TME :: Volume #19

#1895: Recast jade small dish

The Ji Hao whole body passes smoothly, heart unprecedented nimble and resourceful. 姬昊浑身畅透,一颗心前所未有的灵动。 Strange pulsations flow from the Pangu sword unceasingly, just likes pearl precious jades has the bright glory to flow in the Ji Hao body, following some strange rule crustification in his within the body. 一道道奇异的脉动不断从盘古剑中奔涌而出,犹如一颗颗珍珠宝玉带着熠熠光辉流入姬昊身体,循着某种奇异的规律镶嵌在他体内。 Therefore he thought that own body even more strong, even more tenacious, graces the strength even more to be formidable. When his strength is getting stronger and stronger, wields a sword regarding the influence of all around environment actually getting smaller. 于是他就觉得自己的身体愈发的强壮,越发的坚韧,举手投足之间的力道就愈发强大。偏偏他的力量越来越强,挥剑之时对于四周环境的影响却越来越小。 As if his each one-off, and world perfect conjunction, his sword is a world, but the world also has become his sword. Therefore he wields a sword, but the time world moves, the sword falls on the plate Yu's body, will be the world pounds on the plate Yu's body, the Ji Hao sword naturally will not have created any destruction and disturbance to the world itself. 似乎他的每一次动作,都和天地完美契合,他的剑就是天地,而天地也就成了他的剑。所以他挥剑而出的时候天地随之而动,剑落在盘虞的身上,就是天地砸在了盘虞的身上,姬昊的剑自然也就不会对天地本身造成任何的破坏和干扰。 This is a full unprecedented marvelous experience, every strikes uses fully, every strikes nearly is perfect. 这是一种酣畅淋漓前所未有的奇妙体验,每一击都倾尽全力,每一击都近乎完美无瑕。 Ji Hao does not know that this full comprehension came from where, but he can feel, this with pours into his body unceasingly destiny related. Fearful Shaosi, opened a not worthy of mentioning small hole with mystique on plate Yu, has extracted a plate Yu's destiny continually on the body of Ji Hao. 姬昊不知道这种酣畅淋漓的领悟从何而来,但是他能感受到,这和不断注入他身体的‘气运’有关。可怕的少司啊,用秘法在盘虞身上开启了一个微不足道的小窟窿,抽出了一丝盘虞的气运连在了姬昊的身上。 Plate Yu's destiny is too strong, probably a high-pressured balloon has leaked a small hole, the boundless destiny pours into the Ji Hao body unceasingly, making Ji Hao any movement agreeing with world and symbol gather the main road. 盘虞的气运太强,就好像一个高压的气球漏了一个小窟窿,无边气运不断注入姬昊身体,使得姬昊任何动作都契合天地、合大道。 Two founder incarnation Golden Light around the plate Yu Fengkuang attack, at the same time, they also separately emitted 3000 to do several things at the same time, altogether was the law body golden body that 6000 Golden Light sparkled all over the body composes one vast graceful big to encircle plate Yu, various methods grasped to 18 sword light that on plate Yu has divided randomly chops randomly. 两位教主化身金光绕着盘虞疯狂的攻击,与此同时,他们还分别放出了3000分身,一共是6000尊通体金光闪闪的法体金身组成了一座浩瀚曼妙的大阵团团围住了盘虞,各施手段抓向了盘虞身上乱劈乱砍的18道剑光。 Two handles innate slaughter the most precious object, fuses a source rhyme that 18 heavy hells were born, their prestige can break through some bottleneck, has been a higher boundary. These two handle pure slaughtering sharp weapons, had the qualifications achievement to suppress a heavy treasure of side Islam at this moment, by the dispositions of two founders, this equipollent treasure naturally is they being predestined friends! 两柄先天杀戮至宝,融合了18重地狱诞生的本源道韵,他们的威能已经突破了某个瓶颈,达到了更高的界限。这两柄纯粹的杀戮利器,此刻已经有资格作为镇压一方教门的重宝,以两位教主的心性,这等重宝自然是和他们‘有缘’! Ji Hao cried loud and long loudly, bringing the sword glow to rush to front of plate Yu together, first Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death sword opened fully, a sword contraction, the huge sword strength compression in surrounding area several thousand zhang (3.33 m) void, has used full extrusion plate Yu, restraint plate Yu, winding plate Yu, then launched the storm attack brashly to him! 姬昊放声长啸,带起一道剑芒冲到了盘虞面前,先天元磁两仪生死剑阵全力开启,剑阵收缩,庞大的剑阵之力压缩在了方圆数万丈的虚空中,倾尽全力的挤压盘虞、约束盘虞、缠绕盘虞,进而向他发动暴风骤雨般的攻击! The Pangu sword shakes to thunder, resounding spirited swords called the acoustic shock to split the innumerable slits void. 