TGR :: Volume #16

#1557: Ten items

Chapter 1546 第1546章 Three feet hot shade, one group of universe starry skies, just like the bead of dragon eye, the three assumes the glyph to plunder floating, points to Heavenly Fiend God. 三尺火影,一团乾坤星空,一颗宛如龙目之珠,三者呈品字形飘掠而出,直指天邪神 Their speeds are not fast, when so long as they when the condensation becomes, is doomed to fall on the body of enemy, seems fate same. 它们的速度并不快,但只要当它们在凝聚而成时,便已是注定会落在敌人的身上,仿佛是宿命一般 Their place visited, has not caused any turbulence, does not have any heaven startling to move the place the momentum, but so tranquil one, instead was makes Heavenly Fiend God complexion first time present the drastic change, in his both eyes, reappeared deep wariness. 它们所过之处,并没有引起任何的动荡,也没有任何惊天动地的声势,可就是如此的平静的一幕,反而是令得天邪神面色第一次出现了剧变,他的双目之中,浮现出了深深的忌惮 Obviously, he has not expected, Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor three people of collaborations, able achieves unexpectedly this step. 显然,他并没有料到,牧尘,炎帝,武祖三人的联手,竟然能够达到这一步。 Mu Chen after launching that together offensive, complexion obviously pale, but quick on restoration gradually, is having Exalted Spirit Saint Body him, able continuous restoration Spiritual Energy, is almost inexhaustible, even if displays this rank the offensive, able at the maximum speed restores. 牧尘在施展出那一道攻势后,面色微显苍白,不过很快就渐渐的恢复过来,拥有着太灵圣体的他,能够源源不断的恢复灵力,几乎用之不竭,所以即便是施展出这种级别的攻势,都能够以最快的速度恢复过来。 He is looking by three offensive locking Heavenly Fiend God, hesitates slightly, suddenly the sole stamps, sees only in this void space, huge space crack reappears suddenly. 他望着被三道攻势锁定的天邪神,微微沉吟,忽然脚掌一跺,只见得这虚无空间中,忽有一道巨大的空间裂缝浮现出来。 In space crack, faintly has appeared a side world, that obviously is one ruined Lower Planes that does not have the life to present. 空间裂缝之中,隐隐现出了一方世界,那显然是一座没有生灵出现的破败下位面 Space crack just likes the great mouth, Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, the region that Martial Ancestor as well as that Heavenly Fiend God are, is covers to enter. 空间裂缝犹如巨嘴,将牧尘,炎帝,武祖以及那天邪神所在的区域,都是笼罩而进。 Because Mu Chen knows that then their offensive is having the what kind destruction strength, once spreads, not only Spirit Demon Continent, even periphery ten several continent will unravel. 因为牧尘知道接下来他们的攻势具备着何等的毁灭力,一旦扩散出来,不仅灵魔大陆,甚至周围十数座大陆都会灰飞烟灭。 But is facing covering of this Lower Planes, that Heavenly Fiend God only shot a look at one, has not paid attention, because his Foreign Fiends army is also here, able avoids them being affected, enters the Lower Planes fight is the best matter. 而面对着这座下位面的笼罩,那天邪神只是瞥了一眼,并没有理会,因为他域外邪族大军也是在此,能够避免他们被波及,进入下位面战斗是最好的事情。 Void, Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor as well as Heavenly Fiend God fell into that Lower Planes, just all lines of sight, are able by that space crack, sees picture. 虚空之中,牧尘,炎帝,武祖以及天邪神都是落入了那一座下位面中,只不过所有的视线,都是能够透过那空间裂缝,望见其中的景象。 All lines of sight, stubbornly looks at Heavenly Fiend God to be at the direction that because in there, three gathered the Mu Chen three people of compensations offensive, has come quietly. 所有的视线,都是死死的望着天邪神所在的方向,因为在那里,三道汇聚了牧尘三人全部力量的攻势,已是悄然而至。 Heavenly Fiend God complexion ties tight, he looks at three feet hot shade that is coming, the universe starry sky as well as the ancient bead, both hands in this time closing up slowly. 天邪神面色紧绷,他望着那飘然而来的三尺火影,乾坤星空以及古老之珠,双手在此时缓缓的合拢。 His behind, billowing demon class flows, finally gathers in his under foot, has formed a black demon lotus. 他的身后,滚滚魔流流淌,最后汇聚在他的脚下,形成了一座黑色的魔莲。 