TGR :: Volume #15

#1439: Hundred Spirit King

Chapter 1449 第1449章 At this time the Tang Qian'er mood is very bad, since Mu Chen left Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy in the past, she chose kept in Spiritual Academy, after these years efforts, was drawing support from her talent, oneself has stepped into Eighth Rank Sovereign realm, in some time past, was promoted to Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy Vice Headmaster. 此时唐芊儿的心情很糟糕,自从当年牧尘离开北苍灵院后,她则是选择了留在灵院内,经过这些年的努力,借助着她的天赋,自身已是踏入了八品至尊境界,同时也是在前些时候,升任了北苍灵院副院长 After promotion, she then invited some time vacation to Spiritual Academy, wanting Northern Spirit Realm to see the father, when it comes back, happen to bumps into this so-called King's Tribute Offering, because her father Tang Shan must follow Uncle Mu to go to Hundred Spirit City, liked lively her, naturally also followed. 在升任之后,她便是向灵院中请了一段时间的假期,想要回北灵境看望父亲,而当其回来时,正好碰上这所谓“朝王祭”,因为她的父亲唐山要跟随着牧叔叔前往百灵城,本就喜欢热闹的她,自然也就跟了上来。 But the trouble also appeared on this, in the past few days was following Uncle Mu they the time, saw that Hundred Spirit King, the latter moved the meaning to it obviously, for serveral days hinted repeatedly attentively, but had been turned down by her. 而麻烦也就出现在了这上面,前些天跟随着牧叔叔他们的时候,见到了那百灵王,后者显然对其动了意思,这些天屡屡殷勤示意,但都被她婉拒了过去。 That Hundred Spirit King is also somewhat is so discontented, has limited Uncle Mu unexpectedly their freedom, obviously is to take this as the threat unexpectedly, makes her agree. 如此那百灵王也是有些不满,竟是限制了牧叔叔他们的自由,显然竟是想要以此为威胁,来使得她同意。 But this, is the Tang Qian'er mood awful origin. 而这,便是唐芊儿心情糟糕的来源。 Oh, daughter...” “唉,女儿啊...” In Mu Feng behind, a forced smile of Tang Shan face, he looks at although to be peaceful, Tang Qian'er that but the white hands grip tightly once for a while, naturally is also knows her mood to be extremely bad, [say / way] that cannot help but rebukes oneself: Blames the father, must let you with.” 牧锋身后,唐山一脸的苦笑,他望着虽然安静,但玉手时不时紧握的唐芊儿,自然也是知晓她心情极差,不由得自责的道:“都怪爹,要让你跟来。” Present Tang Shan, but regards as the treasure this daughter, initially it sent to Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy the time, has not thought she such prospect, even has stepped into Eighth Rank Sovereign Stage now, this may be considered as on is in their Northern Spirit Realm strongest strength. 现在的唐山,可是将这个女儿视为宝贝疙瘩,当初将其送去北苍灵院的时候,可没想过她会如此的出息,如今甚至踏入了八品至尊境,这可算得上是他们北灵境中最强的实力了。 Moreover, Tang Qian'er also became Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy Vice Headmaster, compared with this, even if Mu Feng the Northern Spirit Alliance hegemon, is well below. 而且,唐芊儿还成为了北苍灵院副院长,比起这个,就算是牧锋的这个北灵盟盟主,都是远远不及的。 The originally daughter is so outstanding, is an extremely happy matter is, but the present matter, appear here splendidly above... 原本女儿如此出色,是一件极为开心的事情才是,可如今的事,却又出现在这个出色上面... That Hundred Spirit King what kind status, experience many beautiful women, when is facing Tang Qian'er this Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy Vice Headmaster, actually as before is the extreme heart movement, even does not hesitate to make the matter of forcing. 百灵王何等身份地位,也见识过不少美人,但面对着唐芊儿这个北苍灵院副院长时,却依旧是极为的心动,甚至不惜做出胁迫之事。 Mu Feng has patted the shoulder of Tang Shan, then to Tang Qian'er sinking sound track: Qian'er, you ask opportunity to leave as far as possible, that Hundred Spirit King relies on the status, must not be what kind to us, at the worst dismisses Northern Spirit Alliance...” 