„AttractiveLife-Risking Strike!, splendidOne Hit Kill! Whatis more commendable, thisstems from the hand of Yang Cong, this was really toorare, thanked the splendidperformance of Yang Cong!!”Hostincrying out, intelevisionbroadcast, Pan LinandLi Yiboare also holdingdiscussionsonthistopic.
“漂亮的舍命一击,精彩的一击必杀!更难能可贵的是,这可是出乎杨聪之手,这真的是太难得了,感谢杨聪的精彩表现!!”现场主持在呐喊着,电视转播中,潘林和李艺博也就这一话题进行着讨论。Yang Cong, canbecomeAll Stars player, is not an ordinaryplayer. Butin this starradiantstage, heactuallymorelikelyis a traveler, hehas not lefttoomanytracesin the alliance, butnowdoes not have the toomuchtimeto givehim.杨聪,能成为全明星选手,也绝不是一名普通选手。可是在这个明星璀璨的舞台上,他却更多的像是一个过客,他没有在联盟留下太多的痕迹,而现在也没有太多的时间给他。Life-Risking Strike! on thisAll Stars, perhapsbecameinhiscareerunforgettableflash.
这次全明星上的舍命一击,或许将会成为他职业生涯中一次令人难忘的闪光了。„Was good, now the bteamby1 : 0, temporarilyis in the lead!” The hostwas announcing, the electronicscreen of scenehas also turned out the score.
“好了,现在b队以一比零,暂时领先了!”主持宣布着,现场的电子屏也已经翻出了分数。„The belowinvitedtwoteams of secondplayers.” The hostwas announcing, about the entire audiencevisionwas wavering, looked that whichplayertwo sideswasstands.
“下面有请两队的第二位选手。”现场主持宣布着,全场观众目光左右游移着,看两边各是哪位选手站出来。„Firstis a team, thisis, is a playerfromSamsara, istheirVice-Captain, Jiang Botao!”
“首先是a队,这是哦,又是一位来自轮回的选手,是他们的副队长,江波涛!”Jiang Botaostepped onto., bteamhereplayeralsowent forth to battle, wasTeam Hundred BlossomsZou Yuan江波涛走上了场,b队这边的选手也已经出阵,是百花战队的邹远。„Thisisshowdown between a Vice-Captain!” The hostmakestheseshowdownsmanysometopicelements. What a pity after thesetwoVice-Captaingo on stage, does not haveanythingto exchange, two peoplefrequents each otherdirectly the photo, has participated inJiang Botao of beforehandwarm-bloodedavoidancematch, has displayedhimto the manner that All Starscompetition fielddoes not care aboutspecially, hitsquiterelaxes. Zou Yuanis different, althoughthisishisthirdtimeis selected inAll Stars, but is actually first timeby the approval that ownperformanceobtains, butis notthis and thatreason. Hedoes not wantto makethesevotetohissupporterisdisappointed, therefore, even if only a competition of shownature, hedoes not wantto lose!
“这是一次副队长之间的对决啊!”现场主持让这些对决多些话题元素。可惜这两位副队长上场后也没什么交流,两人你来我往直接过照,参加过之前热血躲避赛的江波涛,已经表现过他对全明星赛场并不是特别在意的态度,打得比较放松。邹远却不一样了,这虽然已是他第三次入选全明星,但却是头一次凭借自身的表现得到的认可,而不是这样那样的理由。他不想让那些投票给自己的支持者感到失望,所以,即便只是一场作秀性质的比赛,他也不想输!What a pityeverythingissuchvariable. Zou Yuan that does not wantto lose, in the endlost\;Does not care aboutJiang Botao that the victory and defeatrelaxesvery much, wonon the contrary.
可惜事事就是这么无常。不想输的邹远,最终输了\;不太在意胜负很放松的江波涛,反倒是赢了。„The teamrecovers a point!” The hostwas announcingloud, the scoreboard of ateamhas also taken down a point. Zou Yuana littledisappointedlyreturns toappearance&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\; The facial expressionhad a scarebpoints of everybody.
“a队追回一分!”主持高声宣布着,a队的记分牌也记下了一分。邹远有点失望地回到场&\;middot\;神情把b分的大家吓了一跳。„What's the matter? Do youandJiang Botaohave a grudge?”Ye Xiuasked.