This time Heavenly Fiend God, unemotionally, the whole body demon light is mobile, just like an demon Buddha, is unexpectedly faint, has the sound of strange buddhist singing, resounding quietly. 此时的天邪神,面无表情,周身魔光流动,竟是宛如一尊魔佛,隐隐间,有着一种诡异的梵唱之音,悄然的响起。 On the Heavenly Fiend God body, that nine evil eyes in this time closing gradually, see only nine black light(Hei Guang) to spread from the skin surface, finally gathered above the Heavenly Fiend God tip of tongue. 天邪神身体上,那九只邪目在此时渐渐的闭拢,只见得九道黑光从皮肤表面蔓延,最后汇聚在了天邪神舌尖之上。 His tongue, as if becomes in this time jet black like black ink, is flowing boundlessly dark, strange. 他的舌头,仿佛都是在此时变得漆黑如墨,流淌着无边黑暗,诡异至极。 Three offensive, already to front. 三道攻势,已至前方。 Three feet hot shade makes the blade by the palm, chop down, that cuts, as if wisp of flame divided to cut the entire world, this Lower Planes temperature rose suddenly, even started to melt including the earth. 三尺火影以掌做刀,率先斩下,那一斩,仿佛一缕火焰劈斩开了整个世界,这座下位面温度暴涨,甚至连大地都是开始融化。 In the Heavenly Fiend God eye pupil is producing an inverted image that [say / way] three feet hot shade, at once resembles has the low and deep crafty evil sound, spreads from his mouth: nine eyes, extinguishes the incantation.” 天邪神眼瞳中倒映着那道三尺火影,旋即似是有着低沉诡邪的声音,从其嘴中传出:“九目,灭界咒。” His fierce raise one's head, mouth anger opens: Moo!” 他猛的抬头,嘴巴怒张:“哞!” As if the demon Buddha buddhist sings, has the incantation word forming, one roughly zhang (3.33 m) about demon word from the mouth of Heavenly Fiend God jumped, that demon word, contain boundless evil with destruction, just likes is fierce evil demons, once releases, will annex and destroy in society. 仿佛是魔佛梵唱,有咒言成形,一个约莫丈许左右的魔言从天邪神的嘴中跳了出来,那个魔言,蕴含着无边的邪恶与破坏,犹如是狰狞恶魔,一旦释放出来,就会吞灭世间。 Thump! 咚! The demon word raises, collides in that three feet hot shade together, that flickers, not having the great sound to transmit, because of all sound waves, under that strength impact, changes into void. 魔言升起,与那三尺火影碰撞在一起,那一瞬,没有巨声传来,因为一切的声波,都是在那种力量冲击下,化为虚无 All person only able see, that Lower Planes, in rapid collapse. 所有人都只能够看见,那座下位面,在迅速的崩溃。 One group of universe starry skies pound, mysterious incomparable, if were pounded, even if by Heavenly Fiend God, must experience personally the heavy losses, therefore, he opens mouth once again, the mouth spits the spell. 一团乾坤星空砸来,玄奥无比,若是被砸中,即便是以天邪神之强,都得身受重创,于是,他再度张嘴,口吐魔咒。 Moo!” “哞!” The demon word jumps, bumps into with the universe starry sky. 魔言跳起,与乾坤星空相撞。 Two demon words, then the hot shade and universe starry sky immediately, Heavenly Fiend God looked at that to the bead of original that comes, actually exits: Moo!” 两道魔言,便是将火影与乾坤星空当下,紧接着,天邪神看向那呼啸而来的原始之珠,却是率先出口:“哞!” The demon word runs out, goes with bead of hit that original. 魔言冲出,与那原始之珠撞击而去。 Buzz! 嗡! Realized demon word raids, the bead of that original in a flash, releases light slightly unexpectedly, the light and demon word bumps into, its resistance, at the same time, in the Zhu of original wipes the ancient light to plunder, points to Heavenly Fiend God. 察觉到魔言的袭来,那原始之珠微微一晃,竟是释放出一片光明,光明与魔言相撞,将其抵御,与此同时,原始之珠中又是一抹古老之光掠出,直指天邪神 In this Highest Beginning Pill, contain three original Body Skill strengths, the strength of Endless Light Body is used to defend, difficult destroys, the strength of Eternal Immortal Body launches the attack, finally takes the strength of Exalted Spirit Saint Body as the backing again, never will dry continuously up. 这一颗太初丸中,蕴含着三座原始法身的力量,无尽光明体之力用来防御,难以摧毁,万古不朽身之力展开攻击,最后再以太灵圣体之力为后盾,源源不断,永不枯竭。 