TODI :: Volume #4 一战封神

#310: That spirit!

Chapter 310 that spirit! 第310章那个幽灵! This trivial young god...... 这区区小神…… Snort! 哼! Has almost not hit! 差点就没打过! In the mountain valley, the Wu Wang whole body is the blood, stands before that badly-damaged scorpion tail young god corpse, looks pale, both legs to tremble ; 山谷中,吴妄满身是血,站在那已残破不堪的蝎尾小神尸身前,面色苍白、双腿打颤; He is enduring forcefully Two turn anything not to manage The impulsion, lowers the head to sit cross-legged immediately, quickly restores the injury. 他强行忍着【两眼一翻啥都不管】的冲动,立刻低头盘坐,迅速恢复自身伤势。 If were not in the past in the Human Sovereign pavilion...... that time or Benevolent Sovereign Pavilion. 如果不是当年在人皇阁……那时还是仁皇阁 If not for in the past in Benevolent Sovereign Pavilion Chief Pavilion, Liu Bairen and Daoist Firmament Sword were him sparring partner one after another, making him build the good sparring foundation ; 若不是当年在仁皇阁总阁,刘百仞霄剑道人轮番做他陪练,让他打下了不错的斗法基础; Only he in these styles that Northern Plains ponders over, cannot deal with today's war! 单凭他在北野琢磨的那些招式,根本应对不了今天的战局! Reason that the nature, this time wins so difficult, is Wu Wang has been enduring, has not displayed the stars and Yin-Yang two Great Dao magical powers. 自然,此次之所以赢的如此艰难,也是吴妄一直忍着,没施展星辰与阴阳两条大道的神通。 Fierce combat already of this place alarmed Western Plains numerous Innate God. 此地的激战已经惊动了西野众多先天神 Even if there is Yun Zhongjun's magical powers to protect and sustain, is unable to guarantee that as before cannot be discovered the own whereabouts by Innate God. 就算有云中君的神通护持,依旧无法保证不会被先天神发现自己的行踪。 Wears the palm throat of black iron armor glove, a Wu Wang eye of band of light several points of ominous severe aura, rips open this corpse remnant body directly, gripped among a lubrication hard rhombus thing. 戴着黑色铁甲手套的手掌前探,吴妄目光带着几分凶厉气息,直接撕开这尸身的残躯,握住了其内一颗润滑坚硬的菱形物件。 This thing is the divine power core that Innate God within the body concentrates, has the different names in different Age of God. 此物乃先天神体内凝成的神力核心,在不同神代有不同的称谓。 When second Age of God, said that this thing is a godship ; 第二神代时,称此物为神格; When third Age of God, called this thing the god nuclear. 第三神代时,称此物为神核。 But to fourth Age of God, the life started to rise, this thing was called the taboo, becomes Innate God not to mention the thing. 而到了第四神代,生灵开始崛起,此物被称之为禁忌,成为了先天神都不会提及之物。 —— maintains the mystique and sense of distance, is the important means of Innate God rule life. ——保持神秘性和距离感,也是先天神统治生灵的重要手段。 Some Yun Zhongjun by the side, there is Mother by the necklace gaze, how Wu Wang have known to solve to dig this corpse. 有云中君在侧旁,有母亲透过项链注视,吴妄早已知晓该如何解刨这个尸身 Capturing this god god nuclear is the priority. 夺取此神神核是首要任务。 His chest front necklace lightens ice blue spiritual light, among as if has a big mouth to open, swallows this god nuclear one, rushing divine power seethes in the necklace back and forth, wisps of had been purified divine power seeps the Wu Wang chest...... 他胸前项链闪出冰蓝神光,其内仿佛有张大嘴张开,将这神核一口吞下,澎湃的神力在项链中来回翻腾,一缕缕被纯化过的神力沁入吴妄胸口…… At this moment, Wu Wang body every large or small injury several hundred, are especially terrorist by the penetration wound of waist that terrifying. 此刻,吴妄身上大大小小的伤势数百处,以腰部那恐怖的贯穿伤尤为恐怖。 Innate God of this person of surface scorpion tail, although divine power not strong, the god body is impractical, but begins ruthlessly really spicy. 这人面蝎尾的先天神,虽神力不强、神躯虚浮,但动起手来着实狠辣。 The first fight, Wu Wang is aware, a long spear/gun is imposing. 初战,吴妄自觉十拿九稳,一杆长枪虎虎生威。 