Chapter 1017murderseizes the boundaryremote antiquitypresentsoulis the Xiao Nanfengsoulsplits, thereforeis extremely highto the integration of Xiao Nanfengmortal body, seizesto abandon the Xiao Nanfengmortal body, operatessuch as the armto pull strings.
第1017章杀人夺境太上现在的灵魂是萧南风灵魂分裂而出的,因此对萧南风肉身的融合程度极高,夺舍萧南风肉身,操纵得如臂指使。Hedoes not haveanxiously the palace, butwithdrewpart of formation in main hallquietly, bymystiquesurveysituation.
他没有急着出殿,而是悄然撤去了大殿中的一部分阵法,以秘法探测外界的情况。Hethistimecame such bigcropperin the Xiao Nanfenghand, madehimunderstandfierce of Xiao Nanfeng, heworried the outside worldalsohad the trap that Xiao Nanfengleft behind.
他这次在萧南风手中栽了这么大跟头,也让他明白了萧南风的厉害,他担心外界还有萧南风留下的陷阱。At this moment, has the quarreloutside the palaceunexpectedly.
此刻,在殿外居然有着争吵。Ye Sanshuiclings to tenaciouslyas beforeis closing up the main hallmouth, beforeYe Sanshui, is standing the whole bodyis being the woundrougemadame, Liu MiaoyinandGod Sovereign, althoughthreefemaleshave the woundin the body, protectsstubbornlyis closing up the main hall, blockinganothercrowd of whole bodiesis being the blood, eyefulscarletpeerlesspowerhouses.叶三水依旧死守在闭关大殿口,在叶三水之前,正站着浑身是伤的胭脂夫人、柳妙音和神皇,三女虽然有伤在身,也死死护着闭关大殿,拦着另一群浑身是血,满眼赤红的绝世强者。„Snort, are youalso protectingXiao Nanfeng? If not forthistimehemustclose up, howwewill dieso manypeople?”
“哼,你们还护着萧南风?这次若不是他要闭关,我们岂会死这么多人?”„When life and death, hepurposelyevadesnot to fight, withclosing upshirks, his is the timidwar.”
“生死存亡之际,他故意避而不战,用闭关推脱,他这是怯战。”„Thistimediedso manypeople, blameshim, youmake way, Imustask that heis doing.”
……Onecrowd of peerlesspowerhousewickedsay/way.
一群绝世强者恶狠狠道。Blockscoldlyin the frontrougemadamesays with a smile: „, Do not lookto give a pretext, does not wantto fall the crimetomyhusband, compellingmyhusbandto taketo giveyouGolden Tree? Yourthistricksmaybe really preliminary.”
拦在前面的胭脂夫人冷冷一笑道:“呵,你们就别找借口了,不就是想给我夫君落罪,逼我夫君将黄金树拿出来给你们吗?你们这伎俩可真低级。”Isprofound scholarImmortal Emperor of headgets angry: „Rougemadame, whatyousaidis the logical expression? Our timediedso manypeople, if notThree PuritiesDao Ancestorputs together a mutual wounds, foundto extinguishkills the opportunities of threebigblackbeginningclans, wemustallextinguish.”
为首的大儒仙帝怒道:“胭脂夫人,你说的是人话吗?我们这次死了这么多人,若非三清道祖拼个两败俱伤,才找到灭杀三大黑始族的机会,我们都要全灭了。”„Didn't wewineventually?”Rougemadamecoldsound said.
“我们终究不是赢了吗?”胭脂夫人冷声道。„Wewon, but, the paidpricewas too frigid. Ifthere isGolden Tree, thiswecan certainlywintimeattractively, thereforeblamesXiao Nanfeng, he himselfis not willingto enter the war, is actually dominatingGolden Tree, thisis the biggestcrime.”Profound scholarImmortal Emperorcoldsound said.
“我们是赢了,但,付出的代价太惨烈了。若有黄金树,这一次我们一定能赢得漂亮,所以都怪萧南风,他自己不愿参战,却霸着黄金树,这就是最大的罪过。”大儒仙帝冷声道。„Right!” The powerhousesget angryin abundancesaid.
“没错!”众强者纷纷怒道。„Shut up!” The rougemadameangrily rebukes saying that subsequentlycoldsound said: „Youlistened, Golden Treewasmyhusband, was notyour, howmyhusbandwantsto use, howto use, but also was not one's turnyouto mix.”
