TODI :: Volume #4 一战封神

#322: One war 【cup!】

A Chapter 322 war cup!】 第322章一战【中杯!】 World that this piece is not tranquil, some atmosphere slightly coagulations. 这片尚未平静下来的天地,气氛略微有些凝固。 Sounding Snake / Mingshe came to protect Ling Xiaolan strongly, a palm of broken Qiong Qi is completely unexpectedly effortless, was like that superficial, became the tyrannical power and influence. 鸣蛇强势现身护下了泠小岚,破穷奇的一掌竟全然不费吹灰之力,那般轻描淡写,自成强横威势。 Wu Wang appears side Huo Ling silently, the hand grasps Flame Emperor's Command, convenes the remnants of this place deceased person to read, was Huo Ling complemented the loss. 吴妄无声无息地出现在火翎身旁,手握炎帝令,召集此地已故之人的残念,为火翎补全了亏损。 The Huo Ling aura is rising unexpectedly rapidly! 火翎的气息竟在飞速上涨! The numerous Cultivator energetic big quake, wants to open the mouth to cheer the name of Wu Wang, was actually blown by this place several God staggered pressure. 修士精神大震,想开口欢呼无妄子之名,却被此地几名神灵交错的威压镇住。 The kui cow is staring Sounding Snake / Mingshe this old friend, is startled in Sounding Snake / Mingshe this moment that powerful aura. 夔牛瞪着鸣蛇这个老友,吃惊于鸣蛇此刻那强盛的气息。 Qiong Qi both eyes narrow a line, the blood escaping big law have been ready, then only needs two gods and Sounding Snake / Mingshe fights, and diverts Wu Wang conveniently, he may find the opportunity far away from here right and wrong place. 穷奇双目眯成一条线,血遁大法已准备就绪,接下来只需身旁两神与鸣蛇一战,且顺手牵制住无妄子,他就可找机会远离此处是非地。 Meets Wu Wang, no matter what enemy and ourselves strong and weak hurries to escape!】 【遇到无妄子,甭管什么敌我强弱赶紧逃!】 This is the lesson of blood Qiong Qi learns! 这是穷奇总结出的血的教训! Listens suddenly: 忽听: Sounding Snake / Mingshe! Your this Heavenly Palace rebel!” 鸣蛇!你这天宫叛徒!” The wood is God wooden Wei Dingsheng to angrily roar, handsome facial features pushes one group and around the body charm such as the flame combustion, the around the body aura sticks out suddenly layer by layer. 木属神灵木韦定声怒吼,英俊的五官挤成一团、身周神韵如火焰燃烧,身周气息更是一层又一层暴起。 Heavenly Palace trains your God by the divine power irrigation! 天宫神力灌注培养出你这神灵 You take your universe Great Dao, works as the mount to an emaciated life! 你却拿你的乾坤大道,给一个羸弱生灵当坐骑! Great shame! What kind great shame! ” 奇耻大辱!何等的奇耻大辱!” Qiong Qi:...... 穷奇:…… The Sir military might, the Sir continues. 大人威武,大人继续。 In Sounding Snake / Mingshe the ominous light is threatening, the universe that this automatic has not recovered completely, suddenly presented the faint trace fissure. 鸣蛇目中凶光逼人,本自动荡尚未完全复原的乾坤,突然出现了丝丝裂痕。 Her voice just like nine quiet cold winds: 她嗓音宛若九幽寒风: You said, who is the emaciated life?” “你说,谁是羸弱生灵?” Wooden Wei angry: I said is that Wu Wang !” 木韦怒道:“吾说的就是那无妄子,又!” ! 唰! The Sounding Snake / Mingshe form disappears in same place, wooden Wei stands throws toward the distant place strangely in the in the air form accordingly flies! 鸣蛇身影诡异地消失在原地,木韦站在空中的身影应声朝着远处抛飞! The little black light vibrations, first presented two afterimage in Sounding Snake / Mingshe and wooden Wei position, then afterimage dissipates together, another afterimage congealed the Sounding Snake / Mingshe figure. 少许黑光抖动,先是在鸣蛇、木韦原本位置出现了两道残影,而后一道残影消散,另一道残影凝成了鸣蛇的身形。 The spirit whip shakes, the clear sky drops the streams of jet black thunder. 灵鞭一抖,晴空落下道道漆黑雷霆。 long hair dances in the air, both legs under her black skirt the snake tail, back reappear the four wings of main body, the wing shivered, there is the sound of rock clash. 长发飞舞,她黑裙之下的双腿化出蛇尾,背后浮现出了本体的四只羽翼,羽翼颤抖,又有磐石相击之声。 Master?” “主人?” Sounding Snake / Mingshe turns head to ask. 鸣蛇扭头问着。 Goes.” “去吧。” Wu Wang said indifferently: Do not be far from Xiaolan too.” 吴妄淡然道:“不要离小岚太远。” Sounding Snake / Mingshe had not replied that for the first time words of master, she is cold the face, for several times flickered to move, pursues to Innate God wooden Wei. 鸣蛇第一次没有回答主人的话语,她冷着脸,接连几次瞬移,追向了先天神木韦。 The latter has held one's ground, is angrily roars again and again, entrains two extremely heavy wooden clubs baseless, the body with rushing to the potential of thunder, draws on myriad thunder, seizes with Sounding Snake / Mingshe to slaughtering! 