TO :: Volume #3

#284: Pilgrimage congress

Carmen is thinking this rebellion, lives to assign/life, grows several hundred years of life span, then works as Sword Hand, was so delicious. 卡门本来想着此次造反,活下命来,增长几百年寿命,然后再当个掌剑,如此也是美滋滋了。 But now, he changed the mind, the Carmen unwilling future will only work as outsider Sword Hand, if lord of layered pupil were a weak chicken and mortal, he refused to accept. 可现在,他改变主意了,卡门不甘心未来只当个边缘人掌剑,如果重瞳之主是个弱鸡、凡人,那他就更不服了。 He decides and resort to violence faction in layered pupil faction becomes friends with, after the rebellion, turns into practice of "what I say goes" that Illuminati the resort to violence sends, then finds the way to grasp the refinement of longevity medicine, after his Carmen, has the real power. 他决定与重瞳派系里的武斗派结交,在造反之后,把光明会变成武斗派的一言堂,然后想办法掌握长生药的炼制,那他卡门以后才有实权。 If Fez and Saxon died, he inevitably is an eldest child. 如果菲斯撒克逊都死了,那他必然是老大。 Without a doubt, Luo Yan is the resort to violence faction, as S4, he in the layered pupil faction also certainly is a pivotal senior statesman. 毫无疑问,罗言就是个武斗派,作为S4,他在重瞳派系里也一定是个举足轻重的元老。 Now two people take the lead to assemble for revolt, Carmen said directly ‚the future will be your my two people alone, then wants to start from Luo Yan, will be built on stilts that lord of layered pupil step by step. 如今两人率先聚义,卡门直接说‘未来独属于你我二人’,便是想从罗言开始,一步步架空那个重瞳之主 Sprouted said newly this saying, it can be said that is also chatting, did not make clear the situation. But the senior statesman spoke this saying, certainly is ambition strange big, has not resulted in washes. 萌新说这话也就罢了,可以说是在说笑,搞不清楚情况。但元老说这话,就一定是野心奇大,没得洗。 Good skillful unfortunately, in Carmen and Luo Yan at heart, thinks oneself are the faction moe newly, but the opposite party is the senior statesman...... 好巧不巧,在卡门罗言心里,都以为自己是派系萌新,而对方是元老…… Luo Yan heard Carmen saying that the wine glass in a flash, in the heart raised the difficult situation: My goodness, you dare to speak this saying! I am moe newly, when you my surface can say, but by you is also standing Hua Ji! 罗言听到卡门这么说,酒杯一晃,心中掀起惊涛骇浪:好家伙,你敢说这话!我是萌新,你当我面可以这么说,但你旁边还站着华极啊! Hua Ji is an informer, the back is lord of layered pupil, this point, only then Luo Yan knows. 华极是个眼线,背后乃是重瞳之主,这一点只有罗言知道。 Sure enough, Hua Ji smiles mildly, stared at the Carmen moment in the back, later looks to Luo Yan, the look is meaningful. 果不其然,华极温润地一笑,在背后盯了卡门片刻,随后又看向罗言,眼神意味深长。 This stares, making in the Luo Yan heart be Carmen pays silent tribute. lord of layered pupil guards against him really right, ambitious. Perhaps waits for this rebellion general situation already fixed time, was the Carmen time of death. 这一盯,让罗言心中为卡门默哀。重瞳之主提防他果然没错,野心勃勃啊。恐怕等此次叛乱大局已定时,就是卡门的死期了。 Arrived this situation, Luo Yan put down in the heart to just to join the anxiety and worry of layered pupil faction thoroughly. 到了这个地步,罗言彻底放下心中对刚刚加入重瞳派系的紧张与顾虑。 Originally meets as an equal to Carmen, he always becomes doubtful, before the stance was humble, the instinct lowered the own position. 本来跟卡门分庭抗礼,他心里始终犯嘀咕,之前姿态谦卑,还是本能把自己的位置放低。 But now he sees through, although he is the faction rookie, but behind has the lord of layered pupil support at this moment, the front also has Hua Ji this hidden powerhouse. 但现在他看穿了,他虽然是个派系新人,但此刻背后有重瞳之主支持,面前还有华极这个隐藏强者在。 When Morgan family's people arrive, he is not under less than Carmen, in addition his strength also only misses the frontline, how even is Carmen the senior statesman? Fears! 