TKA :: Volume #13

#1250: Living up to one's words

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First 第1 3 &\; 56 \; Looks at &\; 26360 \; Net to achieving 3&\;56\;看&\;26360\;網到做到 Really...... 果然…… The development of aspect has not stemmed from the anticipation of Song Qiying, advances by rushes after Zeng Xinran not steady use Powerful Knee Strike tore was balanced, he foresaw such scene. Sure enough, Ye Xiu must hurry along while Song Qiying Striker, explodes flatly Delilo one, at this time has floating drawn back. 局面的发展并没有出乎宋奇英的意料,从曾信然不稳重的使用强力膝袭急进撕裂了平衡后,他就已经预见到了这样的场面。果不其然,叶修趁着宋奇英拳法家还需赶路,将德里罗一通爆扁,此时已经飘然退开。 Zeng Xinran is red in the face, even if to Great God, were deceived too should not by Shadow Clone Technique like this easily. Own some were too excited, is calm! Zeng Xinran deep breath. 曾信然面红耳赤,即便是对大神,被一个影分身术这样轻而易举地骗到实在也太不应该了。自己有些太兴奋了,要冷静啊!曾信然深呼吸。 Zeng Xinran calmed down at this moment, however his partner, has urged Song Qiying that he do not advance by rushes actually probably to lose calmly, Long River Setting Sun walloped reckless to Lord Grim. 曾信然这一刻冷静下来了,但是他的搭档,一直劝他不要太急进的宋奇英却好像失去了冷静,长河落日不顾一切地猛冲向了君莫笑 Hello, takes your time!” This time, was one's turn Zeng Xinran to remind Song Qiying. “喂,慢慢来啊!”这一次,轮到曾信然提醒宋奇英了。 Song Qiying really does not know whether to laugh or cry. This for a while, other for a while! Is quickly slow, nothing but is the change on rhythm, had not said that any time needs the slow or quick truth, is sizes up the situation to put out the most appropriate rhythm. Own Striker has been drawn with great difficulty most close to the Lord Grim opportunity since the beginning, at this time slowed down, didn't that letting opportunity helplessly sneak off? At this time can be slow? You, should be quicker actually set out to coordinate to launch the impact, your Brawler now also in striking distance! 宋奇英真是哭笑不得。此一时,彼一时啊!快还是慢,无非就是节奏上的变化,没有说任何时间都需要慢或是快的道理,都是审时度势拿出最合适的节奏。自己的拳法家自开场以来好容易得到最贴近君莫笑的机会,这个时候放慢,那不是眼睁睁的让机会溜走?这个时候怎么能慢呢?倒是你,应该快些起身配合着发起冲击啊,你的流氓现在还在攻击距离内呢! Was only a pity that Zeng Xinran at this time by oneself calm, he gazes at Lord Grim to retreat calmly, he is gazing at Long River Setting Sun fierce rush upwards calmly, he reminded Song Qiying to be calm calmly. 只可惜曾信然此时正在让自己冷静,他冷静地注视着君莫笑退走,他冷静地注视着长河落日冲上去,他冷静地提醒着宋奇英要冷静。 Seizes the opportunity!!” Song Qiying really does not know that said what was good, gives back to this fellow to explain in detail this time situation we to should do? “抓住机会啊!!”宋奇英实在不知道说什么好了,难道还给这家伙详解一遍此时的形势我们应该应该怎么做吗? Day! This said is also position Pro-player, was this Glory intelligence quotient so low? Was ability of reading competition too also disappointing? 天呐!这好说也是位职业选手啊,这荣耀智商怎么这么低?阅读比赛的能力也太差劲了吧? In the call of Song Qiying, Zeng Xinran responded finally. At this time truly should not stop attacking time! Long River Setting Sun approaches with great difficulty, this is two people Character is away from the Lord Grim recent time, oneself how...... Stopped in this moment? 宋奇英的呐喊中,曾信然终于反应过来。此时确实不是应该停止攻击的时候啊!