Is affectingallpersonnervesshowdowns, even iftothesetwoTeamnon-inductiveneutralitygamers, this timemoodexceptionallyanxious.
牵动着所有人神经的一场对决,哪怕是对这两支战队都无感的中立玩家,此时的心情都异常的紧张。Howeveris most anxious, but must say that isfeels the most directaudienceto the atmosphere, tofor a long timesittwoteams of playersonringsideplayerseat. When the barrier of Zhou Zekaibreakthroughoccupationsetting, swordsame as / in general that the fire of Cloud Pierceras ifbrandishes, the audienceshave burst with joy, countlesspeoplestand upexcitedly, scream, call! The Samsaramomentumhas achieved the apex, was implicated the Samsaraplayersinringsideto show the smiling face.
但是最紧张的,还得说是对气氛感受最为直接的现场观众,以久坐在场边选手席上的两队选手。就在周泽楷突破职业设定的壁垒,一枪穿云的射击仿佛挥舞的刀剑一般时,全场都沸腾了,无数人激动地站起身来,尖叫,呐喊!轮回的声势达到了顶点,就连坐在场边的轮回选手都露出了笑容。Theyareverystrong, the powerfultoadvanced the firstcis-positionZhou Zekaidirectly, buttheynotblindself-confidence. Is the competition, has the victory and defeat, is better thanZhou Zekainot to be impossibleto be ever-victorious, Zhou Zekaialsohasonseeming likesmall and weakopponenthas fallen. Let alonepresentopponentisYe Xiu, GloryEncyclopedia, pastNumber One Player.
他们是很强势,强势到将周泽楷直接推到了第一顺位,但是他们不会盲目的自信。是比赛,就有胜负,强如周泽楷也不可能百战百胜,周泽楷也不是没在看似弱小的对手身上栽过跟头。更何况眼前的对手是叶修,荣耀教科书,昔日的第一人。UntilZhou Zekaidemonstrated that this strongstance, Samsarathenhas put certainly aside the nervousness, revealedgreeted the smile of victory.
直至周泽楷展示出这等绝强的姿态,轮回诸位这才放下了紧张的心情,露出了迎接胜利的微笑。Theyrelax, Happyactuallyanxious.
The archeryis usinglikebodytechniquesame as / in general, Zhou Zekaidiscoveredpowerful is really clearlyshocks, anyGlory playerscanincomparablyfeelclearly.
射术有如体术一般在使用,周泽楷所发现出的强悍实在是清晰震撼,任何一个荣耀玩家都能无比清楚地感觉到。At this moment, Chen Guohopesonearewrong, shehopes that herjudgmentis a joke, becauseherlevelis insufficient.
When shesidevisionturning aroundotherpeople, Wei ChenandFang Rui, on the fellowfaces of theserichexperience, clearlywriteandherexactly the sameshock.
但是当她把目光转身身边的其他人时,魏琛、方锐,这些富有经验的家伙脸上,分明写着和她一模一样的震惊。Veryregrettablethistimeshenotwrong, veryregrettableZhou Zekai is really the techniquestartledfourgreat strength.
很遗憾这次她没有错,很遗憾周泽楷真的是技惊四座的强大。Chen Guo is actually not willingto give up, shecontinuesto go all outin the thing that oneachfaceseeks to be ableto makeherfeel at ease. Looked at the past, no, did not have, the look of everyone was extremely dignified. Is a fistfistanotherfisttellslikely the Chen Guopresentsituationis havingis not optimistic, until the line of sight of Chen Guowalked a great-circle, fallsuntilhervisionin the endtosittinginheranother sideSu Mucheng.陈果却不肯放弃,她继续拼命地在每个人脸上寻找可以让她心安的东西。一个又一个地看过去,没有,一直没有,每个人的神色都极凝重。像是拳头似的一拳又一拳地告诉着陈果眼下的形势有多么的不乐观,直至陈果的视线走了一个大圈,直至她的目光最终落到坐在她另一边的苏沐橙。Thereforesheseeswithotherpersonsomewhatdifferentlooks.
