TME :: Volume #19

#1899: Makes up said

As if has victory in the hand, three person's shadow at a moderate pace smiling, the air/Qi of unhurriedly extraction primordial chaos chaos, condensed the chaos thunder in the top of the head. During the short several breath, sky over the entire Pangu mainland by the chaos thunder of water jar size was covered, innumerable [say / way] thunder optical scintillation, according to world well-illuminated. 似乎是胜券在握,三条人影不紧不慢的笑着,不慌不忙的抽取鸿蒙混沌之气,在头顶凝聚了一颗又一颗混沌雷霆。短短几个呼吸间,整个盘古姆大陆上空都被水缸大小的混沌雷霆遮盖,无数道雷光闪烁,照得天地一片通明。 Just now a violent surprise attack, at this moment besides plate Yu, greatly scarlet Daoist, clear slightly Daoist, Yu Daoist and the others all the severe wound, except opening price Yu, again does not have one person to have that strength to resist three people. 方才一通猛烈的突袭,此刻除了盘虞,大赤道人、清微道人、禹馀道人等人尽数重伤不起,除开盘虞之外,再无一人有那力气抵挡三人。 The tide same chaos thunder is still continue plate Yu Qingxie, three people collaborate to suppress result in plate Yu not to gasp for breath. 潮水一样的混沌雷霆还在继续向盘虞倾泻,三人联手压制得盘虞喘不过气来。 The bonus was plate Yu Ganggang has swallowed like that many strengths, by his ability, must consume for many years to be able these world sources to change into this my strength thoroughly. At this moment facing three people of collaboration attacks, plate Yu was hit the flesh and blood flying in all directions on the 2nd, within the body in six months is exploded torn to pieces, in the Zhongyuan spirit already vanished into thin air. 饶是盘虞刚刚吞噬了那般多的力量,以他的能力,也要耗费多年才能将那些世界本源彻底化为本我之力。此刻面对三人的联手攻击,盘虞被打得血肉横飞,体内的两日六月更是被炸得支离破碎,内中元灵早已化为乌有。 Three drug addicts a plate Yu's leg was bombed by lighting-flame, he knees down fiercely shouts out fierce: „The Pangu world considers three drug addict all, I only strove for withdrawing safely!” “三位道友”盘虞的一条腿被雷火炸断,他猛地跪倒在地厉声呼喝:“盘古世界当是三位道友所有,我只求平安脱身则个!” Three people laugh with one voice, one of them is pointing at plate Yu Jichao: „The Pangu world no doubt is we sneaks a look the innumerable year of game , the drug addict your value, is not smaller than the Pangu world. The swallowing main road of drug addict is marvelous, three of us quite interested!” 三人齐声大笑,其中一人指着盘虞讥嘲道:“盘古世界固然是我们窥觑无数年的猎物,道友你的价值,却也不比盘古世界小呵。道友的吞噬大道奇妙绝伦,我们三人颇有兴趣哩!” Laughs wildly in the sound, three people have drawn out a blade, a sword and a long spear separately, three weapons send out the suffocating terrifying pressure, their bodies arrived at plate Yu Shenbian in a flash, the sword neat , a long spear stroke, listens to plate Yu one miserably howling, the body was ripped dozens stiffly. 狂笑声中,三人分别拔出了一刀、一剑、一长戈,三件兵器都散发出让人窒息的恐怖压力,他们身体一晃就到了盘虞身边,刀剑齐下、长戈一划,就听盘虞一声惨嚎,身躯硬生生被撕成了数十块。 The bulk bulk just likes the flesh and blood of black colored glaze in void fierce is shivering, the plate Yu's squeal resounds through the entire Pangu world: Such being the case, one does not do, two continuous, your I go all out!” 大块大块犹如黑色琉璃的血肉在虚空中剧烈的颤抖着,盘虞的尖叫声响彻整个盘古世界:“既然如此,一不做,二不休,你我拼命罢!” On plate Yu's flesh and blood together black roaring flame ascension, innumerable [say / way] black flame rapid pesters in together, black hole of flaming combustion emerges out of thin air. Plate Yu Zhen was mad the extreme, desperate to the extreme. 盘虞的血肉上一道黑色烈焰升腾而起,无数道黑色火焰迅速的纠缠在一起,一个熊熊燃烧的黑洞凭空出现。盘虞真个是气到了极点,也绝望到了极点。 All so were smooth, he left the seal smoothly, has swallowed plate Yu Shijie all smoothly, arrived at the Pangu world smoothly, has swallowed these many progenies of rebelling, will repair to restore a brand-new peak. When he prepares to occupy the entire Pangu world smugly, these three people suddenly appeared, have ruined his fond dream. 