Heartsword, rips the day of crackplace, the speedis extremely fast, instantaneouslytoSa Beiliin front.
The Sa Beilipupilshrinks, knows that fierce of thissword, thistime, hedoes not dareto resistwith a finger, butsearches a handfistbangto go.萨贝利瞳孔一缩,知道这一剑的厉害,这次,他可不敢用一根指头抵挡了,而是探手一拳轰去。
The swordandfistbump into, bang, tearsgiantblack holevoidinstantaneously, the giantshock-wave, causesworldoneto shiverfiercely, all aroundeveryonewas shakenunceasinglybythisgreatstrengthcomplementary wavesretrocedes, the person in vicinitywas shaken the mouthto spit the blood, the injuryis frigid.
剑、拳相撞,轰的一声,虚空瞬间撕裂出一个巨大的黑洞,巨大的冲击波,引得天地一阵猛地颤动,四周所有人都被这股巨力余波震得不断后退,近处的人更是被震得口吐鲜血,伤势惨烈。In the black hole, Jade PurityDao Ancestorfigureflashes, instantaneouslytoSa Beilibodyside, hisspeedifquickly the electric light, otherscannot see clearlyhismovement.
黑洞中,玉清道祖身形一个闪动,瞬间到了萨贝利身侧,他的速度快若电光,别人根本就看不清他的动作。„Very powerful!”
“好强啊!”„GoodJade PurityDao Ancestor, worthilyis the Emperor Yumain body.”
“好一个玉清道祖,不愧是玉帝的本体。”„Was too exaggerating!”
The numerouspeerlesspowerhousecalled outpleasantly surprised.
Of bang, Jade PurityDao Ancestor and Sa Beili in warblack hole, theirspeedswere too fast, to is only left overremnantshadesquickly, under the terrifyingimpulse, causes the landto crack the innumerable, entirefourmost partscontinentsis shivering, all searaised the dreadfultsunami.
轰的一声,黑洞中的玉清道祖和萨贝利大战而起,他们的速度太快了,快到只剩下一个个残影,恐怖的冲击力下,引得大地崩裂无数,整个四大部洲都在颤抖,四海更是掀起了滔天海啸。„It is not good, hits, the entireworldwill be hitto collapse.”Somepeoplewere startledto call out.
At this moment, a loud soundshakeworld, actuallysees the meteor that Sa Beilijust likegoes against the flowtogether, was hit hardflying upside downto the space, bang, broke througha lot offog, toupper air, butJade PurityDao Ancestor is actually the figurein a flash, just likepursuedlike lightning.
Of bang, in the upper airtransmits a loud sound, isfour directionsallcloud layersis actually shakento disperseby a greatstrength, sawindistinctlytworemnantshadesare fightingunceasingly, theirwaris higher, the waris farther, evendirectly soarsbeyond the dayto go, making one look atitto shockincomparably.
轰的一声,高空中传来一声巨响,却是四方所有云层都被一股巨力震荡而散,隐约看到两道残影在不断战斗,他们越战越高,越战越远,甚至直奔天外而去,让人望之震撼无比。„Walks!”Hadsandwormkingto call out.
The surplussandwormkingstepssoar to the heavens.
剩余的沙虫王踏步冲天。„Do not let escape a sandwormking, kills!”Xiao Nanfengshouted atrushes.
The numerouspeerlesspowerhousenaturallyrushes aheadto gowithout hesitation, theycannot participate in the fight of Jade PurityDao AncestorandSa Beilinow, but, theseSa Beilisubordinates, can actually solve.
Of bang, the warstartedagain.