于是她看到和其他人有些不同的神色。Surprised, has. However when is surprised. Actuallynotlikeotherpeoplethatdignified, from the Su Muchenglook, unexpectedlyisonetype that Chen Guosees...... Sad?
Is Su MuchenginYe Xiudefeatsto feelsadly? Did thismost familiarYe Xiuperson, haveat this timecompared withall of themclearerjudgment?苏沐橙已经在为叶修战败而感到忧伤了吗?这个最为熟悉叶修的人,此时已经有了比他们所有人都更为清晰的判断了吗?„Has not lost!”Chen Guoblurted out, even if the sceneis not optimistic, so long as the Lord Grimdrop of blood, shewill also anticipate the birth of miracle.
“还没有输!”陈果脱口而出,即使场面不乐观,但是只要君莫笑还有一滴血,她都会期待奇迹的诞生。„?”Su Muchenghas complied withonesubconsciously, recoverslikelysuddenly, herlookall of a suddenbecomesverytranquil.
“啊?”苏沐橙下意识地应了一声,像是突然间回过神来似的,她的神色一下子变得很平静。„Yes. Has not lost.”Shewas sayingtoChen Guo. Restoreson the tranquilfacequickbursting with life. Since continuouslyherfacial expressiontoYe Xiuunparalleled trust.
“是的。还没有输。”她对陈果说着。恢复平静的脸上很快神采奕奕。正是一直以来她对叶修无比信赖的神情。„Will not lose!”Chen Guowas sayingfirmly, „has not lost”turned„will not lose”, is the blessing. Is the anticipation, is the faith.
“不会输!”陈果坚定地说着,“没有输”已经变成了“不会输”,是祝福。是期待,也是信赖。Howevercanpersonlikeher. Are not really many.
但是能像她这样的人。真的不多。Pan LinandLi Yibo in televisionbroadcasthad judgedYe Xiudeath penalty, twopeoplesaidat this timeyou of crosstalksaidmyplaceto sayZhou Zekaithisrevolutionaryskill.
电视转播中的潘林和李艺博就已经宣判了叶修的死刑,两个人这时说相声似的你一言我一句地说着周泽楷这革命性的技巧。„Perhaps the Glorygamewill make therefore the bigupdatebigadjustmentalsoperhaps.”Pan Linsaid with a smile, the voicewas relaxed, as ifat presentcompetitionresultalreadyimmaterialsame as / in general, becausethiscompetitioninhishearthad finished.
“或许荣耀游戏会因此进行大更新大调整也说不定。”潘林笑道,语态轻松,似乎眼前比赛胜负已经无关紧要一般,因为在他心中这比赛已经结束。„Yes, was really tooabnormal. Compared withletting the alliancerevises the contest rule, makinggame companyrevise the gameto establishthisto be without doubt more abnormal.”Li Yibosaid.
“是的,真的是太变态了。比起让联盟修改比赛规则,让游戏公司修改游戏设定这无疑更变态。”李艺博说。„Whatyesis, was too strong.”Pan Linthisdoes not know that manytimeused„to be too strong”thisto describe.
“是的是的,真的太强了。”潘林这已经是不知道多少次用到“太强了”这个形容。Yes, was too strong.
是的,太强了。Howevertoodoes not mean unable to defeat, becauseis onlytoostrongnothing more, is too notstrongest!
The path that the bulletputsseems the swordlight, interlocks, a Lord Grimslantingbody, in the handThousand Chance Umbrellaopenssuddenlyistwo, by the Tonfashapeminuteholdstwoat the same time, the whole bodyinspires!
