TGR :: Volume #15

#1433: The war of Saint Level

Chapter 1423 第1423章 When Qing Yanjing this words fall, her ice-cold vision, then looked to the front, stopped on complexion piece of cold Su Futu Xuan. 清衍静此话落下时,她那冰冷的目光,便是望向了前方,停在了面色一片冷肃的浮屠玄身上。 Great Elder indeed is much imposing, actually does not give a thought to the status to get rid to a younger generation.” The Qing Yanjing ice-cold sound, just likes is having the piercing chill in the air, swings in this day within biography. 大长老真是威风得紧,竟然不顾身份对一个晚辈出手。”清衍静冰冷的声音,犹如是带着刺骨的寒意,在这天地间传荡开来。 Futu Xuan complexion is cold, snort said: Younger generation? My Ancient Buddha Clan may not have such rampant younger generation, the today old man , if not get rid, perhaps this Ancient Buddha Clan must by your this good son throwing off!” 浮屠玄面色冷然,哼道:“晚辈?我浮屠古族可没有这么嚣张的晚辈,今日老夫若是不出手,恐怕这浮屠古族都要被你这好儿子给掀翻了!” The Qing Yanjing complexion is desolate, said: You am what people amn't I clear? Chen'er will do so, is not you forces.” 清衍静脸色冷淡,道:“你们是些什么人我还不清楚吗?尘儿会如此做,还不是你们逼的。” Futu Xuan hearing this, the surface presently angry intention, shouts to clear the way immediately: Qing Yanjing, you were too brave, makes way to the old man, today this Sinful Child harasses my Ancient Buddha Clan, the old man must seize to determine guilt it surely!” 浮屠玄闻言,顿时面现怒意,喝道:“清衍静,你太胆大了,给老夫让开,今日罪子扰乱我浮屠古族,老夫定要将其擒下定罪!” In the past I many exercised forbearance to you, but only to protect Chen'er, you repeatedly challenge my bottom line now, my today must come to see actually, before me, who dares to move my son?!” Qing Yanjing is slim eyebrows but is actually also vertical, fierce [say / way]. “以往我对你们诸多忍让,不过只是为了保护尘儿,如今你们屡次挑战我的底线,那我今日倒是要来看看,在我面前,谁敢动我儿子?!”清衍静也是柳眉倒竖,厉声道。 This time she, did not have that gentle air/Qi again, what replaces it is air/Qi of cold ghost, such Qing Yanjing, lets many Ancient Buddha Clan powerhouses is the heart fears, because they have never seen Qing Yanjing true losing one's temper, moreover faces directly Great Elder. 此时的她,再没了那股温婉之气,取而代之的是一股冷煞之气,这样子的清衍静,让得不少浮屠古族的强者都是心头一惧,因为他们从未见过清衍静真正的动怒,而且还是直面大长老 Obviously, when is facing child safety, the gentle female, will change into protects the calf the tiger, is full of the danger. 显然,面对着自家孩子安危时,再温柔的女子,都将会化为护犊的老虎,充满着危险。 Qing Yanjing!” 清衍静!” The Futu Xuan violent anger, voice loudly shouted like the thunder, his same has not thought Qing Yanjing that in the past always makes concessions, unexpectedly in today so strong, even is facing this Great Elder, does not let. 浮屠玄暴怒,喝声如雷,他同样是没想到以往总是退让的清衍静,竟然在今日会如此的强硬,甚至面对着他这大长老,丝毫不让。 Since your stubborn, that today old man together seizes your mother and child!” “既然你冥顽不灵,那今日老夫就将你们母子一同擒下!” The Futu Xuan anger sound shouted to clear the way, was the Ancient Buddha Clan hierarch, he regarded the custom such as the day, but Qing Yanjing this act, in the custom the clan regarded as does not have the thing without doubt, how can make him endure? 浮屠玄怒声喝道,身为浮屠古族的掌权者,他视规矩如天,而清衍静此举,无疑是将族内规矩视为无物,如何能让得他忍? Bang! 轰! As his voice loudly shouted falls, immediately millions and millions said Spiritual Light erupts from its within the body, changed into huge incomparable black and white light disk in his under foot unexpectedly, the black and white two colors revolve, is sending out the destruction strength. 随着他喝声落下,顿时亿万灵光自其体内爆发开来,竟是在其脚下化为了一道巨大无比的黑白光轮,黑白两色旋转间,散发着毁灭般的力量。 At this moment, this Ancient Buddha Clan Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign, be outspoken erupted the strength finally. 此时此刻,这位浮屠古族圣品天至尊,终是将力量毫无保留的爆发了出来。 