Fourmostcontinentsare shivering, the entireworldcanhear the sound of fight.
The Xiao Nanfengarrangementpersonannounced the world, not only the Great Zhengfourdynasties, otherimmortal dynastyandsovereign dynastywere notified, newheavenattack.萧南风安排人公告了天下,不仅仅大峥四朝,其它仙朝、皇朝都得到了通知,新的上天来袭了。
The common peoplefell into the terrifiedatmospherefor a while, stoppedon hand all, waits for the result of thiswar.
苍生一时陷入了惶恐的气氛中,无不停下了手头一切,等待这一次大战的结果。At this moment, sits the hornbeyonddayascends the skyto the life of sandwormclanresemblesanddoes not care, heis staring below fight, is seekingwhetherhas the hiddentopowerhouse. Heis quite discrete, Yu FulicancutSa Xiya, can have the powerhouse of Yu Fulirank?
The strengths of 18sandwormkings are quite powerful, each onecantransfer the worldtree. But, theiropponentsare not weak, except forvariousXiao Nanfengand13bigpeerlesspowerhousefight of warsandwormkings, the remainingfoursandwormkingswas also constrainedbyotherpowerhouses.
“杀!”胭脂夫人一声断喝。Herpeachwooden swordastralsends out the endlesspeach blossom, has the mirrorglittering, bang, firstcut a head of sandwormking.
她的桃木剑罡散发出无尽桃花,更有镜光闪烁,轰的一声,最先斩下了一名沙虫王的脑袋。„King!”Oneflock of sandwormscall out in alarmsaid.
“王!”一群沙虫惊呼道。„Died? The strength of womanwas too terrifying.” The sages in upper airclonestartledto call out.
“杀!”“杀!”“杀!”……God Sovereign, Liu MiaoyinandNorth SeaDragon Kingandprofound scholarImmortal Emperorand othernumerouspeerlesspowerhouses, cutto kill the sandwormkingone after another.神皇、柳妙音、北海龙王、大儒仙帝等众绝世强者,也陆续斩杀了沙虫王。Yan Zhenhuo, cluckandquack, 12youngmetal statuesandAo Zhouare also cuttingto kill the ordinarysandwormone after another.严真火、咕咕、嘎嘎、十二小金人、敖周也在陆续斩杀着普通沙虫。
In inverse proportion, in the toolongtime, abouthalfsandwormswas slaughtered.
此消彼长,没过太久时间,就有近半沙虫被屠杀了。Fight of Xiao Nanfengalsorelaxed, because after the rougemadame, God Sovereign, Liu Miaoyinkilled the respectiveopponent, firstcameto helpXiao Nanfeng, thatsandwormkingfacedthreefemalessuddenly, immediatelyrevealed the desperatecolor, startledexclaimed: „Youare not concerned about face.”萧南风的战斗也轻松了下来,因为胭脂夫人、神皇、柳妙音杀了各自的对手后,第一时间前来帮萧南风了,那沙虫王骤然面对三女,顿时露出绝望之色,惊吼道:“你们不要脸。”Dayextraterrestrialshipboard.
The hornheavenlooks that Xiao Nanfeng in picturesaid: „Heshouldbesomeerafirst under heavenpersonrecovers, but, was unable to groweventually, healsofalls far short.”
犄角上天看着画面中的萧南风道:“他应该是某个时代的天下第一人复苏吧,不过,终究还没能成长起来,他还差得远。”„Heaven, sandwormkingMenwas killedone after another, situationsomeare not right.” A sageclonestartledto call out.
The hornheavenhesitated a meeting, the lookice-coldsay/way: „Test piece is really the test piece, is really the waste.”
犄角上天沉吟了一会,神色冰冷道:“实验品果然是实验品,真是废物。”Onegroup of sagesdo not understand that whatis the test piece, but, this momentwarsuddenlychanges, the numeroussandwormswere killedone after another, is not the good deed.
一群圣人不明白什么叫实验品,但,此刻战局忽变,众沙虫接连被杀,可不是什么好事啊。„Thatpresentwhat to do?” A sageis worriedto say.
The hornascended the skysilent a meeting, heactuallyalsowantsto wait for the sandwormsto compel the mostpowerhouse of thisstar, is not realistic.
犄角上天沉默了一会,他其实还想等着沙虫们将此星球的最强者逼出来,可是根本不现实了。„Walks, along withmehas a look.” The hornheavensets outto say.