“闭嘴!”胭脂夫人怒斥道,继而冷声道:“你们听好了,黄金树是我夫君的,不是你们的,我夫君想怎么用,就怎么用,还轮不到你们来调配。”Liu Miaoyinalsocoldsound said: „, if insatiably greedyagain, being ignorant of the proper action to take, do not blameusnot being impolite.”柳妙音也冷声道:“诸位若再贪得无厌,不知进退,别怪我们不客气了。”God Sovereignalsocoldsound said: „Mustfightthencomes, rubbish.”神皇也冷声道:“要战便来,别废话了。”Threefemaleattitudesare consistent, todayno onewantto disturbXiao Nanfengto close up, theywill cling to tenaciouslyhere.
The Great Zhengimmortal dynastyinnumerableofficersalsohold up the bladesoldierto look the color of evil spirit, clings to tenaciously the Xiao Nanfengclosing upmain hall.大峥仙朝的无数将士也纷纷举起刀兵面露凶煞之色,死守萧南风的闭关大殿。both sidesplay out, buthas not hiteventually. Because the numerouspeerlesspowerhousethinks before , whenbeyond the dayfightsthreefemaleterrifyingscores, can only suppress the angerin abundance.
双方剑拔弩张,但终究没有打起来。因为众绝世强者想到之前在天外战斗时三女的恐怖战绩,只能纷纷压住了怒火。„TodayXiao Nanfengcloses up, wedid not compelhim, whenhewent out, asked for adviceagain.”Profound scholarImmortal Emperorcoldlysaid.
“今日萧南风闭关,我们就不逼他了,等他出关,再来讨教。”大儒仙帝冷冷地说道。„Snort!” The numerouspeerlesspowerhousealsomakes the similarperformance.
“哼!”众绝世强者也做出同样的表现。Rougemadamecoldsound said: „, You, ifdaresto disturbmyhusbandto close upagain, wemustdestroy all your.”
胭脂夫人冷声道:“记好了,你们若敢再打扰我夫君闭关,我们必毁你们一切。”„Right!”Liu MiaoyinandGod Sovereignalsocoldsound said.
“没错!”柳妙音和神皇也冷声道。„Wewalk!”Profound scholarImmortal Emperorsaid.
Of bang, onegroup of peerlesspowerhousessoar to the heavensincoldsnort/humon, in an instantvanishedin the horizon.
轰的一声,一群绝世强者在冷哼中冲天而上,转眼消失在了天际。Threefemalesgaze afterthisgroup of peerlesspowerhousesto depart, has not relaxed. Theylooked atXiao Nanfengto close up the main hall, saw the palace gateto shut tightly, was stirless, the knitting the browshead, madesomearrangementseventually, departedrespectively.
The remote antiquitywitnessedoutsideallin the palace, in the outstanding heroesdepart, hehas not made an appearance, heknowsXiao Nanfengbeforeis very longthreefemalesto the code word that weresomehimnot to know, a clearerthreefemalewisdom and ability, hedoes not wantto be been early unusualbythreefemalediscoveries.
太上在殿中目睹了外面的一切,在群雄离去之际,他没有露面,他知道萧南风在很久前就对三女做了一些连他都不知晓的暗语,更明白三女的智慧和能耐,他可不想早早被三女发现异常。Waits for the outside worldto be tranquil, hepasses messagetoYe Sanshui, makinghisopenunder the threefemales in guard.
A Ye Sanshuiaccident/surprise, but, the order of Xiao Nanfeng, healwayscarries outto the letter, thereforecompliesimmediately. After allcomplete, the remote antiquityopens the door of main hall.叶三水一阵意外,但,萧南风的命令,他从来都是不折不扣地执行的,因此立刻照做了。待一切做好后,太上才打开大殿之门。At this moment, the remote antiquityseizesXiao Nanfeng of shed, makingeveryoneadmit mistakes.
只是此刻,太上夺舍的萧南风,让所有人都认错了。„Immortal Emperor,...... Ye Sanshui the matter of will describefor several days”for several dayssimply.