A terrifying pressure, wreaks havoc in the world, under this grade of pressure, even if some Heavenly Sovereign, feels creepy feeling, just likes shoulders the mountain, heavy incomparable. 一股恐怖的威压,肆虐在天地间,在这等威压下,就算是一些天至尊,都是感到头皮发麻,犹如身扛大山,沉重无比。 Snort, I also endured your many years, today, makes me ask for advice the Great Elder skill!” “哼,我也忍了你许多年了,今日,就让我来领教一下大长老的本事!” Faces being angry Futu Xuan, Qing Yanjing is not fearing, instead is treads one step, took the Clan Protecting Great Formation range directly, obviously, she disdains to depend upon the strength of Clan Protecting Great Formation radically. 面对着大怒的浮屠玄,清衍静丝毫不惧,反而是踏出一步,直接是迈出了护族大阵的范围,显然,她根本就不屑依靠护族大阵之力。 Along with her step treads, this side world instantaneously becomes dim, in its whole body, millions and millions said that Spiritual Seal glittering light beam, just likes is everywhere stars, inexhaustible. 随着她步伐的踏出,这方天地瞬间变得黯淡下来,在其周身,亿万灵印闪烁光芒,犹如是漫天星辰,无穷无尽。 Bang! 轰隆! The Futu Xuan sole stamps, the world shivers, its under foot that huge incomparable black and white light disk starts the rapid reduction, finally in its front changed into the zhang (3.33 m) to control, but although reduced, but the black and white two colors on that black and white light disk, were actually to congeal to a terrifying degree, above only slight light beam, was contain is letting the same Heavenly Sovereign frightened fluctuation merely. 浮屠玄脚掌一跺,天地颤抖,其脚下那巨大无比的黑白光轮开始迅速的缩小,最后在其面前化为了丈许左右,不过虽然缩小了,但那黑白光轮上的黑白两色,却是凝炼到了一种恐怖的程度,其上仅仅只是一丝细微的光芒,都是蕴含着让一般天至尊恐惧的波动。 Rustling! 唰! The Futu Xuan sleeve robe wields, that black and white light disk is violently shoots, during revolving, was torn including the space, that sharpness, even if the body of true dragon, does not dare to resist before. 浮屠玄袖袍一挥,那黑白光轮便是暴射而出,旋转之间,连空间都是被撕裂,那种锋锐,就算是真龙之躯,都不敢抵挡在前。 Qing Yanjing slender both hands rapid knot seal, endless Spiritual Seal falls in torrents, the time of short counting breaths, has then formed over a thousand Spiritual Array in that front world. 清衍静纤细双手迅速结印,无尽灵印倾泻而出,短短不过数息的时间,便是在那前方的天地间形成了上千座灵阵 Rumbling! 轰轰! Black and white light disk crashes in the Spiritual Array group, tearing with irresistible force go, when it pierces over a thousand Spiritual Seal, above strength, is the dissipation completely, changes into the luminous spot dissipation to go. 黑白光轮冲进灵阵群中,一座座势如破竹的撕裂而去,不过当其洞穿上千座灵印时,其上的力量,也是消散殆尽,化为光点消散而去。 Their fighting, although looks gorgeously, but that is faint the fluctuation that sends out, is makes many Heavenly Sovereign on the scene slightly shiver, that confrontation, if the reckless eruption, perhaps this Buddha Realm can by destruction... 两人的交手,虽然看着绚丽,但那隐隐间散发出来的波动,却是令得在场不少天至尊都是微微颤抖,那种交锋,若是不顾一切的爆发开来,恐怕这浮屠界都将会被毁灭... I can promote enter Saint Level Great Grandmaster, has been lucky the Great Elder these years house arrests, therefore today, asked Great Elder to try of my this Saint Level Great Grandmaster!” “我能晋入圣品大宗师,也多亏了大长老这些年的幽禁,所以今日,就请大长老试试我这圣品大宗师之阵!” Qing Yanjing cold voice said that the next flash, millions and millions said Spiritual Seal integrates void, huge Spiritual Array spreads, short counts breaths, then has covered this side world. 清衍静冷声说道,下一瞬间,亿万灵印融入虚空,一道巨大的灵阵蔓延开来,短短数息,便是笼罩了这方天地。 That Spiritual Array range although extremely broad, but actually merely only covers Futu Xuan, other people, although range inside, but actually just likes is in that Spiritual Array in two different world. 灵阵范围虽然极为的广阔,但却仅仅只是浮屠玄笼罩,其余人等,虽然范围之内,但却与那灵阵中犹如处于两个不同的世界。 That huge Spiritual Array, as if becomes a side world, once falls into, only if Spiritual Array shattered, otherwise is unable escapes. 那巨大的灵阵,仿佛自成一方世界,一旦陷入其中,除非灵阵破碎,否则便是无法逃出。 