Chapter 1272
彻底压制Simple, strikes the hit.
简简单单,一击命中。Cut the blood splash, cutto fall the Tang HaoFlying Upwardsmood.
The brick that Three Hitsdepartswas evadedby the opposite partywith ease, hehad no alternativesuchsword. Attack of Ye Xiu, how can also be only. The Sword Drawhit, pursues the Thousand Chance Umbrellashieldto receivetightly, variousshapeRollare demonstrating, variousAbilityone after anotherinThree Hitsbodywhereabouts.唐三打飞出的板砖被对方轻松避过,自己却无可奈何中了这样一剑。叶修的攻击,又怎会只是一段。拔刀斩命中,紧追着千机伞盾已经收起,各种形态翻滚展示着,各种技能接连在唐三打身上着落着。Unspecializedhitsquickly!散人快打!gamershad a nametoLord Grimtheset of combo. Althoughmove combo change of theiralsocompletely not clearYe XiuthisUnspecializedcombo, when saw when opponentwas countedrespectivelylow-level skillfrom the beginningprojects on the foot, theyknowthatUnspecializedhitquickly.
不知不觉间,玩家们已经给君莫笑的这套连击起了一个称呼。虽然他们也完全不清楚叶修这散人连击的套路变化,但是,当看到对手被各数低阶技能从头打到脚时,他们就知道,散人快打来了。Underthisquick attack, 16peoplehave been defeated. They have anxiousrookie, haspotentialrookie, hasTeamTacticto give up, there is a strengthplayertriesindependently, there isZhang JialeandSun ZhepingsuchpasttopGreat God.
这一手快攻之下,至今已有16人落败。他们当中有紧张的新人,有潜力新秀,有战队的战术放弃,也有实力选手的放手一试,也有张佳乐、孙哲平这样的昔日顶尖大神。Tang Hao, the core of thisa team / 1st Team , returnsto meet.唐昊,这种一队之核心,还是头回遇到。Howeverresult?
但是结果呢?HoldsanticipationgamerstoTang Haodisappointedly, quick.
对唐昊抱有期待的玩家,很快就失望。This...... Is also different from otherpeople!
Does the victorybelong toWind Howl?
胜利属于呼啸?Manifesto that Tang Haosends outbefore the game, at this timeseems likefrompulling out the mouth is the same, hedisplayssuchbeing incapablein the field, thoroughwas crushed.唐昊赛前发出的宣言,此时看起来像是自抽的嘴巴一样,他在场上表现得那样的无力,彻彻底底的被压倒。What's the matter? Thisis not the All Starsmatch.
怎么回事?这又不是全明星赛。Manygamersare having doubts, alwaysthought that thisis not the Tang Haoreal horizon.
不少玩家疑惑着,总觉得这不是唐昊的真实水平。Tang Hao is also suchconsidering, thisis notownreal horizon, but the issueis, the real horizon, hecannot display.唐昊也是这样的认为的,这绝不是自己的真实水平,但问题是,真实水平,他发挥不出来。Before after Ye Xiuseizedthatmove of opportunity, althoughTang Haoa little frustration, howeverhisfighting spirit, hishigh-spiritedness, in light of this has not dissipated, hehas completedgathered the potentialcounter-attack the opportunity, and otherYe Xiurevealedopening(s).
之前被叶修抢了那一招先机后,唐昊虽然也有点挫败感,但是他的斗志,他的意气风发,并没有就此完全消散,他已经做好了蓄势反击的机会,就等叶修露出一个空当。However...... Withoutopening(s).
但是……没有空当。Thissimplefourcharacters, whatcontainsiswhat kind offoundation of basic skills?
这简简单单四个字,包含的是怎样的功底?Tang Hao is haughty, candefeatanybodyagainself-confidently, actuallydoes not dareto thinkonecannot haveopening(s)in the competition, a flawdoes not appear.唐昊就是再狂傲,再自信可以击败任何人,却也绝不敢认为自己可以在比赛中毫无空当,一点破绽都不出现。Nobodycanachievethis point, at leastbeforetoday, Tang Haolike thisthinks. Howevernow, in the competition of experiencing personally, hisopponent, has not lefthisslightlyopening(s).
Is thispossible?
这怎么可能?Isownvisionis not very sinister?
是自己的目光不够毒辣吗?Tang Haodoes not believe that somepeoplecannot have the flaw, thereforehestartsto suspect that ownpower of observation, hisself-confidencestartedto vacillate.唐昊不相信有人可以毫无破绽,于是他开始怀疑自己的观察力,他的自信已经开始动摇。Thistypesuspectedthatisstarting today, that daytook rootfromAll Starsafter the game, Tang Hao was unable to distinguish. Heonlyknows that hedoes not wantto lose, butactuallycould not findto attain the method of victory.