Therefore, when that Heavenly Fiend God looks that wipes the ancient light beam, the look is also micro cold, has to start to talk, the mouth spit together the demon word once again, with that ancient light, bumps into once again. 所以,当那天邪神瞧得那一抹古老光束时,眼神也是微凛,不得不再度开口,口吐一道魔言,与那古老之光,再度相撞。 buzz! 嗡嗡 In Lower Planes, the both sides strongest strength encounters in together, although not great sound, but everyone able feels the fluctuation of that destruction, because of this vast endless Lower Planes, in that fallout, unceasing shattered. 下位面之中,双方最强的力量交锋在一起,虽无巨声,但谁都能够感觉到那种毁灭的波动,因为这座辽阔无尽的下位面,在那余波中,不断的破碎 Moo! Moo! 哞!哞! Enough nine demon words, just like the extremely wicked demons, circles, unceasing with that three feet hot shade, one group of universe starry skies, original Gu Zhu layer on layer shells, collision. 足足九个魔言,犹如极恶之魔,盘旋而出,不断的的与那三尺火影,一团乾坤星空,一颗原始古珠重重的轰击,碰撞。 Giant ripples, is the unceasing proliferation, finally grinds the space directly, has formed the space storm, is covers to enter entire Lower Planes. 巨大的涟漪,则是不断的扩散,最后直接是碾碎空间,形成了空间风暴,将整个下位面都是笼罩而进。 In that Spirit Demon Continent as well as Great Thousand World, all lines of sight, tight is looking in that Lower Planes, although their lines of sight by the space storm disturbance, unable were seen clearly the circumstance, but does not dare to shift as before. 在那灵魔大陆以及大千世界中,所有的视线,都是紧紧的望着那下位面中,虽然他们的视线已被空间风暴干扰,无法看清情势,但依旧不敢转移开来。 Because they understand that there slight victory and defeat, will affect their destinies. 因为他们都明白,那里的丝毫胜负,都将会影响他们的命运。 The storm in that Lower Planes, does not know how long has continued, finally is starts to abate, finally all divergence gradually, but that countless people gaze, is the projection. 下位面中的风暴,不知道持续了多久,终于是开始有所消退,最后渐渐的尽数散去,而那无数道目光,也是投射而来。 Wind suddenly retreats powder, Lower Planes rapid becomes must be clear. 暴退散,下位面迅速的变得清晰。 But after the person sees clearly that Lower Planes this time circumstance in the presence of everyone, is holds breath a cold air/Qi that cannot bear, before seeing only that many continent that in Lower Planes has, already changed into the endless dust in this time. 而当众人看清楚那下位面此时的情势后,也是忍不住的倒吸一口冷气,只见得那之前下位面中存在的诸多大陆,早已在此时化为了无尽尘埃。 In entire Lower Planes, empty, piece of void. 整个下位面中,空空荡荡,一片虚无 Only has in that void, six silhouette, confront distantly. 唯有在那虚空中,六道身影,遥遥对峙。 Obviously, this Lower Planes, already in formerly fighting of both sides, thorough by destruction. 显然,这座下位面,已经在先前双方的交手中,彻底的被毁灭了。 The people shock among the destructive power in both sides, but immediately goes to the place that Heavenly Fiend God is, sees only void in that Heavenly Fiend God flies high to stand, the foot steps on the demon lotus, in its whole body, nine spell circling slowly. 众人震撼于双方间的破坏力,但紧接着立即投向天邪神所在的地方,只见得在那虚空中,天邪神凌空而立,脚踩魔莲,在其周身,九道魔咒缓缓的盘旋。 But in the Heavenly Fiend God front, three feet hot shade dimness gradually, finally combustion completely, one group of universe starry skies, along with it shattered, that original Gu Zhu, is disrupts 而在天邪神的前方,三尺火影渐渐的黯淡,最后燃烧殆尽,一团乾坤星空,也是随之破碎,那一颗原始古珠,更是碎裂开来 The Great Thousand World innumerable lives are looking at this, a chill in the air well ups immediately, including Sovereign Mu, Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor three people of strongest attacks, by Heavenly Fiend God breaking? 大千世界无数生灵望着这一幕,一股寒意顿时涌上心头,难道连牧尊,炎帝,武祖三人的最强攻击,也都被天邪神给破了吗? If so, but also there is any method, able poses the threat to Heavenly Fiend God. 若是如此的话,还有什么手段,能够天邪神造成威胁。 But reviews that side Foreign Fiends, on face of many powerhouses, is has the color of great happiness to emerge. 