Fang Rui is trash talkplacedinPublic chat box open and aboveboard, CharacterBoundless Sea? Inthisset of attack, discoveredcompletely the Liu Haoadjustmentis very quick, after the opportunity that has not continuedto follow up, immediatelyleft to retreat.方锐的垃圾话是堂堂正正地摆在公共频道,角色海无量呢?在完全这一套攻击,发现刘皓调整挺快,没有继续跟进的机会后,立即抽身就想撤退了。„Whichruns!”Liu Haoshoutedinchannelspeciallyheroically a throat, toappearoneselfis hitbyFang Ruiignorant. SpellbladeSunless Darkcomes to a stopstatureflickers, Wave Splitting Swordfastcurled. Was only a pity that Boundless Seaearly a somersaultturned, immediatelyhiddenenteredbehind a that siderock.
“哪跑!”刘皓特别英勇地在频道里嚷了一嗓子,以显得自己并没有被方锐打懵。魔剑士暗无天日站稳身形的一瞬,一个地裂波动剑就飞快地卷了过来。只可惜海无量早已经一个跟头翻走,立即将自己隐入了那边的一块岩石背后。Butopponent the dreadfulclassGrandmaster, whereLiu Haodaresto makeSunless Darkovertakedirectly, Charactercrosswisemovement, has pulled out the quiteabundantspaceactuallyfirst, thiscaught upinthatdirection, has pulled out the space.对手可是猥琐流的大师,刘皓哪敢直接就让暗无天日追上,角色横向移动,硬是先拉出了比较充裕的空间,这才朝那方向一赶,拉出了空间。Boundless Seareallyhidesafter the rockgathersis reading the air/Qito prepareto play a dirty trick, the resultlooked that Liu Haothishas the appearance of protection, hasbutreceived the handfirst.海无量果然藏在岩石后蓄着念气准备使坏呢,结果一看刘皓这有防备的模样,也只好无奈先收了手。„Is so careful! Feared?”Fang Ruichannelsaid.
“这么小心啊!怕了?”方锐频道里说道。„Hasto plantyoudo not run!”Liu Haocalled out.
“有种你不要跑!”刘皓叫道。„It is not good, Ifearvery muchyour.”That that Fang Ruirepliedcalledrefreshed, appointedeveryonecould seethisis a joke. The words that verylacks prospects, put this alsobecomeresembleProvokesame as / in general. MoreoverFang Ruidoes what has said, was sayingagainletsBoundless Seapathing, basicdisagreementLiu Haodirect engagement.
“不行啊,我很怕你的。”方锐回答的那叫一个爽快,但是任谁也看得出这是个玩笑话。挺没出息的话,放他这也变得好像嘲讽一般。而且方锐十分言出必行,说着就再让海无量走位,根本不和刘皓正面交战。Finally this runs, does not runis too far, circlestoward the rockbehind, ispreparesandLiu Haounexpectedlycircleshere.
结果他这跑,又不跑太远,又是往岩石背后绕,竟是准备和刘皓在这里兜圈子。Thistechnique, a littlerascal, butenablesto come outfromdreadfulclass, everybodysuddenly feelsreasonable. Liu Haohad a minddirectWave Formationallcoveringthatregion, actuallyfearedwas recitingBoundless Seajumped the sneak attacksuddenly. Slightly after onehesitates, Sunless Darkgoes forward, butactuallydoes not doto pursue, but after drawing close to the rocksome, aboutwill receive the angle of view, portableShort Sword, has preparedswordmake a move. Liu Haoispreparesto wait for gains without pains, regardless ofFang Ruiiscontinuesto turn aroundclockwise, changessuddenlyanti-clockwise. Heonlyherewaits.
The resultwaits right and left, did not seeBoundless Sea, inPublic chat box Fang Ruitrash talkactuallycomes: „Well, comes back, howyouhave not cometo pursueme! Did not askmedo not run?”
结果左等右等,不见海无量,公共频道里方锐的垃圾话却又来了:“咦,怎么回来,你怎么没来追我啊!不是叫我不要跑的吗?”Liu Haohas spat a bloodimmediately. This person . After having toured the rock, left? Thatpresent, has circledtooneselfbehind?刘皓顿时吐了口血。这货。难道转过岩石后就走人了吗?那现在呢,难道又已经绕到自己身后了?Liu Haomustrotate the angle of viewhastily, butinthatflickers, suddenlyfreshvigilance. Paid attentionabout the terraincarefully. Thought that inthistime, Fang Ruidoes not havepossiblyinoneselfdo not havein the situation of discoveryto detour itselfBoundless Seabehind.刘皓连忙就要转动视角,但在那一瞬,突生警觉。仔细留意了左右地形。觉得这点时间里,方锐是无可能在自己没发现的情况下将海无量绕行自己身后的。
The impulsionwas nearly swindled!