A chrysanthemum first, then the spear/gun leaves like the dragon. 一点菊花先到,而后枪出如龙。 But the upfront collide several times, he changes over to the defense decisively, starts to seek for the opposite party flaw, seizes the opportunity to counter-attack unceasingly. 但正面几次碰撞下来,他果断转入防守,开始寻找对方破绽,抓住机会不断反击。 From now on will be surrounded by perils. 自此险象环生。 Wu Wang almost arrived at the strategic point by the opposite party wound several times, gradually hit cut and bruised. 吴妄几次都差点被对方伤到要害,逐渐被打的遍体鳞伤。 This once faced directly the Sounding Snake / Mingshe situation to be completely different from him. 这与他曾经直面鸣蛇的情形完全不同。 When facing Sounding Snake / Mingshe, twice fights and seeks the vitality at risk of life, all depending on the own all at once potential. 面对鸣蛇时,两次都是拼死一战、博取生机,全凭自己的一股气势。 The war of today, is his examination to own strength, stressed on Technique. 今日之战,则是他对自身战力的检验,侧重于【技】。 Without the exterior boost of Star God god body, is hiding Yin-Yang Great Dao and Star God Great Dao magical powers, and ability of god knows nothing. 没有星神神躯的外部助力,隐藏着阴阳大道星神大道的神通、且对此神的本领一无所知。 He must acknowledge, finally to the opposite party fatal strikes, he also has the ingredient of gambling. 他必须承认,最后给对方的致命一击,他也有赌的成分。 Was good gave him because of Yin-Yang Great Dao as before the quite a lot boost. 好在阴阳大道依旧给了他颇多助力。 The Yin-Yang two strength surround Nascent Spirit, making him be able to fiercely compete and successfully compete ; 阴阳二力环绕元神,让他能够越战越勇; Nascent Spirit divine thought obtains the continuous supplement, enables him to endure by the hibernation of insects wound severe pain, keeps clear to fighting mentality. 元神神念得到源源不断的补充,也让他可以耐住被蛰伤的剧痛,保持清晰的对战思路。 This scorpion tail beautiful woman dies, is somewhat is quite injust. 这蝎尾美人死的,也是颇有些冤。 She detected that surrounding area was ambushing the huge bad risk, when with the Wu Wang fierce struggle, wants to seek for the escape route, to contact the good friend as before. 她察觉到了周遭潜伏着巨大的凶险,与吴妄激斗时,依旧想要找寻退路、联络好友。 Even, Wu Wang looks for the instance that the opportunity sticks out suddenly certainly launches an attack, this scorpion tail god has not displayed the strongest magical powers, had been broken through the strategic point by Wu Wang. 甚至于,吴妄找准机会暴起发难的瞬间,这蝎尾神尚未施展出自身最强的神通,已被吴妄冲破要害。 The one who lets Wu Wang not think is...... 吴妄没想到的是…… Brother Sleeping God really watches critically, the entire journey does not have the least bit to want the take action stance! 睡神老哥是真的冷眼旁观,全程没有半点要出手的架势! Sounding Snake / Mingshe not take action, was Wu Wang previously ordered, only if his next instant will soon unravel, otherwise Sounding Snake / Mingshe can only observe in secret. 鸣蛇出手,是吴妄此前下了命令,除非是他下一瞬即将灰飞烟灭,否则鸣蛇就只能暗中观战。 Yun Zhongjun not take action, most likely (80%) are the pure heart is big! 云中君不出手,八成就是单纯心大! At this moment, wisp of sound transmission drills into the Wu Wang ear: 此刻,一缕传声钻入吴妄耳中: Was quicker tidies up, has Innate God to come.” “快些收拾,有先天神过来了。” Wu Wang bit the tip of tongue fiercely, the whole person trembles three to tremble, the dry body erupted divine power again. 吴妄猛咬舌尖,整个人颤了三颤,干涸的身躯再次爆发出神力 He jumps to set out, the long spear/gun penetrates in front corpse. 他跳起身来,长枪贯入面前尸身中。 This Innate God corpse becomes more pitiful, body surface reappear blood vessel and meridians of rupturing ; essence, qi and spirit that in corpse survives, was absorbed by the god spear/gun in an instant most probably. 