TKA :: Volume #13

#1247: Did not have

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Chapter 1247 第1247章 Did not have 没完了 Ye Xiu and Guo Shao two people was chatting, quick Guo Shao arrived at oneself Team position. 叶修郭少两人一路聊着,很快郭少就已经到了自家战队的位置。 The Ye Xiu vision has swept, sees He Ming, Shen Jian and Wang Ze, these three past Excellent Era players, can be said as the Ye Xiu former subordinates sits together at this time. Left earnestly chatted with the left teammate, right earnestly chatted center with the right teammate, sat immediately does not have been possible to chat the object, therefore lowered a head, has not seen in Ye Xiu and Guo Shao that by their seat stayed in any case. 叶修目光扫过,就见贺铭申建王泽,这三位昔日嘉世的选手,也可说是叶修的旧部此时坐在一起。左边的就和自己左边的队友认真聊天,右边的就和自己右边的队友认真聊天,坐正中的顿时没了可聊对象,于是低了个脑袋,反正就是没看见正在他们席位旁边停留的叶修郭少 Next time will have the opportunity to advise to the senior again.” Guo Shao reluctant to part and Ye Xiu farewell. “下次有机会要再向前辈指教。”郭少恋恋不舍地和叶修告别。 Thanks for the compliment. Rests, I went back.” Ye Xiu was saying, suddenly ear resounds a summon. “好说好说。去休息吧,我回去了。”叶修正说着,忽然耳边响起一声呼唤。 Ye Xiu? 叶修 Is calling me? 是在叫我吗? Who was calling me? 谁在叫我? It seems like the senior did not have the means to rest!” Guo Shao said. “看来前辈没办法休息了呢!”郭少说道。 Ye Xiu turns head, on the stage he and Guo Shao by the management that dry in the sun, is looking toward his here, taking pleasure in others'misfortunes that on the face conceals diligently. 叶修回头,台上被他和郭少晾下的主持,正在朝他这里望着,脸上是努力掩饰起来的幸灾乐祸。 Is good to envy! To go on stage to challenge really again to the senior.” Guo Shao was jealousy is saying very much. “好羡慕啊!真想再上场向前辈挑战一遍。”郭少很是嫉妒地说着。 No.” Ye Xiu beckoned with the hand hastily, but on the stage manages, is repeating he had spoken a moment ago the words. “别。”叶修连忙摆了摆手,而台上主持,也正在重复他刚才说过的话。 Yes, right, another challenged rookie to go on stage, but he said player who must challenge, impressively was Ye Xiu. 是的,没错,又一位挑战新秀上场了,而他说出的要挑战的选手,赫然又是叶修 Ye Xiu Great God was laborious, troubles you to return to arrive again!” The host said. 叶修大神辛苦了,麻烦你再回到场上吧!”主持说道。 Helpless Ye Xiu, has the old route to return. 无奈的叶修,只好原路返回。 These three go on stage to challenge, to Ye Xiu is actually an a little familiar player. 这三个上场挑战的,对叶修而言却是一个有点熟悉的选手。 Wen Ke Bei. 文客北 Team Heavenly Sword Wen Ke Bei. 义斩战队文客北 On Team Heavenly Sword Season coalizes, Lou Guanning their five this Season are the second grade lives , to continue to have on rookie Challenge Tournament initiates the challenge the qualifications. On Lou Guanning Season has challenged to Yu Feng, but this time, Wen Ke Bei jumps to participate, but finally he mentioned by name unexpectedly was also Ye Xiu. 义斩战队赛季加入联盟,楼冠宁他们五位这赛季算是二年级生,继续拥有在新秀挑战赛上发起挑战的资格。楼冠宁赛季于锋挑战过,而这次,文客北又跳出来参加,而他最后点名的居然也是叶修 Interesting! We have to hit.” After Ye Xiu returns to the stage, first few words were then saying to Wen Ke Bei. “有意思吗!咱俩又不是没打过。”叶修返回台上后,第一句话便对文客北说着。 „...... Hasn't the official situation, hit?” Wen Ke Bei said. “啊……正式的场合,没打过吧?”文客北说道。 This is any official situation!” Ye Xiu said. “这算什么正式场合啊!”叶修说。 „!” The directors make an effort to cough. All Stars weekend truly is not any official situation, tone that but Ye Xiu Great God with such do not despise! You played certainly the greasy this situation, but rookie can reveal the face in such attention is not very easy. “咳咳!”主持人用力咳嗽。全明星周末确实不算什么正式场合,但叶修大神你也不要用这么不齿的口气嘛!你当然是玩腻这个场合了,可新秀们能在这样的关注中露一下脸可是很不容易的。 Hehe, listened to the Wen Ke Bei words, we know reason that approximately he challenged.” The management keeps up appearances in this diligently. “呵呵呵,听文客北刚才的话,我们大致已经知道他挑战的原因了。”主持努力在这撑场面。 