When Xiao Nanfengfight, actuallycharged intoplaces of onecrowd of sage, hedo not kill offthesesagesclone, butmusthelpTang Xiaoyisuccessfullyleave.萧南风战斗之时,却冲向了一群圣人之地,他不是要杀光这些圣人分身,而是要帮助汤小乙成功离开。
The function of Tang Xiaoyiwas too vital, did not say that hecan the ability of to subdue|gramsdeadally, ability that hedoes an inside job, canmakeXiao Nanfengknow the latest news of enemy sideahead of time, therefore, Tang Xiaoyicannothave the matterabsolutely.汤小乙的作用太重要了,不说他能克死盟友的能力,就他卧底的能力,也能让萧南风提前知道敌方的最新消息,所以,汤小乙绝对不能有事。
The waris intense, the war criesrise from all directions.
大战激烈,杀声四起。Fight of Jade PurityDao AncestorandSa Beili, thoroughlytodaybeyond.玉清道祖和萨贝利的战斗,也彻底到了天外。Jade PurityDao Ancestortakes the Yu Fulimain body, itsstrength is quite naturally terrorist, unexpectedlyis not weakinYu Fuli, the speed that twopeoplefightis getting more and more intense, theyarrived atoutside the star, to the vacuum, is, theircollisions, haveshakesunexpectedlyas before, the shakecomplementary wavescharge into the atmosphere of star, making the staratmospherefollowto shake, resemblesinthatvacuumalsoto have some dark matters of being able to seeto exist.玉清道祖作为玉浮黎的本体,其实力自然极为恐怖,居然一点不弱于玉浮黎,二人战斗的速度越来越激烈,他们到了星球外,到了真空中,可是,他们的一次次碰撞,居然依旧产生一股股震荡,震荡余波冲向星球的大气层,让星球大气层跟着震荡不已,似那真空中还有着一些看不见的暗物质存在。
Under onefights, Sa Beilicannotget the winning sideunexpectedly, heannoyedly.
一番打斗下,萨贝利居然没能占据上风,他恼火不已。„Is impossible, do youpossiblyhave the starslevelstrength? Hasn't the ten thousandyears of accumulation of ancientaltarhelpedYu Fuliattack the starslevelstrength? How can also helpyouattack the starslevel?”Sa Beiliis startledto exclaim.
“不可能,你怎么可能有星辰级力量?亘古祭坛的万年积累不是已经帮玉浮黎冲击星辰级力量了吗?怎么还能帮你冲击到星辰级?”萨贝利惊吼道。【Usesat present, listening to storytellingsoundmostalleasiest-to-useApp, integrates4bigspeech synthesisengines, over100timbres, aresupporttradingsourcedivine tool that off-lineread aloud, huanyuanapp.tradesourceApp】
【目前用下来,听书声音最全最好用的App,集成四大语音合成引擎,超100种音色,更是支持离线朗读的换源神器,huanyuanapp.换源App】„Youdied, Itoldyouagain.”Jade PurityDao Ancestorcoldsound said.
Of bang, a Jade PurityDao AncestorfisthitsSa Beiliagainflies upside downhundredli (0.5 km).
轰的一声,玉清道祖再度一拳将萨贝利打得倒飞百里。„An insect of lowcivilization, how manyIkillshas not known, do youalsomatchto injureme?” The Sa Beiliangershouted.
“一个低等文明的虫子,我杀过不知多少,你也配伤我?”萨贝利怒喝道。Buzz, Sa Beilibehind, presents a ten thousandzhang (3.33 m)highgreattreesuddenly, the greattreeturns whiteall over the body, just like the silverconstruction, bloomsin a flashtrillionsilverlight, illuminatesthisdarkvacuum, in the meantime, in the vacuum seems the dark matterdirect impacts of innumerablebeing able to seeto come, to flood into the silvergreattree, subsequentlypours intoSa Beiliwithin the body.
The Sa Beiliaurarises suddenlysuddenly, bang, causesin the vacuum a dark mattershake.萨贝利的气息陡然暴涨而起,轰的一声,引得真空中暗物质一阵震荡。„Connecting Heaven Tree?”Jade PurityDao Ancestorcoldsnort/hum.
