TFO :: Volume #13

#1244: Absolute confidence

Hassan arrives in Stronghold 144 shortly, everyone then sees the pack of wolves that in the horizon presented them to be familiar with, initially in Zuoyun Mountain that war, the pack of wolves tore the formation of barbarian, seemingly aggressively exceptionally. 哈桑抵达144号壁垒没多久,大家便看到地平线上出现了他们熟悉的狼群,当初在左云山那一战中,狼群撕裂了蛮子的阵型,看起来凶悍异常。 However now everyone sees the pack of wolves, is actually from the heart feels kind. 然而现在大家看到狼群,却发自内心的觉得亲切。 swindler does not understand: Why your Patriarch person knows that we are evacuating refugee aspect to encounter the difficulty?” 只是大忽悠不明白:“你家主人为何会知道我们在撤离难民这方面遇到了困难?” Normally now the contact of northwest and prairie has interrupted, how does the opposite party know? 按说现在西北与草原的联络已经中断了啊,对方怎么知道的? Hassan thought good long while: Although I not am quite clear, but this was my Patriarch person the place of awesome.” 哈桑想了好半天:“虽然我也不大明白,但这就是我家主人的厉害之处了。” After Yan Liuyuan becomes half god obtains almost ability as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, many people gradually forgot, ability that actually he once most excelled, is luck. 颜六元成为半神获得几乎言出法随的能力之后,很多人都渐渐的忘记了,其实他曾经最擅长的能力,是幸运 Yan Liuyuan knows that the time is very tight, but he does not know how can help Ren Xiaosu fast. 颜六元知道时间很紧迫,但他又不知道怎么才能快速帮到任小粟 Therefore he held the luck in addition to Ren Xiaosu, then spoke thoughtlessly to ask Hassan: What difficult position do you feel Northwest Army now faced with? 所以他将幸运加持给了任小粟,然后随口问哈桑:你觉得西北军现在面临什么困境? Hassan a little does not dare to reply at that time how such important matter can ask him. 哈桑当时有点不敢回答,这么重要的事情怎么能问他呢。 Yan Liuyuan said, you replied by all means was good. 颜六元说,你只管回答就好了。 Hassan said that if really looks like such that the master you said that this time enemy is hard to contend, they sharply are certainly retreating now, perhaps but refugee so many, do not withdraw suddenly. 哈桑说,如果真像主人你说的那样,这次的敌人是难以抗衡的,那他们现在一定急着撤退吧,但难民那么多,恐怕一时间撤不完。 Yan Liuyuan then nods at that time, then orders Hassan and pack of wolves advances one step, goes to Stronghold 144 to support Northwest Army. 颜六元当时便点点头,然后命令哈桑与狼群先行一步,前往144号壁垒支援西北军。 The pack of wolves looks like the sheepdog the same as expel the warhorse and herd hurries along, caught up in the most crucial time finally. 狼群就像是牧羊犬一样驱逐着战马与牛群赶路,总算是在最关键的时刻赶上了。 The luck in addition holds with the question and answer, had the marvelous response, this was Yan Liuyuan already the skill of mastering. 幸运加持与问答,产生了奇妙的反应,这是颜六元早就掌握的技巧。 At this time, swindler hears the words that Hassan spoke to be simply delighted, these wolves pass humane . Moreover the pack of wolves is gigantic, the strength of legs is steady, a wolf can sit 2-3 individuals. 此时,大忽悠听到哈桑说的话简直喜出望外,那些狼群可是通人性的,而且狼群硕大,脚力稳健,一匹狼就能坐上2-3个人。 In addition the herd, made these old and young women and children evacuate sufficiently. 再加上牛群,足以让那些老幼妇孺撤离了。 Bustling extremely busy Stronghold 144, now has seemed somewhat empty. 原本熙熙攘攘热闹非凡的144号壁垒,如今已经显得有些空空荡荡的了。 Refugees under Northwest Army organization fast in city gate building up, from the beginning everyone noticed that these wolves have a little not dared to approach, let alone the refugees, even the soldiers of Northwest Army a little were afraid the pack of wolves to be honest. 难民们在西北军组织下快速在城门口集结,一开始大家看到那些狼群还有点不敢靠近,别说难民们了,说实话连西北军的士兵都有点害怕狼群。 These wolves, the physique was too vigorous and healthy. 这些狼,体格实在太健壮了。 However quick everyone discovered, this pack of wolves is very clever, some people approach the gearing is motionless, even also lies down the body to make them crawl on own initiative to conduct the back. 不过很快大家就发现,这狼群真的很乖巧,有人靠近的时候连动都不动,甚至还主动卧下身子让他们爬到背上。 