TKA :: Volume #17

#1617: By an enemy three

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Jiang Botao Empty Waves stepped on is just pursued by the trash that his Ghost Slash divided to Lord Grim, Sun Xiang One Autumn Leaf actually changes here, continued the straight line to go forward, must forms the converging attack obviously to the front and Jiang Botao Empty Waves. Meanwhile Zhou Zekai Cloud Piercer also continues the direction movement on the garbage heap, the angle of view of occupying a commanding position, actually cannot see the Lord Grim whereabouts, Ye Xiu uses to pull down stature Fang Rui type dreadful class movement, against is above Zhou Zekai. 江波涛无浪踩着刚被他一记鬼斩劈下的垃圾追向君莫笑,孙翔一叶之秋却转向这边,继续直线前进,明显是要到前方和江波涛无浪形成夹击。与此同时周泽楷一枪穿云也继续在垃圾堆上方向这边移动,居高临下的视角,却看不到君莫笑行踪,叶修采用压低身形方锐式猥琐流的移动,防得就是上方的周泽楷 But attempts is the Samsara home game chart, the angle of view has not locked Lord Grim after all, but the direction that since he runs away, in the Samsara three hearts had a judgment. Jiang Botao left, Sun Xiang right, sky over Zhou Zekai walks, Samsara's battle formation is not only only two groups of converging attack, but is three groups outflanks. 但图毕竟是轮回主场图,视角没有锁定君莫笑,但就从他逃走的方向,轮回三位心中已有一个判断。江波涛左,孙翔右,周泽楷走上空,轮回的阵势不只只是两路夹击,而是三路包抄。 In this!! 就在这了!! Jiang Botao with the Sun Xiang two people almost same thoughts, two people Character is the consistent speed, after arriving in this import respectively, upwardly has swept as if by prior agreement Zhou Zekai Cloud Piercer. 江波涛孙翔两人几乎一样的心思,两人角色更是一致的速度,各自抵达这一转口后,不约而同地都向上扫了一眼周泽楷一枪穿云 Very good! 很好! Cloud Piercer also completely followed two people of rhythms, occupies a commanding position, three groups of suppressions. 一枪穿云也完全跟上了二人的节奏,居高临下,三路压制。 Wave Splitting Sword! 地裂波动剑 Tyrant Break! 霸碎 Wields Short Sword day chain, sweeps Battle Lance Evil Annihilation. Empty Waves and One Autumn Leaf runs out of this import, while has attacked the generation to defend, in order to avoid Lord Grim squats in the angle cloudy person. 一个挥出短剑天链,一个扫出战矛却邪无浪一叶之秋一边冲出这个转口,一边就已经已攻代守,以免君莫笑又是蹲在角度阴人。 However this two people wants to be too many obviously, Ye Xiu has not made Lord Grim make the ambush in any one side corner, but continues to pull down stature very usually in movement. Finally front One Autumn Leaf Tyrant Break lightens, truncation his road ahead, turned around to look at the back, Empty Waves Wave Splitting Sword has curled the trash to fly, place above. Is transmits Cloud Piercer to jump down the sounds on this pile of trash. 不过这次两人显然想太多,叶修并没有让君莫笑在任何一边的转角做埋伏,只是继续压低身形很平常地在移动。结果前方一叶之秋霸碎闪出,截了他的前路,转身一看背后,无浪地裂波动剑已经卷着垃圾飞来,上方。更是传来一枪穿云跳落在这堆垃圾上的声音。 Lord Grim backwards leap! 君莫笑后跳 First records Wave Splitting Sword to evade Empty Waves this that simultaneously twists the body, must climb up behind this garbage heap. But Jiang Botao early expects this point, the Empty Waves Short Sword day chain selects again, vigorous light Wave Sword instant dodges, broke the Ye Xiu thought thoroughly. 先将无浪这记地裂波动剑避过,同时一拧身,就要爬上身后这垃圾堆。但江波涛早料到这一点,无浪短剑天链再挑,一记疾光波动剑瞬时闪到,彻底断了叶修的念头。 Sun Xiang One Autumn Leaf has compelled from here, immediately sees by Empty Waves Lord Grim under vigorous light Wave Sword truncation, Flying Hands quick hand seal. 