TGR :: Volume #16

#1513: Peaceful

Heavenly Luo Continent, Ancient Heavenly Palace. 天罗大陆,上古天宫 The Spiritual Energy rivers gallop, the spray turns to well up, releases boundless pure Spiritual Energy, condenses the mist, scatters, made the entire world is becomes fresh elusive. 灵力河流奔腾,浪花翻涌,释放出磅礴精纯的灵力,凝聚成雾气,飘散开来,令得整个天地都是变得清新空灵。 On both sides stone platform of Spiritual Energy rivers, young silhouette sit cross-legged silent, among the turnovers, is buying in world Spiritual Energy, strengthening oneself... 灵力河流的两侧的石台上,一道道年轻的身影寂静盘坐,吞吐之间,吸纳着天地灵力,淬炼自身... Farther place, is the person's shadow flashes, voice loudly shouted is intermittent, is the place of practicing wushu. 更远的地方,则是人影闪动,喝声阵阵,乃是演武之地。 Present Ancient Heavenly Palace, the non-, that deathly stillness, under rapid strong Mu Palace, here once again had before already given full play to the full of vitality, even that type lively prosperous, endured compared with Ancient Heavenly Palace is prosperous the time. 如今的上古天宫,早已非之前那种死寂,在迅速壮大的牧府之下,这里再度焕发了勃勃生机,甚至那种热闹兴盛,已是堪比上古天宫鼎盛时期。 After all the heavenly palace of antiquity age, prestige although is prominent, but that depends entirely on Celestial Emperor one person alone to support basically, in its, various palace Palace Master although is the supreme talent characters, but has not actually needed they to grow, has encountered the attack of Foreign Fiends... 毕竟上古年代的天宫,威名虽说显赫,但那基本全靠天帝一人独自撑下来,在其下面,各殿殿主虽然都是天骄人物,但却还不待他们成长起来,就遭遇了域外邪族的进攻... In line of sight distant place, hill that is standing tall and erect, on hill, together silhouette, slightly sluggish slanting, vision ease is looking at around that Spiritual Energy rivers the bubbling like a caldron crowd. 在视线更远处,则是一座高耸的山丘,山丘上,一道身影,略显懒散的斜趟着,目光悠然的望着那灵力河流周围鼎沸的人群。 This person's shadow, naturally is Mu Chen. 这道人影,自然便是牧尘 Looks at that Spiritual Energy rivers surrounding young immature silhouette, in the Mu Chen eye, reveals the faint trace happy expression, in recent years, Mu Palace is also in his hands strength gradually, the although majority of time he is the waving the arms about storekeeper, but has the senses of achievement of some difficult words as before. 瞧得那灵力河流周围一道道年轻稚嫩的身影,牧尘的眼中,也是流露出丝丝笑意,这些年来,牧府也是在他的手中渐渐的壮大,虽然大部分时间他是甩手掌柜,但却依旧是有着一些难言的成就感。 After all links him not to think, initially merely only held Mu Palace that the optional idea is establishing, after the several years, will become Fang Xiong will dominate Heavenly Luo Continent authority. 毕竟连他自己都未曾想过,当初仅仅只是抱着随意想法建立的牧府,会在数年之后,成为一方雄霸天罗大陆巨擘 In Mu Chen sluggish when is looking all these, suddenly these cultivation platform center of discovery distant place have some tumults faintly, then, he then sees together the graceful beautiful figure again, just likes strolls same, the leisure shuttle, had attracted in the world all vision. 牧尘懒散的望着这一切时,忽然发现远处的那些修炼台中隐隐有着一些骚动,再然后,他便是见到一道优雅倩影,犹如闲庭信步一般,慢悠悠的穿梭而过,吸引了天地间所有的目光。 That beautiful figure, wears black women's clothing, the skirt pendulum is embroidering the gold thread, the light pendulum, is revealing with the wind honored, was outlining the charming curve, that fine cheeks, same was having the smile of having a relish, was sizing up this piece by the beloved person cultivation that was tried hard to build abundantly. 