盘古剑震荡轰鸣,一声声高亢激昂的剑鸣声震得虚空裂开了无数缝隙。 Suddenly, in the Pangu sword seemed deeply did not see the bottom the black hole, on crazy extraction Ji Hao destiny from plate Yu. Ji Hao only thinks that body feels cold, the immeasurable destiny was swallowed by Pangu sword one unexpectedly in a flash cleanly. 骤然间,盘古剑内好似多了一个深不见底的黑洞,疯狂的抽取姬昊身上来自盘虞的气运。姬昊只觉身体一阵发冷,无量气运居然在弹指间被盘古剑一口吞得干干净净。 The next flash, the Pangu sword strength of swallowing through the mystique of Shaosi, has invaded plate Yu Shenti directly, starts to extract on the plate Yu boundless destiny crazily. Plate Yu feels not to be right immediately, he shouted angrily, both hands wields again and again, the innumerable [say / way] black crazy thunder howled to hit to Ji Hao. 下一瞬间,盘古剑中的吞噬之力通过少司的秘法,直接侵入了盘虞身体,开始疯狂抽取盘虞身上的无边气运。盘虞立刻感受到了不对,他怒喝一声,双手连连挥动,无数道黑色狂雷呼啸着向姬昊打了下来。 The Pangu clock was exploded the smoke and fire to rise from all directions, terrifying thunderstorms to blast out in all directions, the Pangu clock was exploded the bang again and again, on clock body an intermittent blue optical scintillation, Ji Hao under the chaos aura protection that in the Pangu clock emits was shaken seven meat eight elements as before unceasingly, the whole body shivers all over spits blood. 盘古钟被炸得烟火四起,一道道恐怖的雷暴向四面八方炸开,盘古钟被炸得巨响连连,钟体上一阵阵青光闪烁,姬昊盘古钟放出的混沌气息保护下依旧被震得七荤八素,浑身乱颤不断吐血。 Abao and the others saw with own eyes plate Yu Fakuang, they collaborated to reckless, assorted Magic and treasure raindrop same fell, broke a faint trace tiny scar on plate Yu unceasingly. 阿宝等人眼见盘虞发狂,他们不顾一切联手冲了上来,各色法术、宝物雨点一样落下,不断在盘虞身上破开一丝丝细小的伤痕。 At this moment, only listens to clang clang two sword cries, 18 to Ji Hao flew around the sword light that plate Yu Luanpi chopped randomly suddenly. Vigorous such as the sword of dragon only and Pangu sword coordinates with each other across a great distance, after changes into 18 handle cold air densely, to be indomitable spirit suddenly great sword that circles, with deep veneration stands erect in chart that in Ji Hao has emitted. 就在这时,只听‘铛铛’两声剑鸣,18道绕着盘虞乱劈乱砍的剑光突然向姬昊飞了过来。矫健如龙的剑光和盘古剑遥相呼应,骤然间就化为18柄寒气森森、顶天立地的巨剑一个盘旋后,肃然矗立在了姬昊放出的阵图中。 Only listens to a bang, the great sword perfect integration that the Ji Hao first Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death swords and 18 handle sword light condense, the great sword breaks up suddenly, then suddenly presented 18 mysterious infinite Jianmen in sword. 只听一声巨响,姬昊的先天元磁两仪生死剑阵和18柄剑光凝聚的巨剑完美融合,巨剑骤然崩解,然后在剑阵中突然出现了18座玄妙无穷的剑门。 Two founders suddenly one dull, they get angry to roar extremely: „The Ji Hao young child, how dare do you capture the Bon heavy treasure?” 两位教主骤然一呆,他们怒极咆哮道:“姬昊小儿,你焉敢夺取本教重宝?” Ji Hao also stayed, in oneself sword inexplicable are many 18 mysteriously infinite, to have coordinated with each other across a great distance Jianmen that he can the clear feeling, a sword might double baseless also continues! 姬昊也呆了呆,自家剑阵中莫名的多了18座玄妙无穷、遥相呼应的剑门,他能清晰的感受到,剑阵的威力凭空增加了一倍还不止! Why however are the main bodies of these 18 Jianmen the nether world Daoist two handles slaughter the treasure to melt them to go to itself cleverly? 但是这18座剑门的本体是幽冥道人的两柄杀戮重器所化他们为何会乖巧的投奔自己? Plate Yu Dashou has patted fiercely, two founders consider are only making a determined effort to Ji Hao, had not discovered the movement that purely plate Yu, listens to one to roar, two founders were hit spit blood to depart far away, 6000 superhuman or the superhumans or six first 18 arms and other multi-thread multi- arm of the golden body law bodies have the loud and clear bang, had been broken to pieces 90% by a plate Yu palm of the hand racket stiffly. 