孙翔一叶之秋已从这边逼上,立即见到被无浪的疾光波动剑截下的君莫笑,双手飞快一个结印 Shadow Clone Technique! 影分身术 Sun Xiang has realized immediately, One Autumn Leaf does not enter instead draws back, transfers the angle of view to read itself immediately behind. 孙翔立即意识到了,一叶之秋不进反退,转视角立即翻看自己身后。 Nobody! 没人! The angle of view returns hastily again. Result also nobody. 视角连忙再转回。结果这边也没人。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Under the Sun Xiang heart is startled. Actually place above listens to transmit the sound. 孙翔心下正吃惊。却听上方传来声响。 Underground Tunneling Technique! 地心斩首术 Ye Xiu utilize Lord Grim displays is the Lord endures the technique impressively surely, under escapes, when comes drills from the place above of garbage heap unexpectedly. The Zhou Zekai angle of view has not come and seen below Lord Grim, naturally does not know that the opposite party is doing this movement. Lord Grim drills from the trash fiercely. Is appearing in the front. ninjato turns! 叶修操作君莫笑施展的赫然是主定忍术,下方遁地,现身时竟然是从垃圾堆的上方钻出。周泽楷的视角还没来及看到下方的君莫笑,自然不知对方在搞这动作。君莫笑猛从垃圾里钻出。正出现在面前。忍刀一翻! Fortunately, Zhou Zekai did not confirm below Lord Grim movement, but Ye Xiu did not know the above Cloud Piercer accurate position. The position that this Underground Tunneling Technique, in the end drills has been at the Cloud Piercer dead ahead, moreover slightly far a point. 所幸,周泽楷不确认下方君莫笑的动作,但叶修也不知道上方一枪穿云的准确位置。这一地心斩首术,最终钻出的位置正处在了一枪穿云的正前方,而且还稍稍远了一点。 This has given Zhou Zekai enough response and utilize opportunity. 这就给了周泽楷足够的反应和操作的时机。 Cloud Piercer quick steps backwards leap, has avoided the Lord Grim distance not perfectly the strikes, Wildfire and Frost Fragment, the dual pistols shine, the muzzle is jet black, in an instant catches gunfire together. 一枪穿云疾步后跳,避开了君莫笑距离并不完美的这一击,荒火碎霜,双枪亮起,枪口漆黑,转眼一同染上枪火 Bang bang ping...... 砰砰砰砰砰…… The bullet flies to shoot, the distance is about two steps, this where can also evade? 子弹飞射,距离不过两步,这哪里还能避得过? Puff puff! 噗噗噗噗! Lord Grim is hit one after another, but actually does not see the blood splash, body instantaneously like a torn to pieces shadow. 君莫笑接连中弹,但却不见血花,身子瞬间就像一个支离破碎的影子。 Shadow Clone Technique! 影分身术 ! 咻! Extremely quick, passes through among the backs of the neck of Cloud Piercer, has sprayed together bright red. 极快的一声,自一枪穿云的脖项间穿过,一道鲜红跟着就已经喷射出来。 Cut Throat! 割喉 Lord Grim Shadow Clone Technique dodges to Cloud Piercer behind, fast makes strikes. Opens the geminate truncation with Thousand Chance Umbrella, the Tonfa pattern, a Lord Grim hands buckle, has grasped Cloud Piercer, raises the arm to wield to lose him, Fling! 君莫笑影分身术闪至一枪穿云身后,飞快做出一击。跟着千机伞拆成双截,东方棍模式,君莫笑双手一扣,已将一枪穿云拿住,振臂一挥就将他丢了出去,抛投 All only occur suddenly. As if previous second of Lord Grim also on the ground by Empty Waves and One Autumn Leaf converging attack, the result next second presented above the garbage heap, dodged Cloud Piercer behind, again then, the Cloud Piercer neck is still flying the blood, had been thrown. 一切都只发生在瞬息间。似乎前一秒君莫笑还在地上被无浪一叶之秋夹击,结果下一秒就已经出现在垃圾堆上方,跟着就已经闪到了一枪穿云身后,再然后,一枪穿云脖子还在飞着血,就已经被扔出去了。 Quick! 