TKA :: Volume #16

#1583: Pale shield shape

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This subtlety, the ordinary viewer does not know that in their opinion two people Character met finally, Ye Xiu first attacks, but Zhou Zekai uses the terrain to fend resourcefully. 这点微妙,普通观众根本不知,在他们看来两人角色总算是相遇了,叶修抢先攻击,而周泽楷机敏地利用地形闪避。 Onlooking expert knows after this is the Ye Xiu careful position, situation that makes, but realizes truly subtly, actually only then in field two people. 旁观的高手则知道这是叶修精心站位后制造的先机,但是真正体会到这其中微妙的,却只有场上二人。 Two spears/guns! 两枪! Meet, in oneself have not come and made ** under the condition , the opposite party has made two spears/guns. 相遇,在自己还没来及做出**作的状况下,对方已经打出了两枪。 Zhou Zekai has, not only magnificent ** does. Is called Glory's Number One Player he does not have to be therefore proud, but not extremely in modesty. Regardless of because modest proud, may cause the judgment in field to have the deviation. 周泽楷所拥有的并不只是华丽的**作。被称为荣耀第一人的他没有因此而骄傲,但是也不会太过于谦虚。因为无论谦虚还是骄傲,都有可能导致在场上的判断发生偏差。 Zhou Zekai has a sober self-confidence, comes in the situation to the field to make the distinction by this. 周泽楷拥有一份清醒的自信,以此来对场上形势做出判别。 One have not come and responded that the opposite party left two spears/guns! 自己还没来及反应,对方已经出了两枪! This is not an ordinary chance encounter. 这不是一次普通的巧遇。 This is Zhou Zekai in the conclusion that this flash draws immediately, outside his non- image field Pro-player equally knows the Lord Grim position mentality through the bird's eye view angle of view, but he uses his way, judged Ye Xiu to occupy offensive this conclusion in the field immediately. 这就是周泽楷在这一瞬间立即得出的结论,他并不像场外职业选手一样通过鸟瞰视角知道君莫笑的站位思路,但是他用他的方式,在场上立即也判断出了“叶修占据着先手”这一结论。 Therefore Cloud Piercer has not paused, without counter-attack, even continually a wee bit hesitant and scruple does not have, flashes past. 所以一枪穿云没有停步,没有反击,甚至连丁点的犹豫和迟疑都没有,就那么一闪而过。 Two spear/gun later Lord Grim, lost target / goal immediately. 两枪之后的君莫笑,立即失去了目标 My goodness! 好家伙! In the Ye Xiu heart also acclaimed. 叶修心中也赞叹了一下。 Such an instance, Zhou Zekai has only understood clearly the condition. The name of Glory's Number One Player, and was inferior such that many people conjecture by the outlook awarded marks, Zhou Zekai mechanical skill, consciousness and manner, truly places in pro scene is the eminent, Ye Xiu very clear this point. 只这么一个瞬间,周泽楷就已经洞悉了状况。荣耀第一人之称,并不如很多人臆想的那样是靠外型加分,周泽楷技术、意识、态度,确实放在职业圈中都是翘楚,叶修很清楚这一点。 Because for him Zhou Zekai is not any stranger, since Fifth Season, except for ninth Season of Ye Xiu complete blank, both sides has had in the field the social dealings is not two. He fully understands the Zhou Zekai energy, complete understanding this opponent formidabe. 因为对他来说周泽楷并不算什么陌生人,第五赛季至今,除了叶修完全空白的第九赛季,双方在场上打过的交道不是一次两次。他完全了解周泽楷的能量,完全了解这个对手有多难对付。 Depends upon perch that one time meticulously plans to take the favorable position solves the competition? Ye Xiu may not have to think like this. However the in the end condition surprises him somewhat, he has not expected takes the initiative such quickly to lose, plan that he starts, failed. 依靠一次精心谋划的占位就抢占先机解决比赛?叶修可没有这样想过。但是最终的状况却还是让他有些意外,他没料到就连先机都这么快就已经失去,他开始的一些谋划,都已经落空。 Ye Xiu that however has fought many battles, may not be is daunted easily. 但是身经百战的叶修,可也不是那么容易就被吓住了。 Changes approaches! 变向! This must flush away Lord Grim after two spears/guns in the Cloud Piercer direction, suddenly reverse pathing, movement fast, rapidly stretches the angle of view, Zhou Zekai Cloud Piercer appears from another angle in his angle of view immediately. 本在两枪后就要向着一枪穿云方向冲去君莫笑,忽然反向走位,移动飞快,迅速拉伸视角,周泽楷一枪穿云立即从另一个角度出现在他视角内。 Bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰! Spark blowout. 火花喷出。 The so intensive fire, is actually not Lord Grim this Unspecialized can make, such violent shoots, can only be Sharpshooter! 如此密集的射击,却不是君莫笑散人可以做出的,这样的暴射,只能是神枪手 Right hand Wildfire, left hand Frost Fragment. 右手荒火,左手碎霜 The ash-gray windproof coat flap flap makes noise in movement rapidly. 灰色风衣在急速移动中猎猎作响。 Ye Xiu starts running, was makes Lord Grim fall into the Zhou Zekai situation on the contrary, this, one step stepped into Ye Xiu to plan a feature with beforehand Cloud Piercer to be extremely similar. 叶修抢步,反倒是让君莫笑落入了周泽楷的先机,这一幕,和之前一枪穿云一步踏入叶修谋划中的一个特殊点极其相似。 Zhou Zekai fully does not understand Ye Xiu electing position technique, therefore this is not An eye for an eye. This is only two same boundaries high-end players, has words at fingertips and writes with facility in this chart to the use of map. 周泽楷并不完全了解叶修的选位手法,所以这不是什么以牙还牙。这只是两个同一境界的高端选手,在这张图上信手拈来得对地图的利用。 Ye Xiu through careful observation and precise computation. 叶修是通过仔细的观察和精密的计算。 Zhou Zekai? This is their Samsara at finals the home game chart that brings to use, what his all has is to map extraordinary familiar and understanding. 周泽楷呢?这是他们的轮回在决赛拿来使用的主场图,他所有拥有的是对地图的非凡熟悉和理解。 Large flame spraying, the sound of gunfire thunders. 火舌喷射,枪声轰鸣。 Is hitting in the muzzle, said is the condition that Ye Xiu faces at present. 正撞到枪口上,说得就是叶修眼下所面临的状况。 Brushes, Thousand Chance Umbrella haunches immediately, the bullet as if rainstorm hits the Thousand Chance Umbrella surface freely to shiver, straight sound. 刷,千机伞立时撑起,子弹仿佛暴雨般打得千机伞面不住地颤动,啪啪直响。 The firepower was too fierce! 火力太猛了! The electronic large screen of scene, television broadcast immediately pinched one group of data. 现场的电子大屏幕,还有电视转播都立即掐出了一组数据。 Thousand Chance Umbrella stamina. 千机伞耐久 Thousand Chance Umbrella stamina 23, the words in shield shape, this stamina are too low, Plate Shield because of the particularity of use, in the consumption and ordinary weapon of stamina is not an isometric rank. 千机伞耐久23,以盾形态来说的话,这个耐久太低,盾牌因为用途的特殊性,在耐久的消耗上和普通武器不是一个等量级别。 But Thousand Chance Umbrella 23 stamina, this is stamina that common weapon has, but when change shield shape, stamina will not change. 千机伞23的耐久,这是寻常武器所拥有的耐久,而变化成盾形态时,耐久也不会变化。 This stamina regarding Plate Shield low? Can see with a data contrast very much easily. 这个耐久对于盾牌来说有多低?用一个数据对比就可以很轻易地看出。 In Glory most low-order, 5 levels of Plate Shield devil wood shields, stamina is 20, was not far with stamina of Thousand Chance Umbrella shield. 荣耀中最最低阶的,5级盾牌小木盾,耐久是20,就已经和千机伞盾的耐久相去不远。 In Heavenly Domain, because is quite easy to obtain, and stats is good, in Knight gamers many people in 70 levels of purple character Plate Shield that have thorn of percolation, stamina is 85. 神之领域中,因为比较容易获得且属性不错,在骑士玩家中很多人持有的70级紫字盾牌“浸透的荆棘”,耐久是85。 But was known as that at present Glory first Plate Shield, silver character Plate Shield in Team Tiny Herb Knight Character Angelica hand Wall of Sigh, stamina reaches as high as 135. 而号称目前荣耀第一盾牌的,微草战队骑士角色独活手中的银字盾牌叹息之壁”,耐久高达135。 23 stamina higher level Plate Shield? The shield shape that except that Thousand Chance Umbrella changes, cannot discover second in Glory certainly. 23耐久高级盾牌?除了千机伞变化出的这个盾形态,在荣耀中绝找不出第二个。 broadcast also had scene electron large screen to give this stamina feature article, was because this time Cloud Piercer high Rapidfire struck, let the stamina mass consumptions of Thousand Chance Umbrella shield. 转播还有现场电子大屏幕都给了这耐久一个特写,就是因为此时一枪穿云的高速射击,让千机伞盾的耐久大量消耗。 22 nd, 21...... 