“仙帝,这些天……”叶三水将这些天发生的事情简单描述了一下。Insome time ago, the thirdbatch of blackbeginningclansarrived, threeblackbeginningclansfinallyjointly attackedto put to deathbyThree PuritiesDao Ancestor and outstanding heroes, the Three PuritiesDao Ancestorstrengthwas tyrannical, but, experienced personallyseverely woundedeach onetherapy, but the matter that justhad, the remote antiquityalsoallknew.
就在不久前,第三批黑始族降临,三名黑始族最终被三清道祖和群雄合击诛杀了,三清道祖实力强横,但,也身受重伤各自去疗伤了,而刚刚发生的事情,太上也全都知晓了。„Weknew, but, WehaveOurconsideration, Wethenmusthandle something, needsyouto continueto guardthisplace, feignsUsstillto close up.”Remote antiquitylookserioussay/way.
“朕知道了,但,朕有朕的考虑,朕接下来要去办一些事情,需要你继续驻守此地,佯装朕还在闭关。”太上神色严肃道。„Yes!”Ye Sanshuisaidaccordingly.
“是!”叶三水应声道。Remote antiquitytheseyearshave been observingXiao Nanfengall, somesmalldetailsare perhaps unfathomed, but, roughly the governingunderwayactuallyallknows, is also quite clearregarding the details of theseGreat Zhengofficials, afterarrangedonesimplynext, heis binding the mist, leftYongdingImmortal Capitalquietly.
太上这些年一直观察着萧南风一切,一些小细节或许无法窥探,但,大体御下方式却全都知道,对于这些大峥臣子的底细也极为清楚,在简单安排了一下后,他裹着雾气,就悄然离开了永定仙都。Shortly , the remote antiquityarrived insky overboundlesssea.
没多久,太上就到了一处茫茫的大海上空。„Xiao Nanfengworthilyistrue spirit of Milky Wayimmortalterritory, effect of true spiritunderon the mortal body, shorttimeunexpectedlytyrannicaltosodegree? What a pity, nowthismortal bodywasmy.” The remote antiquityis feelingownmortal body, said after a sigh, subsequently the eyesnarrowed the eyes saying: „But, nowis insufficient, Great EncompassingGolden Immortal9th Heavenly Layer? AlthoughstrongthisstarallGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalcomplete, but, cango a step further, firstpushes upGreat EncompassingGolden Immortalto be greatly completecultivation base of thismortal body.”
“萧南风不愧是银河仙域的真灵,真灵对肉身的影响下,短短时间居然强横到了如此程度?可惜,现在这具肉身是我的了。”太上感受着自己的肉身,感叹道,继而双眼微眯道:“不过,现在还不够,大罗金仙九重天?虽然强过此星球所有大罗金仙圆满者,但,还是能更进一步的,先将这具肉身的修为推上大罗金仙大圆满吧。”Talked to oneself, the remote antiquitysearched the handto wield, bang, presented a cave entrancevoid, was actually here, unexpectedlyalsohas a mystical place.
自语中,太上探手一挥,轰的一声,虚空出现一个洞口,却是此处,居然也有着一个秘境。Hestrides in the instance of thismystical place, inmystical placeinstantaneousthunder, in resembles the internalregularforced inductionto enterto the peerlesspowerhouse, mustlaunch the attacktohim.
The remote antiquitylooks uphand of the heaveninthatthunderis presenting, knits the brows: „Is this regularstrength that Sa Beilileft behindinitially? Hasa little!”
太上抬头望着那电闪雷鸣中出现的一只上天之手,皱眉道:“这是萨贝利当初留下的规则之力?有些少啊!”Hesoars to the heavenssingle-handedly, fivefingersemit the differentenergyripple, the agitation, resemblesto formonebunch of five colorsraysto soar to the heavensslightlyon, buzz, prickedin the thunder clouds.
Of bang, thatmustdepress the hand of heavenstagnatedfiercely, stopsin the upper air, but the innumerablethunder and lightningalsovanishedfast.
轰的一声,那要压下了的上天之手猛地一滞,停在了高空中,而无数雷电也快速消失了。Heoperated the hand of hereheaveninstantaneously.
他瞬间就操纵了这里的上天之手。„Concentrates!” The remote antiquitywaves.
“凝!”太上一挥手。Rumble, the hand of heavencontractstogether with the billowingdark cloudfast, changes intoonegroup of silverenergiesgetting smallergradually, buzz, the silverenergydropped from the clouds, fallsin the face of the remote antiquity.