而反观域外邪族那边,诸多强者的脸庞上,则已是有着大喜之色涌现出来。 ! 咔嚓! However, when some people like some people worry, as if has together the slight sound, spreading from that Lower Planes, again then, the innumerable [say / way] lines of sight is sight with amazement, circles in the nine demon words of Heavenly Fiend God whole body, has the crack to reappear unexpectedly, finally disrupts directly with a crash 不过,就在有人欢喜有人愁的时候,仿佛是有着一道细微的声音,从那下位面中的传出,再然后,无数道视线便是骇然的见到,盘旋在天邪神周身的九道魔言,竟是有着裂纹浮现,最后直接是砰然碎裂开来 Heavenly Fiend God body, in this time fierce trembles, the demon lotus of under foot burns baseless, his corner of the mouth place, even has a black bloodstain, reappears. 天邪神身躯,也是在此时猛的一颤,脚下的魔莲凭空燃烧,他的唇角处,甚至是有着一丝黑色的血迹,浮现出来。 The entire world, seems to be silent in this moment. 整个世界,仿佛都是在这一刻寂静无声。 The great happiness on Foreign Fiends these powerhouse face, coagulate in this time, then changes into thickly with amazement, how they have not thought that nearly invincibly just likes Demon God same Heavenly Fiend God in their hearts, will have the injury in this time unexpectedly 域外邪族那些强者脸庞上的大喜,在此时凝固,进而化为浓浓的骇然,他们怎么都没想到,在他们心中近乎无敌犹如魔神一般天邪神,竟然会在此时出现伤势 But Great Thousand World, an innumerable life same silence, their look at each other in shock, is somewhat unable believes that this Heavenly Fiend God will be damaged unexpectedly. 大千世界这边,无数生灵同样一片寂静,他们面面相觑,也是有些无法相信,这天邪神竟然会受创。 In void Lower Planes, Heavenly Fiend God complexion gloomy, he stretches out the palm slowly cancels the mouth corner bloodstain, the expression indifferently, does not have the [say / way] of slight emotion fluctuation: Has not expected, I can injure unexpectedly in your hands.” 虚无下位面中,天邪神面色阴沉,他伸出手掌缓缓的抹去嘴角的血迹,语气漠然,没有丝毫情感波动的道:“真的是没料到,我竟然会伤在你们的手中。” Formerly he is also activate the strongest offensive, but after all has underestimated the violence of three people of this time offensive, therefore although has resisted finally, but the main body received affects. 先前他也已是催动了最强的攻势,但终归还是低估了三人此次的攻势之猛烈,所以最后虽然抵挡了下来,但本体还是受到了一些波及。 although this injury is nothing to speak to him, but this is undoubtedly indicating, Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, the Martial Ancestor three people, are the real able wound to him. 虽说这种伤势对他而言不值一提,可这无疑是表明着,牧尘,炎帝,武祖三人,是真的能够伤到他。 The invincible stance, was broken in this time. 无敌的姿态,在此时被打破。 Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, the Martial Ancestor three people look at each other one, but in look but actually not too many happy expression, because they are also the proud people, naturally cannot, because made Heavenly Fiend God receive the small wound to be self-satisfied. 牧尘,炎帝,武祖三人对视一眼,不过神色中倒并没有太多的喜色,因为他们也都是骄傲之人,自然不会因为让得天邪神受了一点小伤就志得意满。 By having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, I and other people collaborate, made your excellency receive this small wound Flame Emperor lightly smiled, said: Heavenly Fiend God, really lives up to reputation.” “以有心算无心,我等三人联手,才让得阁下受了这点小伤”炎帝淡笑一声,道:“天邪神,果然名不虚传。” Martial Ancestor also looks to Heavenly Fiend God, the although standpoint is different, but regarding this formidable match, he gave for one point to respect as before, at once start to talk tranquil [say / way]: Now looks like, Heavenly Fiend God wants to extinguish my Great Thousand World, actually needs to spend greatly flustered.” 武祖也是看向天邪神,虽然立场不同,但对于这种强大的对手,他依旧是给予了一分尊重,旋即开口平静的道:“不过如今看来,天邪神想要灭我大千世界,却是需要大费周章了。” Formerly confrontation, is indicated that they had have contended with the Heavenly Fiend God strength, the although unable win, but same, Heavenly Fiend God was also unable exceeds them by the formidable superiority. 