The numerousfemalelookpuzzledtoXiao Nanfeng, does not haveanxiously the inquiry, butalong withXiao Nanfenglookedtogethertojustuntied that remote antiquitybright moon of seal.
众女不解地看向萧南风,却没有急着询问,而是随萧南风一起看向刚刚被解开封印的那枚太上皓月。BecauseXiao Nanfengcultivation basebreaks through, body surfaceput on the goldengodlight/only, althoughthataurais notbeginning of the universeGreat EncompassingGolden Immortal, actually not weakanybeginning of the universeGreat EncompassingGolden Immortal.萧南风因为修为突破,体表似披上了金色神光,那气息虽不是混元大罗金仙,却不弱任何混元大罗金仙。
The remote antiquitybright moonalsolooksstubbornlytoXiao Nanfeng, carefullywatched a meeting, asked: „Did youbreak throughtoGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalboundaryten1st Heavenly Layer?”
太上皓月也死死地看向萧南风,仔细看了一会,才问道:“你突破到大罗金仙境十一重天了?”„AboveGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalboundary10th Heavenly Layer, reallyboundary?”Xiao Nanfengasked.
The remote antiquitybright moonis staring atXiao Nanfengstubbornly, crossedsome little time , to continue to ask: „Did you energy of mymain bodymortal body, refinecompletely?”
太上皓月死死盯着萧南风,过了好一会,继续问道:“你是将我本体肉身的能量,全部炼化了?”„Thiswantsmany thanksyou, if not your powerfulmortal body, I may be unable to break through.”Xiao Nanfengsaid with a smile.
“这要多谢你啊,若非你那强大的肉身,我可突破不了。”萧南风笑道。„Reallytrue spiritfromMilky Wayimmortalterritory, unexpectedly was so worthily easyto break throughto the boundary of thatlegend, goodoverbearingmortal body!” The remote antiquitybright moonstares atXiao Nanfeng, in the lookis passing a complexcolor.
“果然不愧是来自银河仙域的真灵,居然这么容易就突破到那传说的境界了,好霸道的肉身!”太上皓月盯着萧南风,眼神中透着一股复杂之色。InXiao Nanfengheartonetight, hefelt that the mood of remote antiquitybright moonis not right, because of the look of remote antiquitybright moon, resemblesis not angry?萧南风心中一紧,他感觉太上皓月的情绪不对劲,因为太上皓月的眼神,似并不那么生气?Xiao Nanfengnarrows the eyeto continueto probe saying: „Irefineyourmain bodyenergy, don't youactuallylose one's temper?”萧南风眯眼继续试探道:“我炼了你的本体能量,你却一点也不动怒?”„Do Ilose one's tempernowusefully? Youdestroyedmymain bodymortal body, but, youcould rest assured that youoweme, Iwill receive, your mortal bodyquicklywasmy.”Remote antiquitybright mooncoldsound said.
“我现在动怒有用吗?你毁了我的本体肉身,不过,你放心,你欠我的,我都会收回来的,你这肉身很快就是我的了。”太上皓月冷声道。„Youalso are really dream of a fool, youfelt,youareouropponents?”Xiao Nanfengsneersto say.
“你还真是痴人说梦啊,你觉得,你还是我们的对手吗?”萧南风冷笑道。„Dream of a fool? Ha, do youreallythink so? Ifyouhavethatself-confidence, whyjustunsealedme? Doesn't wantfrommymouth the polite talk?” The remote antiquitybright moonsneersto say.
“痴人说梦?哈,你真这么觉得吗?你若是有那股自信,为何刚刚将我解封?不就是想要从我口中套话吗?”太上皓月冷笑道。„Youwant.”Xiao Nanfengdisdainsto say.
“你想多了。”萧南风不屑道。„Youthought that byyourcognition, candeceiveme? Youdid not discover that the bodyhad problems, will yoube makingmecome outto giveyouanxiouslyto explain? Youwantto wrap/sets ofmywords, spoke frankly, whyto beat around the bush?” The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile.