The remote antiquityopens the mouthattracts, swallows into the silverenergy the abdomen, closes eyes a absorption, shortly, heopened the eyeagain.
太上张口一吸,将银色能量吞入腹中,闭目一番吸收,没多久,他就再度睁开了眼睛。„Insufficiently, falls far short.” The remote antiquityknits the browsto say.
“不够,差得远。”太上皱眉道。At this moment, thismystical placehad restoredsunny, does not have a regularpressureagain. Some residents in mystical placesend outoneto call out in alarm, but, the remote antiquitysimplyhas not paid attention, hisstepshad/left the mystical place, turned the handwields, closed the access of mystical place.
The remote antiquityflies the upper air, is getting higher and higher, shortly, heflewbeside the star, overlooks the entirefourmost partscontinents, hisboth eyesare exuding a payment for shareslight, immediately, the entireworldpresented the silverluminous spotsin his eyes.
太上飞上高空,越来越高,没多久,他就飞到了星球之外,俯瞰整个四大部洲,他双目泛着一股金光,顿时,整个天下在他眼里出现了一个个银色光点。„Reallymanymystical places, thatcontinues!”Remote antiquitysatisfactionsaid.
That shouted, hecharged intounderagain, hehas lockedallmystical places that had the hand of heaven, hemustabsorb the hand of insideheavencompletely, tohelpcultivation basebreak throughagain.
呼的一声,他再度冲向了下方,他已经锁定了所有拥有上天之手的秘境,他要将里面的上天之手全部吸收,以助修为再度突破。Shortly, in a desert, hefound a mystical place, opens the mystical place, strides, swallows the hand of heaven. Anothermeeting, in a lonesome and quietcanyon, hefound a mystical place, opens the mystical place, swallows the hand of heaven.
After tenlong time, the mystical place in unpopulated areahad been patronizedbyhimcompletely, hemust have the mystical place in Lordarea.
……In a sacred place, in a main hall.
一个圣地中,一间大殿内。Severalsacred placeleadershipsare discussing the importantmatter.
几名圣地高层正在商议着重要的事情。„Profound scholarImmortal Emperor said that mustgatherall of us, goes toYongdingImmortal Capitalagainnoisilyonenoisy, how did yousay?”
“大儒仙帝说了,要集合我们所有人,再去永定仙都闹一闹,你们怎么说?”„Naturallymustgo, does not know how the Great Zhengfourdynastiesthink, announcednineunexpectedly**, thendirecting, perhapswelater can also grasp, butfusionnine**, then the key, isthatGolden Tree, nowdoes not struggle, whentreats?”
“当然要去,也不知大峥四朝怎么想的,居然公布了九**则之引,或许我们以后也能掌握,而融合九**则的关键,还是那颗黄金树,现在不争,更待何时?”„But, the blackbeginningclanattacksnowunceasingly, can our not be good?”
“可是,现在黑始族不断来袭,我们这样会不会不好?”„Whathavingisn't good? The skycollapses, the tall personis going against, Three Puritieswithstands the blackbeginningclan, if we Golden Treegood fortune, perhapsisnextXiao Nanfeng.”
“有什么不好的?天塌下来,还有高个子顶着呢,三清顶住黑始族,我们若得黄金树造化,或许就是下一个萧南风。”„Good, Iinformprofound scholarImmortal Emperorimmediately, weare willingto joinhiscounter-Zhengalliance.”
In the peoplediscussedexcitedly, outside the palaceheardoneto call out in alarmsuddenly.
就在众人兴奋地商议之际,殿外陡然传来一声惊呼。„Sect Master, is not good, the entrancewas coveredbyheavy snows. In the heavy snow, presentedmanysnowsto be strange, is attackingoursacred place, defendedsectDazhen unable to block, the snowflushedstrangely.”
Of bang, sacred placehears the loud soundsoundeverywhere, subsequentlyis a thunderingfightsound and pitiful yellsound.
The numeroussacred placeleadershipgoes out of the main hall, immediatelysaw the avalanche of sun-blockingraids, a pieceextinguishes the worldscene.
众圣地高层走出大殿,顿时看到了遮天蔽日的雪崩袭来,一片灭世般场景。„Who is attackingoursacred place?” A sacred placehigh-levelstartledcalled out.