先前的交锋,已是表明他们有了抗衡天邪神的力量,虽然无法取胜,但同样的,天邪神也是无法以强大的优势胜过他们。 But Foreign Fiends wants to dominate the Great Thousand World main reason then because of existence of Heavenly Fiend God, now Heavenly Fiend God was diverted by them, depending on other Foreign Fiends strengths, cannot achieve easily accomplished destroying Great Thousand World decidedly. 域外邪族想要称霸大千世界最主要的原因便是因为天邪神的存在,如今天邪神被他们牵制,光凭域外邪族其他的力量,断然是做不到摧枯拉朽的摧毁大千世界 Therefore both sides will only enter is similar to like that lastingly battled in the past, mutual consumption. 所以双方只会进入如同以往那般持久作战,互相消耗。 In Mu Chen eye Spiritual Light circulation, his expression light [say / way]: But, this gets down lastingly, your superiority, will then be getting more and more weak.” 牧尘眼中灵光流转,他语气平淡的道:“只不过,这持久下去,你的优势,则会越来越弱。” If indeed, fell into lasting combat, Great Thousand World also will have no doubt paid the frigid price, but at least able won the time for them, so long as passed the integer ten years again, Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor might on that Sky Ranking, left behind the complete real name. 的确,如果陷入了持久作战,大千世界固然也会付出惨烈的代价,但至少能够为他们赢来时间,只要再过个数十年,炎帝,武祖都有可能在那苍穹榜上,留下完整的真名。 But to that time, Don't say is three people collaborates, even if, perhaps is able exceeds this Heavenly Fiend God 而到了那个时候,莫说是三人联手,就算是独自一人,恐怕都是能够胜过这天邪神 Therefore, the present aspect, was makes Heavenly Fiend God fall into an awkward region unexpectedly. 所以,眼下的局面,不知不觉间,竟是让得天邪神陷入了一种尴尬的境地。 Gets rid forcefully, by Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor was actually stopped, but if unable breaks the deadlock, gets down lastingly, happen to have given Flame Emperor, Martial Ancestor their opportunity not to be missed. 强行出手,却是被牧尘,炎帝,武祖阻拦,可若是无法打破僵局,持久下去,正好给了炎帝,武祖他们可趁之机。 Heavenly Fiend God complexion is not happy not sadly, cannot see the slight mood, but its look, becomes is quite as if profound. 天邪神面色无喜无悲,看不出丝毫的情绪,但其眼神,似乎变得极为的幽深起来。 Heavenly Fiend God, withdraws from Great Thousand World, where comes, where returns goes, this Great Thousand World, does not accommodate your to get a share of the action.” Mu Chen sound low and deep [say / way]. 天邪神,退出大千世界吧,从哪里来的,就回哪里去,这大千世界,不容你染指。”牧尘声音低沉的道。 In Heavenly Fiend God eye dim light glittering, after the moment, he resembles is strange smiling, raise one's head looks to the Mu Chen three people, said: Has not thought really that in this small Great Thousand World, my Heavenly Fiend God will be compelled such distress unexpectedly 天邪神眼中幽光闪烁,片刻后,他似是古怪的笑了笑,抬头望向牧尘三人,道:“真的是没想到,在这一个小小大千世界中,我天邪神竟会被逼得如此之狼狈” He shook the head, said in a soft voice: only, you really think that I didn't have means to overturn?” 他摇了摇头,轻声道:“只是,你们就真的以为,我就没办法翻盘了吗?” Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, the Martial Ancestor three people of pupils shrink slightly. 牧尘,炎帝,武祖三人瞳孔微微一缩。 Heavenly Fiend God is staring at three people, [say / way] slowly: Formerly I said that is as before effective, so long as you are willing to hire oneself in me, I may guarantee your relatives and friends to be safe, this is I last time gathers, Hopefully your able seizes the opportunity.” 天邪神盯着三人,缓缓的道:“先前我所说,依旧有效,只要你们肯投靠于我,我可保你们亲友平安,这是我最后一次招揽,希望你们能够把握住机会。” Flame Emperor complexion serious gradually, look swift and fierce [say / way]: Why the wild talk, nothing but compensates by fate, but also there is what method, although Shi to come.” 