后者已稳住阵脚,更是怒吼连连,凭空拽出两杆极重的木棍,身携奔雷之势,招来万千雷霆,与鸣蛇捉对厮杀! Listens to that thunderclap to be billowing, looks at that lightning flash thunder bursts open! 听那雷声滚滚,看那电闪雷绽! The two first go to beyond hundred li (0.5 km), still makes this place Cultivator dao heart tremble, restless. 二者先去百里之外,犹自让此地修士道心颤颤,坐立难安。 Also thin universe dao principle was confused again, various places presented the colorful light shadow, the fierce combat of as if that two God, may break here world anytime...... 还‘稀薄’的乾坤道则再次被搅乱,各处出现了五彩斑斓的光影,仿佛那两尊神灵的激战,随时有可能打破此处天地…… That more than 800 Human Territory Cultivator, many a little are at this moment ignorant. 那八百余人域修士,此刻多少还有点懵。 They turn head to look to Wu Wang, looks to Vicious Spirit and deity of east war. 他们扭头看向吴妄,又看向正在东面大战的凶神与天神。 Old friend Xu Mu just wants to greet with Wu Wang, did not have character just to export, Qiong Qi and form of kui cow changed to two flowing light suddenly. 老友许木刚想跟吴妄打个招呼,一个“无”字刚出口,穷奇和夔牛的身影突然化作两道流光 But these two flowing light whereabouts are entirely different! 但这两道流光的去向全然不同! Qiong Qi flies to escape toward north ; 穷奇朝着北面飞遁; The kui cow stares Qiong Qi , to continue to throw toward the crowd, the vision locks in Huo Ling body stubbornly. 夔牛瞪了眼穷奇,继续朝着人群扑来,目光死死锁定在火翎身上 Whiz whiz two, two form run out of the crowd extremely quickly. 嗖嗖两声,两道身影极快地冲出人群。 The left side is Wu Wang, the figure by the silver-white star splendor package, pursues to go toward the Qiong Qi illness/quick! 左侧是吴妄,身形被银白色星辉包裹,朝穷奇疾追而去! Right is Huo Ling. 右侧的自是火翎 Her around the body ignites the flame, the phoenix that flame concentrates raises head tall Ti, its aura rises again! 身周燃起火光,那火光凝成的凤凰仰头高啼,其气息再次上扬! Thump! 咚! The kui good chest shakes the loud sound! 夔牛胸口震出巨响! This sound like the hammer, pounds to fall to Huo Ling Nascent Spirit directly! 此声如锤,径直对火翎元神砸落! Huo Ling is not previously the declining tendency, Flame Emperor's Command that Wu Wang puts out linked torch Great Dao like that with ease, this place birth the strength of torch, poured into Huo Ling within the body. 火翎已非此前那般颓势,吴妄拿出的炎帝令轻松链接到了薪火大道,将此地诞生的薪火之力,灌注到了火翎体内。 When Huo Ling limited to this time severe wound condition, and insufficiency of strength of this place torch, strength not possible such as to fighting gold/metal god like that tyrannical ; 虽然火翎受限于此时重伤的状态,以及此地薪火之力的不足,实力不可能如对战金神时那般强横; But the kui cow is not gold/metal god like that expert. 但夔牛也非金神那般强者 The two positive photograph to/clashes, the long spear/gun and big axe shake hardly, the shock-wave that blooms vertical, spreads toward the day and place rapidly. 二者正面相冲,长枪与大斧硬撼,竖直绽放的冲击波,朝着天与地急速扩散。 Huo Ling from extreme speed to static, the figure is entirely still, is static and vertical in the place of hit ; 火翎由极速到静止,身形纹丝不动,于撞击之地静静而立; The kui good figure actually pounds to fall toward the ground like the meteorite slantingly, the plow in the land had/left a dozens li (0.5 km) long gully. 夔牛身形却如陨石般朝着地面斜斜砸落,在大地上犁出了一道数十里长的沟壑。 Huo Ling looks immediately to direction that Wu Wang pursued, did not feel relieved that must first help protect, actually saw suddenly star light that everywhere erupts...... 火翎立刻看向了吴妄追出去的方向,本是不放心地要先去援护,却突然看到了那漫天爆发的星光…… As if that two Milky Way bursts a dike, seeming got down raindrop is the rainstorm of stars ; 仿佛是那两条银河决了堤,好似是下了一场雨滴是星辰的暴雨; The boundless star splendor volume to the form that Qiong Qi fled. 无边星辉卷向了穷奇遁走的身影。 Strength that Wu Wang exposes, where is what Heavenly Immortal Realm intermediate stage? 吴妄展露出的实力,哪里是什么天仙境中期 Only is so, and is not enough to show that Wu Wang can contend with Qiong Qi directly. 仅是这般,并不足以证明吴妄能与穷奇正面抗衡。 Strong vitality that the stars sword that but behind Wu Wang in the reappear Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart and hand grip, that dao body sends out, lets Huo Ling produced him to cope with Qiong Qi unexpectedly also and may all the thought. 吴妄背后浮现出的八卦图、手中握住的星辰剑,还有那道躯散发出的浓烈血气,让火翎竟产生了‘他去对付穷奇也并无不可’的念头。 —— “啊—— The kui cow raises head to bellow, in the pothole that since he pounds jumps, the body starts to inflate, aura to be wilder again, lifts the double axe to fiercely attack to Huo Ling. 夔牛仰头大吼,自他砸出的坑洞中跳起,身躯再次开始膨胀、气息更为狂暴,举着双斧对火翎猛攻。 Snort!” “哼!” Huo Ling bullies the body on, long spear/gun such as dragon and body, if the gust of wind, the offensive is very swift and fierce, with just reluctant accepting a challenge, acted like a different person completely! 火翎欺身而上,长枪如龙、身若疾风,攻势无比凌厉,与刚刚的勉强应战,完全判若两人! She wants before the strength of torch just obtained to consume fights a battle to force a quick decision! 她要在刚得到的薪火之力耗完前速战速决! The distant place, Sounding Snake / Mingshe resists with that Heavenly Palace god positive photograph. 更远处,鸣蛇与那天宫正神正面相抗。 Although ten Vicious Spirit the position cannot compare with the Heavenly Palace god, but they are the Great Desolate unusual animals that Great Master of Fate is selective, poured into divine power, to awaken Great Dao, the strength was also higher than the Heavenly Palace god who these sparred bad. 凶神虽地位远不能与天宫正神相比,但他们都是大司命精挑细选出来的大荒异兽,灌注了神力、觉醒了大道,战力还要高于那些不善斗法的天宫正神。 But, wooden bragged the strength to be uncommon, thinks he encircled in the god also calculates No. 1 character...... 可,木韦自诩实力不凡,自认为他在神圈也算一号人物…… At this moment he was suppressed unexpectedly comprehensively by trivial Vicious Spirit! 此刻他竟被区区凶神全面压制住了! Sounding Snake / Mingshe false universe Great Dao was good at sparring, if inferior to Sounding Snake / Mingshe because of Great Dao in the sparring aspect, he was suppressed by Sounding Snake / Mingshe was purely normal. 鸣蛇的伪・乾坤大道本就擅长斗法,若是因大道在斗法方面不如鸣蛇,他被鸣蛇压制了纯属正常。 But wooden Wei already detects, divine power of Sounding Snake / Mingshe within the body, even is more tyrannical than his god! 可木韦已经察觉到,鸣蛇体内的神力,甚至比他这个正神还要强横! This is he falls into the leeward origin comprehensively! 这才是他全面落入下风的根由! Is this possible? 这怎么可能? divine power should not be Heavenly Palace is in sole possession, is born in divine pond, was read the pray by the life collection, was the gracious gift of Your Majesty to Gods? 神力不该是天宫独有,诞生于神池之中,由生灵集念祈祷而成,是陛下诸神的恩赐吗? The shock of wooden Wei heart changed to the anger. 木韦心底的震惊化作了愤怒。 That is a not being able to say anger. 那是一种说不出的愤怒。 His offensive tends to be crazy, must restrain by force a Sounding Snake / Mingshe head in the upfront. 他攻势趋于疯狂,非要在正面强压鸣蛇一头。 Sounding Snake / Mingshe actually suddenly starts partly to attack partly defends, evades the wooden Wei's offensive steadily, gives its stable counter-attack again. 鸣蛇却突然开始半攻半守,将木韦的攻势稳稳躲过,再给予其稳定的反击。 In the course of contacts, wooden Wei body had accumulated a big injury. 一来二去,木韦身上已积累了不小的伤势。 A Sounding Snake / Mingshe wisp of mind surrounds throughout in Ling Xiaolan body. 鸣蛇一缕心神始终环绕在泠小岚身上 This is master's order, is the person of master caring. 这是主人的命令,也是主人在意之人。 She did not worry that the Wu Wang safety, does not have many to observe sparring of Wu Wang and Qiong Qi. 她并不担心吴妄的安危,更没有多去观察吴妄穷奇的斗法。 Does not have him. 无他。 That powerful and wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Sleeping God, hides in the master shadow from beginning to end, has not left. 那个强大且神秘莫测的睡神,自始至终都躲在主人脚下的阴影中,始终未曾离开。 ...... …… In an instant already pursues several hundred li (0.5 km) Wu Wang ; 转眼间已经追出数百里的无妄; With by galaxy cling Qiong Qi. 与被星河卷住的穷奇 Both are capturing most Cultivator attention, the place of their sparring, makes numerous cultivators simultaneously investigate with immortal sense. 两者吸引着大部分修士的目光,他们斗法之地,也让众多修士齐齐仙识探查。 Was several hundred li (0.5 km) to Huo Ling and Sounding Snake / Mingshe, has may self-confidently without Qiong Qi that injuring to withdraw, at this moment had several points of energy actually. 离了火翎鸣蛇有几百里,已有自信可无伤脱身的穷奇,此刻倒是有了几分底气。 Qiong Qi did not worry to leave unexpectedly. 穷奇竟又不着急离开了。 He turns around suddenly, is staring at hot pursuit Wu Wang, the vision unexpectedly quite somewhat is for a while complex. 他忽然转过身来,凝视着紧追不舍的吴妄,目光一时竟颇有些复杂。 