In process that even if crawls, there is a child to clutch their hair, they still have no discontented appearance, instead probably became accustomed. 就算爬上去的过程中,有小孩子揪它们的毛发,它们也没有任何不满的样子,反而好像是习以为常了似的。 P5092 looks that this said to swindler: Evacuated the problem solve, 6th Field Division can also take undivided attention harass the enemy.” P5092看着这一幕对大忽悠说道:“撤离问题解决,第六野战师也就可以心无旁骛的骚扰敌军了。” swindler said: Or...... 6th Field Division also follows to retreat together, the frontline Stronghold refugee also shifts in any case now goes to the rear area.” 大忽悠说道:“要不……第六野战师也跟着一起撤退吧,反正现在前线壁垒的难民也都转移去后方了。” P5092 shakes the head: Incorrect, 6th Field Division must give the rear fraternal units to win some time again, I have looked at their deploying troops for defense plan, according to the enemy present advancement speed, the rear defense line wants stably, at least also needs to win two days of time again. Moreover, the retreating speed of refugee is not fast, the enemy has the mechanized forces, will be caught up very much easily.” P5092摇摇头:“不行的,第六野战师必须再给后方兄弟部队争取一些时间,我看过他们的布防计划,按照敌军现在的推进速度,后方防线想要稳固,起码还需要再争取两天时间。而且,难民的撤退速度没那么快,敌军是有机械化部队的,很容易就会被追上。” P5092 directs the talent, he only needs to look at a deploying troops for defense plan of allied force, knows how oneself should coordinate. P5092是指挥天才,他只需要看一眼友军的布防计划,就知道自己该如何配合。 Zhang Jinglin never requests them to constrain the enemy two days, but P5092 is very at heart clear, this is the 6th Field Division responsibility. 张景林从未要求过他们拖住敌军两天,但P5092心里很清楚,这是第六野战师的责任。 Deploying troops for defense is a very complex project, the northwest also had each defense line before, but before the issue is them , the enemy in tentative plan, does not have the so huge quantity. 布防是一个非常复杂的工程,西北以前也有各个防线,可问题是他们以前设想中的敌人,没有如此庞大的数量。 Therefore, the faced enemy is different, then all need to readjust. 所以,面对的敌人不同,那么一切都需要重新调整。 If also took in the past that set, feared that must suffer a loss. 如果还拿过去那一套,怕是要吃大亏的。 Moreover, although now has the pack of wolves and herd conducts the back the refugee to hurry along, but these have the refugee of riding instead of walking tool also tens of thousands people, four Stronghold still on the road is walking the refugee, the sum total also has 1 million people. 而且,现在虽然有狼群和牛群来驼负难民赶路,但这些有代步工具的难民也才几万人而已,四座壁垒还在路上走着的难民,合计还有一百万人。 Retreats from Stronghold 144 to the defense line rear journey is 481 kilometers, this regarding average person on foot, was too long. 144号壁垒撤退到防线后方的路途是481公里,这对于徒步的普通人来说,太漫长了。 If these people were caught up with by the enemy, that is a disaster. 如果这些人被敌军追上,那就是一场灾难。 swindler sighed: Good, all your careful, the matter of refugee gives me, the matter that harasses the enemy asked you.” 大忽悠叹息道:“好吧,那你们一切小心,难民的事情交给我,骚扰敌军的事情就拜托你们了。” Relax,” P5092 turns around to walk toward Stronghold , the there several tens of thousands Northwest Army officers are also waiting for him. “放心,”P5092转身朝壁垒内走去,那里还有数万西北军将士在等着他。 After coming to the northwest, Ren Xiaosu cashed to him all pledged: Has not manipulated strategically, without the power struggle, without the Stronghold civil war, only lasts to fight for human Pyro. 来西北以后,任小粟向他兑现了所有承诺:没有勾心斗角,没有权力斗争,没有壁垒内战,只为人类火种存续而战。 Even if the original Pyro Company soldier is only the engineering corps, Ren Xiaosu still same complied. 就算原火种公司的士兵只做工程兵,任小粟也一样答应了。 Sometimes P5092 will feel, oneself comes to the northwest perhaps is in the life the most correct choice. 有时候P5092会觉得,自己来西北或许是自己一生中最正确的选择。 Now, Ren Xiaosu complies his, all achieved. 如今,任小粟答应他的,全都做到了。 His P5092 naturally cannot disappoint opposite party's trust. 那他P5092自然也不能辜负对方的信任。 