原本一切都如此顺利,他顺利的脱出了封印,顺利的吞噬了盘虞世界的一切,顺利的来到了盘古世界,吞噬了这么多悖逆的苗裔,将修为恢复到了一个崭新的巅峰。就在他踌躇满志准备占据整个盘古世界的时候,这三人突然出现,毁掉了他的美梦。 In the plate Yu's source main road except for swallowing, has the destruction. 盘虞的本源大道中除了吞噬,更有毁灭。 He has one to destroy others also to destroy his crazy desire inborn - looks, when under these three people of under killers his severe wound, plate Yu become angry out of shame suddenly, immediately has had the idea that and myriad things perished together. 他天生就带着一丝毁灭别人同时也毁灭自己的疯狂欲-望,当这三人突下杀手将他重伤,盘虞恼羞成怒下,立刻生出了和万物同归于尽的想法。 I come from the destruction, can the rebirth in the destruction!” Plate Yu is calling out hoarsely: You and other make to me today, in the future I return from the destruction, decides however to you hundred times of retaliation premises is, your this times, can live!” “我源自毁灭,也能在毁灭中重生!”盘虞声嘶力竭的嚎叫着:“尔等今日对我所做一切,未来当我自毁灭中回返,定然给你们百倍的报复前提是,你们这次,能够活下来!” The black hole is expanding fiercely, the everywhere chaos thunder falls unceasingly, but after the black hole has swallowed these chaos thunder, same inflates just like the air flush ball rapidly, suddenly the black hole inflated also to want huge hundred times compared with the Pangu mainland! 黑洞剧烈的扩张着,漫天的混沌雷霆不断落下,但是黑洞吞噬了这些混沌雷霆后宛如吹气球一样急速膨胀,眨眼间黑洞就膨胀到了比盘古姆大陆还要巨大百倍! The terrifying suction transmits from the black hole, world myriad things cannot help but flies to the black hole. 恐怖的吸力从黑洞中传来,天地万物都不由自主的向黑洞飞去。 Three people call out in alarm with one voice, facing plate Yu of going all out, they have become confused to their this levels, if the person does not hesitate going all out at all costs, drags over ten times enemies to perish together sufficiently! 三人齐声惊呼,面对拼命的盘虞,他们真的慌了手脚到了他们这个层次,若是真有一人不惜一切代价的拼命,是足以拖着十倍以上的敌人同归于尽的! Cannot attend, will press bottom the treasure to take!” One of them shouted loudly fierce: Crossed this disaster, whatever this side world your I ramble. Unsurpassed main road, eternal looking, at present!” “顾不得也,将压箱底的宝贝拿出来吧!”其中一人厉声高呼:“过了这一劫,这一方天地就任凭你我逍遥。无上大道,永恒之望,就在眼前!” Three people cried loud and long with one voice, their within the body had the wonderful light to gush out separately, several modeling strange, the power and influence strong most precious object departed from their within the body certainly, brings the fearful bellow has been crashing in plate Yu on own initiative the black hole. 三人齐声长啸,他们体内分别有奇光涌出,好几件造型奇异、威势绝强的至宝从他们体内飞出,带着可怕的轰鸣声主动冲进了盘虞所化的黑洞。 In the center of earth of Pangu mainland, honored Daoist looks is hugging own jun Daoist sinking sound track stubbornly: In the past besieged Pangu, enemy who actually by luck escaped? You from where 盘古姆大陆的地心中,钧道人看着死死搂着自己的蚐道人沉声道:“当年围攻盘古,却侥幸逃生的敌人?你从何处” Shakes the head, honored Daoist said with a smile: At this moment asked these, completely was some idle talk. Plans for many years, I know that you are planning a lot, cannot think that you can go out this step, unexpectedly collaborates with them. You did not fear that they did extinguish in turn have killed you?” 摇摇头,钧道人笑道:“此刻问这些,也尽是一些废话。筹谋多年,我知道你在算计很多事情,想不到你能走出这一步,居然和他们联手。你就不怕,他们反过来灭杀了你?” jun Daoist with a laugh looks at honored Daoist, his temperate saying: Did not fear that in the past they by the Pangu severe wound, were returned to the world that they open with great difficulty, suffocates to fall into the eternal deep sleep, if nobody helps, they forever deep sleep.” 