Countless people open the eye to look at that huge Spiritual Array, this year the head, Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign gets rid is difficult sees, but of Saint Level Great Grandmaster, is rare. 无数人睁大着眼睛望着那巨大的灵阵,这年头,圣品天至尊出手已是难以看见,而圣品大宗师之阵,更是罕见。 The wars of today these two big Saint Level, let their trip has not been made in vain sufficiently. 今日这两大圣品之战,足以让得他们不虚此行。 Futu Xuan is built on that Great Array, look also gradually becomes must serious get up, Saint Level Great Grandmaster, even if he, does not dare the heart to live to belittle. 浮屠玄立于那大阵之中,神色也是渐渐的变得凝重起来,圣品大宗师之阵,即便是他,都不敢心生小觑。 buzz. 嗡嗡 But also with rapt attention waits for the proper time in Futu Xuan, in this Spiritual Array world, had light beam to bloom suddenly, sees only nine * the day, slowly was born from this world. 而也就是在浮屠玄凝神而待时,这灵阵世界中,忽有光芒绽放,只见得九*日,缓缓的从这片世界中诞生出来。 Great Sun inside, seems occupying 9 Golden Crows of Antiquity, during the sharp cries, is emitting sun fire, the terrifying temperature, making this world instantaneously be during the melting, under this uniform temperature, even if were Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign, will be melted. 大日之内,似乎是盘踞着九只远古金乌,尖鸣之间,喷吐着日炎,恐怖的温度,令得这世界瞬间处于融化之中,在这等温度下,就算是一位灵品天至尊,都将会被生生融化。 Cry! 唳! Suddenly, in nine Great Sun exudes the sharp whining noise, nine lights is looked that makes the person eyeball combustion the sun fire light beam drop from the clouds on able, is going to the Futu Xuan combustion. 突然间,九道大日中发出尖鸣声,九道光是看一眼就能够让人眼球燃烧的日炎光束从天而降,对着浮屠玄燃烧而去。 Futu Xuan look serious, both hands coincide, the black and white air/Qi sweeps across from its sleeve, changed into black white two signs of the dragon unexpectedly, roared, spouted the black and white two air/Qi, that terrifying sun fire resistance under. 浮屠玄神色凝重,双手相合,黑白之气自其袖中席卷而出,竟是化为了一黑一白两条大龙,咆哮之间,喷出黑白二气,将那恐怖日炎抵御而下。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Along with their fighting, in that Spiritual Array world vibrates immediately, the destruction fluctuation impact opens, even is in other people beyond Spiritual Array world continually, is felt that the fearful high temperature throws, made the fleshly body stabbing pain, has the feeling of melting. 随着他们的交手,那灵阵世界中顿时震动起来,毁灭波动冲击而开,甚至连处于灵阵世界之外的其他众人,都是感觉到可怕的高温扑来,令得肉身刺痛,有着融化之感。 difficult imagination, if places, should be what kind terrifying. 难以想象,若是身处其中,又该是何等的恐怖 Qing Yanjing flies high to stand, white skirt is floating, she looks at that in the Futu Xuan hand the black and white two dragons by sun fire that break unceasingly, both hands is tying seal, shouted to clear the way coldly: 9 Suns World Smelting!” 清衍静凌空而立,白裙飘飘,她望着那被浮屠玄手中黑白二龙不断震碎的日炎,双手结印,冷喝道:“九阳炼世!” Cry! 唳! As its sound falls, sees only that nine rounds sun Great Sun to erupt the sound of sharp cry, non-stop flies, surrounds in the Futu Xuan whole body, during the sun fire combustion, sun Great Sun dissipates, displaces, is huge golden cauldron. 随着其音落,只见得那九轮金乌大日爆发出尖鸣之声,直飞而下,环绕在浮屠玄的周身,日炎燃烧间,金乌大日消散,取而代之的,是一座巨大的金色鼎炉 Above cauldron, is burning flaming sun fire, but Futu Xuan, was stranded in cauldron inside. 鼎炉之上,燃烧着熊熊日炎,而浮屠玄,则是被困在鼎炉之内 Flaming! 熊熊! In cauldron, the golden flame is condensing crazily, originally floods the world the high temperature instead the rapid retrogression, that feeling, as if all contracted. 鼎炉内,金色火焰疯狂的凝聚着,原本充斥世界的高温反而在迅速的消退,那种感觉,仿佛是尽数的收缩了。 But is facing this, Futu Xuan complexion, is actually serious even more. 