先天神尸身变得更为凄惨,体表浮现出了爆裂的血管与经络;尸身内残存的精气神,转眼被神枪吸纳了大半。 Wu Wang waits without enough time, the long spear/gun vertical stroke chops the scorpion tail cuts to fall, puts out is emptying Storage Magical Treasure scorpion tail storage, the figure rises with a spring. 吴妄来不及多等,长枪竖劈将蝎尾斩落,拿出一只空着的储物法宝将蝎尾存储其中,身形一跃而起。 He immediately sound transmission: Sounding Snake / Mingshe holds my with divine power!” 他立刻传声:“鸣蛇神力扶我一把!” Do not hold!” “别扶!” Yun Zhongjun sound transmission shouts: You when we do not exist.” 云中君传声呼喊:“你就当我们不存在。” Sounding Snake / Mingshe then expression, can definitely summarize for the simple three characters: 鸣蛇当时的表情,完全可以概括为简单的三个字: Who you.】 【谁呀你。】 She must come to support by the arm Wu Wang immediately, Wu Wang has actually understood that Yun Zhongjun's intention, gestures to prevent Sounding Snake / Mingshe, falls to the ground reluctantly the coming to a stop figure. 她立刻就要现身搀扶吴妄,吴妄却已明白云中君的用意,打了个手势阻止了鸣蛇,落地勉强站稳身形。 Stood overlooks surrounding area in the summit, Wu Wang feels several divine power to fluctuate faintly, along with even pasted the rapid flight, hid away the figure rapidly. 站在山巅俯瞰周遭,吴妄隐隐感受到了几股神力波动,随即便贴地疾飞,迅速隐遁身形。 This Brother Yun Zhongjun ; 这云中君老哥; Either tosses about him intentionally, either is the sincerity wants to whet him! 要么是故意折腾他,要么就是真心想磨砺他! Must try to challenge the own limit. 罢了,总要去试着挑战自己的极限。 Road ahead multi- powerful enemies, today outset. 前路多强敌,今日不过起始罢了。 Wu Wang in the air spiritual light glimmer, does not want to run away toward the recent jungle suddenly every day/sees the sky, figure several glimmer drill into a small stream, rides the water current to escape to the distant place. 吴妄忽见天空中神光闪烁,没有多想即朝最近的密林遁去,身形几次闪烁钻入一条小溪,乘着水流遁向远方。 ...... …… After the moment . 片刻后。 That has changed to the scorched earth fully, is in the mountain valley of gully. 那已化作焦土、满是沟壑的山谷中。 Several form fall from four sides, sizes up at present this war completely vigilantly. 道身影自四面落下,满是警惕地打量眼前这战局。 Strikes the eye all alarmed. 触目皆惊心。 They revealed respectively Great Dao, the vision gathered in corpse of that scorpion tail god. 他们各自显露出自身大道,目光汇聚在了那名蝎尾神的尸身 Who! Who does!” “谁!谁做的!” Killed her brightly, plundered her divine power.” “有神杀了她,掠夺了她的神力。” This went bad the custom, this goes bad the custom that Heavenly Palace set! Definitely is our Western Plains that several ruthless corner/horn!” “这坏了规矩,这坏了天宫定下的规矩!肯定是咱们西野那几个狠角!” Reported Heavenly Palace quickly, this matter are not related with us.” “快禀告天宫,此事就跟我们没关系了。” „The opposite party strength should not be terrifying, dying spring Earth God, the itself/Ben is in us the strength weak one......” “对方实力应该没有那么恐怖,死的春土神,本就是咱们之中实力较弱者……” These form exchange one depending on divine thought, then rapid hidden goes to the figure, walking unavoidably is somewhat cautious. 这几道身影神念交流一阵,而后迅速隐去身形,走的时候不免有些小心翼翼。 After the half day . 半日后。 A group of gods protect to fly from the east side, rapidly this mountain valley surrounding. 一批神卫自东面飞来,迅速将这山谷包围。 With light green light beam that the horizon knocks down, wears Goddess of black gauze skirt to fall slowly. 伴随着天边打落的浅绿光柱,身着黑色纱裙的女神缓缓落下。 She combs the silver temples, to tie the jade belt waist link today, under contrast that in surrounding area these height three zhang (3.33 m) gods protect, obviously elegant nimble and resourceful. 她今日梳起了云鬓、束了玉带腰环,在周遭那些身高三丈神卫的衬托下,更显纤秀灵动。 Come unexpectedly is Young Life Manager. 