牧锋拍了拍唐山的肩膀,然后对唐芊儿沉声道:“芊儿,你尽量找机会自己离开,那百灵王自恃身份,应当也不会对我们怎么样,大不了就解散北灵盟...” He Tang Qian'er is also growing up from underestimate, but she and Mu Chen are the friends from childhood, has this matter, Mu Feng naturally does not want to see her to suffer a loss. 他也是从小看唐芊儿长大,而她与牧尘更是青梅竹马,发生这种事,牧锋自然是不想见到她吃亏。 Tang Qian'er hearing this, in the heart sighed one lightly, how that Hundred Spirit King saw is not the heart broad person, if she left, definitely vented anger with her father and Uncle Mu and the others. 唐芊儿闻言,心中轻叹一声,那百灵王怎么看都不是心胸宽阔之人,若是她自己离开,必然会拿她爹与牧叔叔等人出气。 I cannot make Uncle Mu have an accident here, otherwise in the future how and does Mu Chen transfer?” “我不能让牧叔叔在这里出事,不然日后怎么和牧尘交待?” The Tang Qian'er white hands grip tightly, pupil glittering, has only set firm resolve, found the opportunity first to lead her father and Uncle Mu runs away, is Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy Vice Headmaster, she also has some running away methods, making that Hundred Spirit King pursue it to be inferior. 唐芊儿玉手紧握,眸光闪烁,已是下定决心,找到机会就先带她爹与牧叔叔逃走,身为北苍灵院副院长,她也是有着一些逃遁手段,让得那百灵王追之不及。 Perhaps however if it's going to be like this, Uncle Mu and father they laborious many years of Northern Spirit Alliance must be thoroughly destroyed by Hundred Spirit King, but Northern Spirit Realm that she grows up since childhood, could not go back. 不过若是这样做的话,牧叔叔与爹他们辛苦多年的北灵盟恐怕就得被百灵王彻底摧毁了,而她从小长大的北灵境,也是回不去了。 But there, she has many recollections, this makes her not abandon very much. 而在那里,她有着很多的回忆,这让得她很是不舍。 When the Tang Qian'er thoughts rotation, the atmosphere in this main hall, sees only leader all setting out of numerous influence suddenly loudly, look respectful looking to the big Palace Chief place. 唐芊儿心思转动时,这座大殿中的气氛忽然间轰然而起,只见得众多势力的首领尽数的起身,神色恭敬的望向大殿首座。 Sees only there, surrounded by numerous beautiful appearance palace maid, imposing manner vigorous silhouette goes out together, that silhouette, wears golden gown, but its body is slender, face quite handsome, only that slightly long and narrow both eyes, making him many an outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted aura. 只见得那里,在众多美貌宫女的簇拥下,一道气势雄浑的身影走出,那道身影,身披金袍,而其身躯修长,脸庞相当的英俊,只是那微微狭长的双目,令得他多了一丝阴柔气息。 But it in walks, has powerful Spiritual Energy to surge, that degree, has been the Lower Position Earthly Sovereign degree. 而其在行走间,自有一股强悍灵力涌动,那种程度,已是达到了下位地至尊的程度。 In golden gown man behind, but also has two black robe old man at a moderate pace followeds, just likes spirit same. 在着金袍男子身后,还有着两名黑袍老者不紧不慢的跟随,犹如幽灵一般 Welcomed Hundred Spirit King!” “恭迎百灵王!” When this golden gown man appears, in the main hall the influence leaders on numerous Hundred Spirit Continent all are simultaneously respectful voice, that and other momenta, actually appear the foot. 当这金袍男子出现时,大殿内众多百灵大陆上的势力首领皆是齐齐恭声,那等声势,倒是显得极足。 That Hundred Spirit King be with smile on the face sitting above seat of honor, a palm pressure, lightly smiled said: Please sit down.” 百灵王面带微笑的坐于首座之上,手掌一压,淡笑道:“诸位请坐。” Numerous influence leaders are once again respectful thanked, this sat, that respectful stance, makes that Hundred Spirit King mouth corner slightly raise actually wipes the satisfactory smiling face. 众多势力首领再度恭敬谢过,这才坐了下来,那种恭敬的姿态,倒是让得那百灵王嘴角微微掀起一抹满意笑容。 