TGR :: Volume #15

#1437: Saint Buddha Pagoda that is promoted

Chapter 1447 第1447章 Ancient Ancestral Pagoda inside. 古老的祖塔之内 In this tower seems to have the innumerable spaces, but this time Mu Chen, then sits cross-legged during a piece is void, looking up comes, in eye Spiritual Light glittering, is able sees beside that void glittering ancient light beam, in the entire space, is filling that type of boundless air/Qi. 在这塔内仿佛是有着无数的空间,而此时的牧尘,便是盘坐在一片虚空之中,仰起头来,眼中灵光闪烁,则是能够见到那虚无之外闪烁的古老光芒,整个空间中,都是弥漫着那种苍茫之气。 This Ancestral Pagoda is Ancient Buddha Clan strongest background, inherits dozens ten thousand years, each Great Elder before dying in a sitting posture, will enter this place, own Spiritual Energy dispersing, integrates Ancestral Pagoda, gradually, was makes this Ancestral Pagoda have the infinite strength.” “这座祖塔浮屠古族最强的底蕴,传承数十万载,每一任的大长老在坐化前,都会进入此地,将自身的灵力散开,融入祖塔,久而久之,也是令得这祖塔具备了无穷之力。” When the Mu Chen side, Qing Yanjing cheeks also somewhat with deep veneration, serious [say / way]: If Ancestral Pagoda might full, even if Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign, will be killed by its town.” 牧尘的身旁,清衍静脸颊也时有些肃然,凝重的道:“若是祖塔威力全开,就算是圣品天至尊,也将会被其镇杀。” „In the past Foreign Fiends invaded Great Thousand World, has attacked our Ancient Buddha Clan, but was replying on the Ancestral Pagoda strength, has three Heavenly Demon Emperor to be cut to kill.” “当年域外邪族入侵大千世界时,也进攻了我们浮屠古族,而借助着祖塔的力量,足足有着三位天魔帝被斩杀。” Mu Chen hearing this, the look is also micro cold, Heavenly Demon Emperor quite in Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign, has not thought that the town was killed by Ancestral Pagoda as before, thus it can be seen its power has multi- terrifying. 牧尘闻言,神色也是微凛,天魔帝也就相当于圣品天至尊了,没想到依旧被祖塔所镇杀,由此可见其威能有多恐怖 Actually simply speaking, this Ancestral Pagoda should is also together Peerless Sacred Item, but in Saint Level Peerless Sacred Item, when is the front row.” “其实简单来说,这座祖塔应该也算是一道绝世圣物,只不过就算是在圣品绝世圣物中,都当属前列。” Mu Chen slightly nod, he saw Eight Ancestral Glass Bowl that” Martial Ancestor has refined before, that is also Saint Level Peerless Sacred Item, even if were to bear the Futu Xuan anger has struck, only was shaken as before flies, has not had any shattered sign, thus it can be seen of Saint Level Peerless Sacred Item. 牧尘微微点头,之前他见过武祖炼制出来的“八祖琉璃钵”,那也是圣品绝世圣物,即便是承受浮屠玄的愤怒一击,依旧只是被震飞,并没有出现任何破碎迹象,由此可见圣品绝世圣物之强。 But obviously, Ancient Buddha Clan the Ancestral Pagoda, compared with Eight Ancestral Glass Bowl, but must be stronger, according to the estimate of Mu Chen, perhaps this Ancestral Pagoda, should was in Great Thousand World one of the strongest Saint Level Peerless Sacred Item. 而显然,浮屠古族的这座祖塔,比“八祖琉璃钵”,还要更强,按照牧尘的估计,或许这祖塔,应该算是大千世界中最强的圣品绝世圣物之一了。 Later I will inspire ancestral Qi to arrive, you then with every effort receive, now your Saint Vajra Pagoda, in ordinary Peerless Sacred Item, able calculates to make the apex, but has not calculated including Spirit Level Peerless Sacred Item actually that Hopefully with the aid of this strengthening, able lets its quality.” Qing Yanjing said with a smile. “待会我会引动祖气降临,你便尽力接收吧,如今你的圣浮屠塔,在普通的绝世圣物中,能够算做顶尖,但其实连灵品绝世圣物都还不算,希望借助这次强化,能够让其品质更强一些。”