“怎么回事?你和江波涛有仇吗?”叶修问道。„No!”Zou Yuanis vacant.
“没有啊!”邹远茫然。„Doing that suchlooks distressed?”Ye Xiuis puzzled.
“那这么愁眉苦脸的干什么?”叶修不解。„I...... Lost!”Zou Yuansaid.
“我……输了啊!”邹远说。„Was not the firsttime.”Ye Xiusaid.
The peoplegraspcrazily, is thiscomfort? Isn't this comfort?
众人抓狂,这是安慰吗?这不是安慰吧?Yu Fengas the Zou Yuanteammate, the comparisonunderstood that hismentality, cameto draw to comfort&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)Zou Yuanhastilyat the same time\; The peoplecast the vision that despisestowardYe Xiuin abundance.于锋作为邹远的队友,还是比较了解他的心态的,连忙过来把邹远拉到一边安慰去了&\;middot\;众人纷纷朝叶修投来鄙夷的目光。„Whoshouldgo on stage?”Ye Xiudisregards, the summonplayergoes forth to battle.
“该谁上场了?”叶修无视,呼唤选手上阵。„Tome.” the bteam, the Team Misty RainLi Huaplayergoes forth to battle.
“到我了。”b队,烟雨战队的李华选手出阵。ateam, whatsetting outispresentTeam Wind Howl'sVice-CaptainLiu Hao.
a队这边,起身的是现在呼啸战队的副队长刘皓。„Haha, isshowdown between a Vice-Captain.” The hostwas saying, bored that in the field a hisspiece, the bangmanages. ThismaybeAll Stars&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;In the team is almost notCaptainisVice-Captain, therefore any Vice-Captainshowdown between showdownCaptainoris the showdown between Vice-Captainhereis not strange, thishostreallydoes not haveanythingsaidwiththisworks as the topicagain and again.
“哈哈,又是一场副队长之间的对决。”主持说着,场内嘘声一片,轰主持的无聊。这可都是全明星&\;middot\;在队里几乎不是正队长就是副队长,所以什么副队长之间的对决还是正队长之间的对决或者是正副队长之间的对决在这里一点都不稀奇,这主持是实在没什么说的了吧一而再,再而三地拿这个当话题。Thisideaalso is really verycorrect, the management has nothingto say.
这个想法还真是很正确,主持真的是没什么可说了。Liu Hao, Li Hua? This&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;Alsowasonepaircould not find the collision of occurring together, moreover cannot lookcontinuallytiny bit. Regardless of passing of player, istwo peopleTeam&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;two peopleoncefightinginTeam. IncludingTeam Match, thistwo peoplebecausetakes turns a kind of reasonnot to meet, parallel line&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank) that twowill never intersectsimplylike\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;`&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;刘皓,李华?这&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;又是一对找不到交集的碰撞,而且是连一丝一毫都找不着。无论从选手的过往,还是两人所处过的战队&\;middot\;还是两人曾在战队中的交手。连团队赛,这两人都因为轮换一类的原因没有碰过面,简直就像两条永不相交的的平行线&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;`&\;middot\;Tothissituation&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;Has saying that makes the live transmissionin the televisionPan LinandLi Yiboworthilyis the eminent of thisprofession. The hostcould not find the topic, whenthatsits the wax the audiencebreathes out, thesetwothissurprised„Oh wow, thesetwoplayerthisare the headreturnsonofficialcompetition fieldmeets!”
到了这种地步&\;middot\;不得不说,在电视里作直播的潘林和李艺博不愧已是这行业的翘楚。现场主持找不到话题在那坐蜡被全场嘘的时候,这两位这一句惊讶的“哎呦,这两位选手这还是头回在正式赛场上相遇啊!”Thus it can be seen, changes an angleto look atthing, immediatelycandiscover the differentanticipation.
由此可见,换个角度看事物,顿时就能找出不一样的看点了。Liu HaoandLi Hua who fightsfor the first time, toopposite partya littlestrangefeeling. Liu Hao is not only strangetoLi Hua, is strangertoAll Starsthisstage, thisishepulls upthisstagefor the first time, thiswasheanticipatedbylongmatter&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\; After the resultcame , discovered that he, can only dewsuchsmallfaceunexpectedlyinIndividual Competition of competition.
