TO :: Volume #8

#758: The soul jointly attacks

The divine consciousness strength resonator, its fabrication technology is advancing rapidly. 神识力共振器,其制造工艺正在飞速推进。 Huang Ji by one's effort, achieves the miracle that ten million people could not achieve. 黄极以一己之力,做到了千万人都做不到的奇迹。 At this moment he is not a person, he is the situation. 这一刻他不是一个人,他就是大势。 Mentioned marvelously, was actually not the unreadable matter. 说来奇妙,实则又不是多难以理解的事。 The nature perturbation was too to him simple, the ease can trigger the global cataclysm. 自然扰动对他来说太简单了,轻而易举就能引发全球灾变。 The difficulty, lies in letting this situation, assists in him. 难点,在于让这份大势,襄助于他。 From microscopic to macroscopic, each member, each grain of atom, each perturbation, is helpful to the experiment. 从微观至宏观,每一颗分子,每一粒原子,每一份扰动,都对实验有帮助。 But the foundation of this kind of method, he has deducted in the past actually multiple, is the pre- sentencing type self-service, ahead of time makes foot preparation to support one day later’. 而这类手段的基础,在过去他其实演绎过多次了,正是预判式自助,提前做足准备‘支援一天后的自己’。 Initially resisted Otis, Huang Ji is really exploded, if did not treat and cure promptly, he will really die. 当初对抗帝斯,黄极是真的被爆头了,而且如果不及时救治,他真的会死。 However Huang Ji, treats ahead of time one hour later, the sleepwalk defeated Otis. 然而黄极,提前医治一小时后的自己,梦游击败了帝斯 At present this world changes big, is the updated version of this method. 眼下这‘天地大化’,正是这种手段的升级版。 In the past the preparation every seconds, as if the incarnation had/left Huang Ji. In the past one day, Huang Ji provided 60,000 help to future, each help, such as the dominoes, enlarged in the chaotic system, exerted by the index explosion at the matter that some future quarter do. 过去每一秒的准备,都仿佛化身出一个黄极。在过去一天的时间里,黄极给未来的自己提供了六万次帮助,每一次帮助,都如多米诺骨牌般,于混沌系统中放大,以指数爆炸般施加在未来某一刻的自己所做的事上。 Deceased in this way husband, unprecedented, however Huang Ji in line, as if fused together in this moment over the past one day, one is ten thousand, ten thousand are one. 逝者如斯夫,一往无前,然而过去一天时间线内的黄极,仿佛在这一刻融为一体,一即是万,万即是一。 At that time the one who Huang Ji defeated Otis to depend is the nano work clothes. 当时黄极击败帝斯靠的是纳米工作服。 Now, what Huang Ji depends is the natural mighty force, what depended is chaos butterfly, what depended is how he directs the Universe symphony to play. 现在,黄极靠的是自然伟力,靠的是‘混沌蝴蝶’,靠的是他指挥宇宙交响曲如何演奏。 All phenomena on earth situation such as palm intermediate perspective mark! 万象大势如掌中观纹! This made him, if had the day to help, every action and every movement, wind and cloud border meeting, fortune aid. 这令他如有天助般,一举一动,都风云际会,时运相济。 „Can't you law-abiding?” Suddenly, a giant voice is rock the earth, like transmits from the day beyond, resembles from the center of the earth sings. “你们就不能安分一点吗?”忽然,一道巨大的声浪震天动地,如同自天外传来,又似从地心咏叹。 Aochen complexion drastic change: „It is not good! The quantum sentry regained consciousness!” 奥宸脸色剧变:“不好!量子哨兵苏醒了!” Huang Ji, your sound was too big!” 黄极,你这动静太大了!” Originally how they toss about on the star, make the city to rub the spaceship, the quantum sentries do not matter, even their fond dreams are startled do not awake. 本来他们在星球上怎么折腾,造城市搓飞船,量子哨兵都无所谓,连他们的美梦都惊不醒。 Therefore regarding the escape plan of Huang Ji, Aochen is nothing opinion which...... once thinks, Huang Ji does refine the divine consciousness strength resonator? 所以对于黄极的越狱计划,奥宸是没有什么意见的……哪曾想,黄极是这么炼制神识力共振器? The entire star is quantum divine nucleus, world mountain sea, the wind and cloud magma is the exoskeleton of quantum sentry. 整个星球就是量子神核,天地山海、风云岩浆就是量子哨兵的外骨骼。 The fond dream of their harmony of nature and man, how can by Huang Ji this global big cataclysm, not be alarmed regains consciousness. 