道人笑呵呵的看着钧道人,他温和的说道:“不怕,当年他们被盘古重伤,好容易逃回他们开辟的世界,奄奄一息陷入永恒沉睡,若是无人帮助,他们就将永远沉睡。” Deeply inspired, jun Daoist said indifferently: Three evil spirits these years are never born, what when you they are making? They went all over the Pangu world peripheral trillion world, found the lucky fellow who these three have only saved with great difficulty. Was I have awakened them personally, their Yuan spirit and I co-existed and am own master, how can they extinguish kill me?” 深吸了一口气,蚐道人淡然道:“三彭这些年来从不出世,你当他们在做什么?他们走遍了盘古世界周边亿万世界,好容易才找到了这三个仅存的幸运儿。是我亲自唤醒了他们,他们元灵和我共生、以我为主,他们如何能灭杀我?” Shows a faint smile, jun Daoist said easely: First extinguished your three disciples, takes their Yuan spirit to reconstitute a Pangu Yuan spirit, pours into the jade small dish to change into a jade small dish Yuan spirit, this Pangu world, performs during I control. So long as I have thoroughly comprehended all mysteries on that jade small dish, matter that Pangu cannot achieve in the past, I can certainly achieve!” 微微一笑,蚐道人悠然道:“先灭了你那三位弟子,取他们元灵重新组成盘古元灵,注入玉碟化为玉碟元灵,这盘古世界,就尽在我掌控之中。只要我悟透了那玉碟上的一切奥秘,盘古当年没能做到的事情,我一定能做到!” Honored Daoist ridiculed smiling of jeered: You think that you can achieve?” 道人讥嘲的笑了笑:“你以为,你能做到?” jun Daoist very earnest nod of: Naturally, because I am stingier than Pangu actually, if in the past Pangu were not Pangu, but was the primitive demon Venerable that idiot to control Pangu, feared that was he already succeeded?” 道人很认真的点了点头:“当然,因为我比盘古心狠其实,如果当年盘古不是盘古,而是原始魔尊那蠢货主宰盘古,怕是他早已成功了吧?” jun Daoist looks at honored Daoist temperate saying: Your I divert mutually, your anything cannot make, you can only look helplessly your disciple disciple was slaughtered by my person, can only visit me to be of great success helplessly. You could rest assured that had that jade small dish, I can certainly write off you thoroughly, henceforth I am the Pangu world only, genuine I!” 道人看着钧道人温和的说道:“你我相互牵制,你什么都做不成,你只能眼睁睁的看着你的门人弟子被我的人屠戮一空,只能眼睁睁的看着我大功告成。你放心,有了那玉碟,我一定能将你彻底抹杀,从此我才是盘古世界唯一的、真正的本我!” Honored Daoist has pondered over the moment, then he has smiled: If all, naturally this time you have succeeded as usual. However, since there is a chaotic number join, you said eventually does not calculate. I do not know that this chaotic number is Wa spirit brings from where, but the chaotic number is chaotic number 道人思忖了片刻,然后他笑了起来:“若是一切如常,当然这次你已经成功了。但是,既然有乱数入局,终究你说了不算。我也不知这乱数是娲灵从何处引来,但是乱数就是乱数” The immeasurable clear light gushes out from honored Daoist within the body, just liked the innumerable swords jabbed into jun Daoist within the body maliciously. 无量清光从钧道人体内涌出,犹如无数刀剑狠狠刺进了蚐道人体内。 Honored Daoist shouted to clear the way fierce: Comes, the main road lacks, your I altogether make up, if my family disciple has won, can broken say that naturally is I, if that three people have won, how finally is you wields the myriad things and to look at your my good fortune!” 道人厉声喝道:“来罢,大道有缺,你我共补之若是我家弟子赢了,能破道而出的,自然是我若是那三人赢了,最终就是你执掌万物且看你我造化如何!” jun Daoist cursed angrily one, but has not waited for him to get rid, he and honored Daoist body simultaneously changes into together the limpid miraculous glow, vanishes in the world slowly. 道人怒骂了一声,但是还不等他出手,他和钧道人身体同时化为一道清澈的灵光,冉冉消失于天地之间。 Void, Ji Hao only thinks the terrifying aura that a whole body heat, that three people lend does not have any hindrance to him again, his body has replied nimble and resourceful free. 虚空中,姬昊只觉浑身一热,那三人散发出的恐怖气息对他再无任何阻碍,他的身体重新回复了灵动自如。 What is more splendid, that jade small dish flew to him unexpectedly voluntarily, changed into 3000 fresh air to pour into the Ji Hao forehead. 更精彩的是,那枚玉碟居然自行向他飞了过来,化为3000条清气注入了姬昊眉心。
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