No matter how numerousblackbeginningclantheseseveral hundred thousandyearsmodify the establishmentto the starship, but, the highestcontrolhiddenin the mostdeep place of starshipprocedure/program, no oneknows the remote antiquityalsoto havethissubsequent hand.
不管众黑始族这几十万年对星舰如何改动设置,但,最高控制权隐藏在星舰程序的最深处,没人知晓太上还有此后手。Remote antiquitywhenentering the firststarship, had the control of allstarshipsrapidly.
太上在进入第一艘星舰之际,就迅速掌握了所有星舰的控制权。Sheoperates the artificial intelligence of starship, imitates the sandworms of numerousblackbeginningclansound to variousstarshipsto order, andmakes the laborintelligencelock the lookexpressions of allsandworms, the sandworm that will see the clue, screens, thenmadeothersandwormdetainthem.
她更操纵星舰的人工智能,模仿众黑始族声音对各星舰内的沙虫们下令,且让工智能锁定所有沙虫的眼神表情,将其中一些看出端倪的沙虫,甄别出来,然后令别的沙虫将它们关押起来。So, hundredstarshipsfor the remote antiquityused, to condensethisinvincibleknotall.
如此,百艘星舰尽数为太上所用,凝聚了此无敌结界。starshipnottoostrongmobilityanddefense, the energy that but, itcontains is quite huge, initially a starry skyartillery of starship, cansurroundJade PurityDao Ancestor. Now100starships, sealing the trapped/sleepy30starslevelblackbeginningclans are actually easy.
星舰没有太强的机动性和防御性,但,其蕴藏的能量却极为庞大的,当初一艘星舰的星空炮,就能困住玉清道祖。如今一百艘星舰,封困三十名星辰级黑始族却是轻而易举。In the centralstarshipinternalhall, the numerousblackbeginningclanshells the golden colorto tieunceasingly, may be unable to break, theywere all hurried.
The greencorner/hornmanexclaimedtotoo the upper burner: „Youare strandedusto be useless, herepicturemeets the real-timetransmissionto the king, kingYidansends, youmustdiewithout doubt.”
The remote antiquitydrankin a cup the good wine, sneers saying: „Youfelt, afterIbring back the starshipcontrol, will also letheresignal propagation?”
The numerousblackbeginningclancomplexionchanges, the greencorner/hornmansaidagain: „The sandwormclan, they do clone, can......”
The remote antiquityactuallyhitsto block the way: „Youfelt how longthatflock of sandworms can also live?”
The numerousblackbeginningclanlookstagnates, if the remote antiquitykilledallsandworms, theywere isolated and cut off from help, no oneknows that theywere strandedinthis?
众黑始族神色一滞,太上若杀了所有沙虫,他们就孤立无援了,没人知道他们被困在这了?And a blackbeginningclansaidimmediately: „King, Iamgive loyalty toyour, was misledbythistraitora moment ago.”
其中一名黑始族马上说道:“王,我是效忠你的,刚才只是被这个奸贼蛊惑了。”„King, we are willingto capturetheserebels, redeems oneself through good works.”
“王,我们愿擒拿这些叛徒,戴罪立功。”„Asked the kingto forgive, the subordinateis willingto atone for one's mistakes by meritorious service.”
The numerousblackbeginningclanspleadedimmediatelyanxiously.
众黑始族们顿时焦急地恳求道。Theyjustbetrayedare grasped, isn't thisbrings about own destruction? Theyregretted,graspsfastto the greencorner/hornman, wishmakes the remote antiquityappease anger.
他们刚背叛就被抓了,这不是自寻死路吗?他们后悔不已,更是快速抓向绿角男子,想要让太上息怒。Rumble, ties the interiorto fightintensely.
The remote antiquityis drinking the good wine, looksto tieinfight, the corners of the mouthrisesslightly.
太上喝着美酒,看着结界内的战斗,嘴角微微上扬。Shortly , the greencorner/hornmanwas subduedtogether withhisseveralsubordinatescompletely. Theybysealcultivation base, were sent under escortin the face of the remote antiquity.
