wreallyquitequick! No wonderalllosesincludingLiu Xiaobie.
w真的好快!难怪连刘小别都全输掉。Xiao Yunutilize the great halberdis making concessionsto fend. Thisishehas completed the psychological construction the situation, when occurred seriously, makeshimhavesomeanxiety.肖云操作着大戟退让闪避。这本是他已经做好心理建设的情形,但当真发生时,却还是让他有些许紧张。Trulycannotpositive photographanti-opponent! Xiao Yunhas then carried outhisjudgment. The one had only known, the means that healsoearlyhas certainly the preinstall.
确实不是可以正面相抗的对手!肖云这下算是落实了他的这种判断。早知如此,办法,他当然也早有预设。Sheis quick, cannotmakeherquick, depending onmeunderstandingtoBattle Mage, but can also 't suppressherrhythm?
她要快,就不能让她快,凭我对战斗法师的理解,还压不住她的节奏?Changeeverybody who the fight between same Class, each onecanbeunderstands clearlyinchest/heart. IfTang Rouis notfightMage Class, Xiao Yunalsoas forhavinglike thisself-confidently, sinceisBattle Mage, Xiao Yunbelievesonearecancontrol the scene. After allopponentisrookie, the understanding and controlto the occupationis limited, the same Classwar, the superiorityfavorsoneselfsome, Xiao Yunthinkslike this.同职业之间的战斗,各自能做的变化大家更加了然于胸。唐柔如果不是战斗法师职业,肖云还至于有这样的自信,但是既然是战斗法师,肖云相信自己是可以控制住场面的。毕竟对手还是个新秀,对职业的理解和掌控有限,同职业大战,优势还是更倾向于自己一些,肖云是这样认为的。Hisutilize, backwards leap, was evadingDragon Tooth that calmlySoft Mistpunctures.
他从容地操作着,后跳,避过寒烟柔刺来的龙牙。Jumpsagain, after evadingSoft MistDragon Tooth, Double Stab that pursues.
After Double Stab, Dancing Fire Spreading Flameturnssuddenly, wasAbilityCooldowngoodSky Strikehas actually selected. Howevergreat halberdBattle Lancesinkstowardbelow, thisrecordsSky Strikelike thisto be suppressed, severalattacks that Soft Mistlaunchescontinuously, have not gone wellunexpectedly.连突之后,火舞流炎突然翻起,却是技能冷却已好的天击又挑了起来。但是大戟战矛朝下一沉,这记天击就这样被压住,寒烟柔连续发动的几次攻击,竟然都没有得手。
The Xiao Yuncorners of the mouthhangoneto sneer, a catplays the mood of mousevery much.肖云嘴角挂过一丝冷笑,很有一种猫玩耗子的心情。HoweverMagic Chaserhas flown, when wasbeforeby the Sky StrikeattacklightstatsChaser that accumulated.
但是魔法炫纹已经飞到,是之前凭借天击攻击时累积到的光属性炫纹。Reallyisassaulting that does not dareto relax!
果然是一刻都不敢放松的抢攻啊!OnlystatsChaser that thisfliesactuallyinunexpected of Xiao Yun, very muchcalmlydid not evade. Soft Mistanotherstrikes. Camequickly, after thisislightstatsChaserlaunched, to the lanceCharacter'sattack speedpromotion, this point, Xiao Yunwill not consider, after evadingChaser, was arriving at the attack that againstsuddenlywill then be increasing speed.
这一飞来的光属性炫纹却也不在肖云的意料之外,很从容地就避过了。寒烟柔紧接着的又一击。来得更快了,这是光属性炫纹发射后给矛角色的攻速提升,这一点,肖云更不会考虑不到,避过炫纹后,就已经在抵防着接下来会突然提速的攻击了。Buthisdealing, is notfendingconstantly. Thatis equal to the space that Tang Rouincreases speed. Xiao Yunmoreusesto attack the parryway, limits the continuity of Tang Rouattack, thusconfusesherrhythm.