来的竟是少司命 Under her tip of the toe searches, float in a valley three zhang (3.33 m) high place, lowers the head to stare at corpse of that scorpion tail god. 她脚尖下探,悬浮在谷底三丈高处,低头凝视着那蝎尾神的尸身 Sir!” “大人!” Has the golden armor gods to protect reports forward: 有金甲神卫向前禀告: Spring Earth God has fallen from the sky, divine power was seized, many injuries, oneself aniline black was drained most. “春土神已陨落,神力被夺、自身多处伤势,自身精元被抽干大半。 That starting Innate God, the method is extremely flagitious! 那个下手的先天神,手段极其凶残! Fortunately, Great Dao that she grasps had been taken back Heavenly Palace! ” 所幸,她所掌握的大道已被收回天宫!” Young Life Manager nods slightly, element lifts, aims at front corpse. 少司命微微颔首,素手抬起,对准面前的尸身 next instant, the mountain valley located reappear respectively innumerable afterimage, the gods protected cannot help but stare the big eyes, back and forth observation. 下一瞬,山谷各处浮现出了无数残影,众神卫不由得瞪大双眼,来回观察。 Several stronger golden armor gods protect voice one after another: 几名实力较强的金甲神卫接连发声: Is human form life that wears black armor, likely is Human Clan!” “是个身穿黑甲的人形生灵,很可能是人族!” „It is not right, where Human Clan has to plunder the method of divine power, the method that this person uses also has no similarity with Human Territory Cultivator.” “不对,人族哪里有掠夺神力之法,此人用的手段跟人域修士也没什么相似之处。” Look, around the mountain valley was once being protected by tyrannical divine power, making this place fight the complementary waves unable to pass on, the surroundings definitely have other Innate God. “看,山谷四面都曾被强横的神力保护着,让此地战斗的余波不会传出去,周围肯定是有其他先天神在。 Very possibly, this is several Innate God participates, in view of encircling and hunting of spring Earth God. ” 很可能,这是一场数名先天神参与的,针对春土神的围猎。” Young Life Manager sighed the sound lightly, various places discussed that the sound stands still immediately. 少司命轻叹了声,各处讨论声立刻停歇。 The numerous god health/guard lower the head to salute, wait for Young Life Manager to give orders. 众神卫低头行礼,等候着少司命发号施令。 This matter not necessarily is the god of Western Plains does.” “此事不一定是西野之神做下的。” Young Life Manager said indifferently: 少司命淡然道: „ The Heavenly Palace custom, murders the god to plunder the divine power gods to strike it for no reason. 天宫规矩,无故弑神掠夺神力者众神共击之。 Transmitted orders, the Western Plains numerous god self-examinations supervised, if there is to provide clue, Heavenly Palace had the generous recompense. ” 传令下去,西野众神自查自监,若有提供线索者,天宫自有重赏。” Yes!” “是!” God health/guard Hongran acknowledged, immediately toward transmitted orders in all directions. 众神卫轰然应诺,立刻朝四面八方传令。 Young Life Manager counts on the fingers lightly, the form of under that scorpion tail god melted quietly, changed to bunch of spiritual light, integrated here war in confusion. 少司命屈指轻点,下方那蝎尾神的身影悄然融化,化作了一团团神光,融入了此处狼藉的战局中。 Above the scorched earth extracted the shoot ; 焦土之上抽出了嫩芽; That deeply does not know in many zhang (3.33 m) gullies, also gushed out the fluffy soil, its embodiment has the infinite vitality...... 那深不知多少丈的沟壑内,也涌出了蓬松的土壤,其内蕴含着无穷生机…… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Outside thousand li (500 km), somewhere Bottom of Daisawa. 千里之外,某处大泽底部。 Wu Wang calmly sits cross-legged in one group of fog, by that broken battle armour slit, can see his injury already 7788 that restores. 吴妄静静盘坐在一团云雾中,透过那残破战甲的缝隙,能见他伤势已恢复的七七八八。 He looks that front Cloud Mirror reveals, the situation in the mountain valley having, the heart exuded the strange thought. 他看着面前云镜所显,山谷中正发生的情形,心底泛起了一点古怪的念头。 This Young Life Manager...... 