快! Except for quick, does not have the means to discover second to describe the character, everybody only thought that must this quick character mincing as if sufficiently described just now this electric light flint flickers another to flicker. 除了快,根本没办法找出第二个形容字,大家只觉得得把这个“快”字给剁碎了似乎才足以形容方才这电光火石的一瞬又一瞬。 It is not quickly to this degree, can make Zhou Zekai be caught off guard? 不是快到这种程度,能让周泽楷都措手不及吗? Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang then just heard above have the sound to examine that sees Cloud Piercer to be abandoned finally. At this time naturally did not send regards member time, two people without hesitation, one on the left and other on the right, steps on the garbage heap upward to jump together. 江波涛孙翔这才刚刚听到上方有动静想去查看呢,结果就见一枪穿云已被扔下。此时当然不是问候队员的时候,两人不假思索,一左一右,一起踩着垃圾堆就往上跳。 Finally Sun Xiang One Autumn Leaf just cropped up, sees Grenade to fall at present. The time of simply not having pondered, Sun Xiang flings mouse subconsciously, One Autumn Leaf Battle Lance horizontal, knocks that Grenade. 结果孙翔这边一叶之秋刚一冒头,就见一颗手雷就要落在眼前。根本没有思考的时间,孙翔下意识地一甩鼠标,一叶之秋战矛横过,将那手雷一磕。 Bang! 轰! The hasty strength does not have the means to grasp best, Grenade has exploded, but at least calculates that was attacked parry by One Autumn Leaf outside the body, the impulse cannot shoot to open him, One Autumn Leaf continues to jump forward. Who thinks that One Autumn Leaf had not been shot to open, the shock-wave that but explodes actually that side trash that he must stop over tilting. The garbage heap loosely, exploded is a pit, One Autumn Leaf steps on spatial, the body shouted, submerged...... 仓促中力道根本没办法掌握到最佳,手雷到底还是炸了,但至少算被一叶之秋攻击招架在了身子外,冲击力未能将他弹开,一叶之秋继续向前跃起。谁想一叶之秋没被弹开,但爆炸的冲击波却把他要落脚的那边垃圾给掀动了。垃圾堆得松散,一炸就是一个坑,一叶之秋踩了个空,身子呼一下,又沉没下去了…… Sun Xiang looks is also a little stupid, Jiang Botao meets does not have the attack of means. His Empty Waves also just cropped up, sees Thousand Chance Umbrella to drop from the clouds, as if meteor same as / in general. 孙翔这边看着也就是有点蠢,江波涛遇到的才是根本没办法的攻击。他的无浪也是刚一冒头,就见千机伞从天而降,仿佛流星一般 Star Fall! 星落 Exorcist Ability, Jiang Botao is very certainly clear this Ability the effect as well as the determination, gave up in that flash at heart. Character that but soared actually does not want to be how what kind, Jiang Botao made Empty Waves display Guard hastily, then continually stopped over does not have, directly by Star Fall hitting. 驱魔师技能,江波涛当然很清楚这技能的效果以及判定,在那一瞬间心里就放弃了。但已经腾空的角色却不是想怎样就怎样,江波涛连忙让无浪施展了一个格挡,而后连落脚都没有,就直接被一记星落给撞下去了。 Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang, in pro scene illustrious three expert, is All Stars ranks first ten top Great God, finally at this time by Ye Xiu by 1 v 3, was hit leans this way and that under the garbage heap. 周泽楷江波涛孙翔,职业圈中赫赫有名的三位高手,全都是全明星排位前十的顶尖大神,结果此时被叶修一对三,打得在垃圾堆下东倒西歪。 Although only this flash, although can see how Ye Xiu is opportunistic because of the potential, no matter what, this gave all people to make the extremely profound impression. 虽然只这一瞬间,虽然可以看出叶修如何因势取巧,但不管怎样,这一幕都给所有人都留下了极深刻的印象。 