22、21…… The figure is beating at the clearly discernible speed unexpectedly, obviously Cloud Piercer this time fire has violently crowded. 数字竟然以清晰可见的速率跳动着,可见一枪穿云此时的射击有多密集多猛烈。 Avoids quickly!!” On outside Happy player seat, Chen Guo anxiously said. Because this stamina to Lord Grim, not only Plate Shield, his weapon stamina is also this digit, not because of morphological change stamina that but will consume supplements. The speed that at present this stamina falls, in an instant will as if arrive at zero, in Glory 0 of equipment durability, that completely will destroy to lose the function. “快避开啊!!”场外兴欣的选手席上,陈果都已经焦急地叫了出来。因为这耐久君莫笑而言并不只是盾牌,他的武器耐久也是这个数字,并不会因为形态变化而将消耗掉的耐久补充回去。眼下这耐久掉落的速度,似乎转眼就会到零,荣耀装备耐久到0,那就会完全毁坏失去作用。 20 th, 19...... 20、19…… From all sides several seconds of time, Thousand Chance Umbrella stamina fell 4 points unexpectedly, shoots facing the violent of Cloud Piercer dual pistols, the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield shape appears very pale. 前前后后几秒钟的功夫,千机伞耐久竟然就已经掉了4点,面对一枪穿云双枪的暴射,千机伞的盾形态显得十分苍白。 However Lord Grim does not evade unexpectedly. 但是君莫笑竟不避。 Several seconds, Ye Xiu has made unexpectedly Lord Grim support Thousand Chance Umbrella to resist like this. 几秒钟,叶修竟然就一直让君莫笑这样撑着千机伞抵住。 It is not he does not want to evade, is nowhere may evade! 不是他不想避,是无处可避! Snatches the angle of view, originally is Ye Xiu wants to start assaults, actually does not think that Zhou Zekai early paid attention the Lord Grim possible position, the response that this flickers, Zhou Zekai was in the upper hand actually. 抢出视角,本是叶修想要发动抢攻,却不想周泽楷早已经留意起来君莫笑可能出现的位置,这一瞬的反应,倒是周泽楷占了上风。 A rapidness, is step by step quick. 一步快,步步快。 Ye Xiu can only be in comes under attack passively, Lord Grim the body cannot let the shield that he reaches one's goal instantly to hide at this time. 叶修只能处于被动挨打,君莫笑此时身遭并没有可以让他一步到位躲藏的掩护。 He can only support the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield. 他只能支起千机伞盾。 But can hit so Umbrella Shield stamina beats, killing that like this rushes crowded, really cannot be able to evade by movement pathing. 而能将伞盾耐久打得如此跳动,这样密集澎湃的射杀,实在不是可以靠移动走位就能避过的。 The roadlessness may draw back, has no place to hide, resisting of Umbrella Shield may not be lasting. 无路可退,无处可躲,伞盾的抵挡也不可持久。 Then only then enters , to continue to go forward in such suddenly to launch hail of bullets! 那么只有进,在这样暴射的弹雨中继续前进! Charge! 冲锋 Plate Shield is Priest-class, under the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield shape, displays Knight Charge Ability naturally without question. 盾牌本就属圣职系,千机伞盾形态下,施展骑士冲锋技能当然毫无问题。 In the hail of bullets, Lord Grim fires into Cloud Piercer suddenly. 弹雨中,君莫笑猛然冲向一枪穿云 Zhou Zekai horizontally has actually drawn the Cloud Piercer body, tries to snatch the angle of view, kills Plate Shield following Lord Grim directly. 周泽楷却已横拉一枪穿云的身位,试图抢出视角,直接射杀盾牌后面的君莫笑 Cloud Piercer horizontal body fish dive, the muzzle of dual pistols actually carries exceptionally stably. 一枪穿云横身鱼跃,双枪的枪口却端得异常稳定。 The angle of view was snatched instantaneously, the Thousand Chance Umbrella shield has not followed to change to here covers. 视角瞬间已被抢出,千机伞盾并没有跟上变化向这边遮挡。 Open fire! 开火! The bullet departs, passes through after Thousand Chance Umbrella. 子弹飞出,从千机伞后穿过。 After the umbrella, unexpectedly nobody! 伞后居然没有人! =========================== =========================== Last night finished forgets the upload to establish update directly, sweat, just came back to discover that hurried to pass on. Today also has update, in the evening!( To be continued.) 昨晚写完直接忘了上传设定更新了,汗,刚刚回来才发现,赶紧传上。今天还有更新,晚上!(未完待续。)
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