A blackbeginningclanflattersto sayimmediately: „Weholdtheserebels, asking the kingto handle.”
The remote antiquitysitson the chairsatisfied, toall aroundwas saying: „Ties the division, againseal.”
太上惬意地坐在椅子上,对着四周说道:“结界分割,重新封印。”Buzz, resembles the voice controlprocedure/program of starshipto startformation, is tying the interiorto dividetogether the light screen, isolatedgreencorner/hornmanand the others, andby the strength of starship, toseveralpeople of againseals, even the sealtheyare unable to starttalking.
The numerousblackbeginningclansees the sign that the remote antiquityhasto admitthemto redeem oneself through good works, immediatelysaidwild with joy: „Iand othershopeforkingstandmanymerit.”
The remote antiquitylooks atthem, sneers saying: „Inyou, butincessantlya moment agotheserebels, I, ifguesseswell, shouldalsoseveralpeople, has given loyalty toTaichu, does concealsinyou, the waitingsneak attackmemomentarily?”
太上看着他们,冷笑道:“你们中,可不止刚才这几个叛徒,我若猜得不错,应该还有几人,也已经效忠了太初,藏在你们中,等待随时偷袭我吧?”„What?” The numerousblackbeginningclancomplexionchanges, quicklylookstoeach other.
The remote antiquitycoldlysays with a smile: „Ihave movedto takeallstarshipinternalmaterials, onroad that camea moment ago, Ihad visitedyouwith the dialogue of Taichusignalling, shouldmistakenly.”
A blackbeginningclanaskedimmediately: „Whois? Weholdthem.”
The remote antiquityaims atsixblackbeginningclansto saysuddenly: „Isyou.”
The numerousblackbeginningclaninstantaneousangry glarelooks.
众黑始族瞬间怒目望去。Thatsixblackbeginningclancomplexionbig changes, call out in alarm the argumentin abundance.
那六名黑始族脸色大变,纷纷惊叫辩解。„Ihave not talkedwithTaichu, Ihad not betrayed the kingbefore.”
“我没有和太初对过话,我之前没有背叛过王。”„King, I am unjust, Ido not have.”
“王,我是冤枉的,我没有。”„It is not right, does the king, you, youframeme?”
……Sixblackbeginningclansare shouting.
六名黑始族呼喊着。Butremote antiquityactuallycoldsound said: „Takesthem.”
但太上却冷声道:“拿下他们。”Otherblackbeginningclanshave folded the meriteagerly, naturallyattachesto shoutimmediately: „Yes!”
Of bang, the interiorfoughtagain.
轰的一声,内部再度战斗了起来。„Is the kingframesme, Ihave not relatedTaichu.”Sixblackbeginningclansexclaimedpanic-stricken.
“是王陷害我,我没有联系过太初。”六名黑始族惊恐地吼道。How manyblackbeginningclansinnearbyalsostaresin a big way the eyeby the seal, theyknow,simplyhad not just given loyalty toTaichubythatsixpeople that the remote antiquity pointed out that was this remote antiquityis splitting up the peopleintentionally? Theywantto inform the peopletruth, but, theyare unable to open the mouthby the seal, anythingdid not do.
被封印在一旁的几名黑始族也是瞪大了眼睛,他们知道,刚刚被太上指出的那六人根本没有效忠太初,这是太上在故意分化众人?他们想要告知众人真相,可是,他们被封印得无法开口,根本什么也做不了。After a period of time, thatsixblackbeginningclanswere heldcompletely.
The remote antiquityfollows a set pattern, usesformation, isolatesagainthatsixblackbeginningclanseals.
The remainingmore than tenblackbeginningclansanticipated that looksto the remote antiquity, a blackbeginningclansaid: „King, we have redeemed oneself through good works, asking the kingto forgive, asking the kingto appease anger, after Iand others, foreverfollowed the king.”
The remote antiquityis drinkingin the cup the good wine, looks that the numerousblackbeginningclansaid: „Did youreallyawakenquickly?”