He is overlooking all leader in main hall exhaltedly, just likes King same, finally his line of sight, stops in the seat that rear Northern Spirit Alliance was, naturally, said accurately is on that together beautiful figure. 他居高临下的俯视着大殿内的各方首领,犹如王者一般,最后他的视线,停在了后方北灵盟所在的席位,当然,准确的说是那一道倩影身上。 He He, can Miss Qian'er, satisfy in my Hundred Spirit City for serveral days?” Hundred Spirit King wear a look of temperate smiling face, does not pay attention to other leaders, is saying with a smile to Tang Qian'er directly. “呵呵,芊儿姑娘,这些天在我百灵城可还满意吗?”百灵王面带温和笑容,也不理会其他的首领,直接是对着唐芊儿微笑道。 Tang Qian'er charming face is tranquil, said: Hundred Spirit City is lively, Qian'er is the experience crossed, but I am Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy Vice Headmaster, in the institute the business is many, feared that is unable stays for a long time.” 唐芊儿俏脸平静,道:“百灵城繁华,芊儿已是见识过了,不过我身为北苍灵院副院长,院内事务繁多,怕是无法久留。” During her spoken languages, has the meaning of rejection once again, has carried also out Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, obviously is Hopefully able makes this Hundred Spirit King restrain some. 她的言语间,再度有着拒绝的意思,同时也是搬出了北苍灵院,显然是希望能够让这百灵王收敛一些。 Hundred Spirit King hearing this, he he smiles, resembles not to listen to meaning same in Tang Qian'er words, the palm to caress front jade cup lightly, [say / way] with a smile: Franks, this King to Miss Qian'er, is the love at first sight, therefore Hopefully Miss Qian'er able remains, wields this Hundred Spirit Continent with me together.” 百灵王闻言,呵呵一笑,似是没听出唐芊儿话语中的意思一般,手掌轻抚着面前的玉杯,笑吟吟的道:“实不相瞒,本王芊儿姑娘,乃是一见倾心,所以希望芊儿姑娘能够留下来,与我一同执掌这百灵大陆。” Such remarks, in the main hall many sounds in an uproar get up immediately, all influence leaders are looking at Tang Qian'er that envies, this in their opinion, simply is the good deed of reaching the sky in a single bound. 此言一出,大殿内顿时诸多哗然声响起,各方势力首领都是羡慕的望着唐芊儿,这在他们看来,简直就是一步登天的好事。 However, the Tang Qian'er white hands are actually one of the not being able to bear tight, in heart angry, wishes one could to spurt a that Hundred Spirit King face front liquor water, but present she also no longer was initially that four non- wariness young girl, immediately takes a deep breath, the full front delimits together curve, then said: Many thanks Hundred Spirit King deep affection, but I like working in Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, but also looks at northern Spirit King to look in the Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy surface, has uncovered this matter.” 然而,唐芊儿玉手却是忍不住的一紧,心中恼怒至极,恨不得将面前的酒水喷那百灵王一脸,但如今的她也不再是当初那肆无忌惮的少女,当即深吸一口气,饱满的胸前划起一道弧度,然后道:“多谢百灵王厚爱了,不过我喜欢在北苍灵院做事,还望北灵王看在北苍灵院的面上,将此事揭过。” Hundred Spirit King smiles, he is holding appreciatively the jade cup, the faint smile [say / way]: Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy although is well known, perhaps but could not suppress this King...” 百灵王一笑,他把玩着玉杯,似笑非笑的道:“北苍灵院虽然名气不小,不过恐怕还压不住本王...” „The this King father, is Northern Profound Palace Palace Master, Immortal Level Initial Phase Heavenly Sovereign, but the this King mother, is Hundred Flowers Sect Sect Master, Spirit Level Initial Phase Heavenly Sovereign.” 本王父亲,乃是北玄宫宫主,仙品初期天至尊,而本王母亲,是百花宗宗主,灵品初期天至尊。” Hundred Spirit King leisure saying, at once he to Tang Qian'er chuckle one: You thought that this King will fear trivial Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy?” 