“通天树?”玉清道祖一声冷哼。During the speeches, hiswhole bodytrembles, emits a ten thousandzhang (3.33 m)greattreesuddenly, the greattreeis the purple, just like the purplemetal, bloomsin a flashtrillionpurple light, illuminates the four directions, in the meantime, in the vacuumalso seems the dark matterdirect impacts of innumerablebeing able to seeto come, to flood into the purplegreattree, subsequentlypours intoJade PurityDao Ancestorwithin the body.
The Jade PurityDao Ancestorwhole bodyaurarises suddenlysuddenlyinnumerably, bang, causesin the vacuum a dark mattershake.玉清道祖全身气息陡然暴涨无数,轰的一声,也引得真空中暗物质一阵震荡。„Your can Connecting Heaven Treeabsorb the strengthfrom the universestarry sky? Yourthislowcivilization, howConnecting Heaven Tree of birthstarslevel?”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
“你的通天树怎么也能从宇宙星空中汲取力量?你这低等文明,怎么会诞生星辰级的通天树?”萨贝利惊叫道。„Extremely arrogantthing!”Jade PurityDao Ancestorcoldsound said.
“狂妄的东西!”玉清道祖冷声道。During the speeches, the Jade PurityDao Ancestordirect impactcomes, a fistbangtoSa Beili, a Sa Beilifistwelcomed, bang, Sa Beiliwas hit hard the figurefiercelyto draw back. Actuallyin the strength, resembledalsomissedJade PurityDao Ancestorsome.
说话间,玉清道祖直冲而来,一拳轰向了萨贝利,萨贝利一拳迎去,轰的一声,萨贝利被重击得身形猛地一退。却是在力量上,似还差了玉清道祖一些。„YourConnecting Heaven Tree, seems likewithmyConnecting Heaven Tree, were youtruantcultivation technique of myblackbeginningclan?”Sa Beilisurprisedsay/way.
“你的通天树,和我的通天树好像啊,你是偷学了我黑始族的功法吗?”萨贝利惊讶道。„Snort!”Jade PurityDao Ancestorcoldsnort/hum.
“哼!”玉清道祖一声冷哼。Hehad not saidwithSa Beili, butcontinuesto fight.
他没有和萨贝利多说,而是继续战斗。Rumble, twopeoplefightto be intenseeven morein the starry sky, impacts, formation
The complementary wavesimpact, lets the atmosphereshake of nearbystar.
余波冲击,让一旁星球的大气层震荡不已。Twopeople of thiswar, is the half daytime, Sa Beili, althoughcanblockJade PurityDao Ancestorreluctantly, but, is at a disadvantageeventually, hiswaris more annoyed.
二人这一战,就是半日时间,萨贝利虽然勉强能挡住玉清道祖,但,终究处于下风,他越战越恼火。„Starshipobeys orders, toJade PurityDao Ancestor, launches the starry skyartillery.”Sa Beilidrinkshigh.
“星舰听令,对玉清道祖,发射星空炮。”萨贝利一声高喝。Buzz, byremoteplacemoon, the starshipfast transformationdirection that Sa Beilirodebefore, the head of starship to the places of twopeople of fight.
嗡的一声,在遥远处月亮旁,萨贝利之前乘坐的星舰快速变换方向,星舰的头部对向了二人战斗之处。In a flash, the Jade PurityDao Ancestorfeelingfine hairexplodes the vertical stroke, hehasto plantby the feeling that the peerlesspowerhouselocks. Heturns headto lookfiercely, actuallysees the starshipat this momenttohim, emits an energyballin the head of starship, thatenergyballjust like a radiantSun, is lendingaura of destruction.
一瞬间,玉清道祖感觉汗毛炸竖,他有种被绝世强者锁定的感觉。他猛地扭头望去,却见星舰此刻正对着他,并且,在星舰的头部冒出一个能量球,那能量球犹如一颗璀璨的太阳,散发着一股毁灭的气息。Jade PurityDao Ancestorunderstandsinstantaneously that energyballis the starry skyartillery that Sa Beili said that thisisaims athis.玉清道祖瞬间明白,那能量球就是萨贝利说的星空炮,这是针对他的。„To walk? Ha, youstay behind!”Sa Beililaughs.