The numerousblackbeginningclansees the remote antiquitytoneto become less crowded, saidexcitedly: „Yes, Iand othersgave loyalty to the kingforever, will not betray the kingagain, wewere unable to co-existwithTaichu, asking the kingto trustus.”
The remote antiquitylooks atthiscrowd of blackbeginningclans, said: „Youhave the criminal recordafter all, makingmebelieveyou, needsyouto givemeoneto throwdescribes.”
An numerousblackbeginningclaneyebrightsay/way: „Alsoaskedkingto tell.”
The remote antiquitysaid: „Ithisbodystrengthis now insufficient, putsyouto come out, will havecertaindanger, Ineedyoursealcultivation base, Icanbelieveyou.”
The numerousblackbeginningclancomplexionchanges, sealcultivation base? Oncesealcultivation base, life and deathinremote antiquityin an instant?
The remote antiquitysaid with a smile: „What's wrong, doesn't wantto throwtomedescribes?”
The numerousblackbeginningclanrealizedimmediatelyis not wonderful, theythought that the remote antiquityis possibly deceivingthem. But, theyactuallydo not dareto see through the remote antiquitynow, because of the remote antiquityattitude, istheirstraws to grasp.
The remote antiquityshows a faint smile saying: „Youthinkslowly, but, mypatienceis limited, Iand othersyourtoomuchtime.”
The numerousblackbeginningclanis exchangingwith the soulstrengthunceasingly.
众黑始族不断用魂力交流着。„Nowwhat to do? Will the kingsalso trustus?”
“现在怎么办?王还会信任我们吗?”„Resistanceis definitely useless, the kingnowwithtyingsurroundsus, has not made the starry skyartilleryhave the attack effect, once the starry skyartilleryhas the strength of attack, wecannot block.”
“反抗肯定没用,王现在只是用结界困住我们,并没有让星空炮产生攻击效果,一旦星空炮产生攻击之力,我们挡不住的啊。”„kingRuoyaokillsus, does not needto giveus the opportunity. Oncethisopportunity the error, wereallydied.”
“王若要杀我们,没必要给我们机会吧。此次机会一旦错失,我们就真死定了。”„If after webysealcultivation base, if......”
“若我们被封印修为后,万一……”„Withouteventuality, even if the kingpunishesusagain, still can only receive, whomadeusbetray the kinga moment ago?”
An numerousblackbeginningclandiscussion, someblackbeginningclansdo not hopeby the seal, but, someblackbeginningclansactuallycompromised.
众黑始族一番商议,有些黑始族不愿被封印,但,有些黑始族却妥协了。„King, I am willingby the seal, asking the kingto appease anger.”
“王,我愿意被封印,请王息怒。”„Iam also willingby the seal.”
“我也愿意被封印。”„Iam willingto deliverto describe.”
……Suddenly, isabouttenblackbeginningclansis willingto compromisein abundance, thensealeach othercultivation base, subsequentlybyall aroundformationseal.
一时间,又是近十名黑始族纷纷愿意妥协,然后封印彼此修为,继而又被四周的阵法封印了。Onlywas left overseveralblackbeginningclans, theylookedmutually, discoveredoneselfeven morewere isolated and cut off from help. Original30blackbeginningclans, althoughleavesdoes not settle, but, ifhas diedto conduct the shoulder, but can also maintaindoes not diereluctantly, how manyblackbeginningclansbut is only left overtheirnow, diesto conduct the shoulder, candiewithout doubt?
只剩下数名黑始族了,他们相互看了看,发现自己越发孤立无援了。原先三十名黑始族,虽然出不了结界,但,若是一直死扛着,还能勉强保持不死,可现在只剩下他们几名黑始族,死扛着,必死无疑啊?Eventually, theyunder the tremendouspressure, the choicecompromise, bysealcultivation base.
终究,他们在巨大的压力下,选择妥协,被封印了修为。Shortly, allblackbeginningclansbysealcultivation base.
The remote antiquityalsoshows a faint smile saying: „Withdraw!”