少司命…… The sparring strength is not splendid, but these strange skill, is one by one thorny. 斗法实力不算出色,但这些奇奇怪怪的‘技能’,一个比一个棘手。 Yun Zhongjun diverges Cloud Mirror in secret, sound transmission said: 云中君暗中散去云镜,传声道: „Does this war have what feelings?” “此战有何感想?” Wu Wang put out four characters slowly: Barely escapes.” 吴妄缓缓吐出了四个字:“险死还生。” single view spars, you also missed.” “单论斗法而言,你还差了许多。” Yun Zhongjun does not give the face to him, said indifferently: 云中君丝毫不给他留情面,淡然道: Grasps a higher level the strength to be no doubt important, but to the utilization of strength, is the foundation that you settle down and get on with life. “掌握更高层次的力量固然重要,但对力量的运用,才是你安身立命的基础。 This war, you altogether missed to give the opportunity that the opposite party hit hard 621 times. 此战,你总共错过了六百二十一次给与对方重击的机会。 Can see, you have the good background in the technique of near body assaulting, but if to these ancient God, even if the strength is flat, brother your not too many odds of success. ” 能看出,你在近身搏击之术有不错的底子,但如果对上那些古神,哪怕力量持平,老弟你也没太多胜算。” Wu Wang is silent. 吴妄不由默然。 Yun Zhongjun said with a smile: „ Does not need to be discouraged, you can exceed the opposite party, is the strength above the opposite party. 云中君笑道:“也不必气馁,你既能胜过对方,自是实力在对方之上。 Un, the luck is also one of the strength. ” 嗯,运气也是实力的一种嘛。” Wu Wang:...... 吴妄:…… High, the blood pressure started high! 高了,血压开始高了! Helps me look for a goal quickly,” the Wu Wang corners of the mouth twitched gently several, Heavenly Palace, since attaches great importance to the Innate God life, sent Young Life Manager directly ; I mix up the water in Western Plains thoroughly, later enters Central Mountain also more convenient I to handle affairs.” “快帮我找下个目标吧,”吴妄嘴角轻轻抽搐了几下,“天宫既然对先天神的命这么重视,直接派来了少司命;那我在西野把水彻底搅混,稍后进入中山也就更方便我行事。” Yun Zhongjun said with a smile: 云中君笑道: I work, you felt relieved. “我做事,你放心。 don't said that is under a goal, Innate God that following 12 may hunt and kill, I have arranged for you. 莫说是下个目标,后续十二个可猎杀的先天神,我都已为你备好。 You must know in heart. 只是你要心里有数。 The first fight is an easiest war, because of the opposite party does not know previously you exist. 初战是最轻松的一战,因对方此前不知你存在。 This moment Western Plains Gods has known to murder god to plunder divine power, they will be more vigilant than that scorpion tail, run into you to go all out. ” 此刻西野诸神都已知晓有弑神者在掠夺神力,他们自会比那个蝎子尾巴更为警惕,遇到你会更为拼命。” Un.” “嗯。” Wu Wang complied with the sentence in a low voice, silent, said: Brother exhausted oneself.” 吴妄低声应了句,沉默一阵,又道:“老哥受累了。” Hid does small room, to tease Yun Zhongjun of hot pot under the lake bottom stone layers, in the rock seam in that the corners of the mouth is showing the little smiles. 躲在湖底石层之下、在岩缝中搞了个小‘房间’、正在那涮着火锅的云中君,嘴角露出少许微笑。 Then just started, should not be anxious.” “这才刚开始,不要急。” His sound transmission returns said: 传声回道: Since Young Life Manager came here, we play well with her. “既然少司命来了此处,咱们就跟她好好耍耍。 How when you ponder over one to strike sure kill, reduces as far as possible spars is long, other matters, giving me are good. ” 你还是多琢磨如何一击必杀、尽可能缩短斗法的时长,其他的事,交给我就好。” By the side, Sounding Snake / Mingshe calmly stands, the vision never moves out of the way in master body. 侧旁,鸣蛇静静站立,目光始终不曾在主人身上挪开。 Where the masters had this being gluttonous and lazy Sleeping God to say like that cannot withstand. 主人哪里有这个好吃懒做的睡神说得那般不堪。 Obviously is very martial-looking, rounds up has calculated the strong god! 