“你觉得以你的认知,能骗得了我?你不是发现身体出问题了,你会这么急着让我出来给你解答?你想套我的话,就直说好了,何必拐弯抹角呢?”太上皓月笑道。Xiao Nanfengcomplexiongloomysay/way: „Do youknowmyissue?”萧南风脸色阴沉道:“你知道我的问题?”„Toldyoualsoto might as well, happen, Ialso want to take a look at the appearance of yourpainandregret.” The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile.
“告诉你也无妨,正好,我也想看看你痛苦和后悔的模样。”太上皓月笑道。„Iwork, neverregretted.”Xiao Nanfengdisdainsto say.
“我做事,从不后悔。”萧南风不屑道。„Are you mortal bodystrengthrushnowspiritedly, toYangZhigang, such as the bigdayculmination, is repellingyoursoul? Even, but also is hurtingyoursoulin the ignition?” The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile.
The Xiao Nanfengpupilshrinkssuddenly, but the females are also the complexionchange, worried that lookstoXiao Nanfeng.萧南风陡然瞳孔一缩,而众女也是脸色一变,都担忧地看向萧南风。
The remote antiquitybright mooncontinues saying: „Looks atyourexpression, Iknow that mistakenly, thisis the Great EncompassingGolden Immortalten1st Heavenly Layerafter-effects. The mortal bodyis powerful, the soulcannot match, youwill lose the opportunity of achievementbeginning of the universeforever, forcefullyfusionmortal bodyandsoul, not onlycannotsucceed, but also the soulignitioncompletely, until the bodydyingsay/waywill disappear.”
太上皓月继续道:“看你的表情,我就知道错不了,这就是大罗金仙十一重天的后遗症。肉身强盛超脱,灵魂匹配不上,那你将永远失去成就混元的机会了,强行融合肉身和灵魂,非但不能成功,还会将灵魂灼烧殆尽,直至身死道消。”„What?” The numerousfemalecomplexionchanges, startledcalled out.
“什么?”众女脸色一变,惊叫道。Xiao Nanfeng is also an eyelidcrazyrun-up track: „Are youfrighteningme?”萧南风也是眼皮一阵狂跳道:“你在吓唬我?”„Ihave not frightenedyou, didn't yourselffeel? Can your remotestars, how manyvisionshave? Myblackbeginningclanuniverse, aren't experienceyouvertically and horizontally many? Not justyoucanbreak throughtoGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalten1st Heavenly Layer, myblackbeginningclanhad run intolord of the civilizationin the past, heexhausted1 millionyears of civilizedaccumulationsinitially, finallyattackedGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalten1st Heavenly Layerhismortal bodycultivation base, when wanted the achievementbeginning of the universefinally, will build up, thatcivilization, maybe much more powerful than your civilizations. The mortal bodyandsouldo not match, oryouhaltsince then, or the fusiondiedforcefully, youelect, ha!” The remote antiquitybright moonlaughsto say.
The femalesreveal the anxiouscolor, but, Xiao Nanfengactuallysneers saying: „Youdid not feel, the words that youspokeare very contradictory?”
众女纷纷露出焦急之色,但,萧南风却冷笑道:“你不觉得,你说的话很矛盾吗?”„?” The remote antiquitybright moondoubtslooktoXiao Nanfeng.
“哦?”太上皓月疑惑地看向萧南风。„Great EncompassingGolden Immortalten1st Heavenly Layer, ifreallycannot withstand, whyyoualsodo wantto obtainmymortal body?”Xiao Nanfengsaid.
The remote antiquitybright mooncoldlysays with a smile: „Iandyouare different.”
太上皓月冷冷一笑道:“我和你不同。”„Differentlywhathas? Actuallyyoualsotoldmea moment ago the solution, the mortal bodywas too strong, the soulwas too weak, solvingto be very simple, so long aslets the mortal body and soulmatchon the line, so long asImake the soulgo a step furtheragain, notonline?”Xiao Nanfengsaid with a smile.