而他的应对,也绝不是一味的闪避。那等于是给唐柔提速的空间。肖云更多地还是采用攻击招架的方式,限制唐柔攻击的连续性,从而搅乱她的节奏。Hedoeswell. After all is Team Tiny Herbone. Has also disciplinedinBattle Magethisoccupation the several years. The Tang Rouattackrhythm, wherecuts intoharassmentto makeopponentmost uncomfortable, heis very clear.
The situation at this timefacing. Tang Rouis not strange, evencansay that justhad experienced.
The previousroundcompetition, confrontsTeam Heavenly Sword, althoughArena Matchin the endwasHappyhas taken2points, Tang Rou that but the first battleentered the stage, actuallywent on stageto be defeatedin the opposite partysecondperson. Player of opposite partysecondpresence, Wen Ke Bei, isBattle Mage.
The fight between same Class, onTang Rouoneroundjusthad experienced, epicycleonce moremeetsame ClassXiao Yun. Xiao YunandWen Ke Beihave madethistypewithlimitobstruction that the occupationis quite familiarcanmake. Howeverin comparison, Xiao Yuncompares toWen Ke Bei more experiencedobviously, Tang Rouwas constrainedat this time, mustbe more uncomfortable than the previousround.同职业之间的战斗,唐柔上一轮刚刚经历过,本轮再次相遇同职业的肖云。肖云和文客北都打出了这种对职业相当熟悉才能做出的限制干扰。但是相比之下,肖云显然比起文客北更加老练,唐柔此时被压抑的,也比上一轮要更加难受一些。Is more uncomfortable, but. Alsois familiar withsome.
更加难受一些,但是。也更加习惯一些。Tyrant Breaksweeps! Tang Rouis not willingto give upassaultingas before.霸碎扫出!唐柔依旧不肯放弃抢攻。
The corners of the mouth of Xiao Yun, continueto hang the relaxedsmile, flingsmouseadeptly, the Charactergreat halberd is also Tyrant Break, has hittowardTyrant Break that Soft Mistbrandishes.肖云的嘴角,继续挂着轻松的微笑,娴熟地一甩鼠标,角色大戟也是一记霸碎,朝寒烟柔抡出的霸碎撞了去。utilizesuddenly, attacksuddenly. Suddenly, twoBattle Lancemustcollideonce againtogether. Dancing Fire Spreading Flame, suddenlyonerise.
瞬息间的操作,瞬息间的攻击。瞬息间,两杆战矛就要又一次碰撞在一起。火舞流炎,陡然一升。Shortly the finaltime, twoAbilitymustcollideflickers, Tang Rouhas made the regulationtoAbility, allin the urgentflash, the slightestcannot onlymiss.
The Battle Lancewrongbody that Dancing Fire Spreading Flameandgreat halberdTyrant Breakwields, Soft Misthas jumpedinthis timeto the midair, similarlyisurgently, had evadedreluctantlythisstrikes.火舞流炎和大戟霸碎挥来的战矛错身而过,寒烟柔更在此时跳向半空,同样是刻不容缓地,勉勉强强地避过了这一击。Butreluctantly, evaded, Xiao Yun? Discoveredthischange, wantsto dealagain, was late.
勉强,但到底是避过,肖云呢?发现这一变化,再想应对的时候,却已经迟了。Tang Rouhas pressed the changefinally, pressesat allnotto the space that Xiao Yunanymakesto follow upagain.唐柔已经把变化压到了最后,压得根本没给肖云任何再做跟进的空间。Let alonewashe, even ifwerehand speedagainquicktentimesandhundredtimes of people, at this timewas impossibleto follow the change of Tang Rouagain.