Meets Spring God!” “逢春神!” Does not wait for the Wu Wang offensive to arrive, Qiong Qi sound transmission shouts immediately: 不等吴妄攻势抵达,穷奇立刻传声呼喊: I think, among us should have some misunderstanding.” “我想,咱们之间应该存在一些误会。” Misunderstanding? 误会? May go your! 可去您的吧! Wu Wang did not say a word to compel forward, in hand stars sword star light eruption. 吴妄一言不发只是向前迫进,手中星辰剑星光爆发。 The Qiong Qi under foot, both hands open lightly, the figure just like the bat of flying upside down, northern North Korea sharply escapes at the same time , to continue to Wu Wang sound transmission. 穷奇脚下轻点,双手张开,身形宛若倒飞的蝙蝠,朝北方急遁的同时,继续对吴妄传声 Also please meet Spring God cannot so to compel. “还请逢春神莫要如此相逼。 I am actually like the Sounding Snake / Mingshe god, but works oneself to death for Heavenly Palace, Heavenly Palace ordered, me and others to revere. 我跟鸣蛇神其实一样,不过是为天宫卖命,天宫下令、我等不得不尊。 Although I have done many improper matters to Human Territory, but these all are the lives of Great Master of Fate. 我虽对人域做过诸多不当之事,但这些全是大司命之命。 I also am quite actually admiring to Human Clan, several times lost to meets the hand of Spring God, making me learn from a painful experience, if can listen respectfully to meet Spring God to direct several, from, when is deeply grateful. ” 我其实对人族也颇为钦佩,数次败于逢春神之手,让我已是痛定思痛,若是能聆听逢春神指点几句,自当感激不尽。” The Wu Wang corners of the mouth twitched crazily several. 吴妄嘴角疯狂抽搐了几下。 Does the Heavenly Palace government curl? 天宫官场这么卷吗? The speed of resembles is not willing to listen to the so disgusting words, before Wu Wang, flushing not to have indication sharp increase several times again! 似是不愿再听这般恶心的话语,吴妄前冲的速度毫无征兆地暴增数倍! The whole body muscle stirs more violent vitality, power of stars that surrounding area that fills goes toward the Wu Wang gathering! 浑身肌肉鼓荡出更为猛烈的血气,周遭那弥漫的星辰之力吴妄汇聚而去! The stars sword became the ornaments completely, became the introduction, became the pure increase power of stars say/way soldier. 星辰剑完全成了摆设,成了引子,成了纯粹增幅星辰之力的道兵。 Near body fights hand-to-hand, is the Wu Wang current strongest defend method! 近身肉搏,已是吴妄当前最强的御敌手段! He grips the left fist, attacks fiercely to the Qiong Qi abdomen of human form condition! 他攥起左拳,对人形状态的穷奇腹部猛击! Under Qiong Qi is caught off guard, has not dodged with enough time, was bullied the body to approach by Wu Wang. 穷奇措手不及之下,尚未来得及闪躲,便被吴妄欺身靠近。 But Qiong Qi has not become alarmed, at this moment even also a little...... 穷奇并未着慌,此刻甚至还有点…… To smile. 想笑。 Who Wu Wang is, Qiong Qi is clear, even is clearer than Heavenly Palace most Innate God. 无妄子是谁,穷奇再清楚不过,甚至比天宫大部分先天神都要清楚。 This is the Human Sovereign son-in-law. 这是人皇的女婿。 Although the Human Sovereign daughter is not new generation Heaven Overflowing Saintess. 虽然人皇的女儿并不是新一代天衍圣女 Wu Wang child comes Northern Plains, a while ago just in the Northern Plains promotion was Heavenly Immortal Realm intermediate stage, should have the favor of Lord Star God, depended on the Lord Star God blessings, awakened the Star God bloodlines. 无妄子出身北野,前段时间刚在北野晋升为天仙境中期,应该有着星神大人的青睐,靠着星神大人的赐福,觉醒了星神血脉。 Is equal to the Star God adopted son. 就等同于星神的干儿子。 Then because certain accident of sorts —— concrete anything chance Qiong Qi did not understand, but Wu Wang with previously practiced Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty of heart to have the friendship in the Human Territory samsara. 然后又因某些机缘巧合——具体什么机缘穷奇也不甚了解,但无妄与此前在人域轮回练心的天帝陛下有了交情。 This became Heavenly Emperor friends. 这就成了天帝的忘年交。 This Three Layers status set in Wu Wang child body, his Qiong Qi, damages the Wu Wang half finger today, that is Great Master of Fate hangs oneself —— to dislike itself to assign/life to be long! 三重身份套在无妄身上,他穷奇,今天伤无妄子半个手指头,那就是大司命上吊——嫌自己命长! But Qiong Qi is clearer, Wu Wang is very young, his strength has not grown, today, Wu Wang withstand/top the broken day to be able with Human Territory Transcendent Realm to be a worthy opponent. 穷奇更明白,无妄子还很年轻,他的实力还未成长起来,今日,吴妄顶破天就是能与人域超凡境匹敌。 