TFO :: Volume #13

#1240: The will of knight

At this time outside the city gate has Stronghold resident departure of one after another unceasingly, advances toward Northwest. 此时城门外不断有壁垒居民陆陆续续的离开,朝着西北方向前进。 They receive own food in the entrance relief stand, then steps the road of drifting in this tumultuous times is doomed. 他们在门口救济站领取属于自己的食物,然后踏上这个乱世里注定的漂泊之路。 These people, overwhelming majority have not seen Zhang Jinglin, even lives in Stronghold 144 does not have too many opportunities to see Ren Xiaosu, therefore the crowd saw from the beginning Ren Xiaosu they too had not responded. 这些人,绝大部分都是没见过张景林的,甚至住在144号壁垒也没太多机会见任小粟,所以一开始人群看到任小粟他们也并没有太多反应。 When Zhang Xiaoman bellows Young Commander, the crowd is then excited, some person facial expression very extraordinary frantic, particularly young girl. 但是当张小满过来大吼少帅的时候,人群便激动起来,有个别人神情很出奇的狂热,尤其是年轻女孩 Zhang Jinglin said with a smile: You were loved in Stronghold 144 very much, I think, later you will be higher in the northwest prestige, walked, sees these just the friend who returned from the snowy mountain. Sees them, southwest you embark to go is not late again.” 张景林笑着说道:“你在144号壁垒很受爱戴,我想,以后你在西北的声望还会更高的,走吧,去见见那些刚刚从雪山上归来的朋友。见完他们,你再出发去西南也不迟。” Knight organization returns, this is even Ren Xiaosu must feel the surprised news. 骑士组织归来,这是一个连任小粟都要感到惊讶的消息。 Initially each other after the distinction, the opposite party said that must climb the world's first peak, at that time Ren Xiaosu thought that perhaps both sides met again need many years later, or could not see again. 当初彼此分别后,对方说要攀登世界第一高峰,那时候任小粟心想双方再见面恐怕就要很多年后了吧,又或者再也见不到了。 Because he knows, the climb world's first peak is a very dangerous matter, dying on the snowy mountain is also very normal. 因为他知道,攀登世界第一高峰就是一个很危险的事情,死在雪山上也是很正常的。 After human enters the plateau, only needs to mount 6000 meters elevation, has the possibility results in the plateau pulmonary edema and so on acute illness very much, the short 20 minutes can want the human life. 人类进入高原以后,只需要登上6000米海拔,就很有可能得高原肺水肿之类的急性病症,短短二十分钟就能要人命了。 Arrived 7200 meters elevation above, everyone's thought will start gradually slowly, just like a good-for-nothing. 到了7200米海拔以上,所有人的思维都会开始渐渐迟钝,宛如一具行尸走肉。 Therefore, wants to conquer the mountain, is not an easy matter. 所以,想要征服高山,并不是一件容易的事情。 However, the way that the opposite party comes back is so special. 然而,对方回来的方式是如此特殊。 Before Zhao Wankun arrived on Key Gate the snowy mountain, even Zhao Wankun a little were inconceivable, he truly liked climbing a mountain before, but has not crossed to be specific wants to crawl what mountain. 之前赵万昆密钥之门开到了雪山上,连赵万昆自己都有点不可思议,他以前确实喜欢爬山,但也没有具体的说过想要爬什么山。 After Key Gate opens, he did not determine where that is. 所以当密钥之门打开后,他也不确定那是哪里。 Now everyone knew, behind that leaf of Key Gate, unexpectedly is the world's first peak...... 现在大家知道了,那扇密钥之门背后,竟然是世界第一高峰…… As if, that is the place that in the Zhao Wankun innermost feelings most wants to conquer. 似乎,那就是赵万昆内心里最想征服的地方吧。 Returns to the military control area, Ren Xiaosu then to see from afar Qin Sheng, Li Yingyun, Zhang Qingxi, Xu Ke and the others wave to him. 回到军事管制区,任小粟远远便看到秦笙李应允张青溪许恪等人向他招手。 