炎帝面色渐渐的凝重,眼神凌厉的道:“何必妄言,无非以命相赔罢了,还有何手段,尽管施来。” Mu Chen and Martial Ancestor body is also ties tight, whole body Spiritual Energy ascends, alert is looking at Heavenly Fiend God, by latter's strength, since will say so that also has to keep the hand inevitably. 牧尘武祖身躯也是紧绷起来,周身灵力升腾,戒备的望着天邪神,以后者的实力,既然会如此说,必然是还有留手。 only, they really do not know that present Heavenly Fiend God is the peak nine eyes condition, what his also does able have to keep the hand? 只是,他们实在不知,现在的天邪神已是巅峰的九目状态,他还能够有什么留手? Heavenly Fiend God rubbed the eyes the item, then the eye hangs, said: „The method, the price is too so high, originally I do not hope, but now looks like, has had to so.” 天邪神揉了揉眼目,然后眼目微垂,道:“这般手段,代价太高,原本我不愿,但如今看来,已是不得不如此。” Saying, he is chuckle one, said: Also, so long as able occupies this Great Thousand World, the big price, is the able recaption.” 说着,他又是轻笑一声,道:“不过也罢了,只要能够占据这大千世界,再大的代价,都是能够取回。” He stretches out the finger, puts in the mouth, fierce breaking by biting. 他伸出手指,放入嘴中,猛的咬破。 The black blood, flows from his fingertip, then he stretches out the finger, wiped in both eyes, then the forehead three items, formed the blood line, has delimited the palm two items, the item of heart, finally fell above navel evil eyes. 黑色的血液,从他的指尖流淌出来,然后他伸出手指,抹在了双目,然后眉心三目,紧接着一路而下,形成血线,划过了掌心两目,心脏之目,最后落在了肚脐邪目之上。 Hence, nine evil eyes by the black blood line connection, had been formed a strange picture. 至此,九只邪目被黑色的血线连接,形成了一幅诡异的画面。 Completes these, Heavenly Fiend God both hands close up, form strange seal technique, his mouth corner, in this time, raising slowly wipes the crazy and fierce smiling face. 做完这些,天邪神双手合拢,结成古怪的印法,他的嘴角,更是在此时,缓缓的掀起一抹疯狂而狰狞的笑容。 Hopefully you following, will not be frightened 希望你们接下来,不会被吓到” Demon sacrifice, nine eyes!” “魔祭,九目!” Flaming! 熊熊! In this moment, on Heavenly Fiend God nine evil eyes, unexpectedly is burns the flaming demon flame, the demon flame roasts is roasting evil eyes, makes the grating sound, but sad and shrill and painful keenly blowing sound, spreads from the mouth of Heavenly Fiend God in this time. 就在这一刻,天邪神九只邪目上,竟是燃烧起熊熊的魔炎,魔炎炙烤着邪目,发出刺耳的声音,而凄厉而痛苦的尖啸声,也是在此时自天邪神的嘴中传出。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, offers sacrifices to me!” “哈哈哈哈,给我献祭吧!” Nine evil eyes rapid combustion, were burnt down to turn into nothingness finally, just likes has not existed. 九只邪目迅速的燃烧,最后被焚烧成虚无,犹如未曾存在。 At this moment, Heavenly Fiend God lost all eyes, even on both eyes including face is, is piece of void, seems is strange makes the will of the people live the frightened chill in the air. 此时此刻,天邪神失去了所有的眼目,甚至连脸庞上的双目所在,都是一片虚无,看上去诡异得令人心生惊悚寒意。 However in nine evil eyes change into void, sees only nine heavy lines, shuttles back and forth from the skin of Heavenly Fiend God, finally gathering to the Heavenly Fiend God forehead place. 不过就在九只邪目化为虚无时,只见得九道黑线,从天邪神的皮肤中穿梭而过,最后汇聚向天邪神眉心处。 There flesh and blood, starts to be torn. 那里的血肉,开始被撕裂开来。 Finally, Mu Chen, Flame Emperor, the Martial Ancestor three people are sights of complexion drastic change, in that Heavenly Fiend God forehead place, seems has one evilly to light has a liking for one, on able hominization for demon evil eyes, slowly braves. 最后,牧尘,炎帝,武祖三人便是面色剧变的见到,在那天邪神眉心处,似乎是有着一颗邪恶到光是看上一眼,就能够将人化为魔的邪目,缓缓的冒出来。 In this time, Heavenly Fiend God that cloudy and cold must let the sound that the world shivers, low resounding. 就在此时,天邪神那阴冷得让世界都颤抖的声音,低低的响起。 This is my last resort “这就是我最后的手段” Offers a sacrifice to nine eyes!” “祭九目!” Melts ten eyes!” “化十目!”
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