘要被神农前辈抹杀’的念头。 „Did your ideas, how long have?” “你这些想法,存在多久了?” Divine Farmer opens the mouth to inquire suddenly. 神农突然开口问询。 Wu Wang:...... 吴妄:…… Has the issue?” “有问题吗?” Please Mother come to one, I in Extinguish Sect wait/etc. you.” “请你母亲现身一趟吧,吾在灭宗等你们。” Divine Farmer seriously is saying, the vision is quite complex, „something, I must discuss with her face to face.” 神农表情严肃地说着,目光颇为复杂,“有些事,吾需与她当面商讨。” The mood covered haze Wu Wang, at this moment by senior directly putting in order ignorant/veiled. 心情本就蒙上了一层阴霾的吴妄,此刻被老前辈直接给整蒙了。 ...... …… Following, the world of lively ebullition, belonged to the 1st rapidly peacefully. 接下来的一日,原本热闹沸腾的天地,迅速归于安宁。 Human Territory is fires off seriously walks, does not have the least bit to yearn. 人域当真就是打完就走,丝毫没有半点留恋。 That more than ten peak expert that sends off, have given the Heavenly Palace overhead to attack fiercely, although the dead shape is quite heroical, but before they dissipate, mostly laughs hysterically without stopping. 送走的那十多位顶峰高手,已给了天宫当头痛击,虽死状颇为壮烈,但他们消逝前大多狂笑不止。 The Human Territory army fell back on the Human Territory north line steadily, Heavenly Palace drove away the Hundred Clans allied armies to forward, but has not launched the counter-attack, was only in the expression to the actual ownership in Central Mountain land. 人域大军平稳退到了人域北线,天宫驱赶着百族联军向前,但并未发动反击,只是在表达对中山大地的实际拥有权。 Wu Wang and Xu Mu and other numerous Cultivator, were escorted the Human Territory world by Human Territory large quantities of expert. 吴妄许木等众修士,被人域大批高手护送回了人域天地。 Huo Ling corpse carried off by the Human Sovereign pavilion quickly, Daoist Firmament Sword catches up specially, travel-worn, whole face tired look —— he previously was also hit in the front east section and Innate God had to have. 火翎尸身很快就被人皇阁带走,霄剑道人特意赶来,风尘仆仆、满脸倦容——他此前在战线东段与先天神也是打的有来有回。 Then, Wu Wang Flame Emperor's Command already cannot apply. 接下来,吴妄炎帝令已经派不上用场。 Flame Emperor's Command connects the thing of torch Great Dao, but now torch Great Dao wielding Divine Farmer is present age Fire God in material meaning, from may directly in Great Dao level restoration Huo Ling divine thought. 炎帝令只是连通薪火大道之物,而如今薪火大道的执掌者神农是实质意义上的当代火神,自可直接在大道层面复原火翎神念 Huo Ling fights gold/metal God, to protect clansman strength uses up to perish The news, has started widely to spread in Human Territory. 火翎大战金神,为守护族人力竭而亡】的消息,在人域已开始广泛流传。 The Human Sovereign pavilion promotes in the back, various Human Territory places filled the filled with grief mood. 人皇阁在背后推动,人域各处弥漫起了悲怆的情绪。 During this, is must have Cultivator denounce in word and in writing to the gold/metal god despicable, but these cannot make gold/metal god lose 22, but is pure is venting. 这期间,自是少不了修士对金神之卑鄙口诛笔伐,不过这些也不能让金神掉二两肉,只是单纯在发泄情绪罢了。 Almost only used several double-hour, outside the Floating Jade City city to present a brand-new big temple, among is consecrating the Huo Ling statue, attracted many Cultivator mortals to visit. 几乎只用了几个时辰,浮玉城城外出现了一座崭新的大庙,其内供奉着火翎的雕像,引来不少修士凡人参观。 Under the direction of temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies in the temple, most people on will burn a joss stick and make before the idol dao greeting, expressed the respect to Human Territory hero by this. 在庙内庙祝的指引之下,大多数人都会在神像前上一炷香、做个道揖,以此表达对人域英雄的敬意。 