糟糕!Xiao Yun can only shoutoneat heartdarkly, evenis hangingincluding the corners of the mouth the smiling facewithout enough timereceives, the great halberdhad been recordedTyrant Breakto sweepbySoft Mistthis, simultaneously the hotstringfleestogether, instantthrewto fillon the great halberd, Dancing Fire Spreading Flamespecial effectAttack Effects„classflame”was triggered.肖云只能心里暗叫了一声,甚至连嘴角挂着的笑容都来不及收起,大戟已被寒烟柔这记霸碎扫中,同时一道火串窜,瞬时扑灌在了大戟身上,火舞流炎的特效攻击效果“流炎”都被触发了。Canhaveoneto striketo go well, was easier to do, comingAbility, a move of quickasmove.
能有一击得手,接下来就好办许多了,接连而至的技能,一招快似一招。Thisiscombo, along withdo whatever you want / casual canby the Interruptoffensive, thatsufficesimmediatelyinadequatecombo.
The Xiao YunDancing Fire Spreading Flame in great halberdandSoft Misthandis contactingunceasinglyintimately, Tang Rouutilize, shenaturallyis hopingattentivelycandefeatopponentlike thisin one vigorous effort, what a pity, is contrary to what expects.肖云的大戟和寒烟柔手中的火舞流炎不断地亲密接触着,唐柔全神贯注地操作着,她当然希望可以这样一鼓作气就将对手击败了,可惜,事与愿违。Understood that Battle MageXiao Yun, quickhad found the flawinTang Roucombo.
了解战斗法师的肖云,很快就在唐柔的连击中找到了破绽。Furious Dragon Strikes the Heart!怒龙穿心!Underthisflaw, Xiao YunsnatchedUltimate Skilldirectly. Tang Roudealshastily, the Soft MistBattle Lancecycle, is actually not ableparryto live in the attack of thisUltimate Skillrankcompletely.
The Soft Mistoffensivestops suddenly, Xiao YunactuallyrecordsFurious Dragon Strikes the Heartto startbythis, insteadhas madewave of attacks.寒烟柔的攻势戛然而止,肖云却以这记怒龙穿心开始,反打出了一波攻击。Dealing of Tang Rou, was entirely different from Xiao Yun. Shedoes not observeandjudgeslikeXiao Yun, looks for the opportunity. Facing every strikes, she who the great halberdattacksis tryingutilize, shekeepsinutilize, probablyin the attack of great halberdeverywhereisflaw. Butin fact, the attack of great halberdhad not been interrupted, Tang Rouattemptscontinuouslydiligently, has not seenanyresult.唐柔的应对,又和肖云截然不同了。她不像肖云那样观察、判断,寻找机会。面对大戟攻来的每一击,她都在尝试操作,她不停地在操作,好像大戟的攻击里到处都是破绽似的。但事实上,大戟的攻击未被中断,唐柔接连不断地尝试努力,未见任何成效。But this tossing about, has createdverystrongpsychologicaloppressiontoopponent. Xiao Yunhas a greatly strengthenedsense of crisisat this moment, probably some wee bitflaws, will immediately lose slightlythiscompetition.
可是她这种折腾,给对手造成了很强的心理压迫。肖云此刻就有一种极强的危机感,好像稍有丁点破绽,就会立即输掉这场比赛似的。ThismoodisXiao Yunis unexpected, heis anxious, hedoes not dareto be careless, butisthis, utilizeis not probably properonexceed, frequentlyoneselffrighteningcold sweat. ThereforeXiao Yunoffensive, how longalsocannotcontinue, healsoexposed weaknessesfinally. RelentlessTang Rou, has seized the opportunityinstantaneously, dead the imposing manner that is not willingto let offto throw, strikesto go well, immediatelyisbutrollingoncombo. Alsowas seized the opportunityto harassbyXiao Yun? Did not fearthatcomesagainand that's the end!
