TGR :: Volume #16

#1550: When see again/goodbye, has ruled thousand in a big way

Chapter 1539 第1539章 The deafening cheers, reverberate in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy the stretch of world, all students are complexion become flushed, the look is frantic, is looking in the upper air in that [say / way] slender silhouette vision, is full of difficult word table the meaning of worship. 震耳欲聋的欢呼声,回荡在北苍灵院的这片天地间,所有的学员都是面色涨红,眼神狂热,望着高空上那道修长身影的目光中,充满着难以言表的崇拜之意。 These days, they are the survival under the threat of Foreign Fiends, the moment can not be peaceful, however, who able thinks that in the moment of this most crisis, actually will welcome so ending of winding peaks and paths. 这段时间中,他们都是生存在域外邪族的威胁之下,片刻都不得安宁,然而,谁又能够想到,在这最为危机的关头,竟然会迎来如此峰回路转的结局 That nearly is in their eyes invincible Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, in the hands of their this Senior, is actually frail such as ants same, snaps fingers to extinguish... 那个在他们眼中近乎无敌般的黑尸天魔帝,在他们这位学长的手中,却是脆弱如蝼蚁一般,弹指即灭... All youth, give birth to warm-blooded turmoil in this time, why the lifetime cultivation institute, does not protect the person and thing that oneself care about for able, for in this time, able does not bravely step forward, strives to turn the tide, was respected by that ten thousand people? 所有的少年,都是在此时生出一股热血沸腾,毕生修炼所为何,不就是为了能够守护自己所在乎的人与物,不就是为了在这种时刻,能够挺身而出,力挽狂澜,受那万人敬仰吗? Sees not to have! Sees not to have! I have told you, so long as Mu Chen Senior came, that any Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor must kneel!” On Sun'er charming face also full is the excited color, her both hands are forking the small waist, to the member favorite [say / way] of surrounding these Goddess Luo Association. “看见没!看见没!我就跟你们说过,只要牧尘学长来了,那个什么黑尸天魔帝都得跪!”笋儿俏脸上也满是兴奋之色,她双手叉着小蛮腰,对着周围那些洛神会的成员得意的道。 Sister Sun'er indeed settles like the god!” Before the people also felt to Sun'er that blind confidence helpless, however at this time, is actually the outstretch thumb as if by prior agreement, incomparable admiring. 笋儿大姐头真是了事如神!”之前众人还对笋儿的那种盲目信心感到无奈,然而此时,却是不约而同的伸出大拇指,无比的佩服。 Ha Ha, after looking, in Spiritual Academy, but also who dares to fight with our Goddess Luo Association!” “哈哈,看以后在灵院中,还有谁敢和我们洛神会争锋!” In Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy other students, is getting angry of eye envy is staring at them, the heart is much itchier, had today's this war after all, perhaps from now on the future, Goddess Luo Association forever can be the first mass organization in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, no matter after many, will not have the slight change. 北苍灵院中其他的学员,则是眼睛嫉妒的冒火的盯着他们,心痒得厉害,毕竟有了今天这一战,恐怕从今往后,洛神会永远都会是北苍灵院中的第一社团,不管历经多少届,都不会有丝毫的改变。 Because, this was the graduation left Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, when that Great Thousand World wanderer, so long as said that influence that I joined in the past, was the Mu Chen foundation, Mu Chen was my Senior, where perhaps arrived , must make to call out in alarm one piece. 因为,这就算是毕业离开了北苍灵院,在那大千世界闯荡时,只要说上一句,我以往加入的势力,可是牧尘创建的,牧尘乃是我的学长,恐怕走到哪里,都得引起惊呼一片。 Some thoughts agile youth, are thinking of a way, wait for Spiritual Academy to be once again quiet, it seems like must find an opportunity, joins is good to Goddess Luo Association... 一些心思敏捷的少年,更是在打着主意,等灵院再度平静下来,看来也是得找个机会,加入到洛神会才行... This fellow...” “这个家伙...” Shen Cangsheng, Li Xuantong, Wen Qingxuan they are also gradual from shocking recovers, look at each other in shock, is revealing that cannot bear wipes the color of forced smile. 沈苍生,李玄通,温清璇他们也是逐渐的从震撼中回过神来,面面相觑,都是忍不住的露出一抹苦笑之色。 Because of present Mu Chen, has really surmounted their cognition. 因为眼前的牧尘,实在是超越了他们的认知。 