Of bang, Sa Beilifights with the fiststoJade PurityDao Ancestor. AlthoughhemissedJade PurityDao Ancestorwas so little, but, ifconstrained a Jade PurityDao Ancestormeeting, was actually not difficult.
轰的一声,萨贝利一拳打向玉清道祖。他虽然比玉清道祖差了那么一点点,但,若只是拖住玉清道祖一会,却是不难的。Suddenly, Jade PurityDao Ancestorwas towed unable to get out of the way, twopeople of warsare more ominous, butJade PurityDao Ancestorfeelslocking of starry skyartillery, makinghimmore and moreabsolutely terrified.
At this moment, the energyball of starshiphead, the launch, bang, just like a supergiantlaser cannonsuddenly, direct impactJade PurityDao Ancestor.
After the laser cannonlocksJade PurityDao Ancestor, instantaneouslytonear.
激光炮锁定玉清道祖后,瞬间到了近前。Sa Beilihas avoided, at this moment, Jade PurityDao Ancestorcould not escape.萨贝利已经躲开了,这一刻,玉清道祖根本逃不掉了。Saw,Jade PurityDao Ancestormustbe submergedby the laser cannon, at this moment, a colossuskept offinsuddenlyfront, was actually Kunlun Mountaindoes not know when alsodepartedbeyond the day.
The loud sound of bang, the laserbombardedinKunlun Mountain, explodedterrifyingvacuummonstrous waves, the direct impactfour directionswent.
轰的一声巨响,激光炮轰在了昆仑山上,炸出了一股恐怖的真空巨浪,直冲四方而去。„Thisis impossible, the might of starry skyartillery, canrumbleinto a starnuclear of star, candestroy a star, howpossiblyto keep offbythisbrokenmountain?”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
“这不可能,星空炮的威力,能轰入一颗星球的星核,能毁灭一颗星球的,怎么可能被这座破山挡下?”萨贝利惊叫道。Really, the might of starry skyartillerywas extremely terrifying, even ifKunlun Mountainblockedthisimpact, was still firedredonepieceby the terrifyingenergyinstantaneously, emitteda lot offlame, inKunlun Mountain, presentedmassivecracks.
果然,星空炮的威力太过恐怖了,即便昆仑山挡住了这股冲击,也瞬间被恐怖的能量灼烧得通红一片,冒出了大量的火焰,更在昆仑山上,出现了大量的裂纹。At this moment, Jade PurityDao Ancestorevades the starry skyartillery, is actually the figureflashes, the direct impactstarshipgoes, hemustdestroy the starship.
此刻,玉清道祖躲过星空炮,却是身形一闪,直冲星舰而去,他要毁了星舰。„No, halts!”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
“不,站住!”萨贝利惊叫道。HowcanmakeJade PurityDao Ancestordestroyhisstarship? Hisdirect impactgoes, wantsto prevent.
怎么能让玉清道祖毁了他的星舰呢?他直冲而去,想要阻止。But, because of the avoidance, makinghimmiss the bestopportunity of stoppingJade PurityDao Ancestor, whichalsowith enough time?
The Jade PurityDao Ancestortwinklingto the starshipplace, searched a handpalmto divide, the purple lightpunctures the brightworldtogether, just likeday of precipitous peakto cut the starry sky.玉清道祖瞬息到了星舰处,探手一掌劈下,一道紫光刺亮天地,犹如天崭划破星空。
The bangka, the starshipcleft in twoby the handblade, verticalisoutside the starshiphas the guard/shield is also useless, in front ofJade PurityDao Ancestor, collapses at the first blow.
轰咔一声,星舰被手刀劈成了两半,纵是星舰外有护罩也没用,在玉清道祖面前,就是不堪一击。„Scoundrel!”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
“混账!”萨贝利惊叫道。As soon ashefights with the fiststoJade PurityDao Ancestor, but, is useless, the starshiphad been destroyedthoroughly. Of bang, the shatterstarshipexplodedto start, changes intoonegroup of flame in starry sky.