这种心情是肖云始料未及的,他紧张,他不敢马虎,但越是这样,操作好像就越不到位,经常自己把自己给吓出一头冷汗。于是肖云的攻势,也没能持续多久,他终于也露出了破绽。一直坚持不懈的唐柔,瞬间就将机会抓住,以死也不肯放过的气势扑上,一击得手,立即就是滚滚而上的连击。又被肖云抓住机会扰乱?不怕,再来就是了!Both sidesfrequent each otherlike this, but regardless of attacks, was attacked, Tang RouSoft Mist, foreveris maintaining the attackstance. When attack, unprecedented\; When was attacked, makingpeoplefeelfrequently attended the meetingto encounter the forcecounter-attack the sense of crisis, is nervous and uneasy.
The Xiao Yunheadperspirationare getting more and more, in the heartthatstringmorestretchesis tighter.肖云头上的汗越来越多,心中那根弦越绷越紧。Tighter, moredoes not dareto unshackle, the worry of Xiao Yunare getting more and more. exceeddoes not wantto make a mistake, the faultactuallyrepeatedlylooks forhim. It seems likecontinuouslycarries on the attack and defenseto transform, the Xiao Yunattack phaseis getting more and more short, Tang Rousnatches the opportunityto launch the offensive the stageto be getting more and more long.
越紧,越不敢放开手脚,肖云的顾虑越来越多。越不想失误,失误却一再找上他。看似不断进行着攻防转换,肖云的攻击阶段越来越短,唐柔抢下机会发动攻势的阶段越来越长。So when exchange, Soft MistopeningbackwardHP, graduallytied, Xiao Yunhelplesslylooks, underheartflurried, makes mistakes. Herepeatedlyreminded himselfcalmly, stood firm, but, handsprobablyis notown, thatstiff, thendid not listento direct, utilize that usuallythesehad one's wishwhich? Xiao Yunlooks liketo fill the mouthto gnawtwoownhandreallymaliciously.
如此交换,寒烟柔开局时落后的生命,渐被追平,肖云眼睁睁的看着,心下慌乱,犯错更多。他一再提醒自己冷静,稳住,但是,双手好像已经不是自己的似的,是那么的僵硬,那么的不听使唤,平时那些随心所欲的操作都哪去了?肖云真像把自己的手塞到嘴里狠狠啃两口。Leads43%HPlines, tied, then, arrives at the backwardness again.
领先43%的生命线,被追平,再然后,再到落后。Xiao Yunmorehitsis more chaotic, when wherealsohas the half minutebeginningconfidentstyle, someallare the flurry of feeling helpless.肖云越打越乱,哪里还有半分开场时胸有成竹的气派,有的全是不知所措的慌乱。Howcanlike this?
怎么会这样?Xiao Yunis not clear, toTang Rou, hepreparesfully, heis confident, arrivedon, doesn't the displaycome out? Is today'sconditionsobad?肖云不明白,对唐柔,他准备充分,他信心十足,怎么到了场上,就发挥不出来了呢?今天的状态怎么就这么差呢?Xiao Yunis unable to calm down, is unable to controlto stay in a brothel overnight the surface, he can only lose.肖云无法稳定情绪,无法控制住局面,他只能输。Tang Rou, 1 vs 2succeeds, smoothlyenters the Arena Matchthirdround.唐柔,一挑二成功,顺利进入擂台赛第三轮。
The scenesilence reigns.
现场万籁俱寂。1 vs 2, thissuccesswas valiantenough, becauseTang Routalked wildly, but1 vs 3, now, has not ended. Tiny Herbthengoes forth to battle, will betheirCaptainWang Jiexi, butTang Rou? Soft Mistafterthis, alreadyonlyremaining16%HP.一挑二,这战绩已经足够彪悍了,但因为唐柔放言的可是一挑三,现在,还没有完。微草接下来上阵的,将是他们的队长王杰希,而唐柔呢?寒烟柔经过这一阵之后,已经只剩下16%的生命了。„Coach Li, youthought...... This......”comment(ator)Pan Linbecameafraid to say a word, 16%HPchallengedWang Jiexi, was very difficultto see the hope!