“走吧,随我下去看看。”犄角上天起身道。„Yes!” A numeroussageeyesbrightsay/way.
“是!”众圣人眼睛一亮道。Theyhave waitedat this moment, in their eyes, ascending the skyis invincible, suppressedinnumerableera, the first under heavenpersonin front of the heavenis the trash, had/left the Yu Fulianomaly and formerheavenperished together, but, Yu Fulionly hasone. NowYu Fulidied, opponent who nowthisstar, whoascends the sky?
The grouphad/left the starship, that shouted, dropped from the clouds.
一行人出了星舰,呼的一声,从天而降。In the beforehandbattlefield.
在之前的战场上。Although the sandwormwas cutto killmost probably, but, thesesandwormdo not fear death , to continue to fight with all might, thisalsocauses the world the powerhousescasualtyto be innumerable, Ao Zhoualsoresulted in the whole bodyby the severe woundis the blood, if notcluckandquackgoes all outto protect, at this momenthad been cutto killby a sandworm.
沙虫虽然被斩杀了大半,但,这些沙虫似并不怕死,继续拼杀中,这也导致天下的强者们死伤无数,就连敖周也被重伤得浑身是血,若非咕咕、嘎嘎拼命保护,此刻已经被一个沙虫斩杀了。However, sandwormagainaggressivelyalsouseless, the highest levelpowerhousesset aside the handto come, to get the winning sidethoroughly.
Of bang, the sandwormscrapsopen. In an instant, the sandwormonlyhas1/3, was suppressed the leeway of nohitting back.
轰的一声,一个个沙虫炸碎而开。转眼间,沙虫只剩下三分之一,更是被镇压得毫无还手的余地了。„Master!”Suddenly a sandwormcalled outpleasantly surprised.
That shouted, all the personcompletecomplexions of fightchanged, stopped the fight, theirfine hairexploded the vertical strokeall, felt a deathcrisisnear the body, theylooked up the dayfiercely.
呼的一声,所有战斗的人全部脸色一变,停下了战斗,他们无不汗毛炸竖,感到一股死亡危机临身,他们猛地抬头望天。ActuallyseesmidairZhongzhengzhanonegroup of people, the sagescloneto standwithTang Xiaoyirespectfulin the rear area, is serving as contrast a forefronthornman, isaura that thismanlends, letsinallpersonheartsfrightened.
却见半空中正站着一群人,众圣人分身和汤小乙恭立在后方,衬托着最前面的一名犄角男子,就是此男子散发的一丝气息,让所有人心中惊悚的。„Master!”Sandwormswild with joyrespectfulsound said.
“主人!”沙虫们狂喜地恭声道。„Be careful, heis the newheaven, in the past, Iwasdiein his hands.”North SeaDragon Kingquicklycalled out.
“小心,他就是新的上天,当年,我就是死在他手中的。”北海龙王急忙叫道。Heinduces the aura that the hornascends the skyat presentinstantaneously, whenwith the pastfightseems like the appearancenottoo, but, North SeaDragon Kingwasonerecognizedhim.
Under the hornheavenoccupies a commanding position, overlookseveryone, hislookice-cold, is untender, just likeis looking atoneflock of ants. Simultaneouslysends outonemurderous aura, is aiming ateveryone, resembles, so long assomepeoplebeginagain, will certainlyencounterhisslaughter.
That shouted, everyoneretrocededfast, 3322gathered, resembled, only thengathered together, had such a security sense. The sandwormclanactuallyfliesin the midaircompletely, defendedin the hornrespectfullyascends the skybehind.
The sceneconfrontsagain, everyoneknows that the newheavenis very strong, but, specificallystrongtowhatdegree, no oneis clear.
场面再度对峙起来,所有人都知道新的上天很强,但,具体强到什么程度,谁也不清楚。„Newheaven? In the past, Ihave not graspedConnecting Heaven Tree, nowI and past yearsmaybe different, makingmefirsttryyou.”North SeaDragon Kingdrinkscoldly.
“新的上天?当年,我没有掌握通天树,如今我和当年可不一样了,让我先来试试你。”北海龙王一声冷喝。He is not only clamorsto the hornheaven, saidlistensto others, heis willingto lead the wayforeveryone, probesnewheavenstrength.