But Human Territory ordinary Transcendent, his Qiong Qi so many years killed not 100, inevitably 78, even if greet Wu Wang to strike directly, there is why not? 人域普通超凡,他穷奇这么多年杀了没有一百,也必然有七八个,就算是正面迎接无妄一击,又有何妨? Makes Wu Wang vent anger, from now on oneself show good will again, facilitates will develop newly by...... the mountain...... 就让无妄子出出气,自己再示好,方便今后发展出新的靠……山…… Bang! 轰! Wu Wang fist front seal in the Qiong Qi abdomen. 吴妄的拳锋印在穷奇腹部。 In 1/4 twinkling, the Qiong Qi expression becomes incomparably serious ; 在四分之一的瞬息内,穷奇的表情变得无比严肃; In the behind 1/2 twinkling, the Qiong Qi entire beast is ignorant. 后面二分之一的瞬息内,穷奇整个兽都是懵的。 The final 1/4 twinkling, Qiong Qi expression already starts the pain and distortion. 最后的四分之一瞬息,穷奇表情已经开始痛苦、扭曲。 Puff in the sound, the Qiong Qi back blew out one group of blood fog, the strength of that fist penetrated his god body, exploded everywhere blood splash! 噗噗声中,穷奇背后爆出了一团血雾,那一拳的力道穿透了他的神躯,炸出了漫天血花! Heavy, severe wound! 重、重伤了! Qiong Qi does not dare to believe completely raised the head, just saw Wu Wang that solemn facial features. 穷奇满是不敢置信地抬头,刚好看到了吴妄那张冷峻的面容。 The Wu Wang arm shakes lightly, the Qiong Qi figure such as the rags flew together, tumbled several on the ground, suddenly forgets to crawl unexpectedly. 吴妄手臂轻震,穷奇身形如一块破布般飞了出去,在地上翻滚了几圈,一时间竟忘记爬起来。 At this moment, some words matter person also doubts of Wu Wang this newborn Heavenly Dao. 此刻,吴妄这个初生天道的话事人也有些疑惑。 This Qiong Qi, is it possible that only will control the mind such weakly, the sparring strength? 穷奇,莫非只会控制心神,斗法实力这么弱的吗? Did not keep off a moment ago unexpectedly does not hide does not counter-attack, making him solid pulling out a fist...... 刚才竟然不挡不躲不反击,让他结结实实‘掏’了一拳…… Let alone, this fist also very satisfies a craving. 别说,这一拳还挺过瘾。 —— “哇—— Qiong Qi lowers the head to spout the big mouth blood, in the eye full is stunned, he covered the abdomen to jump staggering, in the eye looks at Wu Wang completely with amazement. 穷奇低头喷出大口鲜血,目中满是错愕,他捂着腹部踉踉跄跄地跳了起来,目中满是骇然地看着吴妄 Meets Spring God, I have not harmed...... cough seriously, has harmed you...... “逢春神,我当真没有害过……,害过你…… How you can have strength so! ” 你如何能有这般实力!” At Wu Wang fist front reappear small Yin-Yang double fish. 吴妄拳锋上浮现出了小小的阴阳双鱼。 He forwards gradually, around the body is surrounding the Yin-Yang Great Dao say/way rhyme ; In Qiong Qi reveals for several points suddenly, has had no intention to stay in this place at this moment again. 他缓步向前,身周环绕着阴阳大道的道韵;穷奇目中流露出几分恍然,此刻已是再无意停留在此地。 Escapes, must escape! 逃,必须要逃! Qiong Qi, your my account, were too rather many.” 穷奇,你我的账,未免太多了些。” Wu Wang is saying indifferently, the left hand shakes gently, several flowing light depart, sealed up about Qiong Qi around four positions. 吴妄淡然说着,左手轻轻一震,数道流光飞出,封住了穷奇左右前后四个方位。 Then before the steps treads, if the Blue Dragon water leakage, resembles to seize greedily, swoops to Qiong Qi! 而后踏步前蹬,若苍龙出水、似饿虎扑食,对穷奇飞扑! Qiong Qi figure gets out of trouble, seems like that must fiercely attack to Wu Wang, but before him , the form that to/clashes divides into two unexpectedly, first is phantom, latter for the blood light! 穷奇身形一个兜转,看似要对吴妄猛攻,但他前冲的身影竟一分为二,前为虚影、后为血光! phantom smuggles the strength of Qiong Qi striking to rumble full power directly ; 虚影夹带着穷奇全力一击之力正面轰来; The blood light to endure compared with the Sounding Snake / Mingshe extreme speed flies to escape backward! 血光以堪比鸣蛇的极速向后飞遁! Even, Qiong Qi has not forgotten at this moment to Wu Wang sound transmission: 甚至,穷奇此刻还不忘对吴妄传声: Meets Spring God, I am also involuntary!” “逢春神,我也是身不由己!” A Wu Wang fist bang breaks to pieces that phantom, wants to pursue is some without enough time. 吴妄一拳轰碎那虚影,想要追赶已是有些来不及。 But Wu Wang has not had any anxious color, the corners of the mouth instead also shows the light happy expression. 吴妄并未有任何急色,嘴角反而还露出淡淡的笑意。 Brother.” “老哥。” The distant place, the blood light sharply flees, but the region, dozens flowing light emerged out of thin air, interlocks a big net, blood light that Qiong Qi changed, when under hood. 远处,血光急窜而过的区域,数十道流光凭空出现,交错成了一张大网,将穷奇化作的血光当头罩下。 Roar! 