comment(ator) Pan Lin and Li Yibo cannot discover any word to describe completely. Ye Xiu mentality technique is very simple is very ordinary, perhaps ordinary players can think at this time with his similar processing method. But the issue is. Ye Xiu faces, but Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang these three big expert. This is not only thinks that can solve, compared with thinking, achieves is more difficult. 解说潘林李艺博完全找不出任何词来描述。叶修的思路手法都挺简单挺平凡的,或许一个普通玩家在这种时候都能想到和他差不多的处理方法。但问题是。叶修面对的可是周泽楷江波涛孙翔这三大高手。这可不是单凭想到就可以解决的,比起想到,做到才更难。 Ye Xiu has achieved, therefore the audience is silent, in television broadcast does not have any comment(ator) sound. 叶修做到了,所以全场寂静,电视转播中也没有任何解说的声音。 All person this silently, look that garbage heap above Lord Grim turns around to prepare to depart. 所有人就这样默默地,看着垃圾堆上方的君莫笑转身准备离去。 In the final analysis, he does not dare to fight with these three people of frontages, but, can so win such one round, has made people think that was inconceivable. 说到底,他还是不敢和这三人真的正面交手,但是,能如此胜上这么一回合,已经让人觉得非常不可思议了。 Before is still thinking that a three dozens of that must handle. Does not handle disgraced Pro-players. At this moment actually also remained silent. They are only routinely after will substitute, in abundance thinks in that moment, that flash, Ye Xiu. Nobody can block. The three people in field cannot. They cannot. Does not have humanity to achieve this point on this Earth probably. 之前还在认为三打一那必须要搞定。搞不定就丢人之极的职业选手们。这一刻却也都保持了沉默。他们只是习惯性地在将自己代入后,纷纷觉得在那一刻,那一瞬间,叶修。没有人能拦得住。场上的三人不能。他们也不能。在这个地球上大概就没有人类可以做到这一点。 Mother......” “妈的……” Countless words in the end collected a bad language, was the sigh, was sigh with emotion. But what are more: Being convinced. 千言万语到最后汇集成了一句脏话,是叹息,是感慨。但更多的是:服气。 This degree of display, cannot trade Samsara three not to be powerful, this must blame opponent being too formidable. 这种程度的发挥,真的不能换轮回三位不给力,这完全要怪对手太强大了。 But Samsara three do not prepare and audience is together surprised, is together silent. 轮回的三位可不准备和观众一起惊讶,一起沉默下去。 By Fling of Lord Grim Cloud Piercer that from the garbage heap abandons, because captures the compulsion determination of Ability, must fall to the ground. But after falling to the ground condition is completed, the quickest speed the ground has shot. 君莫笑从垃圾堆上抛投扔下的一枪穿云,因为抓取技能的强制判定,必须要倒地。但在倒地状态完成后,最快的速度就已地上弹起。 The Cloud Piercer movement also quickly arrives inconceivable, almost makes people not think that he fell on a spring bed, immediately was recoiled the midair. 一枪穿云的动作也是快到不可思议,几乎让人没觉得他是掉在了一张弹簧床上,立即就被弹回了半空。 Open fire! 开火! The dual pistols shoot, is actually Aerial Fire utilize, jumped again toward the garbage heap on taking advantage of recoil force Cloud Piercer, the half-length body has been twisting the biography. Thrust force that Zhou Zekai will fire , the altitude of jumping waits for to act bashful accurate, shoots, recoil force Ascending, turns around, is falling toward the front, forms a coherent whole. 双枪怒射,却是飞枪操作,借后座力一枪穿云已重朝垃圾堆上跳去,半身中身子就已经在拧传。周泽楷将射击的推力,跳起的高度等等一切都拿捏得精准之极,弹起,后座力升空,转身,正朝前方落下,一气呵成。 bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The gunshot as if has not broken, but the bullet fast flew at this time to front Lord Grim. 