清衍静微笑道。 Hears this words, Mu Chen is also the somewhat heart movement, function of his very clear Saint Vajra Pagoda, not only has strength of sealing , but also able transforms into purer formidable crystal Spiritual Energy Spiritual Energy, this is he challenges the Immortal Level Heavenly Sovereign most basic energy by Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign strength. 听到此话,牧尘也是有些心动,他很清楚圣浮屠塔的作用,不仅具备封印之力,而且还能够灵力转化成为更为精纯强大的水晶灵力,这是他以灵品天至尊实力挑战仙品天至尊的最根本底气。 Otherwise, is only in the Spiritual Energy abundant degree, he will be pressed by Immortal Level Heavenly Sovereign stubbornly, but if now able makes Saint Vajra Pagoda strengthen once again, regarding him, the advantage is self-evident. 否则的话,光是灵力的雄厚程度上,他就会被仙品天至尊压得死死的,而如今若是能够圣浮屠塔再度强化的话,对于他而言,好处不言而喻。 Good.” “好。” Therefore, he seriously anticipation lightly nodded. 于是,他郑重而期待的点了点头 Qing Yanjing sees that also no longer said that the white hands tie seal, immediately this void space shakes, seems has ancient buzz the whining noise, penetrates the innumerable spaces to arrive under. 清衍静见状,也就不再多说,玉手结印,顿时这虚无空间震荡起来,似乎是有着古老的嗡鸣声,穿透无数空间降临而下。 Mu Chen raise one's head, then is saw that a continuously ancient aura penetrates void, dropping from the clouds continuously. 牧尘抬头,然后便是见到一缕缕古老的气息穿透虚无,一缕缕的从天而降。 That type of ancient aura just appeared, Mu Chen is felt that the Saint Vajra Pagoda crazy vibration in within the body, like that the appearance, just liked is saw good food same the hunger to the extreme person... 那种古老气息刚刚出现,牧尘便是感觉到体内的圣浮屠塔疯狂的震动起来,那般模样,犹如是饥饿到了极致的人看见了美食一般... Even does not need Mu Chen activate, his crown place, holy light to surge, glittering and translucent carving Saint Vajra Pagoda is reappears, then the rapid inflation, short counts breaths, then changes into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) hugeness. 甚至不待牧尘催动,他的天灵盖处,圣光涌动,晶莹剔透的圣浮屠塔便是浮现而出,然后迅速的膨胀,短短数息,便是化为万丈巨大。 Saint Vajra Pagoda drags millions and millions to say holy light, that continuously arrives, but the below ancient aura attracts pulls, swallows into the tower. 圣浮屠塔摇曳着亿万圣光,将那一缕缕降临而下的古老气息吸扯而下,吞入塔内。 But enters along with that continuously ancient aura, sees only above Saint Vajra Pagoda, light beam flashes on and off erratically, holy light surges, even more profound and pure... 而随着那一缕缕古老气息进入,只见得圣浮屠塔之上,光芒明灭不定,圣光涌动,愈发的深邃与精纯... Meanwhile, originally huge Saint Vajra Pagoda, just liked in this turnovers by strengthening impurity same, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) body, started reduction gradually. 与此同时,原本巨大的圣浮屠塔,犹如是在这种吞吐间被淬炼了杂质一般,万丈身躯,开始渐渐的缩小。 In the reduction, holy light that Saint Vajra Pagoda sends out, is pure even more, beside its tower , has ancient halo to flow. 在缩小的时候,圣浮屠塔散发出来的圣光,也是愈发的纯粹,在其塔身之外,也是有着古老的光晕在流动。 Mu Chen realizes the change of Saint Vajra Pagoda, is both eyes closing gradually, directly entered the cultivation condition of deep level, because he feels, when Saint Vajra Pagoda turnover ancient aura, actually is also has boundless Spiritual Energy to feed back to enter his within the body... 