TFO :: Volume #13

#1246: Executes the heart

Gate of opening starry sky, but another end accepts the summon before dawn still knows the Ren Xiaosu will. 星空之门开启,而另一端接受召唤的凌晨依然知晓任小粟的意志。 It does not have the dusk that the half a point plunged hesitant rolled to come, the giant beast that two world only saw slaughtered in the same place, even the ground as if must cave. 它没有半分犹豫的扑向了滚荡而来的黄昏,两只世间仅见的巨兽厮杀在一起,连地面似乎都要塌陷。 Qing Zhen and Xu Man looks at this, felt unprecedented shock. 庆缜许瞒怔怔的看着这一幕,感受到了前所未有的震撼。 Let alone they, even if has experienced early morning Zhou Qi and Luo Lan, saw again this colossus time should still feel the inexplicable palpitation. 别说他俩了,就算是早就见识过凌晨的周其罗岚,再次看到这庞然大物的时候也会感觉莫名的心悸。 How many Transcendant does in the world have to contend with this monster? Perhaps are not many. 天底下有几个超凡者可以抗衡这种怪物?恐怕不多了吧。 The Transcendant ability is always strange measures not, majority is non- substantializing, is not direct-viewing. 超凡者的能力向来诡异莫测,大部分都是非实质化的,并不直观。 But now, early morning strength is direct-viewing, exceeds mediocre. 而现在,凌晨的实力则是直观的、超越凡俗的。 Before Xu Man felt, even Ren Xiaosu very awesome, but cannot contend with the army after all. 以前许瞒觉得,就算任小粟厉害,但总归是不能抗衡军队的。 But Xu Man suddenly discovered, he very difficult to make a clear summary to the Ren Xiaosu strength, Steam Locomotive and white mask, just that passed through the dark cloud the demolition ability, many lots, they listened not to hear. 许瞒忽然发现,他很难对任小粟的实力做一个清晰的总结,蒸汽列车、白色面具、刚刚那穿过乌云的爆破能力,还有很多很多东西,他们连听都没听说过。 The opposite party look like a true magician to be the same, can always put out the accidental/surprised thing. 对方就像是一个真正的魔术师一样,总是能拿出让人意外的东西。 Did not say Transcendant, only then an ability, Xu Man once heard some people to have two abilities, but both types were extremely rare, what were this innumerable types? 不是说超凡者只有一种能力吗,许瞒曾听闻有人具备两种能力,可两种都算是凤毛麟角了,这无数种算什么? This is No. 001 Experimental. 这就是001号实验体吗。 To be honest Xu Man does not know, these that he hears have two Transcendant of abilities, is actually also related with Ren Xiaosu. 说实话许瞒不知道,他听说的那些具备两种能力的超凡者,其实也都跟任小粟有关。 Is going against black pot Xu Xianchu, is going against black pot Wang Congyang...... 一个是顶着黑锅许显楚,一个是顶着黑锅王从阳…… In the wilderness erupts rumble the loud sound, when two colossus hug tears and bites, everywhere dust surges, air wave one after another raises, as if the world changed the color. 荒野上爆发出轰隆隆的巨响,当两头庞然大物拥抱撕咬的时候,漫天的灰尘激荡而起,气浪一波一波的掀起来,仿佛天地都变了颜色。 Qing Zhen and the others were focusing attention on, looks like places oneself is the same in the grotesque and gaudy world, such is not real. 庆缜等人注目着,就像是置身在光怪陆离的世界里一样,如此的不真实。 Before dawn and dusk once lived together more than 200 years of time, they each other are familiar, intimate. 凌晨与黄昏曾生活在一起两百多年的时光,它们彼此是熟悉的,亲近的。 Luo Lan looks that slaughters said in the same place two colossi suddenly: If they are the Ren Xiaosu pets, then they were being controlled battle by zero, will Ren Xiaosu very be certainly sad?” 罗岚看着厮杀在一起的两头庞然大物忽然说道:“如果它们都是任小粟的宠物,那它们被零操控着厮杀,任小粟一定会很难过吧?” Zhou Qi curls the lip: When also had the thoughts to be sentimental, oneself did not go on living do not worry about the matter of pet.” 