盘虞大手猛地拍了下来,两位教主只顾着向姬昊发狠,纯然没发现盘虞的动作,就听一声怒吼,两位教主被打得吐血飞出老远,6000尊三头六臂或者三头八臂或者六头18臂等多头多臂的金身法体发出洪亮巨响,硬生生被盘虞一巴掌拍碎了九成。 A Ji Hao long and loud cry, he is refuting the plate Yu's wanton bombing, opened sword to keep off before plate Yu forcefully stiffly. 姬昊一声长啸,他硬顶着盘虞的狂轰滥炸,强行张开剑阵硬生生挡在了盘虞面前。 In 18 Jianmen the sword air/Qi emits, the sword glow that the Pangu sword emits holds after Jianmen in addition, in the sword air/Qi of blowout increased the meaning of boundless withering baseless, the air/Qi of murdering was richer hundred times. Sword air/Qi bang on plate Yu, hit plate Yu cut and bruised! 18座剑门中剑气喷吐,盘古剑放出的剑芒经过剑门加持,喷出的剑气中凭空增加了无边肃杀之意,杀伐之气更加浓郁了百倍。一道道剑气轰在盘虞身上,直打得盘虞遍体鳞伤! Plate Yu even more is furious to roar, his sudden finger moves, protecting oneself Lingbao Beng Hui who Abao and other human sacrifices had, except Ji Hao, other people all was stroked in abundance flies, spits blood to fall to the ground unable to move. 盘虞越发震怒咆哮,他突然手指一动,阿宝等人祭出的护身灵宝纷纷崩毁,除开姬昊,其他人全都被一击打飞,一个个吐血倒地动弹不得。 Could not attend to so no doubt will have caused some destruction to the source of this world, your small insects were too exasperating!” Plate Yu Huanhuan diastole body, cloudy muttered: Unties some strengths, hurried to tidy up you!” “顾不得这般了固然会对这个世界的本源造成一些破坏,你们这些小虫子太气人!”盘虞缓缓舒张身体,阴沉沉的咕哝道:“多解开一些力量,赶紧将你们收拾了罢!” The black dim light spouts from plate Yu Meixin vertical together, has swept the entire Pangu world instantaneously. 一道黑色幽光从盘虞眉心竖目中喷出,瞬间扫过整个盘古世界。 Shakes void suddenly, everywhere Star Light crashes like the rain, immeasurable Star Light by plate Yu Naru Within the body, he was started the infinite star strength that swallows in the Pangu world great antiquity stars to contain unexpectedly. 虚空骤然震荡,漫天星光坠落如雨,无量星光纷纷被盘虞纳入体内,他居然开始吞噬盘古世界洪荒星辰中蕴藏的无穷星力。 The great antiquity starry sky deep place, in one group of misty auspicious signs, under an exquisite thatched hut, greatly scarlet Daoist, clear slightly Daoist and Yu Daoist become three position sit cross-legged to sit. One diameter zhang (3.33 m) all over the body dim chaos jade small dish float among them, in three people of seven orifices spouts this life to be really hot around the jade small dish careful calcine unceasingly carves. 洪荒星空深处,一团蒙蒙紫气中,一座小巧的茅庐下,大赤道人、清微道人、禹馀道人成三才方位盘膝而坐。一枚直径丈许通体朦胧混沌的玉碟悬浮在他们中间,三人七窍中不断喷出本命真火绕着玉碟细细的煅烧雕琢。 Suddenly, Wa Yu, white robe Yu also has greatly scarlet Daoist and clear slightly Daoist several to do several things at the same time spirit and extremely wicked is almost simultaneously from out of the blue comes, in their everyone hand is holding a jade bottle, not saying a word falls to that jade small dish the jade bottle. 突然间,娲灵、极恶禹馀、白袍禹馀还有大赤道人、清微道人的几尊分身几乎是同时破空而来,他们每人手中都托着一枚玉瓶,一言不发的将玉瓶向那枚玉碟倾倒。 One continuously the destiny, a continuously merit, one continuously said the rhyme, one continuously said the mark 一缕缕气运,一缕缕功德,一缕缕道韵,一缕缕道纹 In the innumerable world the most mysterious thing, innumerable visible invisible indescribable Jane gushes out from the jade bottle in abundance, submerged this miraculous glow four to shoot unceasingly as if has actually been short in some intelligence jade small dishes. 无数天地间最神奇之物,无数有形无形难以言喻的奇珍纷纷从玉瓶中涌出,不断没入这枚灵光四射却又偏偏似乎少了些许灵性的玉碟中。 When all jade bottles fall, the jade small dish has a slating bang suddenly. 当所有玉瓶都倾倒一空,玉碟突然发出一声雷鸣般巨响。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, clear slightly Daoist and Yu Daoist also rise with a spring, overjoyed laughs repeatedly: If the painstaking efforts of many quantity disasters, are the recast are completed eventually!” 大赤道人、清微道人、禹馀道人同时一跃而起,欢天喜地的连声大笑:“若多个量劫的苦功,终究是重铸完成哩!” Three people have turned around, simultaneously looked to the direction of Pangu mainland. 三人转过身来,同时看向了盘古姆大陆的方向。
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