牧尘察觉到圣浮屠塔的变化,也是双目渐渐的闭拢,直接是进入了深层次的修炼状态,因为他感觉到,当圣浮屠塔吞吐着古老气息时,竟然也是有着磅礴的灵力反哺进入他的体内... Nearby that Qing Yanjing is looking at this, shows a faint smile, then disappearance slowly in void... 在那一旁,清衍静望着这一幕,也是微微一笑,然后缓缓的消失在虚无之中... ... ... Mu Chen cultivation, has continued for one month. 牧尘修炼,足足持续了一个月的时间。 After that one month, Qing Yanjing appears when this void space again, is looking at the present picture, above the cheeks, is passing over gently and swiftly that cannot bear wipes the pleasantly surprised color. 当那一月后,清衍静再次出现在这虚无空间中时,望着眼前的景象,脸颊之上,也是忍不住的掠过一抹惊喜之色。 This time Mu Chen, sits cross-legged as in void, but that originally reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Saint Vajra Pagoda, now only has the palm of the hand size, on the suspension Mu Chen crown, continuous absorbed ancient Qi continuously. 此时的牧尘,依旧是盘坐在虚无中,只不过那原本高达万丈的圣浮屠塔,如今却是仅有巴掌大小,悬浮牧尘的天灵盖上,源源不断的吸收着一缕缕的古老之气 Saint Vajra Pagoda change is not only Figure, but also in that originally glittering and translucent carving color, were many a faint trace sincere meaning, same is sending out a continuously ancient flavor. 圣浮屠塔变化的不仅是体形,而且那原本晶莹剔透的色彩上,也是多了一丝丝厚重之意,同样是散发着一缕缕古老的韵味。 This time Saint Vajra Pagoda, no longer likely is by Spiritual Energy, but was to congeal to extreme , just liked true Crystalline Pagoda, above, the halo circulation, mysterious exceptionally. 此时的圣浮屠塔,不再像是由灵力所化,而是凝炼到了极致,犹如一座真正的水晶塔,在其上面,光晕流转,玄奥异常。 Moreover, on Vajra Pagoda, has a extreme tyrannical Spiritual Energy fluctuation to send out faintly, seems true top Peerless Sacred Item. 而且,在浮屠塔上,隐隐有着一种极端强横的灵力波动散发出来,仿佛是真正的顶尖绝世圣物 According to the estimate of Qing Yanjing, Mu Chen this Saint Vajra Pagoda, must achieve the Spirit Level Peerless Sacred Item quality now. 按照清衍静的估计,现在牧尘这一座圣浮屠塔,应当达到了灵品绝世圣物的品质。 However, this actually is also not extreme ... 不过,这却还并非是极致... Because Qing Yanjing able feels that this time Saint Vajra Pagoda, is vibrating unceasingly, is lending the greedy aura, unceasing is swallowing these ancient Qi, this is it also wants once again the getting stronger sign. 因为清衍静能够感觉到,此时的圣浮屠塔,在不断的震动着,散发着贪婪的气息,不断的吞噬着那些古老之气,这是它还想要再度变强的迹象。 Because, ancient Qi that continuously arrives at not extremely vigorous, therefore made its further strengthening become slow. 只不过,因为那一缕缕降临下来的古老之气并没有太过的雄浑,所以才令得它的进一步强化变得缓慢起来。 Since Chen'er has this grade of ability, that is mother naturally must help your helping hand.” “既然尘儿有这等能力,那为娘自然是要助你一臂之力。” Qing Yanjing contains to say with a smile, if common Elder, she naturally will not pay attention, because ancestral Qi in this Ancestral Pagoda extremely precious, if not has the person of great merit, will be will not obtain decidedly. 清衍静含笑道,若是寻常长老,她自然是不会理会,因为这祖塔中的祖气极为的珍贵,若非是有大功之人,是决然不会获得的。 But Qing Yanjing is not the person of too tasteful custom, moreover in her opinion, ancestral Qi is no doubt precious, but keeps here no one use to be also a pity that might as well makes the best use of things. 