明明已是十分英武,四舍五入已算强神! ...... …… Western Plains suddenly presented Innate God suffering a disaster, quick spread over Great Desolate Nine Plains. 西野突然出现先天神遭劫事件,很快就传遍了大荒九野 Even if weakest Innate God, will little have the news of falling from the sky to spread extremely ; Let alone is divine power is plundered and god body to cut off, so incomparably pitiful fate. 哪怕是最弱的先天神,极少会有陨落的消息传出;更何况是‘神力被掠夺’、‘神躯被斩断’,这般无比凄惨的下场。 This matter touched many Innate God nerves. 此事触动了不少先天神的神经。 Even if Human Territory and Heavenly Palace are launching the fierce struggle in Central Mountain , many vision threw Western Plains. 哪怕人域天宫正在中山展开激斗,也有许多目光投到了西野 What a pity, the murderer disappears without the trace. 可惜,凶手消失无踪。 Various Heavenly Palace place search and Hundred Clans expert was transferred frequently. 天宫各处搜查、百族高手频繁被调动。 Almost all influences believe, this matter is Western Plains certain Innate God but with joint forces is, at least three to four secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators. 几乎所有势力都认为,此事乃西野的某些先天神合力而为,最少有三到四个幕后黑手。 In addition, Human Territory with boundary war of Heavenly Palace south Central Mountain, both sides was entering the defensive as if by prior agreement, is fermenting striking of thunder in the defensive. 再加上,人域正与天宫中山南境大战,双方不约而同进入了守势,又在守势中酝酿着雷霆之击。 Therefore, Western Plains disturbance quickly tranquil. 故,西野的风波很快就平静了下去。 Heavenly Palace symbolically put some god health/guard in dozens small god families/home, recalls south Hundred Clans expert Central Mountain the war of boundary. 天宫象征性地在数十名小神家中放了一些神卫,将百族高手调回中山南境的战局。 Therefore, does not fall from the sky for a half moon/month from scorpion tail Innate God...... 于是,距离蝎尾先天神陨落不过半个月…… That is the night that thunderstorms happen simultaneously, a shadow broke in somewhere in the ravine jungle quietly, around the jungle exudes layer upon layer the fog immediately. 那是个雷雨交加的夜晚,一道黑影悄无声息冲入了某处山间密林之中,密林周围立刻泛起了层层云雾。 The 2nd day early morning. 第二日一早。 Western Plains presented second Innate God by killing, Innate God of this tragic death, is Heavenly Palace Heavenly Emperor confers, some Western Plains place personally ‚the god of hunting herd, reluctantly is the Heavenly Palace god sequence. 西野出现了第二起先天神被杀事件,此次惨死的先天神,为天宫天帝亲自册封、西野某地的‘狩牧之神’,勉强算是天宫正神序列。 Western Plains all parties influence in an uproar. 西野各方势力一片哗然。 Heavenly Palace Gods is furious. 天宫诸神为之震怒。 The Human Territory high level is also starting to pay attention to the Western Plains sudden accident. 连带着,人域高层也开始关注西野突然出现的变故。 Second Innate God was also plundered divine power, and corpse by some ominous soldier suck dry essence qi. 第二名先天神同样被掠夺了神力,且尸身被某种凶兵吸干了元气 Western Plains numerous Innate God becomes flustered, Heavenly Palace also orders, making numerous Innate God 35 huddle together immediately, cannot has the god of leaving behind again. 西野的众先天神变得人心惶惶,天宫也立刻下令,让众先天神三五扎堆,莫要再有落单之神。 Great Master of Fate and Earth God inquired about this matter one after another. 大司命土神接连过问此事。 Young Life Manager appears in Western Plains again, she leads large quantities of god health/guard personally, suspicious Innate God will interrogate all. 少司命再次出现在西野,她亲自带领大批神卫,将可疑的先天神尽数盘问了一遍。 Of so tossing about, naturally did not have the least bit to harvest on several th. 如此折腾的几日,自然是没有半点收获。 While the numerous young god is on nettles, prepares to relinquish difference, jointly when uncovers the secret murderer/culprit, the news that third Innate God is murdered comes suddenly. 