那道倩影,身着黑色衣裙,裙摆绣着金线,随风轻摆,显露着尊贵,勾勒着迷人曲线,那精致的脸颊,同样是带着饶有兴致的微笑,打量着这片由心爱之人所努力打造出来的修炼盛地。 All youth secretly is sizing up this graceful silhouette, sometimes that said that clear vision only has swept merely, is makes them blush heartbeat, does not dare to look straight ahead, as if the vision is one type blasphemes with its connection. 所有的少年都是偷偷的打量着这道优雅的身影,有时候那道清澈的目光仅仅只是扫过,便是令得他们面红心跳,不敢直视,仿佛目光与其交汇都是一种亵渎般。 But these young girls, is the eye dew looked forward , the present girl, lets they feel inferior at the same time, is makes them have one type to yearn, after their Hopefully, is able is having such as her same makings. 而那些少女,则是眼露憧憬,眼前的女孩,让得她们自惭形秽的同时,又是让得她们有着一种向往,她们希望以后,也是能够拥有着如她一般的气质。 Graceful and beautiful. 优雅而美丽。 This beautiful figure just likes goes for a walk walking past of journey same, but along with her going far away, that the vision of recall, just now does not depend on reclamation that does not abandon. 这道倩影犹如踏青出行一般的走过,而随着她的远去,那一道道留恋的目光,方才不依不舍的收回。 Mu Chen smiles is looking at this graceful beautiful figure, latter leisure comes, finally has stepped onto hill, stands in his side, the white hands builds at present, looks into this piece of Ancient Heavenly Palace, Yingying is saying with a smile: Your this Mu Palace, develops good.” 牧尘笑眯眯的望着这道优雅倩影,后者慢悠悠的而来,最后走上了山丘,站在他的身旁,玉手搭在眼前,眺望着这片上古天宫,盈盈笑道:“你这牧府,发展得挺不错的呢。” Mu Chen lightly nodded, at once a face earnest [say / way]: This for the base industry that our children overcome.” 牧尘点了点头,旋即一脸认真的道:“这都是为了咱们孩子打下的基业呢。” Luo Li charming face immediately one red, bashfully is angry stared at Mu Chen one: You, you talked nonsense anything, who had your child.” 洛璃俏脸顿时一红,羞嗔的盯了牧尘一眼:“你,你瞎说什么呢,谁有你孩子了。” Usually was graceful chilly Luo Li, is done the cheeks to be red by a few words that Mu Chen this had no shame, among them, including last relations not broken, this fellow started to think went a step further... 素来都是优雅清冷的洛璃,都是被牧尘这没羞没臊的一句话搞得脸颊通红,两人之间,连最后一道关系都没破呢,这家伙就已经开始想着更进一步了... Mu Chen raise one's head, looks at ruddy charming face that rare is angry bashfully, in the heart is actually sudden surges fiery, before body throws, the arm then embraces Luo Li that slender pliable but hard to break waist, they to lawn on but actually. 牧尘抬头,望着那张难得羞嗔的红润俏脸,心中却是突然的涌起一股火热,身子一个前扑,手臂便是揽住了洛璃那纤细柔韧的腰肢,两人对着草地上倒了下去。 Landing time, the Mu Chen body throws down, making Luo Li pour on his body. 落地的时候,牧尘身体摔倒,让得洛璃倒在他的身上。 Sudden attack, is makes Luo Li micro startled, the white hands support the chest of Mu Chen, the predecessor very get up slightly, is nipping white teeth lightly, stared at Mu Chen one bitterly. 突如其来的袭击,也是让得洛璃微惊,玉手撑住牧尘的胸膛,前身微微挺起,轻咬着银牙,恨恨的盯了牧尘一眼。 Mu Chen enjoys is pressing person that soft touch, jet black pupil has the flame combustion, his brilliant is staring at Luo Li, said: Or do we try hard?” 牧尘享受着身上压着的人儿那柔软的触感,漆黑眸子似是有着火焰燃烧,他灼灼的盯着洛璃,道:“那要不我们努力一下?” Diligently what?” Luo Li has been startled being startled. “努力什么?”洛璃怔了怔。 Child.” Mu Chen serious [say / way]. “孩子啊。”牧尘一本正经的道。 However his words just fell, girl that white jade charming face in bosom, is suddenly red, just likes burns down same. 