The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile: „Yousaidright, actuallyyoudid not askI can also wantto understand, so long aspromoted the soulto be good, but, how did youpromote the soul? Later period ofLord God Realm, isn't the pinnacle? How do yougo a step further?”
The Xiao Nanfengeyesnarrow the eyes, had a premonition that anythingwas not right.萧南风双眼微眯,预感到了什么不对劲。
The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile: „Forgotto tellyou, althoughThree Puritiestheirsoulswere strong, but, was onlylater period ofLord God Realm. Butmymain body was very initially strong, the soulintensityexceedsall of you, achieved the Lord God Realmpinnacle, but, Ialsoas beforeamlater period ofLord God Realm.”
The numerousfemalecomplexionchanges, ifeven the remote antiquitysoul is also later period ofLord God Realm, howthatalsodoes break through? Can Xiao Nanfengreallyhaltinthis?
众女脸色一变,若连太上的灵魂也是主神境后期,那还怎么突破?难道萧南风真的要止步于此了?Xiao Nanfengactuallycoldsound said: „Do not foolme, if the realnon-solution, youalsodo wantmymortal body?”萧南风却冷声道:“你别唬我了,若真无解,你还想要我的肉身?”
The remote antiquitybright moonhas not seen the Xiao Nanfengdesperatelook, in the heart is really uncomfortable, itscoldsound said: „ Right, Iwantyourmortal body, butIhave not lain, soul? Is not possibleto break throughinyourstar, Three Puritiescannot achieve, Icannot achieve, youcannot achieve. But, after does not representme, cannot achieve. The truthyoutold that are not related, big of universe, indeedhasto make the soulmake the way of breakthroughagain. Myblackbeginningclanhasthislaw, myblackbeginningclanhas a royal family, heonce
太上皓月没看到萧南风的绝望神色,心中甚为不爽,它冷声道:“没错,我是想要你的肉身,不过我也没有撒谎,灵魂?在你们星球是不可能突破的,三清做不到,我做不到,你也做不到。但,不代表我以后做不到。实话跟你说也没关系,宇宙之大,的确有让灵魂再做突破的方式。我黑始族就有此法,我黑始族有一位王族,他曾经By the body of soul, travels aroundvariousuniverseimmortalterritories, collectsinnumerablyto the coldtreasure, latterwent to an extremelycoldimmortalterritoryto whetcultivation1 millionyears, successfullymade the soulgo a step furtheragain. But, can youachieve? Youknow how to do? Do you have the time? Ha! ”
以灵魂之躯,周游宇宙各大仙域,收集无数至寒宝物,后又去一个极寒的仙域磨砺修行了百万年,才成功让灵魂再进一步。可是,你能做到吗?你知道怎么做吗?你还有时间吗?哈哈哈哈哈!”„1 millionyears? Alsono more than so, youdid not say that the person in myMilky Wayimmortalterritoryis different? Perhaps, how longIcould not wantalso to achieve.”Xiao Nanfengsaid.
“百万年?也不过如此,你不是说我银河仙域的人不一样吗?或许,我要不了多久也能做到呢。”萧南风说道。„Snort, youalsoreallyact recklessly, youforgotIsaida moment ago? 1 millionyearsare not the keys, the keyisinnumerableto the coldtreasure, do youhave? Collects your entirestar, could not findtocoldtreasure. Does not haveenoughcoldenergyto the coldtreasureon the line, ithas the specialcoldgood fortune, like the mine, someoresduginyourstarfor a long time, could not findagain.” The remote antiquitybright moonsneersto say.
“哼,你还真是不知死活啊,你忘记我刚才说的了?百万年不是关键,关键是无数至寒宝物,你有吗?收集你这全星球,也找不到其中一个至寒宝物。至寒宝物不是有足够寒性能量就行的,它有着特殊的寒性造化,就像矿场,有些矿在你星球挖再久,也找不到。”太上皓月冷笑道。„Can youachieve?”Xiao Nanfengcoldsound said.