他一拳打向玉清道祖,但,已经没用了,星舰已经被彻底毁了。轰的一声,破碎的星舰爆炸而开,化为星空中的一团火焰了。Kunlun Mountain of distant placealsodisrupted unable to withstand, resemblesto lose the intelligence, driftedin the vacuum.
远处的昆仑山也碎裂不堪,似失去了灵性,飘浮在了真空中。Sa BeiliandYu Fulicontinueto fight, twopeople of warsare fiercer, twopeoplelost the powerfulbacking, at this moment can only put together the strength. Althoughtwopeoplehad the injury, but, the Sa Beiliinjuryis more serious.萨贝利和玉浮黎继续战斗而起,二人越战越猛,二人都失去了强大的后盾,此刻只能拼着自身力量了。虽然二人身上都有了伤势,但,萨贝利的伤势更重。„Sa Beili? Snort, youdiewithSa Xiyatogether.”Jade PurityDao Ancestorcoldsound said.
When Jade PurityDao Ancestorfight, the innumerableheartswords also cuttoSa Beili.玉清道祖战斗时,无数心剑也随之斩向萨贝利。Sa Beiliresistsextremelystrenuously, resemblesis restrained by forcebyJade PurityDao Ancestor, for a while the actionis difficult, twopeople of dogfightsrefuse to compromise, Sa Beilicould not resistmore and more.萨贝利招架得极为吃力,似被玉清道祖强压着,一时行动艰难起来,二人缠斗僵持而起,萨贝利越来越招架不住了。
At this moment, the Sa Beilicorners of the mouthrevealsoneto smilesuddenlyevilly, the Jade PurityDao Ancestorfine hairexplodes the vertical strokesuddenly.
就在此刻,萨贝利嘴角忽然露出一丝邪笑,玉清道祖陡然汗毛炸竖。Heturns headto look, actuallysees the starry skydeep placelaser cannondirect impact on cometogether, centerJade PurityDao Ancestor.
Of bang, Jade PurityDao Ancestorsubmergedin the laser cannon, hisbeing startledsay/way: „Do you have otherstarry skyartillery?”
The might of starry skyartillerywas too strong, just like a fireball of burning hotto wraphim, whichdirectionregardless ofheinran, the star lightartilleryis lockinghim, ashemoved, stopping
星空炮的威力太强了,犹如一个炙热的火球包裹了他,无论他往哪个方向跑,星光炮都锁定着他,并且随着他移动,更阻拦着Heto the forward flight, makinghimbe strandedin the laserfor a while, inescapable, is withstandingthisdestructivebombardment.
他向前飞,让他一时被困在激光中,无法逃脱,承受着这股毁灭性的轰击。Sa Beiliavoidancetime, was touched and gone the bodyby the complementary waves of star lightartillery, tore a wound, but, hehid.萨贝利躲避的时候,也被星光炮的余波擦过身体,撕裂出了一片伤口,但,他还是躲了过去。Sa Beililooks that was strandedby the star lightartilleryinJade PurityDao Ancestor, revealsoneto sneer saying: „Whosaidmy trip, only has a starship?”萨贝利看着被星光炮困在其中的玉清道祖,露出一丝冷笑道:“谁说我此行,只有一艘星舰的?”Actuallyis the distant placestarry sky, but also is hiding a starship, is firing the starry skyartilleryfull power, is extinguishingJade PurityDao Ancestorsleepily, at this moment, Jade PurityDao Ancestorhangs in the balance.
( Pleasedo not transfercodereading( to be similarhundred degrees celsius) to losecontent)
……Dayextraterrestrialin the air.
A starshipprojects the starry skyartillery, hit hardsubmergedJade PurityDao Ancestor.
一艘星舰射出星空炮,重击淹没了玉清道祖。Not far away, Sa Beilireveals the wild with joycolor: „Youcannot block, bystarry skybombing , the powerhouse of starslevel, will still be evaporatedevencompletely, deathyou!”