枪响仿佛就没断过,但是此时子弹已经飞快地飞向了前方的君莫笑 Ye Xiu was startled. Must eat to force Cloud Piercer that falls to the ground to determine, unexpectedly first pursued, the response of Zhou Zekai amazingly quick also a little stems from his anticipation, but at this time he has not made Lord Grim run up to may make the covert place. This garbage heap like on the spot is not hard, a foot deep foot is shallow, movement speed was affected. 叶修吃了一惊。要吃强制倒地判定的一枪穿云,居然第一个追了回来,周泽楷的反应之神速也有点出乎他的意料,而此时他还远没有让君莫笑跑到可做隐蔽的地方。这垃圾堆不像实地那么坚硬,一脚深一脚浅的,移动速度非常受影响。 Roll avoided the bullet, Ye Xiu is taking advantage of opportunity also lets Lord Grim also two spears/guns. Bullet rainstorm that evades falls on the garbage heap, has raised wave(s) same as / in general likely, everything in disorder does not know that is anything's shatter thing is splashed thick fallingly by the bullet, is dancing in the air in the Lord Grim side. 翻滚躲避着子弹,叶修顺势还让君莫笑还了两枪。避过的子弹暴雨般地落在垃圾堆,像是掀起了浪花一般,乱七八糟也不知是什么的破碎东西被子弹溅得纷纷扬扬,在君莫笑的身边飞舞着。 Bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰! Ding-dong! 当当当当! The Cloud Piercer sound of gunfire keeps, but this mixed with some strange sounds in the middle unexpectedly. 一枪穿云枪声不停,但是这当间竟然又夹杂起了一些奇怪的声音。 ! 噗! The Lord Grim shoulder is hit suddenly, but this stems from the anticipation of Ye Xiu completely, the Cloud Piercer fire path he hides obviously very thoroughly...... 君莫笑忽然肩头中弹,而这完全出乎叶修的意料,一枪穿云的射击轨迹他明明躲得很彻底…… Is these collisions...... 是那些碰撞…… Ye Xiu fast realized. 叶修飞快意识到了。 Zhou Zekai, was uses these unexpectedly by the trash that the bullet splashed, lets the bullet that projected and they collide, made the lethality not to say them, but also made the path of bullet therefore have some deflections, letting Ye Xiu is unable to judge. 周泽楷,竟然是利用起了这些被子弹溅起的垃圾,让射出的子弹和它们碰撞,将它们制造出杀伤力不说,还让子弹的轨迹因此发生了些偏转,让叶修无从判断。 Shortly, Lord Grim again by three attacks. The twice splashed trash hits, one time is a path was hit crookedly the bullet. 顷刻间,君莫笑再遭三次攻击。两次是被飞溅的垃圾撞到,一次又是一颗轨迹被撞歪了了的子弹。 His motion was affected immediately greatly, the so intensive continual hit, the Character rhythm completely was destroyed. 他的行动顿时大受影响,如此密集的连续撞击,角色节奏完全被破坏。 Under absolutely cannot be helped, Thousand Chance Umbrella...... 万般无奈之下,千机伞张起…… ...... 啪啪啪啪…… Dense such as the rain gets down, the bullet adds the trash, does not know instantaneously many have projected in the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield. 密如雨下,子弹加垃圾,瞬间不知多少打到了千机伞盾上。 Ye Xiu is impossible to depend on the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield too to shield, Thousand Chance Umbrella stamina cannot shoulder Cloud Piercer such attack rhythm. 叶修不可能一直靠千机伞盾太掩护,千机伞耐久根本扛不起一枪穿云这样的攻击节奏。 Opens an umbrella, but welcomed a respite, the instance that following close on, umbrella canopy was receiving, Thousand Chance Umbrella has spouted the large flame sharp. 撑伞,只是迎得一口喘息,紧跟着,伞面收起的瞬间,千机伞尖喷出了火舌。 Gatling Gun. 格林机枪 Correlation! 对射! =========================== =========================== The yearend evaluation overtook with great difficulty, update does not have the means to take to everybody more. Today wrote one late is only one chapter...... First rests, was too tired. 年终盘点好容易追上了,更新却没办法带给大家更多。今天写了一晚又是只一章……先睡一下,太累了。
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