首次交手的刘皓和李华,对对方都有点陌生感。刘皓不只对李华陌生,更是对全明星这个舞台陌生,这是他首次挤身这个舞台,这是他期待了以久的事情&\;middot\;结果来了以后才发现,他,竟然只能在对抗赛的个人赛中露那么一小脸。Liu Haowantsto displayvery muchown, but...... On the stage of thisnumerousnebulacollection, hereallyhas no wayto snatch a heavieractor's pay. Team Matchwithout doubtis the biggestanticipation, is loafto wanttowardIndividual Competition to drill&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)compared withbteamthat sideYe XiuWang JiexiChu Yunxiuthesepeople\;Liu Haolooks forward tointoTeam Matchone! Becauseheis clear, in the endbuilding up of Team Match, representativecanbe the strongeststrength, may beinAll Stars the starthatwill rub the person, hehopesonewill havesuchstatus!刘皓是很想表现自己的,但是……在这个众星云集的舞台,他实在没法抢到更重的戏份。团队赛无疑是最大的看点,比起b队那边叶修王杰希楚云秀这些人纷纷偷懒想往个人赛里钻&\;middot\;刘皓是巴不得成为团队赛的一员啊!因为他清楚,团队赛的最终集结,代表的会是最强战力,可能会是全明星中更明星的那一搓人,他多么希望自己有这样的身份啊!Was only a pitythathedoes not have......
只可惜,他没有……Even if pressing the All Starsnumber of votessixpeople, throws a teamor the bteamhimdoes not count
a team, in the enddecidesinsixpeople that inTeam Matchgoes to battle withisZhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Tang HaoandXiao Shiqin......
a队这边,最终决定在团队赛里出战的六人是周泽楷、孙翔、喻文州、黄少天、唐昊、肖时钦……Sixpeople, get the ticketexcept the Yu Wenzhourankin11 th, otherare the firsttenhosts, fought to go to battle with the qualifications of Team Matchwiththem, Liu Haocould not findanyexcuse.,
六个人,除喻文州排名得票在第11,其他都是前十的主,和他们争抢出战团队赛的资格,刘皓根本找不到任何说辞。、But, can only in the endaccept the arrangement that Individual Competitionwent to battle with. Butnow, is facingLi Hua, a blank of Liu Haobrain, whichgatecoincidencethisistwoteam, in a league tournamentwill most little havetworoundsmeets, Li Huais the seventhmatchenters the alliance, topresentseveralyears, hadn't metunexpectedly?
无奈,只能最终接受了个人赛出战的安排。而现在,面对着李华,刘皓一脑子的空白,这是哪门的巧合啊两支队伍,一联赛里最少会有两轮相遇,李华是第七赛进联盟,到现在也好几个年头了,居然一直没有碰过面?Liu Haothought that thisis somewhat unthinkable, is notthis timestationarrives, hehad not realized that unexpectedlyhas such weirdmatterto occurononeself.刘皓都觉得这有些匪夷所思,不是此时站到场上,他自己都没意识到居然有这么怪诞的事情就发生在自己身上。Hethinksstrange, Li Huaalsosame, thereforetwo peopleappearsverycautiously, after meeting, probing, trying to find out, is recallingTeamto haveanyresearch datatothisopponenttogetherat present. Againthen, Li Hua'sNinjaDark Forestvanished.
The concealmentmotion of Ninjastarts, Li Huaas ifhad found the fight the rhythm. Quick, whenDark Forestcomesonce again, the offensiveinitiates, the rhythmis extremely fast. Liu Hao? Histheseyearsare seeking personal gain, are roaming about, histhoughtstoomanyflowersinotherplaces, hediligentlyhave also been pondering, actuallycannot find outto haveanyavailablematerialto summarizeisa few words: BooktousingFangHenshao.忍者的隐匿行动开始,李华似乎已经找到战斗的节奏。很快,当林暗草惊再度现身时,攻势发起,节奏极快。刘皓呢?他这些年在钻营,在流浪,他的心思太多的花在了其他地方,他也在努力思考着,却想不出有什么可用的资料概括起来就是一句话:书到用时方恨少。Liu Haohates!刘皓恨啊!Ashim who gets on the All Starsstage, helikeZou Yuan, does not relaxlikeotherpeople, hisnon-daywantsto win, moreoverwantsto winattractively, wonsplendidly, when likefirstgame of Yang Cong, thatrecordsLife-Risking Strike!make a move, is the what kindray.