吼! Qiong Qi the main body, wants to hit extremely quickly from that big net. 穷奇极快地化出本体,想要自那大网之中撞出去。 But that big net inspired the world mighty force unexpectedly, not only belayed Qiong Qi accurate, but also contracts extremely quickly, surrounds Qiong Qi stubbornly. 但那大网竟引动了天地伟力,不只精准地套住了穷奇,还极快地收缩,将穷奇死死地困住。 Afterward, that big net appears the entity, unexpectedly is a tattered fishing net. 随后,那大网现出实体,竟是一张破烂的渔网。 On the fishing net spiritual light passes each time, Qiong Qi figure small, Wu Wang also obviously weary. 渔网上得神光每次流转,都会将穷奇身形勒的小一圈,吴妄也就会更显疲倦。 Lifted the hand stopper several medicinal pill entrances, Wu Wang one step jumped, the point of descent just in the Qiong Qi top of the head, gripped the iron fist again. 抬手塞了几颗丹药入口,吴妄一步跃起,落点刚好是在穷奇头顶,再次攥起铁拳。 Qiong Qi could not have suppressed the heart at this moment the anger, glowers to Wu Wang, it just opened mouth, but also without making noise, was belayed the tongue by that tattered fishing net. 穷奇此刻已抑制不住心底的怒火,对吴妄怒目而视,它刚张嘴,还没出声,就被那破烂渔网套住了舌头。 When really I previously did hide in side am being see a play?” “真当我此前在旁边躲着是看戏吗?” Wu Wang is saying calm, then a fist pounds in the Qiong Qi forehead, the hit Qiong Qi scales are stave, divine soul trembles. 吴妄淡定地说着,而后一拳砸在穷奇脑门,打的穷奇鳞甲破碎、神魂震颤。 The Qiong Qi anger exclaimed: You are mean!” 穷奇怒吼道:“你卑鄙!” Is inferior to you.” “不如你。” Wu Wang took a deep breath, because of seeing Sounding Snake / Mingshe and Huo Ling had the advantage, he at a moderate pace is a fist. 吴妄深吸一口气,因见鸣蛇火翎都占据了优势,他不紧不慢地又是一拳。 The Qiong Qi hit whole body shivers all over, four thick claw chaotic flexure, had been pressed the tiglon size by that tattered fishing net. 穷奇被打的浑身乱颤,四只粗爪一阵乱挠,已被那破烂渔网压成了虎狮般大小。 Above Wu Wang cross sits, an experience and skill to Qiong Qi head greeting. 吴妄跨坐其上,一顿老拳对穷奇脑袋招呼。 This fishing net is Yun Zhongjun gives, is on the Age of God treasure, but knows this net with Innate God of foot, living does not calculate too. 这渔网自是云中君给的,是上个神代的宝物,只是知晓此网跟脚的先天神,活着的并不算太多。 In any case, Yun Zhongjun dares, Wu Wang to dare to use. 反正,云中君敢给,吴妄就敢用。 Wu Wang relies upon at this moment, is boundless divine power that Western Plains takes by force, and gossips Great Dao to cover up the special place with the Yin-Yang, grows stronger him suddenly, all sums up in the say/way of Fu Xi Great Emperor receives. 吴妄此刻仰仗的,就是西野打劫来的磅礴神力,且用阴阳八卦大道遮掩自身特异之处,将他突然变强,全都归结于伏羲大帝的道承。 Without the means that the Fu Xi Great Emperor is extremely seriously fierce, this reason is simply appropriate. 没办法,伏羲大帝当真太过凶猛,这理由简直再合适不过。 Looks at this Qiong Qi, the Wu Wang heart anger flees. 看着这穷奇,吴妄心底火气直窜。 It is no doubt that the matter of Liu Family definitely was this fellow fences! 不用说,柳家之事肯定是这家伙操刀! The struggle of Human Territory immortal demon has the shadow of this bastard! 人域仙魔之争都有这混蛋的影子! Several Human Territory turmoils, large quantities of Cultivator casualties, in Human Territory are filling the heart of envy for no reason! 几次人域动乱,大批修士无故死伤,人域之中弥漫着嫉妒之心! That Lin Family, Lin Nuhao one generation of brave generals, Lin Family this can also have the incomparable potential in the future, actually destroys in the temporary negligence of fiercely attacking and Lin Nuhao of Qiong Qi...... 还有那林家,林怒豪一代猛将,林家未来本也能有无可比拟的潜力,却毁于穷奇的猛攻和林怒豪的一时疏忽…… Too numerous to mention, the crime of this fellow is simply too numerous to mention! 罄竹难书,这家伙的罪行简直罄竹难书! Doesn't like spying on the life state of mind? 不是喜欢窥探生灵心境吗? Doesn't like looking at the person to be rude? 不是喜欢看人失态吗? A Wu Wang fist pounds down, suddenly heard the bone scraps sound, fixes the eyes on looks, Qiong Qi fainting error, the head had broken to pieces at this moment less than half, on divine soul is wrapping projection of this tattered fishing net. 吴妄一拳砸下,突然听到了骨碎的声响,定睛一瞧,穷奇此刻已然昏阙,脑袋碎了小半,神魂上套着这破烂渔网的投影 Killed? 杀了? Wu Wang snort/hum sound. 吴妄哼了声。 That was too rather cheap Qiong Qi. 那未免太便宜了穷奇 He jumps to set out, the big hand wields, this fishing net direct income sleeve. 他跳起身来,大手一挥,将这渔网直接收入袖中。 