Asked the senior to advise.” Wen Ke Bei said. “请前辈指教。”文客北说。 „Do you advise few your also?” Ye Xiu forced smile. The Wen Ke Bei occupation is Battle Mage, Team Heavenly Sword several, must speak of advises, Wen Ke Bei really listens to reason most that. “你指教你的还少吗?”叶修苦笑。文客北的职业是战斗法师,义斩战队几位,要说到指教,文客北真是受教最多的那个。 Always does not dislike many!” Wen Ke Bei appearance likely brazen. “总不嫌多嘛!”文客北的样子像个赖皮。 Come comes!” Ye Xiu is helpless , can only engagement. “来吧来吧!”叶修无奈,也只能接战。 After the moment,...... 片刻后…… Then practices!” Ye Xiu said to Wen Ke Bei. “接着练吧!”叶修文客北说道。 Oh......” Wen Ke Bei sighed, he very lost is also miserable, with the Great God disparity, how throughout was such big? “唉……”文客北叹了口气,他输得也挺惨,和大神的差距,怎么始终就是这么大呢? two people leaves office afterward together, the result this time has not waited to arrive at outside, Ye Xiu heard own name to be called once again. 两人随后一起下台,结果这次还没等走到场外,叶修就已经听到自己的名字又一次被叫到了。 „!” Wen Ke Bei is surprised, was this, fourth? Recovers looked again that Ye Xiu has not heard probably, but also is continue the field. “啊!”文客北惊讶,这,是第四个了吧?回过神来再一看,叶修好像没听见,还在继续离场。 Great God!” Wen Ke Bei pursues to remind Ye Xiu hastily. 大神!”文客北连忙追上去提醒叶修 Shut up! Walks quickly!” Ye Xiu was saying, the under foot keeps. “闭嘴!快走!”叶修说着,脚下不停。 Wen Ke Bei does not know whether to laugh or cry, this matter, can you install not to hear? However Ye Xiu has done this, in the management increases the volume in repeatedly the shout, more walks is quicker. 文客北哭笑不得,这种事,你能装没听见吗?但是叶修偏偏就这样做了,在主持一遍又一遍加大音量的呼喊声中,越走越快。 Shouted that was not good, the host has to take the action, at hundred meters Charge speed, pursued side Ye Xiu instantaneously, held on his arm. 只是喊已经不行了,主持只好拿出行动,以百米冲锋的速度,瞬间追到了叶修身边,一把拉住他胳膊。 Drops quickly, does this is!” The Ye Xiu anger said. “快放手,干什么这是!”叶修怒道。 Great God, fourth rookie challenges to you.” Managed a face pitiful look, in the belly actually already the laugh oneself sick. He knows certainly Ye Xiu in the feigning ignorance sentiment. Weak! The idea and Wen Ke Bei of management are approximate. 大神,第四位新秀还是向你挑战。”主持一脸可怜相,肚子里却早就笑痛了。他当然知道叶修是在故作不知情。幼稚!主持的想法和文客北近似。 You solid and I said.” Ye Xiu is staring at the management, „is this Tyranny specially arranges then to play my?” “你老实和我说。”叶修盯着主持,“这是不是霸图特意安排然后玩我的?” How can!” The directors said hastily that you haven't known? This link is random selection, these many rookie are glad to challenge to you, obviously you status in their mind!” “怎会呢!”主持人连忙说道,“您还不知道吗?这个环节就是随机抽选的,这么多新秀都乐意向您挑战,可见您在他们心目中的地位啊!” You think that I believe?” Ye Xiu said. “你以为我会相信吗?”叶修说。 „!” The directors loudly cough. rookie Challenge Tournament, just like the director said is by participating rookie do whatever you want / casual choice challenge object, but, how these rookie choose? All Stars weekend attempts is a liveliness, therefore, deliberately will make the busy scene that some everybody love the use of an analytic expression. “咳咳!”主持人又大声咳嗽起来。新秀挑战赛,正如主持人所说是由参加的新秀随便挑选挑战对象,但是,这些新秀又是如何挑选出来的呢?全明星周末图得就是一个热闹,所以会在可能的情况下,刻意制造出一些大家喜闻乐见的热闹场面。 All rookie player simultaneously challenge Ye Xiu, is this coincidence? Ye Xiu does not believe that he suspected seriously this is the alliance attempted to pervert, must build up such one to turn his scene. The most strong evidence, was their Happy Tang Rou and Steamed Bun has registered rookie Challenge Tournament, finally unexpectedly cannot be selected, the official answer is this year's registration person are quite many, one year rising star gave the last opportunity second year rising star the opportunity as far as possible first. 所有新秀选手齐齐挑战叶修,这是巧合?