正当众小神惴惴不安,准备不计前嫌,联合揪出幕后真凶时,第三名先天神遇害的消息突然传来。 Kills for the third time does not happen in Western Plains, but are extremely that few that stretch of land in Great Desolate most desolateness and ordinary day some people pay attention. 第三次袭杀并非发生在西野,而是在大荒最为荒僻、平日里极少有人关注的那片大地。 Northwest territory. 西北域。 ...... …… Who is plundering divine power?” “到底是谁在掠夺神力?” When Young Life Manager rushes to that wilderness in northwest territory, serious that the expression could not say. 少司命赶到西北域的那片荒漠中时,表情说不出的严肃。 Third Innate God corpse, puts in big hole that in that spars to accomplish. 第三具先天神尸身,摆在那座斗法造就的大坑中。 The diameter surpasses hundred li (0.5 km) pothole ; 直径超过百里的坑洞; Sand wave of surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) even proliferation ; 方圆数百里均匀扩散的沙浪; divine power fluctuation that in that air survives...... 还有那空气中残存的神力波动…… All sorts, all demonstrating, this place had just been erupting the fierce combat. 此间种种,无不显示着,此地刚刚爆发过激战。 Just like first two killed Innate God, Innate God of this place is unknown, the strength is reciprocal several in young god, is actually the Heavenly Palace nominal subordinate. 与前两个被杀的先天神一样,此地的先天神名不见经传,实力算是小神中的倒数几位,却是天宫名义上的下属。 Young Life Manager somewhat is slightly puzzled. 少司命略有些不解。 If the enemies some Innate God, why that so do plunder divine power? 对方若是某位先天神,那何必如此掠夺神力 Sought a government position is not good in Heavenly Palace directly? 直接在天宫求个官职不就好了? Opposite party could it be does not know, plundering divine power is the taboo of Innate God, once exposes dies without the burial ground absolutely? 对方难道不知,掠夺神力先天神之大忌,一旦暴露绝对是死无葬身之地? This is the agreement of Gods, is the basic reason that past Candle Dragon angered the gods. 这是诸神之约定,也是当年烛龙惹怒众神的根本原因。 Is it possible that the prime culprit is not Innate God......’ ‘莫非,元凶并非先天神……’ Young Life Manager stares at God corpse that under that broken such as a piece of arrange/cloth is ragged, element has delimited again, the endocrater located reappear respectively layer on layer/heavily afterimage. 少司命凝视着下方那残破如一片布褛的神灵尸身,素手再次划过,巨坑各处浮现出了重重残影 Quick, Young Life Manager discovered little exceptionally. 很快,少司命发现了少许异常。 The afterimage quantity compared with the place of second Innate God corpse discovery, reduced 30% ; Compared with that mountain valley reappear afterimage, sharply fell 60%. 残影数量比起第二具先天神尸身发现之地,减少了30%;比起那座山谷浮现出残影,锐减了60%。 In other words, opposite party's third take action, was about to write off this young god. 换而言之,对方第三次出手,更快抹杀了这名小神。 And the entire journey got the winning side. 且全程都占据了上风。 This wears murderer of broken black armor and package in black smoke, its strength should in the rapid growth. 这个身着残破黑甲、包裹在黑烟中的凶手,其实力应该是在飞速成长。 Un?” “嗯?” Young Life Manager light well the sound, in the eye had delimited wisp of spiritual light, has a stele to shoot up to the sky from the sandy soil, float before her. 少司命轻咦了声,目中划过一缕神光,有面石碑自沙土中冲天而起,悬浮在了她面前。 She somewhat is stunned. 她不由有些错愕。 Third Age of God god article? And this stele was just truncated, above handwriting is very clear, shortly after should just write. 第三神代的神文?且这石碑是刚被削出来的,其上的字迹十分清晰,应该是刚写不久。 The content of god article carrying/sustaining, Young Life Manager reads is stress-free. 神文承载的内容,少司命读取起来自是毫无压力。 Great Desolate, that spirit came back.】 大荒,那个幽灵回来了。】 Young Life Manager:...... 少司命:…… Spirit? 幽灵? Who? 谁? She is a little truly ignorant. 她确实有点懵。
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