清衍静可不是什么太讲究规矩的人,而且在她看来,祖气固然珍贵,但留在这里无人动用也是可惜,还不如物尽其用。 Therefore, her jade-like finger point, sees only in that void to shake, ancient Qi that originally one continuously descends immediately becomes vigorously, continuous falling, will emerge in Crystalline Pagoda of that palm of the hand size. 于是,她玉指一点,只见那虚无中一震,那原本一缕缕降落下来的古老之气顿时变得雄浑许多,源源不断的落将下来,涌入了那巴掌大小的水晶塔内。 buzz! 嗡嗡 But along with this massive ancestral Qi infusion, that Saint Vajra Pagoda the fierce vibration, in the small tower, erupts the endless sacred light immediately unexpectedly, sincerely like the earth, seemed able Suppress All Things. 而随着这大量的祖气灌注,那圣浮屠塔顿时剧烈的震动起来,小小的塔身中,竟是爆发出了无尽神圣之光,厚重如大地,仿佛是能够镇压万物 Qing Yanjing is also able sees, on that tower, starts to have the ancient inscription mark to appear, is ancient and mysterious. 清衍静也是能够看见,在那塔身上面,开始有着古老的铭纹出现,古老而玄奥。 Bang! 轰! When these ancient inscription marks are covering entirely the tower, Crystalline Pagoda shakes immediately, in an instant light beam, was makes Qing Yanjing pair of eyes slightly narrow the eyes unexpectedly. 当那些古老的铭纹布满着塔身时,水晶塔顿时一震,刹那间的光芒,竟是令得清衍静双眸都是微微眯了一下。 light beam has continued the long time, finally is divergence gradually. 光芒持续了半晌,终于是渐渐的散去。 Saint Vajra Pagoda static suspension in the Mu Chen top of the head, light beam is reserved, becomes plain sincere, above has the ancient trace, a feeling of unable spoken language, fills the air, is caused void unexpectedly shakes. 圣浮屠塔静静的悬浮牧尘的头顶,光芒内敛,变得古朴厚重,其上有着古老的纹路,一种无法言语的感觉,弥漫而出,竟是引得虚空都是为之震荡。 Mu Chen shuts tightly both eyes of one month, in this time opening slowly, he stretches out the palm, Vajra Pagoda on top of the head falls gently, fell in his palm. 牧尘紧闭一月的双目,也是在此时缓缓的睁开,他伸出手掌,头顶上的浮屠塔飘落而下,落在了他的掌心之中。 His hand holds Crystalline Pagoda, the look brilliant looks, his able feels that at this time this crystal Vajra Pagoda contain astonishing power. 他手托水晶塔,眼神灼灼的望去,他能够感觉到,此时这座水晶浮屠塔蕴含的惊人威能 According to his estimate, perhaps the Saint Vajra Pagoda of this time, even if compared with him from Celestial Emperor's Sword that Celestial Emperor there must come, could not miss many. 按照他的估计,恐怕此时的这座圣浮屠塔,即便是比起他从的天帝那里得来的天帝剑,都差不了多少。 Initially in Celestial Emperor's Sword residual strength, is one of his trump card, but now his Saint Vajra Pagoda, even if could not compare Celestial Emperor's Sword of heyday, perhaps but also able approached. 当初天帝剑中残留的力量,可是他的底牌之一,但如今他的圣浮屠塔,即便是比不上全盛时期的天帝剑,但恐怕也能够接近了。 Moreover, what is most important, in this one month, Saint Vajra Pagoda to feed back his huge Spiritual Energy, after these Spiritual Energy integrate his body, he discovered impressively that own strength, has striven once again, has stepped into the Spirit Level Middle Phase degree. 而且,最重要的是,这一月中,圣浮屠塔反哺了他庞大灵力,待得这些灵力融入他的身躯后,他赫然发现,自身的实力,再度有所精进,已是踏入了灵品中期的程度。 Really worthily is Saint Vajra Pagoda, is drawing support from ancestral Qi, able strengthens to this degree unexpectedly.” Nearby that Qing Yanjing is also making noise says after a sigh. “果然不愧是圣浮屠塔,借助着祖气,竟然能够强化到这种程度。”在那一旁,清衍静也是出声感叹道。 