太上也微微一笑道:“撤阵!”Buzz, hundredstarshipsstopped the starry skyartilleryslowly, butties the mightunceasinglychangesis also small, tiedgradually is only left overlightone.
A blackbeginningclanworries saying: „King, we have handed overhas throwndescribes, whydoesn't untieto tie?”
The remote antiquitycoldlysays with a smile: „Ionlybelieve in an idea, a betrayal, will never forgive.”
太上冷冷一笑道:“我只信奉一个理念,一次背叛,永不原谅。”„What?!” The numerousblackbeginningclanwas startledto call out.
“什么?!”众黑始族惊叫道。„Wehave changedmistakenly, why do youwantto deceiveus?” A blackbeginningclanwas startledto call out.
The remote antiquitydrank a liquor saying: „The energies in hundredstarships, are usedto perish togetherwithyou, was really wasted, how could it not benow is thisconditionbest? Iretainedtheseenergies, youalsono longerthreatened.”
太上喝了口酒道:“百艘星舰中的能量,用来和你们同归于尽,真是太浪费了,现在这状态岂不最好?我保留了那些能量,你们也不再是威胁了。”„King, wefollows your years, without the meritalsohas the efforts, youcannotlike thistous.” A blackbeginningclananxioussay/way.
The remote antiquitycoldlysays with a smile: „Merit? Efforts? Mustkillsince my momentfromyou, did not have.”
太上冷冷一笑道:“功劳?苦劳?从你们要杀我的那一刻起,就没有了。”„We......” the numerousblackbeginningclanlooks the anxiouscolor.
“我们……”众黑始族面露焦急之色。„Asked the kingto forgive, Iam willingto offerallmake reparations.” A blackbeginningclanterrifiedsay/way.
“请王恕罪,我愿献出一切来赎罪。”一名黑始族惶恐道。„Does not need!”Remote antiquityindifferentsay/way.
The numerousblackbeginningclancould not bearfinally, cursed angrily.
众黑始族终于忍不住了,纷纷怒骂起来。„Evenkilledus, again? Taichuwill definitely not let offyour, even ifyoucut off the relation is still useless, whenhecame back, will definitely chase downyour.”
“就算杀了我们,又怎么样?太初肯定不会放过你的,你就算切断了联系也没用,等他回来,肯定会追杀你的。”„Right, youhad lostGolden Tree, lost the royal familysymbol, youcould not returnformerly, after werecovered, yourevenwewere definitely inferior.”
“没错,你已经失去了黄金树,失去了王族象征,你回不到从前了,等我们复苏后,你肯定连我们都不如。”„Youdo not haveGolden Tree that the royal familyhas symbolized, youwere unable to save the situation.”
The numerousblackbeginningclancursed angrily.
The remote antiquityshows a faint smile, buzz, presentschangedsmallGolden Treeinherbehindsuddenly, Golden Tree, the bloomingintermittentgolden light, illuminated the entirehall.
The remote antiquityhastwoGolden Tree, oneismain bodyGolden Tree, alreadycarved upbyXiao NanfengandThree PuritiesDao Ancestor, Golden Tree, was the pastparasiticXiao Nanfengwithin the bodygrows. At presentthisGolden Treeis the latter, althoughis inferior to the formerto be fierce, but, isGolden Tree.
太上有两棵黄金树,一棵是本体的黄金树,现已被萧南风和三清道祖瓜分了,还有一棵黄金树,是昔日寄生萧南风体内成长的。眼前这颗黄金树就是后者,虽然不如前者厉害,但,也是黄金树啊。Golden Tree, allblackbeginningclansstaredin a big way the eye.黄金树一出,所有黑始族都瞪大了眼睛。
A blackbeginningclanwas startledto call out: „Golden Tree? Can youre-enter the peak? Thisis how possible, your did Golden Treehave?”
The remote antiquitycoldlysays with a smile: „Now, youalsothink that Taichucanchase downme?”