Of bang, the hugelaser beamformsbowline that aroundJade PurityDao Ancestorhas a mark, is strandedJade PurityDao Ancestor, does not makehimwork loose.
The terrifyingburning hotis destroyingJade PurityDao Ancestorinburning down, makinghisbody surfaceclothesinstantaneousdamageinnumerable, hesearches a handbombardmentmarkto tie, thatmarktiesis only a shake, is actually not ableto be broken.
恐怖的炙热在焚烧毁灭着玉清道祖,让他体表衣服瞬间损坏无数,他探手轰击阵纹结界,那阵纹结界只是一阵震荡,却无法被破开。„Thisis the matrixblockade of starry skyartillery, no onecanescape.”Sa Beililaughsto say.
“这是星空炮的矩阵封锁,没人能逃得了。”萨贝利大笑道。Buzz, aroundJade PurityDao Ancestoremitspurple lightfast, forms a guard/shield, is resisting the starry skyartillery.
嗡的一声,玉清道祖四周快速冒出一股紫光,形成一个护罩,抵挡着星空炮。„Unexpectedlyisstarslevel the world of heart? Alsoreallybelittledyou, but, starslevel the world of heart, is still even useless, the energy of my starry skyartillery, butusedstaressenceforging, youcannot run away.”Sa Beilifiercesay/way.
“居然是星辰级的心之世界?还真是小觑了你啊,不过,就算星辰级的心之世界,也没用,我这星空炮的能量,可是用了一颗恒星内核锻造而成的,你跑不掉的。”萨贝利狰狞道。Suddenly, starshipboardemits a dazzlingred light.
忽然,星舰上冒出一股耀眼的红光。„Starshipearly warning?” The Sa Beilisuddenlycomplexionchanges.
“星舰预警?”萨贝利陡然脸色一变。Heturns head, saw that the distant placegolden lightgoesto the starshipdirect impacttogether, resembling to destroy the starship.
他一扭头,看到远处一道金光向星舰直冲而去,似要毁了星舰。„Starship, out of the way!”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
The starshipflewto the Jade PurityDao Ancestordirectionfast a distance, avoidedthatgolden light, in the meantime, Sa Beilialsoarrived at the near, fights with the fiststothatgolden light.
The loud sound of bang, the hugestrengthimpact, triggers a terrifyingshake.
The golden lightwas repelled a distance, the Sa Beilialsofigurestopped.
金光被打退了一段距离,萨贝利也身形一止。„Whois?” The Sa Beilistartledangersaid.
“是谁?”萨贝利惊怒道。Although the golden lightwas repelledbyhim, but, canreceive a person of hisfist is not simple, except forJade PurityDao Ancestor, but alsowhocanreceive his fist?
要知道,虽然金光被他打退了,但,能够接下他一拳的人都不简单啊,除了玉清道祖,还有谁能接下他的一拳?At this moment, hesaw clearlyin the golden light'sform.
这一刻,他才看清了金光中的身影。„Xiao Nanfeng?” The Sa Beilipupilshrinkssaid.
“萧南风?”萨贝利瞳孔一缩道。At this moment, not onlySa Beilishocks, onegroup of the world powerhouses who the distant placefollowsalsostaredin a big way the eye.
此刻,不仅仅萨贝利震撼,远处跟着的一群天下强者也瞪大了眼睛。„Did Xiao Nanfengblock a fist of Sa Beili? But alsobut, missed.”
“萧南风挡住了萨贝利的一拳?可是,还差了一些。”„The day, wetransferred the entire daystrength under of common people, suppliesinXiao Nanfengwithin the body, can unable to block a Sa Beilifist?”
“这一天,我们调动了全天下的苍生之力,供于萧南风体内,可还是挡不住萨贝利一拳吗?”„Very powerfulSa Beili.”
The numerouspowerhousecomplexionsare very ugly.