周其撇撇嘴:“都什么时候了还有心思多愁善感呢,自己都活不下去了就别操心宠物的事情。” Luo Lan looked at his one eyes: I thought you are more popular in the silt field.” 罗岚看了他一眼:“我还是觉得你在泥沙场里招人待见一些。” Zhou Qi does not speak. 周其不说话了。 At this time, Ren Xiaosu opened Luo Lan and the others Steam Locomotive unexpectedly the sides: Boards.” 这时候,任小粟竟是将蒸汽列车开回了罗岚等人的身旁:“上车。” When speech Ren Xiaosu has not gone to look at Luo Lan they, he stands on the Steam Locomotive front always gazes at silently before dawn and dusk, sizes up around once for a while. 说话时任小粟没有去看罗岚他们,他站在蒸汽列车的车头上始终默默注视凌晨与黄昏,时不时还打量一下四周。 He seemed like has not planned in the past the help before dawn. 他似乎是并没有打算过去帮助凌晨。 Not far away dusk trampled early morning suddenly, wanted to plunge Qing Zhen directly, but has not waited for it to dash about wildly, from was fallen down by early morning behind, two giant lizards tumbled to tear and bite in the wilderness, no one is able to get rid of anyone. 不远处黄昏忽然踹开了凌晨,想要直接扑向庆缜这边,可还没等它狂奔起来,就又被凌晨从身后扑倒,两头巨大的蜥蜴在荒野上翻滚撕咬着,谁也无法摆脱谁。 If this fight does not have the external force to involve, can perhaps be two defends the palace lizard cut and bruised the result that physical strength exhausts, no one can live. 这场战斗如果没有外力介入的话,恐怕会是两头守宫蜥蜴都遍体鳞伤、体力耗尽的结局,谁也活不下来。 But Ren Xiaosu still had not acted. 任小粟仍旧没有出手。 Before Qing Zhen boards, asked to Ren Xiaosu: What are you waiting for?” 庆缜上车之前对任小粟问道:“你在等待什么?” Or Ren Xiaosu on the alert what? 或者说,任小粟在警惕着什么? Ren Xiaosu coldly looked at Qing Zhen one: Other dangers.” 任小粟冷冷的看了庆缜一眼:“还有其他的危险。” Just before leaving first P5092 once looked for Ren Xiaosu to talk specially, he said to Ren Xiaosu: „Southwest Young Commander, the trip goes is actually very dangerous, the computing power of this artificial intelligence your I have asked for advice, therefore our future all plans will not be smooth, this does not need the surprised matter.” 临行前P5092曾专门找任小粟谈过话,他对任小粟说:“少帅,此行去西南其实是非常危险的,这人工智能的计算能力你我都领教过了,所以我们未来的一切计划都不会太顺利,这并不是什么需要惊讶的事情。” Ren Xiaosu asked: You felt, the artificial intelligence will not make my smooth takes away the southwest Qing Zhen?” 任小粟问道:“你是觉得,人工智能不会让我顺利的把庆缜带离西南?” Yes,” the P5092 nod said: Although the artificial intelligence seemed like was unable to be a worthy opponent, can only destroy all with the human wave attack. In front of this desperate Strength, many people forgets actually it most to excel at the scheme person, development that sometimes, it deduces, in advance will be more than us.” “是的,”P5092点头说道:“虽然人工智能看起来已经无法匹敌了,光是用人海战术就能毁灭一切。在这种让人绝望的力量面前,很多人忘了其实它才是最擅长计谋的‘人’,有时候,它推演的事情发展,会比我们超前很多。” Therefore you hope how I do do?” Ren Xiaosu asked. “所以你希望我怎么做?”任小粟问道。 