他们天人合一的美梦,怎会不被黄极这全球性的大灾变,惊扰苏醒。 Falls into the shackles, but can also be earth-shaking?” Reaches as high as ten thousand meters grand rock giant, is towering and vertical. “身陷桎梏,还能翻天覆地?”高达万米的宏伟岩石巨人,参天而立。 Aochen, you were the skin also itchy?” Sea giant who is constituted by the innumerable liquids, racing treads comes. 奥宸,你又皮痒了?”由无数液体所构成的海洋巨人,也奔踏而来。 The terrifying energy suppresses, does not have any prisoner can move. 恐怖的能量压制下来,没有任何一名囚犯可以动弹。 This is the absolute magnitude steamroll, Aochen has, helpless said: „Hasn't this escaped from prison? Joked......” 这是绝对的量级碾压,奥宸只得无奈道:“这不还没越狱嘛?闹着玩嘛……” A giant who is constituted by the mantle lava, the top of the head two volcanos, stick out high: How this time wants to escape from prison, said that listens to me.” 一尊由地幔熔岩所构成的巨人,头顶两座火山,高高隆起:“这次又想怎么越狱,说给我听听。” Snort!” The fourth giant, directly from flooding the storm eye of thunder falls. “哼!”第四尊巨人,直接从充斥雷霆的暴风眼中落下。 The wind and thunder casts his body, the dark clouds are billowing, thunder, such as god like demon. 风雷铸就他的身躯,黑云滚滚,电闪雷鸣,如神如魔。 Snort, surrounded the Huang Ji Blackwater raging fire merely a moment ago, leapt one to dissipate. 仅仅哼了一声,刚才还环绕黄极的黑水烈火,就腾地一下消散了。 Four quantum sentries come, scene that the wind and cloud border meeting that under the instantaneous suppression Huang Ji builds, the thunderstorms follow. 四尊量子哨兵现身,瞬间镇压下黄极营造出的风云际会,雷雨相随的景象。 The so-called world furnace, was patted directly pulpy, formed the disorder, but disorderly storm. 所谓天地熔炉,直接被拍得稀烂,形成了紊乱而无序的风暴。 No one can revolt, is not good Huang Ji, he interrupted the operation, the whole person drops from the stage. 没有人能反抗,就连黄极都不行,他中断了操作,整个人从高台上跌落。 Only does not know the shock-wave where dissipates, shakes him flies, the skeleton is completely broken! Blood spout! Just likes rags flutters far away. 区区一道不知道哪里逸散来的冲击波,就把他震飞,骨骼尽碎!鲜血喷涌!恍若一张破布般飘出老远。 In all prisoner hearts low-spirited, Aochen sighed: Really gives for nothing! On this day furnace startled certainly colorful, but the quantum sentry awakened, has not operated the leeway.” 所有囚犯心中黯然,奥宸叹道:“真是白给!这天地熔炉惊才绝艳,但是量子哨兵惊醒了,就没有操作余地了啊。” Accidental Strange wants to rush to complete the final several steps, however walks with difficulty. 偶然奇怪想冲上去完成最后几步,但是步履维艰。 Must clench jaws: Hateful! Almost!” 只得咬牙切齿:“可恶!就差一点!” He knows the production process, could see that the distance succeeded was only poor, what a pity this point was the gap! 他知道制作工艺,看得出距离成功只差一点了,可惜这一点就是鸿沟! Huang Ji lies down on the ground spits up blood saying: Was just good...... to complete......” 黄极躺在地上呕血说道:“刚刚好……完成了……” The "Ah?" people are vacant. “啊?”众人茫然。 Completed? Huang Ji was shaken flew, but also operates? 完成了?黄极都被震飞了,还操作个屁? The corpuscle equipment in stage, fell into the storm, inside half-finished product could not ban a destruction, these wasted all previous efforts inevitably. 高台上的微子设备,也陷入到了风暴中,里面的半成品禁不得一点破坏,这一下必然前功尽弃。 Un?” “嗯?” Waits for......” “等一下……” What!” “什么!” Suddenly everyone looks panic-strickenly to the stage, sees only under the chaotic disorder storm, the half-finished product in oval-shape force field, not only has not damaged, instead completes the final several processes marvelously. 忽然所有人惊骇至极地看向高台,只见在现场混乱无序的风暴下,椭圆形力场内的半成品,不仅没有损坏,反而奇迹般地完成最后的几道工序。 The half-finished product is leaping forward toward the finished-products rapidly! 半成品正在飞速地朝着完成品跃进! Is operatorless! Completely automatic? 无人操作!全自动的? No, is inborn becomes, is prodigious skill of nature! 不,是天生地成,是大自然的鬼斧神工! Interrupts the operation of Huang Ji, cannot prevent to refine the progress! 