This group of people at the back of the gigantic mountain bag, on the forehead also go against against goggles, the whole body mountaineering charge clothes, the under foot are stepping on nailing shoes. 这群人一个个背着硕大的登山包,脑门上面还顶着一副防风镜,全身登山冲锋衣,脚下踩着钉鞋。 In the burning hot summer, these people as if come from another world. 在炎热的夏季里,这些人仿佛来自另一个世界。 Ren Xiaosu gets out to ask: How do you discover this Key Gate?” 任小粟下车问道:“你们是怎么发现这个密钥之门的?” Oh, we just got down from the peak, conducts the short rest in the camp of 7900 meters elevation, finally ran into your people,” Qin Sheng stimulated say/way. 奥,我们刚从峰顶下来,在7900米海拔的营地里进行短暂的休息,结果就遇到你们的人了,”秦笙亢奋道。 Before, although everyone knows that this leaf of Key Gate opening failed, but Ren Xiaosu chose several soldiers to conduct the preliminary exploration as before. 之前,虽然大家都知道这扇密钥之门开启失败了,但任小粟依旧选择了几名士兵去进行初步探索。 Mainly wants to know behind the gate. 主要是想知道门背后到底是哪。 Now they want to avoid artificial intelligence zero, not necessarily must go to 178 fort, so long as behind the gate can live, will not receive the flames of war to affect on the line. 如今他们想要躲避人工智能零,也不一定就非要去178要塞,只要门背后能够居住,又不会受到战火波及就行。 Therefore, Qin Sheng and the others met soldier who explores the recent map. 所以,秦笙等人是遇到了探索新地图的士兵。 „Did you succeed?” Ren Xiaosu asked: I listened to you to say a moment ago, got down from the peak?” “你们成功了吗?”任小粟问道:“我听你刚才说,从峰顶下来?” Succeeded,” Qin Sheng in high spirits saying: To adapt to the plateau climate, we first had the camp in 6000 meters elevation, adapted for about a month to continue to climb upwardly......” “成功了,”秦笙兴高采烈的说道:“为了适应高原气候,我们先在6000米海拔驻扎了营地,足足适应了将近一个月时间才继续向上攀登……” There temperature is very low, every night sleeps must roll up in the sleeping bag, but sees the sunrise and sunset every day time, I felt oneself seem like in hug the whole world......” “那里的气温很低,每天晚上睡觉都要蜷缩在睡袋里,可是每天看到日出与日落的时候,我都感觉自己像是在拥抱整个世界……” That moment of reaching, I saw the new world probably.” “登顶的那一刻,我像是看到了新的世界。” Youngster Qin Sheng and Ren Xiaosu are good friends, in 12 knights, his youngest, therefore character also most bracelet. 少年秦笙任小粟是好友,十二名骑士之中,他的年纪最小,所以性格也最跳脱。 Reaches the world's first peak the matter, lets his exciting being able to sleep sufficiently. 登上世界第一高峰的事情,足以让他兴奋的睡不着觉。 Moreover what is most essential, after having Key Gate, they did not even need to descend the mountain, passed through Key Gate directly. 而且最关键的是,有了密钥之门以后他们甚至都不用下山了,直接穿过密钥之门就可以。 Ren Xiaosu deliberately considered at heart, although this Key Gate has no way to become the new evacuation channel, but must remain well to be good. 任小粟心里寻思,这密钥之门虽然没法成为新的撤离通道,但一定要留好才行。 If later the war ended, he can definitely help that group of rich men interpret a dream with this leaf of Key Gate...... 若是以后战争结束,他完全可以用这扇密钥之门帮那群有钱人圆梦啊…… The advertisement he thought: So long as you are rich enough, the roof of the world then only has the one pace from you. 广告他都想好了:只要你足够有钱,世界屋脊距离你便只有一步之遥。 At this time, experienced steady Li Yingyun said curiously: Xiaosu, this is Stronghold 144 is right, I looked how the resident in Stronghold is leaving, what happened?” 这时候,老成稳重的李应允好奇道:“小粟,这是144号壁垒对吗,我看壁垒里的居民怎么都在离开啊,发生了什么事情吗?” Qin Sheng also no longer spoke, excited from now on he naturally also discovered exceptionally. 秦笙也不再说话了,兴奋过后的他自然也发现了异常。 