Suddenly, in this temple is frequented, above that idol presented dense unusual magic power, lets hide in several Human Territory Pavilion Lord of hidden place look at each other in blank dismay. 一时间,这庙内香火鼎盛,那神像之上出现了氤氲的奇特‘法力’,让躲在暗处的几名人域阁主面面相觑。 They so the news will report quickly. 他们很快将这般消息禀告了上去。 Human Sovereign inquired personally, convened above Vice-Pavilion Lord Human Territory high-level discussing official business of position, put out one set already the quite mature plan. 人皇亲自过问,召集副阁主之上职位的人域高层议事,拿出了一套已颇为成熟的规划。 Depending on the energy of Immortal moving mountains to fill the seas, starts the strength of Human Sovereign pavilion, across three days intrinsic Human Territory constructs six hundred Huo Ling temples ; 仙人移山填海之能,发动人皇阁之力,三日内在人域各地建六百火翎庙宇; The super craftsmanship pavilion stops in the hand all things, study ‚the strength of incense and candle, realizes ‚the strength of incense and candle full power most in a short time transportation and gathering ; 天工阁停下手中一切事物,全力钻研‘香火之力’,最短时间内实现‘香火之力’的转运与汇聚; Each region continues to publicize the deeds of Huo Ling, does not need to exaggerate, but does not permit some people of harboring ulterior motives to slander, the offender punishes. 各地继续宣扬火翎之事迹,不必夸大,但也不允一些别有用心之人污蔑,违者严惩。 Your Majesty.” 陛下。” The Four Seas Pavilion Pavilion Lord Feng Yezi stand, asked: Is it possible that is this matter also the Wu Wang Palace Lord writing skill?” 四海阁阁主风冶子站了出来,问:“此事莫非也是无妄殿主的手笔?” Divine Farmer nods slowly, said: Wu Wang this moment pressure is big, cannot bothered him.” 神农缓缓点头,言道:“无妄子此刻压力不小,莫要烦扰他了。” Your Majesty, does he have what pressure?” 陛下,他有何压力?” Divine Farmer said in a low voice: Can see, cannot kill gold/metal God, his heart is quite unwilling.” 神农低声道:“能看出,没能杀了金神,他心底颇为不甘。” The numerous minister expressions are quite immediately complex. 众大臣表情顿时颇为复杂。 Human Sovereign pavilion Pavilion Lord Liu Bairen wonders saying: Gold/Metal god is so good to kill? That is the five elements source god...... we make the plan the time, is not the dragging drives back gold/metal God, to cut to kill other god.” 人皇阁主刘百仞纳闷道:“金神那么好杀的吗?那可是五行源神……咱们制定计划的时候,不都是拖延逼退金神、斩杀其余正神。” This matter does not need to raise much, side can have the matter?” “此事不必多提,可还有旁事?” Feng Yezi cup the hands pleads: These temples that Your Majesty, we cultivate/repair, must have a given name, if called the Huo Ling temple slightly somewhat light white, did not make the clansman have the awe easily.” 风冶子拱手请命:“陛下,咱们修的这些庙,总要有个名号,若是叫火翎庙略有些浅白,不容易让族人生出敬畏。” Divine Farmer holds to recite lightly, several Pavilion Lord also felt, when has to have model/pattern Er to the Huo Ling temple the name. 神农扶须轻吟,几位阁主也觉得,当给火翎的庙宇起个‘有范儿’之名。 So, Huo Ling is the summer officer's head, the officer occupies wishes the position of melting( note), from now on also according to fire virtue, and Great Dao of Fire.” “这般,火翎为夏官之首,官居祝融之位(注),今后也是依火德、并火之大道。” Divine Farmer said: 神农道: „ The system of four seasons officer, this receives from the First Sovereign Fu Xi master, at the present the not many has used, was retained by me in four imperial guards, to do Burma to read. “四季官之制,本承自伏羲先皇师,而今已无多用出,被吾保留在了四支禁军中,以作缅念。 Huo Ling repels gold/metal God, to raise my Human Territory to be dignified, from now on will then confer a title upon to wish melts. 