Has thisgotten down?
就这样一直下去吗?Saw that Three HitsHPis getting more and more low, Tang Haois somewhat anxious.
眼看唐三打生命越来越低,唐昊有些焦躁。If, oneselfcould not find the flawreallycontinuously, thiscompetitionwas walkedbynearly the full healthconditionto a wave bandbyYe Xiu? In16rounds of Ye Xiuwinning streak, nobodyislosesprobablysuchpitifully? Do onelinkthesefellowsto be inferior?
万一,自己真的一直都找不到破绽呢,这场比赛难道就被叶修以近乎满血的状态给一波带走?叶修连胜的16轮里,好像还没有谁是输得这么凄惨的吧?自己难道连那些家伙都不如?„Thisis impossible!!!”Tang Haowas roaring, buthissoundsomepeoplewill not hear, the voiceopenedonlymatchesnothing moreinAll Stars, returned tooccupationSeason, ruleallas usual.
“这不可能!!!”唐昊咆哮着,只是他的声音不会有人听到,语音开放只在全明星赛而已,回到职业赛季,规则一切照旧。Howeverroarswiththis, Tang Haorises spiritedly, hedisregarded the Lord Grimfollowingattack, Three HitsopenedReinforced Iron Bones, onstrong!
The choice of Tang Haonaturallyis not the solution, seems like more like the struggle of trapped/sleepybeast, Ye Xiulooks like100methodscopes, is optionalitsone, Three Hitsfalls down.唐昊的选择当然不是什么破解之道,看起来更像是困兽之争,叶修看起来有100种方法对付,然后任选其一,唐三打扑倒。
A scenehiss, the strugglingresistance of Tang Hao, looks likeextremelydoes not haveinmanyordinary players the mechanical skillcontent, does thiswantto breakUnspecializedto hitquickly?
现场一片嘘声,唐昊的挣扎对抗,在很多普通玩家看来都是极没技术含量的,这样就想破了散人打快?„Was too naive!”SceneHappyfanswas crying outloud.
The soundcannot pass to the ear of Tang Hao, but, heis makinganythingcompared withanybodyclearer.
Isn't a timegood? Comesagain!
一次不行?再来!Tang Haorushed, as if a layman is the same, does not have the mechanical skillcontentto continueto pester.唐昊又冲了上去,仿佛一个门外汉一样,毫无技术含量地继续纠缠。
Does yourappearance, deal withmelike100methods? Good, Itry, youso manymethods.
你的样子,像是有100种方法来应付我?好吧,那我就来试一试,你到底有没有这么多的法子。Tang Haoviolatesto holdto twistmuddily, but the laughter of scene, actuallygraduallyextinguished.唐昊犯浑般地执拧起来,但现场的笑声,却渐渐地熄了。Tang Haohits not attractively, eventhere areto lose this God playerstatus, when does not have the means that canlower the posture, is bold inmaking the attempt of thishiringridicule, the chase of Tang Haotovictory, is really verypure. Ifmanypeoplethought that the All Starsmatchmakeshimfeeldoes not have the facevery much, butat this time, hisaction, has not been treasuring the faceobviously.唐昊打得并不好看,甚至有失他这种大神选手的身份,但是,在没有办法的时候,能放下身段,勇于做出这种招人嘲笑的尝试,唐昊对胜利的追逐,真的是很纯粹。如果很多人觉得全明星赛让他觉得很没面子的话,但是此时,他的举动,显然并没有在顾惜面子。He is not playing the competitionforhonor, herequests, is the victory.
他并不是在为了脸面打比赛,他要求的,是胜利。Was only a pity that the victorydid not put down to win. Method that Ye Xiudoes havethat manydealing, nobodycanknowreallythateverybodyonlyknows the attempt that variousTang Haotypesdash the south wall, in the endhitsoneselfbadly beaten. The audiencestopped the laughter, Ye Xiuhad not actually relaxedtohim.
只可惜胜利也并不是放下一切就可以赢得的。叶修到底有没有那么多应对的法子,没人真能知道,大家只知道唐昊各种撞破南墙的尝试,最终都是把自己撞得头破血流。全场停止了笑声,叶修对他却没有丝毫放松。PerhapsTang Haohas the infinitecourageto attempt, but, Three HitsnotinfiniteHP.唐昊或许有无穷的勇气来尝试,但是,唐三打并没有无穷的生命。Time and time again, is unable to break the Lord Grimoffensive, welcomed can only bestrongermaking a false counter-accusation, finally, Three HitsHPhas come to the end.