打断黄极的操作,并不能阻止炼制进度! On the contrary, but also advancement! 相反,还推进了! the time is right, geographical and social conditions are favorable, awakens of quantum sentry, scatters the cataclysm, condenses the grand body, raises hand to lift great power between feet to be able, itself...... is also the person and part! 天时地利人和,量子哨兵的苏醒,驱散灾变,凝聚宏伟之身,举手抬足间的莫大威能,本身……也是人和的一部分! How possibly, weren't you forced to terminate the operation?” Aochen is unreadable. “怎么可能,你不是被迫终止操作了吗?”奥宸难以理解。 The Huang Ji slow self-recovery the broken body, was saying: Day line has often, does not save for Yao, does not perish for Jie!” 黄极缓慢自愈着残破身体,说道:“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡!” This thing blending, the world lives! Prevented me, could not prevent the situation.” “此物混成,天地所生!阻止了我,阻止不了大势。” The people are vacant, as everyone knows everyone's every action and every movement, are one point of this good fortune. 众人茫然,殊不知所有人的一举一动,都是这造化的一环。 Was shaken the phenomenon that flies including Huang Ji, yes! 包括黄极被震飞的现象,也是! Prevents Huang Ji at this moment, is not meaningful, only if some people can prevent yesterday's Huang Ji! 阻止此刻的黄极,没有任何意义,除非有人能阻止‘昨天的黄极’! Under some significance, thing actually yesterday on completion! But Universe reports on accomplishments today! 某种意义下,东西其实早在昨天就‘做好’了!只不过今天宇宙才交差而已! That a little bit perturbation that scattered star regional prisoners give, some achievement of union today, the situation has become. 分散星球各地的囚犯给予的那一点点扰动,结合今日的一些作为,大势已成。 Huang Ji this/should doing has completed, remaining also has no need for him. 黄极该做的已经做完了,剩下的本也用不着他。 It seems like that by refinement advancement of storm disturbance, just right under the momentum influence, completed the final several processes unexpectedly! 看似会被风暴干扰的炼制进程,竟然恰到好处地在动量影响下,完成了最后的几道工序! This unpreventible feeling, seems like the inertia of faits accomplis. Was exploding in Song like Betelgeuse, the gamma-ray violent to the 21 st century shot Earth! No matter how earthling does, in cannot change Betelgeuse to explode the fact! 这种无可阻止的感觉,就好像既成事实的惯性。正如同参宿四在宋朝的时候就爆炸了,伽马射线暴到了二十一世纪才射到地球!不管地球人怎么做,都改变不了参宿四已经爆炸里的事实! Huang Ji this time world changes big, although is insufficient to be decided like the history, but that type of fearful destiny net, is not several quantum sentries can break! 黄极此番天地大化,虽说不至于如历史般定死,但那种可怕的命运网罗,也不是几名量子哨兵可以打破的! Even if the energy of quantum sentry, how does destroy the day to extinguish? How much there is nothing to do with the energy, they do not know say/way! 哪怕量子哨兵的能量,毁天灭地又如何?这与能量多寡无关,他们不知‘道’! Also remains the finish!” Accidental Strange shouts pleasantly surprised. “还剩最后一道工序!”偶然奇怪惊喜嘶吼。 He is not because escapes from prison the plan to be successful and happy, escaping from prison is to him unimportant, what he is very pleasantly surprised is Huang Ji that wisdom. 他不是因为越狱计划要成功而开心,越不越狱对他来说不重要,他无比惊喜的是黄极的那种智慧。 All phenomena on earth situation such as palm intermediate perspective mark, regarding him of rigid truth, this is what kind of 'beauty'! 万象大势如掌中观纹,对于执着真理的他而言,这是何等的‘美’啊! He good to know what Huang Ji uses is what karma model, is how the calculation chaotic system, that contains certainly the mathematical model of some Universe ultimate aesthetic sense. 他好想知道黄极用的是什么因果模型,是怎么演算混沌系统的,那一定是蕴含某种宇宙终极美感的数学模型。 Very will be succinct? Luxuriantly like many stars? 会很简洁吗?还是繁茂如群星 Also on Accidental Strange, will pay attention to this matter at this time. 也就偶然奇怪,会在这时候关注这种事。 Other prisoners, all hope that looks only misses the finish the divine consciousness strength resonator! 