长河落日好容易逼近,这是两人角色距离君莫笑最近的时刻,自己怎么……在这一刻停顿了呢? Delilo restarts hastily, although fell on Long River Setting Sun behind, but he has the attack method of middle distance, in the hand a brick departed, falls the position is very actually accurate, but Ye Xiu is not a deceased person, Lord Grim is sideways, evaded. 德里罗连忙重新启动,虽然已经落在了长河落日身后,但他有中距离的攻击手段,手中一砖已经飞出,落位倒是很准的,但叶修也不是死人,君莫笑一侧身,避过。 The crouching tiger flies in circles to leap! 伏虎翔腾! Song Qiying thanked Zeng Xinran to respond finally that this struck, comes a little late, but came finally. When Lord Grim gives way to traffic, a Long River Setting Sun crouching tiger flies in circles the soaraway body. These 60 levels of Ultimate Skill start is also extremely swift and violent, but diving posture the Long River Setting Sun both feet steps on toward Lord Grim, in an instant has pedalled in front of Lord Grim. 宋奇英感谢曾信然终于反应过来,这一击,来得有点迟,但总算是来了。趁着君莫笑避让之时,长河落日一个伏虎翔腾飞身而起。这60级的大招发动也是极迅猛,飞身而起的长河落日双脚朝着君莫笑踩去,转眼就已经蹬到了君莫笑面前。 This is Ultimate Skill, Ultimate Skill that is Lord Grim grasps the determinations of these low-level skill are very difficult to contend with. Comes such rapidness, such ferocity, is evading that to record the gap of brick in Lord Grim, the assurance of Song Qiying this opportunity, is quite accurate. 这是一记大招,是君莫笑所掌握的那些低阶技能的判定都很难抗衡的大招。来得如此之快,如此之猛,正在君莫笑躲过那记板砖的间隙,宋奇英这一时机的把握,相当精准。 Was only a pity that this move is the long in coming. Goes to calm from Zeng Xinran, they have missed the best opportunity, at this time is better late than never, the effect is not very perfect. Lord Grim evaded the brick, another let, this recorded the crouching tiger to fly in circles to leap is also let. 只可惜,这一招到底是姗姗来迟的。从曾信然去冷静自己,他们二人就已经错失了最佳的时机,此时亡羊补牢,效果却不够完美。君莫笑避完了板砖,又一让,这记伏虎翔腾也被让过。 But Long River Setting Sun may has had intercepted the Lord Grim front. However here only does not pass two groups of alley streets, 360 degrees one transfers, where isn't the dead ahead? Lord Grim does not hit toward Long River Setting Sun that side, turns around , to continue to leave. 长河落日可算是截到了君莫笑的面前。不过这里又不是只通两路的胡同街道,360度一圈转下来,哪边不是正前方?君莫笑不朝长河落日那边撞,转身,继续走人。 Also wants to walk? 还想走? The Long River Setting Sun crouching tiger flies in circles to leap, although not, but was Lord Grim has carried out thoroughly finally near body, finally can attack Lord Grim at arm's length, Song Qiying easily to ignore Lord Grim will again spread out? 长河落日的伏虎翔腾虽然未中,但总算是和君莫笑彻底完成了近身,终于可以伸手可及地攻击到君莫笑,宋奇英怎会轻易地放任君莫笑再拉开距离? Fling! 抛投 Long River Setting Sun hands searches, deducts toward Lord Grim. Lord Grim backwards leap, Long River Setting Sun buckles hastily spatially, but with elbow slightly one curving, before one step treads, the fist leaves! 长河落日双手一探,朝着君莫笑扣去。君莫笑连忙后跳,长河落日扣空,但跟着手肘略一弯曲,一步踏前,拳出! Dashing Jab! 冲拳 Makes up a fist after Fling, the long jab Lord Grim exposed chest, is...... 补在抛投后的一拳,已经直击君莫笑敞露的胸膛,可是…… Sword Draw! 拔刀斩 Lord Grim has not fended unexpectedly, but draws a sword to counter-attack directly. 君莫笑竟然没有闪避,而是直接拔剑反击。 Sword Draw and Dashing Jab who is quicker? This flickers anyone unable to see clearly, only knows that the Lord Grim chest was printed by Long River Setting Sun this fist, Long River Setting Sun front, there is a blood arrow along with delimiting the blade launches to fly to airborne. 拔刀斩冲拳谁更快?