TME :: Volume #19

#1828: Preliminary test point

Really sad Daoist has saved Long Mu and Kuzhushan host. 实实在在是伤心道人救了龙母和苦竹山主。 Under a Ji Hao sword cloth, only has the Pangu clocks, the Pangu swords and Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge three most precious objects to be aerosol, emits the immeasurable ray shining sidereal revolution. Except three most precious objects, in sword the ray is dim, a Yuan magnetic field force invisible does not have the mark, the sword glow shuttle is void, the naked eye cannot discover easily. 姬昊剑阵布下,唯有盘古钟、盘古剑、天地金桥三件至宝悬浮虚空,放出无量光芒照耀周天。除开三件至宝,剑阵中光芒黯淡,元磁力场无形无迹,道道剑芒穿梭虚空,肉眼也是轻易发现不得。 Wrong non- sad Daoist arbitrary banged into sword, the motion speed slowed down hundred times and thousand times suddenly, making the dragon mother see a clue, by the habitual temperament of dragon mother, she decided however to follow closely sad Daoist one to hit. 错非伤心道人蛮横的一头撞入剑阵,行动速度骤然放慢了百倍、千倍,让龙母看出了一丝端倪,以龙母的习性脾气,她定然紧随着伤心道人一头撞了进去。 Sword!” Kuzhushan main shrivelled mouth, expression that has revealed finding it unbearable to recall. “剑阵呵!”苦竹山主瘪了瘪嘴,露出了一丝不堪回首的表情。 In the past Yu Daoist were only a sword, almost cut off his all old bamboo roots, has gone bad his Michimori thoroughly, since then, his swords to Yu Daoist had the enormous sense of fear. Ji Hao is Yu Daoist disciples, lininged one not well-known sword in this, this probably just by person fierce not Ding who the snake bit saw a hemp rope 当年禹馀道人只是一剑,就差点斩断他所有老竹根,彻底坏了他的道基,自那以后,他对禹馀道人的剑就有了极大的恐惧感。姬昊是禹馀道人的门人,又在这里布下了一座不知名的剑阵,这就好像刚刚被蛇咬的人猛不丁的看到了一根麻绳 That is arrives at the human body to startle from the bottom of the heart spirit hits the painful feeling of shiver unceasingly. 那是从心底到肉体都激灵灵不断打寒战的痛苦感觉。 Long Mu was cloudy sadly has smiled: „Can yellow mouth young child, what fierce sword have? Nothing but is mysterious 龙母则是阴恻恻的笑了起来:“黄口小儿,能有什么厉害剑阵?无非是故弄玄虚” Long Mu the words have not said that a Ji Hao finger, the first Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death sword silent expansions, first Tianyuan magnetic field force one volume, main one and is involved in with Kuzhushan her. 龙母一番话没说完,姬昊手一指,先天元磁两仪生死剑阵无声无息的扩张开来,先天元磁力场一卷,就将她和苦竹山主一并卷入阵中。 Thump Zhong Ming, air/Qi of the chaos drops from the clouds, wraps entire sword just likes chicken. The sky and ground pollution cannot withstand, is only correct the chaos tumbling entanglement. In the chaos, invisible does not have mark actually to seethe with excitement Ben Yong the strength of howling intercourse Yuan magnetism, body of Long Mu, Kuzhushan main and sad Daoist simultaneously one stiff, the movement all slowed down. ‘咚’的一声钟鸣,道道混沌之气从天而降,将整个剑阵包裹起来犹如一个鸡子。天空、地面浑浊不堪,唯有道道混沌翻滚纠缠。在混沌之中,无形无迹却又沸腾奔涌的元磁之力呼啸往来,龙母、苦竹山主、伤心道人的身体同时一僵,动作全都放慢了下来。 Especially first intruded sword sad Daoist to tighten the cheek on own initiative, wicked looks at the distance is about dozens li (0.5km) Ji Hao. 尤其是第一个主动闯入剑阵的伤心道人更是绷紧了面皮,恶狠狠的看着距离不过数十里的姬昊 The trivial dozens li (0.5km) distance, usually in sad Daoist optional one step can bridge over, but at this moment, sad Daoist thought seemed presses several thousand mountains, around the body also had the innumerable strength tyrannical big hands to hold on his body stubbornly, when various strange distortion and strong and weak strength pulled randomly randomly, making him walk even more difficult. 区区数十里的距离,平日里伤心道人随意一步就能跨过,但是此时此刻,伤心道人就觉得身上好似压了数万座大山,身体四周还有无数条力量强横的大手死死的拉住了他的身体,各种奇异扭曲、强弱不等的力道乱拉乱扯,让他行走时越发的艰难。 Enough several time of breath, sad Daoist went out 78 steps, every step is also only about half foot distance. What makes his angry is, he did utmost to go out 78 steps, he was away from the Ji Hao distance not only not to approach, instead was farther. 