百灵王慢悠悠的说道,旋即他冲着唐芊儿轻笑一声:“你觉得,本王会怕区区一个北苍灵院吗?” The Hundred Spirit King sound, although is having the happy expression, but in the main hall the originally lively atmosphere is instantaneously peaceful, numerous influence leaders tremble, although they are knowing the Hundred Spirit King background, but when sounds, feels the incomparable pressure and alarmed and afraid as before. 百灵王的声音,虽然带着笑意,但大殿内原本的热闹气氛瞬间安静下来,众多势力首领瑟瑟发抖,虽然他们都知晓着百灵王的背景,但在听起来的时候,依旧是感到无比的压力与惊惧。 Northern Profound Palace, in this Great Thousand World northwest, is having not the weak reputation, his subordinates have four continent, but this Hundred Spirit Continent its one, may said that Northern Profound Palace in this vast region, is Overlord that deserves. 北玄宫,在这大千世界西北方向,都是拥有着不弱的名声,其麾下坐拥四座大陆,而这百灵大陆正是其一,可以说,北玄宫在这片辽阔的地域中,乃是当之无愧的霸主 But Hundred Flowers Sect strength although is inferior to Northern Profound Palace to be intrepid, but also has assuming personal command of Heavenly Sovereign, same is side Overlord, in comparison, their these leaders present, but only ants. 百花宗实力虽然不如北玄宫强悍,但也是有着天至尊的坐镇,同样算是一方霸主,与其相比,他们在座的这些首领,不过只是蝼蚁罢了。 Others blow the tone, can blow the powder them. 人家吹口气,就能将他们吹成粉末。 Why this is also, Hundred Spirit King although only Lower Position Earthly Sovereign strength, but actually able sidewise compression entire Hundred Spirit Continent, some strength compared with he stronger leader, in its front, can only crawl to profess allegiance. 这也是为什么,百灵王虽然只是下位地至尊实力,但却能够横压整个百灵大陆,一些实力比他更强的首领,在其面前,都是只能匍匐称臣。 Because, this Hundred Spirit King, has is making people feel the frightened background. 因为,这位百灵王,拥有着让人感到恐惧的背景。 Tang Qian'er charming face also slightly changes, obviously same is felt that the enormous pressure, in strength compared with surface, Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy indeed is unable in comparison. 唐芊儿俏脸也是微微一变,显然同样是感觉到了极大的压力,比起表面上的实力,北苍灵院的确是无法与其相比。 However, this also representative Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy is not easy target, as Spiritual Academy, it formidable is not its hard strength, but is Human Pulse(contacts) that it has. 不过,这也并不代表北苍灵院软柿子,作为一个灵院,它所强大的并非是其硬实力,而是它所具备的人脉 If that Northern Profound Palace, Hundred Flowers Sect indeed wants destruction Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, Tang Qian'er believes that they will be hindered much. 如果那北玄宫,百花宗真是要覆灭北苍灵院,唐芊儿相信,他们会受到不少的阻碍。 Therefore, her white hands grasp to gather together, [say / way] slowly: Hundred Spirit King, are you really the stronger person difficult?” 于是,她玉手握拢,缓缓的道:“百灵王,你真的是要强人所难吗?” Hears the Tang Qian'er words, the smiling face on Hundred Spirit King handsome face finally was pale, both eyes narrowed dangerous curve. 听到唐芊儿的话,百灵王英俊脸庞上的笑容终于是淡了许多,双目微眯成一个危险的弧度 The entire main hall, is silent, numerous Hundred Spirit Continent influence leader vests all are the cold sweat, their secret angry this Tang Qian'er does not know the limitation, if has angered Hundred Spirit King, that may not have the good fruit to eat certainly. 整个大殿,寂静无声,众多百灵大陆的势力首领背心全是冷汗,他们暗暗恼怒这唐芊儿的不识相,若是惹怒了百灵王,那可绝没好果子可吃。 The Mu Feng look fluctuates, his able felt that Tang Qian'er pressure, clenches teeth immediately, stands up, looks the smiling face to Hundred Spirit King is holding the fist in the other hand saying: Great King do not lose one's temper, Qian'er was still innocent, but Qian'er and young child are the friends from childhood, Great King is becomes important matter, why is a female...” 