“是谁在攻打我们圣地?”一个圣地高层惊叫道。Nextquarter, togethericicledropping from the cloudsthorntohim, hiscomplexionchangesfights with the fists, bang, hewas pricked the landby the icicle, pierces the body, the bodydiesat the scene.
The entiresacred placeis a pitiful yellsound.
整个圣地都是一片惨叫声。Whowithoutseeing the murdereris, the people in entiresacred placeexterminatedquickly.
After oneday, clone of thissacred placediscipleleadsonegroup of powerhousesto rush tothisplace, actuallyseesin all directionsonepiecein confusion, everyonediedcleanly, the scenewas quite frigid.
一日后,此圣地弟子的分身带领一群强者赶到此地,却见四处一片狼藉,所有人都死干净了,场面极为惨烈。„Goodterrifying is the strength of snow and ice, who?”Someperson of frightenedsay/way.
“好恐怖的冰雪之力,是谁?”有人惊悚道。„Wedo not know, before mycloneat the point of deathsaw,has the form that mistcoversin the upper air , he extinguished our sacred place.” A sacred placedisciplefrightenedsay/way.
“我们不知道,我的分身临死前看到,在高空有着一个雾气笼罩的身影,他一个人,灭了我们一个圣地。”一个圣地弟子惊悚道。„Whatbigenemy does yoursacred placehave?”Thatpersonasked. No, absolutelyno. ”
“你们圣地有什么大仇家吗?”那人问道。没有,绝对没有。”„Thatfirsthas a look, yoursacred placelostanything.”Thatpersonasked.
The peoplesearch forfast, quick, a sacred placedisciplecalled out: „Mysacred placeis guarding a mystical place, somepeoplehave gone , the mystical placehand of heavendisappears.”
众人快速搜寻起来,很快,一个圣地弟子叫道:“我圣地看守着一个秘境,有人进去过了,秘境中的上天之手不见了。”„?” The powerhousesreveal the surprisedcolor.
The peopleare strange, but, the murdererhad departed, keepsthemfor a whilefromstarting.
The worldappearedone after anotherextinguished the sect, to extinguish the important matter of city, the murderermethodwas sinister, everywhere one visit, killed offall, thenenteredinitsmystical place, took away the hand of heaven.
紧接着,天下一处又一处出现了灭宗、灭城之大事,凶手手段毒辣,所到之处,杀光一切,然后进入其处秘境中,收走了上天之手。Suddenly, the worldpowerhousesare bustling, to track down the whereabout of murderer, eventhere is a powerhouseto stop upinsomemystical placemouthwaiting, but, waited fortheiractuallydied.
一时间,天下强者们一片沸腾,都在追寻着凶手的下落,甚至有强者堵在一些秘境口等待,可是,等待他们的却是死亡。Also after tenseveral days, everyonecannot find way out. Butcounter-Zhengalliance of profound scholarImmortal Emperorarrangement, becausealsothis matterwas delayed.
又十数日后,所有人都一筹莫展。而大儒仙帝筹备的反峥联盟,也因为此事被耽搁。Profound scholarImmortal Emperorstandsin the emperorpalacemain hall, looks the color of chill/yin coldto talk to oneself: „Does the bastard who wherecomes, slaughtereverywhere, goes badOurgood deed?”
大儒仙帝站在帝宫大殿中,面露阴寒之色地自语着:“到底哪来的混蛋,四处杀戮,坏朕好事?”„Immortal Emperor, thatmurderercollects the hand of heaveneverywhere, butinouremperorpalacesis also having a mystical placeaccess, can hecomehere?” An officialsaidinside.
“仙帝,那个凶手四处收集上天之手,而我们帝宫中也正有一个秘境出入口,他会不会来我们这里?”一名官员在旁说道。„Hedares!”Profound scholarImmortal Emperorcoldsound said.
“他敢!”大儒仙帝冷声道。Suddenly, hishearthas a feeling, looks upfiercelyto the sky, the murderous intention that although the cloud layerdeep placehasis quite vague, was actually inducedbyhim.
That shouted, hesoared to the heavenson, in a flash, hearrived at the cloud layerdeep place, sawtherestand a form.
呼的一声,他冲天而上,转瞬间,他到了云层深处,看到了那里站着的一个身影。„Xiao Nanfeng? Isyou?”Profound scholarImmortal Emperorsurprisedsay/way. Previouschapter of table of contentsbookmarknextchapter
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