叶修才不信,他严重怀疑这是联盟做了手脚,就是要集结出来这么一个轮他的场面。最有力的证据,就是他们兴欣唐柔包子都报名了新秀挑战赛,结果居然都没能入选,官方答复是今年报名人比较多,一年级新秀尽可能把机会先给最后一次机会的二年级新秀 This reason looks like very sincere, but Ye Xiu has fired off three people now, except for Wen Ke Bei, first two isn't one year rising star? So again looks, Happy rookie according to it out, may look like one type specially has arranged, after all the Happy player is most likely to confuse this scene. 这个理由看起来很诚恳,但是现在叶修已经打完三个人了,除了文客北,前两位不都是一年级新秀?如此再看,将兴欣新秀据之门外,可就像是一种特意的安排了,毕竟兴欣的选手最有可能搅乱这场面。 Is the coincidence, Ye Xiu Great God you as far as possible coordinates really!” comment(ator) was still vowing solemnly that was saying, but he is also obviously clear wants to deceive this experience rich Great God really has not been easy, coordinated a saying as far as possible, was one type consoles. “真的是巧合,叶修大神您就尽量配合吧!”解说还在信誓旦旦地说着,但显然他也清楚真想把这经验丰富的大神骗过根本没那么容易,“尽量配合”一说,也算是一种劝解了。 Good......” Ye Xiu, but slight nod, manages under the heart titter in the surface wild with joy, but listens to Ye Xiu saying: I am more earnest, did not take the large size to bully rookie, came up with Unspecialized account to me.” “好吧……”叶修无奈点了点头,主持心下偷笑面上狂喜,但是紧接着就听叶修说道:“那我就认真一些,不拿大号欺负新人了,给我拿个散人帐号上来。” The management cough up blood, the Great God decisive do whatever you want / casual compromise, will not start to counter-attack immediately, for example this, intentionally creates obstacles! Who does not know, Lord Grim this Unspecialized all in that Thousand Chance Umbrella on, but this weapon core key not in its stats, but in the characteristics of its transmutability. Thousand Chance Umbrella is unique, Lord Grim is unique. Unspecialized? Lord Grim radically is not Unspecialized in traditional sense, this unique Character, even if the alliance does not have the means to provide a smurf (waistcoat) number. 主持顿时吐血,大神果断不会随便妥协,已经开始反击了,比如这,就是存心刁难啊!谁不知道,君莫笑散人全在那把千机伞上,而这武器的核心关键也不在它的属性,而在它可变化的特性。千机伞独一无二,君莫笑独一无二。散人君莫笑根本就不是传统意义上的散人,这个独一无二的角色,哪怕是联盟都没有办法提供出来一个马甲号。 Great God! If this with the smurf (waistcoat) number, rookie did not have the means to understand your elegant demeanor truly!” The directors were persuading in a terrible fix. 大神啊!这个如果用马甲号的话,新秀就没有办法真正领略您的风采了啊!”主持人焦头烂额地劝说着。 „The smurf (waistcoat) number is not game company provides? Thousand Chance Umbrella makes them duplicate one first, ended me to carry off.” Ye Xiu said. 马甲号不都是游戏公司提供的吗?千机伞让他们先复制一把出来,完了我带走。”叶修说。 Oh, Great God is really humorous, but this at the last moment, some without enough time?” The host was saying. “啊哈哈哈,大神真是幽默,但这事到临头的,有些来不及吧?”主持说着。 Beforehand unexpectedly hasn't prepared? This work is too not at the right place.” The Ye Xiu criticism said. “事先居然没准备吗?这工作太不到位了。”叶修批评道。 Beforehand has not thought these many people challenge to you!” The directors were also shameless, the Ye Xiu even/including ended me to carry off can say, he was also unwilling to fall behind. “事先没想到这么多人向您挑战呐!”主持人也无耻起来了,叶修连“完了我带走”都能说出来,他也不甘落后。 This saying may be has also stopped up one Ye Xiu, one side looks at rookie that comes up again, feels helpless pitifully, Ye Xiu sighed, walked toward the competition seat. 这话可算是把叶修也堵了一句,再看一旁上来的新秀,可怜巴巴不知所措的,叶修叹了口气,朝比赛席走了去。 Thanks the senior to advise.” “谢谢前辈指教。” Continues to try hard.” “继续努力。” After several minutes, the competition fires off, rookie walks toward the field under well satisfied, actually discovered that Ye Xiu Great God this chapter has not moved, the still stands on the stage, is looking at that management. 数分钟后,比赛打完,新秀心满意足地往场下走去,却发现叶修大神这回没动,犹自站在台上,望着那主持。 „, Ye Xiu isn't Great God out to rest?” The host said afraid. “咳,叶修大神不下场去休息吗?”主持心虚地说道。 