险些冲动上当!Liu Haoaspirateddarkly. ButnowFang Ruiisanythingplannedthatheis not fully correct, comesparalysisinsuchspoken language, in factis carrying onto circleafter the wide scope. Saidthatonconcealafter the rock, waitsto ambush itself?刘皓暗吐了口气。可是现在方锐到底是什么打算,他还是猜不透,是用这样的言语来麻痹自己,事实上正在大范围进行绕后。还是说,就藏在岩石后,等着伏击自己呢?Liu Haois impossibleto defendlike this, hehasutilizeSunless Darkto withdraw , before is, like thatpulls open the spacetechnique, then, pulls out the angle of view, examinesbehindrock.刘皓不可能一直这样守下去,他只好又操作着暗无天日退后,又是之前那般拉开空间的手法,然后,拉出视角,去查看岩石后方。Thislooks, Boundless Seareallyonconcealafter the rock. Palmendinfront , is gatheringis reading the air/Qi, sneak attackedon!
这混账!Liu Haowas cursing angrilyat heart, thishas duplicated a processcompletely! Is goodis very calmbecause ofoneself, otherwisedoes not knowreallywill be what kind.刘皓心里怒骂着,这完全是重复了一遍刚才的过程啊!好在自己很冷静,不然真不知会怎样。Fang Rui? The redundanttrickwas seen through. Has thrownonein the channel: „Well, was discoveredbyyou.”Then, turned the bodyalsoto be clockwise.方锐呢?重复的花招被人识破了。只是在频道里扔了一句:“咦,又被你发现了。”然后,扭身就又顺时针去了。Liu Haoquickwas insane. Thishis mothermapiswhodesigns! Throwstogetherbrokenstoneto be so bothersomeinthis? Gavethisfellowopportunity, ornamental of competitionhas gotten downfellhad the woodto have!刘皓快疯了。这他妈地图是谁设计的啊!在这扔这么一块破石头烦不烦啊?给了这种家伙可乘之机,比赛的观赏性下了降了很多啊有木有!Liu Haosuchtakes for granted. Whichknows that the sceneearlyishappysea. Everybodypossiblynotcompetedsplendidgives the attractionintensely, the scene of butactuallybythisbeing played jokes uponteaseslaughs.刘皓是这么想当然的。哪知道现场早是一片欢乐的海洋。大家可能没被比赛的精彩激烈给吸引,但却被这戏耍的场面逗得哈哈大笑。Butnow. Fang Ruithirdtimecarries onsuchaction, Liu Hao, howto deal!
而现在。方锐第三次进行这样的举动,刘皓,会怎么应对呢!Sunless DarkShort Swordmentioned, recites, Electric Wave Formation!暗无天日短剑提起,吟唱,电光波动阵!
After Fang RuiBoundless Seacirclesto the stone, thereforegets uphisactionto the Liu Haoalsoonly to guessactually. Recitation of Wave Formationonlyflickers the momentumto emitin that in the endcongeals, Liu Haothistime, betsopponentnot to makethisjudgment.方锐的海无量绕到石后,所以说起来其实他对刘皓的举动也只能猜测。波动阵的吟唱只在最终凝结的那瞬有声势放出,刘皓这次,就赌对手不做这种判断。Hebetright!
他赌对了!Fang RuiBoundless Seahas not appeared, the electric lightfluctuation that on the Sunless Darksword bladecondenses, in the endgathers the ballnear the frontrock.方锐的海无量并没有露头,暗无天日剑身上所凝聚起的电光波动,最终在前方岩石边上汇聚成球。zi a sound, isfinallyflickers, the electric light that the fluctuationballcondensesbecomesflickers the timeradiantlyalreadyblooms, goes in all directions. Hastarget / goal, theywill automatically lock\;Withouttarget / goal, theyflee in all directionsautomatically. Liu Haothatsaidenters the All StarsSpellbladeplayer, in the eyehad not seento attacktarget / goal, butonlyfromfleeing in all directions of electric light, canjudgemany.
嗞啦一声响,已是波动球凝聚而成的最后一瞬,电光瞬时间就已经璀璨的绽放开去,四处流窜。有目标,它们会自动锁定\;没有目标,它们自动流窜。刘皓那好说是进了全明星的魔剑士选手,眼中未见攻击目标,但只从电光的流窜,也能判断出许多。Withouttarget / goal!