子弹划出的轨迹好似剑光,交错当中,君莫笑忽一斜身,手中千机伞一拆为二,以东方棍的形态分持到两手的同时,浑身一振!Reinforced Iron Bones!钢筋铁骨!Lord Grimdoes not dodgedoes not evade, mustdisplaythisAbilitysuddenly, flickers the timenot to know that manybulletdirect hithisprotothoraxes, seemstime and time againsharp swordthroughsame as / in general. Blood splashcrazyis in flood, Lord Grimstatureactuallysteps on the steppointin the blood splash that thisfills, one side ofstaturehas been putting on, justbecameTonfaThousand Chance Umbrellatransfersat this timewithis the Fighter-classclawshape, the right handillnesssearches.君莫笑不闪不避,忽得施展出这一技能,瞬时间不知道多少颗子弹直接命中他的前胸,好似一次又一次地利剑穿心一般。血花疯狂的泛滥着,君莫笑的身形却在这弥漫的血花中踩着步点,身形一侧就已从中穿出,刚成东方棍的千机伞此时又转成了同为格斗系的爪形态,右手疾探而出。Cloud Body, Strangle!云身,锁喉!Cloud Pierceris busy atdrawing back.一枪穿云忙退。Perhapsisbackwards leap, perhaps after is, wheel trackstep, butwasanyeverybody was unable to know. Because ofthisCloud Body, thisStranglecomessuchrapidness, suchsuddenly, Zhou Zekaihas madeutilize, butCloud Piercerhas not actually comeanddisplayed. Right hand of Lord Grimalreadystubbornlycardinhisthroat.
或许是后跳,或许是后辙步,但到底是什么大家已经无从知晓了。因为这一云身,这一锁喉来得如此之快,如此之突然,周泽楷做出了操作,但是一枪穿云却没来及施展。君莫笑的右手已经死死地卡在了他的喉咙。Allpeopleare dumbfounded.
所有人目瞪口呆。Somagnificent, soabnormalGreat Gunner, howbysuchcrudeStrangletaking?
如此华丽,如此变态的枪王,怎么就被这么一记粗暴的锁喉给拿下了?However, probablydoesn't affect the attack?
不过,好像不影响攻击吧?Allpeopleseeclearly, althoughLord Grimstarted runninggoes forwardStrangleto graspCloud Piercer, but the muzzleactuallyalsotightpost of Cloud Piercerdual pistolsbefore the body of Lord Grim.
所有人看得清楚,君莫笑虽然抢步上前锁喉拿住了一枪穿云,但是一枪穿云双枪的枪口却也紧紧贴在了君莫笑的身前。Stranglecandefine that opponentmovement, is actually not ableto forbid the attack of opponent. At this timeZhou Zekaidoes not need to carry on the crazyfire the aiming, how manyblood can thisflashsweepLord Grim?锁喉可以限定对手的移动,却无法禁止对手的攻击。此时周泽楷连瞄准都不用就可以进行疯狂的射击,这一瞬间可以扫掉君莫笑多少血?Bang!
砰!Always is the dull thumping sound, the sound of gunfire?
一向闷响,是枪声?No, was not, isLord Grim, the headdirectlyhitstoCloud Piercer, exploded the headby, immediatelymade the volumeheart of Cloud Piercerblossom, the bloodsplashed.
头槌!BrawlerAbility, only thenmingles among street, when fights the Brawlertalent that stops at nothingwill linkto treat asweapon. Resorts to all meansistheydepending on the weights of fightsurvival.流氓技能,只有混迹于街头,打架斗殴时无所不用其极的流氓的才会连头都当作武器。不择手段就是他们赖以战斗生存的砝码。
The Zhou Zekaiangle of viewis rockingfiercely, even ifso, the Cloud Piercerdual pistolsactuallystubbornlystand firm, sound of gunfireas beforetenaciousresounding. However the knee of Lord Grimhad hitat this timeto the lower abdomen of Cloud Piercer, hitsto be curvingwith the bodyhim.周泽楷的视角剧烈晃动着,即便如此,一枪穿云的双枪却还是死死稳住,枪声依旧顽强的响起。但是君莫笑的膝盖这时已经撞向了一枪穿云的小腹,将他撞得跟个身子弯曲起来。Knee Attack!膝袭!UnderAbility of thishalfcapture, Cloud Pierceris unable to maintainhisattitudefinally. The bodyis curving, the both armsnaturallysag. The bullet that projectsallswept the groundimmediately.