输了!However, likeat the All Starsmatch, hedid not haveat that timethathumiliation and awkwardness.
但是,不像在全明星赛上,他没有那时那种屈辱和尴尬。Wang JiexiMagicianstrategy, comestowering, coming the accident, Tang Haoto be caught off guard, in the heartare more, probablywas the typeby the accidentalconditioncloudyindignation. Howeverat this time, heexperiencesis not the thing of thisaccidentalnature, is not caught off guard, thisissuppression, issuppression of an opposite partystrengthaboveoneself.王杰希的魔术师打法,来得突兀,来得意外,唐昊措手不及,心中更多的,大概是种被意外状况阴了的愤慨。但是此时,他经历的不是这种意外性的东西,不是什么措手不及,这是实打实的压制,是一种对方实力在自己之上的压制。Will really havesuchstrongperson?
竟然会有这么强的人?WhenThree Hitsdrops down, in the Tang Haoheartdoes not have the humiliation, somearesuchfeeling.
当唐三打倒下时,唐昊心中没有屈辱,有的是这样的感慨。„Next timeIwill win!”Buthisstillwhenis obstinate argumentative, probablyforgot the beginningvictorymanifestojustto be hitthoroughbyface smacking.
“下次我会赢!”但他犹自在嘴硬着,好像忘了开场时的胜利宣言刚被打脸打了个彻底。„Nextmatter, will saynext timeagain.”Ye Xiureturns saying that strikesto kill.
The entire audiencerelaxed.
全场观众松了口气。Relaxed? Whywill havethisfeeling? Allpeoplestartsuddenlystrangely. Tang Haois not having the mechanical skillcontentto hitobviouslyrandomly, this will strategypossiblywin? Whatnecessityhasto be anxiousforYe Xiu?
When Ye Xiufate, the applauseresounds, lively, is actually mixing with a hesitation.叶修下场时,掌声响起,热闹中,却又夹杂着一丝犹豫。ThatendTang Hao? As a loser . Moreover the verylosesuglyloser, the steplooks like is very firm, everybodyis looking athim, the moodis a little complex, could not sayisanyreason.
那端的唐昊呢?作为一个失败者,而且是输得挺难看的失败者,步伐看起来却很坚定,大家望着他,情绪有点复杂,却又说不出是什么原因。Ye Xiugoes down the field, satonownseat.叶修走下场来,坐回了自己的座位上。„Playedattractively, has taughtthatfellowmaliciously!”Chen Guocollectsto commend, shedoes not likeonTang Haothatsharevigor, canbe so suppressedbyYe Xiu, is really crisp.
“打得漂亮,狠狠教训了那个家伙!”陈果凑过来称赞着,她不喜欢唐昊身上的那股子劲,能被叶修如此压制,甚爽。„Isveryattractive.”Fang Ruinods, „, but, is very laborious?”
“是很漂亮。”方锐点点头,“但是,也很辛苦吧?”„Huh?”Chen Guohad doubts, looks at the Ye Xiufacial expressionagain, discovered that toohas not won the joy of laterFlying Upwards, althoughthisfellowsame as / in generalis notdo whatever you want / casual is placed the moodon the face, butat this time, after the victory, Expressionis not even relaxed. Chen Guoknowsimmediatelythathelookedissuewas also superficial. Shelooked atSu Mucheng, looksfromSu Muchengto the Ye Xiulook, goodevento see...... Worried.
“嗯?”陈果疑惑了一下,再看叶修神情,发现并没有太多胜利以后飞扬的喜悦,虽然这家伙一般也不是那么随便就把心情摆在脸上的,但是此时,胜利之后,表情甚至没有太轻松。陈果顿时知道,自己看问题又肤浅了。她看了看苏沐橙,从苏沐橙望向叶修的眼神里,好甚至看到了……担忧。„It is not relaxed.”Ye Xiusaid.
“是不轻松。”叶修说。„What's wrong?”Chen Guoasked.
“怎么?”陈果问。„Boss ...... Youthink that suppressessuchthoroughlyTang Haothisplayer, is a veryeasymatter?”Fang Ruisaid.
“啊?”„Canmake intothis , because hisaudienceis in the eruption of high density! Thisis very laborious.”Fang Ruisaid.