太上冷冷一笑道:“现在,你们还觉得太初能追杀我吗?”NumerousblackbeginningclancomplexionYinfluctuatesclearly, finally a blackbeginningclansaid: „HowevenhasGolden Tree? To re-enter the peak, takesseveral tens of thousands ofyears? At the appointed time, youcould not escapechasing down of Taichu.”
The remote antiquitysaid with a smile: „Youfelt,Iorderedto retain a specialclonestorehouseinallstarshipsbefore, forwhat?”
The numerousblackbeginningclancomplexionchanges, seemed to be not a goodguess.
The remote antiquitysneers saying: „ Mythisclonebodyis very special, eachcellishighest level, can the carrying/sustaininghugestenergy. ButI have Golden Tree, ifabsorbsto refine the good fortuneenergy of yourwithin the bodycompletely, Icanre-enter the peakrapidly, youbelieve
太上冷笑道:“我这克隆躯很特殊,每个细胞都是最顶级的,可以承载最为庞大的能量。而我又有黄金树,若将你们体内的造化能量全部吸收炼化,我就能迅速重回巅峰,你们信Doesn't believe? ”
不信?”„Wha, what? Can yourefineus?” The numerousblackbeginningclanwas startledto call out.
“什,什么?你要炼化我们?”众黑始族惊叫道。Remote antiquitycoldsound said: „Roadisyouelects, do not blame god and man. Then, accompaniesmyrecastpeak!”
太上冷声道:“路是你们自己选的,就不要怨天尤人了。接下来,陪我重铸巅峰吧!”„No!” The numerousblackbeginningclanexclaimedpanic-stricken.
“不!”众黑始族惊恐地吼道。Yongdingday, Xiao Nanfengclosing upmain hall.
Before the blackbeginningclanarmiesattacked, Xiao Nanfengtogoing outalsofell far short, the primordial chaosauspicious signalsojustabsorbed a smallpart, but, hissoulhad progressed by leaps and boundsinnumerably.
The midwayextinguished a blackbeginningclan, affects is not bigonXiao Nanfeng, becausehas not arrived at the most crucialtime.
中途灭了一个黑始族,对萧南风影响并不大,因为还未到最关键的时刻。Hecontinuesto sit in meditation , to continue to absorbandrefining up the primordial chaosauspicious sign, the Great ZhengHeavenly Courtdestinyflows tohisexercising martial artsmain hallrolling, the destinyhelpshimwash outunceasinglyis grasping principles the shackles, makinghimprofoundlyunderstand the picture of primordial chaosauspicious signbringingunceasingly.
他继续入定,继续吸纳、炼化鸿蒙紫气,大峥天庭的气运滚滚流向他的练功大殿,气运不断帮他冲刷着悟道中的桎梏,让他不断深入理解着鸿蒙紫气自带的画面。Ashesensesis getting more and more, as the absorptionprimordial chaosauspicious signare getting more and more, the main hallshowedcold airgradually, ices upinall aroundrapidly, exudeskaka ka the sound of coldiceextrusion.
The cold air can also outsideformationby the palacebe blockedat first, but, as the cold airis getting more and more turbulent, formationcracked as a result of freezingcracks.
寒气起初还能被殿外阵法挡住,但,随着寒气越来越汹涌,阵法都被冻裂出了一道道裂纹。„Daylater, the cold air, isreleases, reinforcesformationto seal up?”Qing Dengaskedtosixfemales.
“诸位天后,寒气太甚了,是释放出来,还是加固阵法封住?”青灯问向六女。Sixfemalesunderstand that the Xiao Nanfengsoultransformed the critical moment, cannotbe disturbed.
The rougemadamehesitatedone to say: „Reinforcesformation, but the soundsmall point, do not disturbmyhusband , the person of all around, outwardevacuation.”
胭脂夫人沉吟了一会道:“加固阵法吧,不过动静小点,不要打扰我夫君,还有,四周之人,向外撤离。”„Yes!”Qing Dengnods.