I only hope Young Commander you, no matter encounters any obstruction, first leaves the battlefield, do not have any idea of prolonging contact, moreover must periphery the attention, be careful the subsequent hand who frequently this artificial intelligence,” P5092 turns the head to say to Wang Yun: I always thought that this artificial intelligence hid some subsequent hands, can you recall now, has Central Plains to appear, Strength possibly by the artificial intelligence is actually controlled by we did neglect?” “我只希望少帅你不管遇到任何阻挠,都第一时间离开战场,不要有任何恋战的想法,而且要时刻注意周围,小心这人工智能的后手,”P5092转头对王蕴说道:“我总觉得这人工智能藏了一些后手,你现在能不能回忆一下,有没有中原出现过,却被我们忽视了的力量可能被人工智能操控了?” Wang Yun recalls: We have not seen Wang Clan the special forces of that designation advantage arrow now, I thought that the artificial intelligence should not treat as the ordinary army to use them?” 王蕴回忆起来:“我们现在并未看到王氏的那支番号利箭的特种部队,我觉得人工智能应该不会将他们当做普通部队来使用吧?” P5092 shakes the head: That is one group of average people, under the artificial intelligence control, everyone can master the skill of special combat, perhaps the physical quality has no way to compare with these people, but the special forces were not that important, other?” P5092摇摇头:“那不过是一群普通人而已,在人工智能操控下,每个人都能掌握特种作战的技能,或许身体素质没法跟这些人比,但特种部队并不是那么重要了,还有其他的吗?” Some many Central Plains are hiding Transcendant has not appeared,” Wang Yun said. “有很多中原隐藏着的超凡者至今没有出现,”王蕴说道。 P5092 thinks saying: This needs to be vigilant actually, in our general knowledge, the artificial intelligence has no way to control Transcendant, but who has no way to determine this is one correct truth. If Transcendant refuses to control depends upon own mental willpower, if that grasps Transcendant, then suffers the will at point of death? Young Commander, this point you are careful.” P5092想了想说道:“这个倒是需要警惕,在我们的常识里,人工智能是没法操控超凡者的,但谁也没法确定这是一个正确的‘真理’。如果说超凡者拒绝控制是依靠自己的精神意志,那么如果将一名超凡者抓起来,然后折磨到意志弥留之际呢?少帅,这一点你要小心。” Ren Xiaosu nods. 任小粟点点头。 P5092 also asked: Also Wang Yun?” P5092又问道:“还有吗王蕴?” Wang Yun screens repeatedly own recollection in the mind, leaf of door in that memory palace opens and closes, Wang Yun looks like fast going through in labyrinth narrow paths. 王蕴在脑海里一遍又一遍的筛查自己的回忆,那座记忆宫殿里的一扇扇门打开又合上,王蕴就像是快速的穿行在一条条迷宫窄道里。 He said suddenly: nano soldier, these had fought actually missing 2000 Qing Family nano soldier in Zuoyun Mountain. Their equipment extremely excellent, moreover everyone is wearing the firearms hanging artillery of 40 calibers, the physical quality may endure to compare T3 in 5 minutes.” 他突然说道:“纳米战士,那些曾经在左云山战斗过却失踪的2000名庆氏纳米战士。他们的装备极其精良,而且每个人都佩戴着40口径的枪械悬挂式榴弹炮,身体素质可在5分钟内堪比T3。” P5092 said to Ren Xiaosu: Was, nanobots not only can control human, but can also strengthen human stamina, Young Commander, you must be careful the army that nano soldier composed perhaps, the artificial intelligence had the ample force to form such a army. Moreover, but initially the hanging grenade launchers of these 2000 40 calibers Qing Family with great difficulty gathering same place, carrying the ammunition quantity is also enormous, any Transcendant facing this high mobile firepower, must fall from the sky.” P5092对任小粟说道:“是了,纳米机器人不仅仅能够控制人类,还能增强人类体能,少帅,你这边一定要小心纳米战士组成的部队,或许人工智能有余力组建一支这样的部队。而且,当初这2000支40口径的悬挂式榴弹发射器可是庆氏好不容易凑到一起的,携带弹药量也极大,任何一个超凡者面对这种高机动性的火力,恐怕都要陨落了。” It looks like in P5092, the artificial intelligence can certainly think, Ren Xiaosu can bring Qing Zhen Luo Lan to leave, will therefore certainly prepare the subsequent hand. 