众强者脸色无比难看。ActuallyisJade PurityDao AncestorconstrainsSa Beilithebighalf day, the peerlesspowerhouses of the world, not onlycaptured, sure-killtheseremainingsandwormclans, but alsorelatesmajorImmortal Emperorimmediately, transferredpotential of the country, usedforXiao Nanfeng.
却是玉清道祖拖住萨贝利的这大半日,天下的绝世强者们,不仅仅擒拿、绝杀了那些残余的沙虫族,还立刻联系各大仙帝,调动一国之势,供萧南风使用。At this moment, the potential of Xiao Nanfengsetworldvarious countries, fightswithSa Beili.
此刻,萧南风集合天下各国之势,与萨贝利战斗而起。Xiao Nanfengdrinkshigh: „Youdestroyedthattreasure, rescuesJade PurityDao Ancestorto leavesleepily, IconstrainSa Beili.”萧南风一声高喝:“你们去毁了那宝物,救玉清道祖出困,我来拖住萨贝利。”„Good!” The innumerablepowerhousesflyaccordingly.
“好!”无数强者应声中飞来。InSa Beilieyecoldsay/way: „Onecrowd of stinking insects, daresto cometo go badmyplan? Courts death!”萨贝利眼中一冷道:“一群臭虫,也敢来坏我的计划?找死!”Sa Beilidirect impactXiao Nanfengcomes, he silvergreattreebloomsbehindinstantaneouslytrillionsilverlight, causes the innumerablestrengthsto pour into within the body, makinghisstrengthinflatesuddenlyinnumerably, fights with the fiststoXiao Nanfeng.萨贝利直冲萧南风而来,他身后白银巨树瞬间绽放出亿万银光,引得无数力量灌入体内,让他的力量陡然膨胀无数,一拳打向萧南风。InXiao Nanfengeyecoldsay/way: „Connecting Heaven Tree, Tyrant Fist!”萧南风眼中一冷道:“通天树,霸拳!”Buzz, hepresentsnineConnecting Heaven Treebehindsuddenly, nineConnecting Heaven Treedirect the endlessstrength, pours intohiswithin the body, makinghisstrengthrise suddenlysuddenlyinnumerably.
嗡的一声,他身后陡然出现九颗通天树,九颗通天树引无尽力量,灌入他体内,让他的力量陡然暴涨无数。„Transfersothers'Connecting Heaven Treestrength? Do thatgroup of peoplehidein the world of yourheart? Useless, the Connecting Heaven Treestrength, mixedis looser, youtransfernineConnecting Heaven Treemight, finallyincluding a mightcannot display, your radicallyis a joke.”Sa Beililaughsto say.
Of bang, twopeople of fistastralbump into, the terrifyingstrengthimpact, formsgiantshock-wave, is shaking the dark matter in vacuum.
A fist of Xiao Nanfeng, blockedSa Beilifistastralunexpectedly, twopeople of fistastralbump into, refuse to budge.萧南风的一拳,居然生生地挡住了萨贝利的拳罡,二人拳罡相撞,僵持而起。„Thisis impossible, how can youfusenineConnecting Heaven Treestrengths? How do youachieve?”Sa Beiliwas startledto call out.
“这不可能,你怎能融合九颗通天树的力量?你怎么做到的?”萨贝利惊叫道。Actuallysees the Xiao NanfengbehindnineConnecting Heaven Treeslowlyfusionsisone, changes intoten thousandzhang (3.33 m)highGolden Tree. Suddenly, bloomstrilliongolden light, illuminated the four directions.
却见萧南风身后的九颗通天树慢慢融合为一,化为一颗万丈高的黄金树。一时间,绽放出亿万金光,照亮了四方。Actuallyisat this moment, inXiao Nanfeng the world of heart, onegroup of rougemadame, Liu Miaoyin, God Sovereignandworldpeerlesspowerhouses who haveConnecting Heaven Tree, stimulate to movementrespectiveConnecting Heaven Treesimultaneously, integratedGolden Tree the strength.