Brother, gave you.” “老哥,交给你了。” Un...... also wants a mount?” “嗯……还想要个坐骑?” He also matches!” “他也配!” Wu Wang scolded: Trains the Sounding Snake / Mingshe mount to me, later makes him work oneself to death for Human Territory, looks for the Innate God flaw to go!” 吴妄骂道:“给我调教成鸣蛇的坐骑,以后让他替人域卖命,找先天神的破绽去吧!” Good!” “好嘞!” Yun Zhongjun smiled the sound, urged Wu Wang several. 云中君笑了声,又叮嘱了吴妄几句。 Wu Wang does not dare to neglect, his figure leaps in the air, the left hand sprinkles several flowing light. 吴妄自是不敢怠慢,他身形跃到空中,左手洒出几道流光 These flowing light changed to big nets, blocked the escape route of that wooden Wei Hekui cow ; His right hand lifts up high, the Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart lifts off, in in the air rapid proliferation. 这些流光化作了一张张大网,封死了那木韦和夔牛的退路;紧接着,他右手高举,阴阳八卦图升空而起,在空中迅速扩散。 At this moment he is blustering. 此刻他是在虚张声势。 That can belay the Qiong Qi god net, Yun Zhongjun also only then one side, and every time uses one time, that thing will intensify the breakage, if belays the strong god, the opposite party spends some time to destroy the net. 那能套住穷奇的神网,云中君也就只有一面,且每用一次,那东西就会加剧破损,要是套住强神,对方花些时间就能毁网而出。 After all is only tattered that Yun Zhongjun picked in the past conveniently. 毕竟只是云中君当年随手捡的破烂。 Under Wu Wang sets up wise, three calculate the image to oneself at this moment. 吴妄此刻不过是给自己树下‘足智多谋、一步三算’的形象。 With utmost effort, does not let others relates to the Western Plains spirit. 尽一切可能,不让旁人联想到西野的幽灵。 Completes these, in the Wu Wang mouth sends out one to howl, the figure dashes to Sounding Snake / Mingshe and place of wooden Wei fighting, does not forget in the mouth to shout: 做完这些,吴妄口中发出一阵呼啸,身形直扑鸣蛇与木韦大战之处,不忘口中呼喊: Qiong Qi had been apprehended by me! You has not been without a fight!” 穷奇已被我捉拿!尔等还不束手就擒!” Does the mentality, does the mentality. 搞心态,搞心态。 Human Territory numerous Cultivator simultaneously cheers. 人域修士齐齐欢呼。 Innate God wooden Wei complexion several changes, fiercely attack several times to Sounding Snake / Mingshe, had been suppressed by Sounding Snake / Mingshe comprehensively, and body accumulated many injury him, turns around to speed away to go toward the sky. 先天神木韦面色几次变化,对鸣蛇猛攻几次,本就已是被鸣蛇全面压制、且身上积累了不少伤势的他,转身朝天空疾驰而去。 Sounding Snake / Mingshe figure glimmer, the back wing shivers and have twice sonic bangs, interrupts the wooden Wei way with ease. 鸣蛇身形闪烁,背后羽翼颤抖、带起两次音爆,轻松截断木韦去路。 Gets down!” “下去!” In her hand long whip, if the spirit snake waves, bypasses flowing light that wooden Wei Sa has, breaks open wooden Wei Hu body spiritual light, pulled out ruthlessly in the wooden Wei shoulder. 她手中长鞭若灵蛇舞动,绕过木韦洒出的流光,破开木韦护体神光,狠狠地抽在了木韦肩头。 In wooden Wei eye full is angry, the figure pounded to fall, pounds everywhere mist and dust. 木韦目中满是恼怒,身形直直砸落,砸起了漫天烟尘。 Hateful ; 可恶; Hateful! 可恶! He was so shamed by the Heavenly Palace dog unexpectedly! 他竟被天宫的狗如此羞辱! Sounding Snake / Mingshe, you die like a dog!” 鸣蛇,你不得好死!” Sounding Snake / Mingshe coldly snorted, standing from the sky is actually responsible for blocking the air zone. 鸣蛇冷哼一声,却站在空中负责封锁空域。 Because the master arrived, so Innate God is the prey of master, how she can snatch the crest of wave of master...... 因为主人到了,这般先天神都是主人的猎物,她如何能抢主人的风头…… However, is speeding away Wu Wang that comes, the figure suddenly in the midair. 然而,正疾驰而来的吴妄,身形突然顿在半空。 Below mist and dust, there is weak golden luminous glimmer. 下方烟尘中,有微弱的金色光亮闪烁 Yun Zhongjun said careful, the Sounding Snake / Mingshe complexion becomes incomparably dignified, immediately flushes away toward Wu Wang. 云中君道了一声小心,鸣蛇面色变得无比凝重,立刻朝着吴妄冲去。 ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha!” !” This familiar big laughter. 这熟悉的大笑声。 Wu Wang lifts the hand to brace forth a palm, that sandstorm concentrate, rustle to fall immediately, revealed among situation. 吴妄抬手向前推出一掌,那片风沙立刻凝住、簌簌落下,显露出了其内的情形。 A petite form, stands side wooden Wei at this moment, since the left hand receives from the wooden Wei shoulder slowly. 一名身材娇小的身影,此刻就站在木韦身旁,左手从木韦肩头慢慢收起。 gold/metal God! 