Ren Xiaosu expression dignified the situation of now facing said that chairman Xu Ke of original Qinghe Group asked suddenly: You said, entire Central Plains has fallen to the enemy in the artificial wisdom expert?” 任小粟表情凝重的将现在面临的情况说了一下,原先青禾集团的董事长许恪突然问道:“你是说,整个中原都已经沦陷在人工智能手里了?” This matter made all knights suddenly have a sensation of asphyxia, their very clear this means anything. 这件事情让所有骑士都忽然有了一种窒息感,他们很清楚这意味着什么。 Moreover Luocheng that they once protected perhaps, did not exist at this time. 而且他们曾经守护的洛城,此时恐怕也不复存在了。 As if detected that the urgency of time, Li Yingyun asked: What can we make?” 似乎察觉到了时间的紧迫,李应允问道:“我们能做什么?” Ren Xiaosu hesitated, although he also wants to obtain the boost of knight, but he must talk clearly the words: „Are northwest you willing to help?” 任小粟迟疑了,虽然他也很想得到骑士的助力,但他必须把话说清楚:“你们愿意帮助西北吗?” Li Yingyun shakes the head: What must clarify a point is, northwest we do not help, but helps you.” 李应允摇摇头:“要澄清一点的是,我们并不是要帮助西北,而是帮助你。” In fact, Li Yingyun they passed the DNA appraisal long before, determined the Ren Xiaosu status. 事实上,李应允他们很早以前就通过DNA鉴定,确定了任小粟的身份。 Therefore founder successor who knight organization this for two centuries looks, is Ren Xiaosu. 所以骑士组织这两个世纪以来寻找的创始人继承者,就是任小粟 But now, Ren Xiaosu also knows this point. 而现在,任小粟也知道这一点。 Original Li Yingyun and Zhang Qingxi actually have two viewpoints, Li Yingyun thought that found this knight later generation, they should give loyalty, but Zhang Qingxi felt, although everyone takes that knight as the belief, but this does not mean that they must take the belief with the descendant of opposite party. 原先李应允张青溪其实是持有两种观点的,李应允觉得找到这位骑士后人,他们就应该效忠,但张青溪觉得,大家虽然以那位骑士为信仰,但这并不意味着他们还要拿对方的后代来作为信仰。 If the opposite party moral behavior not good, strength is not good, the knights definitely do not need to give loyalty. 如果对方人品不行、实力不行,那骑士们完全没有必要效忠。 After they discovered Ren Xiaosu is the person who they must find, their beforehand differences then vanished thoroughly. 然而当他们发现任小粟就是他们要找的人之后,他们之前的分歧便彻底消失了。 No matter Li Yingyun, Zhang Qingxi and Qin Sheng, are Wen Meng and Wu Dingyuan they, all was sincerely convinced to Ren Xiaosu. 不管是李应允张青溪秦笙,还是闻蒙吴定远他们,全都对任小粟心服口服。 The strength was needless saying that the key was everyone's moral behavior to the Ren Xiaosu also exceptionally approves, particularly after Ren Xiaosu became the Luocheng protector, everyone thought that this possibly was the dark in fate. 实力就不用说了,关键是大家对任小粟的人品也异常认可,尤其是在任小粟成为洛城守护者后,大家觉得这可能就是冥冥之中的缘分。 Ren Xiaosu smiled at this time: Originally you have long known.” 任小粟这时笑了起来:“原来你们早就知道了。” Li Yingyun said with a smile: Henceforth in the future, your will, is the knight organization will, but depending on expelling, will never renege on a promise.” 李应允笑道:“从此往后,你的意志,便是骑士组织的意志,但凭驱遣,永不反悔。” Ren Xiaosu said: I am impolite, this war we imagine be more difficult, we must unite Strength that all can unite, can see the hope.” 任小粟说道:“那我也不客气了,这场战争要比我们想象中的更加艰难,我们必须团结一切可以团结的力量,才能看到希望。” Has been looking on Zhang Jinglin said at this time: Yes, we must unite all Strength. Southwest Xiaosu, goes, in this war Qing Zhen cannot die.” 一直旁观着的张景林这时才开口说道:“是的,我们必须团结一切力量小粟,去西南吧,这场战争里庆缜不能死。”
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