却是此刻,萧南风的心之世界中,胭脂夫人、柳妙音、神皇和天下的一群掌有通天树的绝世强者们,同时催动各自的通天树,将力量融入了黄金树。NineConnecting Heaven Tree, resemblethrough an unusualwayis strengthening the strengthfrom the one sidestar, is lettingoriginallyontyrannicalGolden Tree, becomingeven more mightis huge.
九颗通天树,似通过一种奇特的方式从一旁星球上汲取着力量,在让原本就强横的黄金树,变得越发威力庞大。„Success? WhatConnecting Heaven Treethisis, whycanfuseourConnecting Heaven Treestrength?”
“成功了?这是什么通天树,为何能融合我们通天树的力量?”„Good, Xiao NanfengGolden Tree, perhapsisourhopes.”
“好,萧南风的黄金树,或许就是我们的希望。”„Golden Tree? ThisiswhatConnecting Heaven Tree, camepromptly, ha!”
……Onecrowd of peerlesspowerhouseexcitingsay/way.
一群绝世强者兴奋道。Theystimulate to movement the respectiveConnecting Heaven Treestrengthfull power, integratesinGolden Tree.
他们全力催动各自通天树力量,融入黄金树中。Golden Treeappearsoutside, causes the innumerablestrengthsto pour intoXiao Nanfengwithin the body, making the Xiao Nanfengstrengthinflate the pinnacle. Unexpectedlycanbe equivalent to a Sa Beilifist.黄金树显现在外,引得无数力量灌入萧南风体内,让萧南风的力量膨胀到了极致。居然能和萨贝利一拳相当了。At this moment, Xiao Nanfengalsodiscoveredsurprisedly, Golden Treemysterious not only can absorbnineConnecting Heaven Treestrengths, but can also reassign the universefrom the vacuum the strength.
此刻,萧南风也惊奇地发现,黄金树的玄妙不仅仅能吸纳九颗通天树力量,还能够从真空中抽调宇宙的力量。Golden Treegives黄金树给Huge of strengthheprovides, makinghimbe caught off guardfor a while, heknows, if notJade Sovereign Grand Dao BoneandTathagataTyrantShitihelpshimsupport, hisbody may be very explodedbythisstrengthbrace.
他提供的力量之庞大,让他一时措手不及,他知道,若非玉皇大道骨和如来霸世体帮他撑住,他的身体很可能就被这股力量撑爆了。Strengthat this moment, went far beyondhisestimate.
此刻的力量,远远超过了他的预计啊。Sa Beililooks atGolden Tree, suddenlystaredin a big way the eye: „Golden Tree? Thisis impossible, who are you? How will yougraspGolden Tree?”萨贝利看着黄金树,忽然瞪大了眼睛:“黄金树?这不可能,你是谁?你怎会掌握黄金树?”„Do youknowmyGolden Tree?”Xiao Nanfengsurprisedsay/way.
“你认识我的黄金树?”萧南风惊讶道。In the Sa Beilieye the godlight/onlyflashedcontinually, resemblesto think ofanything, suddenly, hissilentdid not say that hedoes not wantto makeXiao Nanfengknow the Golden Treesecret.萨贝利眼中神光连闪,似想到了什么,忽然间,他闭口不说了,他不想让萧南风知道黄金树的秘密。„Golden Tree? You may be unable to play the completemight, againcome!”Sa Beilifiercefights with the fistsagain.
Of bang, twopeople of fistastralbump into, fights to a drawagain.
轰的一声,二人拳罡相撞,再度打了个平手。„Good!” The world of Xiao Nanfengheart, onecrowd of peerlesspowerhouseexcitingsay/way.
A twopeople of fistquick a fist, the strengthis also getting bigger and bigger, twopeoplehitwell-matched.
二人一拳快过一拳,力量也越来越大,二人似打了个旗鼓相当。Another side, onecrowdwith when the powerhouserushes tobeside the starship, in the starshipdepartedmassivesandwormsunexpectedly, moves forward to meet somebody, rumbleblocked the powerhouses.
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