Qing Dengearnestlyset up formation, butsideXiao Nanfengalsostands a whole bodyto exude the bronzeglossman, the manis not others, is the immortaldivine blade the lord of pastimmortalmystical place, Eternal God King.青灯在认真地布阵,而萧南风身旁还站着一名全身泛着青铜光泽的男子,男子不是旁人,正是不朽神刀所化的昔日不朽秘境之主,不朽神王。Eternal God Kingsighed: „Qing Dengindeedis the goodmethod, Ispent for several thousandyearsin the regularstrength that thisarranges, was actually used the formationshorttimeto tamebyhim.”不朽神王感叹道:“青灯的确是好手段,我花了数千年在此布置的规则之力,却被他用阵法短短时间驯服了。”NearbyQing Dengsaidimmediately: „Eternal God King, yourLaw Strengthis extremely numerous and diverse, Iuseformationto guidesketchily, but alsoneedsyouthento intendto help.”
一旁青灯马上说道:“不朽神王,你的规则力量太过繁杂,我利用阵法只是粗略地引导而已,还需要你接下来出手帮忙。”Eternal God Kinglooked atQing Dengto say with a smile: „Iimprisonedyourmillenniumsinitially, here, Itoyousaid that the soundwas sorry.”不朽神王看了眼青灯笑道:“我当初囚禁了你千年,在此,我给你说声抱歉。”Qing Dengsmiles bitterlyto sayslightly: „The pastmatter, welatersaid that now, gives priority to the matter of Immortal Emperor.”青灯微微苦笑道:“当年的事情,我们以后再说吧,如今,以仙帝之事为重。”Eternal God Kingnods, lookedsaidagainto the sky: „Relax, then, Iassistyouto inspirethisLaw Strength.”不朽神王点了点头,再度看向天空道:“放心,接下来,我协助你们引动这股规则力量。”Xiao Nanfenglooks at the upper air, actuallyseesin the billowingdark cloudto havehand of the heavenups and downs, butaround the hand of heavencovered entirely the bronzechains.萧南风看着高空,却见滚滚乌云中有着一只上天之手在沉浮,只是上天之手周围布满了青铜锁链。Xiao Nanfengsaidcuriously: „Eternal God King, youarrangedthisLaw Strengthin the past, tooperate the hand of thisheaven?”萧南风好奇道:“不朽神王,你当年布置这个规则力量,是为了操纵这只上天之手?”
The Eternal God Kingforced smilesaid: „Iindeedthinkinitially, wantsto cope with the heavenwith the hand of heaven, butnowlooks like, myinitialideawas too naive, this matterdid not needto raiseagain, firsthandledyourmatter.”不朽神王苦笑道:“我当初的确是这么想的,想用上天之手去对付上天,可现在看来,我当初的想法太天真了,此事也不用再提了,还是先办你的事吧。”„Good!”Xiao Nanfengnods.
“好!”萧南风点了点头。During the speeches, Xiao Nanfengemergesthreebright moonlightbehindslowly, Three Moonsoverhangs, illuminates the upper air.
说话间,萧南风身后缓缓浮出三颗明月,三月高挂,照亮高空。„Has!”Qing Dengdrinkshigh.
“起阵!”青灯一声高喝。Buzz, the four directionsimperial observatoryformationmasterstimulates to movementlocatesformationrespectively, formationrayssoar to the heavenson, covered the hand of heavenfast, in the meantime, the Qing Dengbronzecompassfloatsspatially, is suppressing the hand of heaven.
Of bang, under the guidance of strength of formation, the hand of heavenwas pulledtoPurple Moon.
The Purple Moonfeeling the threat, buzz, splittogether the fine drawn, the purpleeyeopens, an ominouslightsoars to the heavens, wantsto destroy the functionin the strength of hand of all aroundformationheaven.紫月似感受到了威胁,嗡的一声,从中裂开一道细缝,紫眼睁开,一股凶光冲天,欲毁灭作用在上天之手四周的阵法之力。Xiao Nanfengshoutedlightly: „Suppression!”萧南风一声轻喝道:“镇压!”Buzz, Red MoonandBlue Moonbloom a raydirect impactpurpleeyeto gorespectively, bang, suppresses the purpleeyeto tremble, andsuppressed the purple light on purpleeye.