Present they, but also is pursuing the Heavenly Sovereign level fully, but looked at this time that actually discovered that Mu Chen already surmounted the level that they pursued... 现在的他们,还在全力追逐着天至尊的层次,可此时一看,却是发现,牧尘早已超越了他们所追逐的层次... This huge disparity, makes the courage that the person pursues continually not have simply. 这种巨大的差距,简直让人连追赶的勇气都没有。 In the past in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, how not to have seen that this fellow such can toss about...” Li Xuantong sighed, his vision revolution, looked that [say / way] beautiful silhouette to the upper air, the look presently is dim, perhaps in the past, no one thinks that Mu Chen will reach today's altitude, except for Luo Li. “当年在北苍灵院的时候,怎么就没看出,这个家伙这么能折腾...”李玄通叹息一声,他目光一转,看向高空上那道美丽的身影,眼神微现黯淡,恐怕当年,谁都不会认为牧尘会达到今天的高度,除了洛璃 Others think that her only found common gravel in sand beach, but only has her to believe that that gravel, compared with any diamond must dazzling. 别人都以为她只是在沙滩中找到一颗不起眼的石子,但唯有她一直的相信着,那颗石子,会比任何的钻石都要更加的耀眼。 Shen Cangsheng has patted the shoulder of Li Xuantong, the somewhat sympathy looked at his one eyes, how he does not know that this fellow is unrequited loving Luo Li from beginning to end, but unfortunately, he feared that forever did not have the opportunity. 沈苍生拍了拍李玄通的肩膀,有些同情的看了他一眼,他如何不知道,这个家伙从始至终都暗恋着洛璃,但可惜的是,他怕是永远都没机会了。 Nearby Wen Qingxuan also heaved a sigh, past she, always thought that Mu Chen could not be joined to intensely bright Luo Li, but at this moment, she actually has saying that once with them in the youth who in that Spiritual Academy Great Competition competed, is grows to let the situation that the person looked up at sufficiently. 一旁的温清璇也是唉声叹气,以往的她,总是觉得牧尘配不上耀眼夺目的洛璃,但这一刻,她却不得不说,那个曾经与他们在那灵院大赛中争夺的少年,已是成长到了足以让人仰视的地步。 He is not the past youth, but starts to rule Great Thousand . 他已非当年少年,而是开始君临大千 Northern Sea Dragon and Headmaster Tai Cang fall from the midair, Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor dies, the demon disaster does not make a name, their Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy total destruction, along with it relieving, this command on his face, is hanging all over the smiling face. 北溟龙鲲太苍院长自半空中落下,黑尸天魔帝一死,魔灾再不成气候,他们北苍灵院的灭顶之灾,也是随之解除,这令得他的脸庞上,也是挂满着笑容。 Other four big Spiritual Academy Headmaster, crowds around to congratulate with a smile, simultaneously in their eyes has wipes the color of envying, they know, Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy had an extraordinary student, but in the future, Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy , will therefore have from now on the huge change inevitably, its reputation, will resound through entire Great Thousand World. 其他四大灵院院长,也是笑着簇拥过来道贺,同时他们眼中都是有着一抹羡慕之色,他们知晓,北苍灵院出了一个了不得的学生,而从今往后,北苍灵院,势必也会因此而产生巨大的变化,其名声,会响彻整个大千世界 Perhaps, Five Great Academies, can Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy be. 或许以后,五大院,就得以北苍灵院为首了。 In the entire world, the originally gloomy atmosphere all does away with, laughs heartily to flood. 整个天地间,原本阴暗的气氛皆是荡除,欢笑充斥。 In the upper air, Mu Chen laid out the sleeves, resembling was the fan walked that last wisp of Demonic Qi, then he lowered the head was looking at own both hands, obviously, formerly he snapped fingers the obliterate Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor strength, shocked including his somewhat. 高空上,牧尘摆了摆衣袖,似是扇走了那最后一缕魔气,然后他低头怔怔的望着自己的双手,显然,先前他弹指抹杀黑尸天魔帝的力量,连他自己都有些震撼。 After must know, before that closes up, even if he is uses fully, only and Mohe Tian fight does not know one's place. 毕竟要知道,在那闭关之前,他即便是倾尽全力,也不过只是摩诃天斗得不分上下。 However now, if stands Mohe Tian in his front again, even if he depends that Mohe Yin-Yang Bottle perhaps fierce, cannot go out in the hand of Mu Chen several rounds. 