等摩根家族的人一到,他手下也不比卡门少,再加上他实力也只差一线,就算卡门是元老又如何?怕个屁啊! Following one in the evening, Carmen is winning over Luo Yan, makes the friendly contacts. 接下来一晚上,卡门都在拉拢罗言,联络感情。 But Luo Yan, then has the opinion more and more, and started to deploy the combat plan directly, regarding this, was Carmen of senior statesman, actually the opinion did not have! 罗言,则越来越有主见,并且直接开始部署作战计划了,对此,身为元老的卡门,竟然一点意见没有! Carmen...... your duty is higher than me, you tacitly consented unexpectedly I deploy the combat plan, doesn't this give me the power on hand?” In Luo Yan heart secretly thought. 卡门啊……你职务比我高啊,你竟然默许了我来部署作战计划,这不是把手上的权力让给我吗?”罗言心中暗道。 Meanwhile he thought that Carmen attempted was really big, so favored itself unexpectedly, won over a oneself such rookie. 同时他更觉得卡门所图甚大了,竟然如此抬举自己,拉拢自己这么一个新人。 Really is...... doesn't know my wife in others hands?” “真是的……不知道我老婆在人家手里吗?” Luo Yan saw through Carmen, then took the lead to jump out of the strange circle, although was moe newly, actually treated as itself the big shot to play directly. 罗言看穿了卡门,便率先跳出了怪圈,虽然是萌新,却直接把自己当做大佬玩。 The subordinates have not arrived, Luo Yan is all alone in the Carmen den. 手下人还没到,罗言可谓是孤身一人在卡门的老巢里。 Even so, he dares to meet as an equal to Carmen as before, even openly incites several Carmen squads hand/subordinate to handle matters. 但即便如此,他依旧敢和卡门分庭抗礼,甚至堂而皇之地指使几个卡门手下的小队去办事。 These little brothers see Luo Yan to distribute longevity medicine, so long as Carmen is not angry, they will not naturally refuse to be the Luo Yan work. 那些小弟都见过罗言分发长生药,只要卡门不恼怒,他们自然也不会拒绝为罗言工作。 Hence, two days later, Luo Yan discovered, he can use Carmen person hand/subordinate unexpectedly casually. So long as motionless Amu, Sayeed and Hua Ji these trusted aides are good. 至此,两天下来,罗言发现,他竟然可以随便用卡门手下的人。只要不动阿姆、赛义德和华极这些心腹就好。 When having greeted Amu one time, Luo Yan noticed the Carmen complexion changed, hence Luo Yan tested the Carmen bottom line, then received the hand decisively. 在有一次招呼阿姆时,罗言注意到卡门脸色变了,至此罗言试探出了卡门的底线,便果断收手。 So knew the bottom line, Luo Yan stood firm thoroughly, after Morgan family arrived, both armies combined, Luo Yan and Carmen met as an equal, even just like led. 如此知道了底线,罗言彻底站稳脚跟,待摩根家族到后,两军合二为一,罗言卡门分庭抗礼,甚至俨然是主导了。 Interesting! I just joined the layered pupil faction, really had such big right to speak!” Luo Yan is at heart flexible. “有意思!我刚加入重瞳派系,竟然就有这么大的话语权了!”罗言心里活泛起来。 How could he knows, in the Carmen eye, Luo Yan does that is natural. 他哪知道,在卡门眼里,罗言这么做,是理所当然的。 What person is Luo Yan that? If not for he said that lord of layered pupil, many people once thought that he is the founder of layered pupil faction! 罗言那是何等样人?若不是他说有个重瞳之主,很多人一度觉得他就是重瞳派系的创始人! Brando to his indictment, in the highest-ranking circle, that was the well-known matter. 布兰度对他的指控,在级别最高的圈子里,那都是人尽皆知的事了。 Everyone knows, Brando wished one could to cut Luo Yan, if not for feared that the influence was not good, wants to seek something big with foresight, Brando really planned to abuse bright sword a time, executed a captured offender on the spot Luo Yan. 谁都知道,布兰度恨不得把罗言砍了,若不是怕影响不好,又想放长线钓大鱼,布兰度真的打算滥用一次光明剑,把罗言就地正法了。 Now Luo Yan on puts out longevity medicine on hand, that is the crest of wave does not have two, ironclad layered pupil big shot. 如今罗言手头上拿出了长生药,那更是风头无两,铁定的重瞳大佬。 