“能打成这样,是因为他全场都处于高密度的爆发!这很辛苦的。”方锐说。Chen Guothenunderstandsthatthisseems like the brilliantvictory, perhapsYe Xiupaidhas competedraremoreenergy. DefeatsTang Hao? Heachieves, not onlythis, butis the thoroughpressedtrigshim.陈果这才明白,这场看似漂亮的胜利,叶修恐怕付出了超乎寻常比赛更多的精力。击败唐昊?他做到的不只是这点,而是彻彻底底地压制住他。„Whycanthis?”Chen Guosomewhatworries, canwinis not good? Wonsuchthoroughly, created such bigloss, it is necessary? Chen Guoloves dearly.
“为什么要这样做?”陈果有些着急,能赢不就好了吗?赢得这么彻底,造成这么大的损耗,有必要吗?陈果心疼。„Why? BecauseIdo not wantto lose!”Ye Xiusaid.
“为什么?因为我也不想输啊!”叶修说。Doesn't wantto lose?
不想输?Chen Guois shocked. The meaning of Ye Xiuis, ifcannotsuppresslike thiscompletely, to an opportunity of Tang Haocounterattack, hemightbe defeatedbyTang Hao?陈果愣住。叶修的意思是,如果不能这样完全压制住,给唐昊一次逆袭的机会,他就有可能会被唐昊击败吗?Chen Guohas a look atFang Rui, has a look atSu Mucheng, looked atallpeople.陈果看看方锐,看看苏沐橙,看了看所有人。Everybodyis silent, has not hadanythingto question.
大家都沉默,都没有对此有什么质疑。Chen Guois unable to sayanythingimmediatelyagain.陈果顿时也无法再说什么了。„You...... Restswell!”Shecansay, only thenthese.
The competitioncontinues. Althoughfills with worrytoYe Xiu, the trend of butcompetingis good, Individual Match numbertwoandthird, HappyseparatelybyMo Fan and Su Muchengnexttwocities, Individual Competitionmakes a 3 : 0 total victoryagainunexpectedly.
The entire audiencehad completely forgotten the firstcompetitionleaves the feelings of theirdifference, 10 : 0 shouton the sceneraiseonce more. Individual Competition, the scoreis most scattered, alwaysmakes10 : 0 biggestbarriers, nowIndividual Competitionallhas taken, thisround, was a 10 : 0 rhythm! Until now, so long asHappytakes the total victoryinIndividual Competition, maybe10 : 0 rhythms!
全场观众已经完全忘记了第一场比赛留给他们的异样的感觉,10比0的呼喊声再次在场中掀起。个人赛,分数最分散,向来是打出10比0最大的障碍,现在个人赛都已经悉数拿下,这一轮,又是一次10比0的节奏了吧!迄今为止,兴欣只要在个人赛里拿下全胜,可统统都是10比0的节奏呢!Is listening to the full housecall, Chen Guoaccidentallytogetheris not excitedwith the audience. Shedoes not haveis so easyto forgetlabor of Ye Xiuinfirstcompetition, inherheartsuddenly some not goodpremonition.
听着满场呼声,陈果却意外地没有跟着观众一起兴奋。她可没那么容易忘记叶修在第一场比赛中的辛苦,她心中忽然有些很不好的预感。Arena Matchstarting fromthis time, Happyfirsthas actually gone forth to battle, isFang RuiandhisQi MasterBoundless Sea.擂台赛却已在此时开始,兴欣第一个上阵的,是方锐和他的气功师海无量。Audienceapplause.
全场掌声。AlthoughreformingQi Master, actuallyinsistsdreadfulclassFang Rui. Althoughstrategydoes not ask forhappily, ismanypeoplespurnsin the Qi Mastercircle, but, in the Happysupporter, appreciateshispersonisverymany. Justkilled the new team of allianceregardingsuchone, victory and defeat that everybodyhaggles over, is the result. Mustachieve the result, moreoverwants the attractiveness on scene, thathighpursueleavesGiants that theseresultneedto improve on perfectionstably! The Happysupporters, must be more practicalnow. The victory, is higher thanall.
The dreadfulclassvictory, isn't that the victory?
猥琐流的胜利,那不也是胜利吗?Cheersin the applause, Fang Ruigoes on stage, enters the competitionseat. Buthisfirstopponent, Team Wind Howl, Zhao Yuzhe.
欢呼掌声中,方锐上场,进入比赛席。而他首场的对手,呼啸战队,赵禹哲。„Seniorlooks likeinHappymixeswell!” The competitionfrom the beginning, Zhao Yuzheexchangesunexpectedlyon own initiativewithFang Rui.
=============================Earlyone!( To be continued.
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