其他囚犯,全都期盼地看着只差最后一道工序的神识力共振器! What is this?” The wind and thunder giant then notices ready-made also in the machine of operation. “这是什么?”风雷巨人这才注意到现成还在运行的机器。 His giant palm wields, wants to take away that half-finished product. 他巨掌一挥,想要拿走那半成品。 Actually the material of corpuscle equipment, in his control, in an instant, can annihilate including the production equipment the entire stage entirely. 其实微子设备的物质,也在他的掌控中,一念之间,就可以将整个高台包括生产设备都统统湮灭。 However he does not have to do that only because of him also eagle-eyed, saw the exquisiteness of divine consciousness strength resonator. 但是他没有这么做,只因他也是有眼力的,看出了神识力共振器的精妙。 Even if only a half-finished product, in which structure was also full of the aesthetic sense of physics, stemming from regarding the respect of fine object, he does not have first to choose the elimination. 哪怕只是个半成品,其中的结构也是充满了物理学的美感,出于对于精致物体的尊敬,他没有第一时间选择消灭。 Thereupon, they did not have the opportunity. 于是乎,他们没有机会了。 Broken!” The Huang Ji forehead's third eye bursts out the golden light, the direct impact bullfight. “破!”黄极额头第三只眼迸发金光,直冲斗牛。 This strikes, passed over gently and swiftly from the left shoulder of wind and thunder giant, brushed past seriously! 这一击,从风雷巨人的左肩掠过,当真擦肩而过! Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Had not been hit obviously, the wind and thunder giant actually disintegrated suddenly, he supports the human form unification field of huge body, as if triggered anything, the instantaneous disorder, all materials of integration such as the sleet ablation is shattered. 明明没有被击中,风雷巨人却忽然土崩瓦解了,他支撑庞大躯体的人形统一场,仿佛触发了什么,瞬间紊乱,统合的所有物质如雨雪消融般破灭。 Not is only he, other three giants, just like the dominoes, presented the chain-reaction, the visible speed vanished in a puff of smoke, the innumerable materials crash with the earth's attraction, rumble the startled day shock-wave. 不仅是他,其他三尊巨人,犹如多米诺骨牌般,出现了连锁反应,肉眼可见的速度灰飞烟灭,无数物质随着地心引力坠落,轰起惊天冲击波。 The powerful quantum sentry, collapses at the first encounter unexpectedly. 强大的量子哨兵,竟然一触即溃。 What's the matter!” The prisoners do not know that had anything. “怎么回事!”囚犯们不知道发生了什么。 The quantum sentry does not know, but this disintegration is unable to harm the quantum sentry, quick, four giants condense again. 量子哨兵也不知道,不过这种土崩瓦解是无法伤害量子哨兵的,很快,四尊巨人再度凝聚而出。 Wind and thunder giant vacant low roar: What a moment ago was?” 风雷巨人茫然低吼:“刚才是什么?” It‘s nothing, is only your bodies, had/left a small problem.” Huang Ji supports the body to sit. “没什么,只是你们的身体,出了点小问题。”黄极强撑着身体坐起来。 The sky, land, sea and magma, four quantum sentries as well as their quantum divine nucleus, constituted this star. 天空、大地、海洋、岩浆,四名量子哨兵以及他们的量子神核,构成了这颗星球。 Here so-called natural material, is their bodies, this is also their powerful places, the prisoners desperately in this. 这里的所谓自然物质,就是他们的身体,这也是他们强大的地方,囚犯们绝望于此。 But in the Huang Ji eye, this is also one of the weakness. The Huang Ji nature perturbation planet climate, causes the global big cataclysm, how can also to not treat as the quantum sentry of body the star, has the influence? 可是在黄极眼里,这也是弱点之一。黄极自然扰动行星气候,引起全球性大灾变,又岂会不对将星球当做身体的量子哨兵,造成影响? When world changes big, assists the refinement of weapon, by the special perturbation, affects the sentry, after giving them, body that must condense, constitution hidden danger. 天地大化,襄助兵器的炼制之余,同时也是以特殊的扰动,影响哨兵,给他们之后要凝聚的身体,构成隐患。 They do not know, or this hidden danger is actually indifferent. 只是他们不知道,或者说这个隐患其实无所谓。 But how Huang Ji knows triggers, the gold fragments energy, made their bodies collapse together instantaneously automatically! 