Everyone felt listens to Luo Yan is very normal, only then Luo Yan thinks that is the lord of layered pupil endorsement, favoring of in addition Carmen. 所有人都觉得听罗言的很正常,只有罗言以为是重瞳之主的背书,外加卡门的抬举。 ...... …… On March 17, is Carmen put on the layered pupil badge the third day. 3月17日,也就是卡门戴上重瞳徽章的第三天。 At this time the layered pupil rebel army is a huge influence. 此时重瞳叛军已经是一个庞大的势力。 Besides Medici, Morgan family's people, the third family also joined, that was once complied to support the Amu family, the Awner Heath family. 除了美第奇、摩根家族的人以外,第三个家族也加入了进来,那是曾答应支持阿姆的家族,奥纳西斯家族。 This family has Sword Hand! However old, but is the mortal, is feeble, possibly the brace is about five years. 这个家族有一位掌剑!但是年事已高,不过是凡人而已,身体孱弱,可能撑不过五年。 It may be said that most urgently needs the longevity medicine Sword Hand family, therefore even Amu this potential stock, gambled initially crazily, looks for Sword Bearer everywhere. 可谓是最迫切需要长生药掌剑家族,所以当初才连阿姆这种潜力股,都疯狂押注,到处物色执剑人 The layered pupil rebel blocks off the flow of news, therefore the Awner Heath family is not checks, but was Amu contacted them on own initiative, drew them to join a gambling game. 重瞳叛逆是封锁消息的,所以奥纳西斯家族不是自己查到的,而是阿姆主动联络了他们,拉他们入局。 This idea is Luo Yan leaves, he resists opposition, making Amu contact the Awner Heath family, uses longevity medicine as the bait, successfully enlarged the team. 这个主意是罗言出的,他力排众议,让阿姆奥纳西斯家族联系,以长生药为诱饵,成功壮大了队伍。 The Luo Yan prestige, rises again, just like the hegemon of all influence, officially becomes command of outwardly layered pupil faction action, the person, general Luo. 罗言的威望,再度上升,俨然已经是各方势力的盟主,正式成为重瞳派系此次行动的明面统帅,人称,罗大帅。 In this, Huang Ji naturally also strove. 这里面,黄极自然也出力了。 He contacts with Luo Yan daily, instructs earnestly, told his various information about layered pupil faction unceasingly, for example the longevity medicine output, for example trained many scientists in secret, for example Mu Yuan was also the people of layered pupil faction...... calls Drakonian, to hide the communication of powerhouse...... 他天天跟罗言接触,耳提面命,不断地告诉他关于重瞳派系的各种情报,比如长生药的产量啦,比如暗中培养了多少科学家啦,比如沐源也是重瞳派系的人啦……呼叫天龙人、隐藏强者的通讯方式啦…… So, quite enables Luo Yan to deal with all parties to enquire, as well as draws on the strength of layered pupil faction in secret training. 如此,好让罗言能应对各方求问,以及招来重瞳派系暗中培养的战力。 Luo Yan did not suspect, because Huang Ji this is using him to suppress Carmen, the back is inciting of lord of layered pupil, his Luo Yan is also a puppet. 罗言也不怀疑,因为黄极这是在利用他压制卡门,背后乃是重瞳之主的授意,他罗言亦不过是个傀儡。 However, since he has trod this step, did not mind that withstand/top in the gusty area, he knows, oneself jumps over this, Zoe is safer. 不过,他既然已经踏出这一步,就不介意顶在风口,他知道,自己越这样,柔伊越安全。 Moreover, he can also strongly be an association president, the autumn of this critical life or death, will tow as far as possible in the future. 不仅如此,他还可以竭力为会长,把这危急存亡之秋,尽可能地往后拖。 I am put up now in the fire roast, can do to the organization only, unceasingly needing further consideration and fortifying at every step......” “我现在被架在火上烤,唯一能给组织做的,就是不断地‘从长计议’、‘步步为营’了……” In the Luo Yan heart intertwines, for the sentiment and safety, he can only arrive black with the layered pupil faction, captures the Saint clear island! 罗言心中纠结,为了情以及自身安危,他只能跟重瞳派系走到黑,攻陷圣清岛! May for the loyalty, he probably prevent this rebellion, at least must rescue association president Fro. 