作为首登全明星舞台的他来说,他也像邹远一样,并不像其他人那么放松,他非旦想赢而且还想赢得漂亮,赢得精彩,就像第一局的杨聪,那记舍命一击出手时,是何等的光芒。However...... Have run how intothisLi Hua?
The Ninjaplayer who thisis good atgoing into hiding, is at the concealmentconditioninownprofessionallifeunexpectedly, at this timerevealsquietlyascends the time of All Starsstageinoneselfimmediately, can ownfirstshow, leave behind the brand mark of failure?
这个擅长隐匿的忍者选手,居然在自己的职业人生中也处于隐匿状态,此时悄然露出顿时就是在自己首登全明星舞台的时刻,自己的首秀,就要留下失败的烙印了吗?Not... &\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;Not is only failed, thisis simply ashamed! HisSpellbladewas compelledvariousdistressbyLi Hua'sNinja, as ifthisis notheavyweightcontest. At this moment, Liu Haoas ifsawin the auditoriumcountlesspeopleare whispering, countlesspeopleindumbfounded, everybodyis thinking: Is Liu Haoquite disappointingunexpectedlyis onlysuch a level?
不…&\;middot\;&\;middot\;&\;middot\;不只是失败,这简直是羞耻啊!他的魔剑士被李华的忍者逼得各种狼狈,仿佛这不是一个重量级的较量似的。这一刻,刘皓仿佛已经看到了观众席上无数人在交头接耳,无数人在目瞪口呆,大家纷纷在想:刘皓好差劲啊居然只是这么个水平吗?This... &\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;Toowas simply painful! Does thisLi Huado! All Starscompetition field does nothing more, whyhitsuchattentively? Liu Haoignoresoneselfbookalsovery muchto care aboutthiscompetitionresultimmediately, startsnot to be feeling wellLi HuaregardingFocus of competition.
不能就这样啊!In the Liu Haoheartwas crying outhisSpellbladewields a sword, killsintentto shake, the direction that the fluctuationcurls, anythingdoes not have. Dark Forestghosts and demonssilhouette, earlydodgedtohisCharacter'sslantingside.刘皓心中呐喊着他的魔剑士挥剑,杀意震荡,波动卷出的方向,却什么也没有。林暗草惊鬼魅般的身影,早已经闪到他角色的斜侧。
The chaoticbodyclashes!
A Dark ForestShadow Imagepiece, launched the continualattacktowardLiu HaoSpellblade, Liu Haois continuing unable to find the northerncondition.林暗草惊残影一片,朝刘皓的魔剑士进行着连续的攻击,刘皓继续找不到北的状态。Twoswords that wieldsreluctantly, tears into shredswill be only the Dark Foreststrokefrom now on the virtual image that in the airwill leave behind.
勉强挥出的两剑,撕碎的都只是林暗草惊划过后在空气中留下的虚像。„HowBrotherLi Huahitssuchearnestly......”Liu Haoextremelyreluctantsaying with a smile, was putbyownexpressionas far as possibleverywith ease.
“李华老弟怎么打得这么认真啊……”刘皓极勉强的笑道,尽量让自己的语气放得很轻松。„?”Li Huais startled, „I...... Also is too not earnest?”
“啊?”李华一怔,“我……也不算太认真吧?”Liu Haois angry!刘皓大怒!Hasn't competedthiswordsyoualso to sayearnestly? Whatis more important, youdo not haveto competeearnestly, but alsomakes intothisme, executes the heartyou!