火翎击退金神、扬我人域威严,今后便封号祝融。 Her temple names as to wish friendly temple. ” 将她的庙宇命名为祝融庙吧。” Various Pavilion Lord and Vice-Pavilion Lord lower the head to salute respectively, only felt being well-founded that Your Majesty said. 阁主副阁主各自低头行礼,只觉得陛下说的有理有据。 Each region was Huo Ling gathers the temple of strength of friendly incense and candle, quick hangs up wished the friendly signboard. 各地为火翎聚融香火之力的庙宇,很快就挂上了祝融的牌匾。 Has returned to Extinguish Sect to rest half-day Wu Wang, after hearing this matter, a little stares. 已回返灭宗休息了半天的吴妄,听闻此事后,着实有点愣。 He chewed Fire God to wish to melt these four characters repeatedly, the heart exudes Huo Ling, to charge into gold/metal God the picture by the flame package unprecedented. 他反复嘴嚼‘火神祝融’这四个字,心底又泛起了火翎被火焰包裹、一往无前冲向金神的画面。 Is it possible that is this melts with Water / River God altogether labor relative wishing? 莫非,这是与水神共工相对的祝融? Is inviting the guardian because of Divine Farmer that somewhat worried Wu Wang, immediately thought some big, must calm the mind to sit in meditation, and pondered another important matter. 正因神农那句‘请家长吧’有些烦闷的吴妄,顿时觉得有些头大,只得静心打坐,且思考起了另一件重要的事。 He needs to give a Heavenly Dao confession. 他需要给天道一个交代。 ...... …… That, cough, my self-examination.” “那个,,我自我检讨。” The place of Yunmeng, in Heavenly Dao Divine Palace. 云梦之地,天道神殿中。 Wu Wang, Cang Xue and Yun Zhongjun sit on three stone chairs, sits in a circle around a stone table. 吴妄苍雪、云中君坐在三把石椅上,围坐在一面石桌周围。 The scenery in dream, arranges along with Yun Zhongjun. 梦中的景,自是随云中君布置。 Wu Wang spoke these words in a low voice, raised the head to look at Mother and Yun Zhongjun's complexion. 吴妄低声说了这句话,抬头瞄了眼母亲和云中君的面色。 The former is staring at Wu Wang with a smile, the latter is quite serious. 前者含笑凝视着吴妄,后者则是颇为严肃。 Wu Wang said: „When some emotionalism, handle the matter of gold/metal god, does not consider completely, caused a series of evil consequences.” 吴妄道:“这次有些情绪化,处理金神之事时,思虑不周全,导致了一系列恶果。” Ba'er,” the Cang Xue supple sound said, you can face directly gold/metal God, is quite brave.” 霸儿,”苍雪柔声道,“你能去直面金神,已是颇为勇敢了。” Some truly emotionalism.” “确实有些情绪化。” Yun Zhongjun said with a smile: You can such quick calm, realized that at that time had better handling way, calculated well.” 云中君笑道:“不过你能这么快冷静,意识到当时有更好的处置方式,也算不错了。” Wu Wang lowers the head sighs, the expression somewhat is slightly depressed. 吴妄低头一叹,表情略有些郁闷。 „It can be said that why at that time you were sudden the temper tantrum?” “可以说说,当时你为何突然情绪失控吗?” Yun Zhongjun is asking kindly: 云中君关切地问着: You are quite all along calm, the conduct is also calm, properly speaking should not be connected not deep Human Territory to command with you because of one, the matters of line of so adventure. “你一贯都颇为冷静,行事也算沉稳,按理说不该因一个与你关联不深的人域统领,行这般冒险之事。 If Huo Ling trades to make Ling Xiaolan, the brother I can fully understand. ” 如果火翎换做泠小岚,那老哥我是能充分理解的。” I am also pondering over this issue.” “我也在琢磨这个问题。” Wu Wang is saying in a low voice, the eyeground brings several points of confusion, muttered: 吴妄低声说着,眼底带着几分困惑,又喃喃道: On come back road, I try to bare own dao heart. “回来的路上,我试图剥开自己的道心 Perhaps is because, I have felt, all tragedies in the world are the party concerned ability create insufficient. 或许是因,我一直觉得,世上的一切悲剧都是当事者能力不足造成的。 