这一瞬谁也没能看清,只知道君莫笑胸口被长河落日这一拳印到,长河落日的胸前,也有一道血箭随着划过的刀刃展开飞向空中。 Long River Setting Sun staggers toward latter, the Sword Draw impulse, is a little. However Lord Grim? The sword has taken back, Thousand Chance Umbrella Ping Duan in front. Taking advantage of the potential of Dashing Jab, executes Aerial Cannon Ability again, Lord Grim these as if can pull out the big distance, was Song Qiying misjudges? Shouldn't he utilize Long River Setting Sun display this Dashing Jab? 长河落日朝后一个踉跄,拔刀斩的冲击力,还是有一点的。但是君莫笑呢?剑已收回,千机伞平端在了胸前。借冲拳之势,再施飞炮技能,君莫笑这一下似乎就可以拉出大大的距离,是宋奇英失算了吗?他不该操作长河落日施展这一冲拳吗? No, not. 不,并没有。 If 1 v 1, he attacks the choice to push toward far in close target / goal like this without doubt with great difficulty, but now, is not 1 v 1, shoved open Lord Grim takes advantage of opportunity must walk, however Zeng Xinran Delilo rushed, he was also insufficient stupid to not being able to see should make anything at this time, Delilo started running goes forward, was sealing the Lord Grim escape route, hands has found out, has buckled unexpectedly also toward Lord Grim with Fling. 如果是一对一的话,他这样的攻击选择无疑是将好容易贴近的目标往远里推,但现在,并不是一对一,被推开的君莫笑顺势就要走,但是曾信然德里罗已经赶到,他也不至于蠢到看不出这时该做什么,德里罗抢步上前,正封了君莫笑的退路,双手探出,竟然也用抛投君莫笑扣了去。 Falling Light Blade. 银光落刃 Ye Xiu came such one suddenly, was in Lord Grim in small Knock-up to reverse the direction forcefully, the Delilo two meteorological sounding, must make up the attack hastily again, Lord Grim already turned around, Knee Attack, hit to bend the waist of Delilo. 叶修突然来了这么一手,处于小浮空中的君莫笑强行扭转了方向,德里罗两手探空,连忙就要再补攻击,君莫笑早已转身过来,一记膝袭,撞弯了德里罗的腰。 This is Ability of Brawler occupation, now actually displays the body of Brawler Delilo, Zeng Xinran is really super aggrieved, but does not give the opportunity that he responded, Lord Grim Knee Attack met Fling, gave to carry to throw him on the contrary, has pounded toward Long River Setting Sun. 这是流氓职业的技能,现在却偏偏施展到了流氓德里罗的身上,曾信然真的是超级憋屈,但是不给他反应的机会,君莫笑膝袭完接抛投,反倒是把他给拎起扔出,朝着长河落日砸了去。 Zeng Xinran seemed like bullied, but his quest has completed, prepared Aerial Cannon to retreat Lord Grim that to be hindered by him, Long River Setting Sun already started running goes forward. Delilo that from was thrown passed over gently and swiftly, shakes the fist then to hit. 曾信然看起来又被欺负了,但他的任务到底是完成了,准备飞炮退走的君莫笑被他阻碍,长河落日早已抢步上前。从被扔过来的德里罗身旁掠过,挥拳便打。 Dragon Huluan dances! 龙虎乱舞! Song Qiying snatched unexpectedly at this time opens this Ultimate Skill directly, the Long River Setting Sun fists and feet was dancing in the air, carried over piece of Shadow Image, be relentless the bang killed to Lord Grim. 宋奇英竟然抢在这个时候直接开了这大招,长河落日拳脚飞舞着,带出一片残影,毫不留情地轰杀向了君莫笑 However in line of sight the person's shadow in a flash, Lord Grim in lost the trail unexpectedly in an instant. 但是视野中人影一晃,君莫笑竟然在刹那间就失去了踪迹。 How can? 怎会? Song Qiying in great surprise, the waist of next second of Long River Setting Sun had been grasped, was carried mentions spatially, a booklet, the head puts one's foot down on backward falls to the ground, Dragon Huluan danced that sharp fists and feet to be interrupted instantaneously. 宋奇英大惊,下一秒长河落日的腰间已被拿住,被人拎空提起,向后一折,头下脚上的栽倒在地,龙虎乱舞那犀利的拳脚瞬间就被中断了。 