没有目标!Liu Haoonestartled, thismeansBoundless Seanotin the Wave Formationrange, then his position, at leastshouldat this timein......刘皓一惊,这意味着海无量不在波动阵范围内,那么此时他的位置,至少应该在……In the Liu Haobrainoutlined the Electric Wave Formationrangerapidly, andobtained fraudulently the frontscene, Sunless Darkalsohastilyquicklyrushes.刘皓脑中迅速勾勒出电光波动阵的范围,并套换到前方场景,暗无天日也连忙快步冲上。
The angle of viewhas pulled openstep by step, reallydoes not haveBoundless Seasilhouette, but, there......
视角一步步地拉开了,果然没有海无量的身影,但是,那里……Rockbackend, can only holdprobably a person of crevice, seemsonegroup of shadowsame as / in general. The pupil of Liu Haohas contractedrapidly, asSpellbladeexpert, hisveryclearSpellbladeallAbilitycharacteristics, inElectric Wave Formationrange, ifhasthis kind ofcrevice, Characteris very bigprobabilityhidesnotbydamage.
岩石的背端,一个大概只容得下一人的夹缝,好似一团阴影一般。刘皓的瞳孔迅速收缩了,作为一个魔剑士高手,他很清楚魔剑士所有技能的特点,电光波动阵范围里若有这样一个夹缝的话,角色是很大机率藏身其中不受伤害。Thischart, Liu Haodoes not know nothing, but, inthisrockhassuch a detail? Liu Haodoes not result inreallyclearly. Howeverat present, hesawthatimmediatelyguessed correctly, Boundless Sea, perhapshere.
这图,刘皓并不是一无所知,但是,这块岩石中藏有这么一个细节吗?刘皓真得不清楚。但是眼下,他看到,立时就猜到,海无量,恐怕就在这里。Was only a pity that was late.
His timedoes not haveanythingto guard, has not haggled overanyspace, Sunless Darkflushedvery muchanxiously. Seesthatcrevice, inhisbrainka-kalightens the thoughtcontinuously the time, Fang RuiBoundless Sea, alreadymake a move.
他这次可是没什么防备,没计较什么空间,暗无天日很急切地就冲了过来。看到那夹缝,他脑中卡卡卡连续闪出念头的功夫,方锐的海无量,已经出手。Liu Haoguessesright, Boundless Sea, here.刘皓猜得没错,海无量,就在这里。Earthquake!地雷震!Revealsfrom the crevice, is onlyBoundless Seahands, when revealshas pattedon the ground. Read of air/Qiin the earth's crustto disperse, Sunless Darkfended, was shotto the midair. Boundless Sea, is not dreadful, arrowsame as / in generalruns out, staturelike the wind, smugglesis reading the air/Qi, the bangkilledto the body of Sunless Dark.
从夹缝中露出的,只是海无量的双手,露出时已经拍在地上。念气在地壳内荡散开去,暗无天日闪避不及,被弹至半空。海无量,再不猥琐,箭一般冲出,身形如风,夹带着念气,轰杀至了暗无天日的身上。Alsois a wave of storm.
又是一波强攻。Sunless DarkHPcrash-bangis dropping, sceneHappyfanscrash-bangapplauds.暗无天日的生命哗啦啦地下降着,现场兴欣粉丝哗啦啦地鼓着掌。„1 vs 3!”Theycontinueto cry out, butWind Howlthat sidefansshut upbasically. Theytrust, anticipationVice-Captain, facingthisdreadfulFang Rui, the meansare not probably many. Thisalsosecondis completely same as first , the rhythmcompletelyin the control of opposite partythen, this way, is not the victory and defeatissue, butis...... Will Fang Ruithistime, winthis1 vs 3by the bigsuperiority?
Since third, starts, Boundless Seamaynot injure the blood, Sunless DarkHPgot downactually. Boundless Sea83%HP are on the contraryis in the lead. But a manaissue that in1 vs 3usuallyneedsto worry about, appeareddoes not haveinBoundless Sea this pressure. Because the efficiency of Fang Ruiattack was too high, as long asmake a move, returns home with a full load, the manaconsumptionnaturallywill not be so many, at this timefightsthishaving more than enough to spare.
第三阵,开打至今,海无量可还没伤血呢,暗无天日的生命倒是下去了。海无量83%的生命反倒是处于领先。而一挑三里通常需要担忧的一个法力问题,在海无量这也显得毫无压力了。因为方锐攻击的效率实在太高了,但凡出手,都是满载而归,如此法力消耗当然不会太多,此时战完这场绰绰有余。Howeverregarding the audience, in the eyeonlylooks at the victory and defeat, suddenlybut actuallycannot consider such thing of detail. Looks at the scene, looks atinternetbroadcast, like thislooks that Fang Ruicomes and goesvarioustypesto toss about, in the endLiu HaoSunless Darkrubbing. Liu Hao, demonstratedprobably a style of All Starsstandard, thisround, hehas carried offBoundless Sea15%HP, wantssuperiorsomecompared with the fronttwoWind Howlplayers, but, onlythisnothing more.