牧锋眼神变幻,他能够感觉到唐芊儿身上的压力,当即一咬牙,站起身来,面露笑容的对着百灵王抱拳道:“大王勿要动怒,芊儿尚还不懂事,不过芊儿与小儿乃是青梅竹马,大王乃是成大事者,何必为一个女子...” However, his words have not spoken, Hundred Spirit King is coldly indifferent shot a look at his one eyes, in its behind, a black robe old man cloudy and cold line of sight projection of comes, to go forward one step, dense [say / way]: Qualifications that here some you spoke?!” 然而,他的话还没有说话,百灵王便是冷漠的瞥了他一眼,在其身后,一名黑袍老者阴冷的视线投射而来,上前一步,森然道:“这里有你说话的资格吗?!” His sound, resembling is just likes the stuffy thunder, directly is the shake entire main hall, but the Mu Feng voice stops, just likes is hit hard, complexion one white, is staggering sat, mouth corner has flowed out a bloodstain. 他的声音,似是犹如闷雷,直接是震荡整个大殿,而牧锋的话音噶然而止,犹如是受到了重击,面色一白,便是踉跄的坐了下去,嘴角都是流出了一丝血迹。 A terrifying Spiritual Energy pressure, sends out from that black robe old man on, making numerous influence leader heart on the scene shock: Earthly Sovereign Great Perfection?!” 一股恐怖灵力威压,自那黑袍老者身上散发出来,令得在场众多势力首领心头震撼:“地至尊大圆满?!” Their dark feeling, this Hundred Spirit King is really the background is with amazement formidable, itself although only Lower Position Earthly Sovereign, two guards but who accompanies, is the super powerhouses of Great Perfection rank. 他们暗感骇然,这百灵王果然是背景强大,本身虽然只是下位地至尊,但随行的两个护卫,都是大圆满级别的超级强者。 Hundred Spirit King is holding appreciatively the jade cup, looked that has not looked at Mu Feng one, the only faint [say / way]: this King has not called you start to talk, does the courage that which your comes stand the speech? What thing are you? Your that young child, what thing is also? Also dares to struggle the woman with this King?” 百灵王把玩着玉杯,看都未曾看牧锋一眼,只是淡漠的道:“本王没叫你开口,你哪来的胆子站起来说话?你是什么东西?你那小儿,又算是个什么东西?还敢与本王争女人?” Mu Feng complexion takes turn pale, the fist in sleeve grips tightly. 牧锋面色青白交替,袖中的拳头紧握。 Uncle Mu, are you all right?” Tang Qian'er hastily is supporting by the arm Mu Feng, asking of care. 牧叔叔,您没事吧?”唐芊儿则是连忙搀扶着牧锋,关心的问道。 Mu Feng is smiling bitterly shaking the head, sighed: Uncle Mu is useless.” 牧锋苦笑着摇了摇头,叹道:“牧叔叔没用。” Tang Qian'er white teeth bites tightly, pupil light glittering, she knows that cannot continue to remain here, now first comforts that Hundred Spirit King, later looks for opportunity activate secret method to lead her father and Uncle Mu immediately runs away. 唐芊儿银牙紧咬,眸光闪烁,她知道不能在这里继续留下来了,现在先安抚住那百灵王,之后找机会催动秘法立即带着她爹与牧叔叔逃走。 In the heart flashes through these thoughts, she then stands up, charming eyes goes to Hundred Spirit King, is nipping white teeth, said: Good, I comply with you...” 心中闪过这些念头,她便是站起身来,俏目投向百灵王,咬着银牙,道:“好,我答应和你...” However, when her sound just must fall thoroughly, suddenly, has a slender palm from its behind to extend, covered up that bright ruddy small mouth gently. 不过,就在她的声音刚刚要彻底落下的时候,忽然间,有着一只修长的手掌从其身后伸了出来,将那鲜艳红润的小嘴轻轻的掩住了。 But at the same time, resembling has the familiar laughter that made her absent-minded, was having a deep chill in the air, in this main hall, towering has resounded. 而与此同时,似是有着一道令得她恍惚起来的熟悉笑声,带着一丝深深的寒意,在这大殿中,突兀的响起了起来。 Sister Qian'er, do not speak at a venture, this type of waste, but the least bit cannot be joined to you...” 芊儿姐,可别乱说话,这种废物,可半点都配不上你...” ... ... ... ...
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