Takes Human Territory ordinary Cultivator in the gold/metal god as the threat, when compelling Huo Ling has to hard anti-, my actions to the gold/metal god was somewhat angry. 在金神以人域普通修士为威胁,逼火翎不得不硬抗时,我对金神的所作所为有些恼了。 When discovered when the Huo Ling strength uses up the tragic death, my heart exuded the mood of remorse, the reason was increasing at the retrogression and impulsion, breaking open a God of Fortune printed book should lets my happy matter, but at that time, me treated as this purely, can with the symbol of gold/metal god head confrontation. 当发现火翎力竭惨死时,我心底泛起了自责的情绪,理智在消退、冲动在增加,破开了运道神封印本该是让我开心之事,但在当时,我把这单纯当做了,能与金神正面交锋的标志。 I can spar with her normally. 我能与她正常斗法了。 I at that time only then this thought that then got up killed the heart...... ” 我当时只有这个念头,然后起了杀心……” Speaking of this, Wu Wang a hand holds the forehead, breathes a sigh of relief gently. 说到这,吴妄一手扶额,轻轻舒了口气。 At that time to the hope of strength, making me put down the own plan and insisted, took up Star God Great Dao. “当时对力量的渴望,让我放下了自己的规划和坚持,拿起了星神大道 However does not need to be worried, I have the confidence after comprehending thoroughly Star God Great Dao, turns back my own Great Dao, this is not belated action or looks to make up anything. 不过不用担心,我有信心在参悟透星神大道之后,走回我自己的大道,这不是马后炮或者找补什么。 Mother knows, when I faced directly Star God in the past, has had the contest between Great Dao with Star God. 母亲知晓的,我当年直面星神时,与星神有过大道间的较量。 I won. ” 我赢了。” Un?” “嗯?” In Yun Zhongjun is somewhat puzzled, „did my goodness, you win?” 云中君目中有些困惑,“好家伙,你赢了?” Cang Xue supple sound said: Truly was Ba'er won, that time I was also quite surprised.” 苍雪柔声道:“确实是霸儿赢了,那次我也颇为惊讶呢。” ha? This is a little unreasonable,” Yun Zhongjun whispered, Star God was in Great Dao of Stars is born, no god understood the stars compared with her.” ?这有点不合理吧,”云中君嘀咕道,“星神就是星辰大道中诞生的,没有神比她更懂星辰。” Wu Wang said with a smile: 吴妄笑道: This explained somewhat complex, if the conditions will be ripe from now on, I may have a frank and sincere talk to Mother and brother, but cannot say that now was too bright. “这个解释起来有些复杂,若今后时机成熟,我可对母亲和老哥开诚布公,不过现在还是不能说太明。 My Great Dao of Stars, truly above Star God. ” 我的星辰大道,确实是在星神之上。” Since you insisted, Yun Zhongjun said with a smile, right, right, you said right.” “既然你坚持,”云中君笑道,“对,对,你说的都对。” Yun Zhongjun both hands one: That minimum, you should to us reasons that makes us believe.” 云中君双手一摊:“那最起码,你该给我们一个让我们信服的理由。” Wu Wang sincere say/way: „Very simple, from in the air overlooks the land, the land has the curve?” 吴妄正色道:“很简单,从空中俯瞰大地,大地是不是有弧度的?” This is because of our eyeballs is round, you had not discovered, you look at the land in hundred li (0.5 km) upper air and thousand li (500 km) upper air, the curve is the same? “这是因咱们眼珠子是圆的啊,你没发现,你在百里高空和千里高空看大地,弧度是一样的吗? You use immortal sense divine thought to sweep the thousand li (500 km), or under the feeling universe Great Dao these lines , ten thousand li (0.5 km) criterion looked from the thousand li (500 km), they are straight. 你用仙识神念扫过千里,或者感受下乾坤大道的那些线,从千里、万里的尺度去看,它们都是平直的。 If you strength is stronger, divine thought covers 100,000 li (0.5 km) range, can discover, the line of universe is straight. 你若是实力再强些,神念覆盖十万里范围,能发现,乾坤之线还是平直的。 