不过对于观众而言,眼中只看胜负,一时间倒考虑不到这么细节的东西。看现场的,看网络转播的,就这样看着方锐来来去去各种折腾,最终把刘皓的暗无天日给磨死了。刘皓呢,好像也展示出了一点全明星水准的风范,这一回合,他带走了海无量15%的生命,比前面两位呼啸选手都要优势一些,但是,仅此而已。1 vs 3, HPconsumes32%, thisis the answer paper that Fang Ruiin the endhands over, the audienceis cheering, goes downfrom the competitionstagetoFang Rui, turns back the position of Happyplayerseat, had not stood still.一挑三,生命消耗32%,这是方锐最终交出的答卷,现场观众欢呼着,一直到方锐从比赛台上走下,走回兴欣选手席的位置,都一直没有停歇。1 vs 3, HappyTang Rouonce the matter that boastedto achieve, has not achieved, now, actuallybyteammateFang Ruiachieving. Manyreportersexcitedlysomewhatcould not sit still, theywished one could the competitionto finishnow, immediatelyrush upwardsinterviewed. Howeverafter allknowsthisisimpossible, therefore the mostreportercalms down, varioustypesturnfind the material, carries on the positivepreparationfor the post-gameinterview. In the middle ofthis, E-Sports HomeChang Xian, aftertwoconfirmedone after another for tenyears1 vs 3 on eachArena Match, hefinallybelieves firmly, Fang Rui, has created a record.一挑三,兴欣唐柔曾经放言要做到的事,没做到,现在,却被队友方锐给做到了。现场的好多记者都兴奋地有些坐不住了,他们恨不得比赛现在就结束,立即冲上去往死里采访一番。不过毕竟知道这是不可能的,所以绝大部分记者还是冷静下来,各种翻找资料,为赛后的采访进行积极的准备。这当中,电竞之家的常先,在接连两遍确认了十年来的每一次擂台赛上的一挑三后,他终于确信,方锐,创造了一个纪录。1 vs 3superioritybiggestrecord.一挑三优势最大的纪录。HPconsumes32%, thisresult, spawnedWang Jiexiinbiggestsuperiorrecord of Fourth Seasoncreation: 52%HPconsumptions, enhanced20%.生命消耗32%,这个成绩,刷新了王杰希在第四赛季创造的最大优势纪录:52%的生命消耗,足足提高了20%。Moreoverwhatmustemphatically point out that Fang Rui, isArena Matchfirstenters the stage, hepays32%HP, has overthrownthreeHP100%opponentearnestly.
而且必须要着重指出的是,方锐,是擂台赛第一出场,他付出32%的生命,是切切实实地打倒了三个生命100%的对手。ButWang Jiexi, at that timewas the thirdcis-position, the holding the arenagreat general, the startleddayreversal that althoughhecompletedwas more exciting, HP that no matter what, hepaid, as well ashestruckopponentHP that massacred, fellinleeward.
而王杰希,当时是第三顺位,守擂大将,虽然他完成的惊天逆转更加激动人心,但不管怎样,他付出的生命,以及他击杀掉的对手的生命,都是落于下风的。Therecord of Fang Rui, the gold contentis full, evencansay that difficultly is very very difficultto surmount.方锐的这个纪录,含金量十足,甚至可以说很难很难超越。Buthecreates the way of thisrecord, is worth a book. Hedoes not killbyoverwhelming superiorityeasily accomplished. Thesethreecompetitions, the timeis not short, veryhitsis slow, Fang Rui, withhisdreadfulclass, created the abnormalefficiency. Thisattackefficiency, is notthesestormplayerscanduplicate. They in opponenthardtocollision, carries onvariousexchangesunavoidably, HP that in the endpays, will be impossibleto compresstoare so few.
The dreadfulclass, has received the indifferentdreadfulclass, because ofthisrecord, will go down in the alliancehistoryfinally.
猥琐流,受过很多冷眼的猥琐流,终将因为这一纪录,载入联盟史册。InhistoryArena Match1 vs 3 of biggestsuperiority, is the dreadfulclasscreation!
史上最大优势的一场擂台赛一挑三,是猥琐流创造的!Thisis the victory of Fang Rui, ishedreadfulclassvictory that even ifreformingQi Master must insist on.
===============================Late a point, has not calculatedslightlywas late?
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