6th Field Division is doomed to become a small boat that in the wilderness is isolated and cuts off from help, goes facing the tsunami of coming alone. 第六野战师注定将成为荒野上孤立无援的一叶扁舟,独自去面对汹涌而来的海啸。 However, P5092 was not the first time facing this tsunami. 不过,P5092也不是第一次面对这种海啸了。 After returning to the military compound, the black fox has ordered 6th Field Division to be ready and waiting, several hundred personnel carriers are anchoring, each soldier is full of energy. 回到军营之后,黑狐早已命令第六野战师整装待发,数百辆运兵车停靠着,每一名士兵都精神抖擞。 Although everyone is somewhat afraid, but is afraid insignificantly. 虽然大家有些害怕,但害怕并无意义。 The knights are also standing in the team, P5092 said to Li Yingyun: Although you did not have the responsibility to fight with us together, but since joins us, wants the command prompt. The possibility that this saying said is not quite polite, but said is quite good because of front.” 骑士们也在队伍中站着,P5092对李应允说道:“虽然你们本来并没有责任与我们一起战斗,但既然加入我们,就要服从命令。这话说的可能不太客气,但还是说在前面比较好。” The knights smile, Zhang Qingxi said with a smile: Relax, we know in heart, you treated as the ordinary soldier to be good us.” 骑士们相视一笑,张青溪笑道:“放心,我们心里有数,你就把我们当做普通士兵就好了。” P5092 in the operational squad that the knights all enroll 22 T5 soldiers, is used, when most essential, treats as the dagger that destroys the hardest defenses to use. P5092将骑士们全都编入22名T5战士的作战小队中,用来在最关键的时候,当作无坚不摧的尖刀来使用。 ...... …… North Stronghold 111, Luo Lan is driving crazily runs away to the north, all the way he and Xu Man are trading driving, travels day and night. 111号壁垒北方,罗岚正驾车疯狂的向北方逃窜,一路上他和许瞒俩人换着开车,日夜兼程。 In the vehicle trunk puts is the gasoline, supported them to arrive in 178 fort sufficiently. 车子后备箱里放的全是汽油,足以支撑他们抵达178要塞了。 But what now most needs to be worried is not the issue of vehicle, but is the dusk that rear area pursues to come. 但现在最需要担心的并不是车子的问题,而是后方追逐而来的黄昏。 Luo Lan looks back from the rear view mirror, seeing only in the sky is the dark cloud that sweeps across, that is not the genuine dark cloud, but is the attack colony that the birds gathering becomes. 罗岚从后视镜里向后看去,只见天空中全是席卷的乌云,那不是真正的乌云,而是飞禽汇聚而成的攻击集群。 Luo Lan whispered: Qing Zhen, we are away from the convergence place also more than 200 kilometers that you said that but I felt that...... we possibly did not support by that time.” 罗岚嘀咕道:“庆缜啊,咱们距离你说的汇合地点还有两百多公里呢,但我感觉……咱们可能撑不到那时候了。” The road between northwest and southwest cultivates very well, but so the vehicles go more than 200 kilometers still to take one hour even. 西北与西南之间的公路修得很好,但即便如此车辆行驶两百多公里也需要一个多小时的时间。 Actually the vehicle can start is quicker, but the issue is once the speed surpasses 200, in the road surface a pebble may want everyone's life. 车子倒是可以开的更快一些,但问题是一旦速度超过两百,路面上一枚小石子都可能要了所有人的命。 This is not the specialized race car racetrack, the maintenance is not after all frequent. 这毕竟不是专业的赛车赛道,维护保养没那么频繁。 Qing Zhen also looked at one toward behind, but his as if unhurried as. 庆缜也朝后面看了一眼,但他似乎一点都不慌似的。 Zhou Qi first worried actually: You spoke actually, this saw that we were dying, nearby even/including Te a river did not have, then the father could not run away!” 周其倒是先着急了:“你倒是说话啊,这眼瞅着咱都要死了,附近连特么一条河都没,这下老子也跑不掉了!” Qing Zhen said with a smile: Anxious anything, the person who if comes is really Ren Xiaosu, I have the absolute confidence to him, relax, he will rush promptly.” 庆缜笑着说道:“急什么,如果来的人真是任小粟的话,我对他有绝对的信心,放心,他会及时赶到的。” Finishes speaking, everyone hears in the car(riage) unexpectedly northern has the whistle of sobbing to approach fast. 话音刚落,所有人在车内竟听到北方有呜咽的汽笛声快速靠近着。 In the horizon, Steam Locomotive full speed is going, Ren Xiaosu has not waited for in the convergence place, but killed directly to the south. 地平线上,一架蒸汽列车正全速行驶着,任小粟并没有在汇合地点等待,而是直接杀向了南方。
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