嗡的一声,红月、蓝月各绽放出一道光芒直冲紫眼而去,轰的一声,镇压得紫眼一颤,并且压制住了紫眼上的紫光。In the purpleeye the blood threadscovers entirely, wantsto resist, but, Red Moonandunder the Blue Moondualsuppressions, in additionunder the Xiao Nanfengcontrol, the purpleeyecould not movefor a while.
紫眼中血丝布满,想要抵抗,但,红月、蓝月双重压制下,再加上萧南风控制下,紫眼一时动弹不得了。At this time, Xiao Nanfengalsoturned the handto take outat the same time the circularmirror, wasYu Borěevilthing.
这时,萧南风也翻手取出一面圆形镜子,正是玉般若所化的邪物。„Goes!”Xiao Nanfengwaves.
“去!”萧南风一挥手。Buzz, the evilmirrorflies into the purpleeyeplace.
嗡的一声,邪镜飞入紫眼处。Qing DengandEternal God Kingalsowave, bang, the hand of heaventogether with the billowingdark cloud, the innumerablebronzechains, broke in the purpleeyeinstantaneously.青灯和不朽神王同时挥手,轰的一声,上天之手连同滚滚乌云,还有无数青铜锁链,瞬间冲入了紫眼中。
Of bang, the purpleeyetrembles, eruptspurpleflamestorm.
轰的一声,紫眼一颤,爆发出一股紫色火焰风暴。But, under the peoplesuppression, the purpleeyebasiscould not work loosefull power, can only struggleto erupt the dreadfulpurple lightmerely, illuminated the entireworld.
但,在众人全力压制下,紫眼根本挣脱不了,仅仅只能在挣扎中爆发出滔天紫光,照亮了整个天地。Xiao Nanfeng has refine the experience of Red MoonandBlue Moonfriendly, knows that wantsto let the bright moonlight and evilkingpromotes and constrains mutuallyfuses, needs the magnanimousenergyto provide the strength of itsfusion, the hand of heavenisthisstrength, but, but alsoneedsto guidethisstrengthto fusePurple Moon and evilmirror. Eternal God KingLaw StrengthandQing Deng the strength of formation, the control of Xiao Nanfeng, isessential.萧南风有过融炼红月、蓝月的经验,知道想让明月和邪王相生相克地融合,需要海量的能量提供其融合之力,上天之手就是这股力量,但,还需要引导这股力量去融合紫月和邪镜。不朽神王的规则力量、青灯的阵法之力,还有萧南风的操控,就是其中关键。Rumbleunderhalf day, Purple Moonstrugglingfrom the beginning, slowlytranquil, butis bloomingas beforetrillionpurple light.
轰隆隆的半日下,紫月从一开始的挣扎,慢慢平静了下来,只是依旧绽放着亿万紫光。Anotherafterday, the light of Purple Mooncollectssuddenly, buzz, vanishesto disappear.
又一天过后,紫月之光才骤然一敛,嗡的一声,消失不见了。Xiao Nanfengopens the eyeslowly, lookstoPurple Moon, buzz, Purple Moonturned into a giantpurplemirror, is sparklingintermittentmonsterdifferentpurple light, at this moment, hefeltPurple Moonthoroughlyinhiscontrol.萧南风缓缓睁开眼睛,看向紫月,嗡的一声,紫月变成了一面巨大的紫色镜子,闪耀着一阵阵妖异紫光,这一刻,他才感觉到紫月彻底在他的操控中了。„Became?” A Eternal God Kingeyebrightsay/way.
“成了?”不朽神王眼睛一亮道。„CongratulatesImmortal Emperor.”Qing Dengalsosaid with a smile.
“恭喜仙帝。”青灯也笑道。„Many thanks.”Xiao Nanfengsaid with a smile.
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