The remote antiquitybright moonsneers saying: „Right, Icanachieve, before long, myblackbeginningclanarmiesarrived, whenIresulted inyourmortal body, went backto askthatroyal familyto inquireagain,didfollowinghis means that flowered1 millionyears, canachieve, youcould not compare.”
太上皓月冷笑道:“没错,我是能做到,过不了多久,我黑始族大军抵达,等我得了你的肉身,再回去找那位王族询问,循着他的办法去做,花个百万年,就能做到了,你比不了。”„Thatwaits and sees. Ido not needyour means that I can also achieve.”Xiao Nanfengcoldsound said.
“那就走着瞧吧。我不需要你们的办法,我也能做到。”萧南风冷声道。„Do youwantto make the soulevolvebyThree Puritiescultivation technique? Youhave a dream, even ifyoucultivate/repair the pinnacleThree PuritiesYin Soul Scripture, is still useless.” The remote antiquitybright moonsneersto say.
“你是想靠三清的功法让灵魂进化?你做梦吧,就算你将三清阴神经修到极致,也没用的。”太上皓月冷笑道。„Ido not believeyourwords, Ibelieve that Icantake a new path.” The Xiao Nanfenglookwas ordinary, prepares the remote antiquitybright moonseal.
The remote antiquitybright moonsaw itselfto scoldfor quite a while, Xiao Nanfengnot to be terrifiedandtight, the words when itspokesuch astalks nonsense, itsclimateheavily. Saw that Xiao Nanfengwants the sealit, itwillingdid not say: „Naturally, except forthis means that alsohasothermeans.”
太上皓月见自己数落了半天,萧南风却一点也没有惶恐和紧张,当它说的话如放屁,它顿时气得不轻。眼看萧南风又要封印它,它却不甘心道:“当然,除了这个办法,也不是没有别的办法。”„?”Xiao Nanfengknits the browsto say.
The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile: „HearsayMilky Wayimmortalterritoryhas a sourcemost precious object, the namecalls‚primordial chaosauspicious sign’, hasto go against heaven's willchanges the good fortune of life, mayhelp the soultransformation. Or, can youtry?”
太上皓月笑道:“传闻银河仙域有一个本源至宝,名唤‘鸿蒙紫气’,有逆天改命之造化,可助灵魂蜕变。要不,你可以试试?”„Primordial chaosauspicious sign?”Xiao Nanfengintentoutlet.
“鸿蒙紫气?”萧南风意外道。Thisnoun, seeminglyhas also listenedin the Earthnovel, reallyhasthisthing?
The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile: „Looks atyourexpression, have youalso heard the primordial chaosauspicious sign? Thisnamelooks likein the Milky Wayimmortalterritoryis very generally passed on, in the Milky Wayimmortalterritory the legend, results inprimordial chaosauspicious sign, is the sage! Naturally, thatsagewith the sage of thisstaristwo matters, theresage, the hearsaysnaps fingers to collapse the star, cantradeanother dayday, canby the unsurpassedbiglawrestorationuniverse, even the legendsagecandominate the entireuniverse.”
太上皓月笑道:“看你的表情,你也听闻过鸿蒙紫气?这名字在银河仙域中看来被传得很普遍啊,银河仙域中传说,得鸿蒙紫气者,为圣人!当然,那个圣人与此星球的圣人是两码事,那里的圣人,传闻弹指可崩星球,能改天换日,能以无上大法再造乾坤,甚至传说圣人可以称霸全宇宙。”Xiao Nanfengknits the browsslightly: „Hassagelike that was the Milky Wayimmortalterritoryinvincible?”萧南风微微皱眉道:“有那般圣人,银河仙域岂不是无敌了?”
The remote antiquitybright moonsneers saying: „Therefore, Milky Wayimmortalterritorynotinvincible, becausedoes not havewhatprimordial chaosauspicious sign, has not been bornwhatsage, is that group of people in Milky Wayimmortalterritoryblows own horn.”