他不仅仅是对犄角上天叫嚣,也是说给其他人听的,他愿意为所有人开路,去试探新的上天实力。Cornerheavenlookice-cold, hedoes not caretoConnecting Heaven Tree that North SeaDragon Kingemitsbehind.
The billowingstrengthbrought by Connecting Heaven Tree, pours intoNorth SeaDragon Kingwithin the body, the strength of North SeaDragon Kingis getting stronger and stronger, wildaurasending out.
滚滚力量被通天树引来,灌入北海龙王体内,北海龙王的实力越来越强,一股狂暴的气息散发而出。„Kills!”North SeaDragon Kingroared, the handheld a long blade, cutloudlyto the hornheaven.
“杀!”北海龙王一声咆哮,手执一柄长刀,轰然斩向犄角上天。Bladeastraljust likeday of precipitous peak, tearingis void, destroys the dayto extinguish, thisblade, used the North SeaDragon Kingcomplete strength, towedbehindhim the Connecting Heaven Treecomplete strength, big of might, makingeveryonereveal the color of anticipation, making the surplussandwormsreveal the color of fear, onegroup of sagesare the mindtremblegreatly, helpless.
Of bang, bladeastralwith irresistible force, invincibletohornheavennear.
The hornheavenlookis indifferent, the meaning of noavoidance, heextends the right handindex fingermerely, keeps offgently.
Of bang, bladeastralcutson the index finger that the hornascends the sky, does not have the little advanceagain. The strengthcomplementary waves that strikeswereblast open the bigpieceto be void, formedgiantblack hole, but, thisblack holewas only the hemispheroid, ascended the sky a sidein the horn, stabilizedvoidincomparably, resembledsimplyis affectedby the complementary waves, only then a North SeaDragon Kingsidescrapvoid.
轰的一声,刀罡斩在犄角上天的食指上,再无寸进。顿击的力量余波更是炸裂大片虚空,形成了一个巨大的黑洞,但,这黑洞只是半球形的,在犄角上天一方,虚空稳定无比,似根本没被余波波及,只有北海龙王一方炸碎了虚空。Bladeastralkept off, onlyused a finger?
刀罡被挡下了,只用了一根手指头?„Howpossibly?”Manypeople of scalpsendto explodesuddenly, reveals the panic-strickencolor.
“怎么可能?”好多人陡然头皮一阵发炸,露出惊骇之色。Theyhave not graspedreceivesthisblade, canin the hornheavenfront, be only a matter of finger?
他们都没有把握接下这一刀的啊,可在犄角上天面前,只是一个指头的事情?InNorth SeaDragon Kingheartfrightened, buthehissexclaimed: „The strength of Connecting Heaven Tree, along withmecuts!”
北海龙王心中一片惊悚,但他还是嘶吼道:“通天树之力,随我斩!”Rumble, North SeaDragon KingConnecting Heaven Treetremblesbehindgreatly, more and more strengthsbrought, poured into bladeastralbyNorth SeaDragon Kingunceasingly, bladeastralbecomeseven morepuncturesbrightly, the mightrises suddenlyinnumerably.
The finger that but, the hornascends the skyhas not movedas before.
可是,犄角上天的指头依旧没动。Then, after North SeaDragon Kingused the skills, has not made the hornheavenhave a sound.
The hornheavenrevealsoneto sneer, opens the palm, bang, bangbrokenbladeastral, heldastralto catchon the long blade of distant placesuddenly.
犄角上天露出一丝冷笑,张开手掌,轰的一声,轰破刀罡,掌罡更是忽然间抓到了远处的长刀上。„What?”North SeaDragon Kingcomplexionchanges, felt not wonderful.
“什么?”北海龙王脸色一变,感到了不妙。Subsequently, spreadsfrom the knifevigorously, swingshisboth handsfiercely, the broadswordlets go, was seizedby the hornheavenin the hand, subsequentlywas searched the handto proceedby the hornheavento push, bang, dug in the forehead of North SeaDragon Kingfiercely, dug in the head of North SeaDragon King.
继而,一股大力从刀身上传出,猛地荡开他的双手,大刀脱手而出,被犄角上天夺在了手中,继而被犄角上天探手往前一推,猛地一扎,轰的一声,扎入了北海龙王的眉心,扎入了北海龙王的脑袋。Bang, North SeaDragon Kinglost the battle efficiency, was grippedby a blade, andflies upside down, the whole bodyarrogancevanishesall, Connecting Heaven Treealsovanishesto disappearinstantaneously.