而面对着这一幕,浮屠玄面色,却是愈发的凝重 The golden flame, finally all disappearance, what replaces it is nine drops of golden lava, these nine drops of lava static floats, are seeming like harmless, but Futu Xuan actually knows, if these nine drops of lava fall in side Lower Planes, burns to turn into nothingness entire plane sufficiently. 金色火焰,最终尽数的消失,取而代之的是九滴金色的岩浆,这九滴岩浆静静的漂浮着,看似无害,但浮屠玄却是知晓,这九滴岩浆若是落在一方下位面中,足以将整个位面成虚无 Goes.” “去。” A Qing Yanjing jade-like finger point, nine drops of golden lava direct straight is going to Futu Xuan violently shoots. 清衍静玉指一点,九滴金色岩浆直接笔直的对着浮屠玄暴射而去。 Futu Xuan stature suddenly retreats, simultaneously among sleeve robes, black and white two air/Qi the sign of the dragon pesters suddenly in together, revolves at once crazily, the next quarter, has low and deep voice loudly shouted, resounds through. 浮屠玄身形暴退,同时袖袍之间,黑白二气所化的大龙猛然纠缠在一起,旋即疯狂旋转,下一刻,有着低沉喝声,响彻而起。 Buddha Hole!” 浮屠洞!” Sees only that black and white two air/Qi crazily to revolve, in its front, changed into holes of the black and white two color unexpectedly. 只见得那黑白二气疯狂旋转,竟是在其面前,化为了一道黑白二色之洞。 Puff! 噗噗! But nine drops of golden lava violently shoots, injected in that black white hole directly, but enters in along with nine drops all, next quarter, Futu Xuan look fierce changes, that black white hole fierce shivers, finally explodes loudly. 九滴金色岩浆暴射而至,直接是射入了那黑白洞内,而随着九滴尽数入内,下一刻,浮屠玄的神色猛的一变,那黑白洞剧烈的颤抖起来,最后轰然爆炸。 As if has one to be huge to cover the world golden mushroom cloud ascension, the place of golden shock-wave passing over gently and swiftly, world along with it destruction. 似乎是有着一朵巨大得笼罩世界般的金色蘑菇云升腾而起,金色冲击波掠过之地,世界随之毁灭 Rumbling! 轰轰! Entire Great Array, in crazy is shivering, in numerous powerhouse complexion of that outside pallid is looking among that golden shock-wave, startles creepy feeling, if at this time that Great Array shattered, golden shock-wave once spreads, perhaps those present, ten 78 will change into void at the scene. 座大阵,都是在疯狂的颤抖着,在那外界的众多强者面色煞白的望着那其内的金色冲击波,都是骇得头皮发麻,此时若是那大阵破碎,金色冲击波一旦蔓延出来,恐怕在场的人,十之78都会当场化为虚无 However what is good because of being, golden shock-wave when arriving in Spiritual Array world edge, is dissipates, the innumerable [say / way] line of sight hurried projection goes, sees only in that the Futu Xuan beard is scorched, even its flesh and blood, burns a darkness continually. 不过好在的是,金色冲击波在抵达灵阵世界边缘时,便是消散开来,无数道视线急忙投射而去,只见得在那其中,浮屠玄胡须都是被烧焦,甚至连其血肉,都是烧得一片漆黑。 This looks at the innumerable powerhouses secretly to suck the tongue, must know that fleshly body of Saint Level powerhouse, that is almost powerful terrifying, even if so, this Futu Xuan, as before were burnt in an extremely difficult situation. 这看得无数强者暗暗咂舌,要知道圣品强者的肉身,那几乎是强悍得恐怖,但即便如此,这浮屠玄,依旧是被烧得狼狈不堪。 Saint Level Spiritual Array, really terrifying...” Numerous powerhouses sighed secretly, if falls into such within the spiritual array, under Saint Level, almost can only wait for death. 圣品灵阵,果然恐怖...”众多强者暗暗感叹,若是落入此等灵阵之内,圣品之下,几乎只能等死。 In the gaze of that countless people gaze, that Futu Xuan complexion is also jet black like the iron, he angry is staring at Qing Yanjing, said fierce: Qing Yanjing, you, when indeed does want stubborn?!” 在那无数道目光的注视中,那浮屠玄的脸色也是漆黑如铁,他恼怒至极的盯着清衍静,厉声道:“清衍静,你当真是冥顽不灵吗?!” Qing Yanjing cold voice said: You bully my child, wants to let my let go?” 清衍静冷声道:“你们欺我孩儿,也想让我善罢甘休吗?” Futu Xuan complexion is pale, is low and deep: Good, good, since you are besotted, that today also not doing monster old man!” 浮屠玄面色铁青,低沉道:“好,好,既然你执迷不悟,那今日也就休要怪老夫了!” His takes a deep breath, resounds through entire Buddha Realm fierce suddenly. 深吸一口气,厉声陡然响彻整个浮屠界 Invited Ancestral Pagoda!” “请祖塔!” ... ... ... ...
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