太上皓月冷笑道:“所以啊,银河仙域并未无敌,因为根本就不存在什么鸿蒙紫气,也没诞生过什么圣人,都是银河仙域的那群人自吹自擂罢了。”„Yousaidthesetome, is useful?”Xiao Nanfengknits the browsto say.
The remote antiquitybright moonsaid with a smile: „Isuseless, wantsto have a look atyousuddenly some hope , after wantingto be shattered, iswhatexpression, hahahaha!”
The femalescompletelyalllook angrily at the remote antiquitybright moon.
众女尽皆怒视太上皓月。Xiao Nanfengactuallysearches the handto pinch the remote antiquitybright moon, heresembles is also air/Qiinfuriatedby the remote antiquity, prepared the sealremote antiquitybright moondoes not do, itextinguisheddirectly, toreleasehate of heart.萧南风却探手一捏太上皓月,他似也被太上气得火冒三丈,本来准备封印太上皓月的都不做了,直接将它灭了,以泄心头之恨。
The remote antiquitybright moonthinksoneselfwere really madtoXiao Nanfeng, at a time ofannihilation, sent out the taunt the hearty laughtersound: „Ha!”
太上皓月以为自己真的气到萧南风了,在湮灭之际,也发出嘲讽的朗笑声:“哈哈哈哈哈!”Bang, the remote antiquitybright moonwas pinchedto explode the annihilationthoroughly.
嘭的一声,太上皓月被彻底捏爆湮灭了。Xiao Nanfengespeciallyseemsdissatisfied, inspectsfour directionscarefully, confirmed that has not left a trace of remote antiquitybright moon, heis willing.萧南风尤显得不满足,又仔细检查一番四方,确认没有留下一丝太上皓月的痕迹,他才甘心。Xia Xiaoyusaidimmediately: „Nanfeng, should not be air/Qibyit, itis a lunatic.”夏小雨马上说道:“南风,你别被它气到了,它就是一个疯子。”Lan Yaoguangalsonods saying: „Right, the remote antiquitythistimelostthoroughly, shewantedto be disgustingyou.”蓝摇光也点了点头道:“没错,太上此次输得彻底了,她只是想要恶心你而已。”
The rougemadamealsosaid: „Nanfeng, wetry to find the solutionagain, do not set at the air/Qifor the remote antiquity.”
The femalesare comfortingXiao Nanfengunceasingly, is encouraginghim, was worried that hewas attackedby the remote antiquitywords.
众女不断宽慰着萧南风,激励着他,担心他被太上的话语打击了。But the Xiao Nanfengactuallybrowslightlywrinkle, resemblesis thinking deeply aboutanything.
The femalesmorelookmoreworried, isoneconsoles.
众女越看越担心,又是一顿劝慰。Crossedsome little time, Xiao Nanfengdeepsuction portgas channel/angrily said: „Do not worry,Ihave not been angry, has not worried, Iam thinkingothermatter.”
过了好一会,萧南风才深吸口气道:“你们别担心,我并未生气,也没着急,我只是在想别的事情。”„What are youthinking?” The femalesare worriedto sayas before.
“你在想什么?”众女依旧担心道。Silent a meeting, Xiao Nanfenghadone is not indefinitesaid: „Perhaps...... Ihave‚primordial chaosauspicious sign’.”
沉默了一会,萧南风带着一丝不确定道:“或许……我有‘鸿蒙紫气’。”„!” The femalesreveal the stunnedcolor, theythink that oneselfmisunderstood.
“呃!”众女纷纷露出错愕之色,她们以为自己听错了。Xiao Nanfengsaidagainearnestly: „Imeant,perhapsIhave‚primordial chaosauspicious sign’, andinmyGreat ZhengHeavenly Ruler's Sealspace.”萧南风再度认真道:“我是说,我或许有‘鸿蒙紫气’,并且就在我的大峥天玺空间中。”
The femalesspeechlessfor a while, with astonishmentlooks to Xiao Nanfeng. The primordial chaosauspicious signin the Milky Wayimmortalterritoryis the thing in legend, yousaid that youdo have?
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