The rougemadamelooks upto the destinysea of clouds, actuallysees the destinyto be consumedcrazily, sheturns headto sayto the feudal officials: „Daydoes not threatenbesides, husband the desperately short ofdestiny, Sir, then, isyoushares sorrowforhusbandnow.”
胭脂夫人抬头看向气运云海,却见气运正被疯狂消耗着,她扭头对众臣道:“天外威胁未除,夫君如今急缺气运,诸位大人,接下来,就是你们为夫君分忧的时候了。”Numerousofficiallooksoneaustere, took a stand: „Daylaterfelt relieved,Iand othersimplement the worldGreat Zhengallregulationsandpoliciessurelyeachcorner, making the Great Zhengdestinysetnew highagain.”
The rougemadamethennods.
A month, twomonths, threemonths, six months later.
一个月,两个月,三个月,半年后。Main hall that Xiao Nanfengis atalreadythoroughlyfrozen, ka, kaandkain the sound, all aroundformationwas crackedunceasingly. Even the entireHeavenly Emperorpalaceregion, was frozenunceasinglysnowed, the innumerableofficialsarrived at the work.萧南风所在的大殿已经彻底被冰封了,咔、咔、咔的声响中,四周阵法不断被崩裂。甚至整个天帝宫区域,都被冻得不断降雪了,无数官员都到了外界办公。Qing Deng the foreheadsweatsevery day the set up formation, massivetopformationmastersassistinside, suppressedthiscold airtogether, Zhou Tianxinglargewas opening, resembled unable to suppressthismore and morepowerfulcold air.青灯每日额头冒汗地布阵,大量顶级阵法师在旁辅助,一起压制着这股寒气,周天星斗大阵都开启了,也似压不住这股越来越强盛的寒气。Qing Dengsaidanxiously: „Daylater, ourformationsooncould not suppress. Onceformationbreaks open, the cold aireruptsthoroughly, canfreeze the entireYongdingdayinstantaneously.”青灯焦急道:“天后,我们的阵法快要压不住了。一旦阵法破开,寒气彻底爆发,能瞬间将整个永定天都冻结。”
The femaleslook at each otherone, finallywas saidby the rougemadame: „, In view of this, conducts the migrationdispersaltoYongdingdaycommon people.”
众女对视一眼,最终由胭脂夫人说道:“罢了,既如此,对永定天都的百姓进行迁徙疏散吧。”„Yes!” The officialssaidaccordingly.
At this moment, Xiao Nanfengcloses up the main hallto transmit a loud soundsuddenly.
Of bang, a hugeimpulseeruptsfrom the palace, twistsbroken the internalice piece, attacksall aroundbigcollapseexplodesto open.
轰的一声,一股巨大的冲击力从殿中爆发,将内部冰块绞碎,更冲击得四周大阵崩爆而开。„It is not good, blocksquickly!”Qing Dengwas startledto call out.
“不好,快挡住!”青灯惊叫道。Hestimulates to movement the bronzecompassfull power, is shoutingallformationmasterlineups, but, internalimpulsewas too strong, tearsfiercelyvoid, the impactopens.
他全力催动青铜罗盘,呼喊着所有阵法师布阵,但,内部的冲击力太强了,更是猛地撕裂虚空,冲击而开。Bang, Qing Dengandallformationmasterswere attackedto result inflying upside down, pū, theywere shaken a bloodin the midair.
“封!”六女一声断喝。Buzz, theyappearbehindrespectivelyConnecting Heaven Tree, theymake a movefull power, formknot, suppressedthisimpactstorm.
嗡的一声,她们身后各浮现出一棵通天树,她们全力出手,形成一个结界,才堪堪压制了这股冲击风暴。Xia Xiaoyusaidwith amazement: „Very powerfulnegativeenergy, thisis......”夏小雨惊讶道:“好强的阴性能量,这是……”Buzz, all aroundcold airreceivedsomesummon, rumbleretracted the center. All aroundice sludgeis also vanishingfast, the cold airwithdraws, meets the timemerely, heretemperaturerestored the original design, onlyleft behindonepiecein confusion, thata moment agoby the disintegration, recoveredstrangelyXiao Nanfengcloses up the main hall.