足足十几个呼吸的时间,伤心道人只是走出了78步,每一步也只有半尺左右的距离。更让他恼怒的是,他竭尽全力走出了78步,他距离姬昊的距离不仅没有靠近,反而更远了一些。 The day had the light black unspecifically, the ground gushed out the light white, the black and white two colors interlocked suddenly, void wisp of cold brightness appeared. 天空泛起了淡淡黑色,地面涌出了淡淡的白色,黑白二色骤然交错,虚空中一缕寒光惊现。 The of extremely wicked Yu refinement Tianyuan magnetism two meter life and death sword, first time exposes the point personally first finally. The flash that the sword glow presents, sad Daoist startled anger occurring together cursed, in the hand the plain white cloth long streamer shook, dozens cold air wept and wailed the sound earthshaking person surface empty shade to spell to crowd together densely suddenly, kept off in his front fiercely. 极恶禹馀亲手炼制的这座先天元磁两仪生死剑阵,终于第一次展露锋芒。剑芒出现的一瞬间,伤心道人惊怒交集的一声咒骂,手中白布长幡一抖,数十个寒气森森哭喊声惊天动地的人面虚影骤然拼凑在一起,猛地挡在了他的面前。 Just likes black sword glow that the sea-monster passed over gently and swiftly equally dexterously silent has swept these person of surface empty shades, listens to one miserably howling, dozens evil aura deep person surface empty shades were cut broken by a sword, the destruction main road that in the sword glow contains annihilates these person of surface empty shades thoroughly, sad Daoist gets angry howlingly, in his hand on the long streamer are suddenly many long to have three feet, compared with sending the silk also wants the slender fissure. 犹如游鱼一样轻巧掠过的黑色剑芒无声无息的扫过那些人面虚影,就听一声惨嚎,数十个邪气深沉的人面虚影被一剑斩破,剑芒中蕴藏的毁灭大道将这些人面虚影彻底湮灭,伤心道人一声怒嚎,他手中长幡上突然多了一条长有三尺、比发丝还要纤细的裂痕。 In the dense evil aura streamer gushes out unceasingly from a long-range point of view, repair streamer surface vigorously. 森森邪气不断从长幡中涌出,极力的修复幡面。 However in this fissure a faint trace swift and fierce unusual aura unceasingly spout, whatever sad Daoist stimulates to movement the long streamer, this fissure is wriggling rapidly, actually cannot heal. Moreover, has the big piece iron grey viscous mist to follow the fissure spout unceasingly, on the long streamer carves dozens distortion faces that draws shortly gradually is dim, the miraculous glow of long streamer surface also gradually dissipates. 但是这裂痕上一丝丝凌厉异常的气息不断喷涌,任凭伤心道人催动长幡,这一丝裂痕急速蠕动着,却迟迟没能愈合。不仅如此,更有大片灰白色的粘稠雾气不断顺着裂痕喷涌出来,眼看着长幡上刻绘的数十张扭曲面孔逐渐的黯淡下来,长幡表面的灵光也逐渐消散。 Damn!” The sad Daoist anger has eaten delicacies, this face length streamer is the basic treasure that his life junction cultivates, was broken such one seems like not worthy of mentioning fissure, actually enormously injured his vitality, sad Daoist is almost grieved has tears streaming down the face. “该死!”伤心道人怒啸了一声,这面长幡是他性命交修的根本重器,被破开这么一条看似微不足道的裂痕,却极大的伤损了他的元气,伤心道人心痛得差点泪流满面。 Drug addict is careful, your sorrowful and uneasy streamer offends somebody specially Primordial Spirit, the bad worldly person soul, is the rare treasure of soul main road, is not the shield armor, how can you keep off the sword sword glow with him?” Kuzhushan main was unable to continue watching in the one side, the hurried start to talk reminded: Drug addict again looks down upon this young child, actually must remember that he after is Yu Daoist disciples!” “道友当心,你那凄惶幡专伤人元神,坏人精魄,乃是灵魂大道的秘宝,又不是盾牌铠甲,你怎能用他去挡剑阵的剑芒?”苦竹山主在一旁看不下去了,急忙开口提醒:“道友就算再看不起这小儿,却也要记得,他毕竟是禹馀道人的弟子!” On the sad Daoist tight cheek flood blushed. 伤心道人绷紧的面皮上泛起了一丝红晕。 Yeah, his face length streamer expels wind from the body Bu Ying, to control Primordial Spirit specially darkly, is used to injure other people Primordial Spirit fine soul is evil and cruel. Since the world produced this sorrowful and uneasy streamer to start, had not said that he had shield and mail-armor and helmet effect! 可不是么,他的这面长幡专门追风捕影、暗控元神,用来伤损他人元神精魄最是歹毒不过。