Song Qiying heart next vacant. Did behind Lord Grim, how sudden run up to? 宋奇英心下一片茫然。君莫笑,怎么就突然跑到背后去了? Shadow Clone Technique? Does not have Shadow Clone! 影分身术?没有影分身啊! Teleportation? Probably is not, the person's shadow that rocks, after as if used any movement Ability pathing to circle. But, in 24 professional Ability, simply cannot instantaneous pathing behind Ability! 瞬间移动?好像也不是,那晃动的人影,似乎是用了什么移动技能走位绕后的。可是,24个职业的技能中,根本没有可以瞬间走位身后的技能啊! Yes, does not have such Ability, therefore in that flash, what Lord Grim displays in fact is two Ability. 是的,没有这样的技能,所以在那一瞬间,君莫笑事实上施展出的是两个技能 Charge, Shining Cut. 冲锋,弧光闪 These two professional low-level skill from Knight and Assassin, were often treated as in fact is aggressive Ability that the movement technique uses. However, many people, even must emit that flash after the electronic screen puts slowly, thoroughly sees clearly is these two Ability. 来自骑士刺客这两个职业的低阶技能,时常被当作移动技来使用的实际上是攻击性的技能。但是,很多很多人,甚至要在电子屏上放出那一瞬间的慢放后,才彻底看清原来是这两个技能 Because all occur is too quick. These two Ability, were used for movement Lord Grim by Ye Xiu, but emigrates unexpectedly is just two steps. 因为一切发生的都太快。这两个技能,被叶修用来移动君莫笑,但移出的居然只不过是两步。 One step steps to the body side, one step steps to behind. 一步跨到身侧,一步跨到身后。 In the so small space, realizes this pathing with two Ability, how this is accurate utilize, how rapid hand speed? 如此微小的空间内,用两个技能来实现这走位,这得是如何精准的操作,如何迅速的手速 The entire audience are dumbfounded, on the major Team player seats, has shocked the face is also everywhere. 全场观众目瞪口呆,就连各大战队的选手席上,惊呆了的面孔也比比皆是。 How many can apm of that flash have? 那一瞬间的apm得有多少? Many people very much specialized cared about this problem. However, had not shown that the electronic screen of scene actually does not have as usual, this flash ** when player apm operates to demonstrate that looks to everybody. Already quickly to the logic that being above the system can operate? 很多人都很专业地关心到了这个问题。但是,没有显示,现场的电子屏竟然没有像往常一样,将这一瞬间**时的选手apm运算出来展示给大家看。难道已经快到超乎系统所能运算的逻辑了吗? The surprised face were more, left to retreat as for this time Lord Grim, pours nobody to care. All people still in raising head to look at the electronic screen, looks that above replays repeatedly, that flash, Lord Grim with Charge and Shining Cut two Ability, two of completing step changes approaches. 惊讶的面孔更多了,至于此时君莫笑已经抽身退走,倒已经没有人关心了。所有人还在仰头看着电子屏,看着上边反复重放的,那一瞬间,君莫笑冲锋弧光闪两个技能,完成的两步变向。 Really is, like ghosts and demons same as / in general...... 真的是,有如鬼魅一般啊…… The scene falls into quietly middle, to Tyranny fans of various Ye Xiu not being feeling well, is unable to exude the hiss in this flash unexpectedly. 现场陷入沉寂当中,对叶修各种不爽的霸图粉丝,在这一瞬间竟然也无法发出嘘声了。 What is this?” In Pro-player pile, after the moment, started the discussion, from rookie, to Great God, is exchanging views. “这是什么?”职业选手堆里,片刻后开始了议论,从新秀,到大神,纷纷交换着意见。 Actually, is Z Shake nothing more.” Team Blue Rain, Huang Shaotian was saying. “其实,就是z字抖动而已。”蓝雨战队,黄少天说着。 nothing more?” Yu Wenzhou smiled. 而已?”喻文州笑了笑。 Huang Shaotian does not speak. 黄少天不说话了。 Naturally is not nothing more. Two spaces, utilize leaves such two Ability, if one...... 当然不是而已。