“李指导,你觉得……这个……”解说潘林都变得吞吞吐吐了,16%的生命挑战王杰希,实在很难让人看到希望啊!„Haha, the wonderfulplace of competitionlies initsunpredictability! Perhaps can wewitness the miraclealsoperhaps?”Li Yibosaid with a smile.
“哈哈,比赛的美妙之处就在于它的不可预知性嘛!也许我们能见证奇迹也说不定呢?”李艺博笑道。„SaidthatCoach Lidoes favorTang Rou?”Pan Linsaid.
“这么说,李指导还是蛮看好唐柔?”潘林说。„Has arrived atthis, the Tang Rouplayeris the competitiveperson, perhapsreallycangive it to makesomeinconceivablematters!”Li Yibosaid.
“都已经走到这一步了,唐柔选手又是拼劲十足的人,没准真能放手一搏做出一些不可思议的事呢!”李艺博说道。„Good, makinguswait, thishas continuedfiveroundsfocal points, then, musttoexposing the resulttime, Team HappyTang Rou, toTeam Tiny HerbWang Jiexi!”Pan Linwas announcing.
The television direct transmission announced that the electronicsign of scenealsomakes the player who Tiny Herbmust thengo forth to battle, butWang Jiexidoes not haveanxiouslygoing on stage, butwaited forXiao Yunto come backfirst.
电视直播宣布了,现场的电子牌也打出了微草接下来要上阵的选手,不过王杰希却没有急着上场,而是先等了肖云回来。SeesCaptainto look athim, Xiao Yunlowered the head, looks for a corner to drill.
看到队长望着他,肖云垂下了头,找个角落就想钻过去。„Tang Rou, most fearfulis notmechanical skill, is nothand speed, butis her imposing manner.”Wang Jiexisaidsuch, takes a stepto be taken to the threshing ground.
“唐柔,最可怕的不是技术,也不是手速,而是她的那股气势。”王杰希说了这么一句后,迈步登场。HappytoTiny Herb, Arena Matchthird.兴欣对微草,擂台赛第三场。1 vs 3lastopponent, winsthis, cancomplete the pledge, ondifferencestep.一挑三的最后一个对手,赢下这一个,就可以完成誓言,就差这一步。However, Tang Rouwas helpless.
但是,唐柔已经无能为力。Vaccariafromairbornefalls, dragsstar light that Star Extinguisherwill be brandishingwill leave behindfrom now on.王不留行自空中滑落,身后还拖着灭绝星辰挥舞过后留下的星光点点。„1 vs 3, is not easy!”Wang Jiexiwas saying.
“一挑三,可没有那么容易啊!”王杰希说着。Arena Matchthird, the Wang Jiexivictory, ends the victory.擂台赛第三场,王杰希胜,完胜。
A sceneonce againpeace.
现场再度一片安静。Tang Rou does 1 vs 3go well? Theywill thinksomewhatare not feeling well, butsaw that shefastwas defeatedbyWang Jiexithis, everybodythought that losesvery much.唐柔一挑三得手?他们会觉得有些不爽,但是看到她被王杰希这样飞快地击败,大家却又觉得很失落。
The anticipationwhatresult, cannot sayincludingthem.
The Happyplayerseat, was quietis more fearful. 1 vs 3mistake ? Thisdoes not haveanything, evenfrom the competitionsituation, Number One Playersees the thirdperson, the aspectis greatly superior. However, 1 vs 3meansthatresult......兴欣的选手席,沉寂得就更可怕了。一挑三失手?这没什么,甚至从比赛形势上来说,第一人就见到第三人,局面大优。但是,一挑三所意味着那个结果……Chen Guoat this time, in any eventreluctantlyoneself, could not squeeze the least bitsmiling face.陈果此时,无论如何勉强自己,也挤不出半点笑容了。==============================
==============================Howknows in advance the things to do after death, the dinnertimewill haveone. Welcomeyouto comeyoursupport, isIbiggestpower. m
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