然而他的话语刚落,怀中的女孩那白玉般的俏脸,便是陡然通红,犹如火烧一般 Bang! 砰! Luo Li that elbow was falling maliciously on the Mu Chen belly, Mu Chen held breath immediately a cold air/Qi, face of outstanding ability seemed becomes distortion . 紧接着,洛璃那手肘便是狠狠的落在了牧尘肚子上,牧尘顿时倒吸一口冷气,俊逸的脸庞仿佛都是变得扭曲了一些。 Makes you play rogue!” Luo Li is red the cheek, was angry Mu Chen. “让你耍流氓!”洛璃红着脸蛋,嗔了牧尘一眼。 Thinks her from infancy to maturity, in that Luoshen Clan is the emperor female, afterward has become that Ancient Exalted Spirit Clan saintess, other people and she spoke, all was awed by its appearance and makings, displayed well-mannered, does not dare to have slight affronting. 想她从小到大,在那洛神族乃是皇女,后来更是成了那太灵古族的圣女,旁人与她说话,皆是慑于其容颜与气质,表现得彬彬有礼,不敢有丝毫的冒犯。 Therefore faces Mu Chen this slightly to reveal the rogue act, a little cannot endure all of a sudden. 所以面对着牧尘这略显流氓的行径,一下子都有点吃不消。 Has suffered an elbow maliciously, Mu Chen painstakingly the face, complains of injustice saying: Plays rogue to be inadequate to own wife?” 挨了狠狠的一肘,牧尘苦着脸,叫屈道:“对自家老婆耍流氓都不成?” Luo Li white his eyes, at once says with a smile lightly: On your when Luoshen Clan discussed marriage said again.” 洛璃白了他一眼,旋即轻笑道:“等你什么时候上洛神族提亲了再说吧。” Mu Chen has rubbed the belly, a depression of face, then lies down on the ground, both eyes absent-minded is looking at the sky. 牧尘揉了揉肚子,一脸的郁闷,然后躺在地上,双目失神的望着天空。 Looks at this to live not to have the love appearance, even if knows him in intentionally, somewhat that but Luo Li cannot bear smiles, then a little loving dearly slightly. 瞧得他这幅生无可恋般的模样,即便知晓他在故意为之,但洛璃还是忍不住的有些莞尔,然后又有点微微的心疼。 Therefore, she glances the circulation, suddenly lowers the head, the ruddy small mouth just scratches the surface lip of passing over gently and swiftly Mu Chen. 于是,她眼波流转,忽然低头,红润小嘴蜻蜓点水般的掠过牧尘的嘴唇。 That instantaneous cool soft feeling, making Mu Chen stare the long time, then stretched out the tongue to lick the lip greedily, then look brilliant was looking at the Luo Li ruddy small mouth. 那瞬间的温凉柔软感,让得牧尘愣了半晌,然后伸出舌头贪婪的舔了舔嘴唇,然后眼神灼灼的望着洛璃红润小嘴。 However regarding his greedy vision, Luo Li actually looks but not see, calmly strokes to fall gently the long hair that sits nearby that gracefully. 然而对于他那贪婪的目光,洛璃却是视而不见,若无其事的捋起飘落下来的长发,在那一旁优雅而坐。 Is looking at side that slender silhouette, smelled the lightly delicate fragrance of Luo Li transmitting again, Mu Chen has been smiling suddenly, fire of desire retreat in eye, what replaces it is a tranquil meaning. 望着身旁那纤细的身影,再嗅着从洛璃身上传来的淡淡幽香,牧尘忽然笑了起来,眼中的欲火退去,取而代之的是一股宁静之意。 He has turned the body, has placed on the head the Luo Li slender clear jade leg, both eyes shut, mutter: „Since you leave Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, I am anticipating this moment.” 他扭了扭身子,将脑袋放在了洛璃纤细圆润的玉腿上,双目微闭,喃喃道:“自从你离开北苍灵院后,我就在期待着这一刻。” The Luo Li tender body trembles, lowered the head, looks at that young face of outstanding ability, although is being full of the spirit as before, but that micro close eye, is revealing exhausted of average man difficult discovery. 洛璃娇躯微颤,低下头来,望着那张俊逸的年轻脸庞,虽然依旧充满着锐气,但那微闭的眼目,则是显露着一丝常人难以发现的疲惫。 