金神! And the strength restores not to know many gold/metal god! 且还是实力恢复了不知多少的金神! Looks at that wooden Wei again, at this moment unexpectedly white-haired, the whole face wrinkle, the whole person sends out is being depressed dejected, within the body divine power almost bottoms. 再看那木韦,此刻竟满头白发、满脸皱纹,整个人散发着颓然暮气,体内神力几乎见底。 Really good, what come is a wood is the god.” “真不错呐,来的是个木属神。” gold/metal God the small tongue has delimited the lip, looked down eye wooden Wei, said indifferently: 金神的小舌划过嘴唇,低头看了眼木韦,淡然道: „After returning to Heavenly Palace, supplement divine power, your divine power, I borrowed temporarily.” “回天宫后自己去补充神力,你的神力,吾暂时借用了。” The wooden Wei whole body trembles lightly, looks the grief and indignation, actually lowered the head, complies with the sound with the shivering voice is. 木韦浑身轻颤,面露悲愤,却只是低头、用颤抖的嗓音应了声是。 That small snail comes back, belt/bring fellow goes back, this place I handle.” “那头牛牛回来,带这家伙回去,此地吾来处置。” Yes!” “是!” Kui ox Wengsheng is saying, resisted a Huo Ling spear/gun to sweep away hardly, the whole body was bathed in blood, to jump in front of the gold/metal god pantingly, had and clamps wooden Preservation under the rib, turned around to transfer. 夔牛瓮声说着,硬抗了火翎一枪横扫,浑身浴血、气喘吁吁地跳到了金神面前,将木韦提起、夹在肋下,转身调走。 Wu Wang narrows the eye slightly, at this moment actually hesitates without the half a point. 吴妄微微眯眼,此刻却是毫无半分迟疑。 Sounding Snake / Mingshe, killing that wood is God.” 鸣蛇,杀了那个木系神灵。” Yes, master.” “是,主人。” In Sounding Snake / Mingshe worried completely, but the body is not carrying out the order of Wu Wang hesitant, bypassed gold/metal God the illness/quick to pursue immediately. 鸣蛇目中满是担忧,但身体毫无犹豫执行着吴妄的命令,绕过金神立刻疾追了上去。 gold/metal God looked at Sounding Snake / Mingshe, the back appeared the arms of six nihilities, her left and right hands together, gripped eight almighty troopses. 金神看了眼鸣蛇,背后现出了六道虚无的臂膀,连带她的左右手一同,握住了八把神兵。 Wu Wang? Today then leads you to return to Heavenly Palace.” 无妄子是吗?今日便带你回天宫。” Snort!” “哼!” In Huo Ling spiritual light surges. 火翎目中神光涌动。 The Wu Wang left hand palm opens slowly, flame glimmer that one group jumps, appeared in the Huo Ling forehead gently directly, pasted in the strength of some Huo Ling originally hot phoenixes. 吴妄左手掌心缓缓打开,一团跳跃的火焰轻轻闪烁,直接出现在了火翎额头,贴在了火翎原本就有的火凤之力上。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Wu Wang untied the long robe clothing slowly, the top of the head presents the everywhere big star, one after another pure power of stars poured into his within the body, the figure inflated unexpectedly 12. 吴妄慢慢解开长袍衣衫,头顶出现了漫天大星,一股股精纯的星辰之力灌入他体内,身形竟膨胀了一二分。 gold/metal God said indifferently: Past Star God made no distinction between victory and defeat with me, let alone was your trivial Star God bloodlines, you for the time being were also the younger generation of god.” 金神淡然道:“当年的星神都与我不分胜负,更何况是你区区星神血脉,你姑且还算是本神的晚辈。” Right?” “是吗?” Wu Wang closed the eyes slowly, around the body blows the pro and con two breeze. 吴妄慢慢闭上双眼,身周刮起了正反两股微风。 Opens eyes, long hair danced in the breeze, around the body to twine the streams of silver-white color electric arc, the eyes was presenting the black and white two color Yin-Yang fish respectively. 睁眼,长发飘舞、身周缠绕着道道银白色电弧,双眼分别出现了黑白两色阴阳鱼。 Does not have the reason, Wu Wang full fights intent suddenly, felt that group of flame that heart are burning unceasingly. 没来由的,吴妄突然满是战意,感觉心底的那团火焰在不断燃烧。 His heart had and current situation irrelevant issue. 他心底冒出了个与当前情形毫不相关的问题。 ‚Can our these flesh lives, really build the Heavenly Dao?’ ‘我们这些血肉生灵,真的能搭建起天道吗?’ He is longing for the answer of this issue. 他渴望着这个问题的答案。 Therefore, from starts at this moment, he must push all enemies horizontally, becomes Great Desolate strongest expert, escorts for the blueprint that oneself devise with the absolute strength. 故,从此刻开始,他必须横推一切之敌,成为大荒最强者,用绝对的力量为自己构想的蓝图保驾护航。 The brutal Heavenly Dao, deciding to realize! 无情天道,定能实现! „A war.” “一战。” Later day ten thousand! 已日万!
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