Under follows close onis being an elbowshoots down, layer on layerpoundsCloud Piercerto stooplowback of head, Cloud Piercerthrowstowardbelowimmediatelyactually, Lord Grimanotheralreadymade a fistto bring back. Uppercut, selectedCloud Piercerto the midair.
紧跟着又是一记肘击落下,重重地砸到一枪穿云弯身低下的后脑,一枪穿云顿时朝下扑却,君莫笑另一手早已握拳勾起。一记勾拳,又将一枪穿云挑向了半空。Strangle, a mallet, Knee Attackandelbowstrike, Uppercut......锁喉、头槌、膝袭、肘击、勾拳……CompletelyisBrawlerAbility, except the toppingmallet, otherfour is below 20levelslow-level skill. Finallyissuchcombinationutilization of oneset of Ability, Zhou Zekaithatarchery, whensharpstrategy of bodytechniquebrokecompletely.
全部都是流氓技能,除去头槌,其他四个更全是20级以下的低阶技能。结果就是这么一套技能的组合运用,将周泽楷那射术当体术的犀利打法完全打破了。Calls out in alarm, the praise, goodto be filledby a fistin the mouth, anythingcould not say.
惊叫的,赞美的,都好被被一拳塞在了嘴里,什么也说不出了。Chen Guois excited.陈果激动。WorthilyisYe Xiu, is really Ye Xiu, has not always letherdisappointedYe Xiu.
不愧是叶修,果然是叶修,从来都不曾让她失望的叶修。„Fierce!”Shewas yelling.
“厉害!”她大叫着。„Yes.”Su Muchengsmile, likebeforeshenottooflustered, this timeshehas not appearedtooexcited.
“是的。”苏沐橙微笑,就像之前她并没有太慌张一样,此时的她也没有显得太激动。Whenseeing the Zhou Zekailike thatexcellentskill. Shetruly is a little distracted.
就在看到周泽楷那般高超的技巧时。她确实有点走神。Elder brotherSu Muqiu that shehas thought ofelapseher. SimilarlyusesSharpshooter. Similarlyhasincomparablymagnificentutilizeskill.
她想到了她已逝去的哥哥苏沐秋。同样使用神枪手。同样拥有无比华丽的操作技巧。Meanwhileshecould not forgethisSharpshooterQiumuSuto be hitto liesurprisedbyYe XiuOne Autumn Leafat that timewhenground.
“妈蛋啊!”ThatwasSu MuchengonlyonetimehearsSu Muqiuto explode the thickmouth, hadmagnificentutilizehim, regarding was defeatedto feelinconceivable. Manyis a little breathless.
“能不能更土点?”Su Muchengstillremembers that at that timeProvoke of Su MuqiutoYe Xiurepeatedlyuse, two peopleissuchhappythis not otherhits. Is using in exchangevariousoccupations, variousCharacter.苏沐橙犹记得当时苏沐秋对叶修频频使用的嘲讽,两人就是这么乐此不彼地打来打去。换用着各种职业,各种角色。Su Muqiuhas even made a pamphletspecially, recordstwopeople of victory and defeatrecordsspecially, hands overtakes carebySu Mucheng.苏沐秋甚至特意弄了一个小本,专门记录二人的胜负纪录,交由苏沐橙保管。„Does not giveto look!” When Ye Xiuwantsto look, has not been underpermission.