可为了忠义,他要阻止这场叛乱,至少也要救下会长佛罗 Actually Luo Yan is not ripe with Fro, before Fro Sword Hand was not, has spoken several words, that is all. 其实罗言佛罗不熟,以前佛罗掌剑都不是时,说过几次话,仅此而已。 But afterward Fro became the association president, broke an unspoken rule, that is three big medicament gives the Caucasian to use incessantly, so long as tallies standard good. 但后来佛罗成为会长,打破了一个潜规则,那就是三大药剂不止给白人使用,只要符合标准的都行。 Because of this bill, lets Luo Yan and other non-white races, today can have the space in the Illuminati high level. 因为这个法案,才让罗言等有色人种,今日能在光明会高层有一席之地。 Although two people are not ripe, but Luo Yan regards as it truly the man who Illuminati takes into the new times, respects at heart very much. 虽然两人不熟,但罗言将其视为真正把光明会带进新时代的男人,心里很是敬重。 Luo Yan believes that Illuminati in his heart, without association president Fro, is not true Illuminati, here was not the family/home. 罗言认为,他心中的光明会,如果没有会长佛罗,那么就不是真正的光明会,这里就不是家了。 Luo Yan, cannot drag again, other Sword Hand, had detected. Drags again, is not the surprise attack, but was the bloody battle.” Huang Ji and Luo Yan live alone one room to say. 罗言,不能再拖了,其他掌剑,已经有所察觉。再拖下去,就不是奇袭,而是血战了。”黄极罗言独处一室说道。 Luo Yan also knows, he could not tow. 罗言也知道,他拖不下去了。 Fez has started to interrogate Carmen: Why hasn't delivered to the Saint clear island the sacred object? 菲斯已经开始质问卡门:为何还不把圣物送到圣清岛? The sacred object cannot use, first does not study, the belt/bring goes back to give Sword Hand to have a look. Three hadn't days, sent to? 圣物不会用,就先不研究了,带回去给掌剑们看看。都三天了,还不送去? Therefore cannot drag, now happen to while escorting the east wind of sacred object, delivers the Saint clear island the elite. 所以不能拖了,现在正好趁着护送圣物的东风,把精英送上圣清岛。 Awner Heath Sword Hand, after joining the layered pupil faction, made a proposition, the day after tomorrow will hold the pilgrimage congress, allowing all over 20 levels members to land the Saint clear island. 奥纳西斯掌剑,加入重瞳派系之后,弄了个提议,后天举办朝圣大会,允许所有20级以上成员登陆圣清岛。 So, the layered pupil army, can look at reverently the sacred object the nominal island, assists to battle. 如此,重瞳大军,就能以瞻仰圣物的名义上岛,协助作战。 At the appointed time dragon tiger connects, all Sword Hand. Because has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, is the surprise attack, several respected families and high levels are up to mischief, therefore the powerhouse of layered pupil faction, will arrive on that day, but other powerhouses will be dispersed the all over the world by them as far as possible, on that day is unable to rush to the pilgrimage congress. 届时龙虎交汇,所有掌剑都会在。而且因为有心算无心,乃是奇袭,又有几大家族、高层搞鬼,所以那天重瞳派系的强者,都会到场,而其他强者则会尽可能地被他们分散世界各地,那天无法赶到朝圣大会。 Under is in inverse proportion, the winning percentage is enormous. 此消彼长之下,胜率极大。 „The dispute of this faction, the two sides no one will regress, must have a side to perish. If cannot solve Sword Hand instantaneously, completes the Decapitation Strike, plunging the people into disaster.” Huang Ji is saying. “这场派系之争,两边谁也不会退步,必有一方灭亡。如果不能瞬间解决掌剑们,完成斩首行动,则将生灵涂炭。”黄极说着。 The Luo Yan nod said: I understand, tomorrow our set off, the day after tomorrow pilgrimage congress, decisive battle!” 罗言点头道:“我明白,明天我们就出发,后天朝圣大会,决战!” Words said, Drakonian will really listen my?” “话说,天龙人真的会听我的?” The Huang Ji smile said: That is uncertain, but you make them kill anyone, they will definitely kill.” 黄极微笑道:“那不一定,不过你让他们杀谁,他们肯定会杀的。” „......” Luo Yan said. “哦……”罗言说道。 ...... ……
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