嗡的一声,四周寒气似受到了某种召唤,轰隆隆地缩回了中心。四周的碎冰也在快速消失,寒气撤走,仅仅一会功夫,这里的温度就恢复了原样,只留下了一片狼藉,还有那刚才被崩碎,又诡异复原了的萧南风闭关大殿。At this time, in the palacebroadcast the Xiao Nanfengsound saying: „These dayswas laboriousyou, but, Ialsoneeded to go outsome time.”
这时,殿中传来萧南风的声音道:“这段时间辛苦你们了,但,我还需要一段时间才能出关。”„Feudal officialand otherresponsibilityare.”Whole body of ministersimmediatelyrespectfulsay/way.
“臣等职责所在。”群臣马上恭敬道。In the Xia Xiaoyuheartworried,urgentlyasked: „Nanfeng, are youall right?”夏小雨心中担忧,急切地问道:“南风,你没什么事吧?”
The femalesalsoreveal the color of worry.
众女也露出担心之色。In the palacetransmits the Xiao Nanfengsmilingsound said: „Iam all right, unprecedentedgood, Ihave completed the firststep, then, waslast.”
殿中传来萧南风的笑声道:“我没事,前所未有的好,我已经完成了第一步,接下来,就是最后一步了。”Numerousfemalesuddenlyeyesonebright, theyunderstandinstantaneously,Xiao Nanfenghas absorbedto refineto melt the primordial chaosauspicious sign, making the soultransformthoroughly, was only left over the secondstep, the soulmortal bodyunites, achievementbeginning of the universeGreat EncompassingGolden Immortal.
The rougemadamesaidimmediately: „Youcontinue, here, is being defendedbyus.”
胭脂夫人马上说道:“那你继续吧,这里,由我们守着。”„Good!” The Xiao Nanfengsoundconveys.
The femaleslooktonumerousformationmastersay/way: „Continues the set up formation, quickly!”
众女看向众阵法师道:“继续布阵,快!”„Yes!” The numerousformationmastersaidaccordingly.
“是!”众阵法师应声道。Quick, Xiao Nanfengclosed uparoundmain hallformationonagain the prepare.
很快,萧南风闭关大殿四周的阵法就再度布置好了。Alsoisonedaylater, the Yongdingdayrestored the pastto be tranquil, but, the destiny in skyvanishedquickly, obviouslyXiao Nanfengduring the fusionmortal body and soul, was also quite hugeto the consumption of destiny.
The femalesare waiting forpatiently, suddenly, theyresembled the inductionanything, looked up the dayfiercely.
The rougemadameknits the brows: „Very powerfulaura? Did the blackbeginningclancome?”
The femaleslook at each otherone, they want to take a look, but, isXiao NanfengProtectoris more important.
The rougemadamesaid: „Ilead the personto have a look, youcontinueto defendhusband.”
The femalesthennod.
The rougemadamelooks for ten maidservant who hasclone, the stepssoar to the heavenson.
胭脂夫人找来十名拥有分身的侍女,踏步冲天而上。At this moment, the starsurroundinghasinvisibleknot that Three PuritiesDao Ancestorleaves behind, guards against the blackbeginningclanto invadesuddenly. The rougemadameleavessettles, immediatelysaw the threeforms of distant place, isThree PuritiesDao Ancestor.
此刻,星球外围有着三清道祖留下的一道无形结界,防备着黑始族忽然入侵。胭脂夫人出了结界,顿时看到了远处的三个身影,正是三清道祖。Three PuritiesDao Ancestorturns away from the star, after the brain, emergesbright moonlightrespectively, even, appearsthreeten thousandzhang (3.33 m)highConnecting Heaven Tree, showed the fightposture, incomparablealert.三清道祖背对星球,脑后各浮出一轮明月,甚至,身后还浮现出三颗万丈高的通天树,摆出了战斗姿势,无比戒备。Distant place, 50starshipsscattered in disorderinspaciousdeep space, starshipheadright.
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