The Liu HaomicrocosmalreadyBurntodoes not know that severalfelt, but the issuehegathered the energy, actuallydiscoveredonecannotkill the technique. Attackcarelesslywill only thinkoneare weakeranddistressed, heis unable to calm the mindcarefullyto observe, ponder. Thisis he opportunity that waited formanyyearsto wait, finally, like thismadetransparentfellow of oneinowncareerdestroying, calm? Cannot!刘皓的小宇宙早就燃烧到不知道第几感了,但问题他蓄好了能量,却发现自己没有必杀技。胡乱的攻击只会觉得自己更加无力和狼狈,他也无法静下心来仔细观察、思考。这是他等了许多年才等来的机会,结果,就这样让一个在自己的职业生涯中一直透明的家伙给毁了,冷静?不能啊!Lost!
输了!Liu Haolostfinally, the person who exceedwantsto winmorecould not win, on the wheelwas the bteam, thesetime was actually one's turn a team. The Liu Haodistressedfate, hethought that at this time the audiencedefinitelyisvariousdespicabletarget / goaltohim, returns to ateam, he does not have the faceto lift. To explainanything, actuallyknows that thismaybeGlorytopexpert, wantsto seekanymechanical skillreasonto coax, saves the provincein the face ofthesepeople!刘皓终于是输了,越想赢的人越是赢不了,上轮是b队,这一次却又轮到a队。刘皓狼狈下场,他觉得此时全场肯定都是各种鄙夷的目标对着他,回到a队阵中,他更是头都没脸抬一下。想解释点什么,却又知道身边的这可都是荣耀顶尖高手,想找什么技术原因忽悠,在这些人面前还是省省吧!Individual Competitionhad finishedlike this, bteam2 t 1is in the leaddecisively. Howeverfrom the beginningtwomake into1 : 1 : 00, everybodyknowsthat the victory and defeat can only come outfromTeam Match, Arena Matchhas been unnecessary, thisis not the league tournament, mustbepoints.个人赛就这样结束了,b队2t1果断领先。不过从头两场打成1比1时,大家就已经知道,胜负只能从团队赛决出了,擂台赛已无必要,这又不是联赛,要算积分。Arena Match is also the pattern that the playergoes forth to battleone by one. what a teamfirstgoes forth to battleisBlue Rainyoung fellowLu Hanwen, the bteamisTiny HerbXu Bin, the Lu Hanwenyoungvitality, fearless, Xu Binhas the Grind Kingnickname, a rhythmalwayssluggishas ifold man, thisinterestingshowdown, Xu Binexceededfinally, has defeatedLu Hanwen. afterwardwhat a teamgoes on stageisfirstPhantom DemonLi Xuan, defeatsXu Bin, then the bteamsenttheirsmallyoungGao Yingjie, has packed offLi Xuan. finallywhat a teamdefends the pass/testisVoidtwin GhostsanotherghostWu Yuce, has not continuedto perform the opportunity that toGao Yingjie, strikeshim擂台赛也是选手逐一上阵的模式。a队第一上阵的是蓝雨小将卢瀚文,b队则是微草许斌,卢瀚文年轻朝气,无所畏惧,许斌有磨王的绰号,节奏总是慢吞吞的仿佛一个老头子,这场有趣的对决,最后还是许斌技高一筹,击败了卢瀚文。a队随后上场的是第一阵鬼李轩,将许斌击败,而后b队派上了他们的小年轻高英杰,送走了李轩。a队最后守关的是虚空双鬼的另一鬼吴羽策,没给高英杰继续表演的机会,将他击Hence, ateamTeam Matchlineupeverybodyhas definitely been ableto seewith the remedy. bteam? marketingholds the arenawhichexpertis? The hostlooksto the bteamdirection, the audienceobserves the popular hopesto the bteamdirection, thenallpeoplerubbed the eyes.
站起来那个人是谁?Thatis...... Zhang Xinjie?
Does hewantto go to bathroom? MustbeTeam Matchprepares. Wait/Etc., what's all this about, did hewalktowardfieldin? Whatsituation? great general who the bteamholds the arena, isCleric????
他是要去上厕所吧?要为团队赛做准备了。等等,这是怎么回事,他朝着场中走去了?什么情况?b队守擂的大将,是牧师????Unexpectedlyalreadyeight&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;&\; mIDdOT (Off Tank)\;Said that Ido not have the consciousnessreally! Was Inumbregarding the end of the monthcondition?
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