但是自从天地生成了这凄惶幡开始,就没说过他有‘盾牌’、‘甲胄’的功效啊! Sad Daoist keeps off sword with him, was actually damaged the sorrowful and uneasy streamer, this is not the issue of long streamer, but was his sad Daoist enters the water in that flash brain. 伤心道人用他去挡剑,却被伤了凄惶幡,这不是长幡的问题,而是他伤心道人在那一瞬间脑子进水了。 cold snort, the sad Daoist left hand in a flash, dishes of round emit the light yellow luminescence to depart from his hand, the modeling plain dishes are made of the topaz all over the body, superficial faintly visible several mountain peak empty shade twinkles, the heavy unusual yellow luminescence changes into one to reach several feet light cover thick, buckled sad Daoist firmly below. 冷哼一声,伤心道人左手一晃,一个圆溜溜的碗盏喷吐着淡淡的黄光从他手中飞出,造型古朴的碗盏通体用黄玉制成,表面隐隐可见几座山峰虚影闪烁,沉重异常的黄光化为一个厚达数丈的光罩,将伤心道人牢牢地扣在了下面。 Sad Daoist has sneered: My these hundred Shan Bonai 伤心道人冷笑了一声:“我这百山钵乃” The words have not said that the Ji Hao Yu Yu Shenlei bang to the Pangu sword, listens to humming sound and ‚’ sound to be lingering on faintly together once more, the sword glow of invisible non- marks were accelerated by the Yuan magnetic field force rapidly, instantaneous tearing void cuts to sad Daoist. 话没说完,姬昊一道禹馀神雷再次轰向盘古剑,就听‘嗡嗡’、‘嗤嗤’声不绝于耳,一道道无形无迹的剑芒被元磁力场急速加速,瞬间撕裂虚空向伤心道人斩来。 When the sword glow must cut to hundred mountain earthen bowls emits the decadent light that coats, the Ji Hao heart thought moves, suddenly to Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge the cross void golden light foreign national has referred to one finger. Dozens sword glow jumped suddenly, penetrated hundred Shan Bo decadent light cover directly, appears in front of sad Daoist directly. 剑芒就要斩到百山钵放出的黄色光罩上时,姬昊心头念头一动,突然向天地金桥所化的横贯虚空的金色光侨指了一指。数十道剑芒骤然跳跃了一下,直接穿透了百山钵的黄色光罩,径直出现在伤心道人面前。 The strength of life and death transforms, air/Qi of desperate dying out destruction heads on. 生死之力转化,一股让人绝望的寂灭毁灭之气扑面而来。 Sad Daoist this real facial color disastrous incident, his face distortion hissing screamed: Young child, you dares 伤心道人这一次真个面色惨变,他面孔扭曲嘶声尖叫道:“小儿,你敢” The voice has not fallen, hears tittering sound to be lingering on faintly, a Yuan magnetic field force just likes the innumerable flexible ropes, involves intercourse of invisible sword glow inside and outside the sad Daoist body to shuttle back and forth, the body of sad Daoist was broken out transparent holes shortly, the blood fog splash, miserable howling unceasingly, short one in a flash, sad Daoist was crushed one group of boundless courage vigor by the sword glow. 话音未落,就听得‘噗嗤’声不绝于耳,元磁力场犹如无数条弹性十足的绳索,牵扯着一道道无形剑芒在伤心道人身体内外往来穿梭,眼看着伤心道人的身体被劈开了一个个透明的窟窿,血雾飞溅,惨嚎不绝,短短一弹指间,伤心道人就被剑芒击碎成了一团茫茫血气。 Long Mu, the Kuzhushan hosts look are dumbfounded. 龙母、苦竹山主看得是目瞪口呆。 Sad Daoist does not take the physique as, what cultivates is the pure soul secret technique, injures other people state of mind in various surreptitious peerless mystiques specially, the method is ruthless spicy. The common person cannot see his surface, will be hit by him is frightened out of one's wits. 伤心道人不以筋骨为强,修的是纯正的灵魂秘术,专以各种诡秘绝伦的秘法伤损他人神魂,手段最是狠辣不过。寻常人根本见不到他的面,就会被他打得魂飞魄散。 Has not thought that Ji Hao not well-known sword, fights unexpectedly for the first time, directly has cut the law body of sad Daoist! 万万没想到,姬昊一座不知名的剑阵,居然乍一交手,就直接斩了伤心道人的法体! Miserable shoots up to the sky howlingly, the sad Daoist state of mind breaks the blood fog conflict, he shouted to clear the way fierce: „The Ji Hao young child, you dares 一声惨嚎冲天而起,伤心道人的神魂破开血雾冲突而出,他厉声喝道:“姬昊小儿,你敢” The pitch-dark sword glow suddenly appears together, has penetrated his sole from the sad Daoist state of mind top of the head. 一道黑漆漆的剑芒突然出现,从伤心道人的神魂头顶一直穿透他的脚底。 Kills old pig dog, what has not to dare? Wordy what?” “杀一老猪狗尔,有什么不敢的?啰嗦个什么?”
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