然而现在,如果再将摩诃天站在他的面前,就算他仗着那“摩诃阴阳瓶”的厉害,恐怕都在牧尘的手中走不出几个回合。 Because present he, although has not inspired Sky Ranking to leave a good name, but he is actually able inspires strength of the world, but this small, has been far in excess of Saint Level Late Phase. 因为现在的他,虽然还没有引动苍穹榜留名,但他却已是能够引动一丝世界之力,而就这小小的一丝,就已远远的超越了圣品后期 Five years, have not wasted finally.” “五年时间,总算没有白费。” Mu Chen talked to oneself, then has turned around, figure fell before the Luo Li body. 牧尘自语一声,然后转过身来,身形落在了洛璃身前。 This time Luo Li, is looking at him, obviously has not gotten back one's composure, after all only has a strength stronger person, able felt formerly Mu Chen terrifying of strength. 此时的洛璃,也是怔怔的望着他,显然还没回神,毕竟唯有实力越强的人,才能够感觉到先前牧尘实力恐怖 Got back one's composure.” Mu Chen stretches out the palm, in her shook shaking at present, said with a smile. “回神了。”牧尘伸出手掌,在她的眼前晃了晃,笑道。 Luo Li beautiful pupil midwave is only mobile, directly was white Mu Chen one, but she actually does not know that by her makings appearance, a only nonchalant look, wallowed on able merely elated. 洛璃美眸中波光流动,直接是白了牧尘一眼,只不过她却是不知,以她的气质容颜,仅仅只是一个不经意间的眼神,就能够让人心醉沉迷。 Fierce?” Mu Chen said with a smile, a little small contentment, only had before the beloved person, other source will reveal this point temper. “厉害吧?”牧尘笑道,有点小小的自得,也唯有在心爱的人面前,他方才会显露出这一点性子。 Yes, you are fierce.” Luo Li hearing this, can only aerobic funny nod. “是,你厉害。”洛璃闻言,只能好气又好笑的点点头。 „, Mu Chen, you are now extraordinary.” “啧啧,牧尘,你现在了不得啊。” In that behind, had the surprised clear sound to get up suddenly, sees only Lin Jing to jump, was sizing up Mu Chen, [say / way] that at once the small mouth digs: Also thinks that these year and you have pulled closer the distance, has not thought that was thrown such far by you.” 在那身后,忽有惊讶的清脆声响起,只见得林静跳了过来,上上下下的打量着牧尘,旋即小嘴微撅的道:“还以为这些年和你拉近了距离,没想到被你抛得这么远了。” Xiao Xiao is also walks, the pupil of enchanting charm is sizing up Mu Chen, said suddenly: „Did you succeed?” 萧潇也是走来,妖媚的眸子打量着牧尘,忽道:“你成功了?” She is knows for five years that Mu Chen this vanishes to make anything now. 她如今已是知晓牧尘这消失的五年做什么去了。 Mu Chen extended one to stretch, both eyes were staring profoundly void, said: Also almost, slightly again waits.” 牧尘伸了一个懒腰,双目深邃的凝视着虚空,道:“还差一点,稍微再等等。” Present he, but also not true leaves a good name on Sky Ranking, but, to this step, he is the faint feeling Sky Ranking exists... 现在的他,还并没有真正的在苍穹榜上留名,不过,到了这一步,他已是隐隐的感觉到了苍穹榜的存在... Four people talked once again a meeting, Mu Chen then led them to fall from the upper air, in that innumerable [say / way] frantic vision, arrived at Headmaster Tai Cang and Northern Sea Dragon front. 四人再度交谈了一会,牧尘便是带着她们自高空落下,在那无数道狂热的目光中,来到了太苍院长北溟龙鲲的面前。 Mu Chen is looking at that two familiar face, is somewhat has mixed emotions, when wants initially he leaves from Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, but only just stepped into the Sovereign Stage youth, however now, once youth, is actually aspires to seize this Great Thousand World... 牧尘望着那两张熟悉的脸庞,也是有些百感交集,想当初他从北苍灵院离开时,不过只是一个刚刚踏入至尊境的少年而已,然而如今,曾经的少年,却已是问鼎这大千世界... Student Mu Chen, has seen Headmaster and Senior Sea Dragon.” Mu Chen holds the fist in the other hand, serious [say / way]. “学生牧尘,见过院长龙鲲前辈。”牧尘抱拳,郑重的道。 although his strength has been far in excess of the present two now, but regarding Headmaster Tai Cang and Northern Sea Dragon, Mu Chen obviously is the extreme respect, in the past when Spiritual Academy, they did not have little looks in him. 虽然如今他的实力已经远远的超越了眼前的两人,但对于太苍院长北溟龙鲲,牧尘显然是极为的尊敬,当年在灵院时,他们没少照拂于他。 Especially Northern Sea Dragon, the Divine Lightning Body instruction in him, in once some time, Divine Lightning Body helped him get through many difficult times. 特别是北溟龙鲲,更是将雷神体传授于他,在曾经的一段时间中,雷神体帮助他渡过了许多的难关。 