黄极知道如何触发,一道碎金能量,瞬间让他们的身体自动崩溃了! Sound that this disintegrates, is bigger than what landslide cracks in the earth. 这土崩瓦解的动静,比什么山崩地裂还要大。 Trillion tons material crashes, the shock-wave that from the upper air pounds, unifies ready-made originally the disorderly storm, suddenly made the environment worse. 亿万吨的物质从高空坠落,砸出来的冲击波,结合现成本就无序的风暴,一时间让环境更加恶劣了。 However, drafts in this day junction, during high-energy gathering. 然而,就在这天地交征,高能汇聚之中。 The divine consciousness strength resonator, gets it done in one action! Radical birth! 神识力共振器,一蹴而就!彻底诞生! Probably one group of messes, the thunder, the wild chaotic early sea, the coincidence birth had/left the life to be the same suddenly! 就好像一团乱麻,电闪雷鸣,狂暴混乱的早期海洋,忽然巧合诞出了生命一般! In the disorder obtained the order solution! 无序之中求得了秩序解! Zheng!” A momentum like the sharp voice zither music, resounds through the four directions. “铮!”一声势如裂帛般的琴音,响彻四方。 Originally, that is only the zither | Jean of has eyes pupil size! 原来,那是只有眼眸大小的一副琴! The macroscopic image is unimportant, after all the huge material arrangement structure, only participates in the mechanism, but the core substance of resonator involution in microscopic domain. 宏观形象不重要,毕竟庞物质的排列结构,只参与机械原理,而共振器的核心内涵都内卷在微观领域。 Everyone observes to think layered pupil, lends me the divine consciousness strength.” “所有人观想重瞳,把神识力借给我。” The Huang Ji sound appears in the hearts of 1 million prisoners simultaneously, suddenly they lift up high both hands, the view thinks that Huang Ji has agreed the good layered pupil design with them. 黄极的声音同时出现在百万囚犯的心中,一时间他们都高举双手,观想黄极早已跟他们约定好的重瞳图案。 The divine consciousness resonator can condense everyone's divine consciousness strength, lets everyone mind part in the higher-dimensional union coherence. But cannot force, to need the voluntary offer. 神识共振器可以凝聚大家的神识力,让大家心灵的一部分在高维结合同调。但不能强迫,需得自愿奉献。 Retrieves, distinguishes, authenticates and determines some group of people conduct the divine consciousness strength to jointly attack, one introduction, are also made by everyone. 检索、识别、认证、判定某一群人进行神识力合击,都一个引子,由大家同时做出。 This method said that simple, that has the common token. 这个方法说起来简单至极,那就是拥有共同的象征物。 At this moment, the time as if returned to the ignorant period, the most primitive method of intelligent lifeform sticking together composition society...... totem. 这一刻,时代仿佛又回到了蒙昧时期,智慧生物抱团组成社会的最原始的方法……图腾。 Social Civilization, needs a common concept, unites and organizes everyone. 社会型文明,都需要一个共同的概念,去团结、组织大家。 It can objective not exist, fictionalizes, for example the religion, country, nation and Civilization, these are the concepts of creation, so long as everyone believes, the society was born. 它可以客观不存在,虚构出来的,譬如宗教、国家、民族、文明,这些都是创造的概念,但只要大家相信,社会就诞生了。 This looks like the divination to be the same, thing that the ignorant period gives up, by the unified force time of material Civilization extremely high attainments, starts the round trip to pick. 这就像是占卜一样,蒙昧时期放弃的东西,到了物质文明极高造诣的统一力时代,又开始往回捡。 Existing is reasonable, the most original thing, sometimes transfers, glances back, looked again its back perhaps contains some truth. 存在就有道理,最原始的东西,有的时候转一圈,蓦然回首,再看它的背后或许就蕴含着某种真理。 Huang Ji decides early with everyone, takes layered pupil as to direct, the soul jointly attacks. 黄极早与大家商定好,以重瞳为引,灵魂合击。 Zheng!” “铮!” Four big quantum sentries, only feel the world silence reigns, anything could not feel. 四大量子哨兵,只觉得世界万籁俱寂,什么都感觉不到了。 Consciousness quietly in an instant, in the mind only sees a golden eye, only hears one zheng zheng zither's sound! 意识沉寂的刹那间,脑海里只看到一颗金色的眼睛,只听到一声铮铮琴鸣 ...... ……
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