嘭的一声,北海龙王失去了战斗力,被一刀扎死了,并且倒飞而出,周身气焰尽数消失,通天树也瞬间消失不见了。Everyonepours the suction portcold air, theyknow that the hornascends the skyis very strong, maybe also insufficientto arrivesooddly. A fingerblocksNorth SeaDragon Kingvigorouslyto strike, searches the handto seize the blade, gripsdeadNorth SeaDragon Kingneatly?
所有人都倒吸口寒气,他们知道犄角上天很强,可也不至于强到如此离谱啊。一根指头挡住北海龙王倾力一击,探手夺刀,干净利落地扎死北海龙王?Allsuddenly, how is thisalso fighting?
“一起上!”一名绝世强者一声咆哮。„Good!”Onegroup of powerhousesbreakshout.
That shouted, theycharged into the hornheavenfromeachdirection.
The hornheavencorners of the mouthrevealoneto sneer, seeshimto search a handrequest, that shouted, hisall aroundpresented the innumerablegritsvoid, just like the rainwaterto cover entirelyin all directions. Subsequently, hesearches the handto wield, allsandtake the hornto ascend the skyfor the center of circle, just like the tornadorapid rotation, the sandplace visited, was tornto openvoid.
犄角上天嘴角露出一丝冷笑,就见他探手一托,呼的一声,他四周虚空出现了无数沙石,犹如雨水布满了四面八方。继而,他探手一挥,所有沙子都以犄角上天为圆心,犹如龙卷风般快速旋转起来,沙子所过之处,虚空被撕裂而开。„Is this sandstormcelestial burial?”Distant placeonegroup of sandwormkingZhenhansaid.
“这是沙暴天葬?”远处一群沙虫王震撼道。On the Misakostorm, has hitswiftly and violentlyonfrontonegroup of powerhouses.
就见沙子风暴所过,迅猛地撞在前面的一群强者身上。„No!” A powerhousewas startledto call out.
“不!”一名强者惊叫道。Hisprotectingbodyimmortalastralwas cracked-upby the innumerablegritsfast, subsequentlyishisbodyis openedbygrittearing, bang, hevanished into thin airfora lot ofbloodfogby the scrap.
他的护体仙罡被无数沙石快速撞碎,继而是他的身体被沙石撕裂而开,轰的一声,他被炸碎为大量血雾烟消云散了。„Notnot, no!”
“不不,不!”Powerhousescall out in alarm, rumble, theywere hitby the innumerabledust storms, the scrapopens, changes intobloodfog, dissipated.
一个个强者惊叫而起,轰隆隆中,他们被无数沙暴撞击,炸碎而开,化为一朵朵血雾,消散一空了。Breaks intwo of sandstormcelestial burialregionhighest levelpowerhouse who hasConnecting Heaven Tree, encountered the hugebombardmentsuddenly, theyare unable to flyunexpectedlyforward, can only form the strongestdefensewithConnecting Heaven Treefull power.
就连冲入沙暴天葬区域的两名拥有通天树的最顶级强者,也骤然遭遇了巨大的轰击,他们居然无法向前飞行,只能全力用通天树形成最强防御。But, the sandstormcelestial burialwas too strong, just like the supertornado, crazyrevolving, toreto explode the bigpiecevoidbroken. Twobighighest levelpowerhousesonlyinsisted a smallmeeting, withtwopitiful yells, the bang, rumblestwo, explodedall over the sky the powder dust, vanished, theirbehindConnecting Heaven Treealsoinstantaneousdisintegrationdissipated.
但,沙暴天葬太强了,犹如超级龙卷风,疯狂旋转,将大片虚空都撕裂爆碎了。两大最顶级的强者仅仅坚持了一小会,随着两声惨叫,轰、轰两声,炸成了满天碎末,消失一空了,他们身后的通天树也瞬间解体消散了。Fliesin the forefrontpowerhouse, is no exception, diescompletelycertainly. Merelyonemove, extinguisheskills a bigpiece of powerhouse.
The billowingwind-drift sandstormstoppedslowly.
The powerhouses who justavoided the wind-drift sandstorm, performedall the whole bodyto tremble with fear, a weaksense of desperationflooded the whole body.
Does suchheaven, howfight? Howto resist? Despairs!
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