This time Saint Vajra Pagoda, has achieved the Immortal Level Peerless Sacred Item quality. 此时的圣浮屠塔,已是达到了仙品绝世圣物的品质。 But together Immortal Level Peerless Sacred Item, even if Immortal Level Heavenly Sovereign is very difficult to have, even, some beginning promote Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign, in the hand had, only Immortal Level Peerless Sacred Item, thus it can be seen, Immortal Level Peerless Sacred Item value. 而一道仙品绝世圣物,就算是仙品天至尊都很难拥有,甚至,一些初晋圣品天至尊,手中所拥有的,都还只是仙品绝世圣物,由此可见,仙品绝世圣物的价值。 But Peerless Sacred Item of this rank, even if a Earthly Sovereign Great Perfection person has, was able socializes with Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign. 而这种等级的绝世圣物,就算是一个地至尊大圆满的人持有,都是能够与一位灵品天至尊周旋了。 Also has been lucky mother.” “也多亏了娘亲。” Saying with a smile that Mu Chen is refreshing, he is clear, if not his mother is controlling Ancestral Pagoda, provides massive and precious ancestral Qi for him, he wants Saint Vajra Pagoda cultivation to this step, requires the long-time time inevitably. 牧尘神清气爽的笑道,他清楚,如果不是他母亲掌控着祖塔,为他提供大量而珍贵的祖气,他想要将圣浮屠塔修炼到这一步,必然需要长久的时间。 Qing Yanjing shows a faint smile, said: This ancestral Qi stays here is also useless, since you have this ability, gives you also to might as well, but this thing after is Ancient Buddha Clan all, today you taking advantage of its chance, if in the future Ancient Buddha Clan will have difficult, when you also will help one another a strength.” 清衍静微微一笑,道:“这祖气留在这里也是无用,既然你有这能力,给你也是无妨,不过此物毕竟是浮屠古族所有,今日你借其机缘,日后若是浮屠古族有难,你也当相助一力。” Qing Yanjing knows Mu Chen not to have what favorable impression to Ancient Buddha Clan, simultaneously the heart has Grudge/Barrier, but this is not she is willing to see that therefore also wants to release the resentment in some solution Mu Chen hearts. 清衍静知晓牧尘浮屠古族没有什么好感,同时心有芥蒂,不过这并非她所愿意见到的,所以也想借此释解一些牧尘心中的怨气。 Mu Chen hearing this, naturally also understands the meaning in Qing Yanjing words, thinks, nods, said: Wants mother safe, I and Ancient Buddha Clan, does not have grudge that anything cannot untie.” 牧尘闻言,自然也就明白清衍静话语中的意思,想了想,也就点点头,道:“只要娘亲无事,我与浮屠古族,也没什么解不开的恩怨。” I cultivation cultivation technique, bloodlines although came from mother, but mother came from Ancient Buddha Clan, if Ancient Buddha Clan indeed will have in the future difficultly, I naturally can help one another a strength.” “我所修炼功法,血脉虽然源自娘亲,但娘亲来自浮屠古族,所以若是日后浮屠古族真是有难的话,我自然会相助一力。” Qing Yanjing gratified nod, favors touches the hair of Mu Chen drowns, then said with a smile: Since your this cultivation finished, we also prepare to leave...” 清衍静欣慰的点点头,宠溺的摸了摸牧尘的头发,然后笑道:“既然你此次修炼完毕,那我们也准备动身吧...” Hears this words, on Mu Chen face has the joyful color to reappear immediately. 听到此话,牧尘脸庞上顿时有着欣喜之色浮现出来。 Good!” “好!” Looks the joy that Mu Chen that on calm face was usually reappearing, Qing Yanjing is also infected, her mouth corner has a smile, in pair of eyes , has thick missing to emerge. 望着牧尘那素来冷静的脸庞上浮现的喜悦,清衍静也是受到了感染,她嘴角含笑,双眸之中,也是有着浓浓的思念涌现出来。 .... .... ... ...
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