The entire Great Desolate universe line is straight. ” 整个大荒的乾坤线都是平直的。” Yun Zhongjun said with a smile: 云中君笑道: I know that what you want to say that the land is round, is right?” “我知道你想说啥了,大地是圆的,对不对?” The Wu Wang Adam's apple trembled trembling, knits the brows to think deeply. 吴妄喉结颤了颤,皱眉深思。 Yun Zhongjun claps hands to laugh: 云中君抚掌大笑: ha ha ha, second Age of God time , many people are so noisy. ,第二神代的时候,也有很多人这么吵过。 Second Age of God god king, but also traveles across Great Desolate each corner and each microcosm for this reason, drew up map of entire world. 第二神代的神王,还为此踏遍大荒每个角落、每个小世界,绘制了整个天地的地图 , Looks to you! ” 来来来,给你看!” The word, his left Zhangqian pushes, bunch of fog turn well up, above three people of gathering round round tables, congealed a round cover. 言罢,他左掌前推,一团团云雾翻涌,在三人围着的圆桌之上,凝出了一只圆罩。 Surface layer the round cover, the livelihood parallel, the stars are densely covered. 圆罩表层,日月并行、星辰密布。 But under the round cover, land soak in the sea, the boundary is four sides the downward waterfall, the boundless sea water inflow is void, returns in void, emits from some seabed oceanic trenches. 而圆罩之下,一块块大地泡在海洋中,边界是四面向下的瀑布,无边海水流入虚空,又在虚空中回返,自海底一些海沟中冒出。 Yun Zhongjun mysterious smiles: „To know where Candle Dragon exiled beyond heaven is at?” 云中君神秘的一笑:“想知道,烛龙被流放的天外在哪吗?” Wu Wang this moment eyes some stare, the subconsciousness nods. 吴妄此刻双眼有些直愣,下意识点点头。 Before Yun Zhongjun left hand pushes, suddenly turns, that round cover turns over, the land turned one by one. 云中君左手前推,突然一扭,那圆罩翻转,大地翻了一个个 Back.” “背面。” This?” “这?” Wu Wang seems like fights with the fists in the chest, the figure leans on backward slowly, weak by stone chair. 吴妄像是被人一拳打在心口,身形向后缓缓倚靠,无力地靠在石椅上。 Day circle, place. 天圆,地方。 Great Desolate, is not the star...... 大荒,不是星球…… Yun Zhongjun thinks deeply about one, slow sound said: 云中君思索一阵,缓声道: Although does not know that your original say/way is anything, but if bases on the land to be round, that present brother has to congratulate you. “虽然不知道你原本的道是什么,但如果是基于大地是圆的,那现在老哥不得不恭喜你。 You returned to the proper way. 你回正途上了。 At least, Star God Great Dao can help your achievement Star God be so possible to face directly Candle Dragon expert. 最起码,星神大道能助你成就星神这般可直面烛龙强者 Perhaps your thing, cultivates to compel insanely oneself. 你那玩意,修下去说不定会把自己逼疯的。 Head, dao cultivation anything, later we can exchange. ” 首领,修道什么的,以后咱们可以多交流交流。” „It is not, I...... make me think.” “不是,我……让我想想。” Wu Wang by the chairback, the whole person train of thought nearly boils, was calmed down unceasingly forcefully by oneself. 吴妄靠在椅背上,整个人思绪近乎沸腾,又不断强行让自己冷静下来。 No, Star God how oneself same day to exceed! 不,自己当日如何胜过的星神 In this has what problem inevitably. 这里面必然是存在什么问题。 Right...... Star God memory. 对了……星神记忆 Own present fused Star God Great Dao, can control the Star God god body, and oneself divine thought also made the breakthrough in the war a moment ago, perhaps has been possible to search Star God memory. 自己现在融合了星神大道,又能控制星神神躯,且自身神念在刚才大战中又有突破,或许已可一探星神记忆 About the stars answer, likely there. 关于星辰的答案,很可能就在那里。 ...... …… Note: The saying, wishing melted this are three sovereign period government position names, was hard to be elegant. 【注:有一说,祝融本为三皇时期官职名,难以考究。 In addition, the day round place is the myth world outlook, Earth is absolutely round! 】 另,天圆地方是神话世界观,地球绝对是圆的!】
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