Does a bit less, I have a look at you to have not to end.” Ye Xiu said. “少来,我看看你们到底有完没完。”叶修说。 This we said does not calculate!” The host is resigned-looking, is then announcing, next goes on stage to challenge, Team Void second year rising star, He Caijie. “这个我们说了也不算啊!”主持一脸无奈,而后宣布着,下一位上场挑战的,虚空战队二年级新秀,盖才捷 He Caijie steps onto the field, Ye Xiu has thought so him. This is fifth, but He Caijie, this young person who acts old has second year rising star of wind of great general, does not have, therefore had the shift by own will, the management inquired time, he did not have the player who said itself to challenge scruple: Ye Xiu.” 盖才捷走上场来,叶修就这么一直看着他。这已经是第五位了,但是盖才捷,这位少年老成颇有大将之风的二年级新秀,丝毫没有因此让自己意志发生转移,主持询问的时候,他一点也没迟疑地说出了自己要挑战的选手:“叶修。” The host does not make a sound, causes resigned-looking Expression, looks at Ye Xiu, the smiling face hides in the belly. 主持不吱声,也是弄出一脸无奈的表情,看着叶修,笑容藏在了肚子里。 Did not have, I may throw a game!” Ye Xiu said. “真没完了是吧,我可放水了啊!”叶修说道。 Where can!” The directors said with a smile. “哪能啊!”主持人笑道。 Walks!” Ye Xiu without demur, toward the competition seat. He Caijie has not said anything, toward road that on the competition seat goes, started to transfer own mood. Although this is only the All Stars weekend show field, but he is very earnest, he does not want to lose. The Ye Xiu this season duel winning streak record, He Caijie was stepped on one, but that war, He Caijie thought that he is some opportunities, if some details can process well, if some issues can consider thoroughly. “走!”叶修二话不说,朝比赛席去了。盖才捷也没多说什么,朝比赛席去的路上,已经开始调动自己的情绪。这虽然只是全明星周末的秀场,但是他很认真,他不想输。叶修本赛季单挑连胜纪录,盖才捷是被踩在其中的一位,不过那一战,盖才捷觉得他还是有一些机会的,如果一些细节可以处理得更好,如果一些问题可以考虑得更周密的话。 Thousand Chance Umbrella, these can't time also specially have two? 千机伞,这一次总不能还特意带着两把吧? He Caijie so is thinking, don't the combats of two Thousand Chance Umbrella, in view of the Exorcist prohibiting symbol, obviously which need to walk bring which? 盖才捷如此想着,两把千机伞的作战,明显是针对驱魔师的封禁符,没必要走哪带哪吧? Even if bringing, does not need to haggle over. 就算带着,也不用太计较。 Prohibits the symbol is a suppression, gives the Ye Xiu pressure with this at times, lets his mechanical skill distortion. Prohibits the symbol not to use, perhaps ratio uses the effect to be better. 封禁符是一种压制,用此来时时给叶修压力,让他的技术变形。封禁符不用,或许比用出效果更要好。 He Caijie reorganized various information and materials that previous both sides were fighting obtain, took a deep breath, Event one has pointed, Character wrote down. 盖才捷整理着上一次双方交手中得到的各种信息和资料,深吸了一口气,活动了一下手指,角色载入。 Good, receives for is rookie Challenge Tournament fifth, is by Void rookie He Caijie to the challenge that Happy Ye Xiu initiates, these two 14 th round have the meet at the league tournament. Does He Caijie want to scrub the previous defeat taking this opportunity? Good, the competition starting from, both sides Character appears at the map two points now, this map is......” “好,接下为是新秀挑战赛第五场,是由虚空新人盖才捷兴欣叶修发起的挑战,这两位在联赛第14轮有过相遇。盖才捷是想借这次机会洗刷上次的败绩吗?好,比赛现在开始,双方角色出现在地图两点,这张地图是……” „?” “啊?” The host is shocked, the audience is shocked, after a piece is peaceful, hiss, although presented to start Tyranny fans parsimoniously unceasingly not to give the hiss from Ye Xiu, but this time, without doubt was most resounding. 主持愣住,全场愣住,一片安静后,嘘声,虽然从叶修亮相开始霸图粉们就毫不吝啬地不断给予着嘘声,但是这一次,无疑是最响亮的。 Because competed had finished, the time only had one second. 因为比赛已经结束,用时只有一秒。 Trace that stays behind, only then Ye Xiu strikes one gg in Public chat box . 所留下的痕迹,只有叶修敲打在公共频道里的一个“gg”。 Ye Xiu, unexpectedly real throw a game!( To be continued. 叶修,居然真的放水了!(未完待续。
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