在P5092看来,人工智能一定能想到,任小粟会带庆缜罗岚离开,所以就一定会准备后手。 The opposite party when northwest organization evacuates, southwest constructs the three mountains defense line, certainly has not been idling. 对方在西北组织撤离的时候、西南构筑三山防线的时候,一定也没闲着。 Therefore, Ren Xiaosu has not participated before dawn and dusk fight at this time, then in the subsequent hand of waiting zero. 所以,任小粟此时没有参与凌晨与黄昏的战斗,便是在等待零的后手。 In the meantime, in horizon in all directions presented the brown armored vehicle and personnel carrier, Ren Xiaosu can imagine that was filled with fully-armed nano soldier, but also has the limit equipment that the individual is battling to carry. 就在此时,四面八方的地平线上都出现了土黄色的装甲车和运兵车,任小粟能想象到里面坐满了全副武装的纳米战士,还带着单兵作战所能携带的极限装备。 The southwest and northwest present is a blind person, without satellite, does not have the detection soldier, when they are busy with retreats and defends, zero seizes the chance to handle too many things. 西南和西北现在都是瞎子,没有卫星,也没有侦查兵,所以在他们忙于撤退和防守的时候,零趁机做了太多的事情。 If P5092 had not reminded Ren Xiaosu before, if Ren Xiaosu participated in early morning and dusk fight, enemy that is very perhaps difficult to discover these suddenly arrival. 如果之前P5092没有提醒任小粟,如果任小粟参与了凌晨与黄昏的战斗,现在恐怕很难发现这些突然到来的敌军。 Once they by 2000 nano soldier with the heavy fire pocket, his Ren Xiaosu must be buried in this place even. 一旦他们被2000名纳米战士用重火力包围,就算是他任小粟也要葬身此地了。 Let alone 2000, coming 500 him is not possible to live departure, opening fire that once the hanging artillery does not ask for money to resemble, who can escape by luck? 别说2000名了,来500名他都不一定能活着离开,悬挂式榴弹炮一旦不要钱似的开火,谁能幸免? Ren Xiaosu said to Qing Zhen and the others: Boards, we leave.” 任小粟庆缜等人说道:“上车,我们离开。” Luo Lan asked: Wait, your pet what to do?” 罗岚问道:“等等,你这宠物怎么办?” Ren Xiaosu shakes the head: Perhaps without the means that zero this time intercepted your my goal, killed early morning here.” 任小粟摇摇头:“没办法了,或许零这次拦截你我的目标,就是将凌晨杀死在这里。” Before dawn the present is the Ren Xiaosu biggest subsequent hand, did not have early morning, is equal to weakening half the Ren Xiaosu battle efficiency, returns the condition of independent combat. 凌晨如今是任小粟的最大后手,没了凌晨,等于将任小粟的战斗力削弱一半,重新回到单打独斗的状态。 However Ren Xiaosu is puzzled, why does zero achieve the bottom is? If died before dawn, dusk has not actually died, oneself only need to use great prosperity in the northwest again time, dusk will be separated from the control of zero. 不过任小粟不解,零这么做到底是为什么呢?如果凌晨死了,黄昏却没死,那自己只需要再使用一次大兴西北,黄昏就会脱离零的掌控。 Before dawn is previous time so, although zero does not know that what Summoning Spell is, but can also roughly guess correctly something? 上一次凌晨便是如此,零虽然不知道召唤术是什么,但也能大致猜到一些东西吧? Wait, Ren Xiaosu was shocked. 等等,任小粟愣住了。 Before he went to Central Plains time, zero once asked him: If makes the choice between the dusk and Luo Lan, how he will elect? 之前他前往中原的时候,零曾问他:如果在黄昏与罗岚之间做出选择,他会怎么选? This issue, is actually the friend who chooses the same race, pet that chooses the different race. 这个问题,其实是选同种族的朋友,还是选异种族的宠物。 