“不给看!”叶修想看时,却从来都没有得到过允许。„Almost, has nothingto look.”Su Muqiulike thisis always saying, buttakes care ofpamphletSu Mucheng is very certainly clear, in the winning percentageisYe Xiuhas been is in the lead. The youthdisposition, tries to outdo othersunavoidably, the Su Muqiurecordsuccessdoes not wantto demonstrateoneare defeated. Howeverwas a pityvery much, untilin the end, hecannottie the data.
The pamphletwas treated as the Su Muqiurelicto processfinally, butSu Muchengoccasionallyalsothinks, ifhas hit, projects on the present, getsthese ten years, what can the data on thatsmallbookbe?
谁才是荣耀最强者?Ineachindividualheartanswer, because the tendency on emotion, thisansweris forever impossibleto unify. LikeYe Xiu, hehad thought that ifSu Muqiualso, certainlyis the Glorystrongestplayer, in the middle ofthishas doped the pitytodeceased.
每个人心中都有一个答案,因为情感上的倾向,这个答案永远也不可能统一。就像叶修,他一直觉得如果苏沐秋还在的话,一定是荣耀最强的选手,这当中就掺杂了对逝者的惋惜之情。Butin the Su Muchengmind, strongest is actually Ye Xiu, even ifshehassimilarlytofondly remembering of Su Muqiu, shesothinksas before. Becauseherelder brotherlike thistoldher: Ye Xiu, is strongest.
但在苏沐橙心目中,最强的却是叶修,即便她同样拥有对苏沐秋的怀念,她依旧如此认为。因为她的哥哥就是这样告诉她的:叶修,最强。Thereforeat presentthisreceives extensive attention the war of Number One Player, from the beginningin the Su Muchenghearthas the answer. Regardless of the result, will not change why.
所以眼前这场倍受关注的第一人之战,从一开始苏沐橙心中就有答案。无论结果为何,都不会改变。Was selectedbyUppercuttoCloud Piercer of midairis adjusting the muzzleimmediately, the response of Zhou Zekairapidly is also always accurate. In his angle of view in Knock-upcannot seeLord Grim, butrelies onexperience and consciousness, in the Cloud Piercerhand the dual pistolsare beingoneexplodeto the bodyundershoot.
The ballsuch as the raingets down, is the ballsuch as the raingets down, projects the bullet that fromtwomuzzles, does not havetworoundstoward the sameposition, the angle of eachspear/gunhascertaindeflection, the bullet that shortlywill flow swiftly, carried onmosta large area offirepowerto cover.
弹如雨下,真的是弹如雨下,从两个枪口射出的子弹,没有两发是朝着同一位置的,每一枪的角度都有一定的偏转,顷刻间泻下的子弹,进行了最大面积的火力笼罩。However, is thisalso what kind of?
但是,这又怎样呢?Ye Xiudoes not care, has not paid attention. Lord Grimlike thisis supporting the chest, welcomed the bullet that Cloud Piercerwas shooting, continuedto attack!叶修根本不在乎,没理会。君莫笑就这样挺着胸膛,直迎着一枪穿云射下的子弹,继续攻击!Because the distanceis nearenough, becausetwoCharacter are almost personal.
因为距离够近,因为两个角色几乎贴身。Even ifZhou ZekaicanbrandishCloud Piercerfireas ifswordsame as / in generalbystrongutilize, butin any event, hecannot change the setting of game.
纵然周泽楷可以凭借超强的操作将一枪穿云的射击仿佛刀剑一般挥舞,但是无论如何,他到底还是改不了游戏的设定。Determination of long-distanceattack, is inferior tonearbodyattack. Archery, when the bodytechniquebrandishes, is magnificent, does not have the close combatto attackto the control of aspectthatsolidstabilizes.
远程攻击的判定,就是不如近身攻击。将射术当体术挥舞,再华丽,对局面的掌控就是没有近战攻击那么坚实稳定。Thisis the most basictheory.
这是最基本的理论。Ormost unsophisticatedtheory.
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