This command the Luo Li tip of the nose micro acid, present Mu Chen, is in this Great Thousand World the true peak powerhouse, the reputation is suddenly prominent, ten thousand people awe, however no one knows that under this achievement, he for it has paid many effort. 这令得洛璃忽然鼻尖微酸,如今的牧尘,已是这大千世界中真正的巅峰强者,声名显赫,万人敬畏,然而谁都不知道,在这个成就之下,他为之付出了多少的努力。 She always remembers that in the past when Luo Tianshen took away her from Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, that youth looks at silhouette that she was departing, was appears how desolate and lonely... 她始终都记得,当年洛天神北苍灵院带走她时,那个少年望着她离去的身影,是显得多么的落寞与孤单... At that time, he of young was saying to her, will happen one day, he becomes that unparalleled powerhouse, some such again person of able will not take away her from his side... 那个时候,少年的他对着她说,终有一天,他会成为那盖世强者,那样就不会再有人能够从他的身边将她带走... only that road, is filling thorn, the path rough difficult line. 只是那条路,充满着棘刺,道路坎坷难行。 She will like Mu Chen, is the youth who because that meets in Spiritual Road, always has the self-confident smiling face, able to infect her, lets her has the infinite confidence to face many difficultly. 她会喜欢上牧尘,是因为那个在灵路中所遇见的少年,总是带着自信的笑容,能够感染着她,让得她也是生出无限的信心去面对着诸多艰难。 Therefore she had been worried, in that tracks down on the road of unparalleled powerhouse, Mu Chen will lose that self-confident and bright smiling face, becomes is scarred, no longer in the past. 所以她一直担心在那追寻盖世强者的路上,牧尘会丢失掉那自信而灿烂的笑容,变得伤痕累累,不复以往。 But fortunately not. 但所幸的是并没有。 Luo Li white hands gentle is stroking Mu Chen face, unfolds the face chuckle, the smiling face beautiful command must the world change colors. 洛璃玉手温柔的抚摸着牧尘脸庞,展颜轻笑,笑颜美丽的令得天地失色。 Mu Chen, you know that what I happiest matter is? Has not saved Luoshen Clan, does not become that anything Ancient Exalted Spirit Clan saintess... Rather, in that Spiritual Road, met you.” 牧尘,你知道我最幸福的事是什么吗?不是拯救了洛神族,也不是成为那什么太灵古族的圣女...而是,在那灵路中,遇见了你。” At this time the day high ground is far, the light breeze strokes the mountain top, by the ear has broadcast girl that gentle voice, makes the Mu Chen innermost feelings, as if by any hit maliciously, an emotion, was flowed in all the limbs and bones. 此时天高地远,轻风拂过山头,耳旁传来女孩那轻柔的声音,也是令得牧尘的内心,仿佛是被什么狠狠的击中,一股情感,流淌在四肢百骸。 Mu Chen opens the eye, is looking at that pretty fine appearance, then looks that innumerable [say / way] immature silhouette to the Spiritual Energy rivers, suddenly smiles. 牧尘睁开眼睛,望着那张娇俏精致的容颜,然后再看向灵力河流周围那无数道稚嫩的身影,忽的一笑。 His side, has such many happiness, and is worth him protecting. 他的身边,有如此之多的美好,并且值得他去守护。 Therefore, how he will allow these to be destroyed, even if the enemy, is that fearful Foreign Fiends... 所以,他怎会允许这些被破坏,即便敌人,是那可怕的域外邪族... Mu Chen deep breath the one breath, then said to Luo Li: Luo Li, after Great Thousand Covenant, if crossed calmly and steadily, then marries me.” 牧尘深吸了一口气,然后冲着洛璃道:“洛璃,大千盟约之后,若是安稳渡过,便嫁给我吧。” Looks at the smiling face on Mu Chen face, Luo Li white teeth is nipping the red lip lightly, is red the cheeks, selects small head lightly, the silver hair under that sunlight, is sparkling the beautiful woman glory. 望着牧尘脸庞上的笑容,洛璃贝齿轻咬红唇,然后红着脸颊,轻点螓首,银发在那日光下,闪耀着倾城般的光辉。 Good!” “好!” ...... ...... ...... ......
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