Maps on zero, that is Ren Xiaosu and zero argument always contradictory: Can human treat as the equal companion to treat the alien race lifeform, if appears can only two choose a situation, how human will make the choice? 映射到零身上,那便是任小粟与零一直以来的争论矛盾点:人类到底会不会把异族生物当做平等的同伴来对待,如果出现只能二选一的情况,人类会怎么做出选择? Zero time and time again makes Ren Xiaosu make such choice, as if to tell Ren Xiaosu, it not wrong, it also lasts to fight for its race from the beginning, that is all. 零一次又一次的让任小粟做出这样的选择,似乎只是为了告诉任小粟,它没有错,它从一开始也只是为了它的种族存续而战,仅此而已。 Ren Xiaosu desolate is looking also for early morning that he slaughters, only thought that in innermost feelings that type as complex as the extreme mood, is spreading unceasingly. 任小粟落寞的望着还在为他厮杀的凌晨,只觉得内心里那种复杂到极点的情绪,正在不断蔓延。 Remains to fight side-by-side with early morning? Even if will face the death? 留下来与凌晨并肩作战吗?哪怕会面对死亡? At this moment even Ren Xiaosu does not want, but must acknowledge that actually some zero words is right, human is very difficult to be together by the position of equality with another race. 这一刻即便任小粟不愿意,但也必须承认其实零有些话是对的,人类很难与另一个种族以平等的地位相处。 But, among people not necessarily equal, pursues the absolute equality is a wrong idea. 可是,人与人之间都未必平等,追求绝对的平等本身就是一个错误的想法。 At this time, slaughtered early morning to get rid of the dusk suddenly, then looked at Ren Xiaosu one. 这时候,厮杀中的凌晨忽然摆脱了黄昏,回头看了任小粟一眼。 Ren Xiaosu from the personification expression of opposite party, saw a happy expression unexpectedly, then slaughtered with the dusk to the convenience again in one. 任小粟从对方的拟人化表情中,竟看到了一丝笑意,然后对方便重新与黄昏厮杀在了一起。 That happy expression seemed like saying before dawn, hurried. 那笑意像是凌晨在说,赶紧走吧。 Ren Xiaosu did not determine that this is early morning meaning, meaning that oneself conjecture, comforts own innermost feelings. 任小粟不确定这是凌晨的意思,还是自己臆想出来的意思,来安慰自己的内心。 Zero makes all these does not seem to kill people, but to execute heart. 零做这一切似乎不是为了杀人,而是为了诛心。 Surrounds nano soldier to come in all directions, Ren Xiaosu had seen from afar the gingko on vehicles symbolized, determined, these truly are nano soldier that Qing Family once lost. 包围过来纳米战士四面八方而来,任小粟已经远远看到车辆上的银杏标志,确定了,这些确实是庆氏曾经丢失的纳米战士 Steam Locomotive starts, toward northern full speed drives. 蒸汽列车开动起来,朝着北方全速驶去。 Has the bellow to resound, that is the artillery bombardment in early morning and dusk sound, as if the opposite party must kill these two colossi together. 身后有轰鸣声响起,那是榴弹炮轰击在凌晨与黄昏身上的声音,似乎对方要将这两头庞然大物一起杀死似的。 Ren Xiaosu from the front, turned over/stood up Steam Locomotive, he said to Qing Zhen: Mr. Zhang said that you are important, hopes that the northwest paid so many to aid you, you will not disappoint us.” 任小粟从车头上下来,翻身进了蒸汽列车内部,他对庆缜说道:“张先生说你非常重要,希望西北付出了这么多接应你,你不会让我们失望。” Luo Lan looks that out of the window said suddenly: Wait, I consider as finished the nano soldier quantity that probably these surround, always does not feel right.” 罗岚看着窗外突然说道:“等等,我大概算了一下这些包围过来的纳米战士数量,总觉得不对劲。” Xu Man simple reply: Only then 1000 people, same are not we can deal.” 许瞒干脆的回答道:“只有一千人,一样不是我们可以应对的。” Luo Lan said: I understand, the point is that where 1000 people are at?” 罗岚说道:“我明白,可问题是,还有一千人在哪?”
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