两步空间,操作出这样两个技能,如果是自己的话…… Do not forget, among him utilize, not only releases two Ability as well as changes approaches.” Yu Wenzhou knows probably Huang Shaotian is taking itself to contrast, is reminding him, also changes the Thousand Chance Umbrella shape utilize.” “别忘了,他当中的操作不只是释放两个技能以及变向。”喻文州好像知道黄少天正在拿自己对比,提醒着他,“还有一个改变千机伞形态的操作。” Yes, one is Knight Charge, Priest-class \; One is Assassin Shining Cut, Nightwalker-class. weapon does not make the replacement, two Ability are unable to display absolutely one after another. 是的,一个是骑士冲锋,圣职系\;一个是刺客弧光闪,暗夜系武器不做更换,两个技能是绝对无法接连施展的。 Huang Shaotian complexion immediately a little not naturally. Can one achieve? He does not want to investigate this answer suddenly. 黄少天的脸色顿时有点不自然了。自己能不能做到?他忽然间不想去追究这个答案了。 Z Shake......” Team Tiny Herb, Wang Jiexi also saw this utilize essence. z字抖动吗……”微草战队,王杰希也看出了这一操作的本质。 „, Most unsophisticated strategy!” Wang Jiexi was sighing, other side Tiny Herb players, were looking at each other in blank diamay. “到底还是,最土的打法啊!”王杰希感叹着,身旁其他微草的选手,都在面面相觑。 Z Shake, very basic movement changes to the skill, but, in the so small space, displays with such two Ability, this...... Really is even/including Guifu the fingers of God mechanical skill that is not enough to describe. z字抖动,一个很基本的移动变向技巧,但是,在如此小的空间内,用这样的两个技能来施展,这……实在已经是连鬼斧神工都不足以形容的技术了。 Pro-players at heart is verifying, whether such matter can achieve. 职业选手们纷纷都在心里印证,这样的事自己是不是可以做到。 Competition? 比赛呢? The competition that victory and defeat how many people have not cared about, who will also pay attention to the result at this time? Everybody anticipated that is Ye Xiu can also leave utilize of any shocking audience again. 一场胜负没有多少人在意的比赛,这时还有谁会去关注结果?大家更期待的,就是叶修还会不会再出什么惊艳全场的操作 Will pay attention to the result, is these is not feeling well probably Ye Xiu Tyranny dead fans, their was still anticipating boasted 1 vs 2 Ye Xiu to be quicker loses, threw a servant maliciously. 会关注结果的,大概也就是那些不爽叶修霸图粉们,他们犹自期待着放言要一挑二叶修快些输掉,狠狠地丢一下人。 Finally also the eternal truth they hope, Song Qiying and Zeng Xinran 2 v 1, in the end won. 结果还真如他们所愿,宋奇英曾信然二对一,最终真的赢了。 The hiss gets up, is very weak. Because many people can see, latter half of competition, Ye Xiu very obvious has not tried, this lets Song Qiying and Zeng Xinran catches up, finally won. 嘘声起,可是很微弱。因为很多人都看得出,比赛的后半段,叶修非常明显的没有尽全力,这让宋奇英曾信然后来居上,终于还是赢了。 Yes, catches up, this means in the first half, Ye Xiu two is in the upper hand by an enemy. 是的,后来居上,这意味着在前半段,叶修以一敌二是占着上风的。 If maintains such, finally will be what kind of? All people are well aware, naturally includes Song Qiying and Zeng Xinran in field. 如果一直保持那样,结果会怎样呢?所有人心知肚明,当然包括场上的宋奇英曾信然 Such victory, they have certainly nothing proud. 这样的胜利,他们当然也没什么可骄傲的。 Senior unexpectedly real throw a game.” Song Qiying has only pointed out directly, regarding this as if has the opinion. “前辈居然真的放水了。”宋奇英甚至直接指出了,对此似乎颇有意见。 Pro-player, must live up to one's words, said wants throw a game, wants throw a game!” Ye Xiu said. 职业选手,就要说到做到,说了要放水,就一定要放水!”叶修说。 ============================== ============================== In April second to last day, good morning, why in April doesn't have 31 st? I am angry very much!( To be continued. 四月倒数第二天,早上好,四月为什么没有31号?我很生气!(未完待续。
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