Headmaster Tai Cang and Northern Sea Dragon look at the Mu Chen humble manner so, is somewhat that cannot bear is gratified, the past youth, because of the present achievement, then has not been appears self-satisfied, as before mild amiable. 太苍院长北溟龙鲲瞧得牧尘这般谦逊态度,也是忍不住的有些欣慰,当年的少年,并未因为如今的成就,便是显得志得意满,依旧温润谦和。 That Shen Cangsheng, Li Xuantong, Wen Qingxuan, Ye Qingling they have also collected, each other meets, naturally is a joyful sigh. 沈苍生,李玄通,温清璇,叶轻灵他们也是凑了过来,彼此相见,自然又是一番欣喜感叹。 Big brother Mu Chen!” Sun'er animated standing in the Mu Chen front, the wonderful item shines, grinning is looking at him. 牧尘大哥!”笋儿俏生生的立在牧尘的面前,妙目忽闪忽闪的,笑嘻嘻的望着他。 Small Sun'er.” “小笋儿。” Looks at present Sun'er, when Mu Chen is somewhat that cannot bear is also absent-minded, remembers beginning past years entered Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, on that road, meets has worn the white clothing, is gripping long ponytail, on the small face full is the suffering from injustice little girl. 看着眼前的笋儿,牧尘也是忍不住的有些恍惚,想起了当年初入北苍灵院时,在那路上,遇见了身穿白衣,扎着长马尾,小脸上满是委屈的小女孩。 But now, past little girl, is becomes slimly and gracefully, pretty moving. 而如今,当年的小女孩,也是出落得亭亭玉立,娇俏动人。 I am not young!” “我可不小了!” Mu Chen stretches out the palm, was similar to the past same, making an effort has rubbed the soft hair of Sun'er, its long hair made that disorderly, caused that the Sun'er look full was the hidden bitterness. 牧尘伸出手掌,就如同当年一般,使劲的揉了揉笋儿的柔软的头发,将其长发弄得一片凌乱,引得笋儿眼神满是幽怨。 With the Sun'er merriment, Mu Chen has then found one side smiling Tang Qian'er, the latter long hair light bunch, did not have once bracelet, appears somewhat is actually quiet. 笋儿笑闹了一阵,牧尘便是瞧见了一旁笑意盈盈的唐芊儿,后者长发轻束,没有了曾经的跳脱,倒是显得有些清静。 Had been lucky Sister Qian'er your crumb the jade symbol, has made my able feel the space mark, timely catches up.” Mu Chen said with a smile. “多亏了芊儿姐你捏碎了玉符,才让我能够感受到空间印记,及时赶来。”牧尘笑道。 Tang Qian'er smiles gracefully, beautiful eyes looks to stand Mu Chen and Luo Li, they are the light beam ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) like that is eye-catching unable to move to the vision. 唐芊儿盈盈一笑,美目看着站在一起的牧尘洛璃,两人都是那般的光芒万丈,夺目得让人移不开目光。 This time, indeed many thanks you, otherwise our Myriad Phoenix Spiritual Academy, is difficult to run away a tribulation.” Tang Qian'er sighed one lightly, somewhat was sad, when Myriad Phoenix Spiritual Academy at-large to Northern Heavens Continent, is the casualties some students. “这一次,真是多谢你了,不然我们万凰灵院,也是难逃一劫。”唐芊儿轻叹一声,有些哀伤,因为万凰灵院在逃向北苍大陆时,已是伤亡了一些学员。 Mu Chen can only pat her shoulder gently, comforts. 牧尘只能轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀,以示安慰。 „Will big brother Mu Chen, you then leave?” Sun'er interrupted to ask in the one side, people also vision projection. 牧尘大哥,你接下来就会离开了吗?”笋儿在一旁插嘴问道,众人也是将目光投射而来。 Feels recall in people eyes, Mu Chen was also smiling, he gains ground, the vision looks to this Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, these familiar places, once left leeway his trace. 感受着众人眼中的留恋,牧尘也是笑了笑,他抬起头,目光看向这座北苍灵院,那些熟悉的地方,曾经留有他的痕迹。 I will keep in Northern Heavens Continent on the several th, and thorough elimination Great Thousand World internal demon disaster...” “我会在北苍大陆留几日,并且彻底的清除大千世界内部的魔灾...” Heard the Mu Chen words, in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy bursts into the deafening cheers once again. 听到牧尘的话语,北苍灵院中再度爆发出了震耳欲聋的欢呼声。 Mu Chen sees that was also the chuckle one, simultaneously has the micro cool white hands to grip his palm gently, he gripped tightly backhandedly, look profound was looking void. 牧尘见状,也是轻笑了一声,同时有着微凉的玉手轻轻的握住他的手掌,他反手紧握,眼神深邃的望着虚空。 Because he knows that this should was the war will approach the beforehand last minute to be tranquil. 因为他知道,这应该就会是大战来临之前的最后一刻宁静了。 ... ... ... ...
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